Rice-Traditional Medicinal Plant in India: Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Rice-Traditional Medicinal Plant in India: Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Rice-Traditional Medicinal Plant in India: Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
ISSN 2278- 4136
Online Available at www.phytojournal.com
1. Centre for Plant breading and Genetics, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore- 641003, India.
2. Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Coimbatore Medical College, Coimbatore- 641014, India
3. Karpagam University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.
[E-mail: [email protected]]
Rice is rich in genetic diversity, with thousands of varieties grown throughout the world. Rice cultivation is the
principal activity and source of income for about 100 million households in Asia and Africa. Rice has potential in a
wide range of food categories. Besides having nutritional and medicinal benefits, the by-products of rice are equally
important and beneficial. By-products from growing rice create many valuable and worthwhile products. The un-
edible parts, that are discarded through the milling process, and the edible part could be transformed into some of the
following suggested products. Rice can be used to treat skin conditions. The rice is boiled, drained and allowed to
cool and mashed. The rice is made into a paste or moulded into balls and these can be applied to boils, sores,
swellings and skin blemishes. Other herbs are sometimes added to the rice balls to increase their medicinal effects.
Sticky glutinous rice is often taken to treat stomach upsets, heart-burn and indigestion. Extracts from brown rice
have been used to treat breast and stomach cancer and warts. They have also been used to treat indigestion, nausea
and diarrhoea.
Keyword: Rice, Medicinal Applications, Therapeutic Uses
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M. Umadevi*, R. Pushpa, K.P. Sampathkumar, Debjit Bhowmik
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M. Umadevi*, R. Pushpa, K.P. Sampathkumar, Debjit Bhowmik
sodium free. Rice is an excellent food to China: The Chinese believe rice strengthens
include in a balanced diet. the spleen, as well as "weak stomach,"
A good source of vitamins and minerals increases appetite, and cures indigestion. Dried
such as thiamine, niacin, iron, riboflavin, sprouted rice grains were once used as an
vitamin D, calcium, and fiber. external medicine to aid in digestion, give tone
Low sugar to muscles, and expel gas from the stomach
No Gluten: Rice is gluten free. All rice is and intestines.
gluten free, making rice the essential India: Rice water is prescribed by the
choice for people with gluten free dietary Pharmacopoeia of India as an ointment to
requirements. counteract inflamed surface
No Additives and Preservatives: Rice
contains no additives or preservatives, 1.5 Medicinal Uses of Rice
making it an excellent inclusion in a India has a wealth of medicinal plants, most of
healthy and balanced diet. which have been traditionally used in Ayurveda,
Contains Resistant Starch: Rice also Unani systems of medicines and by tribal healers
contains resistant starch, which is the for generations. In ancient Indian literature it is
starch that reaches the bowel undigested. clearly mentioned that every plant on this earth is
This encourages the growth of beneficial useful for human beings, animals and for other
bacteria, keeping the bowel healthy. plants (Oudhia 1999). In Ayurveda the medicinal
Non-Allergenic values of rice have been described: rice is
Cancer Prevention and Diet: Whole considered to be acrid, oleaginous, tonic,
grains (such as brown rice) contain high aphrodisiac, fattening, diuretic and useful in
amounts of insoluble fiber-the type of biliousness (Caius 1986). In Chhattisgarh, rice is
fiber some scientists believe may help widely cultivated and the region is known as "the
protect against a variety of cancers. rice bowl of India". Rice is believed by some to
Rice is a low-sodium food for those with have medicinal properties. Although, this is not
hypertension. scientifically proven effective, it has been used in
It is a fair source of protein containing all many countries for medicinal purpose.
eight amino acids.
Rice is believed by some to have medicinal Philippines: Rice polishings-the bran-is
properties. Although, this is not scientifically extracted and used as an excellent source
proven effective, it has been used in many of Vitamin B to prevent and cure beri-
countries for medicinal purpose. For example: beri.
Philippines: Rice polishings-the bran-is Malaysia: In the Medicinal Book of
extracted and used as an excellent source of Malayan Medicine, it is prescribed that
Vitamin B to prevent and cure beri-beri. boiled rice "greens" can be used as an eye
Malaysia: In the Medicinal Book of Malayan lotion and for use with acute inflammation
Medicine, it is prescribed that boiled rice of the inner body tissues. The book also
"greens" can be used as an eye lotion and for recommends applying a mixture of dried,
use with acute inflammation of the inner body powdered rice on certain skin ailments.
tissues. The book also recommends applying a Cambodia: The hulls (husk) of mature
mixture of dried, powdered rice on certain skin rice plants are considered useful for
ailments. treating dysentery. The hulls of a three-
Cambodia: The hulls (husk) of mature rice month old rice plant are thought to be
plants are considered useful for treating diuretic.
dysentery. The hulls of a three-month old rice
plant are thought to be diuretic.
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M. Umadevi*, R. Pushpa, K.P. Sampathkumar, Debjit Bhowmik
China: The Chinese believe rice skin and blood vessels. An abundance of minerals
strengthens the spleen, as well as "weak in natural brown rice help to nourish the
stomach," increases appetite, and cures hormonal system, heal wounds and regulate
indigestion. Dried sprouted rice grains blood pressure. Rice also offers iron to enrich the
were once used as an external medicine to bloodstream and phosphorus and potassium to
aid in digestion, give tone to muscles, and maintain internal water balance along with other
expel gas from the stomach and intestines. nutrients. Rice thus helps restore internal
India: Rice water is prescribed by the harmony.
Pharmacopoeia of India as an ointment to High Blood Pressure: Rice has a low-fat,
counteract inflamed surface. low-cholesterol, low-salt contents. It
makes a perfect diet for those
In Indian state Chhattisgarh, Rice is considered as hypertension persons who have been
medicinal plant (Das and Oudhia, 2000; Oudhia, advised salt-restricted diets. It has been
2006). Insects attacking on rice are also used in noted by modern researchers that
Traditional Healing. The Traditional Healers use wherever-rice is used as the main food,
different parts of medicinal rice in treatment of there is a corresponding benefit of
both common as well as complicated diseases youthful vitality and a very low rate of
(Oudhia, 2008). Medicinal rice variety "Laicha" hypertension. Calcium in brown rice, in
was so named because of its unique property to particular, soothes and relaxes the nervous
prevent "Laicha" disease (skin infection). During system and helps relieve the symptoms of
the survey it was observed that the younger high blood pressure.
generation is less aware about these medicinal Body Balance: The rice diet, in
rice varieties than the older generations, so there combination with milk, creates a
is a strong need for documentation of this marvelous body balance. In this regimen,
valuable information about the medicinal values natural brown rice is used as the only
of traditional rice varieties in the region. The solid food throughout the day. Fresh milk
poplar medicinal rice Alcha, Laicha, Baissour, is taken with each of the rice meals. The
Maharaji, Jhilli, Kanthi Banko, Udan Pakheru, rice may be cooked in any manner but no
Ramkeli, Shyam Lal, Tenduphool etc. are still salt should be used. The milk 'should he
under cultivation and in use in Traditional comfortably cool. The nutrients in the
Healing (Oudhia, 2000). rice, form a unique balance with those in
1.6 Internal Rejuvenation the milk. The two notable amino acids,
Rice protein, which comprises up to eight per isoleucine and lysine in the milk are
cent of the grain, has a special benefit as it has greatly strengthened by rice protein,
eight of the essential amino acids in a delicately thereby enabling them to form stronger
balanced proportions. A complete internal body-building blocks: The naturally lactic
rejuvenation takes place when rice protein is acid in milk works with rice protein to aid
metabolized into health-building amino acids. in the absorption of iron.
These amino acids build resilient muscles which Digestive System Disorders: Rice has a
comes back to its original form after stretching very low fiber content, and is therefore
and bending, healthy skin and hair and clearer extremely soothing to the digestive
eyesight and nourish the heart and lungs, tendons system This makes rice an ideal food for
and ligaments, brain, nervous system and digestive system disorders. Thick gruel of
glandular network. rice mixed with glassful of butter milk
The B-complex vitamins, especially thiamin, and a well-ripe banana given twice a day
riboflavin and niacin offered by natural brown is a very nutritious diet in typhoid, gastric
rice promote youthful energy and nourishment to ulcer, stomach and intestinal cancer,
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M. Umadevi*, R. Pushpa, K.P. Sampathkumar, Debjit Bhowmik
colitis, diarrhea, dysentery, piles, rectal superior and provides better protection to
fissure, indigestion, in acute febrile heart.
diseases related to fever, hepatitis or Flaked Rice: It is made from parboiled rice
inflammation of liver, jaundice, morning and used in many preparations.
sickness, acute dilatation of the stomach, Puffed rice: It is made from paddy and used
burning and indigestion due to hiatus as whole for eating.
hernia, excessive accumulation of the gas Parched Rice: It is made from parboiled rice
in the intestines, and all the diseases and is easily digestible.
where the mild and light diet is indicated. Rice Husk: It is used as a fuel, in board and
Diarrhea in Children: Rice is useful in paper manufacturing, packing and building
treating diarrhea in children. A materials and as an insulator. It is also used
teaspoonful of powder of charred par- for compost making and chemical derivatives.
boiled rice mixed with a glassful of Rice Broken: It is used for making food item
butter-milk should be given in doses of an like breakfast cereals, baby foods, rice flour,
ounce every half an hour in this condition. noodles, rice cakes, etc. and also used as a
This will bring excellent results. poultry feed.
Skin Inflammation: Rice may also be Rice straw: Mainly used as animal feed, fuel,
used externally in the form of powder or mushroom bed, for mulching in horticultural
poultice. The rice flour, dusted thickly crops and in preparation of paper and
over the surface, has a very cooling and compost.
soothing effect in small-pox, measles,
Paddy as a Seed: The paddy is used as seed.
prickly heat and other inflammatory
affections of the skin including burns and 1.8 Health Benefits of Rice
scalds. It allays heat and irritation. Rice Health benefits of rice can be found in more than
powder should be used soon after the forty thousand varieties of this cereal available in
occurrence of injury in case of burns and the world. The two main categories include whole
scalds and it should be dusted thickly over grain rice and white rice. Whole grain rice is not
the whole of the affected surface. processed much, therefore it is high in nutritional
1.7 Rice Uses value, whereas white rice is processed so that the
Rice is a staple food and used by many ways as bran or outer covering is removed and it has less
under: nutritional value. Rice can also be defined by the
length of each grain. Indian or Chinese cuisines
Staple food: Rice is used as a staple food by
specialize in long grained rice, whereas western
more than 60 percent of world population.
countries prefer short or medium sized grains.
Cooking of rice is a most popular way of
According to Rice-Trade, rice is extremely
Starch: Rice starch is used in making ice
cream, custard powder, puddings, gel, Great Energy Source: As rice is rich in
distillation of potable alcohol, etc. carbohydrates, it acts as fuel for the body
Rice Bran: It is used in confectionery and aids in normal functioning of the
products like bread, snacks, cookies and brain.
biscuits. The defatted bran is also used as Cholesterol Free: Eating rice is
cattle feed, organic fertilizer (compost), and extremely beneficial for health, just for
medicinal purpose and in wax making. the fact that it does not contain harmful
Rice Bran Oil: Rice bran oil is used as edible fats, cholesterol or sodium. It forms an
oil, in soap and fatty acids manufacturing. It integral part of balanced diet.
is also used in cosmetics, synthetic fibers, Rich in Vitamins: Rice is an excellent
detergents and emulsifiers. It is nutritionally source of vitamins and minerals like
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M. Umadevi*, R. Pushpa, K.P. Sampathkumar, Debjit Bhowmik
niacin, vitamin D, calcium, fiber, iron, in undigested form. It aids the growth of
thiamine and riboflavin. useful bacteria for normal bowel
Resistant Starch: Rice abounds in
resistant starch, which reaches the bowel
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M. Umadevi*, R. Pushpa, K.P. Sampathkumar, Debjit Bhowmik
yields, which could be eagerly accepted by health. Interest has focused primarily upon
farmers as well as rice consumers. gamma-oryzanol, tocotrienols, and tocopherols,
all of which demonstrate antioxidant properties.
More on Rice: Rice can also prevent The latter two are naturally-occurring forms of
chronic constipation. The insoluble fiber Vitamin E.
from rice acts like a soft sponge that may 3. Conclusion
be pushed through intestinal tract quickly Health benefits of rice include providing fast and
and easily. Brown rice and whole grains instant energy, good bowel movement, stabilizing
are said to be rich in insoluble fiber. blood sugar levels and providing essential source
of vitamin B1 to human body. Other benefits
2. Minerals and Vitamins Content in Rice include skin care, resistance to high blood
2.1 Raw Hand pounded Rice* pressure, dysentery and heart diseases. Rice is the
Food Value Minerals and Vitamins
Moisture - 13.3% Calcium - 10 mg
staple food in most of the countries and it is an
important cereal crop that feeds more than half of
Protein - 7.5% Phosphorus - 190 mg the world’s population.
Fat - 1.0% Iron - 3.2 mg
4. Reference
Fibre - 0.6% Small amount of Vitamin E
1. Caius JF. The medicinal and poisonous plants of India
(Reprint). Pbl. Scientific Publishers, Jodhpur, India.
Small amount of Vitamin B Oudhia P. 1999. Medicinal weeds in rice fields of
Minerals - 0.9% Chhattisgarh
(India). International Rice Research Notes 1986;
Carbohydrates - 76.7% Calorific Value - 346 24(1):40.
2. Das GK, Oudhia P. Rice as a medicinal plant in
* Values per 100 gm's edible Chhattisgarh. NBPGR Newsletter, India, 2000,
portion 122:46.
3. Oudhia P. Traditional medicinal knowledge about
green leaf hopper, Nephotettix spp. in Chhattisgarh
2.2 Raw Milled Rice* (India). International Rice Research Notes 2000;
Food Value Minerals and Vitamins 25(3):40.
Moisture - 13.7% Calcium - 10 mg 4. Oudhia P. Ignored Medicinal Rice in Chhattisgarh
Protein - 6.8% Phosphorus - 160 mg needing immediate attention.
Fat - 0.5% Iron - 3.1 mg http://www.Ecoport.org. 2006.
Fibre - 0.2% Small amount of Vitamin E 5. Oudhia P. One Day in Chhura forest region,
Small amount of Vitamin B Chhattisgarh, India rich in floral and faunal diversity.
Minerals - 0.6%
Part‐I: Medicinal Rice and Traditional Medicinal
Carbohydrates - 78.2% Calorific Value - 345
* Values per 100 gm's edible
Knowledge about it. http://www.Ecoport.org. 2008.
portion 6. Mishra B. More crop per drop. The Hindu Survey of
Indian Agriculture, Ram N. (Ed.), Kasturi and sons
But, it is advisable to drink lots of water for Ltd., National press, Chennai, 2005, 2:41‐46.
relieving constipated state along with fibrous 7. Chaudhary RC, Tran DV. Specialty rices of the world –
foods. Diabetic patients are recommended to a prologue. Specialty Rices of the World: Breeding,
Production, and Marketing. (Chaudhary RC and Tran
include brown rice rather than white rice that DV, Ed.). FAO, Rome, Italy; and Oxford & IBH
contains low levels of glycemic index. Just a Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, India, 2001, 3–14.
cupful of brown rice on daily basis provides you 8. Juliano BO. Rice Chemistry and Technology.
with almost 100% manganese value, which aids American Association of Cereal Chemists, USA 1985;
in producing energy from carbohydrates and 9. Majumdar GP, Banerji SC. Krsi‐Parasara. The Asiatic
protein. Brown rice is extremely beneficial for Society, West Bengal, Calcutta, India, 1960.
normal functioning of nervous system and 10. Vir OM, Singh BB, Tomar BS. Specialty rice for
therapeutic purposes, good health and processed
production of sex hormones. food products. Proceedings of the National
Symposium on Basmati Rice Research: Current
2.3 Rice Bran Oil and Constituents Trends and Future Prospects, 6–7 Sep 2005. SVBP
University of Agriculture and Technology, Meerut,
Rice bran oil, in its natural state, contains several Uttar Pradesh, India, 2005, 65–72.
constituents of potential significance in diet and
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