Design and Implementation of Wireless Network.: December 2014

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Technical Report · December 2014

DOI: 10.13140/2.1.4578.4649

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1 author:

Opeyemi Musodiq Raji

National Open University Of Nigeria


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MATRIC NO. NOU090045387











December, 2014.


This is to certify that this project has been read and approved by the undersigned

on behalf of School of Science and Technology as meeting the requirement for the

award of B. Sc. In Communication Technology.

…………………………………… ………………………..

Engr. George Oguntala Date

Project Supervisor

……………………………………. ………………………..

Head of Department Date

…………………………………… ………………………..

External Examiner Date

………………………………… …………………………

Dean of Faculty Date


This project is dedicated to my beloved father Late Alhaji W. O. Raji and to my

entire Raji family.


I give thanks to Almighty God for his mercy, provision, protection and guidance in

all my undertakings.

My special appreciation goes to my supervisor Engr. George Oguntala for

dedicating his time to discuss useful information right from the beginning to the

end of achieving this project done. My profound gratitude also goes to my mother

Alhaja H. O. Raji and my wife Adijat Raji.

To my bosses in the office, Tunde Shutti, Tunde Obayemi, Godspower Adagbon,

Olalekan Arigbabu, Abiola Sunday etc. I really appreciate their support and co-



This project report, design and implementation of wireless local area network is

written to serve as a reference book for wireless LAN in the future whenever it is

desired. This report explains the survey consideration, hardware consideration,

end-user consideration and principle of wireless network.

In addition, IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) this professional

body have done a lot of work to make wireless network had numerous option to

choice a suitable wireless router 802.11 (a, b, g, n etc.)


1 TABLE 1: Project Standard and Specification.

2 FIGURE 1: Wireless Network Consisting of Stand Alone Access Points.

3 FIGURE 2: Centrally Controlled Wireless Network.

Table of Contents
Tittle page ...................................................................................................................................................... I

Certification................................................................................................................................................... II

Dedication .................................................................................................................................................... III

Acknowledge ................................................................................................................................................ IV

Abstract ......................................................................................................................................................... V

List of table and figure.................................................................................................................................. VI

Table of Contents ................................................................................................................................... VII-IX

CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION ................................................................ 1

1.0 Background............................................................................................................................................................1-3

1.1 Statement of problem............................................................................................................................................... 3

1.2 Motivation.............................................................................................................................................................3-4

1.3 Aims and objectives .................................................................................................................................................. 4

1.4 Purpose of the study................................................................................................................................................. 4

1.5 Significant of study.................................................................................................................................................4-5

1.6 Terminologies .......................................................................................................................................................5-8

CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW ....................................................... 9

2.0 Overview ..................................................................................................................................................................9

2.1 IEEE 802.11a Standard and specification..............................................................................................................9-10

2.2 IEEE 802.11b Standard and specification ...........................................................................................................10-11

2.3 IEEE 802.11e5 Standard and specification............................................................................................................... 11

2.4 IEEE 802.11g Standard and specification........................................................................................... 11-13

2.5 IEEE 802.11n Standard and specification................................................................................................ 13

2.6 IEEE 802.11i Standard and specification................................................................................................. 14

2.7 IEEE 802.11-2012 Standard and specification.................................................................................... 14-15

2.8 IEEE 802.11ac Standard and specification .............................................................................................. 15

2.9 IEEE 802.11ad Standard and specification.............................................................................................. 16

2.10 IEEE 802.11af Standard and specification........................................................................................ 16-17

2.11 IEEE 802.11ah Standard and specification....................................................................................... 17-18

2.12 IEEE 802.11ai Standard and specification ............................................................................................. 18

2.13 IEEE 802.11aj Standard and specification............................................................................................. 18

2.14 IEEE 802.11aq Standard and specification............................................................................................ 18

2.15 IEEE 802.11ax Standard and specification ............................................................................................ 18

2.16 IEEE 802.11T Standard and specification......................................................................................... 19-21

2.17 IN PROCESS .......................................................................................................................................... 22

2.18 TABLE 1: PROJECT STANDARD and SPECIFICATION............................................................................... 23

CHAPTER THREE: DESIGN CONSIDERATION ............................................. 24

3.0.1 Specific One-to-One initiative considerations...................................................................................... 24

3.0.2 Site survey...................................................................................................................................... 24-26

3.1 Design Architecture................................................................................................................................ 26

3.1.0 Technology..................................................................................................................................... 26-33

3.1.1 Antenna selection .......................................................................................................................... 33-34

CHAPTER FOUR: IMPLEMENTATION AND EVALUTION.............................. 35

4.0 System Hardware requirements............................................................................................................. 35

4.0.1 Hardware ............................................................................................................................................ 35

4.1 System software requirements .............................................................................................................. 35

4.1.0 Software......................................................................................................................................... 35-38

4.1.1 Security software and operation system update ............................................................................ 38-39

4.1.2 Personal firewall............................................................................................................................. 39-40

4.1.3 Anti-Virus ............................................................................................................................................ 40

4.1.4 Anti-Spyware.................................................................................................................................. 40-41

4.1.5 Encrypted File system ......................................................................................................................... 41


5.1 Recommendation.............................................................................................................................. 42-43

5.2 Constraint and limitation .................................................................................................................. 43-44

5.3 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................. 44

REFFERENCE ................................................................................................................................................ 45



Wireless networks have significantly impacted the world, since their

initial deployment. Wireless networks have continued to develop and

their uses have significantly grown. Cellular phones are nowadays part of

huge wireless network systems and people use mobile phones on a daily

basis in order to communicate with each other and exchange

information. Recently, wireless networks have been used for positioning

as well, in order to enable the provision of location oriented services to

the end-user. Different types of measurements available during standard

network and terminal operation, mainly for resource management and

synchronization purposes, can be employed to derive the user’s location.

With these numerous uses of wireless network, this project will focus on

resources sharing dedicated network. A professor at the University of

Hawaii, Norman Abramson developed the world’s first wireless computer

communication network, ALOHAnet (operational in 1971), using low-cost

ham-like radios. The system included seven computers deployed over

four islands to communicate with the central computer on the Oahu

Island without using phone lines. WLAN hardware initially cost so much

that it was only used as an alternative to cabled LAN in places where

cabling was difficult or impossible. Early development included industry-

specific solutions and proprietary protocols, but at the end of the 1990s

these were replaced by standards, primarily the various versions of IEEE

802.11 (in products using the Wi-Fi brand name). An alternative ATM-like

5 GHz standardized technology, HiperLAN/2, has so far not succeeded in

the market, and with the release of the faster 54 Mbit/s 802.11a (5 GHz)

and 802.11g (2.4 GHz) standards, it is even more unlikely that it will ever

succeed. In 2009 802.11n was added to 802.11. It operates in both the

2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands at a maximum data transfer rate of 600 Mbit/s.

Most new routers are able to utilize both wireless bands, known

as dualband. This allows data communications to avoid the crowded

2.4 GHz band, which is also shared with Bluetooth devices

and microwave ovens. The 5 GHz band is also wider than the 2.4 GHz

band, with more channels, which permits a greater number of devices to

share the space. Not all channels are available in all regions.

A wireless local area network (WLAN) links two or more devices using

some wireless distribution method (typically spread-spectrum or

OFDM radio), and usually providing a connection through an access point

to the wider Internet. This gives users the ability to move around within a
local coverage area and still be connected to the network. Most modern

WLANs are based on IEEE 802.11 standards, marketed under the Wi-

Fi brand name. Wireless LANs have become popular in the home due to

ease of installation, and in commercial complexes offering wireless

access to their customers; often for free. New York City, for instance, has

begun a pilot program to provide city workers in all five boroughs of the

city with wireless Internet access. Likewise, Muritala International

Airport, Lagos has free wireless internet access for passenger travelling.


Most of us have become accustomed to the limitations that come with a

wired network. When we want to check our email or print a report we

find ourselves confined to a certain location or cramped space. In the

past few years, the growing popularity of wireless communication has

caught the attention of corporate, manufacturing, and academic settings.

Wireless network technology has proven it can deliver the benefits of a

wired network with the added benefit of computing freedom and share



There is existing LAN connection but there are some features its lacking

which inspired me to implement this project. There is no share

printer/resource; no dedicated network irregularities etc., upon

completion of this project, all of these drawbacks would be taken care of.


The aim of this project is to design a dedicated wireless local area

network (WLAN) for School of Science and Technology NOUN, for file and

printer sharing over the network. To achieve this, there are steps to take,

which are: installation of wireless router, setup the router and

preference, installation of printer and integrate the printer to the

wireless router.


 To save cost of buying printer machine for each workstation.

 Mobility and flexibility, which is any eligible staff moves around

with his /her laptop, can still print file within the coverage area.


The important of this project are many but few will be mentioned. Firstly,

let consider that in department of School of Science and Technology

every workstation required printer machine which will cost the school

huge among of money, cost of maintenance and occupy more space. But,

by the time this project will be implement a printer machine can be share

over a dedicated wireless local area network for department of school of

Science and Technology.


1.6.0 ROUTER:

It is a specialized network device that determines the next network point

to which to forward a data packet toward its destination.

1.6.1 Internet Protocol Address (IP ADDRESS):

It is a numerical label assigned to each device (e.g., computer, printer)

participating in a computer network that uses the Internet Protocol for

communication. An IP address serves two principal functions: host or

network interface identification and location addressing. Its role has been

characterized as follows: "A name indicates what we seek. An address

indicates where it is. A route indicates how to get there.


It is a set rule governing how to communicate over a network.


It is a communication device (especially a mobile phone) that supports

two radio frequency bands.


These are radio transceivers for serial data communications. They

connect to serial ports RS232, RS422/485 and transmit to and receive

signals from other matching radio (point to point) or radios (multi drop)

network. Wireless Radio Modems are designed to be transparent to the

systems they operate within.


This is a computer networking device that connects devices together on

a computer network, by using a form of packet switching to forward data

to the destination device. A network switch is considered more advanced

than a (repeater) hub because a switch will only forward a message to

one or multiple devices that need to receive it, rather than broadcasting

the same message out of each of its ports.

1.6.6 HUB

It is a device for connecting multiple Ethernet devices together and

making them act as a single network segment. It has

multiple input/output (I/O) ports, in which a signal introduced at the

input of any port appears at the output of every port except the original



It is a network device that connects multiple network segments. In

the OSI model bridging acts in the first two layers, below the network

layer. There are four types of network-bridging technologies: simple

bridging; multiport bridging; learning, or transparent bridging; and source

route bridging.


It is an electrical device which converts electric currents into radio waves,

and vice versa. It is usually used with a radio transmitter or radio

receiver. In transmission, a radio transmitter supplies an electric current

oscillating at radio frequency (i.e. high frequency AC) to the antenna's

terminals, and the antenna radiates the energy from the current

as electromagnetic waves (radio waves). In reception, an antenna

intercepts some of the power of an electromagnetic wave in order to

produce a tiny voltage at its terminals that is applied to a receiver to

be amplified. An antenna can be used for both transmitting and


1.6.9 IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers):

This is a professional association with its corporate office in New York

City and its operations center in Piscataway, New Jersey. It was formed in

1963 from the amalgamation of the American Institute of Electrical

Engineers and the Institute of Radio Engineers. Today it is the world's

largest association of technical professionals with more than 400,000

members in chapters around the world. The standard upheld for the

design of the project was constituted by the professional body called the

IEEE standard.




This chapter will be focus on what improvement wireless LAN has

undergo so far but it can be interchange for what improvement wireless

router (IEEE 802.11) specification has undergo. IEEE was the institutional

body that given standards set and protocols. Wireless Local Area

Network (WLAN), also known as IEEE 802.11, is a set of standards that

enable over-the-air communication in medium range distances

(approximately 30-150 m).


Release Date: Oct-99

Op. Frequency: 5 GHz

Throughput (typ.): 27 Mbit/s

Net Bit Rate (max.): 54 Mbit/s

Gross Bit Rate (max.): 72 Mbit/s

Max Indoor Range: ~50 ft/15 meters

Max Outdoor Range: ~100 ft/30 meters

The 802.11a standard uses the same data link layer protocol and frame

format as the original standard, but uses OFDM as modulation skin. It

operates in the 5 GHz band with a maximum data rate of 54 Mbps.

Achievable throughputs in the mid-20 Mbps. Since the 2.4 GHz band is

heavily used to the point of being crowded, using the relatively un-used 5

GHz band gives 802.11a a significant advantage. However, this high

carrier frequency also brings a disadvantage: the effective overall range

of 802.11a is less than that of 802.11b/g. In theory, 802.11a signals are

absorbed more readily by walls and other solid objects in their path due

to their smaller wavelength and, as a result, cannot penetrate as far as

those of 802.11b. In practice, 802.11b typically has a higher range at low

speeds (802.11b will reduce speed to 5 Mbps or even 1 Mbps at low

signal strengths). However, at higher speeds, 802.11a often has the same

or greater range due to less interference.


Release Date: October 1999

Op. Frequency: 2.4 GHz

Throughput (typ.): ~5 Mbit/s

Net Bit Rate (max.): 11 Mbit/s

Gross Bit Rate (max.): Mbit/s

Max Indoor Range: ~150 feet/45 meters

Max Outdoor Range: ~300 feet/90 meters

802.11b has a maximum raw data rate of 11 Mbps and uses the same

media access method defined in the original standard. 802.11b products

appeared on the market in early 2000, since 802.11b is a direct extension

of the modulation technique defined in the original standard. The

dramatic increase in throughput of 802.11b (compared to the original

standard) along with simultaneous substantial price reductions led to the

rapid acceptance of 802.11b as the definitive wireless LAN technology.

802.11b devices suffer interference from other products operating in the

2.4 GHz band. Devices operating in the 2.4 GHz range include: microwave

ovens, Bluetooth devices, baby monitors and cordless telephones.


IEEE 802.11e-2005 or 802.11e is an approved amendment to the IEEE

802.11 standard that defines a set of Quality of Service enhancements

for wireless LAN applications through modifications to the Media Access

Control (MAC) layer. The standard is considered of critical importance for

delay-sensitive applications, such as Voice over Wireless IP and Streaming



Release Date: June 2003

Op. Frequency: 2.4 GHz

Throughput (typ.): ~22 Mbit/s

Net Bit Rate (max.): 54 Mbit/s

Gross Bit Rate (max.): 128 Mbit/s

Max Indoor Range: ~150 feet/45 meters

Max Outdoor Range: ~300 feet/90 meters

In June 2003, a third modulation standard was ratified: 802.11g. This

works in the 2.4 GHz band (like 802.11b), but uses the same OFDM based

transmission scheme as 802.11a. It operates at a maximum physical layer

bit rate of 54 Mbps exclusive of forward error correction codes, or about

22 Mbps average throughputs. 802.11g hardware is fully backwards

compatible with 802.11b. They then proposed 802.11g standard was

rapidly adopted by consumers starting in January 2003, well before

ratification, due to the desire for higher data rates, and reductions in

manufacturing costs. By summer 2003, most dual-band 802.11a/b

products became dual-band/tri-mode, supporting 802.11a and 802.11b/g

in a single mobile adapter card or access point. Details of making b and g

work well together occupied much of the lingering technical process; in

an 802.11g network, however, activity of an 802.11b participant will

reduce the data rate of the overall 802.11g network. Like 802.11b,

802.11g devices suffer interference from other products operating in the

2.4 GHz band.


Release Date: September 11th, 2009

Op. Frequency: 5 GHz and/or 2.4 GHz

Throughput (typ.): 144 Mbit/s

Net Bit Rate (max.): 600 Mbit/s

Gross Bit Rate (max.):?? Mbit/s

Max Indoor Range: ~300 feet/91 meters

Max Outdoor Range: ~600 feet/182 meters

802.11n is a recent amendment which improves upon the previous

802.11 standards, such as 802.11b and 802.11g, with, among other

newer features, a significant increase in data rate from 54 Mbps to 600

Mbps or adding multiple-input multiple- output (MIMO). The standard

use too both frequencies of 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz. Enterprises, however,

have already begun migrating to 802.11n networks based on the Wi-Fi

Alliance's certification of products conforming to a 2007 draft of the

802.11n proposal. The 802.11n standard was ratified by the IEEE

organization on September 11, 2009.


The IEEE 802.11i standard focuses on addressing all aspects of

wireless security—even beyond client authentication and data

privacy using WEP keys. As the 802.11i standard was being

developed, wireless LAN vendors have moved ahead to implement

as many of its features as possible. As a result, the Wi-Fi Alliance

developed Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) based on some of the

802.11 draft components. This is the most recent version of

encryption for wireless networks. It is defined as MAC Layer Security

Enhancements for 802.11. It increases the encryption sophistication

of WEP using the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). The

hardware of devices that use 802.11i must be designed to handle

AES. The two are not compatible, they are completely unique.

Older legacy 802.11 products are not upgradeable. For some

administrators, this provides some issues if they are upgrading their

entire system to an 802.11i based encryption. Some of the

equipment may simply need to be replaced in order to comply.


In 2007, task group TGmb was authorized to "roll up" many of the

amendments to the 2007 version of the 802.11 standard. REVmb or

802.11mb, as it was called, created a single document that merged ten

amendments (802.11k, r, y, n, w, p, z, v, u, and s) with the 2007 base

standard. In addition much cleanup was done, including a reordering of

many of the clauses. Upon publication on March 29, 2012, the new

standard was referred to as IEEE 802.11-2012.


IEEE 802.11ac-2013 is an amendment to IEEE 802.11, published in

December 2013 that builds on 802.11n. Changes compared to

802.11n include wider channels (80 or 160 MHz versus 40 MHz) in

the 5 GHz band, more spatial streams (up to eight versus four),

higher order modulation (up to 256-QAM vs. 64-QAM), and the

addition of Multi-user MIMO (MU-MIMO). As of October 2013, high-

end implementations support 80 MHz channels, three spatial

streams, and 256-QAM, yielding a data rate of up to 433.3 Mbit/s per

spatial stream, 1300 Mbit/s total, in 80 MHz channels in the 5 GHz

band. Vendors have announced plans to release so-called "Wave 2"

devices with support for 160 MHz channels, four spatial streams, and

MU-MIMO in 2014 and 2015.


IEEE 802.11ad is an amendment that defines a new physical layer for

802.11 networks to operate in the 60GHz millimeter wave spectrum.

This frequency band has significantly different propagation

characteristics than the 2.4GHz and 5GHz band where Wi-Fi

networks operate. Products implementing the 802.11ad standard

are being brought to market under the WiGig brand name. The

certification program is now being developed by the Wi-Fi Alliance

instead of the now defunct Alliance. The peak transmission rate of

802.11ad is 7Gbit/s.


IEEE 802.11af also referred to as “White-Fi” and “Super Wi-Fi”, is an

amendment, approved in February 2014 that allows WLAN operation

in IV white space spectrum in the VHF and UHF bands between 54

and 790 MHz. It uses cognitive radio technology to transmit on

unused TV channels, with the standard taking measures to limit

interference for primary users, such as analog IV, digital IV and

wireless microphones. Access points and stations determine their

position using a satellite positioning system such as GPS and use the

internet to query a geolocation database (GDB) provided by a

regional regulatory agency to discover what frequency channels are

available for use at a given time and position. The physical layer uses

OFDM and is based on 802.11ac. The propagation path loss as well

as the attenuation by materials such as brick and concrete is lower in

the UHF and VHF bands than in the 2.4 and 5 GHz bands, which

increase the possible range. The frequency channels are 6 to 8 MHz

wide, depending on the regulatory domain. Up to four channels may

be bonded in either one or two contiguous blocks. MIMO (Multiple

Input Multiple Output) operation is possible with up to four streams

used for either space-time block code (STBC) or multi-user (MU)

operation. The achievable data rate per spatial stream is 26.7 Mbit/s

for 6 and 7MHz channels and 35.6Mbit/s for 8MHz channels. With

four spatial streams and four bonded channels, the maximum data

rate is 426Mbit/s for 6MHzchannels and 568.9Mbit/s for 8MHz



IEEE 802.11ah defines a WLAN system operating at sub 1 GHz

license-exempt bands, with final approval slated for March 2016.

Due to the favorable propagation characteristics of the low

frequency spectra, 802.11ah can be used for various purposes

including large scale sensor networks, extended range hotspot, and

outdoor Wi-Fi for cellular traffic offloading, whereas the available

bandwidth is relatively narrow.


IEEE 802.11ai is an amendment to the 802.11 standard which will

add new mechanisms for a faster initial link setup time.


IEEE 802.11aj is a rebranding of 802.11ad for use in the 4.5GHz

unlicensed spectrum available in some regions of the world

(specifically China).


IEEE 802.11aq is an amendment to the 802.11 standard which will

enable pre-association discovery of services. The extend some of the

mechanism in 802.11u that enabled device discovery to further

discover the service running on a device, or provided by a network.


IEEE 802.11ax is the successor to 802.11ac and will increase the

efficiency of WLAN networks. Currently at a very early stage of

development this project has the goal of providing 4 times the

throughput of 802.11ac.


The original goal of the IEEE 802.11 Task Group T (TGT) was to

develop performance metrics, measurement methods, and test

conditions to measure the performance metrics, measurement

methods and test conditions to measure the performance of 802.11

wireless networking equipment.

Within the IEEE 802.11 Working Group, the following IEEE Standards

Association Standard and Amendments exist:

 IEEE 802.11-1997: The WLAN standard was originally 1 Mbit/s and 2

Mbit/s, 2.4 GHz RF and infrared (IR) standard (1997); all the others

listed below are Amendments to this standard, except for

Recommended Practices 802.11F and 802.11T.

 IEEE 802.11a: 54 Mbit/s, 5 GHz standard (1999, shipping products in


 IEEE 802.11b: Enhancements to 802.11 to support 5.5 and 11 Mbit/s


 IEEE 802.11c: Bridge operation procedures; included in the IEEE

802.1D standard (2001)

 IEEE 802.11d: International (country-to-country) roaming extensions


 IEEE 802.11e: Enhancements: QoS, including packet bursting (2005)

 IEEE 802.11F: Inter-Access Point Protocol (2003) Withdrawn February 2006

 IEEE 802.11g: 54 Mbit/s, 2.4 GHz standard (backwards compatible

with b) (2003)

 IEEE 802.11h: Spectrum Managed 802.11a (5 GHz) for European

compatibility (2004)

 IEEE 802.11i: Enhanced security (2004)

 IEEE 802.11j: Extensions for Japan (2004)

 IEEE 802.11-2007: A new release of the standard that includes

amendments a, b, d, e, g, h, i and j. (July 2007)

 IEEE 802.11k: Radio resource measurement enhancements (2008)

 IEEE 802.11n: Higher throughput improvements using MIMO

(multiple input, multiple output antennas) (September 2009)

 IEEE 802.11p: WAVE—Wireless Access for the Vehicular Environment

(such as ambulances and passenger cars) (July 2010)

 IEEE 802.11r: Fast BSS transition (FT) (2008)

 IEEE 802.11s: Mesh Networking, Extended Service Set (ESS) (July


 IEEE 802.11T: Wireless Performance Prediction (WPP)—test methods

and metrics Recommendation cancelled

 IEEE 802.11u: Improvements related to HotSpots and 3rd party

authorization of clients, e.g. cellular network offload (February 2011)

 IEEE 802.11v: Wireless network management (February 2011)

 IEEE 802.11w: Protected Management Frames (September 2009)

 IEEE 802.11y: 3650–3700 MHz Operation in the U.S. (2008)

 IEEE 802.11z: Extensions to Direct Link Setup (DLS) (September 2010)

 IEEE 802.11-2012: A new release of the standard that includes

amendments k, n, p, r, s, u, v, w, y and z (March 2012)

 IEEE 802.11aa: Robust streaming of Audio Video Transport Streams

(June 2012)

 IEEE 802.11ac: Very High Throughput <6 GHz; potential

improvements over 802.11n: better modulation scheme (expected

~10% throughput increase), wider channels (estimate in future time

80 to 160 MHz), multi user MIMO; (December 2013)

 IEEE 802.11ad: Very High Throughput 60 GHz (December 2012) -

see WiGig

 IEEE 802.11ae: Prioritization of Management Frames (March 2012)

 IEEE 802.11af: TV Whitespace (February 2014)


 IEEE 802.11mc: Roll-up of 802.11-2012 + aa, ac, ad, ae & af to be

published as 802.11-2015 (~ December 2015)

 IEEE 802.11ah: Sub 1 GHz license exempt operation (e.g. sensor

network, smart metering) (~ March 2016)

 IEEE 802.11ai: Fast Initial Link Setup (~ November 2015)

 IEEE 802.11aj: China Millimeter Wave (~ June 2016)

 IEEE 802.11ak: General Links (~ May 2016)

 IEEE 802.11aq: Pre-association Discovery (~ July 2016)

 IEEE 802.11ax: High Efficiency WLAN (~ May 2018)

802.11F and 802.11T are recommended practices rather than standards,

and are capitalized as such.

802.11m is used for standard maintenance. 802.11ma was completed for

802.11-2007, 802.11mb was completed for 802.11-2012 and 802.11mc is

working towards publishing 802.11-2015.


Effective Range (typical

IEEE Operating Throughp
Release Throughput indoor distance
Wireless Frequency ut Speeds
Date Speeds* in meters)*
Specification Range (maximum
802.11a 1999 5.15- 54 Mbps (typical)
23 Mbps ~25 meters
Designation )

802.11b 1999 2.4-2.5 GHz 11 Mbps 5 Mbps ~35 meters
802.11g 2003 2.4-2.5 GHz 54 Mbps 23 Mbps ~25+ meters
802.11n 2007 2.45.875
GHz or 540 Mbps 100 Mbps ~50 meters

(unappro 5GHz




3.0.1Specific one-to-one Initiative Considerations

Identifying which services and applications the WLAN must

support is a key to building a robust, relevant, scalable and

sustainable architecture. It is strongly urged to consider the

following elements of any one-to-one initiative:

- Number of NOUN SST staff using the WLAN.

- Types of application(s) being utilized

- Total bandwidth requirements

- Throughput requirements

- Security for laptops

-Special attention should be considered for NOUN SST staff

taking their laptop home to access the Internet or other


3.0.2 Site Survey

 Obtain floor plans for NOUN SST 6TH Floor included in the

 Determine how many Access Points it will take to provide

a signal to the desired coverage area.

 Physical Access Points placement map.

 Identify signal trouble areas and physical construction or

environmental challenges.

 Determine user policies for the wireless network.

 Diagram channel layout of Access Points.

 Confirm hardware compatibility (include desired legacy

hardware, new hardware and current or future for staff

owned device standards)

 Verify that each Access Points location is physically secure.

 Verify that there is a power source near the intended

location for each Access Point or Power over Ethernet


 Confirm there is a way to run a patch cable between your

wired network and each AP and/or APs to be used as

repeaters. List specialized antennae requirements.

 Determine AP network cabling distances and are within

CAT-5 or 6 limits (~100m)


When defining WLAN architecture, focus on two distinct


- Technology and educational policy requirements; and

- End-user requirements.


Centrally Coordinated versus Distributed AP Management

Determine which WLAN architecture to adopt. Both architectures –

distributed APs and centrally coordinated APs– have benefits that are

well suited to different environments. These architectures are also

referred to as thick and thin respectively. A wireless network, based on

standalone APs, relies on the integrated functionality of each AP to

enable wireless services, authentication and security. As shown in Figure

16, this network can be characterized as follows:

- All APs in the network operate independently of each other;

- Encryption and decryption is done at the AP;

- Each AP has its own configuration file;

- Larger networks normally rely on a Centralized Management


- The network configuration is static and does not respond to

changing network conditions such as interfering rogue APs or

failures of a neighboring APs; and

- Be certain to confirm PoE (Power over Ethernet) support, as many

thick APs do not support PoE.

FIGURE 1: Wireless Network Consisting of Stand Alone Access, Planning a Wireless


In a coordinated wireless network, thin APs have much simpler

responsibilities. Most of the heavy lifting is performed by a centralized

controller, also known as a wireless switch, which handles functions

such as roaming, authentication, encryption/decryption, load balancing,

RF monitoring, performance monitoring and location services. Because

configuration is done once, at the controller, adding additional radios to

cover new office areas is as simple as plugging them in. As shown in

Figure below, this kind of network can be characterized as follows:

- AP activity is coordinated by a wireless centralized controller.

Encryption/decryption and authentication are performed at

the controller, instead of at the individual APs;

- To maintain the health of the network, the controller can

reconfigure AP parameters as needed, providing a self-healing

WLAN (e.g. if an AP fails, neighboring APs can increase signal

strength to make up for the lost coverage of the failing AP);

- The wireless LAN controller performs tasks such as configuration

control, fault tolerance and network expansion;

- Redundancy can be provided through redundant controllers in

separate locations that can assume control in the event of a

switch or controller failure; and

- Supports PoE.

FIGURE 2: A Centrally Controlled Wireless Network, Planning a Wireless


Both the distributed and centrally coordinated architectures have

advantages and disadvantages, depending on the age of the wired

infrastructure, deployment area, building architecture and types of

applications to support. Regardless which approach, it is essential that

the architecture provides a way to manage the WLAN efficiently and


A distributed AP WLAN is particularly well suited in environments where:

- There is a smaller, isolated wireless coverage area that requires only

one or a few APs; and

- There is a need for wireless bridging from a main building to a remote

portable or temporary building such as a portable office.

However, the operational overhead to manage and maintain a WLAN

increases with the size of the WLAN deployment. Wireless LAN

management tools that are generally proprietary to each vendor’s

associated hardware help simplify configuration and monitoring of

the LAN, but the inherent ―independence‖ of these APs presents a

challenge in addressing security, configuration control, bandwidth

predictability and reliability.

It is worth noting that when APs are first deployed, they must be

configured. Such things as radio settings and authorized users must

be added. Once WLANs are installed they are subject to frequent

change as manufacturers update firmware and introduce new

products; as new students are introduced and as security codes are

updated. Each of these changes requires an administrator to

―touch‖—physically or electronically— each AP or device that

connects to the WLAN. It is not cost effective to manage WLANs

device by device, and hence if there will be more than just a few APs

on your WLAN, option for the centrally coordinated architecture.

A centrally coordinated WLAN is well suited to deployments where:

- There are one or more large wireless coverage areas that require

multiple APs possibly accompanied by several smaller isolated coverage


- RF network self-healing is required; and

- A redundant state-failover solution is required.

There is no question that the trends indicate centrally coordinated

solutions are becoming the de facto standard. As wireless LAN

deployments continue to grow larger, accommodating ever greater

numbers of users, there will be an increasing demand to centrally

manage a wide range of security, performance and configuration

attributes as a single system from a single dashboard or software


A centrally coordinated network offers many benefits, including:

- Lower operational costs. Centralized management

facilitates ease of deployment and ongoing management. It is

essential to minimize help desk calls and trouble tickets.

- Greater availability. In this architecture, it is easier to

respond in real-time to changes in the network performance

and spikes in user demand such as new students or temporary


- Better return on investment. Fast client roaming and

enhancements in Quality of Service provide traffic- sensitive

applications with their required throughput.


As for all of their attractions in terms of performance, flexibility and affordability, WLANs

also pose management challenges very different from those of wired networks. These

challenges increase geometrically as WLANs grow in size, scope and complexity. The

solution is to automate these management tasks by implementing best practice service

level management processes and tools.

Emerging field tools are also complementing IT toolkits in filling the need to

effectively manage the wireless environments. These tools provide the ability to

detect rogue APs, determine security levels, determine where there are potential

interference sources for wireless, such as cordless phones, and analyze wireless data.

There are many different ways to set up a wireless network. A certain density of APs is

required to provide satisfactory network coverage and capacity, while many aspects of

WLANs are analogous to wired LANs and should be managed in a consistent fashion;

some aspects of wireless are unique. Wireless is a shared medium and, as such,

requires careful planning for dynamic usage profiles and capacity variations.

3.1.1 Antennae Selection

Antennae allow for more efficient coverage for specific areas, and can help achieve

desired coverage, capacity and bandwidth objectives. A higher-gain antenna focuses the

radio’s RF energy into a smaller area to achieve higher signal levels and a better SNR

(Signal to Noise Ratio). This typically yields higher data rates over the area covered by the

antenna. For example, a library with floor-to-ceiling solid wood or metal bookshelves, and


wireless network access of PDAs or laptops is required within this area, deployment of

external directional antennae to focus wireless coverage between each of these obstacles

would be required.



4.0 System Hardware Requirement

4.0.1 Hardware

Points to consider include:

 May require switch standard

applicable for VLAN which

support PoE, VLAN or capacity.

 Older hardware is incompatible

with new security standards;


 Can older hardware support the

new wireless cards? Is there

room for them?

4.1 System Software Requirement

4.1.0 Software

Application characteristics must be analyzed if this traffic is to flow over

the WLAN. It is essential to outline this in the policy to protect and

ensure scalability as planned. Performance is not limited to the

throughput that a client can achieve. It is also directly related to the

client keeping its network connection and communication session intact.

When roaming from one AP to another, there is a small amount of time

during either authentication or association during which the client will

effectively be without a link. The duration of the lost link will determine if

and how applications will be impacted. Note that last roaming was

specifically conceived to make this link loss during authentication almost

unnoticeable to end users. Applications exhibit a distinctive sensitivity to

the duration of a lost link. Transactional applications such as e-mail and

web browsing are relatively insensitive, whereas real-time applications

such as voice and video are highly sensitive. Ensure that fast roaming is

enabled to make authentication occur promptly enough to not affect the

core WLAN application suite.

Application bandwidth requirements can be analyzed by the software

vendor’s specification or manuals. A common issue with networked

applications is that they are developed with little or no consideration

for the resources they require from the communications

infrastructure. Application developers take into consideration the

notion of the network, but typically fail to consider bandwidth and

latency implications. The (false) assumption is that the network is

always available, that bandwidth is unlimited and that congestion and

delays do not occur. As such, even though the applications and the

network are tightly coupled, they are typically developed and deployed

as independent components. It is exactly this decoupling that creates

the burden of carefully planning a WLAN for successful support of the

extension of applications to the wireless environment. Hence, start

with the premise that the average application is not aware of the

transport medium it is using. They treat the network—wired or

wireless—identically. The challenge of applications not being aware

the network is compounded with WLANs. Indeed, most applications

are developed for wired environments; however, they will likely be

developed specifically for the one- to-one initiatives in the education

sector. Specific characteristics of WLANs are their lower throughput

and higher latency than their wired equivalents. This is typically not a

problem for the burst applications. However, WLAN can cause

additional challenges for applications that demand high data rates or

deterministic behavior. The interaction between applications and the

network is only one of the challenges that must be tackled when

defining WLAN architecture. Defining a wireless architecture to

support voice and video also introduces specific problems that must be

considered. The considerations include provisioning sufficient

bandwidth for latency-sensitive applications, implementing a quality of

service (QoS) solution, and ensuring fast-roaming capabilities between

cells. Perhaps today’s students will be in one classroom and it is

unlikely that they will be roaming between APs, which sounds like a

rational and fair statement. However, recall that this WLAN

investment is meant to last districts up to five years. In the world of

technology, five years is a very long time, and it may very well be that a

district will want to implement other applications and devices to run

over the WLAN. One such example, which could be used by students

or more likely teachers, is that of Voice over WLAN handsets.

4.1.1 Security Software and Operating System Updates.

Desktop and laptop patch management should be deployed to ensure

the latest product patches are pushed to all clients. This will help to

increase security, reduce compatibility challenges, keep interfaces

consistent and decrease support costs over time. Have a comprehensive

desktop management strategy that includes all mobile devices and

laptops. A comprehensive, centralized dashboard to monitor, maintain,

manage and report on all desktop management aspects. Do not settle

for just patch management software. The feature and functionality set

of the chosen management system should be comprehensive and in one

simple Graphical User Interface (GUI).

4.1.2 Personal Firewalls

Personal firewall software should be deployed on each and every

laptop. Ideally, these software firewalls will function within a centrally

controlled system that can enforce usage with and is compatible with

your hardware firewalls. All laptops with a wireless NIC must have a

personal firewall installed that supports connection-specific policies.

As laptops are often outside the protection of the school or district

firewall, every laptop should have a personal firewall installed. This

will be critical for students taking their laptops home and then

returning, with potential infections, to the school WLAN. The firewall

built into Vista may provide sufficient baseline security for student

laptop use, although software client licenses compatible with your

firewall solution at either the school site or district head office is

better. What is built into Windows XP is not sufficient. The personal

firewall should be configured to block split tunneling and any ad hoc

WLAN connections.

4.1.3 Anti-Virus (A/V)

Anti-Virus protects and minimizes threats, and is essential for all laptops

because new viruses proliferate daily and spread quickly. Anti-Virus

should be centrally controlled so the definitions can be monitored. If

not, definitions may not be updated and laptops would eventually get a

virus. MacAfee, Symantec, Trend Micro, Computer Associates and many

other vendors have central control and monitoring. Despite offerings for

stand alone, typically consumer versions, do not implement these as they

do not have central management and require maintenance and updates.

Some small districts may have this in place on guest or even existing

legacy laptops accessing their WLANs. This practice should stop


4.1.4 Anti-Spyware (A/S)

Anti-Spyware protects against threats through the Internet browser.

Protecting against this will dramatically reduce the level one technical

support requirements and support time and costs. Fewer users asking

to have their system cleaned means more time for more important

projects or additional training. Pop-ups can be frustrating and will

impact a user’s experience. Anti-Spyware can protect against these as


4.1.5 Encrypted File Systems (EFS)

Security certificates and critical data will be accessible to a savvy user

who happens to come across a lost or stolen laptop, and includes all

access settings to the WLAN and other resources including applications,

VPN and more. Using EFS, systems will make it challenging, if not

impossible, even for a highly skilled user to crack and gain access without

the user’s network password. In this scenario, password policy and

enforcement is critical. The key to address here is that if a laptop is lost,

no one could access the data on it. Imagine if a principal’s laptop were

stolen while travelling and all of the private data therein were exposed

to a thief.





 The first strategy is to accept the recommended client-to-AP ratio

as published by the WLAN equipment vendor. Even though this is

the easiest solution, there is potential for over- or under-

provisioning the number of APs because the information provided

by the vendor does not consider your specific user-base

requirements. However, use the WLAN vendor’s published

recommendations as a rough guideline.

 It is recommended that at minimum a WLAN Intrusion Detection

System (IDS) or an integrated Intrusion detection and prevention

solution. The latter not only identifies intrusions, but also

addresses them automatically.

 Centralized control is generally recommended as it eases

administration burden and can give management high level reports

of the entire organization’s activity. Also, it is strongly recommended

to use centrally manageable security appliances.

 It is strongly recommended that you use your core expertise in

understanding the fundamentals of delivering education to grow

students’ experience and knowledge as the base of your decision


 Recommended to have standard device type(s). This can be one

single laptop make and model for every eligible staff across the

district, or, multiple standard laptops and PDAs for association one-

to-one initiatives.

 Design a strong and encompassing wireless networking policy. One

clause strongly recommended is that wireless APs must only be

attached to a dedicated network segment, and not to a segment

containing other network resources.

 Implementing a standardized policy for school owned laptops used

by students in a one-to-on program is highly recommended.


Some of the constraints encountered during this project design include the


 Financial Constraints: The design was achieved but not without some

financial involvements. One had to pay for the computer time and

buy network device (wireless router). Also the typing and planning

of the work has its own financial involvements. However, to solve

the problems I solicited fund from guardians and relations.

 High Configuration Technique: The configuration of wireless router

aspect of this project posed a lot of challenge and attention must

especially assign of IP address range.

5.3 Conclusion.

I had to put tremendous amount of thought and planning into wireless

network solution. N O U N IT staff is highly organized and committed, and

this is reflected in the design and implementation of the dedicated printer

wireless network. Its solution is innovative and functional and can be a cost

effective design for school districts of all sizes implementing wireless



 Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) Best

Practices Guide prepared by Stakeholder
Technology Branch, October 2007.


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