N.W.F.P. University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar: Lecture 12: Composite Beams

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University of Engineering
and Technology Peshawar

Lecture 12: Composite Beams

By: Prof Dr. Akhtar Naeem Khan

[email protected]

Composite Beam
 Floor construction in buildings and bridges often consists of a
reinforced concrete slab supported on steel beams

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Composite Beam

 Earlier it was assumed that beams act independently of the floor

slab, because the natural bond cannot be depended upon to develop
the shear VQ/I on interface between slab and beam.
 If the beam is completely encased in concrete or a mechanical bond
established by means of shear connectors, the two will act as a unit.

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Composite Beam
Supported and Unsupported

 During construction, steel beams are placed on the supports

with cranes. The concrete-deck formwork is then constructed
on top of these beams and the concrete deck is poured.
 During the deck placement, the steel beams may or may not
have beam shoring along their length (supported or

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Composite Beam
Supported and Unsupported

 If the beams are shored (supported) until the concrete of the deck
cures, the resulting composite beam will be effective for the
entire dead load of both the beam and slab, as well as live loads.
 If the beams are unshored (unsupported) during construction,
then the steel beam by itself must support its own dead load, and
the composite beam section will only be effective for the dead
load of the deck and live loads.

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Composite Beam
Supported and Unsupported

 Normally, the cost of shoring is not practical when compared

with the small increase in material costs required for
unsupported construction.

 Unless the method of construction is definitely known, assume

that unsupported construction methods were used.

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Analysis and Design
methods of Composite

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Composite Beam
Equivalent Flange Width

 A composite floor is assumed to act as a series of T beams.

 The beams are analyzes by transforming the effective x-
sectional area of concrete slab into an equivalent area of steel
by the use of modular ratio.

 n= Es/Ec where Ec=57,000/f’c

 n= 500 /f’c

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Composite Beam
Effective Flange Width: AASHTO

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Composite Beam
Effective Flange Width: AASHTO
For Interior Girder Effective Flange Width lesser of:
Be  , or Be  Bo

For Exterior Girder Effective Flange Width lesser of:

Be   (Distance from Beam Center to Edge of Slab)
Be  Bo  (Distance from Beam Center to Edge of Slab)
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Composite Beam
Effective Flange Width: AASHTO

The effective flange width of slab to be smaller of

 One-forth of beam span

 Center to center distance of girders

 Twelve times the thickness of slab

For girders having a flange on one side only:

 One-twelve of span

 One-half the distance center to center of next girder

 Six times thickness of slab

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Composite Beam
Effective Flange Width: AISC/ASD & AISC/LRFD

The effective flange width of slab on each side of beam

center line must not exceed:
 One-eighth of beam span

 One- half the Center to center distance of beams

 For edge beams the distance to the edge of slab

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Design of Composite Beam
AISC allows two methods of design
Method 1
 The beam may be sized assuming the steel sections to carry all loads
applied prior to hardening of concrete and composite section to carry all
dead and live loads acting after the concrete has hardened. If shoring is
used, all loads are assumed to be resisted by composite section.

Method 2
 The steel section alone may be proportioned to resist the positive
moment due to all loads. If this method is used, shoring is not required.

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Design of Composite Beam
 Allowable stress 0.66Fy ………method
0.76Fy ………method 2

 b = 0.9 for method 1 and method 2

 Dead-load & Live- load factors are used

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Design of Shear Connectors

 The horizontal shear at the slab beam junction must be resisted by

using shear studs to ensure composite action
 Bond between concrete slab and steel beam can not be relied
 Therefore mechanical shear connectors are required at the slab/
beam interface

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Design of Shear Connectors

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Design of Shear Connectors
Shear Strength of a single shear connector is given by:

Qn  0.5 Asc fc ' Ec  Asc Fu b

Qn = Nominal Strength of one stud

Asc = Sectional area of stud in sq. in.
fc’ = C v c c
Ec = Modulus of elasticity of concrete
Number of connectors required is given by: N
Which are to be provided between pt of Qn
Max moment to zero moment on each side of Mmax

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Design of Composite Beams

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Design of Composite Beams
Deflection Considerations
 If the dead loads are taken up by the steel beam,
then the Dead Load Deflection is:

5 w L4
 DL 
384 Es Is
 The Live load deflections are assumed to be resisted
by composite action and moment of inertia of
composite section is used for the purpose:

5 wL L4 Total 1
 LL  
384 Es Icomp L 350
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Design of Composite Beam

 Estimate As based on ultimate moment

with FOS=2.2

 Allowable stress in steel section 0.66Fy.

 Allowable stress in concrete 0.45fc’.

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Design of Composite Beam
 Section properties for in unshored construction are computed by
elastic theory.
 Bending stress in beam is the sum of

(1)Dead-load moment (that the steel beam alone resists)

(2)Live-load moment (that the composite beam resists).
 Allowable stress is 0.9Fy

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Design of Composite Beam

 A good estimate of required As of steel section based

on ultimate moment is given by

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Design of Composite Beam
Positive moment
 For plastic stress distribution on composite section hc/tw
 640/Fy …………………..b=0.85
 For hc/tw > 640/Fy…………………..b=0.90

Negative moment
 Mn is based on steel section alone …….b=0.90
 For plastic stress distribution…………….b=0.85

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Design of Composite Beam

Steel section for unshored construction must be designed to support

all loads applied before the concrete attains 75% of specified fc’

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Design Example 1 ASD

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Design Example 1 ASD

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Design Example 1 ASD

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Design Example 1 ASD

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Design Example 1 ASD

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Design Example 1 ASD

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Design Example 1 ASD

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Design Example 1 ASD

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Design Example 1 ASD

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Design Example 1 LRFD

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Design Example 1 LRFD

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Design Example 1 LRFD

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Design Example 1 LRFD

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Design Example 1 LRFD

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Design Example 1 LRFD

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