Method Statement of Construction of Pier and Abutment For Viaduct (Rev.2)

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墩(台)身施工方案 Method Statement of Construction of Pier and Abutment

Document Title Document No:

Method Statement Originator CREC-DI
for Construction of Revision B
Pier and Abutment Date 2020/03/13
for Viaduct Page
Issue Status REVIEW

Method Statement of Construction of Pier and

Abutment for Viaduct (Rev.2)

Date Rev No. Description

20-02-2020 B REVIEW
Document Verification and Approval
Name Position Signature
Deputy Director of
Prepared By: Zhan Jian
Technical Department
Director of Technical
Checked By: Wang Guangming
Approved By: Geng Shucheng Chief Engineer
墩(台)身施工方案 Method Statement of Construction of Pier and Abutment

REV Page Section Summary of Changes / Details of Issue

2 All All Second Issue
墩(台)身施工方案 Method Statement of Construction of Pier and Abutment

Contents 目录

1. Introduction 项目概况.......................................................................................3
2. References, Definitions and Abbreviations 参考文件,定义和缩写...............7
2.1 References 参考文件...............................................................................7
2.2 Definitions 定义.......................................................................................7
2.3 Abbreviations 缩写..................................................................................8
3. Permits 许可.......................................................................................................8
4. QA Classification of Materials 材料类别..........................................................8

5. Control / Storage / Protection of Specific Materials 主要材料的管理/储存/保

5.1 Stockyard 砂石料存放场.........................................................................9
5.2 Storage and Management of Rebar 钢筋储存管理.................................9
5.3 Cement 水泥..........................................................................................10
5.4 Admixture 外加剂..................................................................................10
5.5 Construction Water 施工用水................................................................10
5.6 Coupler/Steel sleeve 钢筋连接套筒......................................................11
5.7 Release agent 脱模剂.............................................................................11
6. Plant and Equipment 车辆与机械设备...........................................................11
6.1 Plant 永久设备.......................................................................................11
6.2 Equipment 机械设备.............................................................................11
7. Method of Construction 墩(台)身施工方法..............................................13
7.1 Statement Introduction 方案概述..........................................................13
7.2 Installation of operation platform for pier/abutment construction.........14
7.3 Flow chart of pier construction 墩身施工工艺流程.............................16
7.4 Construction procedures 施工步骤........................................................18
7.5 Construction method remarks 施工方法说明.......................................20
墩(台)身施工方案 Method Statement of Construction of Pier and Abutment

7.6 Rebar processing and installation of pier body 墩身钢筋加工与安装. 25

7.7 Formwork construction 模板施工.........................................................32
7.8 Concrete construction 混凝土施工........................................................35
7.9 Repair of Appearance for Concrete 混凝土外观修补...........................39
8. Quality Management 质量管理.......................................................................52
9. HSE Management HSE 管理...........................................................................53

9.1 Safety Management Measures and Occupational Health 安全与健康管

9.2 Special Environmental Protection Plan (SEMP) 具体环境保护计划...58

墩(台)身施工方案 Method Statement for Construction of Pier and Abutment

1. Introduction 项目概况
The viaducts of Padma Bridge Rail Link Project include:

V1 viaduct, from Ch7+175.225 to Ch23+950.11, total length 16774.9m, includes 4 nos of

simply support steel truss girder bridge.
V1 高架桥,里程 Ch7+175.225~Ch23+950.11,全长 16774.9m,含 4 座简支钢桁梁
V2 viaduct, from Ch.41+463.143 to Ch.44+052.391, total length 2589.2m.
V2 高架桥,里程 Ch.41+463.143~Ch.44+052.391,全长 2589.2m;
V3 viaduct, from Ch.50+733.373 to Ch.54+764.944, total length 4031.6m. Works of the
above bridges include the prefabrication and installation of the substructure and segmental
box girders of the superstructure.
V3 高架桥,里程 Ch.50+733.373~Ch.54+764.944,全长 4031.6m;上述桥梁工作内
There are six types (Type1、Type2、Type3、Type4、Type5、Type6) of piers of viaducts
in the section of Division 1. Except for Type 2 is portal frame pier (graphic model see
Fig.1.1), Type 3 is cylindrical pier (graphic model see Fig.1.2) and Type 5 includes
rectangular piers, other types all adopt rectangular chamfer piers (graphic model see Fig.1.3).
abutment has three types (Type1、Type2 and Type3), setting Type 1 as an example, graphic
model see Fig.1.4. Quantities of piers/abutments of viaducts see the table 1.1 below.
一 分 部 负 责 的 工 程 段 落 内 的 高 架 桥 墩 身 有
Type1、Type2、Type3、Type4、Type5、Type6 共 6 种类型,除 Type2 采用门式框架
墩(三维图见图 1.1)、Type3 采用圆柱形墩(三维图见图 1.2)以及 Type5 含矩形墩
外,其余均采用矩形切角墩(三维图见图 1.3);桥台有 Type1、Type2 和 Type3 共三
种类型,其中以 Type1 桥台为例,其三维图见图 1.4。高架桥墩(台)身数量见下表

墩(台)身施工方案 Method Statement for Construction of Pier and Abutment

Fig.1.1 Graphic model of portal frame pier

图 1.1 门式框架墩三维图

墩(台)身施工方案 Method Statement for Construction of Pier and Abutment

Fig.1.2 Graphic model of cylindrical pier 图 1.2 圆柱形墩三维图

Fig.1.3 Rectangular chamfer pier 图 1.3 矩形切角墩三维图

墩(台)身施工方案 Method Statement for Construction of Pier and Abutment

Fig.1.3 Graphic model of type 1 abutment

图 1.3 Tpye1 桥台三维图
Table 1.1 Quantities of piers/abutments
表 1.1 墩(台)身数量表
Location Item Quantity Pier Size Remarks
部位 项目 数量 墩身尺寸 备注
V1 Pier 437 See the design drawings
V1 高架桥 墩身 见设计图纸
Abutment 2 See the design drawings
桥台 见设计图纸
V2 Pier 67 See the design drawings
V2 高架桥 墩身 见设计图纸
Abutment 1 See the design drawings
桥台 见设计图纸
V3 Pier 106 See the design drawings
V3 高架桥 墩身 见设计图纸
Abutment 1 See the design drawings
桥台 见设计图纸

墩(台)身施工方案 Method Statement for Construction of Pier and Abutment

2. References, Definitions and Abbreviations 参考文件,定义和缩写

2.1 References 参考文件
①The Construction Contract, the Employer’s Requirement and other effective contract
②Design documents and drawings
③Pre-construction Site Visit and Investigation (including the construction site and
surrounding environment conditions)
⑥Health and Safety Management Plan (HSE)
HSE 管理计划。
⑦Traffic Management Plan
⑧Inspection and Test Plan (ITP)
2.2 Definitions 定义
“Plant” means the apparatus and vehicles intended to form or forming part of the Permanent
Works including the Rolling Stock as defined in Sub-clause。
“设备”是指用于形成或构成永久工程的一部分的设备和车辆,包括合同文件 中定义的车辆。
“Project” means the Padma Bridge Rail Link Project
“Access Roads” Those roads which existed prior to the Commencement Date and which will
be reinstated to the same condition as that which existed prior to commencement of use by
construction traffic, at the end of the works.

墩(台)身施工方案 Method Statement for Construction of Pier and Abutment

“Temporary access road” means the roads used for construction during the construction
period, and can also be used for inspection and maintenance, and emergency.
2.3 Abbreviations 缩写
BR Bangladesh Railway 孟加拉铁路局
BUET Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology 孟加拉工程技术大学
h Hour 小时
mo. Month 月
No. Number 编号
ER Employer’ s Representative 雇主代表
Qty. Quantity/Quantities 数量
ToC Table of Contents 目录
3. Permits 许可
ITEM Accept Reject
项目 接受 拒绝
Approval of Method Statement
施工方案报批 √
Approval of Drawings
相关图纸报批 √
Approval of Calculation Report(if
any) √
Approval of Materials
材料报批 √
Checklist of
Equipment/Machinery √
Technical Disclosure
技术交底 √
Training on HSE
HSE 培训 √

4. QA Classification of Materials 材料类别

The main material suppliers used in this works is as follows:
Material (s) 材料 Quality Assurance Classification 质量类别
Cement 水泥 QAM1
Coarse & Fine Aggregate 粗细集料 QAM1
Admixture 外加剂 QAM1
Rebar 钢筋 QAM1
Coupler/Steel Sleeve 钢筋连接套筒 QAM1
Formwork 钢模板 QAM2
Release Agent 脱模剂 QAM2
墩(台)身施工方案 Method Statement for Construction of Pier and Abutment

Scaffolding 脚手架 QAM2

QAM1 – Material that must be submitted to the Contractor for approval and to the Engineers
Representative for SONO (Statement of No Objection)
QAM2 – Materials that must be submitted internally for approval.

5. Control / Storage / Protection of Specific Materials 主要材料的管理/储存/保护

The primary materials used for piers are cement, stone, sand, rebar etc. Based on the
approved construction programme, demanded schedule of materials will be prepared in
advance, and delivery shall be made in batches so as to meet the requirements of
5.1 Stockyard 砂石料存放场
There are 2 stockyards for V1. One is located at the right side of Ch.11+500 and the other
located at the left side of Ch.22+200.
V1 高架桥砂石料存放场为两处,分别位于 CH11+500 线路右侧和 CH22+200 线路
For V2, the stockyard is located at the left side of Ch.42+600.
V2 高架桥引桥砂石料存放场地位于 CH42+600 线路左侧。
For V3, the stock yard is located at the left side of Ch.52+400.
V3 高架引桥砂石料存放场地位于 CH52+400 线路左侧。
5.2 Storage and Management of Rebar 钢筋储存管理
There are a variety of rebar which serve different purposes. And to avoid mixing, when they
are delivered to site, inspection shall be conducted by type, grade, specifications and
manufacturer and in batches. When they are stacked, signs shall be used for identification.
Rebar shall be stocked in rebar workshop and 20cm above ground on platform, stow-wood
or other supports and free from mechanical damage or deterioration due to exposure.
钢筋存放在钢筋车间内,放于地面以上 20cm 的平台、垫木或其他支承上,并进
墩(台)身施工方案 Method Statement for Construction of Pier and Abutment

Rebar shall not be mixed with acid, salt or oil. Contaminated rebar are not allowed to be
5.3 Cement 水泥
The cement is delivered to site by specialized cement truck and stored in the cement tank at
concrete batching plant; for any cement stored over three (3) months, it will be retested
before using such cement.
水泥采用专用水泥运输车运送到现场、存放在混凝土搅拌站的水泥罐中,超过 3
5.4 Admixture 外加剂

The admixture products shall be provided by qualified supplier, and its quality shall meet the
Employer’s requirements. Special-made container shall be adopted for transportation and
storage of admixture. When saved, container shall be stock in the place with wind-proof,
rain-proof and free of sun exposure, and properly covered.

5.5 Construction Water 施工用水
The water used for mixing and curing must be tested and meet the requirements of technical
specifications; the water used for concrete mixing shall be extracted from groundwater and
stored in the water pond within the batching plant.
5.6 Coupler/Steel sleeve 钢筋连接套筒

The coupler/steel sleeve products shall be provided by qualified supplier, and its quality shall
meet the Employer’s Requirements or approved by CSC. Steel sleeves shall be properly
packed by wooden box or plastic material during transportation and storage.

钢筋连接套筒采用质量符合雇主需求要求的或 CSC 认可质量的供应商提供的产品,

5.7 Release agent 脱模剂

The release agent is provided by suppliers who have qualifications; it is transported by tanks
墩(台)身施工方案 Method Statement for Construction of Pier and Abutment

or barrels; any lubricants (engine oil) are prohibited to use as release agent.


6. Plant and Equipment 车辆与机械设备

6.1 Plant 永久设备

6.2 Equipment 机械设备
Table 6.2-1:Machinery and Equipment Plan
表 6.2-1 主要设备数量表
Year of
mechanical V1 V2 V3 Remark
S/N Model manufactor
equipment viaduct viaduct viaduct
序号 型号 y 备注
name 主要机 高架引桥 高架桥 高架桥
Formwork and rebar
Crawler crane
1 55t 4 2 2 2018.12 hoisting

Crawler crane
2 75t 2 / / 2018.9

Wheel crane
3 60t / 1 1 2019.9

Formwork and rebar

Crawler crane
4 110t 2 1 1 2018.12 hoisting
Formwork and rebar
Truck crane
5 30t 6 2 2 2018.12 hoisting
plant 2×HZS1 Concrete fabrication
6 1 1 1
混凝土拌合 20 2018.11 混凝土生产

plant 2×HZS1 2018.10 Concrete fabrication
7 1 / /
混凝土拌合 80 混凝土生产

mixer truck Concrete delivery
8 8m³ / 4 4
混凝土运输 2018.11 混凝土运输

mixer truck 2018.11 Concrete delivery
9 10m³ 10 / /
混凝土运输 混凝土运输

墩(台)身施工方案 Method Statement for Construction of Pier and Abutment

Rebar cage processing
10 machinery / 2 1 1 2019.12

Gantry crane Rebar cage processing
11 20t 4 1 1 2019.3
龙门吊机 钢筋加工

Rebar and formwork

Flat-bed truck
12 30t 4 2 2 2018.12 transportation

Truck pump 2018.11 Concrete pouring

13 43m 2 1 1
汽车泵 混凝土浇筑

Truck pump Concrete pouring

14 47m 1 1 1
汽车泵 2018.11 混凝土浇筑
Concrete fabrication
Loader LW500F and site leveling
15 / 2 2 2018.11
装载机 V 混凝土生产和场地平

Concrete fabrication
Loader and site leveling
16 XG951H 4 / / 2018.10
装载机 混凝土生产和场地平

Temporary power
17 55KW 3 2 2 2018.9 supply
Temporary power
18 120KW 7 3 4 2018.9 supply

Vibrator 2018.10 Concrete vibrating

19 φ50/φ75 50 20 20
振捣棒 混凝土振捣

20 pump / 30 20 20
2018.11 养护

7. Method of Construction 墩(台)身施工方法

7.1 Statement Introduction 方案概述
Type1, Type3, Type4, Type5, Type6 piers of viaducts shall be constructed by sections,
which means rebar binding, formwork installation and pier body concreting shall be in
batches of operations. Standard section height of every single construction for pier body
shall be 6m. The pier cap shall be cast once completely. Standard section length of the main
rebar of the pier body is 6m. Rebar shall be processed into semi-product in the workshop and
bound after being transported to the site. Rebar for the variable cross-section shall be cut into

墩(台)身施工方案 Method Statement for Construction of Pier and Abutment

model and bound into integrity in the mould, transported to the site by flat-bed truck, and
hoisted and positioned by a crane.
高架桥 Type1、Type3、Type4、Type5、Type6 型墩身分段施工,即分次绑扎钢筋、
安装模板与浇筑墩身混凝土,墩身单次施工标准节高度为 6m,墩帽一次性整体浇筑。
墩身主筋标准节段长 6m,在钢筋加工车间内加工成半成品后运至现场绑扎;墩帽变
Pier body of Type 2 portal frame pier shall be constructed by sections, which means rebar
binding, formwork installation and pier body concreting shall be in batches of operations.
Standard section height of every single construction for pier body shall be 6m. Cross beam
of the piers shall be cast once completely.
Type2 型门式框架墩墩身分段施工,即分次绑扎钢筋、安装模板与浇筑墩身混凝
土,墩身单次施工标准节高度为 6m,墩顶横梁一次性整体浇筑。
Standard section length of the main rebar of the pier body is 6m. Rebar shall be processed
into semi-product in the workshop and bound after being transported to the site. Rebar for
the cross beam of portal frame pier shall be cut into model and bound after being transported
to the site.
墩身主筋标准节段长 6m,在钢筋加工车间内加工成半成品后运至现场绑扎;门
A triangle support platform shall be set up on the formwork, or a floor-type steel pipe
staging shall be set up around the pier body as an operation platform for on-site pier body
rebar binding and the entire pier cap rebar hoisting.
Rebar binding and concreting for the caps and bodies of Type1, Type2, Type3 abutments
shall be in batches of operations.
Type1、Type2、Type3 桥台的台帽、台身分次绑扎钢筋、分次浇筑混凝土。
Main rebar shall adopt roll-forged straight crew thread sleeve connection, other rebar shall
adopt over-lap connection.
Formwork for piers shall adopt fixed die steel plate, and which shall be manufactured by
professional factories. Pier formwork shall set 3.0m as the height of standard sub-sections,

墩(台)身施工方案 Method Statement for Construction of Pier and Abutment

and assisted with different adjusting sections (eg. 0.5m, 1m and 2m etc.) to meet different
pier heights.
桥墩模板采用定型钢模板,由专业厂家制造。墩身模板按照 3.0m 作为标准分节高
度,再配以不同的调节段(如 0.5m、1m 和 2m 等),满足不同墩高的需要。
Crawler cranes or truck cranes shall be employed to assist installation of formwork and rebar
in construction.
Concrete shall be produced at batching plant, transported to construction points by mixer
trucks, pumped into formwork by pump trucks, and placed to casting points via tremie on the
top construction platform.
7.2 Installation of operation platform for pier/abutment construction
Operation platform for viaduct pier/abutment construction has the following three types:
type 1 is combined platform, means 4 fabrication modules around the pier. The main column
adopts steel pipe and be welded into module with section steel. Height of each module is 6m,
and operation platform shall be set every 2m, walkway and guardrails shall be attached on
the combined module. Drawing of combined platform see attachment 4.
台,沿墩身周边分 4 个组拼模块。主立柱采用钢管,并配以型钢焊接成模块,每个模
块高度 6m,每 2m 一层设置操作平台,走道、护栏附着于组合模块上,组合式平台图
纸详见附件 4。
Type 2 is the operation platform set up by floor-type steel pipe staging, drawing of operation
platform see attachment 4.
第二种采用落地钢管支架搭设的操作平台,操作平台图纸详见附件 4。
Type 3 is the integration of formwork and construction platform. Operation platform shall be
set on the top of formwork at every 3.0m standard section. The platform consists of triangle
support, operation platform and guardrails, combines into an integrity with the formwork.
Ladders shall be set next to the pier as an up-down passage for construction personnel, and
shall be heightened as the concreting of the pier. drawing see attachment 4.
第三种为模板、施工平台一体化,每 3.0m 标准节模板顶端的设置操作平台。平
墩(台)身施工方案 Method Statement for Construction of Pier and Abutment

梯与随墩身浇注接高,作为施工人员上下通道。图纸详见附件 4。

Fig.7.2.1 Combined operation platform Fig.7.2.2 Operation platform set by falsework

图 7.2.1 组合式操作平台 图 7.2.2 脚手架搭设的操作平台

Fig.7.2.3 Fixed operation platform attached to the formwork

图 7.2.3 附着于模板上的固定作业平台

7.3 Flow chart of pier construction 墩身施工工艺流程

7.3.1 See Fig.7.3.1 for pier body construction flow chart, of which, the pier cap rebar
frame adopts integrated binding and hoisting.
墩帽钢筋骨架采用整体绑扎和吊装施工的墩身施工 工艺流程详见“图 7.3.1 墩帽

Setting-out of the axle line and side line of the pier body 墩身中轴线及边线测量定线

Rebar binding of the bottom section of the pier body 墩身底节钢筋绑扎

Formwork installation of the bottom section of the pier body 安装墩身底节模板
墩(台)身施工方案 Method Statement for Construction of Pier and Abutment

Concreting and curing of the bottom section of the pier body 浇筑墩身底节混凝土、养护

Construction joint treatment and pier body rebar lengthening 施工缝处理,接长墩身钢

Formwork installation of the 2nd section of the pier body 安装墩身第二节模板

Concreting and curing of the 2nd section 浇筑第二节混凝土、养护

Circulation in sequence until completing the construction of the straight section of the pier body 依次循
Scabbling treatment to the construction joint 施工缝凿毛处理

Integrated hoisting and adjusting of pier cap rebar 墩帽钢筋整体吊装和调整

Formwork installation for pier cap 安装墩帽模板

Concreting and curing of pier cap 浇筑墩帽混凝土、养护

Formwork removal 拆模

Cushion construction of pier top bearing 墩顶支座垫石施工

Fig.7.3.1 Pier body construction flow chart, of which, the pier cap rebar frame adopts
integrated binding and hoisting

图 7.3.1 墩帽钢筋骨架采用整体绑扎和吊装施工的墩身施工工艺流程图
7.3.2 See Fig.7.3.2 for pier body construction flow chart, of which, the pier cap rebar
frame adopts in-situ binding.
墩帽钢筋骨架采用现场绑扎施工的墩身施工 工艺流程详见“图 7.3.2 墩帽钢筋骨

Setting-out of the axle line and side line of the pier body 墩身中轴线及边线测量定线

Rebar binding of the bottom section of the pier body 墩身底节钢筋绑扎

Formwork installation of the bottom section of the pier body 安装墩身底节模板

墩(台)身施工方案 Method Statement for Construction of Pier and Abutment

Concreting and curing of the bottom section of the pier body 浇筑墩身底节混凝土、养护

Construction joint treatment and pier body rebar lengthening 施工缝处理,接长墩身钢

Formwork installation of the 2nd section of the pier body 安装墩身第二节模板

Concreting and curing of the 2nd section of the pier body 浇筑墩身第二节混凝土、养护

Circulation in sequence until completing the construction of the straight section of the pier body 依次

Scabbling treatment to the construction joint 施工缝凿毛处理

Formwork installation for pier cap 墩帽底模安装

Pier cap rebar in-situ binding 墩帽钢筋现场绑扎

Side formwork installation of the pier cap 墩帽侧模安装

Concreting and curing of the pier cap 墩帽混凝土浇筑、养护

Formwork removal 拆模

Cushion construction of the pier top bearing 墩顶支座垫石施工

图 7.3.2 墩帽钢筋骨架采用现场绑扎施工的墩身施工工艺流程图
7.4 Construction procedures 施工步骤
Set the pier body whose pier cap rebar frame adopts integrated binding and hoisting as an
example, the construction procedures are as follow:
Setting-out of the axle line and side line of the pier body→rebar binding of the bottom
section of the pier body→formwork installation of the bottom section of the pier
body→concreting and curing of the bottom section of the pier body→construction joint
treatment and pier body rebar lengthening→formwork installation of the 2 nd section of the
pier body→concreting and curing of the 2nd section→circulation in sequence until
completing the construction of the straight section of the pier body→construction joint
treatment and pier cap rebar integrated hoisting and adjusting→formwork installation of the
pier cap→concreting and curing of the pier cap→formwork removal→cushion construction
墩(台)身施工方案 Method Statement for Construction of Pier and Abutment

of the pier top bearing.


Construction joint position of the rectangular chamfer pier see the below table 7.4.1
矩形切角墩的施工缝的设置位置见下表 7.4.1。
Table 7.4.1 Construction joint setting table of piers of viaducts

表 7.4.1 高架桥墩施工缝设置表

1st 2nd 3rd

constru constru constru

Tot ction ction ction

al joint joint joint
heig Hei Heig
ht ght ht of Concr Concr concret concret concret
of of the eting eting ing ing ing
the the strai times times
ting height height height
S/ pier pier ght of the of the
N Type bod cap secti pier pier of the of the of the
序 类型 y 墩 on cap body
总次 pier pier pier
号 墩 帽 直线 墩帽浇 墩身浇

身 高 段高 筑次数 筑次数 body body body
总 度 度
高 墩身第 墩身第 墩身第
度 1 次施 2 次施 3 次施
工缝浇 工缝浇 工缝浇
筑高度 筑高度 筑高度
times times times
m m m m m m
次 次 次
1 3.0 3.0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0
2 3.5 3.0 0.5 1 1 2 0.5 0 0
3 4.0 3.0 1.0 1 1 2 1.0 0 0
4 gular 4.5 3.0 1.5 1 1 2 1.5 0 0
5 5.0 3.0 2.0 1 1 2 2.0 0 0
r pier
6 矩形切 5.5 3.0 2.5 1 1 2 2.5 0 0
7 6.0 3.0 3.0 1 1 2 3.0 0 0
8 6.5 3.0 3.5 1 1 2 3.5 0 0
9 7.0 3.0 4.0 1 1 2 4.0 0 0

墩(台)身施工方案 Method Statement for Construction of Pier and Abutment

10 7.5 3.0 4.5 1 1 2 4.5 0 0

11 8.0 3.0 5.0 1 1 2 5.0 0 0
12 8.5 3.0 5.5 1 1 2 5.5 0 0
13 9.0 3.0 6.0 1 1 2 6.0 0 0
14 9.5 3.0 6.5 1 2 3 0.5 6.0 0
15 10.0 3.0 7.0 1 2 3 1.0 6.0 0
16 10.5 3.0 7.5 1 2 3 1.5 6.0 0
17 11.0 3.0 8.0 1 2 3 2.0 6.0 0
18 11.5 3.0 8.5 1 2 3 2.5 6.0 0
19 12.0 3.0 9.0 1 2 3 3.0 6.0 0
20 12.5 3.0 9.5 1 2 3 3.5 6.0 0
21 13.0 3.0 10.0 1 2 3 4.0 6.0 0
22 13.5 3.0 10.5 1 2 3 4.5 6.0 0
23 14.0 3.0 11.0 1 2 3 5.0 6.0 0
24 14.5 3.0 11.5 1 2 3 5.5 6.0 0
25 15.0 3.0 12.0 1 2 3 6.0 6.0 0
26 15.5 3.0 12.5 1 2 3 0.5 6.0 6.0
27 16.0 3.0 13.0 1 2 3 1.0 6.0 6.0
28 16.5 3.0 13.5 1 2 3 1.5 6.0 6.0
29 17.0 3.0 14.0 1 2 3 2.0 6.0 6.0
30 17.5 3.0 14.5 1 3 4 2.5 6.0 6.0
31 18.0 3.0 15.0 1 3 4 3.0 6.0 6.0
32 18.5 3.0 15.5 1 3 4 3.5 6.0 6.0
33 19.0 3.0 16.0 1 3 4 4.0 6.0 6.0
34 19.5 3.0 16.5 1 3 4 4.5 6.0 6.0
35 20.0 3.0 17.0 1 3 4 5.0 6.0 6.0

Remarks: except for rectangular chamfer piers, the principle for pier body construction joint
section dividing is: concreting of pier cap and straight section pier body shall be in batches,
single construction height of the straight section shall not exceed 6m, and pier cap shall be
concreted once.
浇筑,墩身直线段单次施工高度不超过 6m,墩帽为一次浇筑。

墩(台)身施工方案 Method Statement for Construction of Pier and Abutment

7.5 Construction method remarks 施工方法说明

7.5.1 Bottom section construction of the pier body 墩身底节施工
① Set out on the top of the pile cap, lay out the cross line and side line of the pier
body. Check the scabbling of the interface between the pier body and the pile cap, conduct
supplementary scabbling with air pick or other scabbling equipment to the areas where green
cutting can not meet the requirements in the construction of pile cap. Scabble to 2-3cm to the
edge of the pier body, and clean the concrete surface, and check the position, size and
quantity of the pr-embedded bars.
凿毛。凿毛至墩身边缘 2-3cm 处,并将混凝土表面清理干净,同时检查墩身预埋钢筋

The subsequent procedure only can be commenced after getting the approval from CSC
在得到 CSC 工程师批准后方可进行下道工序施工。

Fig.7.5.1 construction joint scabbling

图 7.5.1 施工缝凿毛
Crawler crane or truck crane shall be employed to install the bottom section rebar,
formwork, platform and passage of the pier body. To prevent leakage in the in-situ formwork
fabrication, put up double side adhesive
4.8m tape at the joints of the interfaces. When the

墩(台)身施工方案 Method Statement for Construction of Pier and Abutment

embedded parts or formwork tie rod collide with rebar, then the position of rebar can be
adjusted appropriately.
②Strictly control the top elevation of the formwork in the construction of bottom
section of the pier body, to eliminate the effect of top elevation deviation after construction
of the pile cap.
③After completing the installation of the formwork, at the round of the inner side of
the bottom of the pier body, cement mortar with the same grade as the concrete of the pier
body shall be applied to prevent leakage at the formwork bottom during concreting. If the
deviation is wide, level with cement mortar whose grade is the same with or higher than the
concrete of the pier body prior to the installation of formwork.
④After completing, inspecting and qualifying every procedure then commence the
concreting of the bottom section. Strictly control the casting speed of the concrete ≤2.0m/h,
to prevent cement mortar rising at the chamfer of the inner side. After completing the
concreting of pier body, level the top surface to ensure that the top surface is on the same
elevation. And conduct curing to the concrete.
7.5.2 Standard section construction of the pier body 墩身标准节段施工
① Scabble the pier top to expose the fresh concrete, and clean the residues caused by
scabbling to make sure the joints are connected well. The outer side of the pier top shall not
be damaged by scabbling, boundary of scabbling shall be 2-3cm to the edge of the pier body.
Maintain the type of line of the pier top parallel and level, and maintain the joints are on the
same line, to avoid affecting the outlook of the concrete joints.
墩(台)身施工方案 Method Statement for Construction of Pier and Abutment

② For the piers which adopt combined platform and floor-type steel pipe staging
platform, the staging platform shall be lengthened to 6.0m. check and adjust the embedded
main rebar for the 1st section construction, and lengthen the main rebar of the 2nd section, and
bind the horizontal rebar.
对于采用组合式平台和落地钢筋支架脚手平台施工的桥墩,脚手平台接高 6.0m,
For the piers which adopt the integration construction of formwork and construction
platform, by using the construction platform on the formwork top of the 1 st section of the
pier body, check and adjust the embedded main rebar for the 1st section construction, and
lengthen the main rebar of the 2nd section, and bind the horizontal rebar within 3.0m of the
lower part of the 2nd section of the pier body. Complete the above procedures and report &
inspect for qualification. Set the top formwork of the 1 st section as a support to install the
3.0m formwork of the lower part of the 2nd section, and set the staging on this formwork as
an operation platform to bind the horizontal rebar within 3.0m of the upper part of the 2 nd
section. Complete the binding and report & inspect for qualification, and install the 3.0m
formwork of the upper part of the 2 nd section, set up tie rod and adjust the formwork to meet
the requirements of the Specification. Cast and cure the concrete of 6m pier body of the 2 nd
section. Set up cat ladder next to the pier body and lengthen it as the concreting of the pier
段下半部 3.0m 高范围内水平钢筋,以上完成并报验合格后以墩身第一节顶部模板作
支撑,安装墩身第二节下端 3.0m 模板,并以此模板上的脚手平台作为工作平台绑扎
第二节段上半部 3.0m 高范围内水平钢筋,绑扎完成报验合格后安装墩身第二节上端
3.0m 模板,布设拉杆并调整模板至满足规范要求。浇筑第二节 6m 墩身混凝土,养生。
③ After completing the rebar binding of the 3 rd section, formwork of the 3rd section
remain unmoved, remove and polish the formwork of the 1st and 2nd sections in sequence and
fabricate them at the top of the 3rd section to commence the construction of the 3rd section of
the pier body. Circulation as the above to complete the construction of the pier body.
墩(台)身施工方案 Method Statement for Construction of Pier and Abutment

7.5.3 Construction of pier cap 墩帽施工

Commence with the construction of pier cap after completing the straight section of the pier
For rectangular chamfer piers (Type1, Type4, Type5, Type6), the rebar shall be processed
and bound into a whole in the workshop and transported to the site by a flat-bed truck. Truck
crane or crawler crane shall be employed to hoist and adjust the rebar. The vertical main
rebar shall be bound with the main rebar of the pier body, and the horizontal rebar at the
connection section with the main rebar of the pier body shall also be bound.
For the pier caps of rectangular frame pier (Type2) and cylindrical pier (Type3), staging
method shall be adopted. After completing the construction of the straight section of the pier
body, remove all the formwork of the pier body. Employ crane to set up staging, and place
distribution beam on the staging, and lay the bottom formwork, bind the rebar, and set up the
side formwork after rebar binding, and finally cast the concrete. The construction procedure
of pier cap is: install staging for bottom formwork→install bottom formwork→rebar
binding→install side formwork→concrete casting. Rebar of pier cap shall be processed into
model in the workshop, and the completed rebar shall be transported to the pier location by a
flat-bed truck, and attention shall be paid to the rebar frame during the transportation ,
deformation is not allowed. Crawler crane or truck crane shall be employed to assist hoisting
or binding rebar for pier cap.
7.5.4 Pier top bearing cushion and constraint block construction
The bearing cushion shall adopt M50 concrete, and pier top constraint block shall adopt M35

墩(台)身施工方案 Method Statement for Construction of Pier and Abutment

concrete. Rebar of bearing cushion or constraint block shall be pr-embedded or rebar binding
of bearing cushion and constraint block shall be completed prior to the concreting
construction. Bearing cushion shall be constructed independently after concreting of pier cap
is completed and certain strength of the concrete is achieved. Bearing cushion shall be cast
once by using steel formwork. Top elevation and four-corner elevation difference of the
bearing cushion shall be strictly controlled within the requirements of the design and the
Specification. Bolts holes for the bearing shall be preserved according to the positions of the
bearing anchor bolts, depth and diameter of the preserved holes shall meet the requirements
on the bearing design drawing. Constraint block at the center of pier top shall be constructed
after the box girders at the both sides of the pier erected and sealing off and anchorage
covering completed.
支座垫石采用 M50 混凝土,墩顶约束块采用 M35 混凝土。墩顶混凝土施工前应

Fig. Scabbling in the bearing cushion area Fig. Concreting of bearing cushion
图 墩顶的支座垫石区域凿毛 图 支座垫石混凝土浇筑
7.6 Rebar processing and installation of pier body 墩身钢筋加工与安装
7.6.1 General requirements 总体要求
① Rebar cutting shall be strict accordance with the shop drawing, and the rebar
reference numbers and length of the raw material. Make overall arrangements to minimize
the loss of rebar. All kinds of rebar shall be classified and stacked by reference numbers to
墩(台)身施工方案 Method Statement for Construction of Pier and Abutment

avoid disorder.
② Rebar shall be adjusted by rebar wrench or reinforcing steel pipe, acetylene heating
adjusting is not allowed, and safety shall be secured when applying force in adjusting.
③Reinforcement raw materials and semi-finished products transported to the
construction site must be covered and cushioned to avoid corrosion caused by contact with
water source or ground and exposure to wet air.


④ Diameter of the binding wire shall not be less than 1mm for rebar binding, and the
direction of the wire shall be back to the formwork. The bind wire shall not be projected out
of the concrete surface to be an erosion source after concreting. Overlap length of rebar
binding see the below table:
钢筋绑扎时采用直径不小于 1mm 的扎丝扎结,扎丝的朝向应背向模板一侧,防
Table 7.6.1 Minimum overlap length of rebar binding
表 7.6.1 钢筋最小绑扎搭接长度
Rebar diameter (mm) Overlap length (mm) for M35
墩(台)身施工方案 Method Statement for Construction of Pier and Abutment

钢筋直径(mm) concrete
M35 混凝土搭接长度(mm)
12 500
16 700
20 850
25 1050
32 1350
⑤ Ensure that thickness of the net protective layer for rebar shall not be less than the
design requirements (minimum thickness of the out-most protective layer for rebar is
40mm). considering about the in-situ construction deformation and requirement of the
Specification, the self-made M35 concrete cushion block with 40mm thickness shall be
adopted for the rebar protective layer. Surface of the cushion block shall be clean and shall
not contaminated by oil staff, and the colour of the block shall be consistent with the outlook
of structural concrete. Blocks shall be laid in quincunx types, and shall be more than 4 nos in
each square meter, and shall be bound and fixed with the out-most rebar with binding wire.

确保钢筋净保护层厚度不小于设计要求(最外层钢筋最小保护层厚度 40mm)。
考虑到现场施工时钢筋的变形及规范要求,钢筋保护层采用项目部自制 40mm 厚的
M35 混凝土垫块。垫块表面洁净,不能受到油污的污染,垫块颜色与结构混凝土外表
一致。垫块按梅花型布置,每平米不少于 4 个,垫块安放时必须使用扎丝与最外层钢
⑥ The working staff shall be familiar with the binding sequence prior to rebar binding.
7.6.2 Rebar cutting and processing 钢筋下料和加工
Rebar of pier body, bearing cushion and constraint block shall be processed in the workshop,
and rebar cutting shall be in accordance with the requirements of design drawings,
construction joints, relevant specifications and rebar connections. Calculation of cutting
length shall be done in advance, recheck to confirm there is no error and then proceed. A
rebar sample shall be made prior to rebar cutting processing, and the sample shall be trial
bent and processed, the bending size shall be carefully checked and verified, mass
production can be proceeded in the condition that the sample is qualified. Vertical main
rebar for pier body which will be connected by adopting roll-forged straight crew thread
sleeve, the connection connects of the vertical main rebar shall be threaded according to the
sleeve size and connection requirements. In order to avoid the exposure of the steel sleeve,
the steel sleeve is installed at the same time. Half-product of the molding rebar shall be
墩(台)身施工方案 Method Statement for Construction of Pier and Abutment

stored by classification and hang with signs, and cushioned and covered according to the
requirements. Any other materials shall not be placed on top to avoid deformation due to
7.6.3 Rebar installation 钢筋安装
For the rebar installation at the straight section of the pier body, the rebar shall be processed
into model in the workshop and transported to the site by flat-bed truck. Crane shall be
employed and assisted with labour to install the pier body rebar and embedded parts (if any)
after the construction operation platform for pier body installed. The installation process
shall be instructed by professionals, to avoid safety accidents. Butt jointing of the main rebar
of the pier body shall be connected by machines, and the rebar connects shall meet the
requirements of the Specification. The stir-up bars shall be installed after the butt jointing of
the main rebar completed, connects of the upper & lower levels of the stir-up bars shall be
misaligned. Wind cables or temporary supports shall be set up if it is necessary after rebar
frame fabrication completed, to avoid rebar frame distortion or deformation. Position of the
rebar must be correct during rebar binding, a plummet shall be used to check the verticality
of the rebar frame at any time, and adjust the position in time. CSC shall be invited to
inspect after the installation.
架的垂直度,并及时调整。钢筋安装完成后邀请 CSC 检查。
There are two methods for the pier cap rebar installation:

墩(台)身施工方案 Method Statement for Construction of Pier and Abutment

Method 1: rebar of pier cap, bearing cushion and pier top constraint block shall be processed
into model in the workshop and transported to the site by flat-bed truck. After completing the
installation of construction operation platform and bottom formwork for pier cap, crane shall
be employed and assisted with labour to install rebar of pier cap, bearing cushion, constraint
block at the center of pier top and embedded parts. CSC shall be invited to inspect after the
above procedures completed.
支座垫石钢筋、墩顶约束块钢筋和预埋件安装完成后邀请 CSC 检查;
Method 2: rebar of pier cap, bearing cushion and pier top constraint block shall be processed
into model in the workshop, bound into rebar frame with the embedded parts on the mould
bed, and transported to the site by flat-bed truck. Crane shall be employed to lift the pier cap
rebar frame to the design position after the construction operation platform is installed. CSC
shall be invited to inspect after the whole pier cap rebar frame is in position.
体吊装到位后邀请 CSC 检查。

Fig.7.6.1 Pier body rebar in-situ binding Fig7.6.2 Pier cap rebar in-situ binding
图 7.6.1 墩身钢筋现场绑扎 图 7.6.2 墩帽钢筋现场绑扎

墩(台)身施工方案 Method Statement for Construction of Pier and Abutment

Fig.7.6.3 Whole pier cap rebar frame hoisting after binding fig.7.6.4 Whole pier cap rebar frame installation

图 7.6.3 墩帽钢筋骨架整体绑扎后起吊 图 7.6.4 墩帽钢筋骨架整体安装

After completing the rebar binding of each section of pier body or pier cap, the technicians
shall inspect the spacing, quantity and protective block of rebar together with CSC, and
concreting can be proceeded after the inspection is qualified.
每节段墩身或墩帽的钢筋绑扎结束后,技术员联合 CSC 对钢筋间距、数量、保护
Embedded parts include embedded pipes which are intended to form the installation holes
for bearing anchor bolts, pier body observation marks, and embedded parts for permanently
marking the positions of jacks and so on. Embedded pipes which are intended to form the
installation holes for bearing anchor bolts shall adopt PVC or other materials, length and
outer diameter of the embedded pipes shall meet the installation holes requirements for
bearing anchor bolts in the bearing design drawings. PVC pipes shall be injected with sand,
and both the ends shall be sealed with adhesive tapes. Setting out of the position of the
embedded pipes shall be accurate, positioning shall be firm to avoid movement during
concreting. The embedded pipes shall be extracted out by rotating after initial setting of the
cushion concrete. Each pier has two observation marks which are located on the two sides of
the pier body with the directions cross with the bridge, detail position see Fig.7.6.5.
observation marks of the pier body shall be 0.5m~1.0m above the ground/water surface. If
the pier is quite short or the bottom of the girder is less than 4m to the ground, the
observation marks can be set on the pier cap where corresponding to the pier marks. The
observation points shall be stainless, see Fig. 7.6.6.

墩(台)身施工方案 Method Statement for Construction of Pier and Abutment

千斤顶位置的预埋件等。用于形成支座地脚螺栓安装孔的预埋管采用 PVC 管或其它
求,PVC 管内灌沙,两端用胶带封堵;预埋管的设置需放样精确,定位牢固,防止浇
2 个,分别位于墩身横桥向两侧,具体埋设位置见图 7.6.5;墩身观测标高出地面(水
面)0.5m~1.0m 左右,当墩身较矮,或梁底距离地面不足 4m 墩身观测标可设置在墩
身标对应位置的顶帽上;墩身观测点采用不锈钢材质,如图 7.6.6。

Jessore direction

Observation mark-2

Observation mark-1

Fig.7.6.5 setting positions of the observation marks

图 7.6.5 墩身观测标埋设位置图

No. Observation Mark


Fig.7.6.6 Structure drawing of observation mark

图 7.6.6 墩身观测标结构图
7.7 Formwork construction 模板施工
7.7.1 Formwork installation 模板安装

墩(台)身施工方案 Method Statement for Construction of Pier and Abutment

Pier body formwork adopts modeled large size steel formwork, which can guarantee
adequate strength, rigidity and planeness, size of the formwork see the design drawing. Set
3.0m as a standard section height for the formwork of the straight section of the pier body,
and assisted with different adjusting sections, to meet piers with different heights.
模板设计图;墩身直线段模板按照 3.0m 作为标准分节高度, 再配以不同的调节段,
Surface of the plates shall be cleaned and release agent shall be applied prior to formwork
installation. The release agent shall be completely and evenly applied on the surface, and
shall not contaminate the cast concrete and rebar etc.
Formwork surface of the 1st section shall be compact with the concrete surface of the pier
kicker, if compactness can not be achieved, measures shall be taken to fill the seam, to
prevent leakage during concreting. Formwork portions shall be connected and fixed by
screw bolts, and the seams shall be applied with double side adhesive tape to prevent leaking
from the seams. The formwork tie rods shall adopt spiral rebar which shall be custom-made
by the tie rod type, pier body thickness, formwork structure etc., and both ends shall be
threaded and equipped with screw cap and fixed with formwork. Of the tie rods, the diagonal
rods shall wear PVC pipes to protect the concrete and facilitate extracting the rods when
removing formwork. Both the ends of the PVC pipes shall be extended to the outer side of
the formwork.
首节墩身模板面与墩身 kicker 混凝土表面密贴,若无法密贴,则采用措施将缝隙
PVC 管,便于拆除模板时抽出对拉杆和保护混凝土,安装时 PVC 管两端延伸至模板
After completing rebar installation for pier body or pier cap, then formwork can be installed
piece by piece. Installation of formwork shall abide by the principle of “further to closer,
hoisting vision not to be interrupted”, which means according to the position of the cranes,
install the formwork of the further side first, then install the formwork which is closer to the
cranes, and make sure the safety and accuracy of the installation. During the installation,

墩(台)身施工方案 Method Statement for Construction of Pier and Abutment

employ total station to verify the plane positions and elevations of the four angle points on
the cross section and the center points of the four sides of the pier body by three-dimensional
system of coordinate. When the lower formwork is accurately in position, lift the upper
formwork above the installation position and place it slowly, and push it in position
manually. When the upper formwork is aligned with the connection seam of the lower
formwork, steady and vertical, then fix them by using positioning bolts (partially connection
bolts), and roughly adjust the formwork, and then install the remaining connection bolts, but
not tighten to precisely adjust the position of the formwork. Install and position the
remaining formwork on the same level with the same method. When the whole level of
formwork is fixed temporarily, survey to check if the elevation of the formwork top and the
plane position can meet the requirements, if the requirements can not be met then adjusting
shall be continued unit the requirements can be met, and finally tighten the connection bolts.

墩(台)身施工方案 Method Statement for Construction of Pier and Abutment

Fig.7.7.1 Formwork installation

图 7.7.1 墩身模板安装
7.7.2 Removal of formwork 模板拆除
Time of removing formwork shall be determined by the features of the structure, position of
the formwork and the strength the concrete has achieved. Unless the concrete has achieved
the strength which is two times of the expected loading capacity, the formwork shall not be
removed. Removing of formwork shall be at the consent of the Consultant engineer.
Removing of the formwork which is at the straight section shall abide by the principle of
“from upper part to lower part, piece by piece and portion by portion, hanging first and then
removing”. to ensure the formwork installation of the subsequent section, the top section
formwork shall not be removed.
During formwork removing, the concrete surface and edges and corners shall be protected,
hammering is not allowed, and levering is not allowed with the pier concrete as a supporting
point, to avoid vibration, disturbance and damage to the concrete. Cranes shall be employed
to remove the formwork piece by piece, and hoist the pieces to a leveled ground. Clear the
concrete stick to the formwork and apply release agent for use.
墩(台)身施工方案 Method Statement for Construction of Pier and Abutment

7.8 Concrete construction 混凝土施工
7.8.1 Technical indexes of concrete 混凝土技术指标
① Concrete strength grade of pier body, abutment and constraint block shall be M35, the
slump shall be 180~220mm.
墩身、桥台和约束块混凝土强度等级为 M35,坍落度为 180~220mm。
② Concrete strength grade of bearing cushion shall be M50, the slump shall be 180 ~
支座垫石混凝土强度等级为 M50,坍落度为 180~220m。
③ Temperature of concrete in formwork shall not exceed 30℃.
入模温度不超过 30℃。
④ Select OPC52.5 common Portland low alkali cement, and the performance indexes of
the cement shall meet the requirements of the Specification.
选用 OPC52.5 普通硅酸盐低碱水泥,水泥的性能指标应符合规范要求。
⑤ Fine aggregates: choose the natural medium sand which has reasonable grading, even
and strong quality, low water absorption and smaller porosity, the modulus of fineness shall
be 2.0~3.5, soil content shall not be more than 3.0%. coarse aggregates: choose the clean
stones which has reasonable grading, excellent particle size, even and strong quality and low
linear expansivity, the total content of acicular and schistose particles shall not be more than
35%, soil content shall not be more than 1.0%.
其细度模数 2.0~3.5,含泥量不大于 3.0%。粗骨料:选用级配合理、粒径良好、质地
均匀坚固、线胀系数小的洁净碎石,针、片状颗粒总含量不大于 35%,含泥量不大于
7.8.2 Concrete production 混凝土生产
Concrete for the foundation and substructure between CH7+171.615 ~CH17+999.27 of V1
shall be supplied by 1# batching plant, and concrete for the foundation and substructure
between CH17+999.27~CH23+953.27 shall be supplied by 2# batching plant. Concrete for
the foundation and substructure between CH41+475.263 ~ CH44+52.391 of V2 shall be
supplied by 3# batching plant. Concrete for the foundation and substructure between
CH50+733.373 ~ CH54+766.448 of V3 shall be supplied by 4# batching plant. Concrete

墩(台)身施工方案 Method Statement for Construction of Pier and Abutment

shall be transported to the site by mixer trucks, and during the transporting the concrete shall
be kept mixing to avoid segregation, and the temperature of concrete in formwork shall be
controlled not exceed 30℃.
V1 高架桥 CH7+171.615~CH17+999.27 范围基础及下部结构由 1 号混凝土拌合站
生产供应,CH17+999.27~CH23+953.27 范围基础及下部结构由 2 号混凝土拌合站生
产供应;V2 高架桥 CH41+475.263~CH44+52.391 范围基础及下部结构由 3 号混凝土
拌合站生产供应;V3 高架桥 CH50+733.373~CH54+766.448 范围基础及下部结构由 4
进行搅拌,防止离析,混凝土入模温度控制不得高于 30℃。
7.8.3 Concrete casting 混凝土浇筑
Formwork, rebar and embedded parts shall be checked carefully prior to concreting, and
records shall be kept. Concreting can be proceeded in the condition that the requirements of
design and the Specification are met.
Temperature and slump of the concrete transported to site shall be tested, and concrete
blocks shall be made, and work-ability of the concrete shall be inspected. Concrete can be
used only in the conditions that the above indexes are qualified.
Truck pump, floor-type pump or hopper shall be used for concreting casing.
Casting of concrete shall adopt the method of horizontal stratification, and the stratification
thickness shall be no more than 45cm. Free falling height of the concrete shall not exceed
2m, tremie shall be used to concrete if the free falling height exceeds 2m.
混凝土采用水平分层法浇筑,分层厚度不大于 45cm,混凝土的自由下落高度不
应超过 2m,如果混凝土的下落高度超过 2m,须采用串筒进行浇筑。
Internal vibrators shall be used for concrete vibration. In concrete vibration, to avoid seams
being formed, the internal vibrator shall be inserted 5cm ~10cm into the lower level when
the upper level is being cast. The vibrator shall be fast insert and slowly withdrawn, and the
movement space shall not be 1.5 times of the effect radius of the vibrator. The insert points
shall be even or into lines or interlocking movement to avoid missing vibration. Each
vibration shall be around 20 ~ 30s, to avoid less-vibration or over-vibration. After
墩(台)身施工方案 Method Statement for Construction of Pier and Abutment

completing vibration, withdraw the vibrator slowly with it is still vibrating. The concrete
shall be vibrated compactly, and the positive signs of compactness are: the concrete no
longer sink, no bubbling and the surface start bleeding.
式振捣器伸入到下层 5cm~10cm;振动棒要快插慢抽,移动间距不大于振动棒作用半
径的 1.5 倍;振捣时插点均匀、成行或交错式移动,以免漏振;每一次振动时间约 20
Distance of 5 ~ 10cm shall be kept between the vibrator and the side form to avoid
deformation of the side form caused by the vibration or colliding with the formwork, rebar,
embedded parts etc.
振捣棒与侧模保持 5~10cm 的距离,防止侧模受振动器影响而发生变成或碰撞模
Concreting shall be continuous, if it has to be interrupted by certain causes, the interruption
time shall not exceed the initial setting time. Make sure that the concrete at the lower level is
covered by the concrete at the upper level within the initial setting time, and vibration shall
be intensified to ensure the compactness of the concrete. During the rainy season, to avoid
interruption caused by rain storm, tarpaulin shall be furnished prior to construction and cover
the concrete when it is raining.
The concrete surface shall be finished and leveled after concreting, two times of finishing
shall be conducted to avoid cracks occur on the surface, the first finishing shall be done close
to the initial setting, the second finishing shall be done close to the final setting.

墩(台)身施工方案 Method Statement for Construction of Pier and Abutment

Fig. Pier body concreting Fig7.8.3.2 Pier cap concreting

图 墩身混凝土浇筑图 图 墩帽混凝土浇筑
7.8.4 Concrete curing 混凝土养护

Curing to the concrete shall be done after the concreting completed. Prior to the removal of
formwork, cover the top with geotextile and water it, to keep the concrete in a wet condition
all the time. If it is the time to remove formwork and the duration has exceeded 14 days after
concreting, the curing time can meet the requirements, then the concrete surface curing is not
necessary to be continued. If it is the time to remove formwork and the duration is less than
14 days after concreting, then the concrete surface (vertical lateral side) shall be wrapped up
by PVC membrane to keep wet prior to the removal of formwork, and the concrete surface
shall be watered to be wet before wrapped up by PVC membrane. As the membrane can
prevent water being evaporated, regular watering is not necessary, and the concrete top
surface shall be covered by geotextile and cured by watering.
布并洒水养护,保持混凝土始终处于湿润状态。若模板拆除时混凝土浇筑时间超过 14
除时混凝土浇注时间少于 14 天,则模板拆除后,混凝土外表面(竖直侧面)养护采

7.9 Repair of Appearance for Concrete 混凝土外观修补

The following principles shall be strictly executed when repair is carried out:
墩(台)身施工方案 Method Statement for Construction of Pier and Abutment

1 The repair can only be carried out with instructions from CSC engineers.
任何修补需得到 CSC 工程师表面检查后才能进行;
② Request for inspection after removal of formwork, and repair shall better be executed in
the early stages to ensure good mating effect between the fresh and old concrete.
③ Use proper repair agent according to the types of defects.
④ Curing of the concrete surface after repair shall be well protected to prevent other
construction activities from affecting its strength and mating effect.
⑤ The repair area shall be limited so as not to induce second-time pollution or damage to the
⑥ For prefabricated parts to be repaired, experience must be drawn from previous tasks so as
to ensure that the concrete surface after treatment meet specifications.
⑦Analyze the causes of defects, and execute quality control from the source so as to
minimize the quantity of repair.
7.9.1 Repair Procedures 修补流程
①Repair procedures for appearance
Check of concrete surface→ preparation→ surface finishing→ logging of record→
inspection and acceptance.
②Repair procedures for concrete

墩(台)身施工方案 Method Statement for Construction of Pier and Abutment

Selection of repair agent Check of concrete surface

修补材料选择 混凝土表面检查

Test of mix design for repair agent Division of repair areas

修补材料配合比试验 修补区域划分

Test of repair technologies Execute repair

修补工艺试验 执行缺陷修补

Logging of records


Inspection and acceptance 修


Fig 7.1-8 Flow Chart of Repair Procedures

图 7.1-8 修补施工流程图
7.9.2 Finishing, Types of Defects and Repair Technologies
With the presence of CSC engineers, inspect the surface defects and cracks on concrete
members and log the type, position, level of defect, crack length and width, inspection date
and concrete casting date, also log the repair activities.
在 CSC 工程师在场见证下,对混凝土构件表面缺陷进行检查,登记缺陷类型、缺
7.9.3 Repair of Concrete Defects 混凝土缺陷修补
① Repair materials 修补材料
For different types of defects, select the materials according to table7.9.1.
针对不同类型的缺陷,采用如表 7.9.1 所示不同的原材料
Table 7.9.1Mix Design of Repair Agent
墩(台)身施工方案 Method Statement for Construction of Pier and Abutment

Numbe Name Material Mix Note
r 编号 名称 材料 配合比 备注
Anti-corrosion of
M35 Thick Field Test exposed rebar of
Cement + water Brush
1 Cement Slurry Determination embedded rebar
水泥+水 涂刷
M35 水泥稠浆 现场试验确定 预埋钢筋等外露
M35 和 M50
Cement + sand + Field Test
Cement mortar Brush/ smear
2 water Determination
M35 和 M50 水泥 涂刷/抹压
水泥+砂+水 现场试验确定
For holes and
damaged edges
M35 和 M50 fine and corners with a
Sika Field test
aggregate concrete Pouring size of more than
3 214+aggregate determination
M35 和 M50 细骨 浇筑 10mm
Sika 214+骨料 现场试验确定
料混凝土 超过 100mm 孔

For voids, holes
and damaged
Surface repair Painting/ edges and corners
liquid Fosroc Renderoc smearing with a size of less
4 厂家提供
表面修补浆 FC 涂刷/抹压 than 10mm 气
泡和小于 10mm
Crack closed Manufacturers
Radcon Brush/Spray
5 Adhesive to provide
Formula#7 涂刷/喷涂
裂缝封闭胶 厂家提供
For holes and
damaged edges
and corners with a
Repair mortar 修 Pouring/ smear
Fosroc Renderoc Manufacturer size between
6 补砂浆 浇筑/抹压
HSXtra 厂家提供 10mm and 100mm
超过 10mm、小
于 100mm 孔洞、
Manufacturers Painting/
Bonding agent
7 Nitobond EP to provide spraying 涂
厂家提供 刷/喷涂

③ Types of defects and repair measures


墩(台)身施工方案 Method Statement for Construction of Pier and Abutment

Types of
S/N Symptoms Repair Measures Causes and Precautions
序号 缺陷表现情况 缺陷修补措施 原因及预防
①If there is slurry leakage around rod holes, the non- Reason:
compacted concrete shall be removed, and with a brush to 原因:
remove the concrete residue. Required by structural design.
如存在拉杆孔周边漏浆情况,将孔洞周围不密实混凝 模板结构设计需要。
Rod Hole 土剔除,用毛刷清除混凝土残渣。 Precaution:
拉杆孔 ②Wet rod holes with water, then use cement mortar to fill 预防措施:
the hole, and compact. Optimize design to minimize the use of inserted rods
用水润湿拉杆孔洞,使用水泥砂浆填补孔洞,抹压密 inside concrete.
实。 尽可能优化设计避免在混凝土内部设置拉杆。

①For small flecks on the concrete surface, repair is not ①Formwork surface is not cleaned up.
required. But if the concrete at the fleck area is loosened, 模板表面未清理干净。
②Release agent is not used properly.
execute repair according to Item 4. 对于混凝
土表面存在小面积斑点,不需要进行修复。如果斑点 Precautions:
Chromatic 处混凝土松动,应按照下表第 4 项修复方法进行修
2 aberration 预防措施:
复。 ①Polish the formwork to rid rust. Before the release
色差 ②When there is big chromatic aberration, grind carefully
agent is used, wash the formwork, and keep the
with abrasive paper and then wipe clean with nylon cloth.
formwork clean before concreting. 对
②Use approved release agent in a proper way.

墩(台)身施工方案 Method Statement for Construction of Pier and Abutment

Types of
S/N Symptoms Repair Measures Causes and Precautions
序号 缺陷表现情况 缺陷修补措施 原因及预防
For voids with a dia. More than 10mm, repair is required. ①Workability of concrete is not good.
For voids with a dia. less than 10mm, but close to each 混凝土和易性不好。
other, and surface is not even, dense or smooth, repair is ②Not enough vibrating during concreting.
also required. 浇筑过程中振捣不足。
直 径 大 于 10mm 的 气 泡 需 要 进 行 修 补 , 气 泡 小 于 Precautions:
10mm 但距离较近,表面不够均匀、致密、光滑,也 预防措施:
应进行修复。 ①Control batching of concrete to maintain good
①Use knife to rid of rough edges around the voids. 用 workability.
灰刀将气泡边缘的毛边剔除。 控制好混凝土搅拌,确保良好的和易性。
Bubble ②Spray water to wet the concrete surface and clean up, ②Strength control of vibrating. Vibrating time shall be
气泡 then blow dry. long enough but avoid over-vibrating. 加
喷水将混凝土表面湿润并清理干净,吹干表面。 强混凝土振捣控制,确保振捣时间充足但是不过
③Mix mortar according to manufacturer’s instructions, 振。
and use scraper blade to take small amount of cement ③During vibrating, the vibrating needle shall be quickly
based mortar to fill in the voids, then squeeze and inserted but slowly withdrawn to ensure air can be
compact, and scrape away the surplus mortar. discharged from the concrete surface. 振捣
按照生厂商指示配制砂浆, 用小刮刀刮取适量水泥基 过程中振捣棒快插慢拔,确保气泡能够从混凝土表
砂浆填入气孔中,并用刮刀挤压贴实,并刮除结构物 面排出。

墩(台)身施工方案 Method Statement for Construction of Pier and Abutment

Types of
S/N Symptoms Repair Measures Causes and Precautions
序号 缺陷表现情况 缺陷修补措施 原因及预防
①Mark the actual scope of the area of honeycomb and pitted surface with slate Reasons:
pencil, and mark an area that is 15mm larger than the previously marked area 原因:
as repair area. ①Not enough vibrating.
用石笔在混凝土表面标记出蜂窝麻面的实际范围,然后在距蜂窝麻面外 振捣不足。
围至少 15mm 处标记为修补区域。 ②Big gap between formworks,
②Cut out an incision of 10mm deep according to the mark to isolate the causing mortar overflow.
problematic area, in case the repair material to form a plane of weakness. 模板缝隙大使得混凝土中砂浆
按照标记切割出 10mm 深的切口,隔离出问题区域,防止修复材料形成 流出。
薄弱边。 Precautions:
③Chisel or peel away the un-compacted concrete within the repair area using 预防措施:
small chisel or other tools, then remove the cement mortar on the surface of the ①Strength control of vibrating.
honeycomb area. Vibrating time shall be long
and pitted
4 用小凿子或其他工具对修补区域内未压实的混凝土进行凿削,直至混凝 enough but avoid over-vibrating
土完好为止,然后去除蜂窝区域表面的水泥浆。 加强混凝土振捣控制,确保振
④Joint inspection with CSC engineers and then carry out repair work. 捣时间充足但是不过振。
与 CSC 进行联合检查,以便进行下一阶段维修工作。 ②The joints between formworks
⑤Use brush to clean up the remaining concrete, and the flush clean with water. shall be sealed firmly to prevent
用刷子清洗剩余的混凝土,用水冲洗干净。 mortar leakage. Bonding agent on
⑥Use mortar to repair according to the manufacturer’s instructions. the concrete surface or rebar shall
根据生厂商指示,使用砂浆进行修复。 be removed permanently. 模板
⑦If the defect is severe, NCR shall be issued. The repair work shall be carried 连接处应密封好,防止砂浆漏
out according to the specified procedures stated in the NCR. 当缺 出。在混凝土表面或者钢筋上
陷比较大时,应该提交不合格报告,提出缺陷问题。后续工作只能按照 的粘合剂将被永久除去。

墩(台)身施工方案 Method Statement for Construction of Pier and Abutment

Types of
S/N Symptoms Repair Measures Causes and Precautions
序号 缺陷表现情况 缺陷修补措施 原因及预防
①Use sander to grind the extruded parts without damaging Reason:
the rebar protective layer. 在不影响钢筋 原因:
保护层的情况下,采用打磨机直接对凸出部分进行磨 Deformation of formwork.
Due to 削。 模板变形。
formwork ②Use abrasive paper to grind, clean with water, then use Precaution:
deformation, the nylon cloth to clean up the polished area. 用砂纸 预防措施:
surfaces of 打磨,再用水清洗,然后使用尼龙纸清洁抛光区域。 Weekly check to ensure there is no deformed
几何尺寸不 formwork.
prefabricated ③Replace or repair the formwork that cause dents or
concrete damages on concrete to keep the surface consistent and 每周检查一遍,确保没有变形的模板。
slabsmay have even. 修理或更换造成的混
5 Wrong
bulges. 由于 凝土凹损部位的模板,以确保模板表面一致均匀。
and concrete 模板的变形, ④For bulges, repair according to Item 4 and at the same
bulges 预制混凝土板 time rectify deformed formwork.
的混凝土表面 表面压痕隆起造成的鼓泡,使用第 4 项方法,同时纠正
可能出现一些 畸形的模板。
不均匀的鼓包 ⑤If the deformation of formwork is severe, the concrete
现象. protective layer might be weakened. Use detector to
check the thickness of the protective layer.

墩(台)身施工方案 Method Statement for Construction of Pier and Abutment

Types of
S/N Symptoms Repair Measures Causes and Precautions
序号 缺陷表现情况 缺陷修补措施 原因及预防
For faulting height <10mm, no treatment is required. For Reasons:
faulting height ≥10mm, use portable grinder to level the 原因:
raised part to have a smooth jointing surface. 1. Formwork joint is not smooth.
错台高度<10mm 时可不做处理;当错台高度≥10mm 1.模板接缝不平顺;
时,采用手提式打磨机将错台高出部分磨平,使相接 2. Formwork swelling occurs during pouring
面平滑过渡。 2.浇筑时发生涨模。
Precautionary measures:
Before and during pouring, strictly inspect the fixation
Faulting of of formwork to ensure that the joint is smooth and
6 joints fixation firm.
错台 浇筑前和浇筑过程中严格检查模板固定情况,确保

墩(台)身施工方案 Method Statement for Construction of Pier and Abutment

Types of
S/N Symptoms Repair Measures Causes and Precautions
序号 缺陷表现情况 缺陷修补措施 原因及预防
7.1 For damages or defects more than 100mm deep: 超过 100mm Reasons:
深的损坏或缺陷: 原因:
①Cut an incision of 15mm deep around the defect area to prevent the Deformation of formwork.
formation of plane of weakness. Clean up the concrete around the 模板变形。
incision. For areas with exposed rebar, chisel concrete to 10mm Treatment is not careful.
below the exposed rebar.在缺陷边缘区域切割 15mm 深的切口, 处理不够细致。
防止修复材料形成薄弱边,清除锯口处混凝土。钢筋外露的地 Removal of formwork is not careful.
方,混凝土凿除至外露钢筋以下 10mm。 模板拆除操作不够小心。
②Clean up the chippings at the damage or defect area, wet with water Removal of formwork is too early.
and clean up. Blow dry of the surface then apply binding agent. 过早拆除模板。
Angular ③Set up formwork at the damage or defect area, batch fine aggregate Precautions:
7 defect concrete according to mix design, then cast concrete into the 预防措施:
棱角缺损 formwork and cure. 在损坏或缺陷处竖立模板,按照所需 ①Abide by the time specified in the method
的混合设计配制细骨料混凝土,然后将混凝土浇筑到模板中, statement, and remove carefully of the
做好养生。 formworks to maintain enough strength of
7.2 For damages or defects between 10mm deep and 100mm deep: concrete.
超过 10mm 深和低于 100mm 深的损坏或缺陷: 严格遵守方案规定时间,小心拆除模板,
①Cut an incision of 15mm deep around the defect area to prevent the 确保混凝土具有足够强度。
formation of plane of weakness. Clean up the concrete around the ②During removal of formwork, protect the
incision. For areas with exposed rebar, chisel concrete to 10mm segments carefully.
below the exposed rebar.在缺陷边缘区域切割 15mm 深的切口, 拆模过程仔细保护节段梁。
③Removal of formwork and hoisting of
segments shall be instructed by site
方,混凝土凿除至外露钢筋以下 10mm。
engineers and foremen.由现场工程师及领

墩(台)身施工方案 Method Statement for Construction of Pier and Abutment

Types of
S/N Symptoms Repair Measures Causes and Precautions
序号 缺陷表现情况 缺陷修补措施 原因及预防

②Clean up the chippings at the damage or defect area, wet with water and clean up, then
blow dry of the surface.
③Set up formwork at the damage or defect area, mix mortar, cast into the formwork and
then repair and harden according to manufacturer’s instructions.
7.3 For damages or defects less than 10mm deep
有低于 10mm 深的损坏或缺陷:
①Cut an incision of 15mm deep around the defect area to prevent the formation of plane
of weakness. Clean up the concrete around the incision. For areas with exposed rebar,
chisel concrete to 10mm below the exposed rebar.在缺陷边缘区域切割 15mm 深的切
除至外露钢筋以下 10mm。
②Use scraper blade to take small amount of mortar to fill the damage or defect area, and
repair and harden according to manufacturer’s instructions.
7.4 Damage to concrete end
①Check the damage together with CSC engineers, and with the consent of CSC
engineers, carry out follow-up actions. If incision is unrequired, cast concrete into the
gap for repair. If not possible, repair according to Item7.1, 7.2 and 7.3.
进行修复,在缝隙里现场浇筑混凝土修复损坏部分;如果不行,则需要 按照第
7.1 和第 7.2 和第 7.3 项程序修复损坏。

墩(台)身施工方案 Method Statement for Construction of Pier and Abutment

Types of
S/N Symptoms Repair Measures Causes and Precautions
序号 缺陷表现情况 缺陷修补措施 原因及预防
①Concreting is suspended or stopped for a long time.
①Concreting shall be continuous and the suspension
time shall be short.
Cold joints Evaluate the casting lines and cold joints according to 连续浇筑混凝土。缩短中断时间。
8 冷缝 their actual conditions. ②Enhance training to shorten concreting time.
浇注线和冷缝应根据具体情况进行评估。 加强工人培训,缩短浇筑时间。
③Due to discontinuous concreting, the concrete is
hardened. Stop concreting and apply retarder or
conduct dabbing, as construction joints, then resume

9.1 If the crack width is not less than 0.1mm and the Reasons:
混凝土表面 surface is not deep: 如果裂缝宽度 原因:
裂纹 ≥0.1mm,在表面且不深: ①Workability of concrete is not good.
9 Cracks of ①On concrete top/horizontal plane, paint sealant on cracks 混凝土和易性不好。
concrete using 15mm-wide (or other proper size) brush one or two ②Over-vibrating causes excessive fine powder on
surface times till crack is properly sealed. concrete surface.

墩(台)身施工方案 Method Statement for Construction of Pier and Abutment

Types of
S/N Symptoms Repair Measures Causes and Precautions
序号 缺陷表现情况 缺陷修补措施 原因及预防
在混凝土顶部/水平面上,将裂缝封闭胶涂在裂缝上, 过度捣振使得混凝土表面产生过量细粉。
使用 15mm 宽(或其他适当宽度)的刷子,根据需要 ③Curing is not sufficient.
涂刷 1 或 2 次,直至裂缝密封妥当。 养护不足。
②On concrete side/vertical plane, paint sealant on cracks ④The removal of concrete protective layer is too early,
using 15mm-wide (or other proper size) brush one or two and because of the influence of quickened evaporation
times till crack is properly sealed. and heat, crack is more likely to occur.
在混凝土侧立/垂直面上,将裂缝封闭胶涂在裂缝上, 过早取掉混凝土覆盖层,加速蒸发和热效应影响,
使用 15mm 宽(或其他适当宽度)的刷子或者喷涂根 增加开裂的风险。
据需要涂抹 1 或 2 次,直至裂缝密封妥当。 Precautions:
After painting, curing of sealant for cracks according to 预防措施:
manufacturer’s instructions. ①Control well of the mix ratio of concrete to maintain
good workability.
②Avoid over-vibrating to prevent excessive fine powder
9.2 If the crack crosses a whole section and is not less
from getting on the surface and increase the risk of
than 0.1mm, re-prefabrication is required. 如果
预制。 风险。
7 days after concreting, check cracks and identify and log ③Curing immediately after repair to maintain
cracks with a width of more than 0.05mm. After 28 days, continuous curing.
if crack width is less than 0.1mm, no repair is required.
浇筑 7 天后,一同对裂缝进行检查,并识别并记录宽 ④Set up cover during curing to reduce evaporation.
度 大于 0.05mm 的 裂缝 。 28 天后 ,如 果裂 缝宽 度 在养护期间适当覆盖,以减少蒸发。

墩身施工方案 Method Statement for Pier

8. Safety production measures 安全生产措施

According to the actual situation of this section, the identified security priorities are:
Prevention of falling accidents; prevention of lifting injuries; prevention of mechanical
injuries; prevention of electric shock accidents; prevention of traffic accidents.

① The main construction management personnel should be licensed, site operators must
undergo safety training and pre-job education. Foreign laborers after safety training and education,
for on-the-job operations.

② Establish and improve the production safety guarantee system, establish

and improve the production safety responsibility system, clarify the
responsibilities of personnel at all levels, and achieve a clear division of
labor and responsibilities to the people.
③ Strengthen the safety education of workers, improve their safety
awareness, firmly "establish the idea of safety first", and adhere to the
policy of "safety production, prevention first".
④ Conscientiously implement standardized operation, carry out the
construction of safety and quality standard sites, and improve civilized
construction. Serious construction work discipline and labor discipline, to
eliminate illegal command and illegal operation.
⑤ When carrying out work at height, use scaffolding, scaffolding boards,
hangers, ladders, springboards, safety belts, etc. according to the specific

墩身施工方案 Method Statement for Pier

situation. Set up safety facilities such as railings or safety nets at the

⑥ Anyone engaged in working at height must undergo regular physical
examination. Construction personnel wear helmets, fasten safety belts, and set
up protective facilities such as anti-fall protection nets to prevent personal
safety accidents.

8. Quality Management 质量管理

① All the materials used in the works shall meet the relevant requirements in the Employer’s
Requirements. Materials shall be sampled and tested according to the required rate. Details of the
material quality management see the QA plan and ITP of this project.
进行取样和测试。有关材料质量管理的详情可参考本项目 QA 计划和 ITP。
② All construction personnel take part in this project shall receive relevant training prior to
construction. And technical disclosure and quality standard disclosure shall be executed to the
construction personnel.
③ Documents management shall meet the requirements of QA, each procedure shall consist
of checklist, record list and RFI. See the QA plan for details.
文件管理需遵守 QA 要求进行,每道工序均应由检查表,记录表和 RFI 组成。具体
情况,详见 QA 计划。
④ Enhance the process control, fulfill the post responsibility system rank by rank, and the
responsibilities shall be distributed to individuals.
⑤ Strictly control the quality of raw materials, unqualified material must not be used.
⑥ All construction machinery and equipment shall be inspected and maintained, and kept in
墩身施工方案 Method Statement for Pier

a good condition. And intensify the maintenance during construction to ensure the construction can
be executed smoothly.
⑦ Construction joints shall be roughened, and the concrete laitance and loose layer shall be
chiselled away to expose the coarse aggregates.
⑧ Quantity of rebar in pier body shall not be less than the design quantity, and the rebar
connects shall not be on the same cross section, shall be staggered. The protective layer shall meet
the design requirements, grade of the protective layer block shall be the same as the concrete of
pier body. Embedded bars position shall meet the construction of pier body.
⑨ Four sides of the formwork shall be smooth, verticality, planeness and cleanness and
position deviation shall meet the requirements of the technical Specification. Release agent shall be
applied prior to concreting, and waster engine oil is restricted.
⑩ Temperature of concrete of pier body shall not exceed 30℃, mixing water shall adopt ice
or cooling water device, aggregates shall be covered from sunshine. Concrete mixer truck shall be
covered with geotextile and watered. Concrete pouring shall be even to avoid segregation.
Vibration shall be even to avoid miss-vibration or less-vibration.
墩身混凝土温度不应超过 30℃,拌合用水应采取加冰或冷水装置,粗细集料应采取

9. HSE Management HSE 管理

9.1 Safety Management Measures and Occupational Health 安全与健康管理
① Field operators should accept safety training and strengthen pre-entry education and
disclosure of safety and technology.
②Provide adequate safety facilities and labor protection equipment and provide
墩身施工方案 Method Statement for Pier

adequate heatstroke prevention products for high temperature construction.

③All operators should strictly abide by relevant safety rules, improve safety awareness
and eliminate unsafe factors.
④ Lifting work shall be carried out by specially designated personnel.
⑤Machines, equipment and vehicles should be repaired and maintained regularly
during use.
⑥ The lifting machinery should stop working under strong breeze and above.
起重机械应在 6 级以上的强风下应停止作业;
⑦ Provide adequate lighting for night-time construction.
⑧ Closed management is carried out in the test area, and idlers are prohibited from
⑨ The safety belt must be fastened for work 2 meters or more above the ground. The
safety belt should be hung on the top firmly and reliably, and the height should not be lower
than the waist.
距地面 2 米及 2 米以上高处作业必须系好安全带,将安全带挂在上方牢固可靠处,
⑩ All field operators should be equipped with safety equipment, including helmets.
⑪ The warning signboards should be placed at the construction site.
 ⑫ Handle well in construction site management. Residents and unrelated persons are
not allowed to enter the construction site. No external unit or individual may enter the
construction site without permission.
⑬Make scientific and reasonable labor schedule and reasonably arrange work intensity

墩身施工方案 Method Statement for Pier

for labor.
⑭Refer to the HSE management measures of sub-section works for relevant
 ⑮ Refer to HSMP (Health and Safety Management Plan) for relevant measures.
⑯Risk Assessments & Hazard Identification & Mitigation Measures Of Test Pier
Operation is shown in the table below.
Table 9.1-1:Risk Assessments & Hazard Identification & Mitigation Measures

墩身施工方案 Method Statement for Pier

墩身施工方案 Method Statement for Pier

Working Equipment or Risk

序号 Source of risk Event Existing control measures
procedure material level
Solid foundation
1 Installation and Scaffolding Instability Collapse
Safety design Low
remove of
Personnel falling Wear safety belt;
2 scaffolding / high place operation
down install handrail; In
3 Reinforcement Instability Collapse Cable wind rope In
4 Rebar Installation Tool or other object Drop out Object strike Wear glove Wear helmet High
Personnel falling Wear safety belt; In
5 / high place operation
down install handrail;
6 Formwork Instability Collapse Bolt installation fully Low
7 Tool or other object Drop out Object strike Wear glove Wear helmet High
Installation and Personnel falling Wear safety belt; In
8 / high place operation
remove of down install handrail;
9 Wire rope Breakage Equipment protection Low
formwork Lifting
Lifting operation Wire rope
10 machinery Safe operating procedure In
Pouring Leakage protector Replace the leakage
11 Electric shock In
Electricity failure protector
12 Line breakage Electric shock Use qualified wires In
13 Transportation Mechanical failure Lifting damage Equipment protection l Low
14 Operational violation Lifting damage Safe operating procedure Low
15 Noise other damage Personal protective In

墩身施工方案 Method Statement for Pier

16 Mechanical failure Lifting damage Equipment protection Low
17 Lifting Operational violation Lifting damage Safe operating procedure In
Personal protective
18 machinery Noise other damage In
19 Oil Open fire Fire Safe operating procedure Low

墩身施工方案 Method Statement for Pier

9.2 Special Environmental Protection Plan (SEMP) 具体环境保护计划

⑴Publicity and education to improve the environmental awareness of the management
and construction personnel.
⑵In the dry season, spray water to reduce dust.
⑶Refer to the HSE management measures of sub-section works for relevant
information. 关于其它相关内容,详见各分项
⑷Refer to the following plans for addressing specific environment concerns:
①Leakage Management Plan
②Dust Suppression Management Plan
③Noise Management Plan
④Waste Management Plan
Table 9.2-1:Environmental protection measures

No Hazards Measures
序号 危害项目 措施
Air quality and Spray water on the construction access roads to reduce dust.
dust Speed limit of car is 20km/h to reduce dust
空气质量及灰 对施工便道采取洒水降尘措施;车速限制在 20Km/h,以免
尘 引起过大的灰尘;
Temporary dumboards shall be installed in mosques, schools,
and dense populated areas and other sensitive areas to maintain
noise levels ≤ 60 dB (Bangladesh standard). If it is beyond
Noise pollution normal, the construction time is limited and good soundproofing
噪音污染 equipment is required.
板,保持噪音在≤60 dB(孟加拉国标准)水平。如果超出正

墩身施工方案 Method Statement for Pier

No Hazards Measures
序号 危害项目 措施
The accommodation area should be kept away from the water
source. Take effective measures such as providing septic tanks,
water pollution
3 garbage bags, and other sanitation facilities.
Provide personal protective equipment (such as protective
clothing, safety shoes, helmets, masks, gloves, goggles, etc.) to
construction workers.
Store containers shall be placed in clearly marked temporary
storage site to prevent vehicles or heavy machinery from
running over. The temporary storage area preferably has a
certain inclination or is equipped with a drainage ditch. If a leak
Fuel and
occurs, the raw material can be discharged into a safe area.
4 Take precautions when handling and storing fuels and lubricants
to avoid environmental pollution.
Cement shall be kept in cement tank and filters need to be
installation to avoid leakage. Storage, mixing and loading area
must be large enough to avoid dust spread.
5 activities


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