The Towers of The Weretoads
The Towers of The Weretoads
The Towers of The Weretoads
Adventurers needing a reason outside of the love of ruin exploration to journey to the Towers may be
tempted by; rumors of the Weretoads scooping great masses of treasure from the lake’s bottom and
storing it in the Towers, Rewards offered by locals whom suffer on-going attacks by the Weretoads, Or
rumors that remnants and artifacts of a lake-based cult/ancient religion, worship of “The Sunken One”
are to be found there.
Weretoads have two forms (See directly below for description and Page 6 for Stats) :
The Weretoads that inhabit the towers will be more awake, alert and active during lowtide which is
essentially nighttime. This is when their curse causes them to appear as full Toadmen. During the dark
hours, they will be much more cognizant and aggressive, taking the fight to any would-be intruders.
Weretoads appear as near-naked slimy, warty, idiotic men during the daylight hours. They are very
drowsy at this time. As men, they can be communicated with although they still do not appreciate
intruders. Allow a reaction roll for Weretoads in this form and role play them as very dull and belligerent
beings that just barely speak Common. In all forms they are extremely protective and loving of any of
their spawn (misshapen Weretoad young, tadpoles of various mutation and eggs).
The map has various references to “Misshapen Weretoads”. These are unfortunate creatures for whom
the Weretoad mutation has not properly taken form. They will appear as a tortured mix of a human child
and a toad. Describe them as pitiful and malformed as possible.
All Weretoads beneath the water level (in the flooded basement) will be in Weretoad form. The flooded
basement is essentially a soup of zygotes, with the Weretoads constantly expulsing eggs and sperm with
abandon. The Weretoads above ground will spend much of their time scooping up pots of Weretoad
tadpoles and embryos. They will attend to them and eventually tip them into the lake when they have
grown enough to survive its waters.
All doors marked on the map are crude stone doors on rusting iron hinges. Roll a d6 for each door
encountered: 1 - 4) Door opens freely. 5) Hinges are rusted shut, plant growth fills the cracks, the
Weretoads will avoid using said door (they can easily climb to get into otherwise inaccessible rooms),
adventurers may have ways to re-open the doors. 6) Door is locked with an ancient, rusting lock. A
Weretoad in the group closest to the door will hold the key. Weretoads can operate doors, Toadbears
can not. Weretoads use this fact to shepard and store Toadbears into particular rooms.
Tower and Treetop Level:
Page 3
Bestiary: Page 6
Tower & Alarm raised on a 4 in 6 chance at night or 2 in 6 chance
during the day. Were toads will actively pursue the party and
Treetop Level alert other were toads once alarm is raised. Alarm is hooting and
moaning by patrolling weretoads. Chance lessened by a stealthy
Rotting wooden hut, par ty.
open windows with view
of Lake. Weapon Stone Stairs Down
storage. d20 crude
wooden spears and bows Top level of stone tower,
+ d100 arrows . crumbling masonry, many arrow
Weapons are of poor slits overlooking lake. Fire pit in
quality (d6 damage center of room. 3 stone pots
but break on a filled with writhing misshapen
To Hit Roll of 1). beige tad poles (weretoads are
extremely protective and careful
of the spawn pots - may avoid
attacking a target holding a pot).
Wooden d20 weretoads
Bridges guarding the gang
planks and the
slimy black huts
built into the
ladder down,
branches of the
housed in a
black tree growing
dead, black
from the
soggy tree.
courtyard. They will
be patrolling the
Wooden hut, wet with wooden bridges in
Slimy wooden
slime and filth. Hanging two groups -
on a nail is a bracelet scanning the
of the Sunken One Stone Stairs
Down surrounding lake.
(Beads of Stone
Eyes) worth 1000gp
to swamp
monks/archeologists. Wooden
Stone Stairs Down
Wreckage arranged in
Stone circular, eye formations.
In the center is a stone
ball, covered in eyes,
worth 450 to swamp
Attacks and Damage: Jump Attack, does d8+2 HD: 1. Armor Class: 13 (7).
damage but Bear Toads will always be the last
to attack. Attacks and Damage: As a man: d6 from
either spear or bow. As a were-toad: d6 from
Special: Bear Toads may supercharge their spear or a bow, with the ability to jump attack
croak to emanate an unsettling, dizzying force. for d6+2 with a bonus of +2 To Hit.
Victims must Save Vs. Breath Weapons or
suffer -2 AC and -2 To Hit for d6 rounds. Special: As a man: Ability to hide or scale sheer
surfaces/climb, 4 in 6 chance. As a were-toad:
Morale: 6. Ability to hide, 4 in 6 chance. Ability to scale
sheer surfaces/climb with impunity.
XP: 200.
Morale : 6.
XP : 150