Verb To Be in The Past

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Student’s name: ADALBERTO S.

Level: 1
Schedule: 1:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.

Teacher’s name: Jesús Belisario Chaparro Castro


Verb To Be in the past

As it usually happens in English for its synthetic characteristics, the verb to be

has only two forms in the past:
 Was
 Were

Attending the subject they go with, one way or another is used

 I was – Yo fui, era esuve
 You were – Tú fuiste, eras o estuviste
 She/he/it was – Él/Ella/Ello fue, era o estuvo
 We were – Nosotros fuimos, éramos o estuvimos
 You were – Vosotros fuisteis, erais o estuvisteis
 THey were – Ellos Fueron, eran o estuvieron

She was a student. - Ella era estudiante
They were doctors - Ellos eran doctores

To ask a question you have to put "was / were" at the beginning of the sentence:
Was she a student? - ¿Ella era estudiante?
Were they doctors? - ¿Ellos eran doctores?


The past of the verb to be has no contracted or reduced forms for the
affirmative. That is, you can not say I's as reduction of I was or You're instead of
You were.

Instead, you can use contractions in the negative: I WAS NOT in replacement of
I was not and YOU WERE NOT in place of You were not.

To form sentences of this type, we will not use the DID auxiliary, but rather the
verb To be the one who refuses or asks himself:

Were you comfortable last night in the party? - ¿Estuviste cómoda ayer en
la fiesta?
I wasn't a good student - Yo no era un buen estudiante
 The cat was in the bed when the bell rang – El gato estaba encima de
la cama cuando el timbre sonó.
 They were best friends at school – Ellos eran mejores amigos
en el colegio.
 Last year she was in Thailand on holidays – El año pasado ella
estuvo en Tailandia de vacaciones.

Exercises verb to be in the past

1. Think about how it is correct in each hole. You have to choose one of the two
possible options of the verb to be in the past:

a) Last year Bob _____

was 29. 
b) My children _____
were in the kitchen when their mother arrived at home.
c) Angela and I _____
were best friends in the past.
d) _____
was she at the supermarket last night?

2. Transform the following sentences into present into the past and translate

a) Those trousers are expensive.

b) My boyfriend and I are mathematicians.
c) My uncle's dog is so loyal.
d) I am tired today.

a: Those trousers were expensive. Esos pantalones eran caros

b: My boyfriend and I were mathematicians. Mi novio y yo éramos matemáticos
c: My oncle's dog was so loyal. El perro de mi tío era tan leal
d: I was tired yesterday. Estaba cansada ayer.
The simple past with irregular verbs

In this second part of the previous post we will be explaining how the simple
past is formed with irregular verbs in the English language. Irregular verbs in the
simple past can change the way the verb is written infinitely, for example if we
take the verb "Buy" it will change to "bought".


Become/ I became the master in my Math Me convertí en el maestro

Comvertirse class. en mi clase de
Drink/Beber I drank wine yesterday because Bebí vino ayer porque
I was very happy. estaba muy feliz.
Cut/Cortar I accidentally cut my fingers and Accidentalmente me corté
they bled too much. los dedos y sangraron
Find/En contrar Rebecca found golden jewelry Rebecca encontró joyas
under her bed. de oro debajo de su cama.

When we need to use irregular verbs in simple past in a negative way we use
the auxiliary "Did" plus negation "not" or its contraction Didnt and the verb stays
in infinitive, examples:

Have / Tener I didnˈt have money yesterday No tenía dinero ayer.

Drink/Beber They did not drink all the night. Ellos no bebieron toda la
Send/Enviar I didnˈt send you an e-mail No te envié un correo
Take/ Tomar I didnˈt take the bus No tomé el autobús

Questions that begin with the auxiliary "Did"

Did he arrive on time? ¿Llegó él a tiempo? Yes, he did.
Did the package arrive ¿Llegó el paquete a No, it didn't
on time? tiempo?

Specific questions with words "Wh-"

 When did they arrive? ¿Cuándo llegaron ellos? They arrived three hours
Why did she leave? ¿Por qué se fue ella? She left because she
forgot something at
Las prepositions of place
The prepositions of place are those that express the exact position in which an
element is found (person, object, animal, etc.).

The keys are in the handbag. - Las llaves están dentro del bolso.
The dog is behind me because it's shy. - El perro está detrás de mí porque es
How are prepositions of place used?: The prepositions of place are always
placed between the verb and the element that expresses the place where
something or someone is found. The most common are the following:
The prepositions of place: at, in, on

In English, the three most common place prepositions are at, on and in and are
used according to the element they accompany:
Los personal object pronouns
Personal object pronouns are words that are used to replace a name and thus
avoid repetitions. The main difference between the personal pronouns and the
personal object prononuns is that while the former replace a name that makes
the subject function, the seconds replace a name that does not function as a

How are personal object pronouns used?

One of the main characteristics of personal object pronouns is that they are
located behind the verb or behind a preposition (at, for, with, etc.).
Can / Can’t
Can is a modal verb.
Can is used to express ability or to say that something is possible.
Can is the same for all subjects. We don't add an 'S' in the third person (like
other verbs)
The verb that comes after Can is in the infinitive without to:

 I can speak Spanish. (= it is possible for me to speak Spanish = I have

the ability to speak Spanish)
 He can swim well.
 We can see our neighbour in the garden.
 They can play the guitar.

To form the negative we add "not" after can to form one word: cannot.
We can also contract the negative to form can't. (can't = cannot)

 I cannot play the piano. We can't go to the cinema tonight.

 She cannot speak French very well. He can't drive a car.

To from the question we change the position of the subject and the auxiliary
The main verb is still in the infinitive without to.
 Where can I buy an ice-cream?
 Can I go to the party, please?
 Can you speak Japanese?
 What can we do on Saturday?

Remember that you can use short answers:

 Can I sit here please? Yes, you can.

 Can you speak Chinese? No, I can't.
Be going to

When we use "going to" in a sentence to refer to the future, the construction is
composed of three elements: the verb "to be" conjugated according to the
subject + "going" + the infinitive of the main verb

He is going to jog.

He Is not going to jog.

Is he going to jog.

Interrogative Negative:
Isn't he going to jog.

The use of "going to" to refer to future events suggests a very solid link with the
present. The precise moment is not relevant, it is later than now, but the attitude
implies that this event depends on something we know about the current
situation. "Going to" is used above all to talk about our plans and intentions, or
to make predictions based on current evidence. In everyday discourse, "going
to" is often shortened as "gonna", especially in American English, although it is
never written like that.


 Is Freddy going to buy a new car soon?
 Are John and Pam going to visit Milan when they are in Italy?
 I think Nigel and Mary are going to have a party next week.
 We are going to have dinner together tomorrow.
 Aren't you going to stay at the library until your report is finished?


 I'm going to have a hard time falling asleep.

 You're going to be sorry you said that.
 Is it going to rain this afternoon?
 Aren't they going to come to the party?
Reference sources:
Visitado 27-11-2018
Visitado 01-12-2018
Visitado 01-12-2018

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