45 Questions To Break The Limiting Beliefs Google Docs

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Freedom from limiting beliefs. Supporting questions.

The best way to find what your limiting beliefs are, is to:  
1. Watch your inner dialogue. You may notice a thought that is 
disempowering, perhaps you are blaming someone else or creating 
excuses. Just observe without judgement. 
Another way is to look at the area of your life that isn’t working. You 
think it needs to stay like this because (you believe) you don’t have 
what it takes to change it.  
2. Question the thought. 
3. Turn it around to a positive, honest, supporting statement. Use 
words that have positive energy. Imagine yourself speaking them, 
embodying them, feeling them and living according to them.  
Once you turn around your limiting belief and decide to live according to the new empowering 
belief, things will come up in the physical world and in your mind, that will challenge the new 
idea. You will need to take care of them mindfully, so you can create and strengthen the 
integrity of your inner life and outer life. Some beliefs will be easier to change, some may take 
a bit more work.  
Some of the questions below are borrowed from Byron Katie, and from Caroline Myss.  
Think of an area of life you are unhappy about, area of life that is a 
constant source of pain or dissatisfaction for you. Not all questions may 
apply, but spend a minute on a question before you completely dismiss it.  
Square One Questions: 
What are my usual excuses for why I don’t have what I want? 
When was the first time I ever heard this negative thought?  
How many times has this thought impacted my life since?  
Created by Joanna | PositivelyRebellious.com ThePathOfFulfillment.com 
If I don’t change this belief, how will my life look like 20 years from now? 
What will it cost me to keep this negative belief? 
HOW do I really want to show up to this (part of life)? 
(in meditation) What does my ( inner voice / spirit / highest self) want to 
communicate to me about this? 
If you are transitioning from one work to another, or from one 
relationship to another, how does the issue from the past a ect the 

Byron Katie Questions / The Work 

(state the belief)  
1. Is this true?  
2. Can you absolutely know that this is true? 
3. How do you react, what happens when you believe that thought? 
4. Who would you be without that thought? 
Fear Questions 
(Sometimes we are in toxic relationships, family or friends, and we sense that certain people 
do not want us to be happy. They will be either very jealous, or will make you pay in some way 
for being happier or more successful. We need to examine if it’s really worth it to play small 
and to hide to not “o end” them with our freedom ) 
Imagine that you finally have what you want. What are you afraid of? 
Created by Joanna | PositivelyRebellious.com ThePathOfFulfillment.com 
Who would turn away from you, whom would you “owe” an explanations 
for your success? 
What is most threatening in this situation? How can I play it “safe”? 
Who will want to take it away me? 
Do I need to set boundaries? Do I need to learn how to say “no”?   
Whom will I possibly threaten?  
As I think of the reactions of people around me, when I finally have what I 
want, who gives me the look of disapproval? 
“Compromise” Questions / Discover Your Underlying Commitments 
What will you lose when you get what you want?  
(if you get that job, the promotion, you may sacrifice time for yourself and comfort - 
which may be another limiting belief) 
What are you really committed to?  
( check for underlying commitments: for example if you do find the relationship of 
your dreams, you may believe you’ll need to share your home with someone)  
What would you have to give up, to fulfill this desire?  
Will you have new responsibilities you don’t want?  
Taking all the answers to the “compromise questions’ think: How can you 
change the rules of the game?  

Created by Joanna | PositivelyRebellious.com ThePathOfFulfillment.com 

How can you have the best of both worlds? 
Blame Questions 
Whose permission do I need?  
How am I enabling that person to control me. 
What stops me from speaking up for myself.  
What stops me from making the decision for myself? 
What do I need from them?  
Who actually can support me? 
Approval Questions 
Whose approval do you need here?   
Do I completely approve of myself?  
Do I accept myself unconditionally? 
(When we feel judged that is a sign that we secretly judge ourselves.  
When we crave acceptance it may be a sign we don’t fully accept ourselves)  
Expansion questions  
How big can I dream? 
What is the limit? Can I truly see the limits of my potential from here?  
If I was to live like this for the next year, 10 years, till I’m 90 - am I ok with 

Created by Joanna | PositivelyRebellious.com ThePathOfFulfillment.com 


Self esteem questions (from Caroline Myss) 

Who do I need to stand up to?  
Where am I losing my power? 
Who am I losing my power to? 
Where / when do I need to speak up for myself?  
Do I prefer to lose money for the therapy or would I rather take 
responsibility for myself and leave this unhappy relationship? 
What would my life be like if no one could intimidate me again?  
(not because I’m threatening, but because I have peace and power within me and I 
accept myself completely)  
(A person with low self esteem will have more self-limiting beliefs, than 
someone with healthy, high self esteem. Every situation asks us to make a 
Are my choices supporting and building my self esteem?  
Or are they supporting my misery? 
You and other people  
Who is triggering you?  
What part, talent, success of that person triggers you most?  

Created by Joanna | PositivelyRebellious.com ThePathOfFulfillment.com 

Do you feel the need to gossip about that person or put them down in 
order to feel better about yourself?  
What one thing can I start (or stop) doing today that will improve my self 
esteem - in a healthy way? 
1. In your journal write down your new, positive, empowering, 
supporting beliefs about yourself, the world, others, and your 
2. Imagine living them. Visualize and feel them happening in your 
life with all your senses.  
3. Then: plan. What changes can you make today? This week? This 
4. Take action now. Don’t let your thoughts to slip back to 
5. Have faith in yourself. 
This work is never done!  
As you create happier and more meaningful life, you will want to improve 
it even more. And you will encounter more challenging beliefs.  
Those too can be transformed.  
Wishing you a happy and fulfilling journey.  
You are only as powerful as you allow yourself to be.  
Only as beautiful as you allow yourself to be. 
Only as kind as you allow yourself to be. 
Blessings and blue skies! 
Created by Joanna | PositivelyRebellious.com ThePathOfFulfillment.com 

Created by Joanna | PositivelyRebellious.com ThePathOfFulfillment.com 

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