Compostela National High School DC Welcomes Seven School Heads, Brigada Eskwela Coordinators
Compostela National High School DC Welcomes Seven School Heads, Brigada Eskwela Coordinators
Compostela National High School DC Welcomes Seven School Heads, Brigada Eskwela Coordinators
Compostela National High School Day Class ranks 1st in Mega Category for Division Brigada Eskwela
Best Implementers last July 29,2019 in Cebu Province.
Division Winners categorized into four classes; namely, the small, medium, large, and mega. There were 20
winners in Elementary Level and 19 winners in Secondary Level including the Compostela National High
School Day Class. Nevertheless, Compostela National High School won the Division School Best
Implementers. Students and teachers collaboration during the Brigada Eskwela made everything to become a
success. They clean and beautify the school by painting walls with fanciful arts, using recyclable materials for
the hanging plants and plant pots. They also showcased some of the Best Practices such as the Monthly Masses,
Daily Gospel, Monthly Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) drill, Monthly Contest of Solid Waste Management
(SWM), Monthly Tree Planting, Monthly Inspection of Classrooms, Film Showing at noon, Project Wash in
School (WINS) and Learning Parks.These Practices were applied not only to achieve and improve the school
but for the welfare of every student in the school.
In the celebration of the success, a coordination conference for the Brigada Eskwela Submission of
Accomplishment Report together with the Division Brigada Eskwela Coordinators,School Principals/ Heads
and School Brigada Eskwela Coordinators and the following participants were the winners and some Division
Coordinators. This conference aims to provide Technical Assistance/Mentoring/Coaching and Implementing
Guidelines that held at the Compostela National High School-Compostela District will be on July 31, 2019
around 8:00AM-5:00PM.
July 31st of 2019 is another year of big activity for the school to host. It becomes an honor
and pride to welcome these visitors to our great CNHS-Campus. The said occasion will serve as a
conference on mentoring and coaching for continued success of the school and somehow would serve
as guiding light for other schools for their schools’ improvements.
The team is composed of the following equally important people, namely; Romelie Villano
of Calagasan ES (Argao), Alejandro Rondina of San Agustin ES (Madridejos), Elisa Matulac of Mojon
IS (Bantayan IS), Vivian Maglasang of Tabuelan CES (Tabuelan), Raphael Beloria of Carnaza NHS
(Daanbantayan 2), Suson Roxas of Cagay NHS (Barili 2), Ma. Socorro Remulta of Kawit NHS
(Medellin), and Luis R. Arioja of Compostela NHS (Compostela) and the rest of Brigada Eskwela
The event is possible to happen for Compostela National High School Day Class won the
“Brigada Eskwela Best Implementer 2019 (Division Level)” in Mega School Category. All the
abovementioned schools are also winners in different categories from their respective areas. The said
event will spend a day running through this occasion.
By: Mary Christy B. Paradiang and Gabrielle Hinoguin
HIV (Human Immuno Virus) being rampant issue threatens to go in multitude especially in
Cebu. Nowadays, teenagers are the common factor that has been badly affected by this roaming virus.
Philippines as one of the world’s biggest contributors of the said disease conducted an all out seminars
throughout the country.
In Compostela, HIV Symposium was held to inculcate an awreness to people especially the
youth. Students from Compostela National High School actively participated the said seminar. Each
section had two participants to attend the program and assigned to share their learnings to their co-
students. The program’s intention is to reduce the incidents and induce an effect brought by this
hazardous virus. Educating the young ones is a helpful tool to empower them in recognizing what the
DOs and DON’Ts particularly in sex education. It focuses more on the consequences in attaining such
illness.It is important to identify and equip ourselves with knowledge on how to fight this kind of
deadly disease enabling to prevent it from spreading. However, we could overcome it by disciplining
ourselves and absorb the learnings to face HIV fearlessly. We should take it seriously and be thankful
to the government’s effort to come up with an effective campaign regarding its war on HIV. We must
open our eyes and deprive ourselves from fleeting pleasure.