Conjunctions: ALL and PART Are Objects of The Verbal SELLING
Conjunctions: ALL and PART Are Objects of The Verbal SELLING
Conjunctions: ALL and PART Are Objects of The Verbal SELLING
Most simply, conjunctions connect things. They allow us to make longer more
complex sentences.
Coordinating conjunctions
o Some analysts say the odds are stacked against Netscape and any
other rival that dares to challenge Microsoft.
NETSCAPE and RIVAL are objects of the preposition AGAINST.
Independent Clauses
o Members of Congress are eager to bring home projects, and
special interests are eager to reap the benefits.
Will you buy a carton of milk while you are at the store?
Although you may disagree with the conclusion, please
keep your opinions to yourself.
o So is a coordinating conjunction when its meaning is during the
time NOT as a result.
The owl paddled, so the monkey slept.