Case Study
Case Study
Case Study
The task
Reducing waste is a critical issue globally. We are committed to taking responsibility for the
plastic that we use and to play our part in creating a waste free world. We believe that plastics
has its place, but that place is not in our streets, rivers or oceans. Plastic is a valuable material
when used responsibly. It is often the most safe and efficient way to get products to people that
need them but NOT at the expense of the environment.
The teams are expected to understand the plastic waste challenge and come up with a mass
media campaign that inspires individuals / Groups to take steps to significantly reduce plastic
waste in environment. The key ask is to identify the right target group for this campaign, an
insight that will engage with the audience, what triggers and barriers will be leveraged to
influence our TG. How the model can be scalable and impact of this be measured. Also, how
would we amplify & what would be the roadmap of executing this change through the country.