Study On Multi-Fold Bunch Splitting in A High-Intensity Medium-Energy Proton Synchrotron
Study On Multi-Fold Bunch Splitting in A High-Intensity Medium-Energy Proton Synchrotron
Study On Multi-Fold Bunch Splitting in A High-Intensity Medium-Energy Proton Synchrotron
Beam manipulation in both the transverse and longitudinal phase space is a powerful
technique to attain desirable beam properties in synchrotrons, such as bunch length and
energy spread, emittance, bunch distribution and so on [1]. A variety of beam manipulation
methods in the longitudinal phase space, including phase-space stacking, debunching,
bunch-to-bucket transfer, bunch rotation, bunch merging or splitting, etc., have been applied
by employing special settings of RF systems in many accelerators [2, 3]. In particular, bunch
splitting is an RF manipulation method to change the bunch characteristics, like bunch
numbers, bunch intensity, and the time structure of beam, in high-intensity synchrotrons
serving as the injector of a particle collider.
In intense proton synchrotrons, two methods of splitting bunches have been utilized to
obtain the desirable bunch properties [3, 4]. One conventional method for changing the bunch
structure is to debunch the beam by turning off the RF voltage at the initial frequency, then to
let the beam circulate without longitudinal RF focusing, and finally to rebunch the beam with
another RF frequency. The other one is to adopt the combination of different harmonic RF
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systems, e.g., the two-fold splitting of a bunch with a combination of fundamental harmonic
and doubled harmonic RF systems, which can minimize the longitudinal emittance growth
and beam loss as compared with the debunching method. The bunch splitting method has
been successfully applied to the LHC/PS for double splitting and triple splitting of one bunch
[5, 6]. It has also been proposed and studied through the simulation in the JLEIC (Jefferson
Lab Electron-Ion Collider) [7].
SPPC, as the second stage of the CEPC-SPPC (Circular Electron Positron Collider & Super
Proton-Proton Collider) project, aims at exploring new physics beyond the Standard Model.
The design luminosity at SPPC reaches 11035 cm-2s-1 with the nominal bunch spacing of 25
ns, which will produce a large number of events per bunch crossing and thus impose a severe
challenge on the detector trigger system and data analysis methods. To mitigate the pileup
effects and the collective instabilities of a single bunch at SPPC, the operation mode of
shorter bunch spacing, like 5 ns, was proposed at the CEPC Conceptual Design Report [8].
Likewise, the possibility of shorter bunch spacing has also been considered in the FCC-hh
(Future Circular Collider for hadron-hadron collisions) project [9]. Therefore, it is inevitable
and crucial to investigate the five-fold bunch splitting method to alter the bunch separation
from 25 ns to 5 ns. This manipulation will be conducted in the Medium-Stage Synchrotron
(MSS), the third accelerator of the SPPC injector chain.
The paper is organized as follows. The approaches of bunch splitting and the general
multi-harmonic RF bunch splitting method are described in Sec. II. In Sec. III, the simulation
method of bunch splitting and the application of the five-fold bunch splitting method to the
MSS are presented. Conclusions and discussion are given in Sec. IV.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
FIG. 1. The schematics of the two-fold bunch splitting process.
To perform ideal bunch splitting, the phase difference between the two RF systems should
be , and the RF voltages should be programmed to follow the required pattern, which is
shown in Fig. 2. One can see that in the first half of the process, the gradual increase of the
doubled-harmonic RF voltage is to elongate the bunch, and in the second half, the gradual
decrease of the fundamental harmonic RF voltage helps divide the bunch into two smaller
FIG. 2. The RF program during the process of two-fold bunch splitting. Blue solid line:
fundamental harmonic RF voltage; orange dashed line: doubled-harmonic RF voltage.
1 d s 1 dTs
ad = = 1. (1)
dt 2 dt
Here, s and Ts are the angular frequency and period of the synchrotron oscillation,
respectively. Typically, the process is considered adiabatic when ad < 0.05. This adiabatic
condition is necessary to avoid the significant emittance growth by the filamentation effect of
the particle distribution in the presence of a strong nonlinear RF field.
Another key point is to make the bunch stretched as far as possible before splitting the
bunch or the intermediate bunch. Here, a general condition to flatten the bunch can be given
based on the experience from the one in a dual-harmonic RF system [11]. A generalized RF
voltage V() seen by the beam at a certain moment, which is the summation of different
harmonic RF voltages, can be expressed as:
V ( ) = V0 ki sin ( i + i ) (2)
i =1
where n is the number of RF harmonics, is the phase in the fundamental RF, i is the phase
difference of the i-th harmonic RF to the fundamental RF and thus 1=0, V0 is the voltage of
the fundamental RF at the initial moment, ki is the voltage ratio of the i-th harmonic RF to the
fundamental RF at the initial moment. The corresponding potential well function can be
expressed by:
V ( ) − V ( ) d
U ( ) = s
, (3)
n n
where s is the synchronous phase. To maximize the bunch length and obtain a flattened
potential well, the derivatives of V() from the first order to the n-th order should vanish at
the center of the bunch:
V ( )
=0, (4)
nV ( )
= 0. (5)
n =s
Then, one can obtain odd=0 when i is odd, while even=0 when i is even, and different ki
values for all the harmonics. The highest order of the derivative is determined by the number
of the required equations to solve all the ki values. Figure 3 shows the flattened potential wells
obtained by using Eqs. (3)-(5) for n=2 (k2=0.5), n=3 (k2=0.8, k3=0.2), and n=5 (k2=8/7,
k3=9/14, k4=4/21 and k5=1/42). One can see that with more RF harmonics, one can obtain
relatively more flattened or wider potential well and thus longer bunch. It should be pointed
out that the above conditions are necessary to ensure no emergence of small inner buckets
within the original outer bucket. In practice, to generate the desired particle partition in the
higher-fold bunch splitting, one can adjust different k values to make the initial bunch even
more elongated than in the case of lower-fold bunch splitting.
2.0 n 2
1.5 n 3
n 5
3 2 1 0 1 2 3
FIG. 3. The flattened potential well for multi-harmonic RF systems with the harmonics n=2
(red), n=3 (green) and n=5 (orange).
TABLE I. The basic longitudinal dynamics parameters at the MSS injection and extraction.
Parameter Unit Injection Extraction
Proton energy [GeV] 10 180
Ring circumference [m] 3478 3478
Repetition rate [Hz] 0.5 0.5
Number of particles per bunch 10 1.5 1.5
Number of bunches 336 336
Bunch spacing [ns] 25 25
Accumulated particles 10 0.50 0.50
Longitudinal emittance, 4σ [eVs] 0.5 1.0
Revolution frequency [kHz] 86.3 86.3
Circulating beam current [A] 0.70 0.70
Beam power [MW] 0.04 0.73
Momentum compaction factor, p 10-3 -0.77 -0.77
RF frequency [MHz] 40 40
Harmonic number 464 464
Total RF voltage [MV] 3 5.8
Synchrotron frequency [Hz] 1106.65 118.46
Bucket area [eVs] 2.37 42.77
Bucket half-height, ΔE/E [10 ] -3
6.80 7.43
Full bunch length, 4σz [ns] 8.25 2.75
Momentum spread, σδ 10 -3
1.76 0.64
Momentum filling factor 0.50 0.17
Bunching factor 0.22 0.07
3 2
2 even integer, when k is odd , (6)
5 k
3 2
2 odd integer, when k is even . (7)
5 k
Here, “” in Eqs. (6)-(7) means the peak appears at 3/5 or on its right so that as many
particles as the required can enter the outermost stable islands. The results show that k=3 can
better fulfill this condition. Hence, the RF system with 3h0 is vital. Besides, the RF system
with 2h0 is also crucial to move the core particles outward. Otherwise, the particle number in
the final center bunch will be much greater than in the other bunches, and this can be better
understood with the potential well. The RF system with 4h0 is also required to balance the
particle numbers in the outermost bunches and their neighboring bunches. Therefore, all the
RF systems with h0, 2h0, 3h0, 4h0 and 5h0 are essential to accomplish the manipulation of the
five-fold bunch splitting with equal particle redistribution.
FIG. 4. Requirement for the minimum phase extension for the five-fold bunch splitting.
Partial particles within the original bunch must be stretched beyond 3/5 so that they can
enter the outermost RF buckets on both sides.
Another fundamental problem is the complexity of the particle redistribution with the
voltage modulations of multiple harmonic RF systems to achieve the five-fold bunch splitting.
For the sake of simplicity, we name the five sub-bunches after the splitting as B1, B2, B3, B4
and B5 from left to right in the phase space plot. Thanks to the symmetrical bunch property,
the particle number in B1 and B5 is naturally equal, so as for B2 and B4. Thus, one only
needs to consider the equality of B1, B2 and B3. For instance, if the particle numbers are too
small in B1 and B2 but too large in B3, the increase of the 2h0 voltage can help reduce the
particle number in B3 and increase those in B2 and B1, and then the other voltages can be
adjusted to balance between B1 and B2. Unfortunately, there is no unique and accurate
method to generate the RF voltage programs of different harmonics. One has to optimize the
voltage programs of all the five harmonics based on the simulation results.
1.5 k1 0.52 ,k2 0.78 ,k3 0.82 ,k4 0.28 ,k5 0.09
k1 0.13 ,k2 0.28 ,k3 0.37 ,k4 0.42 ,k5 0.24
1.0 k1 0.06 ,k2 0.13 ,k3 0.19 ,k4 0.24 ,k5 0.38
3 2 1 0 1 2 3
FIG. 5. The shapes of the potential well in the different moments with different combinations
of harmonic voltages for the five-fold bunch splitting.
(c) (d)
(e) (f)
FIG. 7. The bunch distribution in the longitudinal phase space and their projections on the two
axes after different turns during the five-fold bunch splitting at the extraction energy. (a) 0th
turn; (b) 5400th turn; (c) 7400th turn; (d) 12600th turn; (e) 14400th turn; (f) 17400th turn.
FIG. 8. The RF voltage patterns after optimization for the five-fold bunch splitting at the
injection energy.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
(e) (f)
FIG. 9. The particle distribution in the longitudinal phase space and their projections on the
two axes after different turns during the five-fold bunch splitting at the injection energy. (a)
0th turn; (b) 5400th turn; (c) 8600th turn; (d) 10600th turn; (e) 13200th turn; (f) 17400th turn.
There are about 1.74% of macro-particles beyond the RF buckets at the end of the splitting,
which are shown in gray dots in (f).
(a) (b)
FIG. 10. The initial bunch distribution with a Gaussian truncated at 3 times RMS (a) and the
final bunch distribution after the five-fold bunch splitting (b). There are only about 0.094% of
macro-particles beyond the RF buckets at the end of the splitting.
Qs 0
H= P 2 + Qs 0U ( ) , (8)
h0 p h0 eV0
with P = − and Qs 0 = . (9)
Qs 0 p0 2 2 E0
Here, P is the normalized momentum with the slippage factor and p/p0 the fractional
momentum deviation; Qs0 is the synchrotron tune at zero amplitude for the fundamental
harmonic RF system with the relative velocity and E0 the synchronous energy; U() is the
potential well function, as shown in Eq. (3). For a given trajectory with the maximum phase
H 0 = Qs 0U ˆ . ( ) (10)
ˆ ˆ
2 U (s ) − U ( )d .
1 1 1
J ( H0 ) = Pd = Pd = (11)
2 − ˆ
dH 0
Qs = . (12)
Figure 11 shows the calculated potential well and the corresponding synchrotron tune at the
14400th turn at the extraction energy based on Eqs. (8)-(12). Considering the symmetry, we
can merely calculate the synchrotron tune between 0 and . One can see that the synchrotron
tune distribution has several segments, which mainly depends on the number of valleys of the
potential well. It is worth noting that the synchrotron tunes at the centers of B2 and B4 at the
14400th turn collapse to zero, whereas the tunes are much larger on both sides of the centers.
Therefore, during the formation of B2 and B4, the particles after coming out from the middle
bunch will be more prone to oscillate around the centers of B2 and B4 and form a spiral
distribution rather than a more compact distribution with the full filamentation effect in a
gradually growing bucket. Accordingly, the interiors of the B2 and B4 are somewhat sparse,
as shown in Fig. 7(f). The situation gets significantly better at the injection energy, as shown
in Fig. 9(f), because the adiabatic condition can be better satisfied. It will certainly result in
smaller emittance growth.
(a) (b)
FIG. 11. The potential well in (a) and the corresponding synchrotron tune in (b) at the
14400th turn at the extraction energy. One can see that the synchrotron tune at the center of
B4 or about 1.1 rad collapses to zero. There are some spikes from numerical calculation errors
in the synchrotron tune plot.
Table II summarizes the main properties of the five-fold bunch splitting at the injection
energy and the extraction energy. The problem of the longitudinal emittance growth after
splitting is considerably mitigated at the injection energy as compared with that at the
extraction energy. The main reason is that the synchrotron frequency at the injection is much
larger, thanks to the larger slippage factor at the lower energy, so that the adiabatic condition
can be better satisfied. Besides, the uniformity of the bunch population after the splitting can
be well under control at the injection energy. Although there is some beam loss, it is totally
below the tolerable limit, especially when the bunched particles from the p-RCS meet the
truncated Gaussian distribution. Therefore, it is better to manipulate the five-fold bunch
splitting at the injection energy than at the extraction energy.
TABLE II. The comparison of the simulation results of the five-fold bunch splitting at the
injection energy and extraction energy.
Schemes Beam loss Max. deviation in Total longitudinal
rate the population emittance growth
Injection - Gaussian 1.74% 1.7% 8.4%
Inj. - truncated Gaussian 0.094% 1.4% 9.1%
Extraction - Gaussian 0 4.0% 159%
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