Ptfe Used As A Sealant For Cylinder/Valve Connections: Document 138/15

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The document discusses the use of PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene) as a sealant for cylinder and valve connections in gas cylinders. It covers safety considerations, proper application of PTFE tape, and the use of PTFE cones as an alternative to tape.

Materials testing is required to ensure PTFE compatibility, and care must be taken during tape application and with residual PTFE. Overhanging tape can fall into the cylinder.

The correct number of turns is needed for thickness, and extra lubrication is needed for the first thread on some valves. Tape should not overhang at the small end.


Document 138/15
Revision of Doc 138/08



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Doc 138/15


Prepared by WG-2 Gas cylinders and pressure vessels

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EIGA DOC 138/15

Table of Contents
1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 1
2 Scope and purpose .......................................................................................................................... 1
2.1 Scope ........................................................................................................................................ 1
2.2 Purpose .................................................................................................................................... 1
3 Definitions ........................................................................................................................................ 1
3.1 Publication Terminology ........................................................................................................... 1
4 Background ...................................................................................................................................... 1
5 Safety considerations ....................................................................................................................... 1
5.1 Materials Testing ...................................................................................................................... 2
5.2 Tape application ....................................................................................................................... 3
5.3 PTFE cones .............................................................................................................................. 3
6 References ....................................................................................................................................... 4
Figure 1 Burnt out cylinder neck and valve ............................................................................................. 2
Figure 2 Typical examples of PTFE tape applied correctly to a valve thread ......................................... 3
Figure 3 Typical example of excessive PTFE tape applied to the valve inlet thread.............................. 3
Figure 4 Typical example of PTFE cone applied to a valve stem Note the overlap ............................... 4

Amendments to 138/08

Section Change
Editorial to align to EIGA style
3 Publications terminology added
Improved photographs References added

Note: Technical changes from the previous edition are underlined

EIGA DOC 138/15

1 Introduction

The most common method of ensuring a gas-tight joint at the cylinder neck/valve stem taper thread
interface is to use polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) as a sealant, either in tape or cone form. This EIGA
publication describes the use of such tape or cones.

2 Scope and purpose

2.1 Scope

This publication covers the gas-tight sealing of conical threads used on gas cylinders and cylinder
valves through the use of PTFE.

2.2 Purpose

This publication gives practical guidance on how to achieve a gas tight connection on the cylinder
valve/gas cylinder interface.

3 Definitions

For the purpose of this publication, the following definitions apply.

3.1 Publication Terminology

3.1.1 Shall

Indicates that the procedure is mandatory. It is used wherever the criterion for conformance to specific
recommendations allows no deviation.

3.1.2 Should

Indicates that a procedure is recommended.

3.1.3 May

Indicates that the procedure is optional.

3.1.4 Will

Used only to indicate the future, not a degree of requirement.

3.1.5 Can

Indicates a possibility or ability.

4 Background

PTFE is the preferred sealing material for producing a gas-tight joint on the taper threads connecting
gas cylinders and cylinder valves due to its ease of use and relatively high auto ignition temperature
(AIT). For the grade of PTFE used in the industrial gases industry, the AIT of 450°C to 480°C
compares favourably with other oxygen compatible elastomeric materials.

5 Safety considerations

The grade and thickness of the PTFE tape or cone need to be considered for a specific intended
working pressure, for further details see EN 751-3 Sealing materials for metallic threaded joints in

EIGA DOC 138/15
contact with first, second and third family gases and hot water – part 3 Unsintered PTFE [1] . Where
use is envisaged with oxidising gases, the maximum content of the lubricant (hydrocarbon) within the
tape or cone needs to be carefully specified. A commonly used value for this maximum amount of
hydrocarbon level is 0.1 wt % (0.1 m/m). PTFE tape or cones with such low levels of hydrocarbon are
denoted as “oxygen compatible”.

In general only oxygen compatible PTFE tape or cone should be used for all gases (even inert or
flammable gases) in order not to create an unnecessary source of confusion/error on the shop floor.
Because oxygen compatible PTFE tape can be easily mistaken for other grades of PTFE tape as
used, for example, in the plumbing industry; some gas companies use a coloured tape to denote
oxygen service.

Use of PTFE sealant that is not oxygen compatible can lead to burn-out of the neck of oxidising gas
cylinders under ignition conditions (see Figure 1).

Figure 1 Burnt out cylinder neck and valve

It is very important that all residual PTFE debris from previous valving operations is removed from the
cylinder before a valve is fitted. The neck threads of a cylinder are particularly difficult to clean
thoroughly. It is essential to insure that debris from the cleaning process is removed from the cylinder
and its internals before revalving.

If a valve is reused it is essential to remove any residual PTFE from its stem thread before applying
new sealing material.

Note that the use of PTFE tape to seal parallel threaded joints between cylinders and valves is not

5.1 Materials Testing

Oxygen compatible PTFE shall comply with the requirements of EN ISO 11114-2 Gas cylinders.
Compatibility of cylinder and valve materials with gas contents; Non-metallic materials [2]. This
compatibility shall be evaluated using the test methodology as described in EN ISO 11114-3, Gas
cylinders. Compatibility of cylinder and valve materials with gas contents. Autogenous ignition test for
non-metallic materials in oxygen atmosphere [3].

The amount of hydrocarbon residues need to be determined by a solvent extraction method as

described in EN 751-3 [1].

References are shown by bracketed numbers and are listed in order of appearance in the reference section.

EIGA DOC 138/15

5.2 Tape application

For an effective, safe tape application the following aspects are important:

• correct number of turns i.e. the overall thickness of tape on the stem threads;

• In the case of valves used in aluminium alloy cylinders or stainless steel valves used in steel
cylinders, extra lubrication of the first thread at the small end of the valve is necessary to
avoid damage to the cylinder neck thread. This maybe achieved by ensuring the first thread
of the valve is fully covered by at least one layer of PTFE, see Figure 2; and

• There shall be no overhanging PTFE tape at the small end of the valve thread. Tests have
shown that in such a case, PTFE tape can be cut and fall into the cylinder during valve
insertion. Figure 3 shows an example of the application of excessive PTFE tape.

See EN ISO 13341, Gas cylinders. Fitting of valves to gas cylinders [4]

Figure 2 Typical examples of PTFE tape applied correctly to a valve thread

Figure 3 Typical example of excessive PTFE tape applied to the valve inlet thread

5.3 PTFE cones

PTFE cones (see Figure 4) are an alternative to tape in some applications. The user should follow the
cone manufacturer’s instructions and ensure that the cone used matches the thread standard of the
valve. It should be noted that the PTFE cone is tapered. The largest diameter shall go first over the
valve inlet thread. The cone is to be gently pushed onto the valve inlet thread. When the cone has
become "tight" it is to be gently rotated clockwise and at the same time pushed further onto the thread
until there is about 2 mm overhang at the bottom of the cone that is beyond the bottom face of the
valve thread. This is very important and different to the application of tape. If there is no
overhang, experience has shown that the cone will "ride up" the valve thread during the valving
operation; and the joint will not seal.

EIGA DOC 138/15

Figure 4 Typical examples of PTFE cone applied to a valve stem Note the overlap

6 References

Unless otherwise specified the latest edition shall apply.

[1] EN 751-3 Sealing materials for metallic threaded joints in contact with first, second and third family
gases and hot water – part 3 Unsintered PTFE

[2] EN ISO 11114-2 Gas cylinders. Compatibility of cylinder and valve materials with gas contents;
Non-metallic materials

[3] EN ISO 11114-3, Gas cylinders. Compatibility of cylinder and valve materials with gas contents.
Autogenous ignition test for non-metallic materials in oxygen atmosphere

[4] EN ISO 13341, Gas cylinders. Fitting of valves to gas cylinders

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