Week 19 Myp 5 Bio HW

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Name: Subject: Integrated Science (Biology) MYP Year: 5

Unit title: Language of Life Homework

Key concept: Perspective Related concept(s): Consequences, Global context: Fairness and
Audience Imperatives Development (Rights and

Statement of inquiry-Societies must consider that different perspectives have consequences on rights and
responsibilities of all

ATL: Communication- 
ATL Skill cluster-Reading, writing and using language to gather and communicate information-Read critically
and for comprehension, make inferences and draw conclusions
Transfer Skills-Using skills and knowledge in multiple contexts
• Apply skills and knowledge in unfamiliar situations

Time set for assignment: 30 min. Time Taken: Date:

Please note-The work produced by the student for this assessment/assignment must be student's
original work and must not be plagiarised (copied from some other source) or peer plagiarised (peer's
ideas/work copied as their own in the responses) (Academic Integrity)

Find the Self-management checklist at the end of this task sheet. Make sure that you complete this.

Task 1- What would you choose?
• If it were possible would you want to ‘design’ your baby?
• If you could design your baby what would you choose?
Assuming you do decide to go ahead and choose your child’s features what would you choose?

Present your ideas below. Justify your choice

Task 2 What choice should we allow?

There is an element of design in all babies. The list below shows all the techniques which have been,
or might one day be used. How far down the list do you think the term “designer babies” starts to
apply? If you do not understand all the terms used see the glossary below.
Consider the list as a line representing us interfering more and more in what sort of baby is born.
Decide how far down the line you think interference is acceptable. Walk down the line until you get
to the procedure that is the limit for you. Stop there.

Explain why you have stopped where you are. Can you persuade yourself to move on? Suggest
why /why not?




Self-management checklist - Science

Self-management checklist Assess yourself on the scale of 1
to 5(5 being highest and 1 being
the lowest)

I referred to the definition of command terms from the list provided.

I attempted all the questions as per the command terms.

I attempted all the questions and reviewed/revised the answers.

I completed the task in the assigned time. Yes/No

I found some questions in the task sheet challenging and checked

resources like videos on ManageBac/TEAMS, class notes or any other
website to look for a specific answer.

I broke down a larger task (specify…) into specific steps.

Was there any personal relevance in the subject matter in this task explain
in at least two sentences.

I used the strategies taught in class to stay focussed on the task at hand.


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