Z Z Z Z: Teachers' Introduction Index

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Teachers’ Introduction Index

The Bebras cards are designed to enable pupils to develop their

computational thinking skills, whilst at the same time providing an 1 Alien residents z Patterns 25 Beetle robot ¤ Algorithms
introduction to more advanced computing concepts. 2 Shoestrings z Patterns 26 A choice of tracks ¤ Algorithms
Painting of Stamps
3 z
Algorithms 27 Every other turn ¤ Algorithms
Computational Thinking
4 Layered painting z Algorithms 28 Floating robot ¤ Algorithms
Each card is aligned to one of the following computational
5 Flags z Algorithms 29 Moving diagonally ¤ Logic
thinking concepts, which are indicated in the top right-hand Robot controlling a
corner of each card. 6 Algorithms 30 French beaver ¤ Algorithms
car z
Robot and cookies
7 Algorithms 31 Lunar rover ¤ Algorithms
x Patterns z
x Algorithms 8 Shaman beaver z Logic 32 Little stones ¤ Algorithms

x Logic 9 The strip z Patterns 33 Cinema ¤ Logic

x Abstraction Christmas tree

10 Patterns 34 Beautiful tiles  Algorithms
decorations z
11 Sorting buttons z Patterns 35 Beaver map  Logic
Task Difficulty
12 Feathers z Patterns 36 Clothes line  Logic
The difficulty of the task on each card is indicated by the icon in
13 Beaver balance z Algorithms 37 Swap  Algorithms
the bottom right-hand corner.
14 Beaver birthday z Logic 38 iFrog  Algorithms
15 Morning z Algorithms 39 Laundry  Logic
z = Easy 16 After school z Logic 40 Robot is carrying  Algorithms
17 Coins z Logic 41 Read around  Algorithms
¤ = Medium Necklace for a little
18 Colourful tower ¤ Algorithms 42 Patterns
 = Hard beaver 
Programmer’s new
19 Beaver hut ¤ Algorithms 43 Logic
years eve 
Answers and Other Materials 20 Read the words ¤ Algorithms 44 Beaver's House  Logic
Answers to tasks, ideas for teaching and national curriculum links Little stones mosaic
can be found at: www.bebras.uk 21 ¤
Algorithms 45 Beaver language  Algorithms

22 Swimmer beaver ¤ Logic 46 Find a mistake  Algorithms

Tip: pupils will need an exercise book or a piece of paper in order 23 Missing numbers ¤ Abstraction 47 Cat and mouse  Logic

to record their answers to each activity. Picture of the

24 Logic 48 Cipher  Algorithms
castle ¤

Patterns Patterns

1 2
Alien residents Shoestrings

Cute creatures live in newly discovered planets. Match the shoestring to the correct shoe.

1 2


Match the creature to the correct planet.


z z
Algorithms Algorithms

3 4
Painting of Stamps Layered painting

Little beaver has five stamps. Little beaver has six stamps.

Using these stamps, he created a painting:

By using these stamps, he created a painting:

In what order did little beaver use the stamps? In what order did little beaver use the stamps?

z z

Algorithms Algorithms

5 Robot controlling 6
Flags a car
During a birthday celebration the room is decorated A robot controls a car using the following commands.
with flags.
Forward 1: – draw a line one square forward. There can
be any number.
Left: – turn left ninety degrees.
Right: – turn right ninety degrees.

Which flag is going to be added next?

1 2 3

Which one of the programs below drives the car to


z z
Algorithms Logic

7 8
Robot and cookies Shaman beaver

A robot recognises several geometric shaped cookies: Father beaver is choosing a picture, where:
square, circle and triangle. We are going to mark them
1) Shaman, the character in the picture does not have
with S, C and T.
a stick and
The robot knows a command PUT – puts a cookie on
2) All coat buttons are fastened.
another one. When the robot finishes the commands
PUT S PUT C PUT C PUT T, a pile of cookies looks like this:

What will the pile of cookies look like when the robot
finishes the commands: PUT S PUT S PUT C PUT T PUT C?

Which is the right picture?

z z

Logic Patterns

9 Christmas tree 10
The strip decorations
Little beaver girl has a long strip of card. She wants to Christmas tree decorations should be placed in boxes
divide it into the same small strips as she is holding in her as follows:
1st box: Large and rounded
2nd box: Small and rounded
3rd box: Long and striped
4th box: Stars and snowflakes

What is the maximum number of small strips she can
Which decorations do not fit in any of these four boxes?

z z
Patterns Patterns

11 12
Sorting buttons Feathers

Mother beaver started to sort sewing buttons and asked Beaver’s patterned feather belt has lost three feathers.
her son to finish the job.

How many sewing buttons are inside each box when Which feathers should be on the belt?
her son has finished?

z z

Algorithms Logic

13 14
Beaver balance Beaver birthday

There are only two numbers in Beaverland: 0 and 1.

Which one of those statements is correct?

A. Beaver is heavier than the printer and motorcycle is
heavier than beaver.
B. Beaver is heavier than the printer and motorcycle is
lighter than beaver. During a birthday celebration burning candles means 1
C. Beaver is lighter than the printer and motorcycle is and unlit means 0.
heavier than beaver. How old is the beaver?

z z
Algorithms Logic

15 16
Morning After school

Morning actions should be After school Gabrielle has a lot to

performed in the correct do. Her sequence of actions is
sequence. Unfortunately, there shown in the pictures.
is a mistake. Unfortunately, one picture is

Which two actions are in the Which one of these pictures

wrong order? would fit best?

z z

Logic Algorithms

17 18
Coins Colourful tower

Beaverland money – beuro coins. Beaver is buying a A little beaver girl puts rings on top of each other in this
fish using beuro coins. The fish costs 10 beuros.He has sequence:
these coins:
1) Red
2) Green
3) Yellow
She repeats the sequence until the last correctly
coloured ring has been placed.

In how many different ways can he pay for it?

How many rings will the tower have?

z ¤
Algorithms Algorithms

19 20
Beaver hut Read the words

Programmer beaver is sorting out logs for a hut using Read these words by using the tree of possibilities:
these rules:
Tree, trek, tram, trap, teen, teem, team.
1st action: if log is shorter than the one to the right of it –
it will be used for flooring;
2nd action: if longer, then it will be used for the roof.
Beaver is taking logs in order and repeating actions 1
and 2.

One word is missing from the list. What is it?

Which logs are used for the roof?

¤ ¤

Algorithms Logic

21 22
Little stones mosaic Swimmer beaver

Robot-beaver is walking on a tile path and putting Beaver wants to swim across all rivers but he is only
down little stones according to the commands: allowed to swim along each river once.

When several little stones are put on the same tile they
form a tower. Which program causes the robot to
create a tower of 4 little stones?

What is the path the Beaver needs to swim?

¤ ¤
Abstraction Logic

23 24
Missing numbers Picture of the castle

In the picture there are numbers from 1 to 20. A little beaver, Lina uses an exciting method to create
pictures. She cuts out a stencil of the castle in a
cardboard panel. Then she places colourful bricks in it.

Lina created this picture:

Unfortunately, four numbers are missing. What are the

missing numbers?

In how many different ways is it possible to create this


¤ ¤

Algorithms Algorithms

25 26
Beetle robot A choice of tracks

Beaver created a beetle robot, which can move from Train traffic arrows control train movements at each
one square to another one following the arrows. The crossing.
beetle robot starts at one of the entrances on the left.
The robot moves in the direction indicated by the
arrows for as many squares as there are arrows (e.g.
one square if there is one arrow, two squares if there are
two arrows etc.).
When the robot is moving, he ignores the arrows on the

Which pair of instructions will result in then train arriving

in London?
A. 1a and 3a
B. 1b and 2a
C. 1a and 2b
D. 1b and 3a

Which starting entrances allow the robot to reach the


¤ ¤
Algorithms Algorithms

27 28
Every other turn Floating robot

Beaver created a robot cat, which moves according to Little beaver created a robot which swims according to
the following rules: the following commands:
1) Move forward 1) Swim forward;
2) Turn at every other turn 2) When it is possible, turn left.

Little Beaver launched his robot at home – in pond A.

Where will cat exit? In which pond will the robot will finish his journey?

¤ ¤

Logic Algorithms

29 30
Moving diagonally French beaver

Robocat moves diagonally to another square French beaver is wearing a t-shirt with a logo of himself
according to the commands: on it.
IF there is a mouse in the square, then move to the left, He would like different colours on every t-shirt he wears,
each t-shirt should be a colour from the French flag. He
IF NOT (if there is no mouse) – go to the right.
would wear a blue colour t-shirt, next would be white,
Robocat has followed the path below and eaten all then – red.
the mice.

Which colour will the 10th t-shirt be?

How many mice did the cat eat?

¤ ¤
Algorithms Algorithms

31 32
Lunar rover Little stones

The beaver controlled lunar rover is moving from one Robot is collecting interesting stones by repeating these
point to another using the map below. Lunar rover’s commands:
path is:
IF there is one stone in the square, then move to the
(1, 1) (1, 3) (4, 3) (4, 6) (5, 6) next square,
The first number is the row, the second – is the column IF NOT – take one stone and move forward the same
number. number of squares as there are stones left on the

Which one of these objects will be encountered by the How many stones will be gathered by the robot?
lunar rover: hill, crater or rocks?

¤ ¤

Logic Algorithms

33 34
Cinema Beautiful tiles

Chairs in a cinema are marked by numbers. Robot-beaver is walking on tiles and decorating them
with ornaments. He knows these commands:
All customers are sitting in these chairs:
[1, 1]; [1, 3]; [1, 6]; [2, 2]; [2, 5]; [2, 6]; [3, 2]; [4, 3]; [4, 1];
[4, 2]; [4, 5]; [4, 7].

Several flowers on the same tile are drawn next to each


What is the largest number of flowers drawn on a single

tile by robot-beaver, after these commands?

Is this true? Is there a mistake?

¤ 
Logic Logic

35 36
Beaver map Clothes line

On the beaver map the location of objects are Kangaroo built a clothes dryer. They want to strengthen
indicated by two numbers in brackets. Row number first, the poles to save the dryer from beavers. Unfortunately,
then – column number. they can only afford to strengthen one pole.
Lake (1, 1) In which pole should they invest?
Bridge (5, 6)

The beaver hut is located four points below bridge and

two points to the right of the bridge.
What is the location of the Beaver hut?

 

Algorithms Algorithms

37 38
Swap iFrog

Beaver’s and kangaroos’ cards are in an order: Robot frog can grab one insect by jumping once from
one leaf to another one.

You can swap two cards next to each other.

How many swaps are needed to swap cards to get all
beavers at the beginning of the row and kangaroos at
the end? Use the minimum number of swaps.

How many jumps does robot frog have to make in

order to to grab all the insects?

 
Logic Algorithms

39 40
Laundry Robot is carrying

Beaver has a laundry with two separate machines for Robot-beaver is programmed to carry parcels to the
washing and drying. Both machines have an half hour third floor. If a parcel weighs up to 10 kilo, robot can
operating cycle, so each customer needs 60 minutes. move one floor per minute. If it is heavier 2 minutes per
floor. Robot-beaver delays 1 minute preparing to move
before each flight of stairs.

Two beavers arrive in a hurry. They need to wash and How many minutes will it take Robot-reaver to carry a
dry their clothes as quickly as possible. 13 kilo parcel to the 3rd floor?
How many minutes it is going to take to wash and dry
clothes for two beavers?

 

Algorithms Patterns

41 Necklace for a little 42

Read around beaver
A wheel is programmed to stop according to the Little beaver wants to give a necklace to his girlfriend
following rules: beaver. He knows she wants a specific one:
1st time – skip one square, 1) Red berries have to be between pine needles and
2nd time – skip two squares, 2) The number of apple pips has to be equal to the
number of pine needles.
3rd time – skip three squares etc.
The first letter of the word is “P”.

What is the word?

Which necklace will little beaver girl like?

 
Logic Logic

Programmer’s new 43 44
years eve Beaver's House

Programmer beaver decorated an extraordinary Beaver house windows are marked by row & column
Christmas Tree especially for a New Year’s Eve. A lit light numbers, e.g. windows on the door’s right: [1, 3] and [2,
bulb means 1 and unlit means 0. 3].
Beaver replaced windows: [1, 2]; [1, 6]; [2, 2]; [2, 5] last

This year he wants to replace other windows, but only

those, which have 4 ‘’neighbours’’: to the left, right,
above & below.
Which New Year Eve is being celebrated?
How many windows Beaver is going to replace this

 

Algorithms Algorithms

45 46
Beaver language Find a mistake

Whistling beavers can talk with each other from a long A wheel is programmed to stop according to the
distance using whistle language. Every letter is made up following rules:
of a combination of long and short whistles. There is a
1st time – skip one square,
pause between letters.
2nd time – skip two squares,
3rd time – skip three squares etc.
Sounds for the following letters are: The first letter of the word is “P”.

Which whistle sequence makes the word BEBRAS?

Beaver read a word and found a mistake. What is the


 
Logic Algorithms

47 48
Cat and mouse Cipher

Beaver created two robots: cat and mouse. Both of Beavers send messages encoded with a specific
them can move from one square to another following cipher: every alphabet letter is shifted by two letters.
the arrows. Cat wants to hunt the mouse.
E.g. A->C, B->D…, Y->A, Z->B.
x Cat starts first.
x Moves are made alternately (cat, mouse, cat,
mouse, etc.)
x The robots move in the direction indicated by the
arrows as many squares as there are arrows (E.G. one
square if there is one arrow, two squares if two arrows
and etc.).
x When a robot is moving,
it ignores the arrows on
the squares it moves
x Mouse is eaten, when
the cat is on the same
square as the mouse.
Message received: JGNNQ VJGTG
What was written by the Beaver?
Can the mouse avoid the

 

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