PGD in Project Management

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PGD in Project Management


 Chapter 1: Modern Project Modern

Management Manage

 Chapter 2: Organisation Strategy

and Project Selection
 Chapter 3: Organisation Structure Defining PM on
the Strategy
Project Fundame and
and Culture Scope ntal Project

 Chapter 4: Defining the Project

Chapter 4: Defining the Project Scope
• Identify key elements of a project scope statement and understand why a
complete scope statement is critical to project success.
• Describe the causes of scope creep and ways to manage it.
• Understand why it is important to establish project priorities in terms of
cost, time, and performance.
• Demonstrate the importance of a work breakdown structure (WBS) to the
management of projects and how it serves as a database for planning and
• Demonstrate how the organization breakdown structure (OBS) establishes
accountability to organization units.
• Describe a process breakdown structure (PBS) and when to use it.
• Create responsibility matrices for small projects.
• Create a communication plan for a project.
Project Scope
• Project scope is a definition of the end result or mission of your
project—a product or service for your client/customer.
• The primary purpose is to define as clearly as possible the
deliverable(s) for the end user and to focus project plans.
• Project scope definition is a document that will be published and
used by the project owner and project participants for planning
and measuring project success.
• Scope describes what you expect to deliver to your customer
when the project is complete.

Employing a Project Scope Checklist
• Project objective- define the
overall objective to meet your
customer’s need(s)
• answers the questions of what,
when, how much, and at times
• Product scope description- the
characteristics of the product,
service, or outcome of the
• “What end result is wanted?”
• if the product is a cell phone, its
product scope will be its screen
size, battery, processor, camera
type, memory, and so on.

• Justification- It is important that project team members and
stakeholders know why management authorized the project.
• This is sometimes referred to as the business case for the project, since
it usually includes cost/benefit analysis and strategic significance.
• Deliverables- the expected, measurable outputs over the life of
the project.
• deliverables in the early design phase of a project might be a list of
specifications. In the second phase deliverables might be software
coding and a technical manual. The next phase might be the prototype.
• Milestones- a significant event in a project that occurs at a point
in time.
• milestone schedule shows only major segments of work; it represents
first, rough-cut estimates of time, cost, and resources for the project.

• Technical requirements- clarify the deliverables or define the
performance specifications.
• a technical requirement for a personal computer might be the ability to accept
120-volt alternating current
• Limits and exclusions- limits of scope should be defined. Failure to do
so can lead to false expectations and to expending resources and
time on the wrong problem
• work on-site is allowed only between the hours of 8:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m.
• Acceptance criteria- a set of conditions that must be met before the
deliverables are accepted.
• Scope statements- are twofold. There is a short, one- to two-page
summary of key elements of the scope, followed by extended
documentation of each element

project charter
A project charter is a document that authorizes the project
manager to initiate and lead the project. This document is issued
by upper management and provides the project manager with
written authority to use organizational resources for project
activities. Often the charter will include a brief scope description
as well as such items as risk limits, business case, spending limits,
and even team composition.

Scope Creep
Many projects suffer from scope creep, which is the tendency for the
project scope to expand over time—usually by changing requirements,
specifications, and priorities. Scope creep can have a positive or
negative effect on the project, but in most cases scope creep means
added costs and possible project delays.
Five of the most common causes of scope creep are:
• Poor requirement analysis. Customers often don’t really know what
they want. “I’ll know it when I see it” syndrome contributes to wasted
effort and ambiguity.

Scope Creep
• Not involving users early enough. Too often project teams think they know
up front what the end user needs, only to find out later they were mistaken.
• Underestimating project complexity. Complexity and associated
uncertainty naturally lead to changes in scope, since there are so many
unknowns yet to be discovered.
• Lack of change control. A robust change control process is needed to
ensure that only appropriate changes occur in the scope of the project.
• Gold plating. Gold plating refers to adding extra value to the project that is
beyond the scope of the project. This is common on software projects
where developers add features that they think the end user will like.

Establishing Project Priorities
• Quality and the ultimate success of a project are traditionally defined
as meeting and/or exceeding the expectations of the customer
and/or upper management in terms of the cost (budget), time
(schedule), and performance (scope) of the project
• have a candid discussion with the project customer and upper
management to establish the relative importance of each criterion
• One technique that is useful for this purpose is completing a priority
matrix for the project to identify which criterion is constrained, which
should be enhanced, and which can be accepted

Development of a new wireless
• Because time-to-market is important to sales, the project manager is
instructed to take advantage of every opportunity to reduce completion
time. In doing so, going over budget is acceptable, though not desirable. At
the same time, the original performance specifications for the router as
well as reliability standards cannot be compromised.
• Priorities vary from project to
• developing a priority matrix for a
project before the project begins is a
useful exercise.
Creating the Work Breakdown Structure
• Once the scope and
deliverables have been
identified, the work of
the project can be
successively subdivided
into smaller and smaller
work elements. The
outcome of this
hierarchical process is
called the work
breakdown structure

E-Slim Tablet

• Each item in the WBS needs a time and cost estimate.
• As the WBS is developed, organization units and individuals are
assigned responsibility for executing work packages. This integrates
the work and the organization. In practice, this process is sometimes
called the organization breakdown structure (OBS).
• The lowest level of the WBS is called a work package. Work packages are
short duration tasks that have a definite start and stop point, consume
resources, and represent cost. Each work package is a control point.
• A work package manager is responsible for seeing that the package is
completed on time, within budget, and according to technical
• Practice suggests a work package should not exceed 10 workdays or one
reporting period

In summary, each work package in the WBS
1. Defines work (what).
2. Identifies time to complete a work package (how long).
3. Identifies a time-phased budget to complete a work package (cost).
4. Identifies resources needed to complete a work package (how
5. Identifies a single person responsible for units of work (who).
6. Identifies monitoring points for measuring progress (how well).

Integrating the WBS with the Organization
• The WBS is used to link the organization units responsible for
performing the work. In practice, the outcome of this process is the
organization breakdown structure (OBS). The OBS depicts how the
firm has organized to discharge work responsibility.
• the OBS assigns the lowest organization unit the responsibility for
work packages within a cost account.

Integration of
WBS and
E-Slim Tablet

Process Breakdown Structure
• The WBS is best suited for design and build projects that have
tangible outcomes such as an offshore mining facility or a new car
prototype. The project can be decomposed, or broken down, into
major deliverables, subdeliverables, further subdeliverables, and
ultimately work packages. It is more difficult to apply WBS to less
tangible, process-oriented projects in which the final outcome is a
product of a series of steps or phases.
• Process projects are driven by performance requirements, not by
plans/blueprints. Some practitioners choose to utilize a process
breakdown structure (PBS) instead of the classic WBS.

Responsibility Matrices
• One tool that is widely used by
project managers and task
force leaders of small projects
is the responsibility matrix
• The RM (sometimes called a
linear responsibility chart)
summarizes the tasks to be
accomplished and who is
responsible for what on a
project. In its simplest form an
RM consists of a chart listing
all the project activities and
the participants responsible
for each activity.

Responsibility Matrix for the Conveyor
Belt Project

Project Communication Plan
Project communication plans address the following core questions:
• What information needs to be collected and when?
• Who will receive the information?
• What methods will be used to gather and store information?
• What are the limits, if any, on who has access to certain kinds of
• When will the information be communicated?
• How will it be communicated?

Stakeholder analysis
• Identify the target groups. Typical
groups could be the customer,
sponsor, project team, project office,
or anyone else who needs project
information to make decisions and/or
contribute to project progress.
• Information needs. What
information is pertinent to
stakeholders who contribute to the
project’s progress?

Shale Oil


You are in charge of organizing lunch program for a local charity.

You have reserved a hall that will seat 100 peoples.
a. Develop a scope statement for this project that contains examples of
all the elements. Assume that the event will occur in four weeks. Provide
your best estimate of the dates for milestones.

b. What would the priorities likely be for this project?

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