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Module 4 2
The Research and the Research
Most Essential Learning Competency:
1. Designs a research used in daily life (CS_RS12-ld-e-1)
2. Writes a research title (CS_RS12-ld-e-2) OCAN

3. Describes background of a research (CS RS12-1d-e-3)

To the Leamers

This module will be your self-help guide in the process of understanding what
research is about. As you venture into the many facets ofthis discipline, be mindful
of the instructions below. This will be your GUIDE as you use the module.
Get yourselfready for self-learning. Perform personal necessities beforehand and
be in a secuded and well-ventilated area.
Understand preliminaries by answering the Pre-test before you start the module.
Involve yourself in learning wholeheartedly. Read all instructions and lessons
carefully and make sure you understand it well before moving on to the next.
Design a learning pattern that will be most effective for you. Jot down notes,
make a journal of each lesson, use mnemonics to help you remember the
process and do not hesitate to ask help from knowledgeable adults.
Enjoy and just have fun. Take your time and relax. You will learn best if you do it
at your most convenient pace.

most especially now that the country is combatting

An integral part of every profession,
and essential in everyones
the COVID-19 pandemic, research is becoming more more

address the following

life. This part of Practical Research 2 module for week 4 aims to


are in as a
1) ldentify plausible research project connected with the strand you
Senior High School student.
2) Formulate a research title for a research project.
3) Articulate the research background.


Directions: Read the questions carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer on the
blank provided before the number.
1. At which stage of the Discovery and Guided Inquiry Model does determining
a research problem takes place?

A) Creating B) Exploring C) Investigating D) Processing

2. Which part of the research paper is read first and read the most?
A) Conclusion C) Research title
B) Problem statement D) Significance of the study
3. Among the characteristic of an effective research title is that is not too short
or too long. How many substantive words must a research title have?P
A) 5- 10 B) 10- 15 C) 15-200 D) 20 25
4. Which statement is NOT true about the background of the study?
A) It is used to prove that a thesis question is relevant.
B) It might include both relevant and essential studies
C) It contains preliminary information about a research question.
D) It is a compilation of adequate information based on the analysis of the

5. Which of the following information should be included in the background of

the study?
I. Context of the topic III. General information about the topic
II. Justification of the research IV. Research conclusion
A) 1, II and II B) I1, III and IV C)1, III and IV D) I, II and IV
Looking Back
Words that I know.
Objective: Recall significant terms related to kinds of quantitative research and

research variables.
Direction: From the word search presented below, look for terms related to quantitative

kinds of research or kinds of variables. List the

research. Classify these terms as

words down on the table below.

E| RLM E N T A D X E M I S 0 | E |E N D

Kinds of Research Kinds of Variable

Brief Introduction

As of the moment, the whole world is experiencing such a very depressing

phenomenon. The COVID-19 pandemic has crippled all sectors important to human
lives. Hence the significane of research to be able to find a means to put a stop to the
outbreak or maybe find a way to live with it is of vital importance. The scenario cited is
one of the ways by which rsearchers determine a research topic to work on. Researchers
drew ideas from personal interest, experience, what they value, issues, problems that
needs to be addressed, past researches, and everything within the realm of their
understanding. The process starts from choosing a general interest then decoding these
ideas into specific topics they would want to work on. Hence it is imperative that when
you works on a reseach title, you as a researcher is widely acquainted of the sunstantial
information regarding the topic you would be working.
These informations are
presented in the first part of the research paper among which is the backgorund of the
study which main purpose is to put the research into context.

Activity 1
Inquiry and the research process
Objective: Identify the task involve in the different stages of the Discovery and Guided
Inquiry Model.
Direction: Classify the task according to the stage in the inquiry process in which it is
done. Write Exploring, Investigating, Processing or Creating beside a given task.
The Discovery and Guided Inquiry Model is a model proposed by Together for
Learning which is an online learning community. It is a cycle consisting of four stages
that is a very helpful activity to begin the research process. Presented in the diagram
below are the processes that occurs in each of the stages.

the topic
Initating Developingg
inguiry questions

Extending Designing
transternn9 he pian

Assessing Selecung
product &&
Inquiry intormation

Making &
presentin9 Formulatng
roduct tocus
& synthesizing/ Analyzing

(from http://www.togetherforlearning.ca/discovery-and-guided-inquiry/)
In which stage does the following task occurs?

1. Using your skill in observation to recognize significant events, knowledge,

ideas, learnings you have come across with and has stirred a certain level of interest.
2. Make a write-up or report of your significant information's and present
your findings to your research teacher.
3. Select from among the information's you have gathered the most
meaningful and suitable for the research you want to work on.
4. Brainstorm for significant ideas, list down important keyword, develop
relevant questions.
5. Find a means to verify the keywords that can be your search words to
look for sources of information for the problem you would work on.
6. Evaluate the value of your researches and determine its significance.

7. Collect as many relevant prints and nonprint material that will be helpful
in narrowing your focus.

Activity 2
Springboard to designing a project.
Objective: Select researchable topic from related to a Senior High School Strand.
Direction: Prom a day in the life of Rey Sercher, list down three events, ideas or
questions that you find interesting and could be a possible topic for research.
Among the traits useful to researchers is "perceptiveness". The Merriam Webster
dictionary define the word "perceptive" as responsive to sensory stimuli. If you are a

perceptive person, then you could maximize the use of your senses and see more than
the obvious. Research topics could be something within your reach if you observe

keenly and apply a little inquisitiveness.

Consider a day in the life of Rey Sercher, a senior high school student at this time
of pandemic.
Rey woke up at 6:00 in the morning and prepare himself for online class that will
start at 7:00 until 3:00 in the afternoon. He has three classes to attend to today with
one-hour interval per class. At around 8:00 his mother went out to buy food but get
back home when she realized that the color of her quarantine pass is not allowed to go
out today. Unfortunately, because of the extremely long queue of buyers in the market
yesterday. she lost her patience and went home empty handed. Now what they only have
is rice and yesterdays viand. At 9:00 in the morning he found it difficult to concentrate.
His brother cried very loud nonstop because he really wanted to go out and play. It had
been over five months since he had played with his friends and it is making him irritable
lately. His second class for the day starts at 10:00 and it had been two hours of just
listening to his teachers' monotone monologue. It almost made him sleep and wvish that
they don't have to do it again. At 11:00 his mother decided to just reheat yesterday's
food, but it was already spoiled. She then resorted to buying food online and since it's
late found an online seller that sells at double the regular price. The budget will not be
enough for the week. After unch, Rey readies for the third and the last class for the day.
Unfortunately, his load limit is no longer enough to open an online platform where they
decided to hold the class for that particular subject, hence Rey had been absent for the
said class.

Questions to ponder:
1. What event/observation/idea/problem/question appeals to you the most?
Ex The teachers' monotone monologue that almost made him sleep


2. Does your choice has any significant connection to the strand you are taking? How?
Activity 3
Big Word, Small Word
Objective: Narrow down general topic to researchable topic.
Direction: Fill in I see, I think, I wonder, why graphic organizer, then answer the

questions that follow.

I see I think I wonder Why
(What is the (What do you think (What aspect about (What why question
can you ask about
observation made) about it?) what you think
should be the things that you

addressed?) wondered about?)

Ex: The teachers|I think the teacher | 1 wonder how many Why are teachers
monotone monologue facilitating the lesson other educators are resortingplatforms
Rey i s familiar with the | knowledgeable about | online
totheuse oto
almost made
deliver instruction?
sleep use of online platform the useof online
Why do teachers have
to deliver platforms to facilitate
trouble in the use of
instructions. learning.
online platform?..

(Note: You could write as many as you could think of in the I think, wonder, why
column. Use additional sheet to write on.)
Let's get to work:
1. In which among the observations you have made has more entries for the I think, I
wonder, why column?

2.Reflect on that observation you have more knowledge about, list down as many
terms/words related to it that you can think about.

3. Define each of the term you identify based on how you understand it.

4. Classify the words you have listed as concept or variables. .

5. Classify the variables you have identified as dependent, independent, confounding,

or intervening.

6. Reflect on your answers to the first 5 task, if you are Rey, what topic are you going to
work on?.

(Note: You can use the data you get from this part to conduct library research)

Activity 4
The research title
Objective: Develop a research title for a research project.
Direction: Follow the steps in writing the research title.
into and most of the time
The part of the research paper that researchers look
Research Papers: Choosing Title,
read first is the research title (Organizing Academic
information about the
n.d). So therefore, it m u s t be able to convey a lot of significant
and to formulate
the steps provided below
study. How will you write your title? Follow
your own title?

Writing the title of the research paper.

4 and try to answer the folowing questions.
. Retlect on your responses to activity
a. What question do you intend to answer?.
an answer to the question?.
b. What do you think should you do to get

c. Who will be participating in the study? .

d) What outcome do you expect to achieve? .

2. From your answers to the questions, list down key

3. Use the key word to make one (1) complete

unessential words from your

4. Cancel redundant terms and

possesses the following
5. Check if your sentence

a. Is it interesting?
of the research?
b. Does it reflect the purpose
and independent variables in the study?
c. Can identify the dependent
research will be conducted?
d. Does it reflect how the
10 to 15 words)
least the s e n t e n c e should contain
e. Is it not too wordy? (At

Activity 5

The research background.

Describe the background of the study.
Objective: below and answer the
Read the example of background of the study

questions that follow.

lot of
of the COVID-19 pandemic,
uneventful occurrence
With the sudden
situation for life to continue as it used
need adapt to the current
industry requires the
that experienced the need for
a 360-degree change is
to be. Among the sector
in life
believes that students need to
be educated and advanced
education sector, for it
knows no barrier. The future cannot be freeze. Hence, the new trend now among regula
classes is online learning, which for a lot of educators doing it for the first time poseda
very dificult struggle. Although it is common among schools implementing distance

learning, this is quite new for the basic education specifically the public-school system
in the Philippines.
This research which aim is to determine educator's perception about the
transituon irom regular class to online class, proposes to address issues about the

difficulties foreseen by teachers in the use of the online platform as well as problems
posed due to personal deficiencies as well as barriers that can be attributed to receivers
o1 learning. In varieties of multimedia platforms, critics of the new normal is a common

Sight. It is among the most trending topic in social media and broadcasters and
journalist have been devoting a lot of effort interviewing parents, educators, students,
government leaders to find their opinions on the matter. Would it be effective? Will
students respond positively to it? Has the implementation considered economic
conditions? Are the teachers ready? Are students ready? Is the system ready? These and
among other things explain why the need to pay attention to this particular practice is

among the issues of utmost significance.

Questions to think about:
1. Does the background places the research in the context of a specific fielid? Explain

2. What information regarding the issues being addressed is presented?

3. Does it provide adequate information that points the

significance of doing the
study? How?


1. The research process is a series of steps that begins with

inquiry. Inquiry according
to the Merriam Webster dictionary is an "act of
asking questions in order to gather or
collect information".
2. There are varieties of suggested model for the
inquiry process. Among them is the
Discovery and Gulded Inquiry Model proposed by Together for Learning which is a
four-stage cycle comprising of Exploring, Investigating, Processing and Creating. lt
is significant process in recognizing researchable topics.

3. To design a research relevant to

daily life, researchers can draw from experlence,
prlor knowledge, ideas, researches done by other, observations and questions
drawn from these observations, among others.
4.Graphie organisers such as I seo, I think, I wonder, why can be a significant to
in tinding focus to your study. General topics/ldea should be broken down to specnC

focus to determine a rescarch topic.

terms or concept
. It is nportant to conduct extensive study, validating important
to writing a rescarch tiue
regarding the topic of the research to be conducted prior 1he
the research.
. The esearch title must summarize the main idea or idcas of

the following: a) it must be interestingB

parameters to determine a good research title are
of the rescarch; c) identify
enough to draw attention; b} it reflects the purpose
conducted; and
to how the
research will be
a n d independent variable; d}) gives insight
lastly e) not too wordy. Naval
overview of the
research study" (Carey,
The background of the study an
research. Important
the rationale of the
and Prieto, 2017) and elaborates on
research into
is that it puts the
considerations about the background of the study
it could
the research, provide relevant history,
context, it provides justification for doing the
Literature can be incorporated in
also inclhude previous studies regarding the issue.
background of the study.

Check your Understanding

to work on a
#4 of Activity 4. You are going
Go back to your response to item

research topic with that title. Ponder on the following questions:

research answer?
1. What relevant question will that

the existence of the said problem?

observations have you made that prove
2. What

research supporting the occurrence of your observation?

3. Are there existing

4. What is the significance of conducting the study?,

5. Following the example given in Activity 5, write your own background of the study.
Directions: Read the questions carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer on the

blank provided before the number.

1. Which of the following can be a source of research topic?

B) Experience B) literature C)previous research D) all of the given

2. Which of the following is the correct sequence of the inquiry cycle?
I. Create II. Explore II. Investigate IV. Process

A) I,11,11,IVV B) 1,I,IV,II C) I1, II, Iv, I D) I1,IV,II,I

3. What process is significant in writing the research title?
Breaking down general idea to specific focus.
I. ldentifying key terms and classifying them as concept or variable.
Formulating conclusion based from gathered data.
IV. Classifying variables as dependent or independent
A) 1, 11, II B) 1, I1, IV C)1, II, IV D) II, II1, V
4. Consider the research title Teacher's Perception on the Use of Online
Interactive Application to Encourage Students Interest, what is the independent

A) Encourage Students C) Students Interest

B) Interactive Online Application D) Teacher's Perception
4. Which is included in the background ofthe study?
A) Analysis B) Conclusion C) Method D) Rationale


Converting Thoughts to Actions

Objective: Apply the skills leaned in choosing a research topic related to the strand
you are enrolled in, write the title for your research and develop background of the

Reflect on a particular experience that you can relate to your Senior High School Strand.
1. Make an I see, I think, wonder, why graphic organizer with that experience as a
possible focus.
2. From your specific question, list down key terms.
3. Identify the variables among your terms and classify them according to kinds.
4. Research on the key terms you have identified and use this information to suggest a
research title.

5. Be ready to present your research title, using the parameters stated above as your

guide in evaluating appropriateness of your title.

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