Career Paths Law TB Jurisdiction Lawsuit 2
Career Paths Law TB Jurisdiction Lawsuit 2
Career Paths Law TB Jurisdiction Lawsuit 2
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Table of Contents
f 11
Answer Key . . ... . . .. . ...... .. . 4
Audioscripts . . .. .. .. . ... . .. . .... . 13
Answer Key . . . . .. . ....... .. . 16
Audioscripts .. .. . .... . . .. 27
Answer Key . . ..... ... ... ... . . 31
Audioscripts .. ... . . ..... . .. . . . 44
2 1 plaintiff Unit 2
2 defendant
Suggested Answers
3 speak on behalf of their clients
4 may assist the attorney
1 People decide to take legal action for many
5 judge reasons, for example if they have been injured in
an accident that was not their fault, if their
3 1 B 3 D 5 F 7 G property has been damaged, if they have been
2 A 4 C 6 E unfairly treated by their employer or if they have
been the victim of a crime.
4 B 2 B 3 A 4 A 2 People usually need to conta ct a legal firm to get
advice about how to take legal action. People
5 Suggested Answer also need to be sure they have evidence to
support their claim.
In the legal system a civil case begins with a plaintiff,
the person who makes a complaint. The plaintiff files
2 T 2 F 3 T
the complaint with a court. The person the plaintiff
accuses of a crime is the defendant. Both the plaintiff
3 B 2 A 3 B 4 A 5 B
and the defendant have attorneys to present their
cases to the court. Attorneys have paralegals, people proof
4 1 settle 3 trial 5
who have legal training, to assist them. In the court a
2 appeal 4 legal action
jury and a judge listen to both sides of the case. The
jury decides on a verdict and the judge makes the
5 Suggested Answer
decision on how to resolve the case.
If you have been involved in a dispute or have been
6 D 2 D injured by someone else's carelessness, Butler and
Evans Associates can help you to take legal action and
7 1 civil 3 complaint 5 plaintiff get due process. They will initiate a lawsuit to try and
attorney 4 defendant 6 jury get you the damages you are entitled to. Butler and
Evans investigate your case to get the proof required
8 Suggested Answer for your trial and if the court's verdict is not in your favor
they will try to appeal the case. If Butler and Evans don't
A: Hi, Sally. How is that civil case coming along.
win your case, they don't charge you any fee.
B: Oh, Roger, I wish you hadn't reminded me
A: Why, what's wrong?
6 A 2 C
B: I'm afraid our client's complaint has run out of steam.
A: Well, has it?
7 1 offer 3 settle 5 proof
B: It depends or whether the judge decides there
2 lawsuit 4 pay for half 6 you're right
was a valid contract between the plaintiff and the
defendant. He really needs the money, or his
8 Suggested Answer
factory may be forced to close down.
A: Do you have evidence to prove that there was? A: Good morning, Mrs . Smith. I just received a call
B: Some, but the defendant's attorney is very good from Mr. Jones' lawyer. He said, Mr. Jones is willing
and he may succeed in having it disallowed. to put an end to your dispute.
A: Okay, then why don't you ask our paralegal to do B: Great. So what do we do next?
some more research? A: Well , he will only stop defending the lawsuit if you
B: Good idea. agree to settle.
4 Answer Key
B: What is he asking for? form books, are kept in another part of the library.
A: He wants you to pay for the costs of arguing the Most libraries also have computerized databases with
case so far and he will pay for the damages to all these resources on them.
your car.
B: But I was parked on the side of the road He drove 6 F 2 T 3 F
straight into me
A: I understand. But seeing as the legal system for 7 1 legal encyclopaedias 4 primary materials
these types of cases can be so slow, I suggest 2 in common 5 statutes
you settle. 3 case annotations 6 No problem
B: Oh, all right, then you're the expert.
8 Suggested Answer
9 Suggested Answer A: Hi John. Did the law library have anything to help
Client: Samantha Smith our case?
Date: 4th July 2001 B: Yes. There were several similar cases in the legal
Meeting about: Settlement of car crash case. encyclopedias. It seems that judges often dismiss
cases against young defendants.
Recommended that client should settle by agreeing
A: Do the dismissed cases have anything in common?
to pay legal costs to date. Only then will Mr Jones
B: Well, I looked at the case annotations and found
pay for damages to her car.
that none of the defendants had any previous
Client will settle on these terms.
A: Great work
Unit 3 B: I've also collected some primary materials about
1 Suggested Answers crimes involving young offenders.
A: Thank you. Can you do me one more favor? Write
1 Legal professionals can find information about
a summary of the statutes on young offenders.
cases in legal encyclopedias, law journals, digests
B: No problem, I'll do it right away.
and case annotations. These books can be found
in many libraries. Courts will also have records of
9 Suggested Answer
past cases, and nowadays there are several
computerized databases of court cases on the Source(s): Legal encyclopedias, case annotations
Internet. Useful info: Judges often dismissed cases against
2 Legal professionals need good research skills young defendants
because they have to find and research laws and What cases have in common: Young defendants/no
past cases relevant to their case. previous convictions.
2 B 2 C 3 B Unit4
1 Suggested Answers
3 1 primary materials 3 cite 5 resources
2 form book 4 digest 1 In the USA new laws are made when a member of
Congress sponsors a bill proposing a new law. The
4 1 journals 4 case annotation bill is assigned to a committee who study it with the
2 computerized database 5 legal encyclopedia help of experts. If the committee decides to pass it
3 references on then the relevant chamber of Congress votes
on the bill . If a majority votes for the bill it passes to
5 Suggested Answer the next chamber of Congress (i.e.: if it was
introduced in the Senate, it goes to the House of
Law libraries keep different documents in different
Representatives and vice versa) and the process is
sections. In one section you will find primary
repeated. If the second chamber votes in favor of
materials, which are the texts containing actual laws.
the bill it is revised by a conference committee and
In another you can look at secondary materials,
then sent back to both chambers to be voted on
which give opinions on these laws. In the section for
again. If the bill is passed by both chambers, it goes
secondary materials you will find legal encyclopedias
to the president for their signature and approval.
and digests, which are summaries of individual cases.
After this, it officially becomes a law. If the president
Law journals will be contained in another section. In
doesn't approve the bill, it can still become law if
these journals you can find case annotations. Finally,
two thirds of Congress approve it.
Answer Key 5
6 Answer Key
8 Answer Key
5 Suggested Answer
Criminal law punishes those people who com
For minor crimes, such as trespassing you may g
If a criminal commits the same offence many tim
they may go to jail.
6 T 2 F 3 T
8 Suggested Answer
B: Let's talk about the sentencing? My client doe
Why would I do that?
A: I take your point - but he was convicted for th
only last year.
2 F 2 T F
3 1 license 3 jeopardize
4 C 2 C 3 B 5 C
5 B 2 C
2 Health Department required
3 compliance 6
7 Suggested Answer
Mr . Evans, please sit down and tell what I can
for you
Department wants to shut down my restaurant
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