اسئله اطفال مدفقه 740804

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‫اﻟﻠﻬﻢ اﺳﺘﻮدﻋﻚ ﻣﺎ ﻗﺮأت وﻣﺎ ﺣﻔﻈﺖ‬

‫اﺳﺌﻠﺔ وزارة اﻟﺼﺤﺔ ﻟﻼﻟﺘﺤﺎق‬ ‫وﺗﻌﻠﻤـﺖ ‪ ،‬ﻓـﺮده ﻟـﻲ ﻋﻨـﺪ ﺣﺎﺟﺘـﻲ اﻟﻴﻪ ‪,‬‬
‫ﺑﺒﺮﻧﺎﻣﺞ اﻻﻗﺎﻣﺔ واﻻﻣﺘﻴﺎز‬
‫إﻧـــﻚ ﻋﻠﻰ ﻣﺎ ﺗﺸﺎء ﻗﺪﻳﺮ‬

‫) ‪( 2018 -2013‬‬

‫اﺧﻮﻛﻢ اﻟﺪﻛﺘﻮر ‪ :‬اﺳﺎﻣـﻪ اﻟﺨﺰاﻋﻠـﻪ‬

‫ﻗﻤﺖ ﺑﺎﻋﺎدة ﺟﻤﻊ وﺗﻨﺴﻴﻖ‬ ‫ﺑﻔﻀﻞ ا‬
‫اﺳﺌﻠﺔ اﻟﺪورات اﻟﺴﺎﺑﻘﺔ‪ ,‬اﻟﺼﺎدرة ﻣﻦ‬
‫ﻃـــﺐ ﻋـــﺎم وﺟﺮاﺣــﻪ‬
‫وزارة اﻟﺼﺤﺔ ﻻﻣﺘﺤﺎﻧـــﺎت اﻻﻗﺎﻣـــﺔ‬

‫) ‪-2013‬‬ ‫واﻻﻣﺘﻴــﺎز ﻟﻼﻋـــﻮام‬

‫‪ , ( 2018‬ﺑﻌﺪ ﺟﻬـــﺪ وﻋﻨــﺎء ‪ ,‬وﺣﻠﻬﺎ‬

‫ﺑﺎﻻﺳﺘﻌﺎﻧﺔ ﺑﺎﻟﻤﺮاﺟﻊ واﻟﻜﺘﺐ اﻟﻤﺨﺘﻠﻔﺔ‬

‫ﻟﺘﻮﺧﻲ اﻟﺪﻗﺔ ﻓﻲ ﻧﺸﺮ اﻟﻤﻌﻠﻮﻣﺔ‬

‫اﻟﺼﺤﻴﺤــﺔ ﻟﻠﺰﻣﻼء واﻟﺰﻣﻴﻼت ‪ ,‬ﻓﺈن )‬

‫‪ ,‬وان اﺳﺄت ﻓﻤﻦ‬ ‫اﺣﺴﻨﺖ ﻓﻤﻦ ا‬

‫ﻧﻔﺴﻲ ( ‪ ,‬واﻧﻲ اﻗـــﺪم ﻫﺬا اﻟﻌﻤﻞ ﺧﺎﻟﺼﺎ‬

‫ﺗﻌﺎﻟﻰ ‪ ,‬راﺟﻴﺎ اﻟﻤﻮﻟﻰ اﻟﻘﺒﻮل ‪,‬‬

‫وان ﻳﻨﺎل اﻋﺠﺎﺑﻜﻢ ‪.‬‬

‫ﻟﻮﺟﻪ ا‬
* In DKA all are true except ?
A . Insulin should not be given until check the
serum potassium .
B . KCL usually given when serum potassium is
normal or low .
C . Mannitol is given when bicarbonate HCO3 is
very low .
D . NaCl solution is the best choice .
E . Sodium bicarbonate should be given if PH
less than 7 .

* The ABG of a child on ventilator shows : PH =

7.5 , PaO2 = 90 , PaCO2 = 20 , HCO3 = 22 . Which
of the following best describes these numbers ?

‫ﻧﺴﺨﺔ ﻣﺪﻗﻘﺔ‬
A . Respiratory alkalosis
B . Respiratory acidosis
C . Metabolic acidosis
D . Metabolic alkalosis
E . Mixed alkalosis

* Which of the following is not associated with

* The arterial blood gas of a comatose infant is prolonged bleeding time ?
as follows : PH = 7.45 , PaCO2 = 25 , PaO2 = 90 , A . Uremia
HCO3 = 12 . Which of the following best B . Thrombocytopenia
describes these numbers ? C . Hemophilia
A . Metabolic acidosis D . VWD
B . Metabolic alkalosis E . Glanzmann disease
C . Respiratory acidosis
D . Respiratory alkalosis * What is the most common cause of IDA in
E . Combined respiratory and metabolic acidosis Jordan ?
A . Gastrointestinal parasitic infection .
* A normal infant sits without support easily and B . Drinking tea after each meal .
can walk while holding on to furniture , her age is C . Inadequate exposure to the sun .
A . 4 months D . Family eats too much fast food .
B . 9 months E . Consumption of large amount of cow's milk
C . 14 months
D . 18 months * A 6 year old child presents with fever and sore
throat . Exam shows red throat without enlarged
* In regards to trisomy 21 ( Down syndrome ) neck lymph nodes . The next step in
which of the following is true ? management is ?
A . Only affects children born to very old mother . A . Start amoxicillin for 7 days .
B . Most common feature is hypertonia . B . Start Azithromycin for 7 days .
C . There is a 50 % risk the child will have C . Paracetamol for pain and follow up in second
congenital heart disease . D . Refer to ENT specialist .
D . The older the father the more likely he is E . Obtain WBC and blood culture and make
Down syndrome . decision after result .
E . Social behavior is delayed for age .
* The most common cause of convulsion in a 2
* Most common solid tumor for children is ? years old infant is ?
A . CNS tumor A . Grand mal seizure
B . Neuroblastoma B . Petit mal seizure
C . Willms tumor C . Febrile convulsion
D . Bone tumor D . Brain tumor
E . Retinoblastoma E . Ruptured aneurysm
‫ اﺳﺎﻣﻪ اﻟﺨﺰاﻋﻠﻪ‬: ‫اﻟﺪﻛﺘﻮر‬ ‫اﺳﺌﻠــﺔ اﻻﻃﻔـــﺎل‬
Page 2
A . Dog bites generally get infected faster than
* One of the following is included in Jordan cat bites .
nation immunization program ? B . Amoxicillin clavulanic acid is an excellent
A . Pneumococcus option for bites .
B . Rota virus C . Dog and cat bites should be treated with ATS
C . Meningococcus while human bites can be observed .
D . Varicella D . All children who have bitten should received
E . Hepatitis A antibiotics intravenously .
E . The treatment of bites from pet's is observed ,
* Regarding the treatment of jaundice , which of while from stray animals should be admitted to
the following is correct ? the hospital .
A . The use of phototherapy has no
complications . * Charcoal is used in ingestion of one of the
B . Premature babies have a higher risk for following substances ?
jaundice . A . Iron
C . Physiologic jaundice results from the B . Hydrocarbon
elevation of conjugated bilirubin . C . Corrosive materials
D . Jaundice in breastfeed babies occurring at D . Lead
day 6_9 of life should managed by increased E . Carbamazepine
breastfeeding .
E . Jaundice in breastfeed babies occurring at
day 1_3 of life should managed by discontinuing
breastfeeding for a few days

* A child is able to walk down stairs holding the * All are contraindications to breastfeeding
side rail , throw a ball over hand , and initiate except ?
drawing a horizontal line , he could say 2 words A . Maternal drug abuse .
sentence , he is most likely ? B . Mother receiving chemotherapy .
A . 24 months C . Maternal hepatitis .
B . 30 months D . Maternal active tuberculosis .
C . 36 months E . Infant diagnosed with Galactosemia .
D . 48 months
E . 60 months * vitamin D supplementation is recommended in
infant from the age of ?
* 10 day old boy presented with vomiting , A . After birth
dehydration , decreased feeding and B . One month
hypotension . He was found to have serum C . Three months
sodium = 118 , potassium = 7 , glucose = 65 . The D . Six months
best management for this boy is to give ? E . One year
A . Antibiotics and IV fluid
B . Hydrocortisone and normal saline * The following is an acceptable alternative for
C . Adrenaline sc an infant with cow milk protein intolerance
D . Normal saline except ?
E . Sodium bicarbonate and calcium gluconate A . Hydrolyzed formula
B . Amino acid formula
* A 9 year old Jordanian female presented with C . Lactose free formula
recurrent episodes and abdominal pain for few D . Soy formula
years . She has history of multiple E . Breast milk
hospitalization . Her father has also same
scenario . The most likely diagnosis is ? * All of the following are characteristic of a PDA
A . FMF except ?
B . Appendicitis A . Continuous machinery murmur .
C . Cholycystitis B . Narrow pulse pressure .
D . UTI C . Prominent pulmonary artery on CXR .
E . Diverticulitis D . Risk of infective endocarditis .
E . Can cause pulmonary hypertension .
* In regards to bites , which of the following is
correct ?
‫ اﺳﺎﻣﻪ اﻟﺨﺰاﻋﻠﻪ‬: ‫اﻟﺪﻛﺘﻮر‬ ‫اﺳﺌﻠــﺔ اﻻﻃﻔـــﺎل‬
Page 3
* Regarding juvenile rheumatoid arthritis , one is
false ? * Although all of the following medications are
A . The most common type is the pauciarticular . used in treatment of Hyperkalemia in children .
B . More common in females . The only one that can remove the potassium
C . Rheumatoid factor is positive in most of the from the body is ?
case's . A . 10% calcium gluconate
D . NSAIDs and methotrexate are used in B . Bicarbonate
treatment . C . Nebulized albuterol
E . May be complicated by iridocyclitis or uveitis . D . Insulin
E . Kayexalate
* A 12 year old boy brought to the E.R with
wheezing , difficulty of breathing and hives . The * A 3 weeks old infant is admitted with vomiting
BP 90/60 , HR 140 . His pulse ox was 88% . The of 5 days duration , physical exam reveals a rapid
father stated he is ingested Tuna 15 minutes heart rate , evidence of dehydration , ambiguous
before his symptoms started . The patient is genitalia . Na= 120 , k =7 ,HCO3 = 12 . The best
known to have multiple food allergies . Of the next step is ?
following the most appropriate immediate action A . Diuretics
is ? B . Potassium exchange resin
A . Administration of oxygen . C . Glucose and insulin
B . Administration of NaCl saline bolus . D . Antibiotics
C . Administration of epinephrine . E . Hydrocortisone and normal saline
D . Administration of beta 2 agonist Nebulizer .
E . Administration of steroid and antihistamine .

* Which of the following would you expect in a * An 18 year old boy presents with cough , chest
child with carbon monoxide poisoning ? pain and low grade nightly fever for several
A . Bradycardia weeks . CXR reveals a large mass in the
B . Metabolic alkalosis mediastinum . Most likely diagnosis is ?
C . Headache , nausea and vomiting A. Adenocarcinoma
E . Bradypnea C . Small cell carcinoma
D . Lymphoma
* All of the following are causes of Corrigan E . Metastatic Willms tumor
pulse except ?
A . Fever * A 3 day old term , healthy infant is noted to be
B . Aortic stenosis jaundiced . Physical exam is otherwise normal ,
C . Beriberi laboratory HB 16.8 g/dL , Reticulocytes 1% ,
D . Paget disease unconjugated bilirubin 8.5 mg /dL , conjugated
E . Cor pulmonale 0.8 mg dL . The most likely diagnosis is ?
A . Breastfeeding jaundice
* Which of the following is most concerning for B . Breast milk jaundice
failure to thrive in a child ? C . Physiological jaundice
A . Child does not finish his plate during meal . D . Crigler najjar syndrome
B . Child is consistently below the 5th percentile E . Erythroblastosis
for age on height , weight charts .
C . Child was exclusively breastfeed until age 6 * Over the first week of life , a typical term
months . newborn will ?
D . Child drinks a lot of fruit juice . A . Gain approximately 30 g per day .
E . Child is playful and active . B . Gain approximately 60 g per day .
C . Neither gain nor lose weight .
* All are causes of immunodeficiency except ? D . Lose 10% of it's birth weight .
A . Di_George syndrome E . Lose 15% of it's birth weight .
B . Wiskott Aldrich syndrome
C . Ataxia telangiectasia * Overdose of which of the following is most
D . Phenylketonuria likely to be complicated by hypoglycemia ?
E . Hyper IgE syndrome A . Salicylates
‫ اﺳﺎﻣﻪ اﻟﺨﺰاﻋﻠﻪ‬: ‫اﻟﺪﻛﺘﻮر‬ ‫اﺳﺌﻠــﺔ اﻻﻃﻔـــﺎل‬
Page 4
B . Lead presentation of this disorder ?
C . Tricyclic antidepressants A . Sepsis and infections
D . Opiods B . Jaundice
E . Organophosphates C . Hepatomegaly
D . Hypertonia
* The recommended daily intake of protein for E . Seizures
optimal growth during the first 6 months of life is
about ? Which of the following is the most common
A . 0.2 g/kg clinical manifestations that follows infection with
B . 1 g/kg Campylobacter ?
C . 2 g/kg A . Polyarticular arthritis
D . 5 g/kg B . Encephalitis
E . 10 g/kg C . Guillain barre syndrome
D . Inguinal lymphadenitis
* Delayed dental eruption is considered when the E . Anterior uveitis
child has no teeth by age ?
A . 6 months * Which of the following is characteristic of the
B . 8 months CSF in tuberculous meningitis ?
C . 11 months A . The color is blood tinged .
D . 13 months B . Protein is normal .
E . 18 months C . Culture TB organisms within one week .
D . Glucose is low .
E . Leucocytes predominant .

* The tonic neck reflex should disappear by the * The diagnosis of Werding Hoffman disease is
age ? most likely in an infant with severe hypotonia and
A . 3 months A . Normal deep tendon reflexes .
B . 4 months B . Seizures .
C . 6 _ 8 months C . Fasciculations of the tongue .
D . 12 _ 16 months D . Recurrent fever .
E . 17 _ 20 months E . Atrophy of the optic nerve .

* Acute bronchiolitis characterized by one of the * An 8 months old child has vomiting and scream
following ? episodes for 12 hours . Physical exam reveal a
A . Usually associated with high fever . sausage shaped mass in the RUQ . Which of the
B . Usually associated with lobar infiltrates on following would be most useful ?
CXR . A . Passage of NG tube .
C . Commonly associated with retractions , B . Exam of stool specimen for ova and parasites
tachypnea and wheezing . C . Blood culture .
D . Absent of cough . D . Abdominal ultrasound .
E . Most common between 2 _ 5 years age E . Barium enema study .

* An infant with diarrhea is 10% dehydrated . The * Complex partial ( psychomotor ) seizures are
weight was 5 kg . What is the total amount of characterized by ?
fluid you should deliver to meet maintenance A .Lack of alternation in mental state ,
needs and restore to normal hydration state in consciousness, responsiveness .
the first 24 hours ? B . Brief tonic clonic phase .
A . 750 ml C . Automatisms .
B . 1000 ml D . Three per second spike on EEG .
C . 1250 ml E . Lack of postictal phenomenon .
D . 1500 ml
E . 1750 ml * Rectal prolapse in an infant with failure to thrive
is most suggestive of ?
* Pyruvate kinase deficiency is the most common A . Crohn disease
glycolytic enzyme deficiency . Which of the B . Functional constipation
following is a common clinical sign in neonatal C . Ehlers Danlos syndrome
‫ اﺳﺎﻣﻪ اﻟﺨﺰاﻋﻠﻪ‬: ‫اﻟﺪﻛﺘﻮر‬ ‫اﺳﺌﻠــﺔ اﻻﻃﻔـــﺎل‬
Page 5
D . Cystic fibrosis D . Gastric lavage is contraindicated .
E . Intussusception E . Acidotic agent's is more harmful than the
alkaline agent's .
* Which of the following is most appropriate for
the treatment of Mycoplasma pneumonia * All of the following could be options for treating
infection in a 4 year old child ? brucella except ?
A . Cefuroxime A . Doxycycline
B . Chloramphenicol B . Rifampin
C . Erythromycin C . Gentamicin
D . Penicillin D . Trimethoprim / Sulfamethoxazole
E . Tetracycline E . Cefazolin

* Neurotoxicity is a common adverse effect of * All of the following are recognized causes of
which chemotherapy ? hemolytic disease in the newborn except ?
A . Methotrexate A . Hereditary spherocytosis .
B . Cyclophosphamide B . G6PD deficiency .
C . Chlorambucil C . Sickle cell disease .
D . Bleomycin D . ABO incompatibility .
E . Vincristine E . RH incompatibility .

* The daily IV fluid maintenance for a 15 kg child

is ?
A . 750 cc .
B . 1250 cc .
C . 1900 cc .
D . 2500 cc .
* After your intervention whole blood glucose is E . 3000 cc .
500 mg /dL . Intravenous fluid and insulin are * Which of the following set's of signs and
given . Which of the following metabolic symptoms are most consistent with mild
abnormalities is most likely to occur during dehydration 5% in infancy ?
insulin therapy ? A . Oliguria , tears with crying , less active than
A . Hyperkalemia usual , normal skin turgor , moist oral mucosa .
B . Hypokalemia B . Oliguria , no tears with crying , less active than
C . Hyperphosphatemia usual , sticky oral mucosa , normal or slightly
D . Hypercalcemia diminished skin turgor .
E . Hypermagnesemia C . Oliguria , no tears with crying , soft doughy
skin .
* Patient with Down syndrome are at increased D . Oliguria , sunken eye's , tenting , tachycardia ,
risk of ? hypotension .
A . Hyperthyroidism E . Oliguria , hypotension .
B . Arthritis of cervical spine
C . Streak gonads * Calculate the first hour fluid management for a
D . Cardiac malformation 25 kg 6 year old child with severe dehydration
E . Rhabdomyosarcoma loss 10% of body weight ?
A . 150 ml
* In patient with cystic fibrosis , all are expected B . 180 ml
except ? C . 200 ml
A . Rectal prolapse . D . 220 ml
B . Nasal polyp . E . 250 ml
C . Cor pulmonale .
D . Coronary artery aneurysm . * All of the following can occur in patients with
E . Azoospermia . Kawasaki disease except ?
A . Coronary artery aneurysm .
* One is true about caustic ingestion ? B . Aseptic meningitis .
A . Early endoscopy is indication . C . Aseptic sterile pyuria .
B . Induce vomiting reduce the complications . D . Hydrops of the gallbladder .
C . Absence of the mouth lesions exclude the E . Osteomyelitis .
esophageal injury .
‫ اﺳﺎﻣﻪ اﻟﺨﺰاﻋﻠﻪ‬: ‫اﻟﺪﻛﺘﻮر‬ ‫اﺳﺌﻠــﺔ اﻻﻃﻔـــﺎل‬
Page 6
* Blood that is used for transfusion purposes A . Bacterial meningitis .
routinely screened for serologic markers for all of B . Fungal meningitis .
the following disease except ? C . Tuberculous meningitis .
A . HBV D . Early viral meningitis .
B . HSV E . Normal CSF analysis for age
C . Syphilis
D . CMV * All of the following are recognized as normal
E . AIDS findings in a newborn baby except ?
A . Erythema toxicum on trunk .
* All of the following about BCG vaccine are true B . Lanugo hair on extremities .
except ? C . Vaginal blood spotting .
A . It is included in the Jordanian national D . Mongolian blue spot on low spinal area .
vaccination program . E . Group of vesicles in close proximity on scalp .
B . It has little effect on the reactivation disease .
C . May affect tuberculosis skin test ( PPD ) * The most common type of cerebral palsy ?
result . A . Atonic .
D . Can be given from birth . B . Ataxic .
E . It is a killed bacterial vaccine . C . Spastic .
D . Hypotonic .
* Acrodermatitis enteropathica is treated with ?
A . Vitamin A . * The therapy that can remove the potassium
B . Vitamin B2 . from the body is ?
C . Phosphate . A . 10 % calcium gluconate .
D . Magnesium . B . Bicarbonate Nahco3 .
E . Zinc . C . Nebulized albuterol .
D . Insulin . E . Kayexalate .
* The initial investigation for short stature
* Regarding UTI in children , one of the following includes all except ?
pathogens predisposes to the formation of A . CBC
phosphate stones by splitting urea to ammonia B . TFT
in the urine ? C . Growth hormone
A . Escherichia coli . D . KFT
B . Pseudomonas . E . Bone age
C . Streptococcus faecalis .
D . Proteus mirabilis . * 11 month old girl had an illness characterized
E . Staphylococcus . by fever up to 39.4 for 3 days , then fever
subsided but followed by a small pink macules
* The CBC for one year old showed microcytic over the trunk . The most likely diagnosis is ?
hypochromic anemia . All of the following are A . Pityriasis rosea .
correct differential diagnosis except ? B . Measles .
A . IDA . C . Scarlet fever .
B . Blackfan Diamond anemia . D . Roseola infantum .
C . Thalassemia . E . Erythema infectiosum .
D . Sideroblastic anemia .
E . Lead poisoning . * One of the following is not considered as Jones
criteria for rheumatic fever ?
* The most common cause of childhood A . Carditis .
meningitis in Jordan is ? B . Arthralgia .
A . Streptococcus pneumonia . C . Erythema marginatum .
B . Staphylococcus aureus . D . Sydenham Chorea .
C . Mycobacterium tuberculosis . E . Short PR interval .
D . E coli .
E . Neisseria meningitis . * Involvement of lymph node regions on both
sides of the diaphragm , may include spleen with
* The CSF of 3 year old child with suspected fever , night sweats , weight loss is called ?
meningitis showed : WBC 150 , Neutrophils 10% , A . Stage 1A Hodgkin lymphoma .
Protein 50 mg/dl and CSF glucose 90 while blood B . Stage 2B Hodgkin lymphoma .
glucose 100 . His CSF is most consistent with ? C . Stage 3B Hodgkin lymphoma .
‫ اﺳﺎﻣﻪ اﻟﺨﺰاﻋﻠﻪ‬: ‫اﻟﺪﻛﺘﻮر‬ ‫اﺳﺌﻠــﺔ اﻻﻃﻔـــﺎل‬
Page 7
D . Stage 4B Hodgkin lymphoma . * All of the following associations regarding
E . Stage 2A Hodgkin lymphoma genetic disorders are true Except ?
A . Down syndrome and atlantoaxial subluxation .
* In DKA all are true except ? B . Turner syndrome and aortic valve anomaly .
A . Insulin should not be given IV bolus . C . Alagille syndrome and Cholestatic jaundice .
B . PH is below 7.3 and / or bicarbonate is less D . Klinefelter syndrome and short stature .
than 15 mg/L . E . Prader willi syndrome and obesity .
C . Positive ketones bodies in serum and urine .
D . Nacl solution should be given initially . * All of the following are live attenuated vaccines
E . Nahco3 is given after 2 hours of starting except ?
treatment . A . Oral polio vaccine .
B . Rotavirus vaccine .
* One year old boy brought to emergency C . Measles vaccine .
department for an attack of generalized tonic D . Varicella vaccine .
seizures . In the management of his seizure all E . Hepatitis A vaccine
are true except ?
A . Serum glucose , Ca , Na . Should be * In first rescuer basic life support a 7 years old
measured . child with unwitnessed cardiac arrest . Activation
B . First line of treatment with antiepileptic drugs of the emergency response system occurs ........ ,
is benzodiazepine . and the compression to ventilation ration is ...... ?
C . Phenytoin is given IV over 20 minutes . A . Initially while getting the AED , 30:2 .
D . When the cause is hypoglycemia 2 cc /kg of B . Initially while getting the AED , 15:2 .
dextrose 10% is given IV . C . After 2 minutes of CPR , 30:2 .
E . Calcium gluconate is given intramuscular D . After 2 cycles of CPR , 30:2 .
when it's serum level is low . E . After 2 minutes of CPR , 15:2 .

* Neonatal seizures may present by all of the

following picture except ? * In a 5 year old child with osteomyelitis , the
A . Jitteriness . most common causative organism is ?
B . Sucking . A . Staphylococcus aureus .
C . Apnoea . B . Escherichia coli .
D . Nystagmus . C . Group B streptococcus .
E . Eye blinking . D . Salmonella typhi .
E . Haemophilus influenzae type B
* In an inherited disease , the male's and female's
are equally affected . The risk of siblings having * All of the following parameters are used to
the disease is 25 % if both parents are carriers . monitor infant baby with Hypovolemic shock
The disease is inherited as ? except ?
A . Autosomal recessive . A . Level of consciousness .
B . Autosomal dominant . B . Capillary refill time .
C . Mitochondrial . C . Pupillary reaction .
D . X linked recessive . D . Blood pressure .
E . X linked dominant . E . Skin turgor .

* A 5 day old full term newborn presented with * Regarding idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
neonatal jaundice after the second day . His total all of the following are true except ?
bilirubin is 20 mg/dl , direct bilirubin is 0.5 A . It is the most common cause of acute onest
mg/dl . of Thrombocytopenia in otherwise healthy child .
His weight is 3.3 kg . Clinically he looks well with B . The peak age is 1 _ 4 years of age .
no abnormal finding apart from jaundice . The C . Usually preceded by viral infection 1 _ 4
management of this case is by ? weeks before the onest .
A . Cessation of breast milk . D . Platelets size is normal or increased .
B . Phototherapy . E . Spleen is enlarged in majority of the case's .
C . IV fluid and antibiotics .
D . Blood exchange . * A 5 months old infant brought by his mother
E . Dextrose 10% orally at home and follow up in who said that he had history of vomiting 3 _ 4
24 hours times daily . His birth weight is 2.6 kg . He looks
well with no abnormal clinical findings . He
‫ اﺳﺎﻣﻪ اﻟﺨﺰاﻋﻠﻪ‬: ‫اﻟﺪﻛﺘﻮر‬ ‫اﺳﺌﻠــﺔ اﻻﻃﻔـــﺎل‬
Page 8
weight currently is 5.8 kg . The best management E . Symptoms are often seen by the end of the
for this case is ? first week of life .
A . Omeprazole .
B . Ranitidine . * Regarding immune deficiency, all of the
C . Metoclopramide ( Plasil ) . following associations are true except ?
D . Domperidone ( Motilium ) . A . Hypocalcemia and DiGeorge syndrome .
E . No treatment is needed . B . Delayed umbilical cord detachment and
leukocyte adhesion defect .
* 3 months old infant presented with lethargy , C . Recurrent Neisseria meningitis and hyper IgM
irritability , tachypnea , reduced movements , syndrome .
decreased body temperature . The best next step D . Severe progressive infectious mononucleosis
is ? and X- linked syndrome .
A . To give him Ceftriaxone at home . E . Recurrent cutaneous abscesses and hyper lgE
B . To do septic workup and send him home for syndrome .
the next day .
C . Admission to the hospital . * Five year old male , known case of frequently
D . Antipyretic and Ampicillin at home . relapsing nephrotic syndrome on steroid
E . To do septic workup and give him Ceftriaxone treatment . This patient is at risk for all of the
and send him for the next day home . following except ?
A . Peritonitis .
B . Malnutrition .
C . Bleeding tendency .
D . Hyperlipidemia .
E . Immunosuppression .

* You deliver an infant who has shoulder dystocia * The leading cause of death among school
and at 1 minute it does not cry , as well as has children is ?
flexed extremities , irregular respiration , a bluish A . Congenital anomalies .
color , heart rate 90 BPM . Most appropriate B . Injuries .
Apgar score for this infant ? C . Malignant disease .
A.1 D . Communicable disease .
B.2 E . Respiratory illnesses .
D.5 * One week old newborn presented with
E.6 Cholestatic jaundice , hypoglycemia and seizure .
3* What is the approximate caloric need of a You are expecting Galactosemia as a diagnosis .
normal full term infant through the first year of The gold diagnostic test is ?
life A . 25 kcal / kg / day . A . Plasma galactose level .
B . 50 kcal / kg / day . B . Liver biopsy .
C . 75 kcal / kg / day . C . Ophthalmology examination for cataract .
D . 100 kcal /kg/day . D . Urine for reducing substance .
E . 125 kcal / kg /day . E . Measurement of GALT ( galactose _1_
phosphate uridyltransferase enzyme ) activity in
* The most common hereditary bleeding disorder Erythrocyte .
is ?
A . Hemophilia A . * One of the following disease can cause aplastic
B . Hemophilia B . anemia in a child with hemoglobinopathy ?
C . VWD . A . Roseola infantum .
D . DIC . B . Erythema infectiosum .
E . ITP . C . Measles .
D . Hand foot mouth disease .
* Regarding congenital hypothyroidism one is E. Chickenpox .
true ?
A . Most of the case's are secondary . * Charcoal is ineffective in all of the following
B . All case's must be treated with T4 . poisoning except ?
C . Treatment is usually stopped after 8 months . A . Corrosive agents .
D . Most of the case's are familial . B . Kerosin .
‫ اﺳﺎﻣﻪ اﻟﺨﺰاﻋﻠﻪ‬: ‫اﻟﺪﻛﺘﻮر‬ ‫اﺳﺌﻠــﺔ اﻻﻃﻔـــﺎل‬
Page 9
C . Iron . 5- Decreased MCV
D . Lead .
E . Aminophylline . * ALL of the following can be given in treatment
of anaphylaxis except:
* Central precocious puberty in boy's starts with 1- Oxgen
increased testicular volume before the age ? 2- Epinephrine
A . 7 years . 3- I.V.F
B . 8 years . 4- I.V corticosteroids
C . 9 years . 5- NSAID
D . 10 years .
E . 6 years . * All of the following are characteristic
respiratory complications or features of fibrosis
* Four weeks old male infant presented with in children except:
tiredness and rapid breathing during feeding . He 1- Recurrent bronchiolitis
has to stop sucking frequent to catch his breath . 2- Pan sinusitis
Which of the following is the most appropriate 3- Bronchiectasis
investigation ? 4- Nasal polyposis
A . CBC test . 5- Pulmonary embolism
B . ABG test .
C . Echocardiography . * All of the following congenital heart defects
D . Electroencephalography . causes excessive pulmoray blood flow except:
E . Serum electrolytes . 1- VSD
2- ASD
3- Tertalogy of falot
4- PDA

* All are true about fetal circulation except ? * All of the following can causes hematuria in
A . The oxygenated blood is transferred from the children except :
mother to the fetus through the umbilical vein . 1- UTI
B . The Foramen ovale is the Foramen between 2- G6PD deficiency
two atria . 3- Trauma
C . The pulmonary vascular resistance is higher in 4- Renal stone
the neonate than in a fetus . 5- Schistosomiasis
D . The umbilical cord consists of 2 arteries and
1 vein . * The most common cause of gastroenteritis in
E . The shunt in the fetus is a right to left shunt . children is:
1- Rota virus
* All are causes of overwreight except: ‫اﻟﻜﻞ ﺻﺤﻴﺢ‬ 2- E.coli
3- Food poisoning
1- Psuedohypoparathyroidism
2- Pradder Will syndrome
* The most common organism causing acute
3- Down syndrome
otitis media is :
4- Turner syndrome
1- Strep. Pneumonia
5- Adrenal insufficiency
2- Heamophilus influenza
3- Group A streptococcus
* All are X-linked diseases except:
4- Adenovirus
1- Hemophilla A
5- Pseudomonas aeruginosa
2- G6PD deficiency
3- Duchenne muscular dystrophy
* The usual manifestations of central precocious
4- Hypophosphatemic rickets
puberty in girls include :
5- Hereditary spherocytosis
1- Increased bone age,LH and estradiol levels
2- Increased bone age and estradiol with
* All the following lab findings are true regarding
decreased LH
iron deficiency anemia :
3- Increased LH,FSH, and testosterone with
1- Low ferritin
decreased estradiol
2- Low platelets
4- Delayed bone age and increased LH,FSH AND
3- Low saturation
4- Inceased TIBC
‫ اﺳﺎﻣﻪ اﻟﺨﺰاﻋﻠﻪ‬: ‫اﻟﺪﻛﺘﻮر‬ ‫اﺳﺌﻠــﺔ اﻻﻃﻔـــﺎل‬
Page 10
5- Normal bone age with dereasedLH,prolactin
and esrtadiol * The objectives of vaccination program are all
the following except :
* The most common cause of hereditary 1- To minimize mortality and morbidity
bleeding disorder is : 2- To vaccinate all pregnant women at the child
1- Hemophilia A bearing age with tetanus toxiod
2- Hemophilia B 3- To ensure that all children(0-* years of age are
3- Von Willebrand disease protected against of childhood diseases
4- Factor 7 deficiency 4- To provide vaccination for small pox
5- Factor 10 deficiency 5- To promote the growth and development of
new generation of children
* Treatment of acute laryngotracheobronchitis
(croup) may all except: * All of the following is true about strepococcus
1- Oral or I.M dexamethasone pyogenes pharyngitis except:
2- Oral prednisolone 1- Purulant exudate and peterchial spots on soft
3- Nebulizer Racemic epinephrine palate can be found on examination
4- Cool steam 2- Penicillin is the best drug of choice for
5- Anti- histamine treatment
3- Antibiotic therapy is recommended to protect
* The number of deciduous teeth is against post streptococcus glumerulonephritis
1- 24 4- Fine papular (sand-paper) rash can be found
2- 20 5- Cervical lymphadenopathy is common
3- 22
4- 18
5- 32

* The first sign of puberty in girls is * 2 month old child , presented to the pediatrician
1- Onset of menstruation with tongue Fasciculation and generalized
2- Pubic hair Hypotonia , feeding difficulty and absence of
3- Axillary hair deep tendon reflexes . The most likely diagnosis
4- Appearance of breast buds is ?
5- Growth spurt A .Guillain barre syndrome
B .Duchenne muscular dystrophy
* The most common organism causes pleural C .Spinal muscular atrophy
effusion is : D .Tuberous sclerosis
1- Staph. Aureus E .Lesch _ Nyhan disease
2- Strep . pneumonia
3- Group A streptococcus * Vitamin D requirement for infants in
4- Chlamydia trachomatis physiological state is ?
5- E.coli A . 200 I.U
B . 400 I.U
* The most common cause of central precocious C . 600 I.U
puberty in girls is : D . 4000 I.U
1- pitutary adenoma E . 800 I.U
2- ovarian cysts
3- intracranial hemorrhage * Newborn presented to the pediatrician with
4- idiopathic main complain of bleeding from umbilical scar .
5- CNS tumors History of baby delivery at home , which of the
following is the most common cause of these
* The most common cause of ambiguous signs and symptom ?
genitalia in girls is : A . Bleeding diathesis
1- 21 hydroxylase deficiency B . ITP
2- 11 hydroxylase deficiency C . Hemolytic disease of the newborns
3- Turner syndrome D . Vitamin C deficiency
4- Maternal exposure to androgen E . Vitamin K deficiency
5- Androgen insensitivity syndrome
‫ اﺳﺎﻣﻪ اﻟﺨﺰاﻋﻠﻪ‬: ‫اﻟﺪﻛﺘﻮر‬ ‫اﺳﺌﻠــﺔ اﻻﻃﻔـــﺎل‬
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* Treatment of choice for mastitis neonatorum is C . Hyperbilirubinemia
A . Reassurance of the parents D . Respiratory distress syndrome
B . Antibiotics topically E . Hyperviscosity
C . Warm compression
D . Massage therapy * Newborn baby present with Cyanosis
E . Bromocriptine therapy immediately after birth , the most common cause
is ?
* All of the following are seen in Down syndrome A . TOF
except ? B . TGA
A . Brushfield spots C . TAPVR
B . Hypotonia D . Tricuspid atresia
C . Mongolian spots E . Truncus arteriosus
D . Atlantoaxial instability
E . Hypothyroidism * The most important risk factor for Necrotizing
enterocolitis is ?
* Most common cause of mental retardation in A . Prematurity
children is ? B . Postmaturity
A . Sociocultural factors C . Infant of diabetic mother
B . Psychological factors D . Congenital hypothyroidism
C . ADHD E . Black race
D . Chromosomal factors
E . Economical factors * Newborn baby is presented in second day
postoperative delivery with chief complain of
repeated vomiting . On abdominal film present
Double bubble sign , the most common cause is
A . Esophageal atresia
B . Duodenal atresia
C . Jujenal atresia
D . Congenital Pyloric stenosis
* Screening program in Jordan include ? E . Imperforate anus
A . Congenital hypothyroidism , G6PD , hearing * Newborn baby is presented with jaundice ,
loss laboratory results show umbilical cord blood Hb
B . G6PD , Phenylketonuria , hearing loss . 12.5 mg/dl , total serum bilirubin is 8 mg/dl. The
C . Congenital hypothyroidism , Phenylketonuria , best next step in management is ?
hearing loss . A . Phototherapy
D . G6PD , Phenylketonuria , congenital B . Reassurance of the parents that is
hypothyroidism . physiological
E . Congenital hypothyroidism , Phenylketonuria . C . Immediately blood transfusion operation
D . Admission and repeat testing after one hour .
* X_linked recessive inheritance include ?
A . Hereditary spherocytosis * One of the following is true about congenital
B . VWD hypothyroidism ?
C . Chorea Huntington A . Mental retardation is a rare complication
D . Hemophilia A B . If untreated , child will be suffer from
E . Osteogenesis imperfecta hypertonia
C . It is mostly asymptomatic at birth
* Preterm baby is ? D . Presented with microglossia
A . Weight less than 2.5 kg regardless of E . T3 , T4 , TSH are low in serum
gestational age .
B . Above completed 37 weeks gestational age . * One is true about hereditary spherocytosis ?
C . Below completely 37 gestational age A . History of father that has gallbladder stones
D . Below completed 40 weeks gestational age . and Splenectomy
E . Immature lungs regardless of gestational age. B . It is X_linked recessive
C . MCH is low
* Infant of diabetic mother has all of the D . Diagnosis is confirmed by blood smear
following except ? E . Folate is not beneficial
A . Hypomagnesemia
‫ اﺳﺎﻣﻪ اﻟﺨﺰاﻋﻠﻪ‬: ‫اﻟﺪﻛﺘﻮر‬ ‫اﺳﺌﻠــﺔ اﻻﻃﻔـــﺎل‬
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* All of the following are true about neonatal Hypomagnesemia
sepsis except ? Hypocalcemia
A . Prematurity is a risk factor Hypoglycemia
B . Signs and symptoms are non specific Febrile convulsions
C. Present with hypothermia and hyperthermia
D . Most common microorganism is E coli * All of the following statements are true except ?
E . If meningitis present , so treat with Ampicillin A .Vitamin k deficiency causes bleeding tendency
and cefotaxime B . Vitamin D deficiency causes Rachitis
C.Vitamin A deficiency causes craniotabes
* 3 months old infant is presented with parents D . Vitamin B6 deficiency causes neonatal
to emergency room with chief complain seizures
hypoactivity , fever , the best next step in E . Vitamin C deficiency causes Gum bleeding
management is ?
A . Admission and sepsis work * All are true about Klinefelter syndrome except ?
B . Admission and symptomatic treatment A . Karyotype 47 , XYY
C . Admission and observation B . Tall stature
D . Chest X_Ray , if positive give him antibiotics C . Microorchidism
E . Lumbar puncture , if positive give him D . Mental retardation
antibiotics E . Decreased upper : lower segment ratio

* Child 6 years old , is presented with clinical * Head circumference in 1 year old infant ?
picture of acute Epiglotitis , the best next step in 40_42 cm
management ? 42_44 cm
A . Give him antibiotics and admission to floor 44_46 cm
beds 46_48 cm
B . O2 therapy and admission to floor beds 48_50 cm
C . Give him antibiotics and go home
D . ICU admission and ENT consultation

* All of the followings immunodeficiencies * Alarming sign of development , include all of

disorders are associated with malignancy except the following except ?
A . Ataxia telangiectasia A . Urine control in day time in 1.5 years old
B . Selective IgA deficiency B . Walking well in 1.5 years old
C . Chediak Higashi syndrome C . Know name , sex , age at 3 years old
D . Wiskott Aldrich syndrome D . Pincer grasp in 9 months
E . Hyperimmunoglobulin M syndrome E . Dominance of the hand in 1 years old

* One of the following is live attenuated vaccine ? * Newborn baby , at birth weight was 3.5 kg , at
Diphtheria one year old will be weighted ?
Hepatitis B 9.5 kg
Tetanus 10 kg
Hib 11 kg
Rubella 10.5 kg
11.5 kg
* About snake bite injury , all are true except ?
A . Cold ice is used * Side effects of long-term steroid therapy ,
B . Tourniquet using is necessary include all of the following except ?
C . Incision and suction of the bite is true PUD
D . Antivenin administration if available Eosinophilia
E . Compression bandage and immobilization are Osteoporosis
true Skin striae
Weight gain
* Causes of neonatal seizures , include all of the
following except ? * Physiological infants requirements , include all
Tuberous sclerosis of the following are true except ?
‫ اﺳﺎﻣﻪ اﻟﺨﺰاﻋﻠﻪ‬: ‫اﻟﺪﻛﺘﻮر‬ ‫اﺳﺌﻠــﺔ اﻻﻃﻔـــﺎل‬
Page 13
A . Vitamin A 4000 I.u / day . A . It is live attenuated
B . Iron 10 mg / day B . It is safe in pregnancy
C . Calories 110 kcal / kg / day C . The total number of vaccine is 4
D . Vitamin D 1200 I.u / day D . It is not present in Jordan vaccine program
E . Vitamin C 50 mg / day E . The first dose is given in 1 years old

* All of the following are true about Kwashiorkor , * All of the following are true about Jordan
except ? vaccine program except ?
A . It is characterised by edema A . The total of Hep vaccine is three , given in 2 ,
B . Hypoproteinemia 3 ,4 months of age
C . Mainly it is due to inadequate calories B . MMR vaccine is given in 1 year old
D . Heart failure is one of the complication C . Measles vaccine is given in 6 month of age
E . Occasionally Hepatomegaly D . The first vaccine against poliomyelitis is IPV
E . This program not include rotavirus vaccine
* A 7 years old boy has recently problems with
bedwetting , on physical examination appear that * All of the following causes maculopapular rash
boy has Enuresis and Hyperventilation except ?
syndrome , this boy is expected to have all of the Varicella
following except ? Measles
A . Serum PH < 7.4 Fifth disease
B . PCO2 < 35 mmHg Hand foot mouth disease
C . Normal anion gap Rubella
D . Ketones bodies in serum and urine
E . Autoantibodies against cells of langerhans * A 5 month old infant present with upper
respiratory tract infection and wheezes , lab
* A 8 years old boy is presented with parents with results increasing lymphocytes
chief complain of Enuresis , all of the following ( lymphocytosis ) . Which of the following is the
investigations should be done except ? most likely diagnosis ?
A . Urine culture . Pneumonia
B . Urine analysis . Bronchitis
C . Blood glucose . Influenza
D . IVP Bronchiolitis
E . Ultrasound abdomen and pelvis . * 10 years old child , present with chief complain
* First vaccine that will be damaged by heating is of fever 38.5 , dry cough , on chest X_Ray
OPV bilateral patchy infiltration , CBC appear normal ,
IPV child do not appear ill , which of the following the
BCG most likely diagnosis ?
DTap Streptococcus pneumonia
Hib Viral pneumonia
* All of the following vaccines affected by Mycoplasma pneumonia
freezing except ? Bronchiolitis
A . Diphtheria
B . Pertussis * About celiac disease , all of the following are
C . Measles true except ?
D . Tetanus A . Diarrhea
E . IPV B . Failure to thrive
C . Permanent intolerance to gluten
* All of the following are true about hepatitis A D . Vomiting
except ? E . Increasing of appetite
A . This is very contagious disease .
B . This is preventable disease by vaccination . * All of the following are used in treatment of
C . May be represent nosocomial infection . Acute attack of bronchial asthma except ?
D . In children it is more dangerous than in adults A . Theophylline
E . If it occur in immunodeficiency baby , it will B . Cromoglycate Na
lead to fluminant hepatitis and up to death C . Ipratropium bromide
D . Corticosteroids
* About hepatitis B vaccine , one is true ? E . Magnesium sulfate
‫ اﺳﺎﻣﻪ اﻟﺨﺰاﻋﻠﻪ‬: ‫اﻟﺪﻛﺘﻮر‬ ‫اﺳﺌﻠــﺔ اﻻﻃﻔـــﺎل‬
Page 14
* 5 years old child , presented with chief * All of the following are signs and symptoms of
complain of recurrent attack of dry cough , at heart failure in children except ?
night mainly . On physical exam wheezy chest , A . Feeding difficulty
which of the B . Sweating during feeding
following is most likely diagnosis ? C . Failure to thrive
Bronchial asthma D . Orthopnea
Pneumonia E . Cyanosis
Bronchiolitis * All of the following are cyanotic heart disease
Cystic fibrosis except ?
* All of the following are signs and symptoms of Tricuspid atresia
severe attack of bronchial asthma except ? Coarctation of aorta
PaCO2 normal Ebstein anomaly
Bradycardia TGA
Wheezy chest
PaO2 < 60 mmHg * All of the following are true about
Cyanosis gastroenteritis in children except ?
A . All Salmonella induced gastroenteritis need
* One is true about otitis media ? antibiotics
A . Tobacco smoking is one of the risk factors B . Most common cause of Acute diarrhea in
B . Mostly in children more than 10 years old children is gastroenteritis .
C . In females more than males C . Rotavirus is the most common cause in
D . Moraxella catarrhalis is the most common infancy .
cause D . If positive history of antibiotic use , the cause
E . The drug of choice is Ceftriaxone will be C . difficile
E . If history of food poisoning , the cause mostly
Staphylococcus aureus

* 12 years old female present with parents , with * All of the following are true about Pyloric
chief complain of pain suprapubic , on urine stenosis except ?
culture is positive for Pseudomonas aeruginosa , A . Polyphagia
which of the following is the best for treatment ? B . Hypochloremia
Amoxicillin C . Ultrasound is essential for diagnosis
Clarithromycin D . Bile stained vomitus
Rifampicin E . Pylorotomy is the treatment of choice after
Ceftazidime electrolytes correction .
* Most common cause of recurrent abdominal
* The following ABG , PH = 7.2 , PCO2 = 65 pain in children is ?
mmHg , HCO3 = 25 mg/dl , which of the following Meckels diverticulum
is the most likely diagnosis ? UTI
A . Uncompensated metabolic acidosis . Intussusception
B . Uncompensated respiratory acidosis Celiac disease
C . Mixed metabolic and respiratory acidosis . Gastroenteritis
D . Compensated respiratory acidosis .
E . Uncompensated respiratory alkalosis . * A 5 years old boy is seen with maculopapular
lesions on the legs and buttocks , he is complain
* All of the following are true about ASD except ? of abdominal pain , in urine analysis present
A . Loud first heart sound Hematuria , other lab findings are within normal ,
B . Right axis deviation on ECG the most likely diagnosis ?
C . Cyanosis ITP
D . Pulmonary blood flow increased TTP
E . No need for infective endocarditis prophylaxis HSP
‫ اﺳﺎﻣﻪ اﻟﺨﺰاﻋﻠﻪ‬: ‫اﻟﺪﻛﺘﻮر‬ ‫اﺳﺌﻠــﺔ اﻻﻃﻔـــﺎل‬
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Kawasaki disease VWD
* 4 years old boy suffers from developmental
delay . Lab findings are Ca 7.1 mg/dl , PO4 2.1 * The treatment of choice of G6PD deficiency is ?
mg/dl , ALP 1800 I.u . Which of the following is A . Splenectomy
the most likely diagnosis ? B . Supportive and blood transfusion if needed
Nutritional rickets C . Bone marrow transplantation .
Hypoparathyroidism D . Plasmapheresis .
Pseudo_hypoparathyroidism E . No need for treatment .
Chronic kidney disease
Kwashiorkor * Most common cancer in children is ?
* All of the following are true about DM type two ALL
except ? Brain tumor
A . Mostly in old age , but recently start to appear Lymphoma
in young age . Neuroblastoma
B . Associated with obesity .
C . DKA does not occur * All of the following are causes of prenatal
D . Lifestyle modification is helpful . Polyhydramnios except ?
E . In some cases insulin is used for treatment Potor syndrome
* All of the following are true about DM type one Duodenal atresia
except ? Diabetic mother
A . It is autoimmune Diaphragmatic hernia
B . Mostly in children and young ages
C . 20_25% diagnosed with DKA v * All are true suggest the diagnosis of febrile
D . Acanthosis nigricans seizure except ?
E . Insulin is essential for treatment A . 6 months _ 6 years old
B . Generalized tonic clonic
C . Rapid increase of temperature
D . Family history of epilepsy
E . No EEG or neuroimaging findings .

* All of the following are true about IDA except ?

A . Decreased serum Fe . * All are true about Neurofibromatosis type one
B . Decreased hemosiderin . except ?
C . Increased RDW . A . Cafe au lait spots
D . Decreased transferrine saturation . B . Bilateral acoustic neuroma
E . Decreased TIBS C . Freckling in axilla
D . Autosomal dominant inheritance
* About acrodermatitis enteropathica , all are true E . Optic gliomas
except ?
A . Associated with congenital anomaly . * All are true about Guillain barre syndrome
B . Associated with zinc deficiency except ?
C . Perioral skin rash A . Ascending Demyelinating polyneuropathy .
D . Diarrhea B . Post infection mostly Campylobacter jejuni
E . Alopecia C . Abnormal light _ pupil reaction
D . Autoimmune instability
* 10 years old child complain of easy bruising , E . Protino_cellular dissociation on CSF analysis
bleeding on knee joints , petechiae on skin of
upper extremities , lab findings : INR normal , PT * Tuberculin mantoux skin test is considered
normal , PTT increased , bleeding time positive if ?
increased , platelets normal count and function . A . > 10 mm induration ‫ﻟﻢ ﻳﺄﺧﺬ اﻟﻤﻄﻌﻮم‬
Which of the following is the most likely
B . > 10 mm Erythema
diagnosis ?
C . > 5 mm induration
D . > 15 mm Erythema
Vitamin k deficiency
‫ اﺳﺎﻣﻪ اﻟﺨﺰاﻋﻠﻪ‬: ‫اﻟﺪﻛﺘﻮر‬ ‫اﺳﺌﻠــﺔ اﻻﻃﻔـــﺎل‬
Page 16
E . > 15 mm induration ‫اﺧﺬ اﻟﻤﻄﻌﻮم‬ Meconium aspiration syndrome

* All are association with prematurity except ?

* Increasing of alpha fetoprotien is noted in ?
Meconium aspiration syndrome
Pediatrics 7,2016
* All are true about Caput succedaneum except ?
A . Diffuse edema on the scalp .
* All are true matching about antidote and
B . Don't cross suture line .
substrates except ?
C . Most common cause vacuum vaginal delivery
A . Ethylene glycol _ Fomepizole .
D . Rapidly resolves .
B . Iron _ Desferrioxamine .
E . No anemia or jaundice .
C . INH _ Thiamine .
D . Lead _ DMSA .
* All are true physiological jaundice except ?
E . Sulfonamides _ Methylene blue .
A . Start after 24 hours .
B . Peak 3_4 th day of life .
* All are signs and symptoms of severe
C . Resolves by 21 days .
dehydration except ?
D . Max 14 mg/dl
A . 15 % infant weight loss
E . Indirect bilirubin elevation .
B . Anuria
C . Tachycardia
* Most common cause of neonatal seizures is ?
D . Pulging fontanel
Brain injury
E . Comatose
* All are causes of hypoglycemia except ?
* All are causes of floppy infant except ?
Reye syndrome
Trisomy 21
Werdnig Hoffman disease

* Self resolving bluish mouth floor swelling is

* All are true criteria of DKA except ?
called ?
A . Hyperglycemia > 11 mmol/l
Epsteins pearls
B . Anion gap 12
C . PH < 7.3
D . Bicarbonate < 15 mmol/L
E . Serum ketones
* All are causes of high anion gap metabolic
* All of the following are neural tube defect
acidosis except ?
except ?
A . Anencephaly
B . Encephalocele
C . Spina bifida occulta
D . Myelo_meningocele
Renal tubular acidosis
E . Dandy _ Walker malformation
* All are complications of small for gestational
* Most common cause of heart failure in children
age except ?
Congenital heart defects
Kawasaki disease
Necrotizing enterocolitis
‫ اﺳﺎﻣﻪ اﻟﺨﺰاﻋﻠﻪ‬: ‫اﻟﺪﻛﺘﻮر‬ ‫اﺳﺌﻠــﺔ اﻻﻃﻔـــﺎل‬
Page 17
HTN Beclomethasone

* All of the following infection can cause Hydrops * All are true about Croup except ?
fetalis except ? A . It's viral Laryngotracheobronchitis .
Toxoplasmosis B . Children age 6 months _ 6 years .
Rubella C . High grade fever .
CMV D . Barking cough .
Candidiasis E . Hoarseness of voice
Parvovirus B19
* All are causes of Acute diarrhea except ?
* All are clinical features of heart failure in Antibiotics
children except ? HSP
Tachypnoea HUS
Failure to thrive Celiac disease
Hepatomegaly Intussusception
Tachycardia * Most common cause of failure to thrive ?
* All of the following are causes of systolic Emotional deprivation
murmur except ? DM
Coarctation of aorta Malabsorption
Secundum ASD Congenital heart disease
TOF * All are true about celiac disease except ?
PDA A . Associated with type one DM , Down
B . It's gluten protein enteropathy .
* All are acyanotic congenital heart disease C . Chronic diarrhea .
except ? D . Increased appetite .
PDA E . Peripheral edema .
Dextrocardia * All are causes of Hematuria except ?
TAPVR Alport syndrome

* All are true about Jones criteria of Rheumatic

fever except ? * Rib_notching on CXR is characteristic for ?
Polyarthritis HOCM
Long PR interval Aortic stenosis
Sydenham Chorea PDA
Erythema nodosum Coarctation of aorta
Elevated ESR/CRP TOF

* All are common causes of Stridor except ? * All are causes of direct hyperbilirubinemia
Choanal atresia except ?
Bronchitis Alpha one antitrypsin deficiency
Macroglossia Wilson disease
Cystic hygroma Sepsis
Epiglotitis Thalassemia
* All of the following are bronchodilator for child
with bronchial asthma except ? * All are causes of Polyuria except ?
Terbutaline DI
Formoterol Fanconi syndrome
Ipratropium Chronic renal failure
Theophylline Hyperkalemia
‫ اﺳﺎﻣﻪ اﻟﺨﺰاﻋﻠﻪ‬: ‫اﻟﺪﻛﺘﻮر‬ ‫اﺳﺌﻠــﺔ اﻻﻃﻔـــﺎل‬
Page 18
Hyperglycemia D . Candida infection and skin infection .
E . Associated with obesity .
* All are true about Pre_renal cause of Acute
renal failure except ? * All are signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia
A . Urine osmolality < 350 mosmol/kg . except ?
B . Urine / plasma cr . ratio > 40 . Anorexia
C . High urine specific gravity . Sweating
D . Urine Na < 20 mmol/l Syncope
E . FE NA < 1% Tachycardia
* All are causes of constipation except ?
Hypothyroidism * All are causes of congenital hypothyroidism
Opioids except ?
Functional Thyroid dysgenesis
Hirschsprung disease Pendred syndrome
Intussusception Hashimoto thyroiditis
Iodine deficiency
* All are causes of indirect hyperbilirubinemia Empty sella syndrome
except ?
G6PD * All are causes of Hypocalcemia except ?
Leptospirosis A .Prematurity
HUS B .Digeorge syndrome
Gilbert syndrome C .Hypomagnesemia
Crigler najjar syndrome D .Pseudo _ Pseudo_hypoparathyroidism
E .Nutritional rickets
* Most common cause of renal calculi in children
Congenital malformation * All are true about vitamin D dependent rickets
Cystinuria type one except ?
Hyperurecemia A . Plasma calcium decreased .
Chronic UTI B . Plasma PO4 decreased .
Oxalosis C . Plasma alkaline phosphatase decreased .
D . 1.25(OH)2 D3 decreased .
* All are causes of HTN in children except ? E . Plasma PTH increased .
Polycystic kidney disease
Renal artery stenosis * All are diagnostic criteria for SIADH except ?
Hypoaldosteronism A . Serum Na < 120 mmol/L .
CAH B . Plasma osmolality< 270 mosm/kg
Wilms tumor C . Urine NA > 20 mmol/L
D . Normal renal , adrenal , thyroid function .
* All are true about cystic fibrosis except ? E . No Hypovolemia or hypervolemia .
A . Cough and wheezes . * All are signs and symptoms of congenital
B . Weight loss . hypothyroidism except ?
C . Bloody diarrhea . Prolonged time
D . Malabsorption . Obesity
E . Increased chloride level in sweat . Constipation
* All of the following are causes of obesity Dry skin
A . Prader Willi syndrome * All are causes of short stature except ?
B . Bardet Biedl syndrome Turner syndrome
C . Addison disease Fragile x syndrome
D . Pseudo_hypoparathyroidism Noonan syndrome
E . Cushing disease Down syndrome
Celiac disease
* All are true about DM type one except ?
A . T_cell mediated B_cell destruction . * All are true about congenital adrenal
B . Anti GAD antibodies are positive . hyperplasia except ?
C . Increased catabolism . A . Autosomal dominant inheritance .
‫ اﺳﺎﻣﻪ اﻟﺨﺰاﻋﻠﻪ‬: ‫اﻟﺪﻛﺘﻮر‬ ‫اﺳﺌﻠــﺔ اﻻﻃﻔـــﺎل‬
Page 19
B . 21 alpha hydroxylase deficiency is the most Rubella
common form . Parvovirus
C . Mutation in chromosome 6 In 21 alpha Human herpes virus 6
hydroxylase deficiency type .
D . Elevated plasma 17 hydroxy_progestrone * The triad of arthritis , colicky abdominal pain
level . and palpable popular purpuric rash over buttocks
E . Hyponatremia , Hyperkalemia , metabolic and lower legs for ?
acidosis . Polyarteritis nodosa
Wegener Granulomatosis
* Most common cause of gynecomastia in Takayasu arteritis
children ? HSP
Leydig cell tumor Scleroderma
Sertoli cell tumor
Germ cell tumor * All are causes of Hyperpigmentation except ?
Pubertal gynecomastia Peutz_Jeghers syndrome
Androgen insensitivity syndrome Mongolian spot
* All are true about febrile seizures except ? Phenylketonuria
A . Occur in infant and small children . Hypoadrenalism
B . Temperature > 39
C . Vast majority of febrile seizures are harmful . * Typical age for intussusception is ?
D . 95_98% do not go onto develop epilepsy . A . 0_6 months
E . Mostly generalized tonic clonic . B . 6_18 months
C . 18_36 months
* Child can hop on one leg , go up and down D . 36_48 months
stairs one leg at a time , ride bicycle at ? E . 48_60 months
2 years old
2.5 years old * All are causes of Cholestatic jaundice except ?
3 years old A . Caroli disease
4 years old B . Cystic fibrosis
15 months old C . Cholangitis
D . Budd Chiari syndrome
* Child can combine 2 words together by the age E . Biliary atresia
1.5 years old
2 years old * Which of the following is associated with good
1 year old clinical prognosis in acute lymph leukemia
15 months old A . Being a female patient .
9 months old B . High WBC count .
C . Philadelphia chromosome ( t 9 : 2* .
D . Presenting before age of one year .
* All are causes of macrocytosis except ? E . T ( 4:1* translocation .
A . Diamond Blackfan syndrome * One of the following is not a criteria for
B . Fanconi anemia diagnosis of SLE ?
C . Myelodysplastic syndrome A . Malar rash .
D . Thalassemia B . Photosensitivity .
E . Megaloblastic anemia C . Positive antinuclear antibodies .
D . Seizures and psychosis .
* All are adverse prognostic factors for ALL E . Presence of WBC in urine more than 50 / HPF .
except ?
A . Age < 1 year old or > 10 years old . * Which of the following serology result that the
B . Philadelphia chromosome t (9:2* individual received the HBV vaccine ?
C . Poor response to induction agents . A . Positive HBsAg , positive HBsAb .
D . Female gender B . Positive HBcAg , negative HBsAb .
E . High WBC at diagnosis . C . Negative HBeAg .
D . Negative HBsAg , negative HBsAb .
* Koplik spots are pathognomonic for ? E . None of the above .
Scarlet fever
‫ اﺳﺎﻣﻪ اﻟﺨﺰاﻋﻠﻪ‬: ‫اﻟﺪﻛﺘﻮر‬ ‫اﺳﺌﻠــﺔ اﻻﻃﻔـــﺎل‬
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* National immunization program in Jordan cover * In sudden infant death syndrome all are
all of the following disease except ? Predisposing factors except ?
A . Rubella . A . Prematurity .
B . Mumps . B . Smoker mother's .
C . Polio . C . Positive position sleeping .
D . Pertussis . D . Positive family history .
E . Hepatitis A . E . Age more than 9 months .

* All are causes of Thrombocytopenia except ? * Breast milk is absolutely contraindicated in all
A . Leukemia . of the following except ?
B . HSP . A . Mother on chemotherapy .
C . Fanconi anemia . B . Mother who has HIV .
D . Wiskott aldrich syndrome . C . Mastitis .
E . Vancomycin . D . Galactosemia .
E . Primary lactase deficiency .
* One of the following is not considered as Jones
criteria for rheumatic fever ? * In a 5 years old child with osteomyelitis , the
A . Carditis . most common causative organism is ?
B . Arthralgia . A . Staphylococcus aureus .
C . Erythema nodosum . B . Salmonella typhi .
D . Sydenham chorea . C . Haemophilus influenzae type B .
E . Prolonged PR interval . D . Escherichia coli .
E . Group A Streptococcus .
* Which of the following diagnosis is most likely
in a child with HTN and past history of UTI ? * The most common cause of cerebral palsy is ?
A . Ureteropelvic junction obstruction . A . Neonatal Asphyxia .
B . Reflux nephropathy . B . Epilepsy .
C . Wilms tumor . C . Meningitis .
D . Renal artery stenosis . D . Head trauma .
E . Posterior urethral valve . E . Hydrocephalus .

* All of the following are risk factor for the * One of the following is not a component of TOF
development of respiratory distress syndrome A . VSD .
except ? B.P.S.
A . Prematurity . C . Overriding aorta .
B . Maternal diabetes . D . PDA .
C . Cesarean section . E . Right ventricular hypertrophy .
D . Acidosis .
E . Asphyxia .

* The therapy that can remove the potassium * Central precocious puberty in boys starts with
from the body is ? increased testicular volume before the age ?
A . 10% Calcium gluconate . A . 7 years old .
B . Bicarbonate . B . 8 years old .
C . Insulin . C . 9 years old .
D . Kayexalate . D . 10 years old .
E . Nebulized albuterol . E . 6 years old .

* The best test to evaluate an asthma patient for * All of the following can occur in patients with
degree of airway obstruction is ? Kawasaki disease except ?
A . CXR . A . Coronary artery aneurysm .
B . Peak flow meter . B . Osteomyelitis .
C . Pulse oximeter . C . Aseptic meningitis .
D . Methacholine challenge test . D . Hydrops of the gallbladder .
E . Spirometry . E . Sterile pyuria .

‫ اﺳﺎﻣﻪ اﻟﺨﺰاﻋﻠﻪ‬: ‫اﻟﺪﻛﺘﻮر‬ ‫اﺳﺌﻠــﺔ اﻻﻃﻔـــﺎل‬

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* The following are considered to be zoonotic * 4 years old with sickle cell anemia is admitted
disease except ? to the hospital because of shortness of breath ,
A . Rabies . fever and chest pain . His pulse oximeter was
B . Anthrax . 80% . His Hb 8mg/dL . There was no
C . Hepatitis A . organomegaly . His symptoms are most likely
D . Plague . secondary to ?
E . Brucellosis . A . Sequestration crisis .
B . Acute chest syndrome .
* 10 years old child has Brucellosis . All of the C . Aplastic crisis .
following medications could be used to treat him D . Vaso occlusive crisis .
except ? E . Sepsis .
A . Cefazolin .
B . Cotrimoxazole . * All of the following are true about Hemophilia
C . Doxycycline . except ?
D . Rifampicin . A . Inheritance is x linked .
E . Gentamicin . B . Normal prothrombin time .
C . Prolonged activated PTT
* Diabetes mellitus is diagnosed if fasting D . Treated by blood transfusion .
plasma glucose is more than ? E . Intramuscular injection should be avoided .
A . 125 mg/dL .
B . 100 mg/dL . * Which of the following is true regarding stage
C . 140 mg/dL . 1A Hodgkin lymphoma ?
D . 200 mg/dL . A . Associated with increased LDH .
E . 110 mg/dL . B . May present with weight loss .
C . It is best left untreated , so called watch and
* The most common cause of pericarditis is ? wait .
A . Streptococcus . D . It may be confined to the lymph nodes on one
B . Staphylococcus . side of the diaphragm .
C . Mycoplasma . E . Lymphadenopathy is usually painful .
D . Enteroviruses .
E . Tuberculosis . * A child presented with sever bowed legs and
flaring of both wrists , feeding history reveals he
* Cutis marmorata occurs in ? is formula fed and receives a daily supplement ,
A . Down syndrome . laboratory result demonstrate the following :
B . Congenital hypothyroidism . High 25 ( oH ) 2D , low 1.25 ( oH ) 2D , low
C . Sepsis . calcium , normal phosphorus . What diagnosis is
D . Cold environment . most consistent with these findings ?
E . All of the above . A . Cystic fibrosis .
B . Hypophosphatemic rickets .
C . 22q11 deletion syndrome .
D . Vitamin D refraction rickets type .
E . Vitamin D deficiency rickets .
* Which of the following is most useful during the * All of the following expected initial workup for
staging of Hodgkin lymphoma ? non febrile convulsions except ?
A . Clinical examination . A . Blood glucose .
B . ESR level . B . Serum electrolytes .
C . CT scan . C . Serum ammonia .
D . Karyotyping . D . Brain CT scan .
E . Bone marrow biopsy . E . Electroencephalogram .

* One of the following seen in 21 hydroxylase * Regarding DDH ( Development dysplasia of the
deficiency ? Hip ) All are true except ?
A . High sodium . A . More common in boys .
B . Low testosterone . B . Familial .
C . High cortisol . C . More common in first baby .
D . Low plasma renin activity . D . More common in breech presentation .
E . High 17 hydroxyprogesterone . E . The best test before 3 months of age is by US

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* All of the following parameters are used to D.Measurement of GALT enzyme in erythrocytes
monitor infant baby with Hypovolemic shock E . Ophthalmology examination for cataract .
except ?
A . Level of consciousness . * In assessing the development of an infant , all
B . Blood pressure . of the following are red flags except ?
C . Skin turgor . A . Fisting .
D . Capillary refill time . B . Persistent posture .
E . Pupillary reaction . C . Persistent primitive reflexes .
D . Hand predominance after the age 18 month .
* All are used in acute exacerbation of bronchial E . Abdominal movement pattern .
asthma except ?
A . Ipratropium bromide . * Epidemic is ?
B . Steroids . A . Constantly present .
C . Salbutamol . B . Exhibiting seasonal pattern .
D . Salmeterol . C . Occurring clearly in excess of normal
E . Adrenaline . expectation .
D . Occurring clearly lower than normal
* All of the following can cause early heart failure expectation .
except ? E . Global spread of new disease .
A . VSD .
B . ASD . * Regarding west syndrome , all are true except ?
C . PDA . A . Presents in the first year of life , peak onest 4
D . COA . _ 7 months .
E . Complete AV canal . B . Presents as spasms associated with
encephalopathy .
* One of the following is a live attenuated vaccine C . Hypsarrhythmia is the typical EEG finding
A . Pertussis . D . Excellent prognosis , no risk of future seizures
B . Diphtheria vaccine . or developmental delay .
C . Mumps vaccine . E . Adrenocorticotropic hormone is an effective
D . Tetanus vaccine . treatment .
E . Injectable polio vaccine .
* Regarding peptic ulcer disease in children , all
* Which of the following is the most common of the following are true except ?
cause of nappy rash ? A . Duodenal ulcer are usually chronic .
A . Atopic eczema . B . NSAIDs medication causes gastric ulcers .
B . Bacterial cellulitis . C . H pylori IgG titer correlates with the disease
C . Irritant dermatitis . activity .
D . Candida infection . D . PPI are superior to H2 _ blocker .
E . Infantile seborrheic dermatitis . E . H pylori infection is transmitted by Feco _ oral

* Following pathogen is a phosphate stone

* A one year old child was brought to the former in patient with UTI ?
emergency room for vomiting and diarrhea and A . E Coli .
dehydration . His sodium was 163 meq / L . B . Pseudomonas .
Correction of sodium and dehydration should be C . Streptococcus faecalis .
done over ? D . Proteus .
A . 6 hours . E . Staphylococcus .
B . 12 hours .
C . 24 hours . * 15 month old presented with first episode of
D . 48 hours . wheezing . He has no family history of atopy .
E . 72 hours . The most likely pathogen is ?
A . RSV .
* The gold standard test to diagnosis B . Rhinovirus .
Galactosemia is ? C . Influenza .
A . Urine for substances . D . Pertussis .
B . Plasma galactose level . E . Human metapneumovirus
C . Liver biopsy .
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* 4 months old infant should do all of the * Which of the following drug regimens is the
following except ? most appropriate Chemoprophylaxis for adult
A . Crawls . household contacts of a child with
B . Coos . meningococcal
C . Laughs and loud . meningitis ?
D . Reaches and grasp object . A . Single dose ciprofloxacin .
E . Support his when pulled to sitting position B . Penicillin for 2 day's .
C . IM Ceftriaxone .
* The following is consistent with Thalassemia D . Trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole for 7 day's .
minor ? E . Penicillin and rifampin for 2 day's .
A . High MCV , high MCH , low RDW .
B . Low MCV , low MCH , high RDW . * In a 2 years old boy with recurrent wheezing ,
C . High MCV , low MCH , high RDW . the following is not considered risk factor to
D . Low MCV , low MCH , low RDW . develop asthma ?
E . Low MCV , low MCH , normal RDW . A . His mother has asthma .
B . Had previous RSV infection .
* All of the following could cause indirect C . Has congenital heart disease .
hyperbilirubinemia in a newborn except ? D . Has eczema .
A . Physiological jaundice . E . Has allergic rhinitis .
B . Breast feeding jaundice .
C . Cephalohematoma . * Regarding Brucellosis , all are true except ?
D . Crigler najjar . A . It's zoonotic disease .
E . Cystic fibrosis . B . Serology can be falsely positive with vibrio
cholerae .
* The formula daily need for an infant who weight C . Most patients will develop maculopapular
5 kg is ? rash .
A . 750 ml . D . The definitive diagnosis is by isolation of the
B . 500 ml . organism by culture .
C . 900 ml . E . Endocarditis is a serious complication .
D . 1000 ml .
E . 350 ml . * A 4 months old infant brought to the emergency
room with seizure . His weight was 5 kg and
* 3 years old child can do all of the following serum glucose 30 mg/dL . The best first line
except ? treatment of the following is ?
A . Copies circle . A . Phenobarbital IV .
B . Known his age . B . Phenytoin .
C . Knows his / her gender . C . Diazepam IV or rectally .
D . Tells stories . D . D/W 10% 10 cc bolus .
E . Rides tricycle . E . D/W 25% 10 cc bolus .

* Platelets disorder involved in the pathogenesis

of bleeding in all of the following diseases except
A . ITP . * All of the following association regarding
B . VWD . genetic disorders are true except ?
C . Hemophilia A . A . Down syndrome and atlantoaxial subluxation .
D . Bernard soulier syndrome . B . Turner syndrome and aortic valve anomalies .
E . Glanzmann . C . Alagille syndrome and cholestatic jaundice .
D . Klinefelter syndrome and short stature .
* All the following could be prevented when you E . Prader willi syndrome and obesity .
treat patient with group A Streptococcus
( Streptococcus pyogenes ) pharyngitis except ? * Which of the following types juvenile idiopathic
A . Peritonsillar abscess . arthritis is most commonly associated with
B . Rheumatic fever . development of severe arthritis ?
C . Glomerulonephritis . A . Systemic onest juvenile idiopathic arthritis .
D . Cervical lymphadenitis . B . Pauciarticular juvenile idiopathic arthritis
E . Reactive arthritis . without ocular involvement .

‫ اﺳﺎﻣﻪ اﻟﺨﺰاﻋﻠﻪ‬: ‫اﻟﺪﻛﺘﻮر‬ ‫اﺳﺌﻠــﺔ اﻻﻃﻔـــﺎل‬

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C . Pauciarticular juvenile idiopathic arthritis with B . Often precipitated by respiratory infection .
associated ocular involvement . C . Steroids sensitive nephrotic syndrome .
D . Polyarticular rheumatoid factor positive D . Complement C3 and calcium are low .
juvenile idiopathic arthritis . E . Age presentation is between one and ten
E . Polyarticular rheumatoid factor negative years .
juvenile idiopathic arthritis .
* 5 years old male presented with abdominal
* Constitutional growth delay is characterized by pain , vomiting and tachypnea . Clinical
all of the following except ? examination for chest showed good air entry
A . Delayed pubertal growth spurt . bilateral with no creeps or wheezes . All of the
B . Bone age is equal to chronological age . following investigation are important except ?
C . Height age 11 , bone age 11 . A . Blood gases .
D . Delay secondary sexual characteristics . B . Serum glucose , urea and electrolytes .
E . Normal adult stature . C . Chest x Ray .
D . Urine analysis .
* You are expecting Guillain barre syndrome in an E . Vital signs .
8 years old child . All of the following physical
finding are expected except ? * A term newborn male , weighing 2.5 kg at birth ,
A . Normal level of consciousness . is noted to have a shortened ( hypoplastic ) left
B . Positive babinski . lower extremities , multiple scars on the trunk .
C . Intact sensation . Bilateral absence of the red reflex and
D . Ascending motor weakness . microcephaly . During pregnancy which of the
E . Areflexia . following laboratory finding would likely have
been noted in the mother of this newborn ?
* One of the following is false regarding post A . Positive rubella IgM levels .
Streptococcal Glomerulonephritis in children ? B . Positive varicella IgM levels .
A . Typically presents with sudden onest of dark C . Positive parvovirus IgM levels .
urine , edema and HTN . D . Positive CMV IgM levels .
B . Commonly followers Streptococcal E . Positive Toxoplasma gondii IgM levels .
pharyngitis 2 _ 3 weeks from the onest of
infection . * A 3 day's old full term baby whose weight is 2.5
C . Complete recovery occurs in most patients . kg was brought to your clinic for jaundice . His
D . Early antibiotic treatment for Streptococcal total bilirubin was 28 mg/dL , direct bilirubin 2
infection will eliminate the risk of mg/dL and Hb 13 g/dL . The best management
Glomerulonephritis . for this newborn is ?
E . Urine analysis usually shows RBCs , RBCs A . Glucose water and phototherapy at home .
cast and mild proteinuria . B . Stop breast feeding and assure the family .
C . Phototherapy .
D . Blood exchange .
E . Antibiotics .

* A healthy 20 month old girl found to have *An 11 month old girl had an illness
closed anterior fontanelle . Head circumference characterized by fever up to 39.4 and mild
was normal . The most appropriate next step in irritability for 3 day's . Fever then subsided but
the evaluation of this child is ? followed by small pink macules over trunk and
A . Neurosurgery referral . extremities . The patient most likely has ?
B . Vitamin D supplement . A . Erythema infectiosum .
C . Skull imaging . B . Pityriasis rosea .
D . Referral to a pediatric neurology . C . Roseola infantum .
E . This is a normal finding and no action is D . Measles .
needed . E . Scarlet fever .

* All of the following are true about minimal * Regarding meningococcal meningitis , one of
change nephrotic syndrome in children except ? the following is true ?
A . Usually don't progress to renal failure . A . It is gram negative diplococci .
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B . Doxycycline is the recommended prophylaxis
for closed contacts . * An irritable 12 month old male has a one week
C . Duration of treatment is 2 to 3 weeks . history of high fever and macular truncal rash .
D . Patients should be isolated till end of Examination reveals bulbar conjunctivitis bright
treatment . red cracked lips , and cervical adenopathy . What
E . Mortality rate is higher than it is with is the most appropriate next step ?
meningococcemia A . Initiate airborne precautions .
B . IV antibiotics .
* 7 years old boy has abdominal pain and a rash C . IV corticosteroids .
that started several day's ago . On examination D . IV gammaglobulin .
you notice a palpable purpuric rash over his E . IV antibiotics for the infant and oral antibiotics
calves and buttocks with swelling of both for all household contacts .
ankles . Abdominal exam is unremarkable . What
is the most likely laboratory finding ? * All of the following statements regarding the
A . Normal clotting parameters . disappearance of primitive reflexes are true
B . Decreased bacterial count . except ?
C . Low C3 complement levels . A . Palmar grasp ref disappears by 2 _ 3 months
D . Hypochromic microcytic anemia . B . Moro reflex disappears by 4 _ 6 months.
E . Increase blood urea nitrogen and creatinine C . Parachute reflex disappears by 9 _ 10.
D . Tonic neck reflex disappears by 6 _ 7 month
* 7 years old boy presented to your office after E . Rooting reflex disappears by 1 _ 2 months 7
being exposed to his grandmother who has
tuberculosis disease . He is asymptomatic. His * Which of the following is characteristic of
PPD is 12 mm induration . His CXR was normal . kernicterus ?
Of the following the best next step in A . Direct hyperbilirubinemia .
management of this patient is ? B . Opisthotonus is an early manifestation .
A . Begin isoniazid preventive therapy . C . Deafness is reversible .
B . Obtain early morning gastric lavage culture 3 D . Affect mainly the temporal region .
times . E . Occurs at lower levels if associated with
C . Reassurance and send home . sepsis .
D . Order an interferon gamma release assay .
E . Start INH , Rifampicin , ethambutol and * A person weight 90 kg and height 155 cm , BMI
pyrazinamide is :
A) 27.5 kg/m2
B) 33.5 kg/m2
C) 37.5 kg/m2
D) 40.5 kg/m2
E) 45.5 kg/m2

* One year old infant weight 10 kg , arrives to the * A 18 month old child presented with chronic
emergency room with 2 day's history of diarrhea diarrhea , poor weight gain and iron deficiency
and poor fluid intake . Physical examination anemia , his brother has type one diabetes
showed pale lethargic , child heart rate 180 / mellitus . All of the following regarding this case
min . Low blood pressure and 5 seconds capillary are true except ?
refill . Which of the following is the most A . Screening test is IgA anti tissue
appropriate initial fluid management ? transglutaminase .
A . 1000 cc of dextrose 5% in 1/4 normal saline B . Screening his brother with DM for the disease
per 24 hours . is indicated .
B . 1500 cc of dextrose 5% in 1/4 normal saline C . Patient can return to normal usual diet one
per 24 hours . anti TTG .
C . 200 cc of normal saline over 20 minutes . D . Decreasing titer of anti TTG reflect complains
D . 50 cc of whole blood over 4 hours . with celiac disease .
E . 200 cc of dextrose 10% over 20 minutes .
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E . Normal IgA anti TTG does not rule out of the D) Marfan syndrome
disease . E) SCA

* Your college sends you a patient with an * How long does expressed fresh breast milk
accompanying note _ please assess this child keep at room temperature :
who has a grade 5 _ 6 murmur . What associated A) 3 hours
physical finding would you expect ? B) 6 hours
A . Silent chest . C) 8 hours
B . Thrill . D) 12 hours
C . Heave .
D . Precordial bulge . * How many cm should a child grow per year
E . Dextrocardia . between the age 2_12 years :
A) 3 cm /year
* A 4 years old child presents with profuse B) 6 cm /year
watery diarrhea which is positive for occult C) 9 cm /year
blood . She is febrile to 38.8 and her WBC is D) 12 cm /year
19.000 . She is currently completing a 7 day
course of amoxicillin clavulanic for an ear * One of the following are contraindications for
infection . Which of the following is the most breast feeding :
appropriate therapy at this time would be ? A) Chloramphenicol therapy
A . Vancomycin . B) Ceftriaxone therapy
B . SC vancomycin . C) Mastitis
C . IV metronidazole . D) Breast feeding jaundice
D . PO metronidazole .
E . PO clindamycin . * The average head circumference growth in first
6 month of life is :
Rice watery diarrhea is characteristic for : A) 3 cm
A) Rota virus B) 6 cm
B) E coli C) 9 cm
C) Cholera D) 12 cm
D) Cryptosporidiosis
E) Clostridium * All of the following is autosomal recessive
disease except :
* Human growth hormone is effective in all A) Achondroplasia
except : B) Phenylketonuria
A) Turner syndrome C) Galactosemia
B) Chronic renal failure D) CAH
C) Small for gestational age
D) Prader Willi syndrome * All of the following has airborne mode of
E) Achondroplasia transmission except :
A) Measles
B) Varicella
C) Scarlet fever
D) Hand ,foot and mouth disease

* Child with SCA , the vaccine must be given post

autosplenectomy is : * One of the following is water borne disease :
A) DTap vaccine A) Hepatitis C
B) MMR vaccine B) HIV
C) Hib vaccine C) Cholera
D) Pneumococcal vaccine D) Malaria
E) BCG vaccine
* All are seen in Kawasaki disease except :
* All are autosomal recessive disease except : A) Peak age 3 months to 5 years
A) Cystic fibrosis B) Fever persisting 5 days
B) B thalassemia C) Most severe complication is splenic rupture
‫ اﺳﺎﻣﻪ اﻟﺨﺰاﻋﻠﻪ‬: ‫اﻟﺪﻛﺘﻮر‬ ‫اﺳﺌﻠــﺔ اﻻﻃﻔـــﺎل‬
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D) Most common early complication is B) Roth spots
Myocarditis C) Osler nodes
D) Erythema marginatum
* One of the following is a cause of E) Splinter hemorrhage
Hyposplenism :
A) Gluten enteropathy * All are causes of metabolic alkalosis except :
B) Sarcoidosis A) Pyloric stenosis
C) Malaria B) Furosemide
D) Megaloblastic anemia C) Bartter syndrome
D) Addison disease
* MCV value in Macrocytic anemia is : E) Gitelman syndrome
A) More than 60 Fl
B) More than 70 Fl * All are causes of respiratory acidosis except :
C) More than 90 Fl A) Narcotics
D) More than 100 Fl B) Kyphoscoliosis
E) More than 120 Fl C) Diaphragm muscle paralysis
D) Hyperkalemia
* All are true about breast feeding except : E) Severe bronchial asthma
A) Easily digested and low renal solute load
B) Contains IgG antibodies * One is true about Hypernatemia :
C) Ca :Po4 ratio 1.8:1 A) Correction of serum Na 1 mmol /hour
D) Contains protein 0.9_1.5% B) Na level > 160 mmol/L considered
* 3 years old child can do all of the following C) More common than Hyponatremia
except : D) SIADH is one of the causes
A) Can draw square E) Associated with CHF
B) Rides tricycle
C) Climbs upstairs non alternating * The normal range of plasma osmolality is :
D) Combines 3 words sentence A) 265_280 mosm /kg
B) 280_295 mosm / kg
* In 18 months old child can do all except : C) 295_305 mosm / kg
A) He runs well D) 305_320 mosm / kg
B) Copies a circle
C) Do tower of 3 cubic * Regarding treatment of Acute Epiglottitis , the
D) Eats with spoon best first step is :
A) IV antibiotics
* About G6PD all are true except : B) Humidified oxygen by SFM
A) X linked recessive disease C) Corticosteroids
B) It has neonatal screening test D) Intubation
C) Reticulocyte count is low in acute crisis E) Salbutamol
D) In neonate present as prolonged pathological
jaundice * Best for diagnosis of Achalasia in children :
A) 24 hours esophageal PH metry
* All are seen in Rheumatic fever except : B) 24 hours esophageal manometry
A) Short PR interval on ECG C) Esophago_Gastro_Duodenoscopy
B) CRP elevated D) Barium swallow
C) Sydenham chorea
D) Pancarditis E) Subcutaneous nodules
* All of the following are major criteria rheumatic
fever except : * 30 months old baby bring to you in E.R . C/O
A) Sydenham chorea dyspnea , Tachypnea , hypoxia , nasal flaring ,
B) Migratory arthritis muscle retraction , barking cough , x Ray shows a
C) Rheumatic nodules narrow subglottic airway ( Steeple sign ) , what is
D) Erythema nodosum the likely diagnosis :
E) Pancarditis A) Acute Epiglottitis
B) Croup
* All are seen in infective endocarditis except : C) Bacterial Tracheitis
A) Janeway lesions D) Herpangina
‫ اﺳﺎﻣﻪ اﻟﺨﺰاﻋﻠﻪ‬: ‫اﻟﺪﻛﺘﻮر‬ ‫اﺳﺌﻠــﺔ اﻻﻃﻔـــﺎل‬
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E) Laryngospasm * 3 month old infant presented with watery
stool ,no fever , no blood in stool , baby is poor
* All are causes of macrocephaly except : eating , the best next step is :
A) CMV infection A) Admission and give him motilium
B) Neurofibromatosis type one B) Admission and do stool analysis
C) Tuberous sclerosis C) Outpatient treatment with ORS
D) Fragile x syndrome D) Admission and give oral or IV rehydration
E) Sotos syndrome E) Admission and give him antibiotics

* Which of the following is common in all forms * The best test for evaluating cases of meconium
of shock : ileus is :
A) Decreased cardiac output A) Contrast enema study
B) Increased heart rate B) Ultrasonography
C) Decreased CVP C) Plain abdominal X_Ray
D) Decreased tissue perfusion D) Pancreatic function test

* Each of the following are true about Giardia * All are true about Crohn disease except :
lamblia except : A) Most common site is terminal ileum
A) It is transmitted feco oral route B) Skip irregular lesions
B) It causes chronic diarrhea C) Lead pipe like of abdominal X_Ray
C) Can effectively be treated by Albendazole D) Slight increase risk of colon cancer
D) It is protozoon infection
* All are benign neonatal skin conditions except :
* About ITP one is false : A) Cutis marmorata
A) Autoimmune disease B) Erythema toxicum
B) Bruises and Petechiae on the limbs C) Salmon patch
C) Lymphadenopathy D) Erythema herpetiformis
D) Best initial treatment is steroids E) Pustular melanosis
E) In chronic cases treated by splenectomy
* Select the correct statement regarding the GCS
* All are causes of hypoglycemia except : A) A score of 3 is normal
A) Growth hormone deficiency B) A score of 7 represents coma
B) Alcohol consumption C) A score of 11 represents severe head injury
C) Liver cirrhosis D) A score of 8 represents mild head injury
D) Pheochromocytoma E) A score of 15 represents bad prognosis
E) Pituitary failure
* Most common solid tumor in children :
A) Wilms tumor
* A type of abdominal wall defect in which the B) Brain tumor
intestine , liver , and other organs remain outside C) Ewing sarcoma
of the abdominal cavity without sac due to defect D) Neuroblastoma
in development of the Muscles of the abdominal
wall is called : * Normal child start to walk without support at :
A) Umbilical hernia A) 9 month
B) Exomphalos B) 12 month
C) Inspissation C) 15 month
D) Gastroschisis D) 18 month

* Pre term infant at high risk of all of the

following except :
A) Broncho_pulmonary dysplasia
B) Meconium aspiration syndrome * All are Aminoacids except :
C) PDA A) Arginine
D) NEC B) Methionine
C) Tryptophan
D) Keratine
E) Cystine
‫ اﺳﺎﻣﻪ اﻟﺨﺰاﻋﻠﻪ‬: ‫اﻟﺪﻛﺘﻮر‬ ‫اﺳﺌﻠــﺔ اﻻﻃﻔـــﺎل‬
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E) Phenytoin or Carbamezipine used for
* All of the following are causes of Macrocytosis treatment
except :
A) Megaloblastic anemia * First step in management of DKA coma :
B) Hypothyroidism A) Start insulin infusion
C) Methotrexate therapy B) Start saline IV infusion
D) Lead toxicity C) Start IV antibiotics
E) Liver disease D) Airway scuring
E) Start bicarbonate IV
* Least common valvular heart disease lead to
infective endocarditis : * All are true about IDA except :
A) Aortic stenosis A) Most common cause of childhood anemia
B) Mitral stenosis B) Common diagnosis between 6 months _ 3 y
C) Tricuspid stenosis C) Pica is a sign of IDA
D) Pulmonary stenosis D) Low serum Ferritin and TIBC
E) Hypochromic Microcytic
* Least common congenital heart disease with
left to right shunt that can lead to infective * All are causes of Hyperkalemia except :
endocarditis : A) Tumor lysis syndrome
A) VSD B) Conn syndrome
C) PDA D) Addison disease
* Aldosterone secretion from :
* Most common congenital heart disease with A) Zona Reticularis
left to right shunt that can lead to congestive B) Zona Fasciculata
heart failure : C) Medulla
A) ASD D) Zona Glomerulosa
B) PDA E) Juxtaglomerular apparatus
D) VSD * Hashimoto thyroiditis associated with all of the
E) TGV following except :
A) DM type one
* All are used for treatment of GERD except : B) Down syndrome
A) Omeprazole C) Thyroid lymphoma
B) Metoclopromide D) Cushing disease
C) Frequent and smaller feeds
D) Ranitidine *All are true about Nephrotic syndrome except :
E) Loratidine A) MCD is the most common cause
B) Hypoalbuminemia
* The first drug of choice in case of C) Macroscopic Hematuria
organophosphours poisoning : D) No response to steroids indication for renal
A) Benzodiazepines biopsy
B) Activated charcoal E) Massive Proteinuria > 40 mg/m2/hr
C) Atropine
D) Protamine * All are true about ASD except :
A) Ostium primum is the most common type
* All are true about complex partial seizures exc B) Usually close spontaneously if < 8mm
A) Automatisms C) Usually asymptomatic in childhood
B) Can be come generalized D) On physical wide split of S2
C) Loss of conscious or altered one E) Plethoric lung fields on CXR
D) Illusions and hallucinations
E) No aura or post ictal period * All of the following conditions require
* All are true about simple partial seizures except prophylactic antibiotics to prevent infective
A) Some patients have an aura endocarditis except :
B) No post ictal period A) Prosthetic heart valves
C) Loss of consciousness B) Isolated secundum ASD
D) On EEG multi focal spike C) TOF
‫ اﺳﺎﻣﻪ اﻟﺨﺰاﻋﻠﻪ‬: ‫اﻟﺪﻛﺘﻮر‬ ‫اﺳﺌﻠــﺔ اﻻﻃﻔـــﺎل‬
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D) Uncorrected aortic stenosis D) Breech presentation is risk factor
E) MVP with regurgitation E) Dynamic ultrasound is the gold standard for
diagnosis in first 6 month of life
* All are true about Retinopathy of prematurity
except : * All are signs and symptoms of cystic fibrosis
A) It is a major cause of blindness in developed except :
countries A) Most early sign is meconium ileus
B) Higher risk premature and low birth weight < B) Pancreas insufficiency
1500 gram C) It has screening program in Jordan
C) Retinal detachment is seen in stages 2 & 3 D) Finger clubbing
D) High o2 exposure after birth is risk factor E) Infertility later in life

* All are true about severe life threatening * All are true about FMF except :
asthma except : A) 90 % of patients have thier first attack before
A) Altered consciousness level the age of 18 years old
B) Cyanosis B) Common first attack are fever with abdominal
C) FEV1 50_70% pain , joint pain , chest pain ,
D) Silent chest muscle pain or Erysipeloid
E) Respiratory acidosis C) Complicated by Amyloidosis and kidney
* All Drugs are used for treatment of Acute attack D) Mutation in the chromosome 6
of bronchial asthma except : E) Colchicine decreases attack frequency
A) Salbutamol
B) Ipratropium * All of the following are true hepatitis B except :
C) Inhaled steroids A) All hepatitis B carries have antibodies to
D) Adrenaline HBcAg and HBeAg
E) Aminophylline B) Hepatitis B carries with high HBeAg are more
likely to have liver damage
* One of the following vaccines is C) It is RNA virus
contraindicated in child with Burton D) Hepatitis B vaccine presents in Jordan
agammaglobulinemia : vaccination program
A) DTap vaccine
B) MMR vaccine * 3 years old child has had diarrhea for past 3
C) Hepatitis B vaccine days . Respiratory rate is elevated and the
D) Pneumococcal vaccine fontanelles are sunken . The results of ABGs
E) Hib vaccine show PH = 7.39 , PCO2 = 30 mmhg , HCO3 = 19
meq/L . Most likely acid_base disorder ?
* All are true about Salicylates toxicity except : A . Respiratory Alkalosis fully compensated .
A) Early stage cause Hyperventilation and B . Metabolic acidosis uncompensated .
respiratory alkalosis C . Metabolic acidosis fully compensated .
B) Late stage cause metabolic acidosis and D . Respiratory acidosis uncompensated .
Hypokalemia E . Metabolic Alkalosis fully compensated
C) Hyperthermia is an indication of severe
toxicity * Regarding febrile seizures , all are true except ?
D) Nausea ,vomiting , diaphoresis and tinnitus A . The most common cause of seizures in
are the earliest signs and symptoms children .
E) N acetylcysteine is the antidote B . Occurs between 6 months and 6 years .
C . Lumbar puncture is not done routinely in all
children .
D . Is a recognized cause of status epilepticus in
children .
E . Sodium valproate is given after the second
attack to prevent recurrence .
* All are true about developmental dislocation of * One of the following is false regarding
the HIP except : poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis ?
A) There is screening program for DDH A . Urine analysis usually shows RBCs , RBCs
B) It usually affect right hip casts , and mild proteinuria .
C) It more common in first born female
‫ اﺳﺎﻣﻪ اﻟﺨﺰاﻋﻠﻪ‬: ‫اﻟﺪﻛﺘﻮر‬ ‫اﺳﺌﻠــﺔ اﻻﻃﻔـــﺎل‬
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B . Early antibiotic treatment for Streptococcal C . Tetracycline .
infection will eliminate the risk of D . Cough syrup .
glomerulonephritis . E . Antiemetics .
C . Complete recovery occurs in most patients .
D . Commonly follows Streptococcal pharyngitis * Calculate the first hour fluid management for a
after 2 _ 3 weeks . 30 kg 8 years old child with first degree burn 10%
E . Typically presents with sudden Onest of dark body surface area and second degree burn 10%
urine , edema , and proteinuria , HTN . body surface area ?
A . 50 cc .
* Charcoal is ineffective in all of the following B . 75 cc .
poisoning except ? C . 100 cc .
A . Corrosive agents . D . 150 cc .
B . Kerosin . E . 200 cc .
C . Iron .
D . Lead . * Which one of the following associations is
E . Aminophylline . wrong ?
A . Lymphoma and neck mass .
* A 4 year old girl has labial adhesions , which of B . Burkitt lymphoma and EBV .
the following is true ? C . Reed Sternberg cell and Hodgkin lymphoma .
A . It is not related to hygiene . D . Hemihypertrophy and neuroblastoma .
B . Most commonly occurs in girls above 12 E . Aniridia and Wilms tumor
years of age .
C . No treatment is necessary if the patient has * A 4 year old boy presents with patchy hair loss
normal urinary flow . and a scaly itching scalp , what is the most likely
D . Treatment includes the forceful separation of diagnosis ?
the adhesions . A . Tinea capitis .
E . A progesterone containing cream can be used B . Trichotillomania .
to treat these adhesions . C . Traction alopecia .
D . Alopecia areata .
* A child who is found collapsed in the E . Staphylococcus scalded skin syndrome .
playground is brought to the emergency room .
She opens eyes to pain stimulation , she has no * All of the following are commonly seen in
verbal response , and she withdraws her arms patients with HSP except ?
from pain , the GCS of the patient is ? A . Hematuria .
A.7 B . Arthritis .
B.3 C . Purpura .
C.9 D . Abdominal pain .
D . 11 E . Thrombocytopenia .
E . 14
* A person will be traveling to a malaria endemic
* Regarding allergic reactions , which of the area in the middle east , the best prophylactic
following associations is true ? intervention is ?
A . Skin prick testing effective for diagnosis of all A . Prophylactic malaria vaccine .
types of hypersensitivity . B . Chloroquine .
B . Desensitization is an effective treatment for C . Mefloquine .
Steven Johnson syndrome . D . Doxycycline .
C . Serum sickness can occur in response to a E . Primaquine .
drug or viral infection .
D . Anaphylactic children should receive long * 12 years old student has had vomiting and
term corticosteroids . decreased level of consciousness . Student
E . Hypersensitivity reactions always occur within displays slow and deep breathing , he appears
minutes of exposure to allergen . dehydrated , and had a two week history of
polydipsia , polyuria and weight loss . ABG shows
PH = 7.0 , PO2 = 90 mmhg , PCO2 = 23 mmhg ,
* All of the following medications are not HCO3 = 12 mmol/L . Lab's show Na = 126 mmol
recommended in infant except ? /L , K = 5 mmol /L , CL = 95 mmol/L .
A . Ciprofloxacin . Most likely acid_base disorder ?
B . Acyclovir . A . Respiratory acidosis uncompensated .
‫ اﺳﺎﻣﻪ اﻟﺨﺰاﻋﻠﻪ‬: ‫اﻟﺪﻛﺘﻮر‬ ‫اﺳﺌﻠــﺔ اﻻﻃﻔـــﺎل‬
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B . Respiratory acidosis compensated . C . Streptococcus pneumoniae .
C . Metabolic acidosis compensated partially . D . Streptococcus pyogenes .
D . Metabolic acidosis fully compensated . E . Haemophilus influenzae type B .
E . Metabolic Alkalosis compensated .
* All are developmental red flags except ?
* Gower sign is characteristic for ? A . No walking at 9 months .
A . Prader willi syndrome . B . Less than 10 words at 18 months .
B . Duchenne muscular dystrophy . C . No smiling at 3 months .
C . Angelman syndrome . D . No pointing at 18 months .
D . Noonan syndrome . E . No head support at 5 months .
E . Klinefelter syndrome .
* Normally child responds to own name and
* Most common genetic syndrome associated separation anxiety begins , mature pincer grasp .
with advanced maternal age is ? At which age ?
A . Patau syndrome . A . 6 months .
B . Edward syndrome . B . 9 months .
C . Down syndrome . C . 12 months .
D . Turner syndrome . D . 15 months .
E . Fragile x syndrome . E . 18 months .

* All of the following are causes of non bilious * All of the following investigations are initial
vomiting in neonates except ? tests to diagnose the cause of short stature
A . Pyloric stenosis . except ?
B . GERD . A . Antibodies for celiac disease .
C . Sepsis . B . Thyroid function test .
D . Duodenal atresia . C . Kidney function test .
E . Tracheosesophageal fistula . D . Liver function test .
E . Growth hormone .
* Most common cyanotic heart disease
diagnosed in neonatal period is ? * The most common solid tumor in children is ?
A . Tetralogy of fallot . A . Neuroblastoma .
B . Ebstein anomaly . B . CNS tumor .
C . Tricuspid atresia . C . Retinoblastoma .
D . Truncus arteriosus . D . Wilms tumor .
E . Transposition of great vessels E . Bone tumors .

* All are cyanotic congenital heart disease except * Breastfed infants should be supplemented with
A . Truncus arteriosus . A . Vitamin A
B . Tricuspid atresia . B . Vitamin B
C . Ebstein anomaly . C . Vitamin C
D . Coarctation of aorta . D . Vitamin D
E . Tetralogy of fallot . E . Vitamin E

* All of the following drug's can cross into breast * All are risk factors for Kernicterus except ?
milk except ? A . Hypoglycemia .
A . Bromocriptine . B . Sepsis .
B . Warfarin . C . Gestational age more than 38 weeks .
C . Gold . D . Hemolysis .
D . Tetracycline . E . Acidosis .
E . Metronidazole .

* The most likely organism to cause

osteomyelitis in an 8 years old boy is ? * All of the following can cause microcytic
A . Staphylococcus aureus . hypochromic anemia except ?
B . Kingella kingae . A . Hypothyroidism .
‫ اﺳﺎﻣﻪ اﻟﺨﺰاﻋﻠﻪ‬: ‫اﻟﺪﻛﺘﻮر‬ ‫اﺳﺌﻠــﺔ اﻻﻃﻔـــﺎل‬
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B . Lead toxicity . B . Hypothyroidism , Galactosemia ,
C . Iron deficiency . Phenylketonuria and G6PD .
D . Thalassemia . C . Hypothyroidism and Phenylketonuria .
E . Sideroblastic anemia . D . Hypothyroidism , Phenylketonuria and
Thalassemia .
* All of the following regarding cystic fibrosis are E . Hypothyroidism , G6PD deficiency and
true except ? Phenylketonuria
A . Is an autosomal recessive .
B . May present with meconium ileus at neonatal * The following is true regarding Erythema
period . infectiosum except ?
C . Is diagnosed by sweat chloride test . A . Caused by HHV type 6 or 7 .
D . Nasal polyps are more common with it . B . Teratogenic .
E . All case's have exocrine pancreatic C . Usually causes pancytopenia in patient with
insufficiency . thalassemia .
D . Not contagious once the rash erupts .
* A 2 week old baby presented to your clinic with E . Serious disease and needs aggressive
history of poor feeding and decreased activity in treatment .
the past 2 day's , the best next step is ?
A . To give IV fluid to treat dehydration . * Cryptorchidism is characteristic by which of the
B . To give oral strong antibiotics . following ?
C . To admit him to the hospital . A . Surgical intervention is always required .
D . To send him home and see him on the second B . In true Cryptorchidism , many testes will often
day after taking blood culture . descends spontaneously .
E . To send him for observation and to feed him C . In ectopic Cryptorchidism , the testes can be
well by breastfeeding . milked down the scrotum .
D . In ectopic Cryptorchidism , the testicles
* Regarding congenital primary hypothyroidism . should be pinned to the scrotum
One of the following is true ? before the age of puberty .
A . Half of the case's have no symptoms at birth . E . Retractile testicles are associated with
B . The most common cause is dysgenesis . congenital adrenal hyperplasia .
C . Treatment is with T3 in the permanent case's
D . TSH and T4 are low . * How much sodium in meq in half liter normal
E . It is inherited mostly as an autosomal saline ?
recessive disease A . 50 .
B . 77 .
* Urinary VMA and HVA can be used for C . 130 .
diagnosis of ? D . 154 .
A . Wilms tumor . E . 65 .
B . Neuroblastoma .
C . Neurofibromatosis . * A 5 year old girl has three months of painful
D . Acute lymphocytic leukemia . swelling of both knees . Her parents said that she
E . Horner syndrome . complains of morning stiffness and her gait like
an old man . What is the most likely diagnosis ?
* You are about to discharge a term newborn but A . Juvenile idiopathic arthritis .
notice the baby's skin have red spots with B . Septic arthritis .
overlying white papules , heart rate 150 BPM and C . Post infectious arthropathy .
no murmur on exam . What is the next step in D . Systemic lupus erythematosus .
management ? E . Scleroderma .
A . Head ultrasound .
B . Initiate prostaglandin therapy . * Children are usually expected to walk at age ?
C . IV fluid . A . 6 months .
D . Start oxygen . B . 9 months .
E . Discharge home and tell mother that it is self C . 12 months .
limiting . D . 18 months .
E . 2 years .
* National neonatal screening in Jordan includes * A 6 month old boy has had a fever up to 39.4
A . Congenital adrenal hyperplasia , for the past 8 day's with excretions
hypothyroidism , Phenylketonuria and G6PD . conjunctivitis , red lips , cervical lymph nodes
‫ اﺳﺎﻣﻪ اﻟﺨﺰاﻋﻠﻪ‬: ‫اﻟﺪﻛﺘﻮر‬ ‫اﺳﺌﻠــﺔ اﻻﻃﻔـــﺎل‬
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enlargement and sore throat on examination . All B . 125 mg/dl .
of the following would be an appropriate part of C . 140 mg/dl .
the management except ? D . 200 mg/dl .
A . Echocardiogram . E . 110 mg/dl .
B . High dose aspirin .
C . IV immunoglobulin . * Which of the following vaccines is part of the
D . Antipyretic therapy . Jordanian national vaccination program ?
E . Serial abdominal ultrasound A . Meningococcal conjugate vaccine .
B . Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine .
* Regarding immunodeficiency , which of the C . Varicella vaccine .
following associations is false ? D . Hepatitis A vaccine .
A . IgA deficiency associated with celiac disease E . Inactivated polio vaccine .
B . Common variable immunodeficiency _ there is
no vaccine response in the body . * Of all the features of Tetralogy of fallot , which
C . Bruton agammaglobulinemia _ there are no B of the following is the best index for prognosis ?
cells . A . Size of right ventricle .
D . Digeorge syndrome _ X linked , triad of B . Aortic size .
eczema , low platelets and severe suppurative C . Severity of pulmonary stenosis .
skin lesions . D . Sex of the baby , boy's have worse prognosis
E . Leukocyte adhesion defect _ delayed than girls .
separation of umbilical stump . E . Size of the VSD .

* Regarding idiopathic nephrotic syndrome in * All of the following are true about VSDs except
children , all of the following are true except ? A . Results in left to right shunt .
A . Influenza vaccine should be given on a yearly B . The primary murmur is systolic .
basis . C . Membranous VSDs in the upper part of the
B . The majority of children with steroid septum are more likely to close spontaneously .
responsive N.S have repeated relapses . D . Large VSDs are more likely to present with
C . Renal biopsy should be done for the diagnosis less murmur and early heart failure .
in most case's . E . Cyanosis is not a common feature .
D . Peritonitis is a complication of nephrotic
syndrome . * Which of the following is more indicative of a
E . MCD is the most common histological lesion . pathologic murmur rather than innocent
murmur ?
* One is true about caustic ingestion ? A . The murmur is heard during diastole .
A . Early endoscopy is indication . B . The child has no other symptoms .
B . Induce vomiting reduce the complications . C . The murmur is soft ( grade 2 or lower )
C . Absence of the mouth lesions exclude the D . The CXR is normal .
esophageal injury . E . The murmur does not radiate to the back .
D . Gastric lavage is contraindicated .
E . Acidotic agent's is more harmful than the * A 9 year old child presents with abdominal
alkaline agent's . pain , headache . His urine is positive for ketones
and sugar . All of the following are appropriate
* All are types of cerebral palsy except ? during
A . Hemiplegic . management except ?
B . Quadriplegic . A . Insulin bolus of 0.1 units per kilogram .
C . Atonic . B . Keep child NPO .
D . Infantile spasm . C . IV bolus of 20 ml/kg of normal saline .
E . Extrapyramidal D . Monitor serum potassium .
E . Admit to the ICU to observe .

* The IV fuid maintenance for a 15 kg child is:

A . 750 cc .
B . 1250 cc .
C . 1900 cc .
* In the presence of symptoms diabetes mellitus D . 2500 cc .
is diagnosed when random blood sugar exceed ? E . 3000 cc .
A . 100 mg/dl .
‫ اﺳﺎﻣﻪ اﻟﺨﺰاﻋﻠﻪ‬: ‫اﻟﺪﻛﺘﻮر‬ ‫اﺳﺌﻠــﺔ اﻻﻃﻔـــﺎل‬
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* patients with cystic fibrosis, al of the folowing
are expected except ? * In DKA all are true except ?
A . Rectal prolapse A . insulin should not be given iv bolus
B . Nasal polyp B . PH is below 7.3 and or Bicarbonate is less
C . Core pulmonale than 15mg/ dl .
D . Azoospermia as an adult C . Positive ketone in serum and urine .
E . Aneurysm of coronary arteries D . Nacl solution should be given initially .
E . NaHCO3 is given after 2 hours of starting
* In an inherited disease, the males and females treatment .
are equally affect . The risk of siblings having the
disease is 25% if both parents are carriers. This * AIl of the following parameters are used to
disease is inherited as ? monitor infant baby with hypovolemic shock
A . Autosomal dominant except ?
B . Autosomal recessive A . Level of consciousness .
C . X-Linked recessive B . Capillary refill time .
D . Mitochondrial C . Pupillary reaction .
E . x-linked dominant D . Blood pressure .
E . Skin turgor .
* AIl of the followings could be options for
treating Brucella except ? * All of the following are recognized causes of
A . Doxycycline. hemolytic disease in the newborn except ?
B . Rifampicin. A . Hereditary spherocytosis .
D . Gentamicin. C . Sickle cell disease .
E . Cefazolin D . ABO incompatibility .
E . Rh incompatibility .
* AIl of the followings are we attenuated
vaccines except ? * The most common type of cerebral palsy ?
A . Rotavirus A . atonic
B . Varicella B . Ataxic
C . Measles C . Spastic
D . Oral Polio Vaccine D . Hypotonic
E . Hepatitis E . Mixed

* AIl of the following about BCG vaccine are true * one year old boy brough to the ER for an attack
except ? of generalized tonic seizure, In the management
A . It is included in the Jordanian national of his seizures all are true except ?
immunization program . A . Serum glucose, calcium and sodium should
B . It has little effect on the reactivation disease . be measured .
C . May affect TB skin test (PPD) result. (PPD) . B . First line of treatment with anti epileptic drugs
D . Can be given from birth . is benzodiazepine .
E . It is a killed bacterial vaccine . C . Phenytoin is given iv over 20 minute .
D . when the cause is hypoglycemia 2cc/kg of
* Central precocious puberty in boys starts with Dextrose 10% is given iv .
inaeased testicular volume before the age of ? E . the calcium gluconate is given intramuscular
A . 7 years when its serum level is low .
B . 8 years
C . 9 years * 11-month-old girl had an illness characterized
D . 10 years by fever up to 39.40C mid imitabity for 3 days.
E . 6 years then subsided but folowed by a smal pink
macules over the trunk and The patient most key
* In a 5 year old child with osteomyelitis, the has ?
most common causative organism is ? A . Roseola Infantum .
A . Staphylococcus aureus B . Pitryasis Rosea .
B . Escherichia coli. C . Measles .
C . Group A streptococcus D . scarlet fever .
D . salmonella typhi E . Erythema infectiosum .
E . Haemophilus Influenza type B
‫ اﺳﺎﻣﻪ اﻟﺨﺰاﻋﻠﻪ‬: ‫اﻟﺪﻛﺘﻮر‬ ‫اﺳﺌﻠــﺔ اﻻﻃﻔـــﺎل‬
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* The therapy that can remove the potassium * Regarding idiopathic thrombocytopenia
from the body ? purpura , all of the followings are true except ?
A . 10% calcium gluconate . A . it is the most common cause of acute onset
B . Bicarbonate . of thrombocytopenia in otherwise healthy .
C . Nebulized albuterol . B . The peak age is 1-4 years of age .
D . Insulin . C . Usually preceded by viral infection 1-4 weeks
E . sodium polystyrene sulfonate (Kayexalate) before the onset .
D . Platelets size is normal or increased .
* One of following diseases can cause anemia in E . Spleen is enlarged in majority of the cases
the child with hemoglobinopathy ?
A . Roseola Infantum (Sixth disease) * Regarding immune deficiency, all of the
B . Erythema Infectiousum (Fifth disease) following associations are true except ?
C . Hand Foot Mouth disease. A . Hypocalcemia and DiGeorge syndrome .
D . Chicken pox. B . Delayed umbilical cord detachment and
E . Measles leukocyte adhesion defect .
C . Recurrent Neisseria meningitis and hyper IgM
* neonatal seizures may present by all of the syndrome .
following pictures except ? D . Severe progressive infectious mononucleosis
A . Eye blinking and X- linked syndrome .
B . Apnoea E . Recurrent cutaneous abscesses and hyper lgE
C . Nystagmus syndrome .
D . sucking
E . jitteriness * All of the following can ocour in patients with
Kawasaki disease except ?
* Charcoal is ineffective in all of the following A . Coronary artery aneurysm.
poisoning except ? B . Aseptic meningitis.
A . Corrosive agentsas C . Hydrops of the gall bladder
B . Kerosin D . Osteomyelitis
C . Iron E . sterile pyuria
D . lead
E . aminophylline * Blood that is used for transfusion purposes is
routinely for serologic markers for all of the
* 10 month old child can do all of the following following diseases except ?
except ? A . HBC (hepatitis B virus ) .
A . sits without support, with back straight . B . HSV (herpes simplex virus ) .
B . Pulls to stand position walks on to furniture . C . syphilis .
C . Grasps objects with thumb and forefinger. D . CMV (cytomegalovirus) .
D . Says 3-5 words specifically . E . AIDS .
E . wave bye bye .
* one of the folowing is not considered as Jones
* Four week old male infant presented with criteria for rheumatic fever ?
tiredness and rapid breathing during feeding, he A . Carditis
has to stop sucking frequently to catch his breast B . Arthralgia
-Which one of the following is Most appropriate C . Erythema marginatum
investigation? D . Sydenham's chorea
A . Complete blood count . E . Shortened PR interval .
B . Echocardiography E .
C . electroencephalography . * The cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of 3 year old chad
D . Arterial blood gas . wth suspected meningitis showed WBC 150,
E . Serum electrolytes . neutrophies 10%, protein CSF glucose 90 while
blood glucose 100. is most likely consistent
with ?
A . Bacterial Meningitis .
B . Early viral meningitis .
C . TB meningitis .
D . Fungal meningitis .
E . Normal csF analysis for age .
‫ اﺳﺎﻣﻪ اﻟﺨﺰاﻋﻠﻪ‬: ‫اﻟﺪﻛﺘﻮر‬ ‫اﺳﺌﻠــﺔ اﻻﻃﻔـــﺎل‬
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* The initial investigation for short stature * Regarding congenital hypothyroidism one is
includes all except ? true ?
A . CBC . A . most of the cases are secondary .
B . Thyroid function test . B . All cases must be treated with thyroxin .
C . Growth hormone . C . Treatment is usually stopped after8 months .
D . Kidney function tests . D . Most of the cases are familial .
E . Bone age . E . symptoms seen by the end of the first week.

*All of the folowing are recognized as normal * A 5 month old infant brought by his mother who
findings in a newborn baby except ? said that he had history of vomiting 3-4 times
A . Mongolian blue spot on low spinal area . daly. His birth weight is 2.6 kg . He looks well
B . Group of vesicles in close proximity on scalp . with no abnormal findings .his weight is 5,8 kg
C . vaginal blood spotting . the best management for this case is ?
D . Lanugo hair on extremities . A . omeprazole .
E . Erythema toxicum on trunk . B . ranitidine .
C . metoclopramide(plasil) .
* All of the following association regarding D . domperidone(motillium) .
genetic disorders are true except ? E . no treatment is needed .
A . Down syndrome and atlantoaxial sublaxation .
B . Turner syndrome and aortic valve anomalies . * The most common cause of childhood
C . Allagile syndrome and cholestatic jaundice . meningitis in Jordan ?
D . Klinefelter syndrome and short stature . A . streptococcus pneumonia.
E . Pradder willi syndrome and obesity . B . Neisseria meningitides .
C . E.coli .
* Regarding urinary tract infection in children, one D . Mycobacterium Tuberculosis .
of the pathogens to the formation of phosphate E . Staphylococcus areus .
stones by splitting urea to ammonia in the
urinalysis ? * The most common hereditary bleeding disorder
A . Escerichea Coli A . Hemophilia A .
B . Pseudomonas B . Hemophilia B .
C . Streptococcus fecalis C . Von Willebrand disease
D . Proteus D . DIC .
E . Staphylococcus E . Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic purpura .

* You are attending the birth of an infant whose * The leading cause of death among school
Mather smoked 2 packs of cigarettes per day children is ?
during the pregnancy.which of the followings A . congenital anomalies
finding would be most likely presented in the B . Injuries
newborn ? C . Malignant disease
A . growth retardation . D . Communicable disease
B . Hydronephrosis . E . Respiratory illnesses
C . Microcephaly .
D . Respiratory distress syndrome . * Five year male, known case frequent relapsing
E . Hypoglycemia . nephrotic syndrome on steroid treatment. This
patient is at risk for all the following except ?
* Acrodermatis enteropathica is treated with ? A . peritonitis
A . Vitamin A . B . Malnutrition
B . Zinc . C . Bleeding tendency
C . Phosphate . D . Hyperlipidemia
D . Magnesium . E . immunosuppression
E . Vitamin B2 .

‫ اﺳﺎﻣﻪ اﻟﺨﺰاﻋﻠﻪ‬: ‫اﻟﺪﻛﺘﻮر‬ ‫اﺳﺌﻠــﺔ اﻻﻃﻔـــﺎل‬

Page 38
* One week old newborn presented cholestatic
jaundice ; hypoglycemia and seizure . You are
expecting galactosemia as a diagnos, the gold
diagnostic test is ?
A . urine for reducing substances
B . Measurement of GALT
C . Liver biopsy
D . Plasma galactose level
E . ophthalmology examination for catarac

‫ اﺳﺎﻣﻪ اﻟﺨﺰاﻋﻠﻪ‬: ‫اﻟﺪﻛﺘﻮر‬ ‫اﺳﺌﻠــﺔ اﻻﻃﻔـــﺎل‬

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