Not All Olive Oils Are Created Equa

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Not all Olive Oils Are Created Equal


Extra virgin olive

oil is the ONLY
cooking oil made
without the use of
and industral
How Olive Oil Is Made

The first important step is to collect the olives from

the tree. The traditional way of harvesting olives is to
shake the tree or beat its branches with sticks to make
the olives drop to the ground. However, if no net is
used to catch the olives before they hit the ground,
this process can result in bruised olives the crushing
of which produces a lower-quality oil.

Carefully picking the olives is necessary in order to

ensure the quality of the end-product.

After the olives have been picked, washed, and any

leaves and twigs removed, then it’s time for crushing.
Crushing was traditionally done using stone wheels
but stainless steel rollers are much more common
Water is slowly stirred into the resulting paste in
order for the oil molecules to concentrate.
The mixture is finally centrifuged to remove the
What is left is olive oil.
T h e D i f f e r e n t Ty p e s O f O l i v e O i l

Olive pomace oil has nothing to do with quality olive oil and should be
Pomace Oils
avoided just as much as vegetable oils.
Olive pomace oil is extracted from the solid material left after the initial oil
poor quality - avoid
The process involves using petroleum based solvents, mostly hexane and
heat. The same exact method of extraction is used on the production of soy,
sun flower, canola, and most other seed-derived oils.

Commonly made from rancid and oxidized olive oil that has been
chemically and thermally treated to eliminate unpleasant flavors and to
Refined Olive Oils neutralize the free fatty acid content.

Refining allows producers to use olives that are in a bad condition and
poor quality - avoid blend in low quality oils since the bad tastes resulting from this treatment
consumption are chemically removed.

Refined olive oil is an inferior, heavily processed oil that does not possess
most of the health benefits of extra virgin olive oil. It also lacks in color,
flavor, and aromas.
An unrefined olive oil of lesser quality. While free from chemical
Virgin Olive Oil
refining, virgin olive oil’s acidity levels make it a considerably
subpar option to extra virgin olive oil.
fair quality

the only oils that we care about here at Olive Oil Lovers

Extra virgin olive oil is the freshly-squeezed juice of the olive

Extra Virgin Olive Oils fruit. It has strong flavors and aromas, it is by far the healthier
cooking oil and the only that is made without the use of chemi-
cal solvents and industrial refining.
highest quality rich fla-
vors & aromas Producing extra virgin olive oil is more difficult a process than
most people realize. Beginning with the care of trees and care-
fully harvesting and picking the fresh olives, down to thoroughly
monitoring every single step of the entire production process.
Your Guide To The Olive Oil Aislb

Look for a Harvest Date on the Look for a Best By Date Look for a single origin oil
This is probably one of the most This is a good thing to look out for, Fantastic olive oil can be made all over
useful pieces of information you can however there are also some issues the world, there is no question about
look for. Ideally all bottles would with current Best By dating. Accord- that. What is of a concern however is
have the harvest date on the bot- ing to the International Olive Coun- when companies take oils from differ-
tles, but unfortunately it is rarely the cils labelling laws, producers can put ent origins and blend them together
case. Most brands would rather not a generic 2 year Best By Date from into one batch of olive oil. This can be-
put the date on there because a lot the time of bottling on their bottles. come problematic when you begin to
of the time they have to blend years This means that an oil could be over blend oils from different countries or
together to try and freshen up old a year old by the time it is bottled and even different hemispheres together.
oil. And because Harvest Dating is just on the cusp of being virgin rather Some of the issues with this practice is
not a mandatory labeling practice, than extra virgin, but then still get a that if you blend oils from 2 different
it is likely that if a product chooses 2 year best by put on it, even though hemispheres together then it is real-
to put it on, it is because they want the oil will certainly not make it 2 ly hard to put a reliable harvest date,
you to know that they produce a full years. At Cobram Estate, we per- as each oil was harvested 6 months
fresh, trustworthy product. Olive form best by dating unique to each apart. It is also problematic because
harvest in the Northern Hemi- and every batch of olive oil we bot- different oils of different qualities can
sphere happens in October/Novem- tle, meaning we give accurate real be blended together to turn a virgin
ber for California, and May/June life dates for when your oil will go olive oil into an extra virgin olive oil
in Southern Hemisphere climates. rancid. The way you can tell if there chemically, covering up the existing
is an accurate best by date on the negative attributes. For the best quality
bottle would be to check for the har- and most reliable extra virgin oils, we
vest date followed by a Best By Date recommend looking for a brand that
that is not a generic 2 years from keeps their oil single origin and cele-
the harvest date or bottling date. brates the uniqueness of each different
location where their oil is produced.
A Culinary Adventure

High-quality extra virgin olive oils are fruity, pleasantly bitter because of the fresh-
ness of the olives, and pungent because of the abundance of nutrients.

Just like wine, there are hundreds of varieties, each with its own unique taste and char-
acter. On top of that, there are thousands of possible variety blends and many naturally
infused olive oils to try.

Extra virgin olive oil can be used to elevate your dishes to a whole other level - you just
have to pair the right oil with the right food and discover your own personal favorites.

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