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The Jammu and Kashmir Board of School Education

Rehari Colony Jammu (Nov-April)/ New Campus, Bemina Srinagar
(May-Oct) 0191-2585480(J.D), 0194-2494522(K.D)

In continuation to this Office notification issued vide No:-F(C.Acad-NTSE/20-21 dated:
16-11-2020 & No: F (C.Acad-NTSE) /20-21 Dated:01-12-2020. it is notified for information of
all the concerned candidates that the last date for submission of application forms of National
Talent Search (NTS) (Stage-I) Examination 2020-21 has been extended upto 19th


No: F (C.Acad-NTSE) /20-21

Dated:- 11h December.2020
(Dr. Farooq Ahma Peer)
Director Academics
Liaison Officer,NTSE,J&K
Copy to the:-
. Administrative Secretary to Government, School Education Department, Civil
Secretariat, Jammu, for information.
Sh. Veer Pal Singh.Prof. & Head.
Educational Survey Division, NCERT, Sri Aurobindo
Marg, New Delhi, for information.
3 Director SCERT, J&K for information.
4. Director School Education,
Jammu/Kashmir/Ladakh for information with the
request to
bring massive awareness among the eligible students of Govt Pvt Schools for large scale
participation in the NTS Stage -lexamination 2020-21.
5. State Project Director, Samagra Shiksha
for information
6 Joint
Secretary Examination/ Secrecy KD/JD for information.
7. Principal DIETs (All) Jammu Kashmir/Ladakh
for information
8 Al Chief Education Officers of JammuKashmir/ Ladakh for
action. information and necessaryy
9 Assistant Secretary (Adm)-JD/KD with the
request to circulate the
the Branch & Sub Offices of notification with all
10. 1C
Officers. Sub Branch Offices of JKBOSE for information and
necessary action.
They shall submit the Application Forms in their respective Divisional Offices
Bemina viz CDR Wing,
Srinagar & CDR Wing, Rehari Colony Jammu by or before 21st of
December,2020(Monday) positively.
I1. Assistant Secretary Strong Room, KDJD ( He is requested with the
the date available for conduct of the said information to keep
12. In Charge Officer, Nucleus Cell, Civil
Secretariat, Jammu for information.
13. P.S to Commissioner/
Secretary School Education Department
information of Commissioner Secretary. for kind
14. P.S 1o Chairperson Secretary for information of the Chairperson/Secretary.
15. 1C website www.jkbose.ac.in for uploading the above notification along with application
16. Information Officer, K.DJ.D for information and necessary action to
the leading local dailies. dissemination in
17. Concerned file.

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