Logical Fallacies

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Logical Fallacies

Note: This document should only be used as a reference and should not replace assignment guidelines.
Strong, logical arguments are essential in writing. However, the use of faulty logic or reasoning to reach
conclusions discredits arguments and shows lack of support and reasoning. This handout lists some of
these logical errors—called logical fallacies—that are most commonly encountered.

Appeal to Authority
Accepting someone’s argument because of his or her authority in a field unrelated to the argument,
rather than evaluating the person’s argument on its own merits. (Also called Argumentum ad
Verecundiam, or “argument from modesty”)
EXAMPLE: My dentist says she’s voting for the conservative candidate, so I will too.

Appeal to Emotion
Exploiting the audience’s feelings to convert them to a particular viewpoint. Appeals to fear, flattery,
ridicule, pity, or spite are among the most common forms this fallacy takes. In some circumstances,
appealing to emotion may be appropriate, but writers should avoid appeals to emotion when reason
and logic are expected or needed.
EXAMPLE: I’m sure someone with your vast experience can see that plan B is better.

Appeal to Ignorance
Basing a conclusion solely on the absence of knowledge. (Also called Argumentum ad Ignoratiam)
EXAMPLE: I’ve never seen an alien, so they must not exist.

Appeal to Popular Opinion

Claiming that a position is true because most people believe it is. (Also called Argumentum ad Populum)
EXAMPLE: The governor has high approval ratings; he is therefore doing a good job.

Attacking the Person

Discrediting an argument by attacking the person who makes it, rather than the argument itself. (Also
called Poisoning the Well or Argumentum ad Hominem)
EXAMPLE: Don’t listen to Becky’s opinion on welfare; she just opposes it because she’s from a
rich family.

Appeal to Hypocrisy
Literally—‘you also’: A type of ad hominem argument that follows the following format: A argues against
B, but A also participates in B, therefore A’s argument is wrong. (Also called Tu Quoque)
EXAMPLE: Jeffrey is of the opinion that the Iraq war is unjust. Jeffrey is himself in the National
Reserve, so his opinion is wrong.

Begging the Question

Using a premise to prove a conclusion when the premise itself assumes the conclusion is true. (Also
called Circular Reasoning, Circulus in Probando, and Petitio Principii)
EXAMPLE: I know I can trust Janine because she says that I can.

Complex Question

FL 208 • 801-863-8936 • www.uvu.edu/writingcenter

Facebook: UVUWritingCenter • Twitter: @uvuwritingctr
Logical Fallacies
Note: This document should only be used as a reference and should not replace assignment guidelines.
Combining two questions or issues as if they were one, when really they should be answered or
discussed separately. Often involves one question that assumes the answer to another.
EXAMPLE: Why did you steal the CD? (Assumes you did steal the CD)

Assuming that because parts have certain properties, the whole does as well. (The reverse of Division)
EXAMPLE: All the parts of the engine were lightweight, so the engine should have been

Correlation Implies Causation

Concluding that because two things occur at the same time, one has caused the other. (Also called Cum
Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc)
EXAMPLE: There was a full moon the night I had my car accident, so I’m never driving again
under a full moon.

Assuming that because a large body has certain properties, its parts do as well. (The reverse of
EXAMPLE: That company donates a lot of money to charity, so every person who works there
must be a charitable person.

Applying the same term but using differing meanings.
EXAMPLE: The sign by the pond said, “Fine for Swimming,” so I dove right in.

False Cause and Effect

Claiming that because one event occurred before a second, it caused the second. (Also called
Coincidental Correlation and Post-Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc)
EXAMPLE: Joan was scratched by a cat while visiting her friend and came down with a fever two
days later. The cat’s scratch therefore caused the fever.

False Dilemma
Suggesting only two solutions to a problem when other options are also available. (Also called
EXAMPLE: You can either be pro-choice or pro-life; there is no middle ground.

Hasty Generalizations
When a writer arrives at a conclusion based on inadequate evidence or a sample that is too small.
EXAMPLE: I liked the last Chinese restaurant I went to, so I will like every Chinese restaurant in
the world.

Ignoring the Issue

Shifting the reader’s attention from the real issue to a different argument that might be valid, but is
unrelated to the first. (Also called Arguing beside the Point and Ignoratio Elenchi)

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Logical Fallacies
Note: This document should only be used as a reference and should not replace assignment guidelines.
EXAMPLE: No, the suspect won’t say where he was on the night of the crime, but he does
remember being abused repeatedly as an innocent child.

Non Sequitur
Using a premise to prove an unrelated point. Two common non sequitur fallacies include Affirming the
Consequent and Denying the Antecedent.
 Affirming the Consequent: Non sequitur fallacy that takes the following pattern:
If A is true, then B is true.
A is false.
Therefore, B is false.
EXAMPLE: If I am a Texan, then I am an American. I am not a Texan. Therefore, I am not
an American.
 Denying the Antecedent: Non sequitur fallacy that takes the following pattern:
If A is true, then B is true.
B is true.
Therefore, A is true.
EXAMPLE: Dogs are animals. Fluffy is an animal. Therefore, Fluffy is a dog.

Red Herring
Introducing an unrelated or invalid point to distract the reader from the actual argument. Appeal to
Emotion, Attacking the Person, Ignoring the Issue, and Straw Man are a few examples of Red Herring
EXAMPLE: Protestors worried about abortion ending lives should spend more time investigating
the impact of handguns in childhood deaths.

Slippery Slope
A fallacy based on the fear that one step will inevitably lead to the next.
EXAMPLE: Embryonic stem cells used for research will lead to full-scale reproductive cloning.

Stacking the Deck

When a writer tries to prove a point by focusing on only one side of the argument while ignoring the
EXAMPLE: Summer is the best season because it’s warm and sunny, everything is green, and
people can swim outdoors. (No mention of intense heat, insects, or any consideration of other

Straw Man
Attacking one of the opposition’s unimportant or small arguments, while ignoring the opposition’s best

EXAMPLE: People from Quebec want to secede from Canada to get their own currency. Don’t
they realize money isn’t everything?

FL 208 • 801-863-8936 • www.uvu.edu/writingcenter

Facebook: UVUWritingCenter • Twitter: @uvuwritingctr

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