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Industrial Crops & Products 154 (2020) 112693

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Commercial clustering of sustainable bamboo species in India T

a a c b b
Ankush D. Sawarkar , Deepti D. Shrimankar , Ajay Kumar , Aman Kumar , Ekta Singh ,
Lal Singhb, Sunil Kumarb,*, Rakesh Kumarb
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology (VNIT), Nagpur, Maharashtra, 440 010, India
CSIR- National Environmental and Engineering Research Institute (CSIR-NEERI), Nagpur, 440 020, India
Department of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK, 74078, USA


Keywords: Bamboo, a rapidly growing grass, plays a vital role in social, economic, and ecological development of India.
Indian bamboo India's big market for bamboo opens up an enormous potential to enhance the quality of life of both urban and
Construction rural communities. Bamboo has versatile applications in construction material, pulp ö paper industries, rods,
Mechanical properties weaving material, plywood, baskets, headgears, environmental regeneration quality, soil binders, food and
Intervention plans
medicine describing the commercial importance and ecological sustainability of its products. This paper presents
Global scale
details of 27 commercial species of bamboo collected through field studies in India. The market value of different
species among all twenty-seven species has been assessed using clustering techniques. The study provides in-
formation about the clusters including area of application, turn-over, international imports-exports value of
products and supports from State and Central Government and thereby determining their commercial values.
The major conclusion leads to the development of an appropriate intervention plans in different industrial areas
with respect of marketing and technological upgradation etc. which would also provide a way to strengthen
cooperation among clusters regardless of their size of business operation.

1. Introduction climatic factors, such as precipitation, temperature, altitude and soil

conditions (FSI, 2019). The world record for the fastest growing plant
Bamboo belongs to the grass family Poaceae and sub-family on earth belongs to a bamboo species that grow up to 91 cm per day
Bambusoideae that grows in most parts of the world. With over 1575 (Guinness World Records, 2007). It has unique combinations of
species from 111 genera, it is quite different from regular grass due to strength and resilience. It is diverse not only with respect to the number
its height, width, size, and branches at internodes (Singh et al., 2013; of species but also in terms of texture, with colors ranging from green,
Xiu-hua et al., 2017). With respect to the entire bamboo community, yellow, brown, black and red to hues of blue (Ahmad and Kamke,
India is the second largest producer country with 160 species after 2003).The international trade value of bamboo was 68.8 billion USD in
China having the highest number of 800 species (Bystriakova, 2003; 2018 that impacted 2.5 billion people directly or indirectly worldwide
Bystriakova et al., 2004). Bamboo is mainly known for its three unique (INBAR, 2019a).
characteristics i.e., rapid growth, flowering, and superior physical & Due to its excellent physical, mechanical, and chemical properties
mechanical properties (Hung and Wu, 2010). It is the fastest growing along with massive diversity of applications in as much as 10,000
plant that matures quite early compared to other plants. It has mainly products, bamboo is called “Green Gold”, “Poor man’s timber” and
three parts i.e., root (rhizome), culms (pole), and leaves. Bamboo shows “21st-century steel” (Ahmad and Kamke, 2005; Archila et al., 2018;
a great potential to capture and store carbon. Also, it has higher ni- Azeem et al., 2020; Hou et al., 2009). Globally, the bamboo forest is
trogen fixation capability, making it very attractive from ecology view- spread over 36 million hectares (MHa), which is nearly 0.92 % of the
points (Castro, 2004; Dwivedi et al., 2019; Gu et al., 2019; Song et al., total forest area in the world (Lobovikov et al., 2007). India is the
2011; Will, 2008; Wu et al., 2015). second major bamboo producing country with 16 MHa (22.46 %) of a
Although, bamboo grows in almost every State of India, its dis- total forest area out of a total of 71.2 MHa (FSI, 2019). Bamboo is a
tribution and concentration vary mainly due to climatic and edaphic cheap, abundant and renewable resource that outgrow most of the
conditions. Its growth is uneven that changes with the changing plants (Asif, 2009; Manandhar et al., 2019; Suriyapha et al., 2019).

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (S. Kumar).
Received 29 April 2020; Received in revised form 3 June 2020; Accepted 10 June 2020
0926-6690/ © 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A.D. Sawarkar, et al. Industrial Crops & Products 154 (2020) 112693

Bamboo is one of the most critical natural substitutes for the en- Table 1
dangered rainforest hardwoods. Indian species of bamboo outmatch State-wise bamboo bearing forests area in India.
other Indian trees. It is known to be an essential and superior raw (Source: Adapted from FSI, 2019).
material for manufacturing durable and sturdy furniture, construction Sl. No State Geographical Forest Bamboo Bamboo
components, ornaments and novelty items. Bamboo seems to suit these Area (sq. km.) Area (sq. Bearing Percentage
needs as wood lumber does not have as much strength and properties as km. Area (sq. in Forest
that of bamboo (Langhelle, 1999). Bamboo is a renewable, abundantly
available, low cost, and environmentally friendly alternative as com- 1 Andhra 162968 29137 7003 24.03
pared to other plant species (Agyekum et al., 2017; Bowyer et al., 2014; Pradesh
Chaowana, 2013). During twentieth century, non-renewable plastics 2 Arunachal 83743 66688 14981 22.46
lead to worldwide environmental problems, such as global warming,
3 Assam 78438 28327 10525 37.16
and other pollution issues (Malanit et al., 2011; Sun et al., 2019). Wood 4 Bihar 94163 7306 1136 15.55
was then used as an alternative of non-renewable plastics to alleviate 5 Chhattisgarh 135192 55611 11255 20.24
these problems. Now, bamboo can easily be used as a replacement of 6 Delhi 1483 195.44 NA NA
wood as well as plastics. Bamboos play an important role in rural 7 Goa 3702 2237 418 18.69
8 Gujarat 196244 14857 3393 22.84
people's daily lives, especially tribal in numerous ways, from house
9 Haryana 44212 1602 72 4.49
building, farming tools to food, fodder, etc. It has been reported that the 10 Himachal 55673 15434 650 4.21
edible parts of bamboo, i.e. shoot, have high vitamins, carbohydrates, Pradesh
minerals and proteins that meet the nutritional requirements of the 11 J&K 222236 23612 NA NA
12 Jharkhand 79716 23611 4123 17.46
poor people (Satya et al., 2010). Bamboo leaves are an alternative
13 Karnataka 191791 38575 10181 26.39
source of food for cattle in dry season (Scurlock et al., 2000). Bamboo is 14 Kerala 38852 21144 2849 13.47
also a leading food of panda, and many other animals including birds. 15 Madhya 308252 77482 20867 26.93
All these indicate the vast potential use of bamboo in multidimensional Pradesh
sectors. 16 Maharashtra 307713 50778 15408 30.34
17 Manipur 22327 16847 9903 58.78
Special attention has been paid in recent decades to the growth and
18 Meghalaya 22429 17119 5410 31.60
development of chemical based components and to the development of 19 Mizoram 21081 18006 3476 19.30
these industries. Rising prices of raw materials for engineering pro- 20 Nagaland 16579 12486 4284 34.31
ducts, future resource sustainability and threat to the environment at 21 Odisha 155707 51619 11827 22.91
the same time requires the need to produce redeemable products. 22 Punjab 50362 1849 255 13.79
23 Rajasthan 342239 16630 1874 11.27
Therefore, it's time to shift our focus from chemical-based industry 24 Sikkim 7096 3342 1176 35.19
sectors towards uplifting bamboo-based industries well as their poten- 25 Tamil Nadu 130060 26364 4357 16.53
tial value-added applications. 26 Telangana 112077 20582 5438 26.42
This paper effectively emphasizes the usefulness of bamboo as a 27 Tripura 10486 7726 3783 48.96
28 Uttar Pradesh 240928 14806 1235 8.34
resource in multiple sectors. The present study discusses the existing
29 Uttarakhand 53483 24303 1489 6.13
bamboo industries throughout India and worldwide, the commercial 30 West Bengal 88752 16902 855 5.06
clustering of bamboo species and the need for the upliftment of this 31 A &N Islands 8249 6743 1814 26.90
industry. Lastly, the potential future prospects and recommendations 32 Chandigarh 114 22.03 NA NA
for flourishing the bamboo industry on the basis of its extraordinarily 33 Dadar & 491 207 NA NA
Nagar Haveli
exceptional properties have been discussed. 34 Daman and 111 20.49 NA NA
2. Bamboo resources in India 35 Lakshadweep 30 27.1 NA NA
36 Pondicherry 490 52.41 NA NA
Total 3287469 7,12,249 160037 22.47
In India, due to commercial and environmental importance, the
bamboo forest area increased by 3,229 sq. km in 2019 as compared to
2017. Bamboo grows almost naturally across the country except in
and Tripura with a total geographical area of 2,55,511 sq. km, and
Kashmir region (FSI, 2019). Table 1 presents the forest and bamboo
bamboo area of 52,362 sq. km (Table 1). These seven States cover only
areas in each Indian State. Bamboo covers a total area of 1,60,037 sq.
about 7% of the entire geographical area of India, but still, their con-
km, which is equivalent to 22.5 % of the entire Indian forest. Madhya
tribution to bamboo forest is nearly 25 %. These seven States have al-
Pradesh (13.04 %), Maharashtra (9.63 %), Arunachal Pradesh (9.36 %)
most 100 plus bamboo species, which is 50 % of the Indian bamboo
and Odisha (7.39 %) cover almost 40 % of total bamboo coverage areas
species (Amom et al., 2020; Naithani, 2008; Nongkynrih et al., 2019;
of India. Bihar, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal have large geographical
Singh et al., 2017; Tamang et al., 2013). In these States, most of the
area, but bamboo coverage areas are 3,226 sq. km only. Fig. 1 shows
rural people depend on bamboo for their livelihood, food (bamboo
the bamboo resources present in protected forest in various States of
shoot) and shelter (culms) as well. As earthquake and floods are
common in many of these States, bamboo house is safe and commer-
In rural and non-forested areas, opportunities to cultivate well
cially affordable (Sajem and Gosai, 2010). In addition, other activities
managed bamboo farms and develop bamboo-based industries is im-
including their businesses are also related to bamboo and hence these
mense. These industries require many skilled and unskilled workers
bamboos are called ‘Kalpavriksha’ (Basumatary et al., 2015; Cajee,
that will create employment opportunities in rural areas leading to the
sustainable industrial and economic development ultimately con-
tributing to the economy of the country (Baksy, 2013; Devi, 2013;
Moktan, 2007; Paroda and Mal, 1989). 3. Bamboo based industries and products

2.1. Bamboo resources in North-East of India As bamboo is spread throughout villages as well as towns in India, it
has become the living bread of millions of poor traditional artisans as
The North-East States of India comprises of seven sister States i.e. well as small industries (Bonilla et al., 2010). India is different from
Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland other Asian countries in terms of production of bamboo. This is because

A.D. Sawarkar, et al. Industrial Crops & Products 154 (2020) 112693

Fig. 1. Bamboo resources in protected forest in various States of India.

(Source: FSI, 2019; Cajee, 2018).

a significant number of bamboo products is not used by traditional high MR, they need to harvest it after 3–4 years (Banik, 2015; Pandey
artisans but used by big industries, such as paper making, house scaf- and Ojha, 2013).
folding, bamboo boards, fiber boards, charcoal, and others (Awoyera Earlier, many countries like China and India used bamboo only for
and Ede, 2017; Bajpai, 2018; Chung et al., 2002; Nguyen et al., 2018; paper making. The paper made of wood and bamboo has the same
Tanpichai et al., 2019; Wang et al., 2010). Recently, bamboo is being properties, but the brightness and optical properties of bamboo paper
used to make clothes because it is much softer than cotton (Cheng et al., never deteriorates (Villavicencio and Dos Santos, 1993; Win et al.,
2006; Othman, 2020; Prakash et al., 2012; Solorio-Ferrales et al., 2012). The bamboo paper has the same morphological characteristics
2017). Making paper from bamboo depends on its content of cellulose, and tear index as that of hardwood paper, but its tensile stiffness is
hemicellulose and lignin (Amada and Untao, 2001; Zhu et al., 2020). somewhat lower compared with softwood paper, and the strain strength
These three major compositions of bamboo contribute to almost 90 % lies between that of hardwood and softwood papers. By refining the
the total bamboo mass. Bamboo fiber has been reported to have high pulp, the quality of bamboo paper may be enhanced (Adkoli, 1994;
content of cellulose (78.83 %), hemicellulose (12.49 %) and lignin Lobovikov et al., 2007). Bamboo fibers are genuinely green and have a
(10.15 %) (Li et al., 2010). By effective processing, natural bamboo can multi-type network structure different from cotton and other wood fi-
be converted into composite material with high tensile strength, bers with better permeability, water absorption, high tensile strength
toughness and highly aligned cellulose fibers (Guo et al., 2019; Kalali and biotic and abiotic stress resistance (Rai et al., 2011; Zequine et al.,
et al., 2019). The top sector out of 1500 sectors that use bamboo in- 2016). As many countries use bamboo for pulp and paper, world trade
clude pulp and paper industry, construction/building material, rural value for this is 26 million USD. India’s import value of pulp and paper-
uses, fuel, non-residential/agriculture, packaging, transport, furniture, based articles is 1.2 million USD (Lobovikov, 2003; Rao, 2012) as
ornament/handicrafts and others including ladders, etc. (Boruah et al., presented in Table 3.
2019; Li and Kobayashi, 2004; Sosola-Banda and Johnsen, 2005). The
applications of bamboo and its product are presented in an alphabetical
order in Table 2. 3.2. Housing and construction

Bamboo is also one of the best sustainable resources for the con-
3.1. Pulp and paper struction industry (Huang et al., 2017; von Seidlein et al., 2017). Three
types of bamboo houses i.e., traditional, traditional bahareque, and
Paper industry is very demanding, highly profitable and requires modem prefabricated houses are usually constructed. In traditional
almost 35 % of bamboo produced (Tripathi et al., 2018). Bamboo fiber bamboo houses, bamboo culms are used as dominant building material.
is relatively long (1.5–3.2 mm) and thus ideal for paper production The culms or poles of bamboo have good strength both in tension and
(Bassam, 2013; Nayak and Mishra, 2016; Saxena and Gowri, 2003; compression. Its tensile strength is nearly equal to that of steel. Its
Sugesty et al., 2015). About 40 % material of bamboo is used for compression strength is also fair to that of concrete’s compressive
making paper. Earlier, wood was used for production of paper, but the strength (Archila et al., 2018; Mali and Datta, 2020). Along with that,
availability of bamboo helped a lot in the paper making process. This one of its most significant features is its low weight due to which it is
shift from wood towards bamboo has not only increased the use of used as a building material in support for concrete (Leake et al., 2010;
bamboo, but also reduced the dependency on wood and decrease the Yuanwu and Qinlin, 2010). In traditional bahareque, bamboo is used in
rate of deforestation (Akwada and Akinlabi, 2018). combination with cement or clay, and modem prefabricated houses use
Enzyme technology plays a critical role in manufacturing paper. The bamboo laminated boards, veneers, and panels (Gupta and Kumar,
technique can use any bamboo species having an excellent mass ratio 2008; Laha, 2000; Mirmehdi et al., 2016). Constructing bamboo houses
(MR) and high content of cellulose (Lin et al., 2018). Generally, MR of have specific requirements (Liese and Köhl, 2015) like specific height,
bamboo is obtained by multiplying height of bamboo plant (m) with diameter, and internode length. The tensile strength of bamboo (28,000
diameter (cm) of the culms. The quantity of cellulose also depends on per square inch) is more than that of steel (23,000 per square inch)
the age of culms. Hence, when a farmer chooses a bamboo species with (Kaur, 2018). It has nearly double the load-bearing capacity as

A.D. Sawarkar, et al. Industrial Crops & Products 154 (2020) 112693

Table 2
Application and utilization of bamboo.
(Source: Adapted from Borah et al., 2008; Farrelly, 1996; Hunter, 2003; Liese and Köhl, 2015).
Application and Utilization

A Acupuncture needles, airplane skin, alarms, alcohol, anchors, antenna supports, aphrodisiacs, armor, arrows and arrow tips, ashtrays, awnings, ayurvedic medicines
B Baby carriages, bamboo ashes, bagpipes, barrels, baskets, bamboo beers, baby walker, beads, bedding, beanpoles, beds, bicycles, boat hoods, boats, bolts, bookcases, boxes,
bracelets, bridges, brooms, buttons
C Cables, candlesticks, carts, chairs, charcoal, chopsticks, clock, clothes racks, colanders, combs, cooking vessels, chicken coops, cosmetics, couches, cradles, crates, crosses,
cups, curtains
D Dams, desks, diesel-fuel, dirigibles, dolls, dry cells, dustpans, dykes
E Eggcups
F Fans, fishnets, fibreboard, fish poles, filaments, filling materials, flag poles, flooring, flowerpots, flutes, flasks, fodder, food supplements, food containers, frames, fuel,
G Gabions, garments, gas, gates, grain, grain storage, graters, greenhouses, guns, gutters, gypsy vans
H Hairpins, hampers, handles, handicrafts, hats, hay and forage, headgear, hedges, helmets, henhouses, hinges, hoe making, hoops, hookahs, houseplants, household utensils
I Incense sticks, insect cages, interior work, irrigation waterwheels, pipes
J Jackets, jars, jewellery, joss-papers, joss sticks
K Kiosks, kites
L Ladders, ladles, laptop cover, lamps, lampshades, light bulbs, lofts, looms
M Mahjong tiles, mats, mattresses, medicines, musical instruments
N Nails, napkin rings, needles, net floats, nets, netsuke, nutraceuticals
O Ornaments, oyster cultivation
P packing, paper cutters, paper and pulp, particleboard, pegs, pen and pencil holders, phonograph needles, pitchers, pins, pipes, plates, poles, polish jewels, poultry cages
R Racks, rafts, rafters, raincoats, rakes, rattles rayon, receptacle,retaining walls, rings, rigging, riverbank protection, rocking horse, roofing, ropes
S Scaffolding, scales, scarecrows, screens, seed drill, ship sails, shades, shoulder bags, shovels, shuttles for weaving, sieves, skincare articles, skewers, small business unit, socks,
sticks, stilts, stools
T Tables, tallies, bamboo tee houses, tea strainers, tea whisks, tents, thatching tiles, tooth-picks, toothpaste, toys towers, Transport, T-shirts, many other textile products
U Umbrellas, underwear
V Valiha (musical instrument), vegetable, vankhaong
W Wagons, walking sticks, walls, water jugs, water storage, weapons, weaving products, wheelbarrow, bamboo wine, windmills
X Xylophones
Y Yurts
Z Zithers

compared to steel, and its cost is only six percent of the cost of steel. used to design functional and attractive doors and windows. The use of
Bamboo can also be used as a building material for foundation, wall and bamboo grids in road making is yet another potential usage area be-
roofing (Widyowijatnoko and Aditra, 2018). Worldwide, more than 1 cause of its size (Sharma and Saikia, 2016). Most of the bamboo species
billion people live in traditional bamboo houses (Paudel and available in India like Bambusabalcooa, B.tulda, B.nutans, B.pallida,
Lobovikov, 2003). Bamboo House India, an Indian company that con- B.polymorpha, Dendrocalamushamiltonii, and Melocannabaccifera are
structs bamboo houses for rural and tribal communities in India, started suitable for construction (Borah et al., 2008).
their business with six million rupees which has now reached twenty Bamboo is a fastest growing giant grass that distinct itself from
million rupees turnover. Colombian architect Simon Velez created a big trees. Due to its massive mechanical strength and its sustainability, it is
church made of bamboo which has become one of the best examples of used in many places in construction buildings and bridges. Any archi-
the bamboo architect. tecture requires three things like strength, beauty & functionality, and
Scaffolding is required for the construction of a large building, and bamboo has all these qualities. Though varying in size, bamboo culms
in India, most of the scaffolding is made using bamboo due to its low consist of around 60 % parenchyma cells, 40 % fibers, and 10 % vessels
cost (Bambhava et al., 2013; Chung and Yu, 2002). Bamboo can also be (Chaowana and Barbu, 2017; Tang et al., 2019).

Table 3
Bamboo product being imported and exported in top five Countries.
(Source: Adapted from INBAR, 2019a,b).
Bamboo products and their HSa code World Export (Million China (Thousand $) EU USA Japan (Thousand $) India
$) (Thousand $) (Thousand $) (Thousand $)

Exp Imp Exp Imp Exp Imp Exp Imp Exp Imp

Bamboo Raw Materials (140110) 101 74848 966 12454 61333 520 23578 NA 5140 255 28683
Bamboo Shoot (200591) 323 284633 142 16610 46846 278 28843 1989 130210 NA 114
Bamboo Mats/ Cushions (460121) 86 73309 123 6560 23049 245 3013 NA 8552 NA 519
Bamboo Plaits & Plaiting Materials 48 43441 15 2021 8539 435 3608 987 2319 NA 104
Bamboo Basketwork (460211) 246 166733 513 14498 54566 1524 51631 NA 15630 NA 848
Bamboo Charcoal (440210) 57 36357 361 1229 8897 386 4562 NA 7226 NA 115
Bamboo Flooring (440921) 228 212701 372 5707 25347 1452 3883 NA 1273 352 799
Bamboo Panels (441210) 135 101389 6285 11931 50685 12626 68654 NA 4917 NA 460
Bamboo Pulp (470630) 3 1972 16 999 1361 83 121 NA 139 NA 1255
Bamboo Paper Product (482361) 23 12035 19 8868 22901 758 4167 NA 15 NA 2
Bamboo Seats (940151) 103 19398 2341 18451 62820 2651 65602 215 12610 NA 15
Bamboo Furniture (940381) 163 89677 1190 32213 87625 3971 56778 NA 4750 NA 146
Total 1516 1116493 12343 131541 453969 24929 314440 3191 192781 607 33060

HS: Harmonized System.

A.D. Sawarkar, et al. Industrial Crops & Products 154 (2020) 112693

3.3. Food world are doing business with these products. India has imported this
product with a value of 1.2 million USD (INBAR, 2019b).
Bamboo culm emerging from the shoot is an excellent and healthy Bamboo flooring properties, such as specific gravity (SG), moisture
resource for food (Choudhury et al., 2012; Silva et al., 2020). The shoot content (MC), water absorption, dimensional stability and hardness are
with two weeks old or less than one-foot tall is only used for the edible better than the commercial red oak flooring. Bamboo flooring is more
purpose. Shoots are low in fat and calories, good source of fiber, and stable than red oak flooring (Lee and Liu, 2003). In the last 10 years,
contains potassium, lignans, phenolic acids (Felisberto et al., 2017; most people liked wooden flooring in their houses, and bamboo flooring
Gupta and Kumar, 2008). Almost 200 species of bamboo can be used is a perfect replacement of wooden flooring globally (Anokye et al.,
worldwide for edible purposes (Basumatary et al., 2017; Bhatt et al., 2016). By applying image processing and mechanical engineering
2004, 2003) as presented in Table S1. Monopodial and sympodial both techniques, the bamboo strip can be sorted and used in production
have many edible bamboo (Scurlock et al., 2000) but India has only process of diverse bamboo flooring (XianSheng et al., 2009). Compared
few. World trade value for bamboo shoot is 323 million USD and the to the wooden floor, bamboo floor is much smoother, brighter, and
top three countries that import over 205 million USD are EU, USA and durable. Flooring and laminated board made from monopodial bamboo
Japan (INBAR, 2019a). Bamboo shoot maintains their crisp taste and have appearance and properties close to those made from wood. These
texture also after cooking. This cooked bamboo shoot is exported all flooring can also be made from sympodial bamboo, which is a cheap
around the world (Jamatia, 2012). Bamboo leaves provide food for and sustainable (Bansal and Prasad, 2004). Bamboo fiber also enhances
cattle, sheep, goats and chicken. It can meet the calcium demand for the life of bamboo flooring and provides glossiness (Huang et al., 2019;
these animals since bamboo absorbs & accumulates calcium from soil Schmidt et al., 2020; Yu et al., 2014, 2015). Due to its outstanding
(Halvorson et al., 2011; Suriyapha et al., 2019). features, demand of bamboo flooring continues to increase with import
values as 25.3 million USD in Europe, 9.8 million USD in Australia, 8.6
3.4. Health benefit million USD in Malaysia, 4.04 million USD in New Zealand and 3.8
million USD in the USA (INBAR, 2019a).
Bamboo has many nutrients, especially nitrogen (N), phosphorus China, in early 19th-century, dominated in producing bamboo pa-
(P), and potassium (K) in content orders as N > P > K (Mohamed nels. Now, in the 21 st century, more than 20 different categories of the
et al., 2007). It generates over 60 tons of oxygen per hectare every year, panel are available and provided by many countries across the globe
which is enough for over 200 human beings (Liu et al., 2016). Bamboo (Pande and Pandey, 2008). Bamboo panels can be used in modern
shows a great potential to capture and store carbon. One hectare of construction of house, boundary, indoors as well as outdoors. It is also
bamboo consumes 1000 tons of carbon (Zhou et al., 2011). Each portion used as structural elements and structural composite products (Ahmad
of bamboo is beneficial right from its rhizome to its leaves (Gupta and and Kamke, 2003; Chaowana et al., 2015; Ghavami et al., 2003; Hong
Ranjan, 2016; Nirala et al., 2017). Its shoots are helpful for weight loss, et al., 2020; Lorenzo and Mimendi, 2020; Nugroho and Ando, 2000).
balanced cholesterol level, and boosts immune system. It also has Hardness and durability of these panels are higher than those of
cancer-fighting and anti-inflammatory properties. The young bamboo wooden board, and at the same time, it costs less due to which its de-
shoots not only fulfil appetite, but also gives many nutrients mainly mand has increased in the market (Hung and Wu, 2010; Yu et al., 2017;
proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and fibers apart from Zhang et al., 2019). The use of bamboo panels on balconies is very
phytosterols and a high amount of fiber that acts as medicine popular because of privacy provided at an affordable price. Bamboo
(Chongtham et al., 2011; Choudhury et al., 2012; Satya et al., 2010). In based panels can also be used as sound insulation if appropriately de-
India, around 10,000 years ago, use of bamboo as a medicine for pre- signed since these are exquisite materials to absorb sound waves and
paring chyawanprash was first reported and leaves were officially impacts. Bamboo panels are classified as Mat Ply bamboo, Curtain Ply
certified as natural antioxidants (Nirmala et al., 2018; Tripathi et al., bamboo, Laminated Bamboo of Strips, Ply bamboo, Bamboo Particle-
2015). Modern research on bamboo shoot revealed that consuming board, and Bamboo Composite Board (Fu et al., 2014; Shen-xue et al.,
shoots increase appetite & good digestion, controls obesity, diabetes, 2002; Uyup et al., 2005). The international trade value of bamboo
and also useful in treatment of heart disease & cancer (Li et al., 2016; panels is 135 million USD, and top importers are the USA, EU, and
Nirmala et al., 2007; Panee, 2009). Singapore (INBAR, 2019a).

3.5. Woven bamboo product 3.7. Renewable energy and fuel

People from China, India, Bhutan, Philippines, USA and other Bamboo has several desirable fuel characteristics, such as low ash-
countries of EU use bamboo craft and traditional woven products in content and alkali index. Heating value of bamboo is higher than that of
their daily life (Porras and Maranon, 2012; Tyagi et al., 2011). Three most of the agriculture sources. Fuelwood, charcoal, and agriculture
kinds of bamboo woven i.e., mats/cushions; plaits & plaiting materials; residues made from bamboo are renewable in nature. Pyrolysis is
and basketwork have international trade values of 86 million USD, 48 mostly used for converting feedstock into carbon rich material (Singh
million USD and 246 Million USD, respectively. Basketwork not only et al., 2019; Kumar et al., 2019). Both pyrolysis and gasification can
provides more employment than other two but it is also the most easily convert bamboo into three different fuel forms as charcoal, bio-
commercial bamboo product. In India, more than 20 different types of oil, and bio-gas (Rangabhashiyam and Balasubramanian, 2019). At
woven products as a woven laundry basket, woven box, woven nesting different temperature, pressure, and other reaction parameters, bamboo
basket, bottles, etc. are made out of bamboo (Bora et al., 2013; Gupta can be converted in fuels that can replace non-renewable petroleum
and Kumar, 2008; Vogtländer et al., 2010). The top three countries fuels and products (Kumar and Chandrashekar, 2014).
importing these products are EU, USA, and Japan with a combined Bamboo contains almost 50 % carbon, which can be used as char-
import trade value of 170 million USD. India imports this product with coal for agricultural as well as industrial uses. In rural and some urban
a value of 1.47 million USD (INBAR, 2019a) as presented in Table 3. areas, bamboo is used as charcoal as a substitute for wood charcoal or
mineral coal with its calorific value being almost half that of oil.
3.6. Bamboo flooring and panels Bamboo charcoal can also serve as an antibacterial agent, which is
capable of absorbing lousy odour and toxic substances as its absorption
Two industrialized bamboo products are bamboo flooring and pa- capacity is six times more than that of wood charcoal (Dwivedi et al.,
nels with international trade value of 362 million USD, which is 24 % of 2014). Hence, its activated framework acts as a cleanser for the en-
all the bamboo products value worldwide. All the countries around the vironment which absorbs excess moisture (Lobovikov et al., 2007).

A.D. Sawarkar, et al. Industrial Crops & Products 154 (2020) 112693

China exported 36.35 million USD in 2017. The USA, EU, and Japan are (scriptoria and travancorica), Pseudoxytenanthera (ritcheyi), Schizos-
the leading consumer of bamboo charcoal worldwide with an import tachyum (dullooa), Thamnocalamus (spathiflorus) and Thyrsostachys (oli-
value of 20.6 million USD. India imported bamboo charcoal that veri) (Kaur et al., 2016; Sharma and Nirmala, 2015; Singh and Kumari,
amounted to 115 thousand USD (INBAR, 2019b). High demand of 2018).
bamboo charcoal can be attributed to its rapid, high calorific value and Total 9000 sample data sets of 27 bamboo species from 10 genera
low cost (Lou and Lin, 2011). One acre of cultivated bamboo can pro- was collected from field sites and value of each attribute of all the
duce as much as 14 tons of charcoal. The waste from a bamboo paper species was created. The selected bamboo species with its attributes
mill is suitable for manufacture of activated carbon, which has value were used to calculate the commercial value as presented in Table S2.
fifteen times more (Asada et al., 2002; Chen et al., 2009; Sharma and For determining the commercial value, standard attributes like height
Saikia, 2016; Wang et al., 2010). Activated carbon can also be used in of culms, diameter, inter-node length, number of branches, number of
pharmaceutical, chemical, and metallurgical industries (Rudradawong leaves, leaf length and leaf width were used. The use of these attributes
and Ruttanapun, 2019). totally depends on the application or sector where the bamboo is used
Bamboo produces more biomass as compared to traditional biomass (Table S2).
(Scurlock et al., 2000). It gives a very high yield-as much as 40 tons per The quality of culms is determined by its height, diameter, inter-
hectare per year, hence, giving a reasonable rate of return on invest- node length, and fiber content. Equations I & II given below presents
ment. Bamboo biomass can be converted into biogas, which can be how to calculate High Commercial Value (HCV) and Low Commercial
processed into Bio-CNG (Truong and Le, 2014) and bamboo gas can be Value (LCV) of bamboo. HCV is a more significant impact for selecting
used as an alternative for petroleum and cooking gas. CNG burns commercial bamboo.
cleaner than traditional fuels, such as petrol and diesel. CNG reduces
HCV = height (m) * diameter (cm) (I)
emission of carbon monoxide by nearly 80 % and hydrocarbons by 44
%. It reduces up to 90 % of noise pollution. LCV = No. branches*No. leaves* leaf length* leaf width (II)
For generating electricity, bamboo biomass is an excellent resource.
According to International Network for Bamboo and Rattan (INBR), a For calculating HCV, height and diameter are dominating attributes
single-pole can provide enough power in a rural household for a month. over internode length. It can be seen from Fig. 2 that the bamboo
Nearly 0.81 sq. km (200 acres) of bamboo can sustainably produce “Dendrocalamus giganteus” has the highest height and diameter among
7200 MW per year (1 MW/hour) (Scurlock et al., 2000; Zea Escamilla all selected 27 species. These two-attributes i.e. height and diameter,
and Habert, 2014). concluded that these species have HCV (Sugesty et al., 2015). Suitable
commercial bamboo species can then be easily selected on the basis of
3.8. Furniture HCV. For using bamboo for scaffolding, only the species which have the
highest height are chosen.
Furniture contribution among bamboo products is low, but this This sector is not that commercial now, but in future, its demand
sector provides employment to artisans and most of the rural people, may increase. Calculating LCV, number of branches, leaf and its attri-
who have unique skill and need little investment for making furniture bute are dominating the other attribute. Dendrocalamus giganteus,
(Gupta and Kumar, 2008; Selvan and Tripathi, 2017). Although the D.brandisii, D.asper, Thrysostachysoliveri, Bambusanatans and
products made from bamboo are many, the most common of them in- Pseudoxytenanther aritcheyi have a greater number of branches, number
cludes table, chair, sofa, jar, box, baby carriage, basket, bed, bookcase, of leaves and is also being used for food and medical purposes (Fig. 3)
box, bracelet, carts, chairs, chopsticks, clothes racks, cooking veal, (Choudhury et al., 2012).
chicken coops, couches, crosses, cups, desks, dolls, fishnets, fish poles,
flowerpots, guns, walls, water jugs, water storage, wheelbarrow, 4.1. Clustering
windmills, etc. (Wei et al., 2017; Zhong et al., 2017).
To make traditional bamboo furniture, artisans generally used ei- The ten dominant bamboo species for commercial purposes used in
ther round or split bamboo. A new type of 'pack-flat,' 'knock- down' India are Bambusa balcooa, B.bamboos, B.nutans, B.tulda, Dendrocalamus
furniture uses glue-laminated bamboo panels (Gupta and Kumar, strictus, D.hamiltoniis, Melocanna baccifera, Ochlandra ebracteata,
2008). Such furniture can first be separated and brought down to small O.scriptoria and O.travancorica (Seethalakshmi et al., 1998). Clustering
pieces, and then a large furniture set can be made quickly or assembled for grouping of species based on their commercial value has been
at the destination (Sofiana et al., 2018). Now-a-days, these types of presented in Table S3. Over 10,000 documented application of bamboo
furniture are prevalent. This new and smart technology or design of includes primary and broad areas like paper pulp, building material,
making bamboo furniture overcomes many of the old problems, such as structural application, laminated boards, agriculture product, musical
higher wages, cost of transportation, and more importantly, the price of instrument, ornament handicraft, food and medicine (Trujillo and
the final product. Besides, it also maintains the natural, physical, and López, 2020). By using data presented in Table S2, five clusters have
aesthetic characteristics of bamboo. Due to the ease with its pieces been shown in Fig. 4.
being made into furniture, its demand is increasing rapidly in the in- Cluster 1- D.giganteus, D.brandisii, B.balcooa, D.asper, B.bambos,
ternational market and therefore increasing number of trained artisans B.polymorpha, T.oliveri, D.hamiltonii.
who are specialized in making bamboo furniture (Gong et al., 2016; Cluster 2- B.cacharensis, M.baccifera, B.vulgaris(Green and yellow),
Huang et al., 2019; Yu et al., 2014). D.strictus.
Cluster 3- G.atroviolacea, B.tulda, B.nutans, S.dullooa, B.jaintiana,
4. Commercial clustering of bamboo species in India D.stocksii.
Cluster 4- P.ritcheyi, G.rostrate, O.travancorica, T.spathiflorus,
India is the origin of Ayurveda, and from ancient times onward, O.scriptoria.
bamboo and its parts were used in the form of food and medicine Cluster 5- Drepanostachyumfalcatum, B.multiplex, B.nana.
(Ghosh, 2008). Out of almost 160 bamboo species in India, commercial As seen from Fig. 4., cluster1 includes eight species, all of which
and essential species of different genera are identified as Bambusa have to persist the high value of their attribute among all 27 species,
(balcooa, bambos, cacharensis, nutans, polymorpha, tulda, vulgaris (Green and its share is 38 %. The most crucial attribute is the harvesting age.
and yellow), multiplex, and nana), Dendrocalamus (asper, giganteus, ha- Species in cluster one has harvesting age of 3–4 years (van Dam et al.,
miltonii, stricuts, brandisii, and stocksii), Drepanostachyum (falcatum), 2018). Hence, if any one species is selected from those eight, then profit
Gigantochloa (rostrara,atroviolacea), Melocanna(baccifera), Ochlandra can be maximum. The clusters 2, 3, 4 and 5 have share values of 30 %,

A.D. Sawarkar, et al. Industrial Crops & Products 154 (2020) 112693

Fig. 2. High commercial value of species in non-increasing order.

18 %, 8%, and 6%, respectively. 5. A case study of bamboo resources of China and India

Bamboo originates from China with bamboo forest of 5.38 MHa.

4.2. Export of bamboo China, with a bamboo trade value of 11.8 billion USD per year, is the
most significant player among the bamboo exporting countries
As per the INBAR report 2017, international market of bamboo (Buckingham et al., 2011). The total export value of bamboo products
products (raw material, shoots, mat/screen, plaits and plaiting, bas- from China was 2.2 billion USD, and import value was only 31 million
ketwork, charcoal, flooring, panels, pulp and paper) grew in 2007 and USD in 2018 (INBAR, 2019b). Among all bamboo export products, the
2008, reaching the export trade value of 2.6 billion USD in 2008. In share of bamboo tableware, bamboo shoot, industrialized bamboo and
2009, due to global financial crisis, its export value drastically de- woven bamboo products was 930 million USD (42 %), 310 million USD
creased to 1.8 billion. It can be seen from Fig. 5 that during 2009–2014, (14 %), 300 million USD, and 270 million USD (12 %), respectively.
the growth increases thereby creating plateau like plot, but in 2015, its The import of bamboo products is less in China which is amounting to
growth decreases by 6% as compared to 2014. Again, in 2016 and only 31 million USD and out of this, 2.48 million USD is made by
2017, it is like a plateau with a decline of 1% only (INBAR, 2019a). bamboo panels & 2.17 million USD by bamboo tableware (Figs. S1 and

Fig. 3. Low commercial value of species in non-increasing order.

A.D. Sawarkar, et al. Industrial Crops & Products 154 (2020) 112693

Fig. 4. Commercial cluster using high commercial value (HCV).

China exports bamboo products to more than 50 countries i.e., EU studying the flowering patterns. Other challenges include industry only
with 535 million USD (the largest), USA with 516 million USD, Japan following traditional design of furniture, high demand in contemporary
with 331 million USD, and in that list, India ranks 6th position with 73 design but the supply does not match with the new demand. Farming
million USD. India has imported a considerable amount of bamboo location of bamboo is far away from an industry that used bamboo.
products from China and hence Indian market has a significant demand Other challenges, such as the split of culms, drying of bamboo, reduce
for bamboo products (INBAR, 2019b). its commercial value, Culm weakening and fungal attack due to excess
The top four bamboo products that China exported include bamboo moisture.
tableware, bamboo shoot, bamboo panels, and bamboo woven with a Bamboo is still considered as a supporting and subsidiary crop and
trade value of 1810 million USD i.e., nearly 81 % of the total export not as a whole farming crop (Yeasmin et al., 2015). According to the
share of the bamboo product of China (INBAR, 2019b). China has a survey, shortage of raw materials, low production capacity, lack of fi-
total of 6.5 MHa of bamboo forest while India has 16 MHa of bamboo nance, competition with products of other States, lack of new design,
forest. Focusing on meeting the demand of new bamboo products will and the peculiar topographical features are the problems faced by the
allow Indian bamboo industry to grow at a rapid rate (Jiang and Nie, bamboo industries in India. Plantation diversity of bamboo also plays
2007; Li and Kobayashi, 2004) an essential role for rural people who depend on bamboo in so many
States in India. The farmer must select a species which is stable as per
local climate as well as the local bamboo industry (Ram et al., 2010).
6. Challenges and future prospects of bamboo clustering in India
For the bright future of the Indian bamboo industry and people who
depend on bamboo especially farmers and artisan, the Central
India has more bamboo resources than China (Fig. S3), but the ex-
Government of India has already taken some important steps like
port value of China is higher. Indian bamboo industry has faced sig-
National Bamboo Mission (NBM). Many State Governments like
nificant challenges, such as lack of awareness, large bamboo bearing
Maharashtra, Kerala, all North East and other States-run their program
area under no harvest restrictions (forest area), no standard policy for
related to the growth of bamboo and its industry as well as they provide
bamboo farming, transport restrictions, improper selection of species
local, domestic, and State-level markets for bamboo and its products. If
without the knowledge of climate and harvesting age (Tuanmu et al.,
start-up companies want to work as a bamboo industry, a huge market
2013), market availability, not following the global standardization
is available for the bamboo products locally as well as globally. Indian
requirement (Hou et al., 2009), poor quality managements, no standard
Government improvised their Act related to bamboo farming and re-
compliance for quality improvement. India has 160 species with very
moved many restrictions. More subsidies are provided for bamboo
limited species having DNA bar-coding and sequencing (Dev et al.,
farming with the involvement of State government. Bamboo is now
2020; Kress et al., 2015) which can be helpful for their certification and

Fig. 5. International trade value status of bamboo products in last ten year.
(Source: Adapted from INBAR, 2016, 2019a).

A.D. Sawarkar, et al. Industrial Crops & Products 154 (2020) 112693

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