Eco Organic Farming
Eco Organic Farming
Eco Organic Farming
The inability of Indian agriculture to meet the demand for food in the
country during the two and half decades immediately after independence
the western developed nations and the politics of food aid practiced by
agriculture system adopted from the west has started showing increasing
Organic agriculture aims at the human welfare without any harm to the
2. Introduction
meet the demand for food of all living things without draining the
basic resources.
farm but also on the health of all living things and thus on the
specific fluctuation within the system so as to maintain long term soil biological activity, ensure effective
peak management, recycle
farrn animals and handle the agricultural products without the use
the act and the regulations in this part'. The origin of organic
J.I. Rodale in the United States, Lady Balfour in England and Sir
The farming being practiced for the last three decades in India has
and scientists, opines that there are merits in the organic farming
lower in organic cultivation during the initial period and also the
cost of labour tends to increase therein. The third one is all for
from the point of view of the Indian farmers, particularly the small
and marginal.
but slowly all over the world. India has been very slow to adopt it
techniques practiced in this country before the advent of the green revolution were basically eco-
lriendly and they have not faded
farming community.
system arose from the ill effects of the chemical farming practices
adopted w^orldwide during the second half of the last century. The
the best among all of them because of its scientific approach and
was adopted in relatively large scales. There are very large organi-
international arena; updating of production, processing and trading standards; formulation and
coordination of research projects; and
The organic food market in the world has grown rapidly in the
accorded with 'green status' to sell organic foods. The organic food
$2.5 billion each while France accounts for $1.25 billion. Moreover,
the organic foods command higher prices which often range from
laid down.
must be verified.
9 Proposed Objectives
1 Sustainable agriculture
3 Food self-sufficiency
4 Environmental protection
6 Rural development.