Pid Velocity For M

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The velocity of PID

Inside Process: Proportional-integral-derivative (PID) theory

is best introduced as the familiar second order differential
equation via the velocity form instead of the more traditional
positional form.

Despite being ubiquitous in industrial

control system (ICS) usage, the
proportional-integral-derivative (PID)
algorithm is a mystery to many. Ask
an engineer to describe the behavior
of the D (derivate) term, for instance,
and some may respond with a blank
Textbooks, seminars, and articles
often explain the PID control
algorithm in a form resembling the
following equation:

The terms are:

E = Error, difference between
setpoint and measurement
OP = Output to the final control
element, typically in percent of scale
P = Proportional term
I = Integral term
D = Derivative term
Kp = Proportional gain
Ki = Integral gain
Kd = Derivative gain.
A different view
Why is it presented this way? Well, it
does match the name of the
algorithm and shows the
proportional, integral, and derivative
terms in a simple manner. However,
this article suggests a different
approach using velocity instead of
A core foundation of an engineering
curriculum is differential equations.
Once engineering students grasp
differential equations, they see them
used to explain the classic spring-
mass system in physics and LRC
circuits in electrical studies. [Of
course, L stands for inductance, R is
resistance, and C is capacitance.]
Engineering graduates are very
familiar with the spring-mass system
and LRC circuits. That’s because
they are the same mathematically.
They are second-order differential
equations. A lot of real world
applications are second order
differential equations, so the ability
to comprehend the common
mathematical foundations makes it
easy to understand and remember.
Textbooks describing the PID
algorithm present it as a differential
equation, but not in the same way as
the spring-mass or LRC circuit. Even
though it is the same second-order
differential equation, its presentation
and explanation differ. To match the
more familiar presentation, it would
be shown as:

The only change made was to take

the derivative of the prior equation.
The original form of the equation is
the positional form. Taking the
derivative of a position over time
creates velocity. Therefore, the latter
presentation is the velocity form.
When doing so, the proportional (P)
term becomes a velocity (V) term;
the integral (I) term becomes a
positional (P) term; and the
derivative (D) term becomes an
acceleration (A) term. Position,
velocity, and acceleration (PVA) are
very familiar terms. To make it more
familiar, the order has been

Note: the PVA equation looks like

the very familiar second order
differential equations. It makes the
contribution of each term much
easier to understand. Explaining it
with the PVA approach can help
engineers with a rudimentary or
even no knowledge of PID to better
grasp the concepts. (See sidebar:
"First real understanding of PID.") 
Velocity form comments
However, there are obvious caveats
to explaining the algorithm with the
velocity form:
 Historical momentum perpetuates
the traditional presentation.
Textbooks using the positional
form are abundant, and the few
that mention the velocity form do
so in passing.
 The way the algorithm is
implemented in control systems is
the positional form. In addition,
the implementation is more
complex than a simple addition of
three terms. Filtering of the
derivate term, interacting versus
standard forms, and differing
actions on setpoint versus
measurement change are
common features of the control
system implementation that add
to the complexity.
Despite historical and
implementation support of the
positional form, the velocity (PVA)
form offers a way to introduce the
algorithm in a more familiar way to
engineering students and a more
understandable way to help
practicing engineers advance their
engineering prowess, without any
blank stares.
Key Concepts
The proportional-integral-
derivative (PID) algorithm is well-
known but can be confusing to
Using velocity instead of position in
the PID equation can help clarify the
concept for engineers.
While useful, not many use velocity
to explain PID in textbooks or in the
Consider this
What other methods can be used
to help explain and simplify PID to
First real understanding of PID
"A couple of years ago I had 15
minutes to explain the PID algorithm
to a small group of engineers. Some
had rudimentary knowledge of it and
others virtually no experience with it.
After 15 minutes using the PVA
approach, they got it! One of them
said this was the first time he felt he
really understood how PID worked."

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