Past Simple Vs Past Contnuious
Past Simple Vs Past Contnuious
Past Simple Vs Past Contnuious
vs past
I travelled to Paris to attend a
conference. 3
Past simple 4
Review: past simple
We use the past simple when we want to say that an action occurred in the past. It
is the basic form of the past tense in English.
■ For regular verbs add -ed.
■ Irregular verbs have their own forms – these need to be memorised. 5
Past continuous: structure 6
Transform the past continuous sentences into past simple
2. Wilfred was making a cup of _________________________________________
4. I was organising a business _________________________________________
_______________________________________________________________ 7
Past continuous with past simple
The table below shows the structure of the past continuous when it is used
together with the past simple.
■ We use the following structure:
■ subject + auxiliary verb + -ing form of verb + conjunction + past simple 8
Past continuous: use
■ The past continuous is commonly used to talk about something that was
happening at a particular time in the past.
■ Past continuous sentences often include the past simple tense. The past
simple describes the action while the past continuous describes the longer
activity in the background.
■ Often, the action in the past simple part of the sentence interrupts the action
described in the past continuous tense.
■ I was just opening the door when the cat leapt on the mouse.
In this sentence the past continuous describes what was happening in the
background (opening the door) as the main action happened (the cat leapt on the
■ The cat was leaping on the mouse when David opened the door.
The focus of this sentence is different. The main action in this sentence is David
opening the door, which is in past simple. 9
Past continuous: examples 10
Complete the sentences
4. They _______________ [have] a meeting when she walked into the room.
5. I _______________ [wait] for the train when I got offered the job. 11
I was just cleaning When Tom was I was driving to I was eating my
my shoes… getting a haircut… work… lunch…
…when something
…while I was living …he decided to
tapped on the I met Sally…
abroad. quit his job.
window. 12
Negative form
■ The negative form of the past continuous adds the word not between the
auxiliary verb (in this case to be) and the main verb.
■ subject + auxiliary verb + not + -ing form of the verb + rest of sentence
■ Remember that:
■ was not can contract to wasn’t
■ were not can contract to weren’t 13
Rewrite these sentences in the negative form 14
Forming questions
■ To form a question in the past continuous, you need to switch the auxiliary
verb and the subject.
■ auxiliary verb + subject + -ing form of the verb + rest of sentence 15
Now rewrite the sentences from p. 14 in question form 16
When and while
■ The conjunctions when and while are useful when forming sentences with the
past continuous.
■ Introducing a clause with when can indicate the past simple part of the
sentence. 17
Complete the sentences 18
Long actions and interruptions
■ The past continuous is useful when describing a long action in the past.
■ It helps us to specify when the action starts and ends.
For example:
■ Yesterday at 3 p.m., I was preparing my presentation.
I started preparing before 3 p.m. and finished sometime after. 19
Inverting and the use of while and when 20
Adding conjunctions 21
The past continuous can also be used with always to describe a repeated action in
a negative way.
■ Always can be used to describe negative or annoying habits or actions.
■ It is passing judgement on someone or something when it is associated with
■ Meetings with the Head of Operations were always running over time. 22
Talk to the teacher 23
Uses of past continuous 24
Two actions at the same time
Think about your day so far. Try to write some sentences about two
actions happening at the same time, and make these related to
your day.
Use the past continuous and past simple in your sentences. 25
Reflect on the goals
yes no
_______________________________ _______________________________
_______________________________ _______________________________ 26
Reflect on this lesson
+ _______________________________
+ _______________________________
– _______________________________
– _______________________________
If you have time, go over
the most difficult slides again 27
Exercise p. 7
2. Wilfred made a cup of coffee.
3. You did really well!
4. I organised a business trip.
5. We worked from home.
Exercise p. 11
1. was walking, 2. was leaving, 3. was driving, 4. were having, 5. was waiting
Exercise p. 12
Past continuous: I was just cleaning my shoes…, When Tom was getting a haircut…,
I was driving to work…, I was eating my lunch…, …while I was living abroad.
Past simple: …when something tapped on the window., I met Sally…, …he decided
to quit his job.
Exercise p. 14
1. Jeanie was not eating her breakfast when her boss rang.
2. The restaurant was not closing as Andrew arrived.
3. The meeting room was not empty when she walked in.
4. They were not presenting when the fire alarm went off.
5. She was not designing a process for booking meeting rooms.
Answer key (1/2)
Exercise p. 16
1. Was Jean eating breakfast when her boss rang?
2. Was the restaurant closing as Andrew arrived?
3. Was the meeting room empty when she walked in?
4. Were they presenting when the fire alarm went off?
5. Was she designing a process for booking meeting rooms?
Exercise p. 21
Example correct answers include:
1. While I was visiting Sydney, I had to participate in meetings via video call.
2. David laughed when Jane was dancing.
3. While Sally was presenting, the CEO walked into the room.
4. Richard was working in London when Chloe moved to Shanghai.
5. Samuel went to the office while his wife was resting at home.
Answer key (2/2)
Homework 30
Matching 31
Structure practice 32
Homework answer key 33
About this material 34