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Comp Sci Algo8

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Section B

2 Describe, giving an example for each, the following data types used in programming.


Description ........................................................................................................................................


Example ............................................................................................................................................


Description ........................................................................................................................................


Example ............................................................................................................................................

3 Give an example of a pseudocode statement or statements to perform each of the following


A condition controlled loop ...............................................................................................................



A conditional statement ....................................................................................................................



Totalling ............................................................................................................................................



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4 This is a section of program code.

1 Total = 100.00
PRINT ′Enter the height of each member of your class, one at a
time, when prompted′
3 FOR Count = 1 TO 30
4 PRINT ′Enter a height in metres′
5 INPUT Height
6 Total = Total + Height
7 PRINT Total / 30
8 Count = Count + 1
9 NEXT Count

(a) There are three errors in this code.

State the line numbers that contain the errors and describe how to correct each error.

Error 1 .......................................................................................................................................



Error 2 .......................................................................................................................................



Error 3 .......................................................................................................................................



(b) State the purpose of this program.




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5 The algorithm allows a number to be entered. It then calculates and outputs the next number in
the mathematical series.

Fib 1
Prev2 0
Prev1 1
INPUT Number
IF Number = 0
THEN Fib 0
WHILE Number > 2
Fib Prev2 + Prev1
Prev2 Prev1
Prev1 Fib
Number Number - 1

(a) Complete the trace table for the input data: 7

Fib Prev2 Prev1 Number OUTPUT


(b) Complete the trace table for the input data: 2

Fib Prev2 Prev1 Number OUTPUT


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6 An online fruit tree specialist sells fruit trees in various sizes. A database table, TREETAB, shows
the tree type and, for each size, the price and whether they are in stock.

Tree Type Size1 Size1 In Size2 Size2 In Size3 Size3 In

Apple 10.95 Yes 14.95 Yes 29.95 Yes
Apple 12.95 Yes 14.95 Yes 29.95 Yes
Cherry 24.95 No 34.95 No 59.95 Yes
Fig 19.95 Yes 29.95 No 49.95 Yes
Guava 19.95 No 29.95 No 59.95 No
Nectarine 8.50 Yes 11.95 Yes 19.95 Yes
Olive 19.95 No 39.95 Yes 59.95 Yes
Peach 9.25 No 11.95 Yes 19.95 Yes
Pear 10.95 Yes 14.95 Yes 29.95 Yes
Plum 8.95 Yes 11.95 Yes 19.95 Yes
Pomegranate 12.95 No 18.95 Yes 34.95 No
Quince 34.95 Yes 44.95 Yes 84.95 No

(a) State whether any of the fields shown would be suitable as a primary key.


Explain your answer .................................................................................................................



(b) Complete the table to show the most appropriate data type for each of the fields based on the
data shown in the table at the start of question 6.

Field Data type

Tree Type
Size2 In

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(c) Show the output that would be given by this query-by-example.

Field: Tree Type Size1 Size1 In


Sort: Descending

Show:   

Criteria: <10.00






(d) Using the following query-by-example grid, write a query to identify all types of the fruit trees
that are out of stock for all three sizes. Make sure the type of the tree and the various ‘in
stock’ fields are shown. The trees should be listed in alphabetical order by type.







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