An Investigation of House Designs in Lahore: Transformation of Residential Architecture From Traditional To Modern
An Investigation of House Designs in Lahore: Transformation of Residential Architecture From Traditional To Modern
An Investigation of House Designs in Lahore: Transformation of Residential Architecture From Traditional To Modern
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1 author:
Sana Malik
Universiti Sains Malaysia
Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:
All content following this page was uploaded by Sana Malik on 30 April 2019.
*[email protected]
Received : 29 April 2018 Final Version Received: 19 March 2019
Many historic cities display the expression of individual and cultural identity as a common
phenomenon in house designs; this paper inspects it in context of Lahore city. Study is focused
on architectural transformation of house designs based on lifestyles of different time periods in
Lahore. The objective is to highlight the key modifications in designing of houses over time
period of half century. It is believed that home is the most endearing structure to be built given
the poignant connection of dwellers to their living spaces. In Lahore, houses show diverse
architectural profile as a result of socio-economic changes and global influences; these demand
to investigate the present prototype of traditional versus modern house design in Lahore. A case
study of traditional as well as modern house was conducted using field inspection and
typological analysis. Findings of such design focused research provide helpful insights for
practitioners and academicians of contemporary architecture in Lahore and other likewise cities,
about major spatial and design alterations in order to achieve a balanced approach in residential
Pakistan has rich historical and cultural texture has become excessive in Lahore, the second
of architecture. Housing design incorporates largest city of Pakistan.
social, economic, personal and intellectual
concentrations beyond what is seen as built Within its context, a variety of architectural
construction. This association with house design styles is observed in the planning and facades
prompts stakeholders to apply modern as well as design of house. This assorted nature of designs
traditional dynamics resulting in complicated has created confusion in establishing the
schema of house design eventually. The very vernacular architecture of houses. A common
existence of an individual cannot be thought inspection reveals that some homeowners are
without a house. In popular imagination, a house can go for unique designs for decorating
is a building which has kitchen, a bathroom, overhead water tanks (Fig. 1). Traditional
bedroom, and a lounge built to provide shelter designs are disappearing from the face of
and protection (Chauhan et al., 2009). Also, it residential patterns in Lahore and are being
reflects the social norms and aesthetic manners replaced by modern designs. There is dire need
of a family from two aspects: from interior, to scrutinize the adaptation of traditional house
through the adjustments of spaces and from design versus modern house design. Due to lack
exterior, through architectural features of the of such research, this study aims to develop
facade. The practice of building modern houses insight into the transformation of house design in
Lahore from traditional to modern. Presently, the
49 Journal of Design and Built Environment, Vol19(1), April 2019 Malik, S. et al.
trends in housing design are inclined more
towards western pattern of architecture and 2.1 ATTACHED TRADITIONAL HOUSES
planning, irrespective of understanding the
regional demand of residential designing. The city hosts various historical monuments,
Therefore, it is important to recall the buildings and gardens along with a walled city
constructed examples of houses that survived the during the Mughal era (1524–1752) and British
natural and environmental tests over the years. A colonial rule (Rana & Bhatti, 2018). The Walled
concurrent study combining the case of modern City also known as called Androon Shehar in
house design with traditional one, would help native language, was the prime social and
document the degree of transformation in economic center of the city during that time. The
residential architecture in the city. houses had strong architectural features like
‘jharokas’ (balconies) and detailed ornamental
features. These attached houses were packed
units with less covered area and small room sizes
respectively. The approach for attached houses
was considered to be sustainable in terms of
climatic conditions and strong community
development. Batool (2014) specified that
traditional buildings maintained thermal comfort
though architectural elements like jalis (screens),
verandas, jharokas (balconies), fountains, plants,
chajjas (overhangs), courtyards, and basements.
Shared walls of houses and narrow streets tend
to encourage daily neighborhood interaction
creating a sense of security and safety while
people used to sit at doors and outside. Nevile
(2006) referred to this culture of joint family as
the accepted norm, and true, to the socialist ideal
of sharing all things together, people enjoyed the
Fig. 1: Design of Overhead Water Tank in pleasures of the housetop in equal measure. The
Lahore, Source: Author. houses, though lofty and to all appearances well
built from the outside, yet cramped inside and ill-
2. RESIDENTIAL ARCHITECTURE OF ventilated. Attached houses of the walled city
LAHORE started to lose their popularity with end of
Mughal Period and the invasion of British rulers,
Lahore is second largest city of Pakistan and and then Lahore started to develop in another
holds great significance due to its rich cultural, direction of town planning.
political and architectural history. Architecture
of city has undergone remarkable 2.2 DETACHED TRADITIONAL HOUSES
transformations due to three major chronological
periods, i.e., Mughal, British Colonial, and Post- The model of detachable houses promoted the
Independence. During the pre-colonial times, the idea of open dwelling spaces surrounded by open
British had looked upon Lahore as a very passages and gardens in front of the house. To
fragmented space, divided into different live in such a space where a separate identity of
institutional, public, professional and communal one’s house could be celebrated easily was a sign
categories (Shafique & Shahid, 2016). Like all of prestige. Before the independence of Pakistan,
ancient cities, Lahore also has two faces, the old the Indian residents, who arrived to live in Model
and the new; the old city is the reminiscent of the Town, developed houses on their own. For
past glory of Lahore and the new city gives a instance, at that time houses were built as single-
modern look (Mubin, Gilani & Hasan, story British bungalows. Bhardwaj and Garg
2013).Traditional house design in Lahore is a (2016) described that the bungalow typically
prominent feature of the local architectural style consisted of a low, one storey, spacious building,
due to its prolonged association with historical internally divided into separate living, dining
context. Housing units are further divided into andbedrooms, the latter with attached rooms for
different categories depending on income and bathing. The British style incorporates many of
family size of the home owners. Traditional the features of the ‘grand’ classical style, adapted
houses consists of attached and detached homes. to become normal in shop houses; including iron
A short account of these categories is given grilles, dormers, balconies, pediments, pilasters,
below. keystones and arches (Ovais, 2016). Courtyard
50 Journal of Design and Built Environment, Vol19(1), April 2019 Malik, S. et al.
houses are also types of detached houses in However, the low percentage of houses reflects
Lahore context. Noble (1987) described centered a balanced approach of house design as a
courtyards in the square and rectangular houses combination of traditional and modern patterns,
that were seem invariably to be surrounded by a in lieu of which Qadeer (1983) reported that
veranda or by a shaded space, with some houses house designs combine modern and traditional
partially extending outward as far as the outer features in a harmonious blend. Modern design
walls. This historical house type came into use to features include rectangular plans with plain
address the harsh weather in the region. Not only concrete slab, squarish appearances with
do courtyard houses portray a form of nominal decoration, low ceiling heights, large
architectural style in residential building, but windows, and controlled circulation by
they also depict a way of life. The rooms located compacting the space planning. Whereas
around the courtyard ensured strong family Burgess (2005) focused on the fact that
bonding and interaction. The central open space community houses, group houses, or apartment
is the dominant feature of the entire house at houses are more and more required by our
every celebratory function because of its central modern nomadic ways of life. Hence, in near
orientation. Lodi et al. (2013) further analyzed future, this could signal reverting back to the
that the height of walls varies from 9-12 feet in concept of attached houses.
height for warmer climatic zones with
ventilation at the top, and lower for colder zones 2.4 FACTORS INFLUENCING
to keep the interior warm. RESIDENTIAL ARCHITECTURE OF
Various factors influence residential spaces.
Recent studies have established that the However, in recent times, the housing tendencies
development and spread of gated neighborhoods are observed to be more subjective to
has become a part of new housing scheme. globalization, regulatory frameworks and other
Lahore has approximately 40 gated cultural aspects. Following factors are derived
neighborhoods which are inhabited, and few from personal observation on behalf of the
more are currently under construction. current market trends.
(Rahmaan & Anis, 2009). Vandal (2011)
described that the housing typology launched 2.4.1 GLOBALIZATION
through government houses schemes in Lahore
such as Officer’s houses in Military Cantonment Technological advancements in economic and
Area, Officers houses for Railways, and others social processes formulate the most profound
changed the concept of living dramatically from factor in order to alter the architectural trends of
attached to detached house type. The inverted a region. International brands of food, fashion,
two-story bungalow (colonial prototype) building construction industry, electronics, and
proclaims the socially accepted model of living furniture etc., hold extraordinary presence in the
in the current scenario countrywide. This eyes of the general public when they hit the local
paradigm has contributed in creating social markets. All of these brands demand their space
inequity among the inhabitants of Lahore city. in an architectural setting and play an important
role in manipulating the daily living style.
The current house model lacks the concerns of
common man and do not fit in a neighborhood 2.4.2 EXPOSURE
setting of Lahore. The modernity and
contemporary trends in living style are changing Exposure to international styles of architecture
the old customs of practice in building and plays an important role in shaping up the
construction. This has resulted in transforming residential design. Internet and
the patterns of spatial planning and architectural Telecommunication industry has made the
forms. majority of common people familiar with
various western trends of home space design. In
The design shift proved an economical addition to this, travelling leaves an exclusive
alternative for constructing several houses with a impression in minds of people. This retained
low design profile in comparison to traditional experience changes the perception in a creative
houses with exaggerated ornamentation. Qureshi manner. Such an exercise prompts the involved
(2015) asserted that, at present, though the stakeholders to be more imaginative with their
construction materials, layout and family setup house designing ideas and abandon the
of houses are similar to each other, a variety of traditional format of house design.
front facades are visible throughout the city.
51 Journal of Design and Built Environment, Vol19(1), April 2019 Malik, S. et al.
ingredients of house design such as space
2.4.3 SOCIAL TENDENCY requirement, color combinations, façade style,
bedrooms size and the kitchen detailing. In some
The people living in Lahore have a great ways, this exercise eradicates the pure role to be
tendency to inspire from one another about played by architect in the design process.
house design and construction. This social habit
of inclination among Lahoris (people of Lahore) 2.4.5 BUILDING REGULATIONS
plays decisive role, sometimes when they start
planning to construct their dream home. Such Aspect of Building regulations is one of the
attribute sometimes even result in executing the factors behind, affecting the house designs in
whole layout and design of house as carbon copy Lahore. Such regulations feature the rules and
of another house on the same street or as replica guidelines from concerned development
of some family member’s house. authority. Thorough consideration of these
regulations is required for official approval of
2.4.4 CUSTOMIZATION house construction. Floor area ratios and
setbacks from the periphery of plot, alter the
There is a high level of involvement in house residential outcome under such obligations.
design from the client as compared to an Similar is the case of regulatory framework
architect. Such a practice is greatly affecting the being implemented in study area of Lahore
image of residential architecture of Lahore. (Fig 2). Due to this restriction, many aspects of
Eventually, customized design proposal will be sustainable design and deep beauty fall short.
dominated by a client rather than an architect’s Consequently, the integration of sun and wind
draft. It is now common for a client to format the direction becomes missing factor in the design
scheme of a house.
Fig. 2: Building Regulations for residential plots in Lahore, Source: (Lahore Development Authority,
Current research is a qualitative study inspecting investigate the spatial layouts and planning of
the degree of transformation in house designs of selected houses. To effectively study the
Lahore from traditional to modern. The case transformation in house design, individual cases
study was carried out through field work in the of traditional and modern house designs in
form of pictures and architectural drawings. Lahore city were selected. Typological analysis
Typological analysis was applied to carefully included ratios of covered and uncovered area,
52 Journal of Design and Built Environment, Vol19(1), April 2019 Malik, S. et al.
spatial planning and arrangement of rooms Housing Authority-DHA, Lahore) was chosen
inside the house, circulation spaces, and location for the modern one. It was make sure that
of staircase, etc. Further elaboration of design selected houses should match with housing
aspects includes the facade design and society location. Both Model Town and DHA are
ornamental characteristics on house elevation. considered to be well-known for their historical
Nonetheless, Lahore is home to a huge number and modern context in Lahore. (traditional) and
of traditional and modern houses yet to be current decade (modern) through spatial layout
discovered. Since the proposed study is quite inspection and façade setting.
specific in examining transformation of house
design, a single model of traditional and modern 4. TYPOLOGICAL ANALYSIS:
houses was preferred. However, concern issues RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
of local house designs can be generalized
through this limited study to illustrate a The different features of house designs for
necessary picture of design transformation in traditional and modern categories are discussed
houses of Lahore. The analysis of the qualified in detail. However, a brief summary of the
transformation is documented through a typological Analysis as given in the following
comparative typological analysis of traditional table will help in understanding the key points of
and modern houses. The detached house type transformation in the designing of dwelling
(Model Town, Lahore) was selected as the case spaces in Lahore.
study for traditional type, while house (Defense
Staircase Design Outdoor location, simple paint finish Indoor Location, Marble Finish with a
stylish handrail made of polished wood and
Lightening & Natural lighting and ventilation through the Private lifestyle, Mechanical Lightening &
Ventilation inner courtyard. High ceiling heights with Ventilation (Air conditioning). Less
ventilator helps in dispersing warm dependence on natural sources of lightening.
Doors and Double set of frames in windows & doors, Sliding windows are more in fashion.
Windows enables dual opening scheme towards both Modern door designs incorporates latest
indoor and outdoor, along with light materials.
Controlled ornamentation and detailing, Play of volumes through projection and
Façade Design Neglected maintenance of the exterior depression of straight and diagonal forms.
façade, Paint finish material. Humble application of combination of latest
depiction of Doric columns. contemporary exterior materials
53 Journal of Design and Built Environment, Vol19(1), April 2019 Malik, S. et al.
4.1 COVERED AREA AND OPEN AREA modern housing has restricted the engagement of
RATIO open areas with indoor spaces (Fig. 4).
Fig. 3. Site plan of Traditional House The traditional house is attributed with a podium
(upper)and View Of Side Lawn (lower), followed by an entrance lobby for welcoming
Source: Author and receiving guests in a casual style. This
depicts a true sign of a detached house concept
For modern houses, dwelling is being developed for the elite class of Model Town. The
constructed according to building regulations of rooms were placed parallel along the central
respective housing authority. In case of modern corridor. This corridor opened onto the courtyard
house, the concerned authority was Defense through the intermediate space of verandah
Housing Authority (DHA) providing regulatory (covered passageway). The courtyard is placed
framework for a plot of 4500 square feet (50 feet as the central point of covered area with rooms
x 90 feet) with a setback of 5feet offset from all on three sides and a staircase on fourth side
three sides and 15 feet from the front side of the thatleads to the roof. Servant quarters were
plot facing the road. Such a customary aspect of
54 Journal of Design and Built Environment, Vol19(1), April 2019 Malik, S. et al.
observed at the back corner within the courtyard restricted movement of strangers and visitors in
(Fig. 5.A). the house (Fig. 5.B).
55 Journal of Design and Built Environment, Vol19(1), April 2019 Malik, S. et al.
Brick masonry has been used as construction Natural lighting and ventilation are meant to be
method for about a century and it still has an integral part of traditional houses through the
maintained its reputation in new construction inner courtyard. It has proven to be an efficient
projects in many cities of Pakistan. The thickness source of directing natural breezes and sunlight
of load bearing walls is generally considered to into surrounding rooms and corridors. Another
be 13.5 inches. Similarly, traditional house understanding behind, is to manage the extreme
design also provides wall thickness of 13.5 nature of weather in the Lahore region. This
inches thick walls for this reason. However, in connects to the antique practice of naturally
modern day construction, brick masonry having operated methods of heating and cooling by
walls of around 9 inches thickness, was found for preceding generations. In present case of
a light-weight roof. Thinner brick walls and traditional house, the passageway was well-lit
lower ceiling heights as modern construction during the daytime due to secondary transparent
practices are, then maintained through door of wire gauze, in addition to main entrance
innovative ways of mechanical heating and door of solid wood, acting as a source of light
cooling to survive the extreme hot and cold and ventilation (upper, Fig. 7). Heights of
seasons. traditional ceilings were observed to be high
with a ventilator at the top level to assist in
4.4 STAIRCASE DESIGN dispersing warm air. It maintains cooler
environment inside the house (lower, Fig. 7).
The staircase is a main element in house design
as it is a source of vertical movement between
the ground floor and first floor. Also, it is
considered to be a transition point in
architectural planning and design of any building
type. In the case of a traditional house, the
staircase was found as part of the courtyard
leading to roof-top. The ultimate look of a
staircase was unrefined with a simple paint finish
(upper, Fig. 6). On the other hand, a staircase
was placed as fragment of internal planning for
modern house, satisfying the present concerns of
comfort and security. In addition to this, this
placement of staircase provides an easy source
access to the upper story and rooftop in case of
extreme weather conditions. A lavish finished
look is blended with a stylish handrail made of
polished wood and glass as a decorative feature Fig. 7. Entrance Passageway of Traditional
for modern staircase. Lush black marble in House (upper) and Traditional Ventilator
polished form is used as a finish for the steps (lower), Source: Author
(lower, Fig. 6).
Nowadays, people want to have more privacy;
this attitude has caused a shift in lifestyle from
outdoor to indoor spaces. This paradigm has
reduced dependence on natural light. In a
modern house, artificial lighting is a major focus
of interior design. Quality of indoor space is
maintained through chandeliers and false
lighting on the wall in an artificial manner.
Furthermore, usage of curtains on windows has
also restricted cross ventilation (Fig. 8). An air
conditioner was mounted on the wall of a lounge
to maintain a cooler environment inside. No
doubt, all these small details of architectural
design truly play an important role in shaping
patterns of our daily lives.
Fig.6.Traditional (Upper) and Modern
Staircases (Lower), Source: Author
56 Journal of Design and Built Environment, Vol19(1), April 2019 Malik, S. et al.
Contrary to a traditional window, there was one
single aluminum frame with embedded glass
installed, for a modern type of window (lower
left, Fig. 9). Based on function and location of
the window in the house, it can be either open or
fixed. Presently, sliding windows are more
fashionable than conventional windows with
hinges. The door design incorporates latest
materials with decorative features of glass-paper
patterns. Modern door composed of polished
wood and glass, was single framed with a
stainless steel handle (lower right, Fig. 9).
4.6 DOORS AND WINDOWS The exterior look of traditional houses is usually
characterized by architectural detailing and
The doors and windows are the key apertures in ornamental features. The traditional house of
the building envelope and hold great potential post-independence period exemplified the
from an architectural design point of view. The architecture with controlled ornamentation and
door and window designs provide a room of detailing. Neglected maintenance of the exterior
creativity. The fenestration of a traditional house facade has left house with a crude look. Paint
was proposed in a decorative and ornamental finish was applied as conventional material. A
manner (upper left, fig. 9). The hinged apertures humble depiction of Doric columns was
(doors and windows) made of two wooden accompanied with screen patterns on the upper
frames, embrace casing of both wire gauze and frame of the front face of the façade. The
glass separately in the same place. This double ornamentation consists of limited detail of
set of frames enables the dual opening scheme overhangs and window frames (upper, Fig. 10)
towards both indoor and outdoor (upper right,
Fig. 9). The doors and windows are relatively
less decorated in the case of a modern house.
Fig. 9. Traditional Window (Upper Left), Fig. 10. Facade of Traditional House (Upper)
Traditional Door (Upper Right), Modern and .Facade of Modern House (Lower), Source:
Window (Lower Left) and Modern Door Author
(Lower Right), Source: Author
57 Journal of Design and Built Environment, Vol19(1), April 2019 Malik, S. et al.
The front elevation of the house is a parameter 5. CONCLUSIONS
for prediction of architectural style. Exposure to
the international market of architecture and the The expression of individual and cultural
need for speedy construction has attracted identity in house design reflects the architectural
architects and designers to a modern value of the past, present and the future.
architectural style. The play of volumes through However, traditional houses are considered to be
projection and depression of straight and more popular as the prototypes of environmental
diagonal forms are now trendy choices for house and cultural heritage of Lahore. Transformation
elevations. Such design patterns are easy to of residential architecture was analyzed, based
construct quickly compared to ornamental and on the typological investigation of two types,
detailed designs. Therefore, modern house traditional and modern. The changes were
elevation was recognized perhaps as an example observed in every section of architectural
of globalization with the application of the latest planning and house designing. Open spaces were
industrial exterior materials used for the front incorporated with enclosed areas in traditional
façade of a modern house (lower, Fig. 10). houses. On the contrary, privacy and comfort
were the focuses for modern houses. Ratio of
4.8 MISCELLANEOUS FEATURES covered area in a plot was relatively less in a
traditional house when compared to the modern
A variety of prominent features of architecture one. Space planning was compact for a modern
and interior design can be discussed for both house with efficient use of dead space. Brick
traditional and modern houses. Traditionally, the walls were thicker for a traditional house. A
ceiling was featured with slight ornamentation at prominent change had been observed for the
the fan point, establishing a focal point in the location of a staircase from outside (traditional)
overhead plane (Fig. 11.A). The concept of to inside (modern).
‘angeethi’ (traditional fire place) was fixed as
conventional means of keeping space warm A traditional house was more environmentally
inside the living room. Here, angeethi had friendly than modern one. Doors and windows
projected mass with minor detailing on the top, were more decorative in the past. Slight
finished with a combination of plain and ornamentation on a traditional facade was
patterned tile in the lounge area (Fig. 11.B). In observed versus modern elevation. This study
modern house design, the architectural features attained further insights into spatial planning and
inside the house fall within the category of architectural designing of houses in Lahore for
interior design under current trends of residential traditional and modern categories. To ensure the
industry. Important design elements included permanence of traditional features in house
false ceilings, wall treatments, and fire-places. designs, there is a need to nourish the soul of
Abstract patterns embedded with modern residential architecture by incorporating
industrial finishes, emphasized through diffused traditionalism with modernism. In this regard,
artificial lighting, give a lively feeling to a dead prominent traditional characteristics including
wall (Fig. 11.C). A modern fireplace had a sleek courtyards, thick brick walls, high ceilings, and
finish of black granite and created a contrast to verandas can harmoniously blend with the latest
the back wall (Fig. 11.D). construction trends for accomplishing a balanced
kind of house design in Lahore.
(A) Ceiling Feature (B) Angeethi
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