2008 02110
2008 02110
2008 02110
S. M. Bilenky
Are neutrinos with definite masses Majorana or Dirac particles?
This is one of the most fundamental problem of the modern neutrino
physics. The solution of this problem could be crucial for understand-
ing of the origin of small neutrino masses. We will review here basic
arguments in favor of the Majorana nature of massive neutrinos. The
phenomenological theory of 0νββ-decay is briefly discussed and recent
experimental data and sensitivity of future experiments are presented.
1 Introduction
The origin of small neutrino masses, discovered in neutrino oscillation ex-
periments, is the major problem of the modern neutrino physics. From
neutrino oscillation data five neutrino oscillation parameters (two neutrino
mass-squared differences and three mixing angles) were inferred with accu-
racies (5-10) %. The aim of current and future experiments is to improve
accuracy of the measurement of these parameters and to answer the following
basic questions
• What is the nature of neutrinos with definite masses? Are they Majo-
rana or Dirac particles?
The solution of these problems will be extremely important for the under-
standing of the origin of neutrino masses. We will discuss here the problem
of the neutrino nature, which, apparently, is the most fundamental one.
Neutrinos with definite masses are Dirac particles if the total lepton num-
ber L is conserved. In this case neutrino νi and antineutrino ν̄i have the same
mass (CP T ) and different lepton numbers (L(νi ) = −L(ν̄i ) = 1). Neutrinos
with definite masses are Majorana particles if there no conserved lepton num-
ber (i.e there is no conserved quantum number which allows to distinguish
neutrino or antineutrino).
There is a general believe that neutrinos are Majorana particles. We
will start with some general argument in favor of Majorana neutrinos. The
famous two-component theory of a massless neutrino was proposed in 1957
by Landau [1], Lee and Yang [2] and Salam [3] and was confirmed in in the
classical Goldhaber at al. experiment on the measurement of the neutrino
helicity [4]. The two-component Weil field νL (x) is the simplest possibility
for massless neutrino: two degrees of freedom (instead of four in the case of
four-component Dirac neutrino).1
We know now that neutrinos have small masses. For neutrino with a
mass Majorana field is a simplest, most economical possibility: two degrees
of freedom (left-handed and right-handed neutrinos). The Standard Model
teaches us that the nature chooses the simplest possibilities. It looks very
plausible that also in the case of neutrino with mass a simplest Majorana
possibility is realized.
Neutrino masses are many orders of magnitude smaller then masses of
leptons and quarks. It is very unlikely that neutrino masses are of the same
Standard Model (SM) Higgs origin as masses of other fundamental fermions.
If we assume that Standard Model neutrinos are two-component massless
particles in this case neutrino masses are generated by a new, beyond the
SM mechanism. The method of the effective Lagrangian allows us to describe
effects of a beyond the SM physics in the electroweak region. There exist
only one SUL (2) × UY (1) invariant effective Lagrangian which generates a
neutrino mass term [5]. We can built such a Lagrangian only if we assume
that the total lepton number L is not conserved. After spontaneous sym-
metry breaking this effective Lagrangian generates Majorana neutrinos with
definite masses, three-neutrino mixing and seesaw-type suppression of neu-
Notice that for massless two-component neutrino and V − A interaction there is no
difference between Dirac and Majorana cases.
trino masses with respect to Standard Model masses of lepton and quarks.
This is a simplest and most plausible, beyond the SM possibility to generate
neutrino masses and mixing.2
There are many models which (after heavy fields are integrated out) lead
to the Weinberg effective Lagrangian (or its generalization) and the Majo-
rana mass term (see review [6]). In spite all such models were proposed to
explain smallness of neutrino masses, values of masses can not be predicted
(many unknown parameters are involved). There are, however, two general
features which are common to all models, based on the assumption that SM
neutrinos are massless particles and that beyond SM particles, responsible
for generation of neutrino masses, are heavy:
The problem of sterile neutrinos, which started about 25 years with first data
of the LSND experiment [7], is still open. We will briefly discuss it later. The
study of neutrinoless double β-decay of some even-even nuclei (0νββ-decay) is
the most sensitive way which could allow us to discover the non conservation
of the total lepton number L and to reveal the Majorana nature of neutrinos
with definite masses. We will briefly discuss the phenomenological theory of
this process and present the latest data.
In conclusion we would like to stress that in spite of strong arguments
in favor of Majorana neutrinos the possibility of Dirac neutrinos (of the
Standard Model or beyond the SM origin) is not excluded. The observation
of the 0νββ-decay will allow to exclude this, apparently, artificial possibility.
neutrino masses and masses of other fundamental fermions are of different
origin. We will discuss a possible origin of neutrino masses later. In this
introductory section we will consider the standard Higgs mechanism of the
generation of fermion masses.
The standard Higgs mechanism of the generation of fermion masses is
based on the assumption that in the total Lagrangian there are SUL (2) ×
UY (1) invariant Yukawa interactions. For the charged leptons the Yukawa
interaction has the form
√ X ′
LY (x) = − 2 ψ̄l1 L (x)Yl1 l2 l2R (x)φ(x) + h.c.. (1)
l1 ,l2
νlL (x) φ+ (x)
ψlL (x) = ′ (l = e, µ, τ ), φ(x) = (2)
lL (x) φ0 (x)
are lepton and Higgs doublets, lR (x) is a right-handed lepton singlet field
and Y is a 3 × 3 dimensionless complex matrix. The requirements of the
SUL (2) × UY (1) invariance do not put any constraints on the matrix Y .
Charged lepton masses are generated after the spontaneous symmetry
breaking. Let us introduce the hermitian field of the neutral Higgs particles
H(x) and choose the Higgs doublet in the form (the unitary gauge)
φ(x) = v+H(x)
. (3)
Here v = ( 2 GF )−1/2 ≃ 246 GeV (GF is the Fermi constant) is the Higgs
vacuum expectation value (vev). With such a choice the local SUL (2)×UY (1)
gauge symmetry will be spontaneously broken.
From (1) and (3) for the Yukawa Lagrangian we find the following ex-
¯l′ (x)Yl l l′ (x)(v + H(x)) + h.c.
LY (x) = − 1L 1 2 2R (4)
l1 ,l2
From (4) and (5) we find that the Yukawa Lagrangian takes the form
Here l(x) = lL (x) + lR (x) is the field of the leptons l± (l = e, µ, τ ) with the
ml = yl v. (8)
The fields lL,R (x) are connected with primed fields lL,R (x) by the unitary
X † X †
′ ′
lL (x) = (VL )ll1 l1L (x), lR (x) = (VR )ll1 l1R (x) (9)
l1 l1
mq = yq v (q = u, d, c, s, t, b). (11)
Formally neutrino masses can also be generated by the standard Higgs
mechanism. In fact, let us assume that into the total Lagrangian enters the
SUL (2) × UY (1) invariant Yukawa interaction
√ X
LνY (x) = − 2 ψ̄l1 L (x)Yl1νl2 νl′2 R (x)φ̃(x) + h.c. (13)
l1 ,l2
where νi (x) = νiL (x) + νiR (x) is the field of neutrino with the mass
mi = yiν v. (16)
It is easy to check that the Lagrangian of Standard Model with the Yukawa
interaction (14) is invariant under the global transformation
νiL (x) → eiΛ νiL (x), νiR (x) → eiΛ νiR (x), lL (x) → eiΛ lL (x), lR (x) → eiΛ lR (x),
where Λ is an arbitrary constant. Thus, in the Standard Model with massive
neutrinos the total lepton number L is conserved and νi (x) is the Dirac field
of neutrinos (L = 1) and antineutrinos (L = −1).
In spite Dirac neutrino masses can be introduced in the Standard Model,
this possibility looks extremely implausible. Main reason is connected with
the smallness of neutrino masses and neutrino Yukawa couplings yiν = mvi .
Absolute values of neutrino masses at present are unknown. However,
from existing neutrino oscillation and cosmological data for the heaviest neu-
trino mass the following conservative bounds can be found
5 · 10−2 eV ≃ ( ∆m2A ) ≤ m3 ≤ ( mi ) ≃ 3 · 10−1 eV, (18)
3 i
where ∆m2A ≃ 2.5 · 10−3 eV2 is the atmospheric neutrino mass-squared dif-
ference. From (18) for the Yukawa coupling y3ν we have
Yukawa couplings of other particles of the third generation (t, b quarks and
τ -lepton) are equal, respectfully
Thus, Yukawa coupling of the heaviest neutrino is more than ten orders
of magnitude smaller than Yukawa couplings of other particles of the third
Notice also that in the SM Lagrangian, which do not include Yukawa
interactions, enter left-handed and right-handed fields of all charged particles.
Generation of their masses do not require additional degrees of freedom. The
SUL (2) × UY (1) invariant SM can be built only with left-handed neutrino
fields. The SM generation of neutrino masses requires right-handed neutrino
fields, additional degrees of freedom. Right-handed neutrino fields are out of
line of economy and simplicity of the Standard Model.
Thus, it is very unnatural and unlikely that neutrino masses and masses of
leptons and quarks are of the same Standard Model origin. In the next section
we will consider the most plausible (and popular) beyond the Standard Model
mechanism of the generation of neutrino masses.
In 1967 Pontecorvo’s paper [11] for the two lepton flavors all possible neutrino
oscillations (between active neutrinos and active and sterile neutrinos) were
considered. Gribov and Pontecorvo put the following question: is it possible
to introduce neutrino masses and oscillations in the case if we assume that
exist only left-handed neutrino fields νeL and νµL and there are no right-
handed sterile fields? The authors of the paper [9] showed that it is possible
to introduce neutrino masses in this case if the total lepton number L is not
Neutrinos have masses and are mixed if a neutrino mass term enters into
the total Lagrangian. The mass term is a sum of Lorenz-invariant products
of left-handed and right-handed components. Authors of the paper [9] took
into account that the conjugated field
c T
νlL = C ν̄lL (22)
1. The Majorana mass term LM is the only possible neutrino mass term
which can be built from the left-handed neutrino fields νlL . This also
means that the Majorana mass term is the most economical general
possibility for neutrino masses and mixing (there are no right-handed
neutrino fields in the Lagrangian, the number of neutrino degrees of
freedom is minimal).
At that time some authors claimed that if neutrinos are left-handed, their masses had
to be equal to zero. This assertion is based, however, on the assumption that the total
lepton number is conserved.
2. The mass term LM does not conserve the total lepton number L =
Le + Lµ + Lτ .
where X X
νi = Uil† νlL + (Uil† νlL )c . (26)
l l
νi = νic (27)
The unitary 3 × 3 mixing matrix U is called the PMNS matrix [12, 13]. Let
us stress that in the phenomenological Gribov-Pontecorvo approach neutrino
masses mi are parameters. There are no any explanation of the smallness of
these parameters.
Weinberg [5] proposed a beyond the SM mechanism of neutrino mass
generation which leads to the Majorana mass term and allows to explain
smallness of neutrino masses. This mechanism is based on the effective La-
grangian approach.
If SM particles interact with heavy, beyond SM particles with masses
much larger than v ≃ 246 GeV, then in the electroweak region fields of
heavy particles can be ”integrated out” and this new interaction induce a
nonrenormalizable interaction which is described by the effective Lagrangian.
The effective Lagrangians are dimension five or more operators, invariant
under SUL (2) × UY (1) transformations and built from the Standard Model
We are interested in the effective Lagrangian which generates a neutrino
mass term. We assume that only left-handed neutrino fields νlL , components
of the lepton doublets ψlL , enter in the SM.
Let us consider SUL (2) × UY (1) invariant
symmetry braking we find the following neutrino mass term
M v2 X ′
L =− ν̄l′ L Xl′′ l νlL
+ h.c. (32)
2Λ l′ ,l
We can present LM in the standard form in which flavor neutrino fields νlL
enter. The SM leptonic charged current has the following form
X 1 X
jαCC = 2 ψ̄lL (τ1 + iτ2 )γα ψlL = 2 ′
ν̄lL γα lL′ . (33)
l l
Here l is the field of the charged lepton with mass ml and the flavor (current)
neutrino field νlL is given by
X †
νlL = (VL )ll1 νl′1 L . (35)
From (32) and (35) we find the following Majorana mass term
1 X
LM = − ν̄l′ L MlM c
′ l νlL + h.c. (36)
2 l′ ,l
X = U x UT , (38)
νi (x) = νic (x) = C ν̄iT (x) (40)
is the field of the Majorana neutrino with the mass
mi = (vxi ) (41)
νlL = Uli νiL , (42)
where U is the unitary PNMS mixing matrix.
Generated by the standard Higgs mechanism masses of quarks and leptons
(and also W ± , Z 0 and Higgs bosons) are proportional to the Higgs vacuum
expectation value v. This is obviously connected with the fact that v is the
only SM parameter which has dimension of mass. The Weinberg mechanism
of the neutrino mass generation is characterized by two parameters with
the dimension of mass: v and Λ. We have mi → 0 at Λ → ∞. It is
obvious also that at v → 0 neutrino masses disappear. Thus, for neutrino
masses, generated by the effective Lagrangian mechanism, we naturally come
to the expression (41) from which it follows that generated by this mechanism
neutrino masses are suppressed with respect to SM masses of quarks and
leptons by the factor
v EW scale
= , (43)
Λ scale of a new physics
which is naturally much smaller than one.
From (41) we can try to estimate the parameter Λ, which characterize
the scale of a new physics. In accordance with latest neutrino oscillation and
cosmological data let us assume hierarchy of neutrino masses. In this case
we have q
m3 ≃ ( ∆m2A ) ≃ 5 · 10−2 eV. (44)
The parameters xi in (41) are unknown. If we assume (by analogy with
Yukawa couplings of the particles of the third family) that x3 . 1 we obtain
the following estimate
Λ . 1015 GeV. (45)
The effective Lagrangian (31) does not conserve the total lepton number L.
Notice that the global invariance and conservation of L (and the barion num-
ber B) are not proper symmetries of the Quantum Field Theory (constant
phases are not dynamical variable etc). In the Standard Model local gauge
symmetry and renormalizable Yukawa interactions ensure conservation of L
and B [14]. We could expect that a beyond the SM theory does not con-
serve L and B (see recent discussion in [15]). This is an additional general
argument in favor of Majorana nature of beyond the SM neutrino masses.
In conclusion, let us stress again that we assumed (and this is our basic
assumption) that in the Lagrangian of the minimal, renormalizable Standard
Model there is no neutrino mass term. Then in the framework of the non-
renormalizable, beyond the Standard Model effective Lagrangian approach
the residual SUL (2) × U(1)R symmetry naturally ensure the smallness of
neutrino masses(via the additional factor Λv in the expression for the neutrino
mass (41)).
Ni = Nic = C(N̄i )T , i = 1, 2, ...n (47)
is the field of the Majorana heavy leptons, SUL (2) × UY (1) singlet, ψlL and φ̃
are SM lepton and conjugated Higgs doublets and yli are Yukawa couplings.
If masses of the heavy leptons Mi are much larger than v the Lagrangian
(46) in the second order of the perturbation theory generates the Weinberg
effective Lagrangian. In fact, for the S-matrix we find
S = 2 T( ψ̄l′ L (x1 )φ̃(x1 )yl′i NiR (x1 )
2! ′ l ,l,i,k
× NkR (x2 )ylk φ̃T (x2 )ψlL
(x2 ))d4 x1 d4 x2 + ... (48)
From (48) and (49) we obtain the effective Lagrangian (31) in which
1 ′ X 1
Xl ′ l = yl′ i yli . (50)
Λ i
models with new physics at much lower scales. Detailed discussion of such
models and their classification can be found in the review [6] where references
to numerous original papers can be found.
A wide class of radiative models is based on the assumption that neutrinos
in the Standard Model are massless, left-handed particles and that there are
more new heavy fields and more interactions, than in the tree-level seesaw
cases. The Weinberg effective Lagrangian is generated by interactions of SM
fields and beyond the SM heavy fields via one or more loops. Smaller Λ
then in the the seesaw cases are usually needed to explain values of neutrino
masses. 6
In many radiative neutrino mass models dimension five Weinberg effective
Lagrangian (31) is generated. Some models lead to a dimension 5 + 2n
effective Lagrangian
† n
1 c (φ φ)
′n †
= − (ψ̄L φ̃) X (φ̃ ψL ) 2n + h.c. (51)
Here n = 1, 2, .... For the Majorana neutrino masses we have in this case
mi = v ( )2n+1 xni (52)
From this expression it follows that a scale of a new physics Λ, much smaller
then in the classical Weinberg case, is required in order to ensure smallness
of neutrino masses.
Let us now try to extract some general conclusions from a wide class
of neutrino mass models, tree-level and radiative, which generate the Wein-
berg effective Lagrangian or its generalization and are based on the following
correspondingly, the Majorana neutrino mass term
1 X
LM = − ν̄l′ L MlM c
′ l νlL + h.c. (53)
l′ ,l=e,µ,τ
is generated.
Basic assumptions, listed above, ensure smallness of Majorana neutrino
masses with respect to the SM masses of leptons and quarks. However, val-
ues of neutrino masses depend on unknown parameters and can not be pre-
dicted. The common features of all models, in which the Weinberg effective
Lagrangian is generated, are the following
The most sensitive experiments, which allow us to probe the Majorana nature
of νi , are experiments on the search for neutrinoless double β- decay of some
even-even nuclei. In the next sections we will briefly consider this process.
If the number of massive neutrinos if equal to three, it will be no sterile
neutrinos, neutrinos which do not have the Standard Model weak interaction.
As it is well known, indications in favor of sterile neutrinos were obtained
in different short baseline neutrino experiments: in the appearance ν̄µ → ν̄e
(−) (−)
LSND [7] and νµ → νe MiniBooNE [24] experiments, in the disappearance
ν̄e → ν̄e reactor experiments [25] and in the disappearance νe → νe source
Gallium experiments [26].
The existing data can be explained by neutrino oscillations if we assume
that fields of three flavor neutrinos νe,µ,τ and one sterile neutrino νs are
mixtures of the fields of four massive neutrinos ν1,2,3,4 with m1,2,3 ≪ m4 (so
called 3 + 1 scheme). From analysis of the data follows that heavy mass m4
is in the range (10−1 . m4 . 10) eV.
Several new short baseline reactor, accelerator and source neutrino ex-
periments are going on or in preparations at present. Analysis of the status
of the light sterile neutrino was done in [27, 28]. The latest update of the
status of experiments on the search for sterile neutrinos can be found in talks
presented at the NEUTRINO 2020 conference (see http://nu2020.fnal.gov).
From existing data it is not possible to make a definite conclusion on the
existence of sterile neutrinos. I will limit myself by the following remarks:
1. In new reactor experiments DANSS [29] (with reactor-detector dis-
tances 10.7, 11.7 and 12.7 m) and PROSPECT[30] (with reactor-detector
distances in the range 6.7-9.2 m) no indications in favor of short base-
line neutrino oscillations were found. Best-fit point of previous reactor
experiments is excluded in both experiments (at 5σ in the DANSS ex-
2. Combined analysis of the data, obtained in the reactor Daya Bay and
Bugey-3 experiments and accelerator MINOS+ experiment, allows to
exclude at 90 % CL LSND and MiniBooNE allowed regions for ∆m214 <
5 eV2 [31].
6 On the Phenomenological Theory of the
Experiments on the search for the lepton number violating 0νββ-decay of
some even-even nuclei
(A, Z) → (A, Z + 2) + e− + e− (54)
ensure an unique probe of the Majorana nature of neutrinos with definite
masses. These experiments have many advantages with respect to other
possible L-violating experiments: large targets (in future experiments about
1 ton or more), law backgrounds, high energy resolutions etc. However, 0νββ-
experiments are extremely difficult and challenging. This is connected with
the fact that the expected probabilities of the neutrinoless double β-decay of
different nuclei (in the case if νi are Majorana particles) are extremely small.
The main reasons are the following:
• The 0νββ-decay is the second order of the perturbation theory in the
Fermi constant GF ≃ 1.166 · 10−5 GeV 2 process.
Here jαCCquark (x) is the quark charged current, W α (x) is the field of
the charged W ± vector bosons and g is the constant of the electroweak
2. The flavor neutrino field νlL (x) is given by the mixing relation
νlL (x) = Ulk νkL (x), (57)
νk (x) = νkc (x) = C ν̄kT (x), (k = 1, 2, 3) (58)
is the field of the Majorana neutrino with mass mk and U is the unitary
3 × 3 PMNS mixing matrix.7
Existing weak interaction data are in perfect agreement with (55). All atmo-
spheric, accelerator, solar and long baseline reactor neutrino oscillation data
are in agreement with the three neutrino mixing (57).
The effective Hamiltonian of the β-decay is given by the expression
HI (x) = √ 2 ēL (x)γα νeL (x) j α (x) + h.c. (59)
where j α (x) is ∆S = 0 hadronic charged current and the field of electron
neutrinos νeL (x) is given by (57).
In the second order of the perturbation theory in GF the matrix element
of the 0νββ-decay is given by the following expression
(−i)2 GF
hf |S |ii = 4 √ Np1 Np2 ūL (p1 )eip1 x1 γα h0|T (νeL (x1 ) νeL
(x2 )|0i
2! 2
×γβT ūTL (p2 )eip2 x2 hNf |T (J α (x1 )J β (x2 ))|Ni i d4 x1 d4 x2 − (p1 ⇆ p2 ). (60)
Here p1 and p2 are electron momenta, J α (x) is the weak charged current in
the Heisenberg representation, Ni (Nf ) are states of the initial (final) nuclei
We assume that a beyond the SM physics contributes to the matrix element of the
0νββ-decay via Majorana neutrino masses. If neutrinos with definite masses are Majorana
particles their masses definitely contribute to the matrix element of the 0νββ-decay. For
discussion of possible additional contribution of effective Lagrangians to the 0νββ-decay
see, for example, [41].
with 4-momenta Pi = (Ei , p~i ) (Pf = (Ef , ~pf )) and Np = is the
(2π)3/2 2p0
standard normalization factor.
From the Majorana condition (58) follows that
2 1 − γ5 1 − γ5
h0|T (νeL (x1 ) νeL (x2 )|0i = − Uek h0|T (νk (x1 ) ν̄k (x2 )|0i C
2 2
−iq(x1 −x2 )
1 − γ5
i X
2 mk e
=− Uek d4 q C. (62)
(2π)4 k
q 2 − m2k 2
Here qk0 = ~q2 + m2k and |Nn i is the vector of the state of the intermediate
nucleus with 4-momentum Pn = (En , p~n ). In (66) the sum over the total
system of the states |Nn i is assumed. Notice that we used the relation
0 0
J α (x) = eiHx J α (~x)e−iHx , J α (~x) = J α (0, ~x). (67)
The equation (66) is an exact expression for the matrix element of the 0νββ-
decay in the second order of the perturbation theory. The following approx-
imations are standard ones
1. Small neutrino masses mk in the expression for the neutrino energy can
be neglected (qk0 ≃ |~q| = q). In fact, an average neutrino momentum is
given by q̄ ≃ 1r , where r ≃ 10−13 cm is the average distance between
nucleons in a nucleus. We have q̄ ≃ 100 MeV ≫ mk .
mββ = Uek mk (70)
∆m212 > 0. (73)
For the mass of the third neutrino m3 there are two possibilities:
1. Normal ordering (NO)
m3 > m2 > m1 (74)
If neutrinos with definite masses νi are Dirac particles the PNMS mixing
matrix is characterized by three mixing angles θ12 , θ23 , θ13 and one phase δ.
In the standard parametrization the mixing matrix has the form
c13 c12 c13 s12 s13 e−iδ
U D = −c23 s12 − s23 c12 s13 eiδ c23 c12 − s23 s12 s13 eiδ c13 s23 . (79)
iδ iδ
s23 s12 − c23 c12 s13 e −s23 c12 − c23 s12 s13 e c13 c23
Here cik = cos θik , sik = sin θik . If in the lepton sector CP is conserved
U D∗ = U D and δ = 0.
If νi are Majorana particles, the mixing matrix is characterized by three
angles and three phases and has the form
U M = U D S M (α), (80)
In fact, the MSW resonance condition has a form ∆m212 cos 2θ12 = 2 2GF ne E > 0
(ne is the electron number density). From this condition follows that ∆m212 > 0 under
the standard assumption that the principal values of the mixing angle θ12 are in the range
0 ≤ θ12 ≤ π2 .
Notice that other definitions of ∆m2A are also used in the literature (see [46]).
eiα1 0 0
Values of ∆m2S and ∆m2A , three neutrino mixing angles and CP phase, ob-
tained from the global fit of the neutrino oscillation data, are presented in
the Table I.
Table I
∆m2A (2.525+0.033
−0.031 ) · 10
eV2 (2.512+0.034
−0.031 ) · 10
Notice that from data of all the latest neutrino oscillation experiments follows
that the preferable neutrino mass spectrum is the NO spectrum (see talks at
Neutrino 2020, http://nu2020.fnal.gov).
The effective Majorana mass strongly depends on the character of the
neutrino mass spectrum. For illustration we will consider the following viable
neutrino mass spectra
Hierarchy of the neutrino masses
m1 ≪ m2 ≪ m3 . (82)
In this case we have
q q q
m2 ≃ ∆m2S , m3 ≃ ∆m2A m1 ≪ ∆m2S . (83)
Thus, in the case of the neutrino mass hierarchy neutrino masses m2 and
m3 are determined by the solar and atmospheric mass-squared differences
and lightest mass m1 is very small. Neglecting its contribution and using
the standard parametrization of the PMNS mixing matrix for the effective
Majorana mass we have
q q
2 2 2i α 2
2 2
|mββ | ≃ cos θ13 sin θ12 ∆mS + e sin θ13 ∆mA , (84)
which is much smaller than upper bounds of |mββ | reached in modern exper-
iments on the search for the 0νββ-decay (see later).
m3 ≪ m1 < m2 . (86)
In this case from (78) we have
q q q q
2 2
m1 ≃ ∆mA , m2 ≃ ∆mA (1+ ) ≃ ∆mA , m3 ≪ ∆m2A . (87)
2 ∆m2A
The lightest mass m3 in the expression for the effective Majorana mass is
multiplied by the small parameter sin2 θ13 . Neglecting the contribution of
this term, we find
|mββ | ≃ ∆m2A cos2 θ13 (1 − sin2 2 θ12 sin2 α) 2 , (88)
From (89) and Table I we find the following 3 σ range for the effective
Majorana mass in the case of the inverted hierarchy of neutrino masses
As we will see in the next section, future experiments will be sensitive to the
inverted hierarchy region.
Table II
Lower limits of half-lives and upper limits for the effective Majorana mass,
obtained in recent experiments on the search for the 0νββ-decay
Many new experiments on the search for the 0νββ-decay are in preparation
(see [48, 54]). In these experiments the inverted hierarchy region and, pos-
sibly, part of the normal hierarchy region will be probed. We will mention
only a few of them. In the KamLAND-Zen experiment (136 Xe ) after 5 years
of running the sensitivity T1/2 > 2 · 1027 yr will be reached. In the SNO+ (130
Te), LEGEND (76 Ge), n-EXO (136 Xe ), CUPID (100 Mo ) and NEXT-HD
(136 Xe ) sensitivities T1/2 > 1 · 1027 yr, T1/2 > 2 · 1028 yr, T1/2 > 5.7 · 1027 yr,
T1/2 > 1.1 · 1027 yr and T1/2 > 3 · 1027 yr will be reached after 10 years of
Future experiments on the search for the 0νββ-decay are planned to solve
the most fundamental problem of the modern neutrino physics: Are neutrinos
with definite masses Majorana or Dirac particles?
9 Conclusion
Neutrinos are the only fundamental fermions which can be Dirac or Majorana
particles. If neutrino masses and mixing are generated by the Standard
Higgs Mechanism in this case into the SM Lagrangian enter right-handed
neutrino fields νlR , the total lepton number L is conserved and neutrino with
definite masses are Dirac particles. We know, however, that neutrino masses
are many orders of magnitude smaller then masses of other fundamental
fermions. It is very unlikely that neutrinos masses are generated by the same
Higgs mechanism as masses of leptons and quarks. It is very plausible that
Standard Model neutrinos are massless particles and neutrino masses are
generated by a beyond the SM mechanism.
The most economical and general possibility to introduce neutrino masses
and mixing is based on the assumption that there exist only left-handed flavor
neutrino fields νlL (l = e, µ, τ ). Neutrino masses can be introduced in this
case only if the total lepton number L is not conserved and neutrinos with
definite masses νi (i = 1, 2, 3) are Majorana particles (Majorana mass term).
The Weinberg effective Lagrangian (and its generalizations), which are
based on numerous beyond the SM models, lead to the Majorana neutrino
mass term, the three-neutrino mixing
νlL = Uli νiL , νi = νic
which could explain the smallness of neutrino masses, was proposed (see [6]).
Observation of the neutrinoless double β-decay and a proof that neutrinos
with definite masses are Majorana particle would be unique and crucial test
of our basic understanding of the phenomenon of small neutrino masses.
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