A Management of Speaking Class Study at Smart Ilc Pare Kediri Mustafah
A Management of Speaking Class Study at Smart Ilc Pare Kediri Mustafah
A Management of Speaking Class Study at Smart Ilc Pare Kediri Mustafah
Education is very important in our life. Education has many
functions to develop the skills and character form that makes people become
dignified to educate in the life of nation and state. . Education aims to develop the
potential of self-reliant students and is a democratic citizen and responsible for
improving the quality of education and human resources. Therefore, the issue of
education is never separated from the dynamics of life. This will always require
innovation to improve the quality of learning in order to improve students' skills.
They involve teachers who play an important role in solving problems in
There are four skills in English learning, they are listening, speaking,
reading and writing. Those skills are important to be mastered without ignoring
each other. To most people, mastering the art of speaking is the single most
important aspect of learning a second or foreign language, and success is
measured in terms of the ability to carry out the conversation in the language. So,
speaking is very important in language learning because speaking can help us to
communicate to the other people.
Speaking becomes one of vital skill in a language. For the reason, to make
someone understand is hard to do. Moreover without speaking, it will have many
misses understanding. Therefore, Speaking need studying. In other side, English
has become the international language. English is the most widely spoken
language in the world, and if the people know how to speak English, it will be an
invaluable tool of communication. Furthermore, English language without
speaking becomes silent language. As it is seen, speaking is the priority in
teaching and learning English language. Richards (2008:19) stated that “The
mastery of speaking skills in English is a priority for many second language or
foreign language learners”. This most reasoned of the language learner is that they
can mastery the language or not is determined on the way hers or his speaking.
Therefore, speaking is a top priority in language learning.
In the other hand, in teaching and learning English there various issues
were coming up by this case. One of the various issues was classroom
management. Practically, it is seldom considered by the teacher in a class whereas
management class is supposed to be vital part in teaching and learning.
Management class is so important to consider because it becomes the main factor
for determining the success of learning and teaching. Harmer (2007:34) stated if
we want to manage classroom effectively, we have to be able to handle a range of
variables. These include how the classroom space organized, whether students or
working on their own or in groups and how we organize classroom time.
Classroom management is one of the important aspects in teaching English.
Classroom management that is used by the teacher can influence the teaching
English. So, the teacher English are challenged should be able to manage the
classroom, including creating and maintaining of the optimal learning conditions.
According to Good and Brophy (1994), The finding show that the teachers who
approach classroom management as a process of establishing and maintaining
effective learning environments tend to be more successfull than teachers who
place more emphasis on their role as authority figures or disciplinarians. From the
above statements, Classroom management is a term used by teachers to describe
the process of ensuring that classroom lessons run smoothly despite disruptive
behavior by students. In Miller, (1989:1) Managing the classroom is a critical
element in successfull instruction and requires good organizational ability and
consistency, and three phases of classroom. Management and discipline; (1)
planning before school begins, (2) implementing plans, (3) maintenance (Emmer,
1987). This is the reason researcher takes the title as research is to give the
knowledge to the reader aboaut a management of speaking class study at Smart
ILC because there are so different from another courses. A tutor has a good
strategy for teaching and making a student enjoy for studying. The research was
investigated to answer the following questions; (1) How is the tutor strategy in
teaching speaking at SMART ILC Pare-Kediri?, (2) How is the ability of students
in speaking at SMART ILC Pare-Kediri?, (3) How are students’ responses about
that strategy in teaching speaking at SMART ILC Pare-Kediri?
Classroom Management
Garrett (2008:2) stated Classroom management is a multi-faced concept
that includes the organization of the physical environment the establishement of
rules and routines, the development of effective relationship, and the prevention
of and response to misbehavior. So, the teacher or educator do a classroom
management efforts to raise optimal condition till make students’ studying
motivation grow and gain learning activity expected.
According to Brown (2000:192), “the next step is a succession of
practicalities for the language classroom is to grapple with what we call classroom
management, which encompasses an abundance of factors ranging from how you
physically arrange the classroom”. Classroom management is very close with the
success of learning activity situation. Therefore, teacher as classroom
management should be skillful to create optimal learning condition by make it
From the explanation above, we can conclude that classroom management
is a tool to ease us reach learning purpose. Regina (2014:3) stated that classroom
teachers are known as classroom managers because of their roles in managing
learning activities, instructional procedures, the prevailing attitudes, feeling and
atmosphere in the classroom. So that, teaching and classroom management cannot
be separated to solve problem especially for imperfect people, a good classroom
management from teachers is needed here.
The design of this study was descriptive qualitative. It was conducted from
March 10th to April 10th 2018 at SMAR ILC that is located on Cempaka street
09A Kampung Inggris, Pare, Kediri, East Java. Key of informant for this study,
they were; the manager was named Mrs Uun, the tutor was named Mrs Nikmah
and Mr Munir and the students.
To collect the data the researcher used instrument such as interview,
observation, and documentation. Interview was used for collecting data about
classroom management in speaking class. Observation was used to collect some
information about classroom management and Documentation was used for
collecting documents which is related to management class.
The data analysis was based on three concurrent flows of activities, they
were: data reduction, data display, and verification. Data reduction was used to
classify, direct, and organize the data obtained from interviews, observations, and
documentations. Data display was used to present the data in the form of brief
description, charts, relationship between categories, and so on. Verification was
used to present preliminary conclusion which is still tentative and needed
evidence to support strong data collection.
The Tutor Strategy in Teaching Speaking at SMART ILC
Finding the data related to the tutor's strategy in teaching at SMART ILC,
and it describes based on the chosen points of one instrument of research. In the
process of teaching and learning, teachers have their own methods in conveying
the material to understand the students. Target a tutor in conveying the material is
to understand the students with the material that is taught by using the method he
has, as for the strategy used tutor in teaching of speaking are:
1. Seating Arrangement Strategy
A tutor has a seating arrangement system to position a good learning pattern
for delivering the material as well with the capture of a student seating strategy
that is used, the tutor used semicircle formation before the students come to class,
the tutor first occupies the class and organizes the class by using the formation, so
that when explained better because the class conditions are open nature and
sounds with other classes.
The description above is in line with the theory by Rachel Wannarka (2008)
mention in their journal with the tittle seating arrangements that promote positive
academic and behavioral outcomes: a review of empirical research, the journal.
Eight studies that investigated at least two of three common arrangements (i.e.,
rows, groups or semi‐circles) were considered. Results indicate that teachers
should let the nature of the task dictate seating arrangements. Based on the results
of the above research, the seating arrangement strategy gives a positive effect for
students and tutors. This strategy is very good for applied in course institutions as
well as in formal institutions because when the teacher explain material directly to
the students and the task is done with the individual and not in groups.
on Oral Communication Strategy Use. The journal, the findings revealed that
participants in the strategy training group significantly improved their oral
proficiency test scores, whereas improvements in the control group were not
significant. The results of the transcription and retrospective protocol data
analyses confirmed that the participants' success was partly due to an increased
general awareness of OCSs and to the use of specific OCSs, such as maintenance
of fluency and negotiation of meaning to solve interactional difficulties. Based on
the results of the above research that the Oral content strategy before starting
lesson is very effective than writing, because it helps students understand the
verbally. From the researchers concluded that oral material before the start of the
lesson helps students recall by verbalizing as described above.
From the explanation above tutor students who follow the primary speaking
program to the ability not the same every child. Although they are not the same
ability they are enthusiastic to follow the primary speaking lessons in SMART
ILC and help each other to learn when coming home from class. Based on the
results of the above research find, every student has different ability in primary
speaking, because they are different background learning.
According to tutor:
In the understanding of the students who follow the primary talk of each
child in a hurry there is a quick catch, there is a moderate and there are
slow even though I want to generalize their understanding still cannot be
From the opinion of the students above explained that the strategy used by
tutors in SMART ILC is very unique because the students are very passionate and
active during the learning in SMART ILC, as for the response saying that they are
interested in the method is fun and does not make students bored for learning to
speak although capability, ability and understanding of students are very different
but they have a strong motivation to learn in the outdoors class. Based on the
results of the above research find, that strategy for learning is good and unique
because every course has different strategy for teaching students who want to
study English and enjoy for learning.
2. A Tutor Response
To find out the tutor's response to the strategy used the researcher
interviewed the tutor to obtain information related to the strategy that was taught.
According to tutor:
The strategies used above are fun teaching methods so that students are
willing to learn with great care and do not get bored while receiving the
lesson with a marker mark on their face makes students eager to learn and
feel embarrassed when not studying because it is marked by a scratch in
their face. Likewise setting the seats are simple circles in order to meet
face-to-face with students in the classroom and no one back to back.
From the tutor response above by using the strategy is to make the teaching
and learning process effective with duration of one hour every day in class. Based
on the research finding that using the strategy is to make the teaching and learning
process effective with duration of one hour every day in class.
1. Seating arrangement is a semi-circle strategy used by tutors to help teaching
and learning process that is in SMART ILC so that students more easily
understand the explanation of the tutor and face each other and not back to
each other.
2. The teaching method of speaking in the outdoors, the classroom in the outdoors
is very fun and for those who take the automatic speaking program the class
must be active talking. When we class in the open like this in SMART ILC
make us not too rigid and can stand whenever important attention to the
explanation of the tutor.
3. The oral strategy of the material before the start of the lesson is a method of
repetition of the material before the start of the tutor's lesson, the consequences
obtained when the student does not study before the class in the morning will
get his scribble. Scribble obtained is a marker if the student does not learn or
review material before the class. Scribbled in the given have been agreed
together before the learning process implemented
4. The student capability in speaking at SMART ILC, Student capture is an
individual understanding of each student who brought the automatic lead is
very different because in the update of several factors, ranging from age,
pattern, habit and environment before they go to Pare or Kampoeng Inggris.
5. The ability and understanding of each student is not the same because
influenced from the educational background of students even though they are
both learning but the ability and understanding are not the same.
6. Students’ responses about that strategy in teaching speaking at SMART ILC;
The students ‘response were included in two focuses. They were students’
response and a tutors’ response. Those focuses were good because they got
good response from students in line with the theories related.
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