Productivity+ Software For CNC Machine Tools: Powerful

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Software for CNC machine tools

Integrated creation and editing of probing
programs with new powerful measuring routines

Program and simulate inspection routines
on screen in a virtual environment

Reduce learning, programming and
on machine prove-out time

Simple creation of probing routines

and process control

What is Productivity+™
Productivity+™ is a simplified approach to producing Renishaw
probing routines for machine tools. Running on Windows based
platforms, the programs simplify the creation and insertion of
probing routines into the manufacturing process.
Productivity+™ uses a graphical user interface (GUI) to provide
an extremely user-friendly programming environment. Simply
pick features from a CAD model, or choose parameters from
dialogue boxes, to define the program. When it is complete,
select the required post processor and the output is automatically
generated, ready for loading directly into the machine.
For even more peace-of-mind, the probing cycle can be run as
a simulation on the PC, picking up on any errors before it even
reaches the machine's controller.

and more?
Productivity+™ is more than just a means of simplifying the
programming process, it also allows you to design process control
into your programs. The advanced design of Productivity+™
allows it to update the machine on the basis of its results. When
an abnormality is identified during probing, the Productivity+™
program on the controller performs a series of logic checks
enabling it to identify the problem, update the machining program
for correction, thus supporting continuous ‘lights-out’ machining.

Traditional Productivity+™
methods software
Prove-out must be done on Prove-out on a PC in the design
the machine office
Any input allowed in program Inputs constrained to valid
values only
Mistakes could result in Mistakes highlighted by
machine or part damage software before the program
reaches the machine
Difficult to define logic in Logic easily derived using
machine code drag-and-drop
Programming relies on an Probing cycle design is
experienced operator simplified - less expertise
Each machine requires a All machines can be
custom written program programmed from a single
Because of complexity, Make the most of your probe by
probing is constrained to job seamless integration of cutting
set-up code and measurement within
the machining program

Productivity+TM options

A solution for everyone ... Productivity+™ GibbsCAM plug-in

Productivity+ comes in two options. Each option simply refers to a The Productivity+ GibbsCAM plug-in merges the creation
different user interface or application. of probing cycles, with the creation of metal cutting tool
paths within the Virtual Gibbs package.
The Productivity+™ family Now under one application, a complete metal cutting
process can be defined, probed and simulated prior to
Productivity+ machine prove-out.

Simulation provides graphical identification of work piece and

fixture collision with cutting tools and now with the probe.
• Full integration of probing into cutting code
As a result, confidence in probing is improved, resulting in
• Renishaw tool setting interface faster prove-out times.
• Macro logic builder
GibbsCAM V7 (2004)
GibbsCAM Post processor upgrade

GibbsCAM plug-in Active Editor Pro

• For GibbsCAM • Solid model

users feature selection

GibbsCAM® and Renishaw

Gibbs and associates, a leading
developer of CAM/CNC programming
software and Renishaw, one of the
world’s leading metrology companies,
have combined their expertise to
produce a powerful new probing plug-in
for GibbsCAM® software.

Renishaw’s new Productivity+™

GibbsCAM® plug-in introduces a new
simplified approach to producing touch
probing routines on machine tools,
1 2 allowing process control and inspection
to be programmed at the same time as
tool-path generation.

GibbsCAM® screen images:

1 Generation of milling and turning programs -

probe path and feature selection

2 Tool length checking

3 Running on-screen simulation

3 4 4 Collision identification
Productivity+™ Active Editor Pro
Active Editor Pro Features and Benefits
Renishaw's Active Editor Pro is the all-in-one, independent
solution for producing probing cycles remotely from the • Easy to use PC software for generating probing
routines integrated with NC cutting code.
machine, via a CAD interface.
• Full integration of tool setting, probe qualification and
Use Renishaw probing routines for tool setting, tool breakage job setup.
detection, part set-up, and part inspection, all of which are
• Graphical screens and interactive dialogues, with
vital to maintain manufacturing process control. on line help for all features.
Existing machine programs can be read and probing added, • Logic builder allows lights out operation with your
removing the need for cutting and pasting into text editors or machine tool, making decisions based on the data
it collects.
on machine editing.
• Import of CAD models
Features can be selected directly from the imported CAD
model, making the generation of probing cycles even easier. • Programming directly from solid model
• Full simulation of probe paths including crash detection
Common formats (STEP, IGES and Parasolid) are supported
by default. For convenience, other proprietary formats can • 'New Session' wizard
be added.* • Solid model tools - for alignment of multiple parts
• Datum picking from CAD features

1 2 3

Active Editor Pro screen images:

1 Setting the works co-ordinate system

2 3D points - close-up of probe path over

selected feature

3 Tool setting

4 Simulation showing probe collision

4 5 5 On-line support showing program error

Productivity+TM application

What can Productivity+ On machine verification Which file formats are

be used for? Reduce production time supported?
Inspection/measurement By probing your part during the machining process Standard:
and updating tooling parameters, valuable production
• 3D surfaces • STEP *
time is saved – it eliminates wasted set-up time for
• 2D line rework or costly scrap. • IGES *
• Constructed circle * • Parasolid
In-office programming
• Constructed plane * Optional:
Reduce machine down-time
• Circle 3 or 4 point • Pro Engineer *
• 2D corner Renishaw Active Editor Pro and GibbsCAM probing
cycles can be produced and simulated in the design
• CATIA V4 & V5 *
• 3D corner office, saving you costly time on the shop floor. • Unigraphics NX *
• Web/pocket
In-office simulation • ACIS *
Process control • Solidworks *
Increase confidence
• Logic
Full simulation provides high levels of confidence as • Inventor *
• Work/tool offset/variable update
collisions are clearly displayed. Intuitive dialogues
• Reporting import your metal cutting programme and the
• Tool setting probing routines are seamlessly merged.
Which controllers are
No direct PC connection supported?
Productivity+™ application Machine controller auto-updates
The following controllers are
Productivity+™ helps you improve your process No direct PC connection is required to run the supported by Productivity+:
control using advanced probing techniques and generated program on the machine tool; the points
• Fanuc (Macro B)
logic. Easy-to-use interfaces combined with collected are processed by the machine controller
allowing lights out automatic decisions to be made. • Haas
integrated help makes probing routine generation
easy. On-screen simulation gives high levels of • Hitachi Seicos
Immediate feedback
confidence that the program will run right first time. • Makino (Pro 3)
Spot checks
• Mazatrol (ISO only)
Productivity+™ can also be used to give immediate
For successful and controlled printed feedback on the object tolerance. • Mitsubishi Meldas
manufacturing, Productivity+™ and • Heidenhain i530
probing should be used for: Tool setting
• Siemens 840D
Speed-up tool change and avoid damaged
Part set-up and inspection tools • Yasnac
Auto-correct machining cycles • Mori Seiki
Programming of automated tool setting and tool
Productivity+ supports many canned cycles for: breakage detection routines are easily performed • Brother *
•  determining the position of components/features and through clear dialogues. At the machine tool, cutting • Hurco (Industry Standard) *
automatically updating the machine’s work co-ordinate tools are rapidly and accurately measured, reducing
system set-up time and operator errors.
If you have specific controller
• identification of ‘stock’ conditions and automatically requirements that are not
updating tool diameter offsets (closed loop process listed above, please contact
your local Renishaw office for
further information. You can
•  verifying the actual size of finished components. The find your local office by visiting
data can be formatted and sent to an off-line device.

* These options are only available in Productivity+™ V1.4

GibbsCAM and the GibbsCAM logo are registered trademarks of Gibbs and Associates in the United States and in other countries.
Portions of this software are owned by Unigraphics Solutions Inc. © 1986 - 2004. All Rights Reserved.
Portions of this software are owned by Tech Soft America LLC.
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• Styli for inspection and tool
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©2005-2007 Renishaw plc. All rights reserved.

RENISHAW® and the probe emblem used in the RENISHAW logo are registered trademarks of
Renishaw plc in the UK and other countries. apply innovation is a trademark of Renishaw plc. Printed in England 1107 US Hybrid Part No. H-2000-3331-06-A

Printed in England 1107 UK Part No. H-2000-3331-06-A

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