Further 3&4 Solutions
Further 3&4 Solutions
Further 3&4 Solutions
Solutions to Exercise 1B
1 3
a the most frequently occurring value a Car size recorded as ‘small’, ‘medium’
or ‘large’ is a quality or characteristic
b i B occurs 5 times and is the most of a car. categorical.
frequent value, so it is the mode.
ii size 8 occurs 5 times and is the most b The table is constructed by counting
frequent value, so it is the mode. the number of responses for each
category and then calculating
2 percentages of the whole.
a State of residence is a quality or
characteristic of a person.
a Place of birth is a characteristic of a
person that can be used to name or
identify where a person was born.
However, it has no ordering properties.
b Reading off the table, 5 schools
d As calculated in a, 55%
Solutions to Exercise 1C
1 Draw in the axes and scales, labelling 12
ii 1 0 0 5 7 .1 %
both. Draw in the histogram bars to the 21
appropriate height as given in the
table. 4 See calculator instructions page 15
(TI) or 17 (CASIO).
a The mode is the highest bar. There is
one potential outlier and the histogram
tails off to the right so is positively
a i Reading from the graph: 17%
ii Reading from the graph: 13%
iii Reading from the graph: 46%
iv Summing the first three columns:
a Read the frequencies from the
histogram and sum: 3 + 2 + 3 + 3 + 2
+ 3 + 4 + 5 +1 = 21
d The mode is the highest bar. There are d The spread is lowest in B since the
no outliers and the histogram tails off range is only 8, compared to 14 for A
to the right so is positively skewed. and 18 for C.
a All the distributions appear
approximately symmetric around their
respective centres.
Solutions to Exercise 1D
1 a to h indicating that it is approximately
To calculate the log of a number: symmetric.
i Type log(number), eg. log(2.5), and
press ENTER (or EXE). 4
ii Round the answer to one decimal a log(0.4) = –0.397… = –0.4 to 1 d.p.
place: b log(5712) = 3.756… = 3.76 to 3 sig.
eg. log(2.5) = 0.3979 … = 0.4 (to 1 figs.
d.p.) c 102 = 100g
d 10-1 = 0.1g
2 a to d e i Over 1000g is greater than 3 on the
To convert the log of a number to its log scale. Reading from the
number, the log of a number: histogram, there are 5 (=3 + 2)
i Type10^(number), eg. 10^(-2.5), animals with brain weights over
and press ENTER (or EXE). 1000g.
ii Round the answer to two significant ii Between 1 and 100 g on the log
figures as required: scale is between 0 and 2. Reading
eg. log(-2.5) = 0.00316… from the histogram, there are 12 (= 4
= 0.0032 (to 2 sig.figs.) + 8) animals with brain weights in
this range.
3 a To construct a histogram for the raw i Over 1g is greater than 0 on the log
data, see instructions on page 15(TI) or scale. Reading from the histogram,
page 17(CASIO). there are 24 (= 4 + 8 +7 + 3 + 2)
animals with brain weights over 1g
Chapter Review: d Using the percentages calculated in
b, conclude that: 50% of the 52
Extended-response students disagree. Of the remaining
students, 34.6% agreed while
questions 15.4% said that they didn’t know.
16% of students spent $100 or less
20 per month.
e i From the histogram, the
10 distribution is approximately
0 Report
For the 34 cars, the distribution of
waiting times is negatively skewed with
an outlier. The distribution is centred
between 25 and 30 seconds and has a
spread of 55 seconds. There is an outlier
located in the interval 5055 seconds.
Chapter Review:
Solutions to Multiple–choice questions
1 Number of cars owned is a numerical 9 The total number of students is given
variable but car size is categorical. by the sum of the frequencies: 3 + 4 +
D 6 + 3 +2 +1 + 1 = 20 C
Chapter 2 – Summarising numerical
Solutions to Exercise 2A
1 and 100, but has been rounded to the
a The variable number of rooms is nearest percent.
discrete: the data values are obtained
by counting. b See Example 2 instructions on
constructing a stem plot.
b See Example 1 instructions on key: 1|6 = 16
constructing a dot plot. 0 33699
1 2267
2 0225789
3 15
5 46
a The variable number of children is
discrete: the data values are obtained
9 99
by counting.
10 0
b See Example 1 instructions on
constructing a dot plot.
c The distribution is multimodal; six
values 3, 99, 12 and 99.
a The variable wrist circumference is
continuous because data values can
take any value 16.5 and 19.9 cm but
c 4 children: the mode is the most have been rounded to one decimal
frequently or commonly occurring place.
b See page 45 for information on stem
plots with split stems on page 45 .
a The variable life expectancy is
continuous: it can take any value i
between 70 and 79, but has been 16|5 =16.5
rounded to the nearest whole number. 16 579
b See Example 1 instructions on 17 0123667
constructing a dot plot. 18 245
19 39
16|5 =16.5
16 579
17 0123
c 75 years: the mode is the most 17 667
frequently or commonly value 18 24
18 5
4 19 3
19 9
a The variable urbanisation is
continuous: it is a percentage that can
potentially take any value between 0
Solutions to Exercise 2B
1 4
a The range is the spread of all values and Use the dot plot to locate the median and the
is the difference between the largest and quartiles and use these values to answer the
smallest value in any given data set. questions.
d IQR = Q3 – Q1 = 13
a Of the 23 values,
middle value = median = 20
c IQR = Q3 – Q1 = 18
Solutions to Exercise 2C
Locate Q1, M and Q3 on the dot plot. b i Median is middle vertical of
coloured box = 27
ii Q1 is left edge of coloured box = 12,
Q3 is right edge of coloured box = 42
iii IQR = Q3 – Q1 = 30
iv Minimum is left end of horizontal
line = 5, maximum is right end of
horizontal line = 50
v No outliers
Use these and the minimum and
maximum values (read from the dot c i Median is middle vertical of
plot) to form the five-number summary coloured box = 38
ii Q1 is left edge of coloured box = 32,
Five number summary: Q3 is right edge of coloured box = 42
4, 5, 6, 7, 9 iii IQR = Q3 – Q1 = 10
iv Minimum is leftmost outlier = 5,
2 maximum is right end of horizontal
Locate Q1, M and Q3 on the stem plot. line = 50
v Outlier is 5
key: 13 |6 =136 d i Median is middle vertical of
13 6 7 coloured box = 16
14 3 6 8 8 9 ii Q1 is left edge of coloured box = 14,
15 2 5 8 8 8 Q3 is right edge of coloured box = 21
16 4 5 5 6 7 9 iii IQR = Q3 – Q1 = 7
17 8 8 9 iv Minimum is leftmost outlier = 1.5,
18 2 9 maximum is rightmost outlier = 50
v Outliers are 1.5, 3, 36, 40, 50
Use these and the minimum and 7
maximum values (read from the stem a i Upper fence is right edge of
plot) to form the five-number summary coloured box + 1.5 times the IQR
= 40 + 1.5 × 10 = 55
Five number summary: ii Lower fence is left edge of coloured
136, 148, 158, 169, 189 box – 1.5 times the IQR
3 = 30 – 1.5 × 10 = 15
a, b See worked example 8 (page 54) for
method. b i Upper fence is right edge of
4&5 coloured box + 1.5 times the IQR
Follow the calculator instructions on = 70 + 1.5 × 20 = 100
page 56 (TI) or page 57 (CASIO) to ii Lower fence is left edge of coloured
construct these box plots. box – 1.5 times the IQR
= 50 – 1.5 × 20 = 20
a i Median is middle vertical of 8
coloured box = 10 a Lower fence is left edge of coloured
ii Q1 is left edge of the box = 5, box – 1.5 times the IQR
Q3 is right edge of the box = 21 = 39 – 1.5 × 6 = 30
iii IQR = Q3 – Q1 = 16 b no-31 would still lie inside the lower
iv Minimum is left end of horizontal fence
line = 0, maximum is right end of
horizontal line = 45
v No outliers
a 39 is the first quartile; 25% of values are
less that the first quartile
b 45 is the third quartile; 75% of values are
less than the first quartile
c 45 is the third quartile; 25% of values are
greater than the first quartile
d 39 is the first quartile and 45 is the third
quartile; 50% of values are between that
the first and third quartiles
e 5 is less than the lowest data value and 45
is the third quartile; 75% of values are
greater than 5 and less than the third
a 59 is the third quartile; 25% of values are
above the third quartile
b 49.5 is the first quartile; 25% of values
are below the first quartile
c 50% of values are between the first and
third quartiles
d 57 is the median; 25% of values are
between the median and the third quartile
e 75% of values are lower than the third
f 70 is greater than any data value is the
first quartile; 50% of values are between
the median and any value greater than 67
Solutions to Exercise 2D
Solutions to Exercise 2E
1 d Because the median value of 41 is
a Because median value is well towards approximately in the middle of the box
the right hand side of the box and the and whiskers are similar in length, we
left whisker is longer than the right can say that distribution is
whisker we can say that the approximately symmetric. The four
distribution is negatively skewed. The dots indicate that there are 4 outliers.
dot on the right indicates there is one Reading values from the boxplot, we
outlier. can say:
Reading values from the boxplot, we ‘The distribution is approximately
can say: symmetric and has 4 outliers. The
‘The distribution is negatively skewed distribution is centred at 41, the
with an outlier. The distribution is median value. The spread of the
centred at 39, the median value. The distribution, as measured by the IQR,
spread of the distribution, as measured is 7 and, as measured by the range, 36.
by the IQR, is 10 and, as measured by The outliers are at 10, 15, 20 and 25.’
the range, 45. There is an outlier at 5.’ 2
a The distributions of pulse rates are
b Because the median value of 16 is well approximately symmetric for both men
towards to the left hand side of the box and women. There are no outliers. The
and the right hand whisker is longer median pulse rate for females (M = 76
than the left hand whisker we can say beats/minute) is greater than for males
that the distribution is positively (M = 73 beats/minute). The IQR is also
skewed. The five dots indicate that greater for females (IQR =14
there are 5 outliers. beats/minute) than males (IQR = 8
Reading values from the boxplot, we beats/minute). The range of pulse rates
can say: is also greater for females (R =30
‘The distribution is positively skewed beats/minute) than males (R =19
with outliers. The distribution is beats/minute).
centred at 16, the median value. The
spread of the distribution, as measured b Comparing the two graphs and noting
by the IQR, is 6 and, as measured by that the female distribution is much
the range, 35. The outliers are at 5, 8, broader, we can say:
36, and 40.’ ‘For this group of males and females,
the females on average had higher and
c Because the median value of 41.5 is more variable pulse rates.’
well towards right hand side of the 3
box and the left hand whisker is longer a The median battery lifetime for Brand
than the right hand whisker we can say A (M =34 hours) is greater than for
that the distribution is negatively Brand B (M =28 hours).
skewed. There are no dots, so there are The IQR is for Brand A (IQR=14
no outliers. hours) is approximately the same as for
Reading values from the boxplot, we Brand B (IQR = 14 hours). The range
can say: of lifetimes for Brand A (R = 26 hours)
‘The distribution is negatively skewed is also less for Brand B (R = 39 hours).
with no outliers. The distribution is
centred at 41.5, the median value. The b Comparing the two box plots and
spread of the distribution, as measured noting that the brand B distribution is
by the IQR, is 15 and, as measured by much broader, we can say:
the range, 47.’ ‘On average, Brand A batteries have
longer and less variable lifetimes.’
Solutions to Exercise 2F-1
1 5
a By definition, the median divides a a After ordering and summing the 8
distribution in half whereas the mean values,
only does so for a symmetric i mean = 288.8 = 36.1;
distribution. 8
b The median and mean are the same ii median = average of two middle
only for a symmetric distribution. values (36.0 and 36.0) = 36.0
c The median is the middle value when b Because the mean and median are very
the data values are put in order, so isn’t close to each other, the distribution can
affected by the numerical values of be assumed to be close to symmetric.
outliers. The mean takes all values into
account and thus is affected. 6
a After ordering and summing the 7
d The median would be more values,
appropriate as there are likely to be a i mean = $25.55 = $3.65;
few very high salaries that would skew 7
the mean value positively. ii median = middle value = $1.70
x =
∑ x = 20.8 b No reason not to use the mean, the
distribution is approximately
n symmetric.
c Mean shouldn’t be used, due to
c n = number of values = 7; outliers.
∑ x = sum of values = 21; d Mean shouldn’t be used, due to the
x =
∑x =3 distribution being very positively
n e Mean shouldn’t be used, due to the
3 presence of outliers and the
a After ordering and summing the 11 distribution being positively skewed.
33 f No reason not to use the mean.
values, mean = = 3;
median = 6 value = 3; 8
mode = most common value = 2 a Since the distribution is approximately
symmetric, either could be used, the
b After ordering and summing the 12 distribution is approximately
60 symmetric..
values, mean = = 5;
median = average of two middle b mean = 82.8 (sum the data values and
values (5 and 5) = 5; divide by 23);
mode = most common value = 5 median = middle value = 83
(the stem plot orders the data values so
4 Challenge question, no solutions. you can easily locate the middle value
by inspection).
Solutions to Exercise 2F-2
a The IQR, by definition, will always
incorporate 50% of the scores,
specifically the middle 50% of scores.
a Use you calculator. For instructions,
see page 71 (TI) or 72 (CASIO).
a Use you calculator. For instructions,
see page 71 (TI) or 72 (CASIO).
a Use you calculator. For instructions,
see page 71 (TI) or 72 (CASIO).
Solutions to Exercise 2G
1 d 2.28 is 2 standard deviations above the
a 68% of values lie within 1 standard mean.
deviation of the mean. ⇒ 2.5% of values are above 2.28.
134 + 20 = 154, 134 – 20 = 114,
⇒ 68% of values lie between 114 and e 1.28 is 3 standard deviations below the
154. mean.
⇒ 0.15% of values are below 1.28.
b 95% of values lie within 2 standard
deviations of the mean. f 1.88 is the mean.
134 + 40 = 174, 134 – 40 = 94, ⇒ 50% of values are above 1.88.
⇒ 95% of values lie between 94 and
174. 3
a i 11 is one standard deviation below
c 99.7% of values lie within 3 standard the mean.
deviations of the mean. ⇒ 84% of values are more than 11.
134 + 60 = 194, 134 – 60 = 74, ii 14 is the mean.
⇒ 99.7% of values lie between 74 ⇒ 50% of values are less than 14.
and 194. iii 20 is two standard deviations above
the mean.
d 16% of values are greater than 1 50% of values are greater than the 14
standard deviation above the mean. (the mean)
134 + 20 = 154, 2.5% of values are greater than20 (2
⇒ 16% of values are above 154. SDs above the mean )
⇒ 50–2.5 = 47.5 % of values are
e 2.5% of values are less than 2 standard between 14 and 20.
deviations below the mean.
134 – 40 = 94, b 8 is 2 standard deviations below the
⇒ 2.5% of values are below 94. mean.
⇒ 2.5% of values are below 8.
f 0.15% of values are less than 3 1000 = 25 walkers would be
2.5 ×
standard deviations below the mean. 100
134 – 60 = 74, expected to complete the circuit in less
⇒ 2.5% of values are below 74. than 8 minutes if 1000 walkers
attempted it.
g 50% of values are greater than the
⇒ 50% of values are greater than 134.
a 1.68 and 2.08 are both 1 standard
deviation from the mean.
⇒ 68% of values are between 1.68
and 2.08.
Solutions to Exercise 2H
a z = 120 – 100 = 1 Biology: A z–score of 3 is 3 standard
20 deviations above the mean, so the
student was within the top 0.15% of
b z = 140 – 100 = 2 scores for Biology.
Chemistry: A z–score of 0 is the mean,
c z=
80 – 100 = –1 so the student was exactly average for
20 Chemistry.
d z=
100 – 100 = 0 Further Maths: A z–score of 1.1 is at
20 least 1 standard deviation above the
mean, so the student was within the top
e z=
40 – 100 = –3 16% of scores for Further Maths.
Psychology: A z–score of –2.25 is at
110 − 100 least 2 standard deviations below the
f z= = 0.5
20 mean, so the student was within the
bottom 2.5% of scores for Psychology.
a x = 100 + 1× 20 = 120 4
56 − 54
b x = 100 + 0.8 × 20 = 116
a z= = 0.2
b x = 54 + (−0.75) ×10 = 46.5
c x = 100 + 2.1× 20 = 142 c A weight of 74 kg is 2 standard
deviations above the mean so its
d x = 100 + 0 × 20 = 100 standardised score is z = 2. Thus,
using the 68-95-99.7% rule, 2.5%
x = 100 + (−1.4) × 20 of these girls have weights greater
= 100 − 28 = 72 than 74kg.
Chapter Review: Extended-response questions
1 a Enter the data into your CAS
calculator and follow the
instructions for constructing a box
plot on page 55 (TI) and page 57
b From the box plot in a, Q1 = 13.5, the median is 19.5 and Q3 = 27.5.
c The middle 50% of people who exercised had weight losses between 13.5 kg and 27.5 kg.
Twenty-five per cent of people lost less than 13.5 kg.
b Minimum = 51
Q1 = 52
Median = 53
Q3 = 56
Maximum = 60
d The distribution is positively skewed with no outliers. The distribution is centred at 53 kg,
the median value. The spread of the distribution, as measured by the IQR, is 4 kg and, as
measured by the range, 9 kg.
3 a The five-number summary for the predicted and actual are estimated to be as follows:
Predicted Actual
Minimum ≈ 20 Minimum ≈ 15
Q1 ≈ 30 Q1 ≈ 27
Median ≈ 38 Median ≈ 35
Q3 ≈ 40 Q3 ≈ 40
Maximum ≈ 58 Maximum ≈ 50
c The distribution of the predicted marks is negatively skewed with no outliers. The
distribution of actual marks is approximately symmetric with no outliers. The median of
the predicted marks (38) is greater than the median of the actual marks (35). The IQR of
the predicted marks (10) is less than the IQR of the actual marks (13). The range of the
predicted marks (28) is also less than the range of the actual marks (35).
d The teacher’s predicted marks are, on average, higher than the students’ actual marks and
less variable.
c The outliers represent families with exceptionally high incomes for the suburb.
b Q3 for fathers ≈ 48
∴ true
c Q3 for mothers ≈ 46; median age of fathers ≈ 45
∴ false
d 50% of the mothers were clearly younger than 41, so fewer were aged between 42 and 48.
∴ false
e 25% of the fathers were aged 48 (Q3) years or older, so fewer were aged 50 years or older
∴ false
Chapter Review: Multiple–choice questions
1 The dot plot tails off to the right 8 The stem plot automatically orders the
(positively skewed) and there is one data so the median is the middle value
possible outlier. in the plot and can be determined by
⇒E inspection. There are 25 data points, so
2 The dot plot automatically orders the the median 13th value so the median is
data so the median is the middle value M = 28 . Check by counting the
in the plot and can be determined by number of data points either side of the
inspection. There are 20 data points, so median. They should be equal.
the median lies between the 10th and ⇒C
11th value so the median is M = 1 . 9 IQR = Q3 – Q1
Check by counting the number of data Locate the first and third quartiles by
points either side of the median. They inspection to find.
should be equal. IQR = 38.5 – 22 = 16.5
⇒B ⇒B
3 The first quartile is the median of the 10 Reading from the midline in box plot
first half of the data points. There are A, the median is M = 53.
10 data points in the first half of the ⇒B
data points, so, so the median lies 11 The length of the box in box plot B is 9
between the 5th and 6th value so the (= 75– 66), so the IQR = 9.
median is Q1 = 0 . Check by counting ⇒A
the number of data points either side of 12 range = highest value – lowest value
Q1 They should be equal. In box plot C, the highest value is 80
⇒A (the end of the right hand whisker) and
4 The third quartile is the median of the the lowest value is the outlier at 49, so
second half of the data points. There range = 80 – 49 = 31
are 10 data points in the second half of ⇒D
the data points, so, so the median lies 13 In box plot A, the mid line is towards
between the 15th and 16th value so the the left-hand side of the box and the
median is Q2 = 2 . Check by counting left hand whisker is much shorter than
the number of data points either side of the right hand whisker, so the
Q2 They should be equal. distribution is positively skewed.
⇒C ⇒D
5 range = highest value – lowest value 14 In box plot B, the mid line is centred in
=6–0=6 the box and the left hand whisker and
⇒E the right hand whiskers are
6 Minimum value = 22, approximately equal in length, so the
Q1 = 3rd value = 23, distribution is approximately
median = average of two middle symmetric.
values = 24.5, ⇒A
Q3 = 8th value = 27, 15 In box plot D, the mid line is just off
maximum value = 29 centre the box and the left hand
⇒B whisker and the right hand whiskers
7 The main body of the data in the stem are approximately equal in length, so
plot is roughly evenly spread around the main body of the data is
its centre, so the distribution is approximately symmetric. There are
approximately symmetric. While there also 4 outliers as indicated by the
appears to be an outlier at 60, it is shaded circles. distribution is
inside the lower fence which is at approximately symmetric with outliers.
63.25 (=38.5 + 1.5 ×16.5).s ⇒B
16 In box plot D, the third quartile is 53, => E
so 25% of the data values are great
than 35. 25 70 mins is 2 standard deviations below
⇒B the means.
17 IQR = Q3 – Q1 From the 68 – 95 – 97.5% rule it is
= 65 – 60 = 5; seen that 97.5% of trips take more than
60 – 1.5 × 5 = 52.5 = lower fence, 70 mins.
65 + 1.5 × 5 = 72.5 = upper fence 82 mins is 1 standard deviation above
⇒A the mean.
18 Enter the data into your CAS From the 68 – 95 – 97.5% rule it is
calculator and calculate the mean and seen that 16% of trips take more than
the standard deviation. 82 mins.
⇒D As a result, 97.5 – 16 = 81.5% of
19 Since phone numbers are categorical trips take between 70 and 82 minutes.
variables and not numerical, As there are 200 trips in total, the
calculating the mean and standard number taking between 70 and 82
deviation a set of phone numbers will minutes is 81.5% of 200 = 163
not give anything meaningful. ⇒ B => E
20 The mean is generally only an 71 − 78
26 z= = −1.75
appropriate measure of centre when 4
the distribution is symmetric and there => A
are no outliers. The median is a much
more robust measure of centre and 27
would be preferred when the data is actual time
clearly skewed and/or there are
outliers. = mean + z × standardised time
⇒D = 78 + (−0.25) × 4 = 77
21 z=
50 – 55 => A
2.5 28
-5 = –2 A standardised time of 2.1 is more
2.5 than 2 standard deviations above the
⇒B mean so it is very much above average.
22 Because the trips are normally => E
distributed, 50% of values lie above 29 As every garden stake is reduced by
and below the mean. The mean is 78 the same amount, the mean e value
mins. will decrease by this same amount, 5
=> C cm, so x = 180.5 – 5 = 175.5 cm.
23 The standard deviation is 4 mins, Reducing the length of each stake by
therefore 74 to 82 mins is 1 standard the same amount does not change the
deviation above and below the mean. variability in length so the standard
From the 68 – 95 – 99.7% rule, 68% of deviation stays the same, s = 2.9 cm
values lie within 1 standard deviation => C
of the mean.
=> D
24 82 mins is 1 standard deviation above
the mean. From the 68 – 95 – 99.7%
rule it is seen that 84% of values are
less than 82 mins.
Chapter 3 – Investigating
associations between two variables
Solutions to Exercise 3A
1 b It makes more sense to explain a
a If we plan to predict (or explain) a change in a person’s salary level in
fish’s toxicity from its colour, the terms of their years of education rather
variable colour is explanatory variable than the other way around. Thus years
(EV) and toxicity is the response of education is the explanatory
variable (RV). variable.
b It makes more sense to explain a c It makes more sense to explain the
person’s weight loss in terms of a change in a person’s comfort level in
change in the type of diet they follow terms of a change in temperature
rather than the other way around. Thus rather than the other way around.
type of diet is the explanatory variable Thus temperature is the explanatory
and weight loss is the response variable.
variable. d It makes more sense to explain the
c It makes more sense to explain the change in the incidence of hay fever in
change in a second hand car’s price in terms of a change in the time of year
terms of its age rather than the other rather than the other way around.
way around. Thus age is the Thus time of year is the explanatory
explanatory variable and price is the variable.
response variable. e It makes more sense to explain the
d By suggesting that the cost of heating a difference in people’s musical taste in
house depends on the type of fuel used terms of their age group rather than the
designates type of fuel as the other way around.
explanatory variable. Cost is then the Thus age group is the explanatory
response variable. variable.
e It makes more sense to explain the f It makes more sense to explain the
change in a house’s price in terms of differences in the AFL team supported
its location rather than the other way by people in terms of the differences in
around. Thus location is the their state of residence rather than the
explanatory variable and price is the other way around.
response variable. Thus state of residence is the
2 explanatory variable.
a It makes more sense to explain a
change in a person’s exercise level in
terms of their age rather than the other
way around. Thus age is the
explanatory variable.
Solutions to Exercise 3B
1 b Exercised is an ordinal variable
a It is more likely that enrolment status because its categories ‘rarely’,
determines drinking behaviour rather ‘sometimes’ and ‘regularly’ can be
than the other way around, making used to order the individuals involved
enrolment status the explanatory in terms of how often they exercised.
variable. c The percentage of females who
b No: since the ‘yes’ and ‘no’ exercised sometimes is given by the
percentages were very similar for both percentage in the ‘female’ column and
full-time and part-time students, we the ‘sometimes’ row (54.9%).
can make the following statement: d Yes: for example, since a significantly
‘The percentage of full-time and part- greater percentage of males (18.6%)
time students who drank alcohol is exercised regularly compared to
similar, 80.5% to 81.8%. This females (5.9%), we can conclude that
indicates that drinking behaviour is not the variable exercised and sex are
associated with enrolment status.’ associated.
2 4
a As handedness and sex are both natural a The percentage of widowed people
attributes that cannot be manipulated who found life dull is given by the
in any way, the choice of the response percentage in the ‘widowed’ column
variable is arbitrary. However, the way and the ‘dull’ row (11.9%).
the table has been set up with b The percentage of people who were
handedness (left, right) defining the never married and found life exciting
rows of the table, handedness is is given by the percentage in the
assumed to be the response variable ‘never’ column and the ‘exciting’ row
(see page 94). (52.3%)
b Sum the columns to find the total c The way the table is set up with marital
number males (22 + 222 = 242) and status defining the columns, marital
females (16 + 147 = 163) and use these status can be assumed to be the
values to convert the table to explanatory variable.
percentages by making the following d Attitude to life is as an ordinal variable
computations: because its categories ‘exciting’,
22 ‘pretty routine’ and ‘dull’ can be used
male left: 1 0 0 9 .0 %
244 to order the individuals involved in
terms of their satisfaction with life.
male right: 1 0 0 9 1 .0 % e Yes: the are many ways this question
can be answered. Several possibilities
female left: 1 0 0 9 .8 % are given in the answers. In essence, it
163 is sufficient to find two percentages in
147 the same row (defined by the RV) but
female right: 1 0 0 9 0 .2 %
163 different columns (defined by the EV)
c No: since the percentage of left handed that differ significantly to infer an
males (9.0%) and females (9.8%) is association. For example, focusing on
similar, there is no evidence of an the ‘dull’ row, the fact that the
association between handedness and percentage of ‘married’ people’ who
sex. found life ‘dull’ (3.7%) is very much
3 less than the percentage of ‘widowed’
a It is possible that the sex of a person people who find life dull (11.9%) is
determines the how often they sufficient to infer an association
exercised but not the other way between attitude to life and marital
around, so sex is the explanatory status.
Solutions to Exercise 3C
1 2 Yes: for example, the median number
a Battery lifetime is measured in hours, of days spent away from home is quite
so it is a numerical variable. different for Japanese tourists (M = 17
Battery price is classified as ‘high’, nights, obtained by locating the
‘medium, and ‘low’ so it is a ‘middle’ dot in the plot) and Australian
categorical variable. tourists (M = 7) indicating that the
number of days sent away from home
b Yes: for example, focusing on the is associated with country of origin.
median lifetimes of the batteries we
see that as the price increases from 3 Yes: the median age of female patients
‘low’, ‘medium’ and ‘high’ the (M = 34 years – obtained by locating
median life time also increases. the middle value in the stem plot) is
Alternatively, the price increases from quite different from the median age of
‘low’, ‘medium’ and ‘high’, the male patients (M = 25.5 years)
variability in lifetimes (as given by the indicating that the age of patients
IQR) increases. admitted to this hospital is associated
with the patients’ sex.
Solutions to Exercise 3D
a Plotting the variable number of seats
on the horizontal axis of the scatterplot
implies that in this investigation,
number of seats is the explanatory
b Airspeed values are recorded in km/h
so the variable is numerical.
c 8. Count the number of data points
d Around 800 km/h. Locate the data
point that represents the aircraft that
can seat 300 passengers and read off
its airspeed.
2–5 Enter data into your calculator and
follow the instructions on page 104 to
generate the required plots.
Solutions to Exercise 3E
1 If necessary, see the ‘Warning!’ box b To help you answer these questions,
on page 112 of the textbook for a list refer to the scatterplots on pages
of the assumptions. 110–111 and the table on page 111.
2 i The correlation coefficient is
a As a general rule no association would approximately +0.7, which indicates
be expected. a moderate positive association.
ii The correlation coefficient is
b A positive association would be approximately –0.4, which indicates
expected, as the higher the level of a weak negative association.
education, the higher the level of skills iii The correlation coefficient is
usually required in high paying approximately +0.9, which indicates
occupations. a strong positive association.
iv There is no association, so the
c A positive association would be correlation coefficient will be close
expected; tax paid should increase with to 0 (in correlation terms between
salary. –0.24 and +0.24).
a i The dots drift upwards to the right,
so it is a positive association.
ii The dots drift downwards to the
right, so it is a negative association.
iii The dots drift upwards to the right,
so it is a positive association.
iv There is no clear pattern in the
cloud of dots that make up the
scatterplot indicating there is no
Solutions to Exercise 3F
a Scatterplot A shows a strong, positive,
non-linear association with no outliers.
Scatterplot B shows a strong, negative,
linear association with one outlier.
Scatterplot C shows a weak (to
moderate), negative, linear association
with no outliers.
x x y y
n 1 s s
x y
4 1 . 871 2 . 915
0 . 73
3 a, b & c
Enter data into your calculator and
follow the instructions on page 114 (TI)
or page 115 (CASIO) to calculate the
correlation coefficient.
Solutions to Exercise 3G
1 3 To help you answer questions 3a to e,
a Coefficient of determination: remember that:
r2= (0.675)2 = 0.456 = 45.6% the coefficient of determination (as a
percentage) tells us the variation in the
b Coefficient of determination: response variable (RV) explained by the
r2 = (0.345)2 = 0.119 = 11.9% variation in the explanatory variable
c Coefficient of determination: a The coefficient of determination =
r2 = (–0.567)2 = 0.321 = 32.1% r2 = (–0.611)2 = 0.373 or 37.3%,
which can be interpreted as ‘37.3% of
d Coefficient of determination: the variation observed in hearing test
r2 = (–0.673)2 = 0.453 = 45.3% scores (RV) can be explained by the
variation in age (EV)’.
e Coefficient of determination:
r2 = (0.124)2 = 0.015 = 1.5% b The coefficient of determination =
r2 = (0.716)2 = 0.513 or 51.3%,
2 which can be interpreted as ‘51.3% of
a r2 = 0.8215, the variation observed in mortality
r = 0 . 8215 = 0.906 (from the rates can be explained by the variation
scatterplot, the association is positive) in smoking rates’.
Solutions to Exercise 3H
1 to 4 The solutions are integrated into the
answers for these questions
Solutions to Exercise 3I
To help you answer these questions, consult
the table on page 125.
a Two categorical variables
segmented bar chart
Chapter Review: Extended-response questions
1 a number of accidents and age are both categorical variables.
b From their location in the table, we see that age is assumed to be the explanatory
variable and number of accidents the response variable.
c Reading from the ‘more than one accident’ row and the ‘age < 30’ column we see
that 470 drivers under the age of 30 had more than one accident.
e The statement ‘Younger drivers (age 30) are more likely than older drivers (age
30) to have had more than one accident’ is correct. Of drivers aged less than 30,
78.3% had more than one accident compared to only 57.5% of the older drivers.
b The parallel box plots do support the contention that the age a person marries
depends on their sex. The median age at marriage of men and women differs,
indicating that age at marriage is associated with to sex.
b Because the scatterplot points tend to drift up the plot from left to right closely
following a linear pattern, we can conclude that there is a strong positive linear
association between pay rate and experience, that is, people with more experience
are generally being paid a higher starting pay rate. There are no apparent outliers.
c Follow the instruction on pages
114 (TI) and 115 (CASIO) to find
that r 0.967
Note, there is no need to re-enter
the data as it will be still be stored
in your calculator from when you
constructed the scatterplot.
Chapter Review: Multiple–choice questions
1 Plays sport and sex are both
categorical variables. A 11 Coefficient of determination = r2
= (–0.7685)2 = 0.5906 D
2 ‘Females–No’ = 175 – 79
= 96 D 12 Coefficient of determination = r2
= (0.765)2 = 0.585 = 58.5%.
3 Percentage ‘Males–No’ Since heart weight is the response
34 variable, this result tells us that, for
= × 100% = 33.3% B
102 these mice, ‘58.5% of the variation in
heart weight can be explained by the
4 When the table is percentaged, the variation in body weights’. A
percentage of males who play sport is
much higher than the percentage of 13 This association tells us that heavier
females who play sport indicating an mice tend to have heavier hearts (D)
association between playing sport and and lighter mice tend to have lighter
sex. D hearts, but no more. Statement such as
‘increasing the body weights of mice
5 Battery life is a numerical variable but will increase their heart’ (E) might also
brand is a categorical variable. C seem to be a reasonable option.
However it is causal in nature and not
6 The first statement supports the a justifiable conclusion to draw when
contention because the difference in all we know is that heart weight and
median battery life shows one brand to body weight are strongly correlated.
be superior. E
The second and third statements
support the contention because they 14 Since the response variable (weight) is
both show one brand to be more numerical and the explanatory variable
reliable than the other. (level of nutrition) is categorical with
Therefore, all three statements support more than two categories, we would
the contention. E use parallel box plots. B
7 Weight at age 21 and weight at birth 15 Since the two variables are both
are both measured in kg so they are categorical, we would use a segmented
numerical variables. D bar chart. C
8 The dots drift upwards towards the 16 This association tells us that people on
right of the graph and appear to be higher salaries tend to recycle more
aggregated fairly closely around an garbage but we cannot assume that it is
imagined straight line fitted to the data. the higher salary alone that encourages
From this we conclude that there is a a higher level of recycling of garbage.
strong positive linear association. E It may be that those on higher salaries
have more education and thus are more
9 If r = –0.9, this means the relationship aware of the environmental impact of
is a strongly negative linear one. This recycling. E
means that as drug dosage increases,
response time tends to decrease. C 17 As there is no logical reason to expect
an association between marriage rate
10 Enter the data into your calculator and and falling out of a fishing boat and
follow the instructions on page 114 drowning, we conclude that the
(TI) or Page 115 (CASIO) to get: association is just coincidence. C
r = 0.7863 (to 4 decimal places)
Chapter 4 – Regression: fitting lines
to data
Solutions to Exercise 4A
1 A residual is the vertical difference
between a value on a plot and the
regression line drawn to fit the plot.
Solutions to Exercise 4B
1 3
a As stated in the question, traffic a As stated in the question, age is to be
volume is to be used to predict used to predict distance travelled, so
pollution level so traffic volume is the age is the predictor or explanatory
predictor or explanatory variable (EV) variable (EV) and distance travelled is
and pollution level is the response the response variable (RV).
variable (RV). b b=r× sx
b b=r× sx = 0.947 × = 11.09 …
sy 3.64
= 0.94 × = 49.2 … a= y –bx
a= y –bx = 78.04 – 11.09 × 5.63 = 15.6 …
= 230.7 – 49.2 × 11.38 = –329.2 … Therefore,
Therefore, distance travelled = a + b × x
pollution level = a + b × traffic volume = 16 + 11 × age (2 sig. figs.)
= –330 + 49 × traffic volume (2 sig. 4
figs.) a If the slope is negative, the correlation
coefficient must also be negative. This
2 sy
a As stated in the question, birth rate is follows from the rule: b = r ×
to be used to predict life expectancy, so
birth rate is the predictor or b If the correlation coefficient is zero,
explanatory variable (EV) and life this means the least squares regression
expectancy is the response variable line will be horizontal and thus will
(RV). have a slope of zero. This also follows
sx sy
b b=r× from the rule: b = r ×
sy sx
= –0.810 × 9.99 = –1.4957… c The correlation coefficient being zero
5.41 means the line will be horizontal and
a= y –bx thus will have a constant y-value for its
= 55.1 + 1.4957 × 34.8 = 107.15… entire length. This y-value will thus be
Therefore, the average of all the y-values and will
life expectancy = a + b × x be the mean y-value, which is y . This
= 110 – 1.5 × birth rate (2 sig. figs.)
follows from the rule: a = y –bx
when b = 0.
8 a RV is number of TVs
Solutions to Exercise 4C
1 read values from the graph
intercept 80 4
46 80 a The equation of the least squares line
slope = 4 .2 5 or 4.3 rounded is:
energy content = 27.8 +14.7 × fat content
to 1 d.p.
Reading values from this equation:
slope = 14.7
a Because of the way in which the
intercept= 27.8
regression equation is written:
hand span = 2.9 + 0.33 × height
b 14.7: ‘the energy content for every
the EV can be assumed to be height.
increase of 1 g of fat’ is given by the
b Reading values from the equation of slope of the least squares line
the least squares line:
slope = 0.33 c r= r
0 . 7569 = 0.87
intercept= 2.9
d In general terms, the coefficient of
c Substitute height = 160 into the
equation of the regression line and determination (r2 ) gives the proportion
(or percentage) of the variation in a
hand span = 2.9 + 0.33 × 160 response variable that can be
= 55.7 cm explained by the explanatory variable.
Thus, since 0.7569 × 100% = 75.7%,
d error of prediction = residual we can say that 75.7% of the variation
residual = actual – predicted in energy content can be explained by
= 58.5 – 55.7 = 2.8 cm the variation in fat content.
5 variation in their years of work
a The equation of the least squares line experience.
success rate = 98.5 –0.278 × distance d Replacing x and y by experience and
Reading values from this equation: pay rate respectively in the equation
slope = –0.278 y = 8.56 + 0.289 × x
The slope gives the average change in gives
the RV for each one unit change in the pay rate = 8.56 + 0.289 × experience
EV or, in the context of this question,
e The y-intercept is by definition the pay
‘On average, the probability of success
rate when experience = 0, and thus is
decreases by 27.8% for each extra
the pay for an employee who has just
metre the golfer is from the hole.’
begun work.
Note: 27.8% per metre is equivalent to
0.278% per cm f the slope gives the average change in
the RV for each one unit change in the
b Substitute distance = 90 into the EV or, in the context of this question:
equation of the regression line and On average, the pay rate increases
evaluate: $0.29 per hour for each additional year
success rate = 98.5 – 0.278 × 90 of experience.
= 98.5 – 25.02 = 73.5%
g i pay rate = 8.56 + 0.289 × experience
c 0 = 98.5 – 0.278 × distance = 8.56 + 0.289 × 8 = 8.56 + 2.312
or = $10.87
98.5 = 0.278 × distance ii residual = actual – predicted
distance = 354.3 cm = 3.54 m = 11.20 – 10.87 = $0.33
d r = ±√0.497 = ±0.705 to 3 d.p.
However, the association is negative h The absence of a clear pattern in the
because the slope of the regression line residual plot supports the assumption
is negative, so r = –0.705. of linearity, and this is what is
observed in the residual plot.
e The coefficient of determination: 8
r2 = 0.497. a r = ±√0.370 = ±0.608 to 3 d.p.
Thus, since 0.497 × 100% = 49.7%, we However, the association is negative
can say that 49.7% of the variation in because the slope of the regression line
success rate is explained by the is negative, so r = –0.608.
variation in distance of the golfer from
the hole. b In general terms, the coefficient of
determination (r2 ) gives the proportion
6 A and C: Solutions/explanations are (or percentage) of the variation in a
part of the the answers. response variable that can be
7 explained by the explanatory variable.
a Appropriate: the scatterplot shows that Since 0.370 × 100% = 37.0%, we can
there is a clear linear association. say that 37.0% of the variation in the
hearing test scores can be explained
b Coefficient of determination = by the variation in age.
r2= (0.967)2 = 0.9351 …
c Replacing x and y by age and hearing
c In general terms, the coefficient of
test score into the equation:
determination (r2 ) gives the proportion
y = 4.9 – 0.043 × x
(or percentage) of the variation in a
response variable that can be
score = 4.9 – 0.043 × age
explained by the explanatory variable.
Since 0.9351… × 100% 93.5%, we
can say that 93.5% of the variation in a
person’s pay rate is explained by the
d The slope of the line is – 0.043. since the points in the scatterplot drift
Interpretation: The slope gives the downwards towards the right of the
average change in the RV for each on- plot.
unit change in the EV or, in the context B: drug dose – This is the explanatory
of this question: variable.
On average, hearing test scores C: –0.9492 As read from the
decrease by 0.043 for each for each regression results screen.
year increase in age. D: 55.9 As read from the regression
results screen.
e i hearing test score =4.9 – 0.043 × Age E: –9.3 As read from the regression
= 4.9 – 0.043 × 20 results screen.
= 4.04 F: decreases The slope of the
ii residual = actual – predicted regression line is negative.
= 2.0 – 4.04 = –2.04 H: 9.3 The slope of the regression line
is –9.306
f i The plot point at 35 years is a I: 55.9 The y-intercept is 55.89
vertical distance of 0.3 above the J: 90.1– Since r2 = 0.901
regression line, so the residual is 0.3. K: response time and drug dose Drug
ii The plot point at 55 years is a dosage determines response time since
vertical distance of 0.4 below the drug dosage is the explanatory
regression line, so the residual is –0.4. variable.
L: clear pattern – The residual graph
g The absence of a clear pattern in the can be seen to show a parabolic–like
residual plot supports the assumption pattern.
of linearity which is observed in the
residual plot. 10 Use the report in question 9 as a
9 A: negative – From the scatterplot, we model.
can see that the association is negative
Solutions to Exercise 4D
1 & 2 Enter the data into your calculator and
follow the instruction on page 153 (TI) e Since 0.7653… × 100% 76.5%, we
and 154 (CASIO). can say, using the standard
3 interpretation, that 76.5% of the
a The aim is to predict an adult’s weight variation in adult weight is can be
(adult weight) from their birth rate, explained by the variation in birth
which means that weight.
RV: adult weight
EV: birth rate. f The slope of the regression line is 5.86
… 5.9. Using the standard
To provide the answers necessary to answer interpretation, this tells us that, on
questions parts b to i, enter the data into your average, adult weight increases by 5.9
calculator and follow the instruction on page kg for each additional kg of birth
153 (TI) and 154 (CASIO). weight.
g i adult weight = 38.4 + 5.86 × birth weight
= 38.4 + 5.86 × 3.0
= 56.0 kg (to 1 d.p).
ii adult weight = 38.4 + 5.86 × birth weight
= 38.4 + 5.9 × 2.5 = 38.4 + 14.8
= 53.1 kg (to 1 d.p).
iii adult weight = 38.4 + 5.86 × birth weight
= 38.4 + 5.86 × 3.9
= 61. 3 kg (to 1 d.p.)
c i The points in the scatterplot tend to
drift upwards to the right of the plot h This contention is supported by the
following a roughly a linear pattern data, since the data suggests that
with a relatively small amount of 76.5% of the variation in a person’s
scatter. adult weight explained by the
This is evidence of a strong positive, variation in their birth weight. Only
linear association. There are no 23.5% is explained by other factors
apparent outliers.
ii Comparing the scatter with the i The absence of a clear pattern in a
standard plots on page 11 suggest an r residual plot supports the assumption
of around 0.9 of linearity. This is observed in the
residual plot below.
d Noting that the explanatory variable is
birth weight and using the regression
results generated by your calculator,
the following the regression equation
can be written down:
adult weight = 38.4 + 5.86 × birth
weight (3 sig. figs.)
Chapter Review: Extended-response questions
1 The answers to these questions all 2
relate to the interpretation and use of a In this situation, the RV is cost.
the regression equation:
hours of sunshine b Enter the data into your calculator and
= 2850 6.88 days of rain follow instructions on page 136 (TI)
or page 137 (CASIO) and use the
a The EV is days of rain. values of the statistics generated to
arrive at the equation:
cost = 81.5 +2.10 × number of meals
b The slope is 6.88 and the
intercept is 2850.
c i cost = 81.50 + 2.10 48
= $182.30
c Substitute days of rain = 120 in to
As we are making a prediction
the equation and evaluate.
within the range of data, we
hours of sunshine
are interpolating.
= 2850 6.88 120 2024
ii cost = 81.50 + 2.10 21
d The slope of the regression line is
= $125.60
–6.88 so we can say that the hours
As we are making a prediction
of sunshine per year will decrease
outside the range of data, we
by 6.88 hours for each additional
are extrapolating.
day of rain.
d i $81.50: The intercept of the
regression line gives the
e r2 = 0.484
predicted cost when the
r = 0.4838 number of meals = 0, this
= 0.696 (to 3 sig. figs.) represents the fixed costs of
Because the slope of the line is preparing meals.
negative r is negative, so
r –0.696 ii $2.10: The slope of the
f r2 = 0.484 or 48.4% regression line predicts the
From this it follows that: average cost of preparing each
48.4% of the variation in sunshine meal after the fixed costs have
hours can be explained by the been accounted for.
variation in days of rain.
e The coefficient of determination
g i For 142 days of rain: = r2 = 0.9782 0.956 or 95.6%
hours of sunshine = This indicates that 95.6% of the
2850 6.88 142 1873 variation in the cost of preparing
meals is explained by the variation
ii The residual value for this city in the number of meals produced.
= data value predicted value
= 1390 1873 = 480
The residual value for this city
is 483 hours.
3 The answers to these questions all d Given r = 0.9939,
relate to the interpretation and use of r2 = 0.99392 0.988 or 98.8%
the regression equation: From this it can be deduced that
female income 98.8% of the variation in height can
= 13 000 + 0.35 male income be explained by the variation in
femur length.
a From the equation it can be seen
that the EV is male income. 5
b From the equation it can be seen, a From the information given in the
that for each dollar increase in male question, height is to be predicted
salaries, females salaries increased from age. Thus age is the EV and
by $0.35. height is the RV.
Thus for each $100 increases in b Enter the data into your calculator
male salaries, female salaries and follow instructions on page
increased by 1000 $0.35 =$350 136 (TI) or page 137 (CASIO) and
c i female income use the values of the statistics
= 13 000 + 0.35 15 000 generated to arrive at the equation:
= $18 250 height = 76.64 + 6.366 age
ii Unreliable because we are
making a prediction well c height = 76.64 + 6.3661 83 cm
outside the data. As we are making a prediction
outside the range of the data it is
4 an extrapolation.
a From the information given in the d Given the slope 6.4, it can be
question, height is to be predicted deduced that, on average, height
from femur length. Thus femur increases by 6.4 cm for each extra
length is the EV and height is the year in age.
RV. e Given r = 0.9973,
r2 = 0.99732 0.995 or 99.5%
b Use the following rules to From this it can be deduced that
determine the slope and intercept 99.5% of the variation in height can
of the least squares line. be explained by the variation in age.
sy f i When the age is 10,
b r a y bx
sx height = 76.64 + 6.366 10
sy = 140.3 cm (to1 d.p.)
b r The height of a 10-year-old
child is predicted to be 140.3
1 0 .0 8 6 cm.
0 .9 9 3 9 5 .3 5 2 ...
1 .8 7 3
a y bx ii residual = actual predicted
1 6 6 .0 9 2 5 .3 5 2 2 4 .2 4 6 3 6 .3 2 ... = 139.6 140.3 = 0.7 cm
Thus, correct to 3 sig. figs., the
equation of the least squares line g i use your calculator to generate
is: the residual plot shown
height = 36.3 +5.35 femur length ii There is a clear pattern in the
residual plot which does not
c Given the slope = 5.35, it can be support the assumption of
deduced that, on average, height linearity.
increases by 5.35 cm for each cm
increases in femur length.
Chapter Review: Multiple–choice questions
1 To use a straight line to model an 10 The intercept cannot be determined
association work, it is assumed that the directly from the graph because the y-
variables being modelled are linearly axis in this graph is located at x = 20
related. C not x = 0, so proceed as follows.
The line passes through the points
2 The constant value = –1.2 = y-intercept; (20,2) and (25,6).so that the slope
the gradient value = 0.52 = the slope. 6 – 2 4
D = = 0.8
25 – 20 5
Our equation is now y = a + 0.8x.
3 r = ±√0.25= ±0.5 Substituting in the point (20,2), we get:
However, since the slope of the 2 = a + 0.8 × 20
regression line is negative, r must be 0 = a + 16
negative. Thus, r = –0.5. A a = –16
4 y = 8 – 9x = 8 – 9 × 5 Of the available responses, this is
= 8 – 45 = –37 B closest to y = –14 + 0.8x. A
5 Enter the data into your calculator and 11 All of the statements except for D are
follow instructions on page 136 (TI) or true. Reading from the equation of the
page 137 (CASIO). least squares line, the intercept is –96,
not 96, so option D is false. D
6 Enter the data into your calculator and 12 The slope the regression line is 0.95 .
follow instructions on page 136 (TI) or This tells us that, on average, weight
page 137 (CASIO). increases by 0.95 kg for reach 1 cm
increase in height.
7 Substituting the given values into the
equation, we get: 13 If r = 0.79, then r2 = 0.6241.
Since 0.6241 × 100% = 62%, we can
0 .7 3 3 3 .3 9 1
b= say that 62% of the variation in weight
1 .8 7 1 is explained by the variation in height.
= 1.33 C A
Chapter 5 – Data transformation
Solutions to Exercise 5A
a Matching the shape of the scatterplot
with the shapes shown on the circle of
transformations, we see that the
following transformations have the
potential to linearise the plot:
1 1
log(x), , log(y) and
x y
Solutions to Exercise 5B
a y = 7 + 8x2
When x = 1.25,
y = 7 + 8 1.252 = 19.5
b y = 7 + 3x2
When x = 1.25,
y = 7 + 3 1.252 = 11.7 to 1 d.p. b Fit a least squares line to the
transformed to obtain the equation:
c y = 24.56 – 0.457x2 y = 1 + 2x2
When x = 1.23, c Substitute x = 6 into the equation and
y = 24.56 – 0.457 1.232 evaluate.
= 23.8 to 1 d.p. y 1 2x
c y2 =16 + 2x
b Fit a least squares line to the When x = 10,
transformed to obtain the equation: y = (16 + 2 10) = 6
y 16 x
2 However, the question specifies that we
only want the positive solution (y > 0), so:
c Substitute x = –2 into the equation and y=6
y 16 x
d y2 =58 + 2x
w hen x 2 : When x = 3,
y 16 ( 2)
2 y = (58 + 2 3) = 8
However, the question specifies that we
y 12
only want the negative solution (y < 0),
3 y = –8
a Follow the calculator instructions on
pages 196 (TI) and 170 (CASIO), enter
the raw data into your calculator, apply
an x2 transformation and generate a
scatterplot of y vs x2 to show that the
x2 transformation has linearised the
5 or
a Follow the calculator instructions on time = 3.8 to 1 d.p.
pages 169 (TI) and 170 (CASIO), enter (time must be positive)
the raw data into your calculator but,
this time, and apply a y2 transformation
and generate a scatterplot of y2 vs x to
show that the y2 transformation has
linearised the data.
b Fit a least squares line to the
transformed data to obtain the equation:
y2 = 1.5 + 3.1x to 2 sig. figs.
c Substitute x = 9 into the equation and
y2 = 1.5 + 3.1 9
y = 29.4 = 5.42 …
so, because y can only be positive in
this situation (see the original
y = 5.4 to 1 d.p.
Follow the calculator instructions on
pages 169 (TI) and 170 (CASIO), enter
the raw data into your calculator but,
this time, and apply a squared
transformation to the variable diameter
and generate a scatterplot of number vs
diameter2 to show that the diameter2
transformation has linearised the data.
Solutions to Exercise 5C
1 4
a y = 5.5 + 3.1 log 2.3 a log y = 2
= 6.6 to 1 d.p.
y = 102 = 100
b y = 0.34 + 5.2 log 1.4
b log y = 2.34
= 1.1 to 1 d.p.
y = 102.34 = 218.8 to 1 d.p.
c y = –8.5+ 4.12 log 20
c log y = 3.5 + 2x
When x = 1.25,
= –3.1 to 1 d.p.
log y = 3.5 + 2 1.25 = 6
d y =196.1– 23.2 log 303 y = 106 = 1 000 000
= 138.5 to 1 d.p.
d log y =–0.5 + 0.024x
2 When x = 17.3,
a Follow the calculator instructions on log y =–0.5 + 0.024 17.3 = –0.0848…
pages 176 (TI) and 177 (CASIO), enter y 10–0.0848 = 0.8 to 1 d.p.
the raw data into your calculator, apply
an log x transformation and generate a 5
scatterplot of y vs log x to show that a Follow the calculator instructions on
the log x transformation has linearised pages 176 (TI) and 177 (CASIO), enter
the data. the raw data into your calculator but,
this time, and apply a log
b Fit a least squares line to the y transformation and generate a
transformed data to obtain the equation: scatterplot of log y vs x to show that
y = 1 + 3 log x the log y transformation has linearised
c Substitute x =100 into the equation and the data.
evaluate. b Fit a least squares line to the
y = 1+ 3log x transformed data to obtain the equation:
when x = 100 log y = 1 + 2x
y = 1+ 3log100 c Substitute x = 0.6 into the equation and
log y = 1+ 2x
3 when x = 0.6
a Follow the calculator instructions on log y = 2.2
pages 176 (TI) and 177 (CASIO), enter
the raw data into your calculator, apply or
an log x transformation and generate a y = 102.2 = 158.5 to 1 d.p.
scatterplot of y vs log x to show that
the log x transformation has linearised
the data.
Follow the calculator instructions on
pages 176 (TI) and 177 (CASIO), enter
the raw data into your calculator, apply
an log transformation to the variable
time and generate a scatterplot of level
vs log time to show that the
log transformation has linearised the
Follow the calculator instructions on
pages 176 (TI) and 177 (CASIO), enter
the raw data into your calculator but,
this time, and apply a log
transformation to the variable number
and generate a scatterplot of log
number vs month to show that the
log number transformation has
linearised the data.
Solutions to Exercise 5D 3
1 a 1 = 3x
a y = 6 + 22 When x = 2,
When x = 3, 1 =32 =6
y = 6 + 22 = 13.3 to 1 d.p. so
y = 1 = 0.17 to 2 d.p.
b y = 4.9 – 2.3
When x = 1.1, b 1 = 6 + 2x
y = 4.9 – 2.3 = 2.8 to 1 d.p.
1.1 When x = 4,
1 = 6 + 2 4 = 14
c y = 8.97 – 7.95 y
x so
When x = 1.97,
y = 1 = 0.07 to 2 d.p.
y = 8.97 – 7.95 14
= 4.9 to 1 d.p.
c 1 = –4.5 + 2.4x
d y = 102.6 + 223.5 When x = 4.5,
When x = 1.08, 1 = –4.5 + 2.4 4.5= 6.3
y = 102.6 + 223.5 = 309.5 to 1 d.p. so
y = 1 = 0.16 to 2 d.p.
2 6.3
a Following the calculator instructions
on pages 183 (TI) and 184 (CASIO), d 1 = 14.7 + 0.23x
enter the raw data into your calculator, y
apply a reciprocal transformation and When x = 4.5,
generate a scatterplot of y vs 1/x to 1 = 14.7 +0.23 4.5= 15.735
show that the reciprocal (1/x) y
transformation has linearised the data. so
y= = 0.62 to 2 d.p.
b Fit a least squares line to the 15.735
transformed data to obtain the equation:
y = 120
w hen x 5 :
y 24
4 6
a Follow the calculator instructions on Follow the calculator instructions on
pages 183 (TI) and 184 (CASIO), enter pages 196 (TI) and 170 (CASIO), enter
the raw data into your calculator but, the raw data into your calculator but,
this time, and apply a reciprocal this time, and apply a reciprocal
transformation and generate a transformation to the variable errors
scatterplot of 1/y vs x to show that the and generate a scatterplot of 1/errors
reciprocal (1/ y) transformation has vs times to show that the reciprocal
linearised the data. transformation has linearised the data.
b Fit a least squares line to the a Fit a least squares line to the
transformed data to obtain the equation: transformed data to obtain the equation:
1 =x 1 = 0.050 times (2 sig. figs.)
y errors
c Substitute x = 0.25 into the equation and b Substitute times = 6 into the equation
evaluate. and evaluate.
1 1 = 0.050 6
=x errors
y or
when x = 2.5 errors = 3.33… = 3
y=4 to the nearest whole number
Follow the calculator instructions on
pages 196 (TI) and 170 (CASIO), enter
the raw data into your calculator, apply
a reciprocal transformation to the
variable fuel consumption and generate
a scatterplot of horsepower vs
1/ consumption to show that the
log transformation has linearised the
Chapter Review: Extended-response questions
1 3
a Following the instructions on pages a Following the instructions on pages
176 (TI) and 177 (CASIO), enter the 169 (TI) and 170 (CASIO), enter the
data into your calculator, perform a data into your calculator, and
log x transformation and fit a least construct a scatterplot with distance
squares line to the transformed data as the response variable as shown
to obtain the equation: below.
average age = 2.39 + 5.89 log (income)
b average age
= 2.39 + 5.89 log (income)
= 2.39 + 5.89 × log(20 000)
= 2.39 + 5.89 × log(20 000)
= 27.72 … = 27.7 to 1 d.p.
a Following the instructions on pages
176 (TI) and 177 (CASIO), enter the
Inspection of the scatterplot shows
data into your calculator, perform a
that the association beteween
log x transformation and use the
distance and time is strong, postive
transformed data to construct a
and non- linear.
scatterplot with log(GDP) as the
explanatory variable as shown b Perform an x2 transformation to
below. form a new variable time2 and
complete the table.
c Using the transformed data, fit a
least squares line to the transformed
data to obtain the equation:
distance = 0.45 + 4.8 × time2
c When time = 7 seconds,
distance = 0.45 + 4.8 ×72
= 235.65 236 metres
f Follow the calculator instructions on
page 169 (TI) or 170(CASIO) to
construct a residual plot with time2
b Using the transformed data, fit a as the EV as shown below.
least squares line to the transformed
data to obtain the equation:
literacy rate = –44.2 + 33.3log(GDP)
c Reading from the equation:
intercept = –44.2 slope = 33.3
d When GDP = $10 000,
literacy rate
There is no clear pattern in the residual
= –44.2 + 33.3 × log(10 000)
plot; it is essentially a random array of
= 89% points, indicating that the assumption of
linearity is justified.
Chapter Review: Multiple–choice questions
1 A square transformation has an 6 Following the instructions on pages
expanding or stretching-out effect 176 (TI) and 177 (CASIO), enter the
upon the high values in a data data into your calculator, perform a
distribution. A log x transformation and fit a least
squares line to the transformed data to
2 A log transformation has a obtain the equation, y = 7.04 + 3.86 log
compressing effect upon the high x. E
values in a data distribution. D
7 width2 = 1.8 + 0.8 area
3 The scatterplot can be linearised by When area = 120,
stretching out the high end of the y width2 = 1.8 + 0.8 120 = 97.8
axis scale. A y2 transformation can be so
used for this purpose. B. width = 97.8 = 9.9 to 1 d.p. B
Chapter 6 – Investigating and
modelling time series
Solutions to Exercise 6A
1 Graph A: There is a general tendency be seasonality as the troughs and peaks
for the points to decrease in value as we are roughly equally spaced with intervals
go from left to right indicating a of less than 1 year. The remaining
decreasing trend. The remaining variation appears to be no more than
variation appears to be no more than irregular (random) fluctuations.
irregular (random) fluctuations.
3 Graph A: The plot shows a period of
Graph B: There is no general tendency decreasing trend followed by a period
for the points to decrease or increase in of increasing trend which suggests
value as we go from left to right so there there has been a structural change. The
is no trend. The sole source of variation remaining variation appears to be no
appears to be irregular (random) more than irregular (random)
fluctuations. fluctuations.
Graph C: There is a general tendency Graph B: The values in the plot do not
for the points to increase in value as we change in any way over time. Other than
go from left to right indicating a that, the plot has no defining features.
increasing trend. One data point does
not appear to follow this general trend Graph C: There is no apparent trend but
indicating the presence of a possible there appears to be seasonality as the
outlier. The remaining variation appears troughs and peaks are roughly equally
to be no more than irregular (random) spaced with intervals of around one 1
fluctuations. year. The remaining variation appears to
be no more than irregular (random)
2 Graph A: There is a general tendency fluctuations.
for the points to decrease in value as we
go from left to right indicating a 4 There is no clear increasing or
decreasing trend. There also appears to decreasing trend, but instead the graph
be seasonality as there are regularly oscillates. The fact that peaks appear to
spaced troughs and peaks with intervals occur every March with troughs every
of around one 1 year. The remaining June, means the graph exhibits seasonal
variation appears to be no more than variation. The remaining variation
irregular (random) fluctuations. appears to be no more than irregular
(random) fluctuations.
Graph B: There is no apparent trend.
However, there appears to be cyclical 5
variation, since the troughs and the a The plot for the men (red line) shows a
peaks are regularly spaced but at general decrease in smoking rates for the
intervals of greater than 1 year. The period 1945 until 1992 which indicates
remaining variation appears to be no the presence of a decreasing trend.
more than irregular (random) The plot for females (blue line) shows a
fluctuations. general but slow increase in smoking
rates for the period 1945 until 1975. This
Graph C: There is a general tendency was followed by a general decrease in
for the points to increase in value as we female smoking rates from 1975 to 1992
go from left to right indicating a that that paralleled the decrease for men.
increasing trend. There also appears to
b Since the two graphs have become closer b Noting the flat trend of the red line but
and closer together between 1945 and the increasing trend of the blue line in
1992, we can say that the difference in the plot given in the answer, we can say:
smoking rates has decreased over that ‘The number of male school teachers has
period. remained relatively constant over the
years 1993–2001, whereas the number of
6 The plot shows the presence of female school teachers has increased
significant structural change as different over this time.’
sections of the graph show abrupt
changes in trends. From 1920 to 1930
there was a strongly increasing trend,
followed a by a period of very weak or
no trend from 1930 to 1940. From 1940
to 1945 there was strongly decreasing
trend which changed abruptly to a
strongly increasing trend until 1960. This
was followed by a strongly decreasing
trend until 1985. There is no cyclic or
seasonal variation evident.
a Follow the calculator instructions given
on page 200 (TI) or page 201 (CASIO).
Solutions to Exercise 6B e This is the 5-mean of the y values for
t = 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 which are 1, 0, 2, 3, 0
1 (33.5+ 21.6 +18.1)/3 =24.4 C
1+ 0 + 2 + 3 + 0
respectively. Since =
2 (21.6 +18.1+16.2 +17.9+26.4)/5 5
= 20.04 A 1.2,
the 5-mean for t = 7 is 1.2.
3 (28.9 + 33.5 + 21.6 +18.1
+16.2 +17.9 + 26.4)/7 = 23.22… B f This is the 5-mean of the y values for
t = 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 which are 2, 5, 3, 1, 0
4 M1 = (28.9 + 33.5)/2 =31.2 2 + 5 + 3 +1+ 0
M2 = (33.5 + 21.6)/2 =27.55 respectively. Since =
2.2, the 5-mean for t = 4 is 2.2.
Two-mean centred = (31.2 + 27.55)/2
Two-mean centred = 29.375 D 2+5
g The 2-mean of t = 2, 3 is = 3.5.
5 M1 = (21.6 + 18.1 + 16.2 + 17.9))/4 5+3
M1 = 18.45 The 2-mean of t = 3, 4 is = 4.
M2 = (18.1 + 16.2 + 17.9 + 26.4)/4 2
M2 = 19.65 The centred 2-mean of the two 2-means
3.5 + 4
is = 3.75.
Four-mean centred = (18.45 + 19.65)/2 2
Four-mean centred = 19.05 A
h The 2-mean of t = 2, 3 is = 2.5.
6 2
a This is the 3-mean of the y values for 3+ 0
t = 3, 4, 5, which are 5, 3, 1 respectively. The 2-mean of t = 3, 0 is = 1.5.
5 + 3 +1 The centred 2-mean of the two 2-means
Since = 3, the 3-mean for
3 2.5 + 1.5
t = 4 is 3. is = 2.
b This is the 3-mean of the y values for i The 4-mean of t = 1, 2, 3, 4 is
t = 5, 6, 7, which are 1, 0, 2 respectively. 5+2+5+3
1+ 0 + 2 = 3.75.
Since = 1, the 3-mean for 4
3 The 4-mean of t = 2, 3, 4, 5 is
t = 6 is 1. 2 + 5 + 3 +1
= 2.75
c This is the 3-mean of the y values for 4
t = 1, 2, 3, which are 5, 2, 5 respectively. The centred 2-mean of the two 4-means
5+2+5 3.75 + 2.75
Since = 4, the 3-mean for is = 3.25.
3 2
t = 2 is 4.
j The 4-mean of t = 4, 5, 6, 7 is
d This is the 5-mean of the y values for 3 +1+ 0 + 2
t = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, which are 5, 2, 5, 3, 1
= 1.5.
respectively. The 4-mean of t = 5, 6, 7, 8 is
5 + 2 + 5 + 3 +1 1+ 0 + 2 + 3
Since = 3.2, the 5-mean = 1.5.
5 4
for t = 3 is 3.2. The centred 2-mean of the two 4-means
1.5 + 1.5
is = 1.5.
Note: For questions 7 to 11, copies of the ‘The smoothed plot show that the
blank tables are obtainable via the skill ‘average’ maximum temperature changes
sheet icon in the Interactive Textbook. relatively slowly over the 10-day period
(the 5-day average varies by only 5
7 For the 3-mean of a particular t-value, degrees) when compared to the daily
add the y-value of that t-value, the y- maximum, which can vary quite widely
value of the t-value one to the left and (for example, nearly 20 degrees between
the y-value of the t-value one to the right. the 4th and 5th day) over the same
Divide the sum by 3 to get the 3-mean period of time.’
for that t-value.
a Follow the calculator instructions given
on page 200 (TI) or page 201 (CASIO).
June 52
July 42
August 58
September 79
October 81
November 54 –
December 50 –
Solutions to Exercise 6C
Note: Copies of all of the graphs in the
exercise set can be accessed through the
skill sheet icon in the Interactive textbook.
To locate the median of a set of points
1. locate the median horizontally and
mark with a vertical dotted line
2. locate the median vertically and
mark with a horizontal line.
3. the median of the points is then
given by the point of intersection of
these two lines.
See page 212 for a step-by-step worked
See Example 5 for a step-by-step worked
example of three median smoothing.
See Example 6 for a step-by-step
worked example of five median
a See Example 5 for a step-by-step
worked example of three median
See Example 6 for a step-by-step worked
example of five median smoothing.
a, c
Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4
Year 1 198 145 86 168
12 + 13 + 14 + 17 + 18 + 15 + 9 + 10 + 8 + 11 + 15 + 20
16 Seasonal average = = 13.5. The indices in
the table below are calculated by dividing the Sales figure for each month by 13.5 and
rounding to 2 decimal places.
Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Sales 12 13 14 17 18 15 9 10 8 11 15 20
Index 0.89 0.96 1.04 1.26 1.33 1.11 0.67 0.74 0.59 0.81 1.11 1.48
22 + 19 + 25 + 23 + 20 + 18 + 20 + 15 + 14 + 11 + 23 + 30
17 Seasonal average = = 20.
The indices in the table below are calculated by dividing the Sales figure for each month by 20
and rounding to two decimal places.
Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Sales 22 19 25 23 20 18 20 15 14 11 23 30
Index 1.10 0.95 1.25 1.15 1.00 0.90 1.00 0.75 0.70 0.55 1.15 1.50
Solutions to Exercise 6E
a From the plot we can see a steady
increasing trend in the data plots,
meaning the number of Australian
university students has increased steadily
over the time period.
b Enter the data into your calculator and You can do this on your calculator if you
follow the instructions on page 136 (TI) wish.
or 137 (CASIO) to fit a straight line to
data with year as the EV. e Substituting year = 15 into the equation
number (in thousands) we get:
= 520 + 10.1 × year (to 3 sig. figs). sales = 12.5 – 0.258 × 15 ≈ 8.6%
slope = 10.1: this means that, on average, a Enter the data into your calculator and
the number of university students in follow the instructions on page 136 (TI)
Australia increased by 10 100 each year. or 137 (CASIO) to fit a straight line to
c If 1992 is Year 1, then 2020 is Year 29. data with year as the EV.
number (000s) = 520 + 10.1 × year age = 27.2 + 0.199 × year (to 3 sig figs)
= 520 + 10.1 × 29
= 812 900 = 813 000 (to 3 sig figs) slope = 0.199: this means that, on
average, the age of mothers having their
2 first child in Australia increased by
a Plotting the points on a graph gives us around 0.2 years each year.
the following plot graph:
b If 1989 is Year 1, then 2018 will be year
30. Substituting year = 30 into the
equation we get:
age = 27.20 + 0.199 ×30 = 33.2
(to 3 sig figs)
a Replacing 1992 = 1, 1993 = 2, etc., enter
the data into your calculator and follow
the instructions on page 136 (TI) or 137
(CASIO) to fit a straight line to data with
year number as the EV and duration as
the RV.
duration = 10.4 + 0.135 × year
(to 3 sig figs)
a Deseasonalised sales and rounded to the nearest whole number.
Year 1
Year 2
b Enter the data into your calculator and follow the instructions on page 200 (TI) or 201(CASIO)
and construct a time series plot of the actual data and the deseasonalised data as shown below.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Both plots show a general increase in sales over time indicating a positive trend.
The deseasonalised plot suggests that the trend is roughly linear.
c Follow the instructions on page 136 (TI) or 137 (CASIO) to fit a straight line to the
deaseasonalised data with quarter as the EV.
deseasonalised sales = 80.8 + 23.5 × quarter (to 3 sig. figs.)
a Reading from the graph, the month of
the highest rainfall is November.
a see answer for solution
Chapter Review: Multiple–choice questions
1 Since the fluctuations in the graph occur 10 actual value = deseasonalised value
within a time period of a year or less, i.e. × seasonal index
the troughs are every half a year, the actual sales Winter = 380 × 0.3 = 114
time series plot is best described as A
seasonal. C 11 The seasonal index of the average
month is 1.0
2 A The seasonal index for spring is 1.5
which is 50% greater than the average
month. E
3 B 12 The seasonal index for Autumn is 0.4,
so; deseasonlised value
2.7 + 5.1 =
actual value
4 M1 = 3.9
2 0.4
5.1 + 3.7 = 2.50 × actual value
=M 2 = 4.4 This means that to deasonalise the
sales for Autumn, the sales figure will
3.9 + 4.4
Two-mean centred = = 4.15. need to be 250% of the original –
2 i.e. a 150% increase. E
13 Seasonal average
3.4 + 4.4 + 2.7 + 5.1 + 677 + 593 + 998
=5 M 1 = 3.9. = 1048 = 829.
4 4
4.4 + 2.7 + 5.1 + 3.7 Seasonal index for Autumn is the value
= M 2 = 3.975
4 for Autumn divided by the seasonal
Four-mean centred = 677
average = = 0.82. D
3.9 + 3.975 829
= 3.9375 C
14 If 1995 is Year 1, then 2004 will be
Year 10.
6 Graphically locate the median of the five
Substituting Year = 10 into
points centred on March and read value
age = 27.1 + 0.236 × year,
off the vertical axis (M≈63) . See
we get Age = 27.1 + 0.236 × 10
Example 6 for the process. B
= 29.46 C
7 Graphically locate the median of the five
15 slope = 0.236: this means that, on
points centred on September and read
average, the age of marriage for males
value off the vertical axis (M≈69) See increased by 3 months each year Note:
Example 6 for the process. E Since there are 12 months in a year.
0.236 years = 12 × 0.236 = 2.8
8 We know that the average seasonal index
0.236 years ≈ 3 months. A
must be 1 by definition. Since there are
12 seasons (months) in this case, the
16 Enter the deseasonalised data into your
total sum of seasonal indices must be 12.
calculator and follow the instructions
Since 12 – 1.0 – 1.1 – 0.9 – 1.0 – 1.0 –
on page 136 (TI) or 137 (CASIO) to fit
1.2 – 1.1 – 1.1 – 1.1 – 1.0 – 0.7 = 0.8, the
a straight line to data with day as the
seasonal index for Feb is 0.8. C
EV. In this equation, Sunday = day 1,
Monday day 2, etc.
9 To deseasonalise a data value, we divide
price = 84.3 + 1.25 × day. A
the data value by its seasonal index:
= 240 B
17 (88.3 + 85.4 + 86.7 + 88.5 + 90.1 + 91.7
+ 94.6)/7 = 89.32 … D
7 The histogram tells us that 12 people 13 Reading from the box plot, the length
scored less than 30. of the box (the IQR) is around
We know that 63 students sat the test. 181.7 – 179 = 2.7. D
Since × 100% = 19.0%, we
63 14 From the 68-95-99.7% rule, the range
conclude that 19% of students failed is approximately 6 standard deviations
the test. B (SD), so, estimating the range from the
box plot we have 6 SD 13, so
8 The histogram tells us that 4 students SD 13/6 = 2.16… 2C B
scored between 30 and 35, 7 students
between 35 and 40, and 9 students
between 40 and 45, so that 20
(= 4 + 7 + 9) students have scores
between 30 and 45.
15 From the 68-95-99.7% rule, 95% of 20 2.4 is two SDs below the mean.
ants have lengths between: 4.8 is the mean.
mean – 2 SD and mean + 2 SD As a consequence of 68-95-99.7%
or rule, 95% of ants have lengths within
4.8–21.2=2.4 and 4.8+21.2=7.2 two standard deviations of the mean so
B half of these, 47.5%, have lengths
16 actual length = mean + z SD between 2.4 and 4.8 mm.
= 4.8 + (–0.5) 4.2 $47.5% of 1000 = 475 ants.
17 3.6 is one SD below the mean.
As a consequence of the 68-95-99.7% sco re - m ean
21 Standardised score (z) =
rule, 16% of ants have lengths less SD
than 3.6 mm. 45 65
= 2
C 10
18 6 is one SD above the mean. B
As a consequence of the 68-95-99.7%
rule, 16% of ants have lengths more 22 actual score = mean + z SD
than 6, (100 –16)% = 84% of ants = 65 + 1.2 10 = 77
have lengths less than 6 mm.
19 3.6 is one SD below the mean. 23 81 for Biology is equivalent to a
7.2 is two SDs above the mean. standardised score
As a consequence of the 68-95-99.7%
(81 54)
rule, z= 1.8
84% of ants have lengths more than 15
3.6 mm To obtain the same standardised score
2.5% of ants have lengths above in Legal Studies, Sashi’s actual score
7.2 mm, would need to be:
so 84–2.5 = 81.5% of ants have lengths actual score = mean + z SD
between 3.6 and 7.2 mm. = 78 + 1.8 5
D = 87
Solutions to Exercise 7B
1 For this data, an association between 6 Moving the outlier at (7, 25) to the point
location of internet use and age group (7, 5) reduces the total scatter in the plot
can be deduced if the percentage of which would not change the direction of
‘15–19 year olds’ using the internet at the association but would strengthen the
any one of the three location differs correlation. Thus r value would remain
significantly from the percentage of’ negative and would be closer to –1. E
20–24 year olds’ using the internet at
the same location. D 7 Consider each of the statements in
2 From the information given in the A. the variables computer ownership
question it can be concluded that that, and car ownership measured in
all of the box plots are number /1000 people are both
approximately symmetric, so the numerical variables: A is true
shape of the distribution does not B. the correlation coefficient = r2 =
change: A is true. 0.922 0.85 or 85%: B is true.
the median pay rates increase from C. there is no clear causal relationship
1980 to 2000: B is true. between computer ownership and
the IQR (as indicated by the box car ownership so either could be
widths increase from 1980 to the EV: C is true.
2000): C is true. D. a correlation r = 0.92 indicates a
because pay rate can change with positive association which is
year, but not the other way around, consistent with computer ownership
pay rate is the RV:C is true. increasing with car ownership: D is
the median pay rate increases true
between 1980 and 1990 which is E. computer ownership decreasing
consistent with pay rate and year with car ownership indicates a
being associated. E in not true. negative association: E is not true
8 All we are able to infer from the
3 The points in the scatterplot drift down information given is that there is a
to the right and can be imaged to positive correlation between reading
closely follow a straight line with scores and height, meaning taller
minimal scatter around the line. Of the students tend to read better and vice
options given, r = –0.9 is best. E versa. D
4 The points in the scatterplot drift down 9 A back–to–back stem plot is useful for
to the right and can be imaged to displaying associations between a
closely follow a straight line with numerical variable and a categorical
minimal scatter around the line. The variable with two categories. Height in
association is best described as strong, centimetres versus sex (male, female)
negative and linear. B fulfils these requirements. D
5 The correlation coefficient, can be both 10 Since both variables are categorical,
positive and negative because an appropriately percentaged table is
associations can be both positive and the most appropriate choice. A
negative. The coefficient of
determination equals r2 so it is 11 Since a numerical variable is being
positive. The remaining options are plotted against a categorical variable
statistics that involve measuring the with more than two categories,
amount of spread of a data set in some parallel box plots would be the most
way so must be positive. D appropriate choice. D
Solutions to Exercise 7C
rs y 0 . 675 4 . 983 9 Since r2 = 0.8198 or 81.98 % 82%,
1 b = 1.3 C we can say that 82% of the variation in
sx 2 . 567
the number of errors made can be
explained by the variation in study
2 The equation of the least squares line
time. D
is: number = 230 4.3 × temperature
From this equation we see that the 10 From the graph, the y-intercept can be
slope is –4.3 A
seen to be approximately 210. The
slope of the graph is negative and the
To provide the answers necessary to answer line drops around 11 cm of rainfall for
questions 3 & 4, enter the data into your every 1 degree increase in temperature.
calculator and follow the instruction on page Hence, average rainfall = 210 – 11 ×
153 (TI) and 154 (CASIO) to fit a least
temperature range. A
squares line to the data and generate the
value of r2.
11 From the given correlation
3 Coefficient of determination:
option A is not true: (–0.357)2
r2 = 0.89 D
Option B is not true: the correlation
4 Given:
between population density and
number of errors
distance from the centre of the city is
= 8.8 – 0.12 × study time,
When study time = 35,
number of errors = 8.8 – 0.12 × 35 Option C is not true: the correlation
coefficient is positive
= 4.6 B
Option D is not true: the correlation
5 Given: r2 = 0.8198 coefficient is negative, so the slope
of the regression line is negative
r = ± r 2 = ± 0.8198 = ±0.905... Option E is true: a correlation
As the slope of the least squares line is coefficient of r = –0.563 indicates a
negative, r is negative, so r – 0.91 stronger association than a
A correlation coefficient of r = 0.357
6 residual value = actual – predicted
actual value = 6 12 Following the calculator instructions
predicted value = 8.8 – 0.12 × 10 on pages 196 (TI) and 170 (CASIO),
= 7.6 enter the raw data into your calculator,
residual value = 6 – 7.6 = –1.6 1
B apply a transformation to obtain the
required equation:
7 Option E is clearly not true, the EV is
study time not number of errors. = 0.068 + 0.16x A
All of the other options can be shown y
to be true. E
13 population = 58 170 + 43.17 × year2
8 From the given regression equation, When year = 10,
the slope = –0.12. population = 58 170 + 43.17 × 102
This means that, on average, the = 62 487 E
number of errors made:
‘decreases by 0.12 for each extra
minute spent studying’ B
14 weight2 = 52 + 0.78 × area
When area = 8.8,
weight2 = 52 + 0.78 × 8.8
weight = 58.86 … 7.7
Solutions to Exercise 7D
1 There is a clear upwards trend but no
variation that can be said to be clearly
cyclical or seasonal. A 12 the seasonal index of an average
quarter is 1.0 the seasonal index for
2 This question is concerned with the quarter 3 is 0.85 which is 15% less
difference in share price between the than the average quarterly B
two companies. This distance is
represented by the distance between 13 deseasonalised value = actual
the two time series lines which clearly value/seasonal index
decreases with time. A The SI for summer is 0.8, so
deseasonalised value = actual value/0.8
4+ 5+ 4 1.25 actual value
3 = 4.33... A
3 This means that deseasonalise the sales
for summer, you would have to
4 + 4 + 8 + 6 + 91
4 = 6.2 B increase the actual sales figures by
5 around 25% E
5 M1 = =7 2016000 + 3900000
2 14 M1 = = 2 958 000
M2 = = 7.5 3900000 + 4830000
2 M1 = = 4 365 000
two mean centred = 7 + 7.5 = 7.25 two mean centred =
2 295800 + 4365000
E = 3 661 500 D
4+ 5+ 4+ 4
6 M1 = = 4.25 15 Graphically smooth the five points
4 centred on the three-median smoothed
5+ 4+ 4+8
M2 = = 5.25 number of calls for month 9 to obtain
4 the answer: 362
four mean centred = Following this procedure, the three-
4.25 + 5.25 median smoothed number of calls for
= 4.75 B
2 month 9 is found to be close to 362
See page 213 for a step-by-step
18 worked example using graphical three-
7 = 30 E
0.6 median smoothing. B
9 deseasonalised sales = 800 = 1000 17 The line goes from (0,20) to (10,4),
D which is a y-intercept of 20 and a slope
4 – 20
of = = –1.6.
10 SI = 4 –1.1 –0.9–0.8 = 1.2 E 10
Hence, y = 20 – 1.6t. A
11 actual sales = 91 564 1.45
= $132 767.8 E
Chapter Review: 7E Extended-response questions
1 a
i Complete the table by counting 4 a
separately, the number of i 25.0 years, which can be read
girls who walked (10), sat or directly from the stem plot.
stood (9), and ran (9). ii Median age = 28.2 which can
9 be determined by finding the
ii 100 32.1% to 1 d.p. middle value in the stem plot.
b Nominal: categories cannot be b IQR= Q3 – Q1
used to order, only to identify = 30.9 –29.9 = 1 year
(name) the type of activity a girl c To be an outlier, 26.0 must
engages in below the lower fence.
The lower fence is located at
2 a See answer: the solution is the point Q1 –1.5 IQR
integrated with the answer Determine the lower fence:
b Ordinal: the categories can be 29.9 –1.5 1 = 28.4
used to order the girls by year Conclude that 26.0 is an outlier
level. because 26.0 < 28.4
3 5
a The mode is the most a 42.1 + 23.4 = 65.5%: read
frequently occurring value: 78; values from table (column 1,
range = maximum –minimum row 3)
= 79 –70 = 9 b Yes: see answer for an
b To be an outlier, 70 must explanation
below the lower fence. c year of marriage because it is
The lower fence is located at the variable used to make the
the point Q1 –1.5 IQR prediction.
Determine Q1 and Q3 by
Q1 = 75 and Q3 = 78 6
Determine the IQR: a The middle 50% lie between
IQR = Q3 – Q1 = 78–75 = 3 Q1 and Q3, i.e. 124 and 148
Determine the lower fence: read from the box plot.
75 –1.5 3 = 70.5 b Median arm span (along with
Conclude that 70 is an outlier other quantities) increases with
because 70 < 70.5 year level
c Outliers will be lower than Q1
–1.5 IQR or greater than Q1
–1.5 IQR .
From the box plot for year 10
girls, Q1 = 160, Q3 = 170
IQR =170 – 160 = 10
Lower fence = Q1 –1.5 IQR
=160 –1.5 10
= 145
Her real arm span is still below
145 cm so it is still an outlier.
7 9 a 1964: read from the graph
a Use the equation to locate to
widely spaced points on the line. b mean surface temperature =
1. minimum temperature = 0, –12.36 + 0.013 year
maximum temperature =13 + i When year = 2010
0.67 0 = 13 mean surface temperature = –
2. minimum temperature = 20, 12.36 + 0.013 2010
maximum temperature =13 + = 13.77 C to 2 d.p.
0.67 20 = 26.4 ii residual = actual – predicted
Draw a line on the graph predicted
passing through the two points = –12.36 + 0.013 2000 =13.64
(0, 13) and (0, 26.4) residual = 13.55 – 13.64
b intercept = 13: this means that = –0.09 C to the nearest degree
when the minimum temperature
is 0C, the predicted maximum iii +0.013: the slope gives the
temperature is 13C average change in temperature
c given that r =0.630 and a per year
roughly linear scatterplot,
conclude that there is a c There is a general increase in
moderate, positive, linear temperature with increasing time,
indicating a positive trend.
The temperature in 1998 seems to
d slope = 0.67: this means that, on very much higher than in the
average, the maximum nearby years suggesting that it is an
temperature increases by 0.67C outlier.
for each 1C increase in the
minimum temperature.
e coefficient of determination =
0.6302 = 0.3969 or around 40%:
this means that 40% of the
variation in the maximum
temperature can be explained by
the variation in the minimum
f residual = actual – predicted
= 12.2 – (13 + 0.67 11.1)
= –8 C to the nearest degree
Chapter 8 – Modelling growth and
decay using recursion
Solutions to Exercise 8A
1 2
a 2 a
2+6 =8
8+6 = 14
14 + 6 = 20
20 + 6 = 26
b 5
5–3 =2 b
2–3 = –1
–1 – 3 = –4
–4 – 3 = –7
c 1
1×4 =4
4×4 = 16 c
16 × 4 = 64
64 × 4 = 256
d 10
10 ÷ 2 = 5
5 ÷ 2 = 2.5 d
2.5 ÷ 2 = 1.25
1.25 ÷ 2 = 0.625
e 6
6×2+2 = 14
14 × 2 + 2 = 30
30 × 2 + 2 = 62 e
62 × 2 + 2 = 126
f 12
12 × 0.5 + 3 =9
9 × 0.5 + 3 = 7.5
7.5 × 0.5 + 3 = 6.75 f
6.75 × 0.5 + 3 = 6.375
Solutions to Exercise 8B
1 2
a W0 = 2 a
W1 = 2 + 3 = 5
W2 = 5 + 3 = 8
W3 = 8 + 3 = 11
W4 = 11 + 3 = 14
b D0 = 50
D1 = 50 – 5 = 45 b
D2 = 45 – 5 = 40
D3 = 40 – 5 = 35
D4 = 35 – 5 = 30
c M0 = 1
M1 = 3 × 1 = 3
M2 = 3 × 3 =9 c
M3 = 3 × 9 = 27
M4 = 3 × 27 = 81
d L0 = 3
L1 = –2 × 3 = –6
L2 = –2 × –6 = 12 d
L3 = –2 × 12 = –24
L4 = –2 × –24 = 48
e K0 = 5
K1 = 2 × 3 – 1 = 9
K2 = 2 × 9 – 1 = 17
K3 = 2 × 17 – 1 = 33 e
K4 = 2 × 33 – 1 = 65
f F0 = 2
F1 = 2 × 2 + 3 = 7
F2 = 2 × 7 + 3 = 17
F3 = 2 × 17 + 3 = 37 f
F4 = 2 × 37 + 3 = 77
g S0 = –2
S1 = 3 × –2 + 5 = –1
S2 = 3 × –1 + 5 = 2
S3 = 3 × 2 + 5 = 11
S4 = 3 × 11 + 5 = 38
h V0 = –10
V1 = –3 × –10 + 5 = 35
V2 = –3 × 35 + 5 = –100
V3 = –3 × –100 + 5 = 305
V4 = –3 × 305 + 5 = –910
The value of the investment after 1 year The value of the loan after 1 year is
is $2076. The value of the investment $7518. The value of the loan after 2
after 2 years is $2152 and the value of years is $8036 and the value of the loan
the investment after 3 years is $2228. after 3 years is $8554.
b Use the calculator to count the number of b Use the calculator to count the number of
years until a value greater than $3000 is years until a value greater than $10 000
reached. is reached.
V0 = 12 000, Vn +1 = Vn + 984
c Interest = 6% of $1500
= $1500
= $90
V0 = 1500, Vn +1 = Vn + 90
3 5
a i The principal of the investment is a V0 = 23 000
V0 . The principal is $15 000. V1 = 23 000 – 805 = 22 195
ii The interest is the amount added in V2 = 22 195 – 805 = 21 390
the recurrence relation. The V3 = 21 390 – 805 = 20 585
interest is $525.
525 The value of the car after 1 year is $222
iii interest rate = 100% 195. The value of the car after 2 years is
15 000
$21 390 and the value of the car after 3
= 3.5% per annum
years is $20 585.
b Double the principal is $30 000.
b Use the calculator to count the number of
years until a value less than $10 000 is
a V0 = 2550
V1 = 2550 – 400 = 2100
V2 = 2100 – 400 = 1700
V3 = 1700 – 400 = 1300
The value of the computer after 1 year is It takes 17 years for the value of the
$2100. The value of the computer after computer to be less than $10 000.
2 years is $1700 and the value of the
computer after 3 years is $1300. c V0 = 37 000, Vn+1 = Vn – 700
b Use the calculator to count the number of d Interest = 4.5% of $12 000
years until a value less than $1000 is 4.5
reached. = $12 000
= $540
V0 = 12 000, Vn +1 = Vn – 540
c Continue using the calculator until the
value is $43 000
7 9
a The purchase price of the harvester is a depreciation = 17.5% of $7000
$65 000. 17.5
= × 7000
b The harvester is depreciated by $3250 = $1225
each year. The annual depreciation is $1225.
11 12
a total depreciation = $35 400 – $25 000 a i depreciation = $110 000 – $2500
= $9700 = $107 500
107 500
unit cost =
9700 4 000 000
b depreciation per km =
25 000 = 0.026875 dollars per page
= 0.388 (2.6875 cents per page)
d If the car has value $6688, After printing 1.5 million pages,
Vn = 6688 the printer has value $69 687.50
6688 = 35 400 – 0.388n
0.388n = 35 400 – 6688 iii depreciation for 750 000 pages
0.388n = 28 712 = 750 000 × 0.026875
n = 28 712 / 0.388 = $20 156.25
n = 74 000
The annual depreciation of the printer
When the car has value $6688 it has is $20 156.25
travelled 74 000 kilometres.
b Vn = 110 000 – 20 156.25 × n where n
e If the car has value $0, is the number of years.
Vn = 0 V5 = 110 000 – 20 156.25 × 5
0 = 35 400 – 0.388n V5 = 9218.75
0.388n = 35 400
n = 35 400 / 0.388 After 5 years, the printer has value
n = 91 237.1134 $9218.75
The car is expected to drive 91 237.1134 c If the value of the machine is $70 000,
km before it has value zero Vn = 70 000
To the nearest kilometre, it will have a 70 000 = 110 000 – 0.026875 × n
value of zero after 91 238 km.
0.026875 × n = 110 000 – 70 000
0.026875 × n = 40 000
n = 40 000 / 0.026875
n = 1 488 373
Solutions to Exercise 8E
1 2
a V1 = 1.042 × 6000 = 6252 a V1 = 1.063 × 20 000 = 21 260
V2 = 1.042 × 6252 = 6514.58 V2 = 1.063 × 21 260 = 22 599.38
V3 = 1.042 × 6514.58 = 6788.20 V3 = 1.063 × 22 599.38 = 24 023.14
After 1 year, the value of the investment After 1 year, the value of the loan is $21
is $6252, after 2 years the value of the 260, after 2 years the value of the loan is
investment is $6514.58 and after 3 years, $22 599.38 and after 3 years, the value
the value of the investment is $6788.20 of the loan is $24 023.14
b Use the calculator, counting the number b Use the calculator, counting the number
of times ENTER or EXE is pressed for of times ENTER or EXE is pressed for
the value to exceed 8000. the value to exceed 30 000.
Note: The values in the calculator screens above Note: The values in the calculator screens above
have been rounded to 2 decimal places. have been rounded to 2 decimal places.
It takes 7 years for the value of the It takes 7 years for the value of the loan
investment to first exceed $8000. to first exceed $30 000.
If Jessica paid back everything she owes c The furniture is valued at $15 677.71
after 1 year, she would need $3788.51 after 3 years.
d total depreciation = V0 – V5
= $18 000 – $14 298.46
= $3701.54
Solutions to Exercise 8F
1 3
a Vn = 2n × 6 a i V0 = 2000 so the amount borrowed
V4 = 24 × 6 is $2000.
V4 = 96
ii 1.06 = 1 +
b Vn = 3n × 10 100
V4 = 34 × 10 r
V4 = 810 1.06 – 1 =
c Vn = 0.5n × 1 0.06 =
V4 = 0.54 × 1
r = 0.06 ×100
V4 = 0.0625
The annual interest rate for this
d Vn = 0.25n × 80
loan is 6%.
V4 = 0.254 × 80
V4 = 0.3125
b Vn = 1.06n × 2000
c V5 = 1.064 × 2000
a i V0 = 3000 so the amount invested
V5 = 2524.95
is $3000.
ii 1.1 = 1 + d V6 = 1.066 × 2000
100 V6 = 2837.04
1.1 – 1 =
100 Interest paid = V6 – V0
r = $2837.04 – $2000
0.1 = = $837.04
r = 0.1 ×100
r = 10
The annual interest rate for this
investment is 10%.
b Vn = 1.1n × 3000
c V5 = 1.15 × 3000
V5 = 4831.53
Vn = (1.125)n × 8000 6
a i The purchase price is V0.
b V3 = (1.125)3 × 8000 The purchase price of the stereo
V3 = 11 390.63 system is $1200.
Vn = (1.0675)n × 3500
11 V0 = 8000
V3 = 6645
Sarah investment her money for 6 years.
r n
9 V0 = 200 Vn = (1 – ) × V0
Vn = 20 000
r 3
6645 = (1 – ) × 8000
r = 4.75 so, 100
= 1.0475
Vn = (1.0475)n × 200
r = 6.8 so,
= 1.068
12 000 = (1.068)4 × V0
13 V0 = ?
n = 10
V10 = 13 770
r = 8.2 so,
= 0.918
13 770 = (0.918)10 × V0
b 8.3% per annum = % quarterly
4 The effective rate is 6.38% per annum.
= 2.08% quarterly
c 6.2% per annum = % fortnightly
= 0.238% fortnightly
d 7.4% per annum = % weekly The effective rate is 8.76% per annum.
= 0.142% weekly
e 12.7% per annum = % daily
= 0.0348% daily
b r = 4.60 b r = 7.94
There are 4 quarters in a year so n = 4 There are 26 fortnights in a year so
n = 26
4.6 4
reffective = ((1+ ) – 1) × 100
4 × 100 reffective = ((1+
7.94 26
) – 1) × 100
= 4.679960… 26 × 100
= 8.2506…
8.3 7
reffective = ((1+ )12 – 1) × 100 a Option A:
12 × 100
= 8.62314… r = 5.3
n = 12
reffective = ((1+ )12 – 1) × 100
12 × 100
= 5.43066…
Option B:
r = 7.8 The effective interest rate for the
n = 52 investment is 5.43% per annum (2 d.p).
7.8 Option B:
reffective = ((1+ )52 – 1) × 100 r = 5.5
52 × 100
= 8.10594… n=4
or 5.5 4
reffective = ((1+ ) – 1) × 100
4 × 100
= 5.61448…
Option B:
interest = 8.11% of $35 000
= × 35 000
= $2838.50
b Option A:
interest = 5.43066% of $140 000
= × 140 000
= $7602.92
Option B:
interest = 5.61448% of $140 000
= × 140 000
= $7860.27
b Z0 = 128, Zn+1 = 0.5Zn + 32 a
Z0 = 128
Z1 = 0.5 × 128 + 32 = 96
Z2 = 0.5 × 96 + 32 = 80
Z3 = 0.5 × 80 + 32 = 72
Z4 = 0.5 × 72 + 32 = 68
After 5 days there will be 144 651.859
Z5 = 0.5 × 68 + 32 = 66
litres of water in the swimming pool.
R = 1.02
1+ = 1.02
= 1.02 – 1
= 0.02
r = 0.02 × 100
b The loan is not fully repaid after 5 Monthly payments of $339 are made, so
payments of $626. The last line of the D = 339
calculator screen is 0.8279… which
means the last payment must be V0 = 2000, Vn+1 = 1.005 Vn – 339
increased by $0.83 to fully repay the
loan. b
Interest rate is 12% p.a compounding Interest rate is 4.8% p.a compounding
quarterly, so monthly, so
12 4.8
r= = 3% per month r= = 0.4% per month
4 12
3 0.4
R=1+ R=1+
100 100
R = 1.03 R = 1.004
V0 = 150 000,
Vn +1 = 1.0014 Vn – 650
After 4 payments, the balance of the loan a Annual interest rate is 12%
is 1.8907…× 10-3, or $0.00189 12
Monthly interest rate = % = 1%.
This balance, when rounded to the 12
nearest cent, is zero, so 4 payments will
fully repay the loan. The monthly interest rate is 1%.
The principal repaid from payment 4 is The final payment must be $558.02 in
$334.85 order to fully repay the loan after 8
d Balance after payment 5
= balance after payment 4 b i The interest component of payment
– principal reduction 1 is $100. This is calculated on the
= $680.37 – $338.20 principal of the loan.
= $342.17
quarterly interest rate
The balance of the loan after payment 5 100
has been made is $342.17 = × 100%
= 2.5% per quarter
e The total cost of repaying the loan
= sum of all the payments ii The annual interest rate
= 5 × $345 + 1 × $345.60 = 4 × quarterly interest rate
= $2070.60 = 4 × 2.5%
= 10% per annum
f The total interest paid c A = interest paid with payment 4
= total cost of repayment = payment – principal reduction
– principal = 557.85 – 493.05
= $2070.60 – $2000 = 64.80
= $70.60
B = Principal reduction of payment 5
= payment 5 – interest
total interest = 557.85 – 52.47
= sum of interest paid = 505.38
= $20.00 + $16.25 + $13.47
+ $10.15 + $6.80 + $3.42 C = balance after payment 6
= $70.59 = balance after payment 5 –
principal reduction of payment 6
Note: the difference in the two answers is due to
rounding errors in the amortisation table. = 1593.39 – 518.02
= 1075.37
7 D = interest paid with payment 7
a i The principal value is the balance = 2.5% of balance
of the loan for payment number 0. after payment 6
The principal of the loan is $4000. = ×C
ii The quarterly payment is $557.85 = 0.025 × 1075.37
= 26.88
iii In the row for payment 1, the value in
the interest column is 100. Interest E = Principal reduction of payment 7
paid from payment 1 is $100. = payment 7
– interest of payment 7
iv In the row for payment 2, the value in = 557.85 – D
the principal reduction column is = 557.85 – 26.88
469.30. The principal reduction from = 530.97
Note: Because the values in an amortisation table
payment 2 is $469.30 are rounded to the nearest cent, there can be
small differences in the values depending on the
v After payment 3, the balance of the calculation method used.
loan is $2591.83
Solutions to Exercise 9C
Note: in the financial solver screens below, the shaded
box is the quantity that is found by pressing ENTER or
tapping Solve.
e b i
3 ii Total repaid
a = number payments
× payment amount
= 144 × $2902.96
= $418 026.24
The number of monthly payments The payments for this loan are $349.43,
required to pay out this loan is 55, correct rounded to the nearest cent.
to the nearest month.
b Total paid
b Total paid = number of payments
= number of payments × payment amount
× payment amount = 240 × $349.43
= 55 × $450 = $83 863.20
= $24 750
Amount of interest
Amount of interest = Total paid – Principal
= Total paid – Principal = $83 863.20 – $35 000
= $24 750 – $20 000 = $48 863.20
= $4750
Interest paid is $48 900 (to nearest 100
6 dollars)
c Change the payment value to $349.43
C = balance 5 – B
= 3522.64 – 499.19 Note: the payment value is positive because this
= 3023.45 amount is given from the bank to Stephanie.
f The last payment = $508.00 + $1.97 Stephanie will receive $474.81 each
= $509.97 month from her annuity.
5 Remember to make PV negative because Helen can withdraw $692.50 from her
this value is given to the bank. annuity each month.
Remember to make Pmt or PMT positive
because this amount is given from the b Make sure that the payment is retained in
bank. the financial solve. Just change the value
of N.
c Transfer the future value after 2 years to b FV from Q9a becomes PV.
be the new principal value.
a $500 = 2.7% of investment
$500 = × investment
$500 × 100 = 2.7 × investment
500 × 100 Suzie receives a quarterly payment of
investment = $ $9790.50 from her investment.
investment = $18 518.52
b Since Suzie is withdrawing only the
interest that is earned from her
Barbara should invest $18 519 (nearest
investment, the full invested amount will
dollar) to provide the scholarship.
remain in the account in perpetuity.
b interest rate = × 100% After 5 quarterly payments, Suzie has
$12 000 $642 000 in the perpetuity.
= 4.166…%
c The amount invested in a perpetuity will
The minimum interest rate Barbara needs remain constant, provided the interest rate
is 4.2% per annum (2 d.p) and remains the same.
1+ = 1.025
= 0.025
r = 2.5% per quarter
The balance of the investment after 5
years is $8805.26 r = 4 × 2.5% per annum
= 10% per annum
b The principal value is V0.
The principal of this investment is $2000. 3 Sarah invests $1500, so V0 = 1500.
c The amount added to the investment each Sarah adds $40 to the investment each
year is $1000. month so D = 40.
d The value of R from the recurrence The annual interest rate is 9%.
relation is The monthly interest rate
R = 1.08 9
= % per month
r 12
100 = 0.75% per month
r r
1+ = 1.08 R=1+
100 100
r 0.75
= 0.08 =1+
100 100
r = 8% per annum = 1.0075
2 V0 = 1500, Vn +1 = 1.0075 Vn + 40
a i The original amount invested is the
balance of the annuity after 0
ii total interest
= balance after 8 months
– principal
– payments made
= 6242.85 – 5000 – 8 × 100
= 442.85
If Bree makes regular deposits of $120
total interest
per month, she will have $42 378.59 after
= sum of interest column
5 years.
= 50 + 51.50 + 53.02 + 54.55
+ 56.09 + 57.65 + 59.23 + 60.82
= 442.86
After 12 months, Barry would owe
$240 437.13
a Interest rate is 6.25% per annum,
compounding monthly so,
interest received
= × $150 000
12 × 100
= $781.25 note: The future value is negative, which means
Samantha will need to effectively pay this
money back to the bank.
Samantha would receive $781.25 each
Samantha’s final payment is $676.93
b less than normal.
The quarterly payment is $656.72
The quarterly payment on this loan is c $750 is one third of $2250 so each
$2897.92 quarter, the family is paying the same
amount. However, more regular
d compounds mean the balance is reduced
more often, which means less interest is
paid in the long run. So, the Andersons
made the right decision.
perpetuity payment
= × $1 175 244.58
After 10 years, the amount owing on the
= $3427.80
loan is $83 713.48
ii Total interest
= total paid – principal
= 240 × $1827.320506
– $250 000
= $438 556.92 – $250 000
= $188 556.92
c 9 years = 9 × 12 payments
= 108 payments
V0 = 490, Vn +1 = 1.08 Vn – 60 C
Chapter 10 – Revision: Recursion
and financial modelling
Solutions to Exercise 10A: Multiple-choice questions
Note: in the financial solver screens below, the shaded 4 A0 = 270, An+1 = 0.92An – 8
box is the quantity that is found by pressing ENTER or
tapping Solve.
Use calculator recursion and notice that
for a large number of iterations (large
1 Test each sequence by applying the rule
value of n), the value of An approaches
“multiply by 3 and subtract 2”:
A: 5 3 – 2 = 13, not 14
B: 4 3 – 2 = 10, correct
10 3 – 2 = 28, correct 0.92 x –100 = –92
28 3 – 2 = 82, correct –92 – 8 = –100
82 3 – 2 = 244, correct
C: 10 3 – 2 = 28, not 17 If the value of An was exactly –100, it
D: 2 3 – 2 = 4, not 8 would stay as –100. But An will never be
E: 3 3 – 2 = 7, not 11 exactly –100, but will always be greater
than it.
Answer: B
Answer: C
2 Starting value is 6, so V0 = 6
Multiply by 0.5 and add 4 means 5 Geometric growth occurs with a
Vn+1 = 0.5 Vn + 4 multiplying factor greater than 1.
Answer: B
Answer: C
6 The recurrence relation 9 depreciation = 15% of $5000
V0 = 20 000, Vn+1 = 1.045Vn + 200 = 15/100 $5000
= $750
shows geometric growth plus an element
of linear growth Let Vn be the value of the machine after n
Growth rate
r = (1.045 – 1)100% Vn = 5000 – n 750
r = 4.5%
If the value is $1500,
periodic addition = 200
1500 = 5000 – n 750
A: has annual payment, there are 750n = 5000 – 1500
additions, not payments 750n = 3500
B: correct n = 3500 / 750
C: depreciation is decay, not growth n = 4.666…
D: interest rate is not 5.4%
E: interest rate is not 5.4%, there are The number of years is closest to 5.
additions, not payments
Answer: D
Answer: B
10 Flat rate depreciation means the graph
7 R = 1.0017 (fortnightly) will be linear (straight line).
The purchase price is $20 000 so the
1 + r/100 = 1.0017 graph passes through point (0,20 000)
r = (1.0017 – 1)100% The value after 5 years is $4000 so the
r = 0.17% per fortnight graph passes through point (5,4000)
r = 0.17 26% per annum
Answer: A
annual interest rate = 4.42%
11 r = 6% per annum
Answer: C r = 6/12 % per month
r = 0.5%
8 r = 4.5% R = 1 + 0.5/100 = 1.005
R = 1 – 4.5/100 for depreciation
R = 0.955 initial investment = $3000
Answer: D
12 15 R=1+6.5/100 = 1.065
Answer: C Answer: B
13 Value of investment after 4 years: 16
17 Total depreciation
= purchase price – depreciated value
= $6500 – $2000
= $4500
Answer: C
Answer: A
18 Find value of loan after 10 years: Weekly payments and weekly
Answer: D
Monthly payments:
Interest earned
= $15 463.35 – $15 000
= $463.35
Interest earned
=$15 952.92 – $15 463.35
= $489.57
Answer: D
Solutions to Exercise 10B: Extended-response questions
e i Initial investment is $5000, so
Note: in the financial solver screens below, the shaded V0 = 5000
box is the quantity that is found by pressing ENTER or
tapping Solve.
r = 4.8% per annum
r = 4.8/12 = 0.4% per month
a Purchase price is the value of the bike at
year 0. From the graph, the purchase R = 1 + 0.4/100 = 1.004
price of the bike was $8000.
Additional payment is $200 each
month, so D = 200
b From the graph, the value of the bike after
2 years was $5000.
V0 = 5000, Vn+1 = 1.004Vn + 200
Amount of depreciation = $8000 – $5000
= $3000 ii Doubling means the value will be at
least $10 000:
annual depreciation = $3000 / 2
= $1500
ii V0 = 8000
V1 = 8000 – 1500 = 6500
V2 = 6500 – 1500 = 5000
V3 = 5000 – 1500 = 3500
V4 = 3500 – 1500 = 2000 iii Find the balance of the loan after 1
V5 = 2000 – 1500 = 500 year:
V0 = 50 000,
Vn+1 = 1.016Vn – 4800
Term of loan
= 12 quarters
= 12/4 years
= 3 years.
Monthly payments are $1200, so Let Vn be the value of the car after n years
D = 1200
Vn = 0.75n 40 000
V0 = 134 170.77,
Vn+1 = 1.003625Vn – 1200 i after 1 year:
V1 = 0.75 40 000
d V1 = 30 000
ii after 3 years
V3 = 0.753 40 000
V3 = 16 875
Cn = 40 000 – n8000
After 2 years
C2 = 40 000 – 2 8000
C2 = 24 000
Car Vn Computer Cn
n Vn = 0.75n 40 000 Cn = 40 000 – n8000
0 40 000 40 000
1 30 000 32 000
2 22 500 24 000
3 16 875 16 000
a i annual interest rate = 7.9%
quarterly interest rate = 7.9/4%
= 1.975 %
monthly payment
= 4.25/12 % of $439829.2563 The payment from a perpetuity would be
= 4.25/12/100 $439829.2563 $5696.22 each month.
= $1557.728…
a n c11 = 0.
o d41 = 4.
p e22 = –1.
c q d32 = 3.
r b11 = 3.
a Square matrices have the same number s c12 = 1.
of rows as columns. The square
matrices are C and E (they have
dimensions 2×2 and 3×3 respectively). 5
a Follow the instructions on page 371
d (TI) or page 371 (CAS) to enter the
matrix and determine the transpose.
c As for a above.
Solutions to Exercise 11B
1 b Row matrix:
a See Example 6 for an illustrative [24 32 11]
example .
Order = 1×3.
Construct the matrix by enclosing the
numbers in the table in square brackets
c Column matrix:
to form the square matrix.
4 1 24
6 2 3
Order: 2×1.
2 1 0 The sum of the elements will represent
the total number of small cars sold by
Order: 3×3: the matrix has 3 rows and both dealers.
3 columns.
3 See Example 7 for an illustrative
b Construct the matrix by enclosing the example.
numbers in row B of the table in The 2×8 matrix representing the paired
square brackets to form the row digits listed one under the other is as
matrix. follows:
[6 2 3]
3 5 8 7 0 2 3 6
Order: 1×3: the matrix has 1 row and 3
columns. 4 2 2 9 0 0 0 9
0 1 0
1 0 1
0 1 0
Order: 3 ×1: the matrix has 3 rows
and 1 column.
0 1 0 1
The sum of the elements will represent
0 1 0
the total number of computers owned b
by members of the three households. 0 1 0 1
2 1 0 1 0
a See Example 6 for an illustrative
example. 0 0 1 1
Construct the matrix by enclosing the 0
numbers in the table in square brackets 0 0 1
to form the rectangular matrix.
1 0 0 1
24 32 11
1 0
32 34 9 1 1
5 See Example 8 for an illustrative b Complete the matrix column-by-
example. column as set out below.
With Town 1 as the first row and
column, Town 2 as the second and Insect (I) column:
Town 3 as the third, the following From the arrows in the diagram we see
matrix can be created: that insects do not eat any of the other
0 0 1 creatures shown. Thus, the last blank
element in this column should be a ‘0’.
0 0 3
Bird (B) column:
1 3 0 From the arrows in the diagram, it can
be seen that birds eat insects (I),
6 See Example 9 for an illustrative lizards (L) and frogs (F). Thus, the last
example. blank element should be a ‘1’ because
a f3 4 = 1, so girls 3 and 4 are friends. birds eat frogs.
b f2 5 = 0, so girls 2 and 5 are not friends. Lizard (L) column:
From the arrows in the diagram,
c The sum of row 3 elements will tell us lizards (L) eat insects (I) and frogs (F)
the total number of friends for girl 3: so the elements in row I and F should
three friends. be ‘1’s. The remaining elements are
d The girl with the least friends is girl 1,
with only 1 friend. The girl with the Frog (F) column:
most friends is girl 3, with 3 friends. From the arrows in the diagram, frogs
(F) eat insects (I) only so the element
7 in row I should be a ‘1’. The
a i the ‘1’ in column B, row L of matrix remaining elements are ‘0’s.
E is generated by the ‘eat’ arrow from
‘birds’ to ‘lizards’ which tells us that The final matrix should be as follows:
’birds eat lizards’.
Solutions to Exercise 11C
a The only matrices to be equal are C and F They are the same order and contain identical
elements in identical positions.
b A and B have the same order as each other (1×2); C and F are of the same order (2×3); D and
E are of the same order (2×2).
c Matrices that can be added and subtracted must be of the same order as each other.
Thus, the 3 pairs of matrices – A and B, C and F, and D and E – can all be added to and
subtracted from each other.
d i A + B = [3 + 1 = 4 3 + 1 = 4]
ii D + E =
0+1=1 1+0=1
-1 + 2 = 1 2+ -1 = 1
iii C – F =
0–0=0 1–1=0 4 – 4 = 0
3 – 3 = 0 2–2=0 1 – 1 = 0
iv A – B = [1 – 3 = -2 3 – 1 = 2]
v E–D=
1–0=1 0 – 1 = -1
2 – -1 = 3 -1 – 2 = -3
vi 3B = [3 × 3 = 9 3 × 1 = 3]
4×0=0 4×1=4 4 × 4 = 16
vii 4F =
4 × 3 = 12 4×2=8 4×1=4
viii 3C + F = 4F (since C = F)
= 0 4 16
12 8 4
ix 4A – 2B = [4 × 1 – 2 × 3 = -2 4 × 3 – 2 × 1 = 10]
x E + F is not possible. The matrices are not of the same order, so this addition cannot be
performed and thus is undefined.
2 These example are designed to be done quickly by hand.
1 + 4 = 5 2 + 3 = 5
4 + 1 = 5 3 + 2 = 5
1 – 4 = -3 2 – 3 = -1
4 – 1 = 3 3–2=1
1 + 8 = 9 2 + 6 = 8
4 + 2 = 6 3 + 4 = 7
0 + 1 = 1
1 + 0 = 1
0 + 2 = 2
3 + 0 = 3
g Matrices are not of the same order so this addition cannot be performed and thus is
j Matrices are not of the same order so this addition cannot be performed and thus is
3 Following the instructions given on page 381 (TI) or page 382 (CASIO), enter the matrices
involved into your calculator, and perform the required computations to obtain the answers.
a A=
b The sum of the 4 matrices represents the total sale of CDs in a year for each of the three
2.4 + 2.8 + 1.5 + 3.4 = 11.1
3.5 + 3.4 + 2.6 + 4.1 = 13.6
1.6 + 1.8 + 1.7 + 2.1 = 7.2
16 104 86
a A=
75 34 94
d E = 2B =
Solutions to Exercise 11D
a i AB-yes: (1×2) (2×1) ii BA-yes: (2×1) (1×2) iii AC-no: (1×1) (1×3)
iv CE-yes: (1×3) (3×1) v EC-yes: (3×1) (1×3) vi EA-yes (3×1) (1×2)
vii DB-yes: (2×2) (2×1) viii CD-no: (1×3) (2×2)
b i AB = [1 × 3 + 3 × 1 = 6]
ii CE = [1 × 2 + 0 × 1 + -1 × 0 = 2]
iii DB =
-1 × 3 + 2 × 1 = -1
iv AD =
c Following the instructions given on page 391 (TI and CASIO), enter the matrices involved
into your calculator, and perform the required computations to obtain the answers.
3 Following the instructions given on page 391 (TI and CASIO), enter the matrices involved
into your calculator, and perform the required computations to obtain the answers.
a To sum the rows of a 5×5 matrix, post multiply by the 1×5 summing matrix (a column
matrix of 1s).
b To sum the rows of a 3×5 matrix, pre multiply by the 1×3 summing matrix (a row matrix of
RP =
4 × 2 + 1 × 1 + 0 × 0 = 9
3 × 2 + 1 × 1 + 1 × 0 = 7
3 × 2 + 0 × 1 + 2 × 0 = 6
1 × 2 + 2 × 1 + 2 × 0 = 4
1 × 2 + 1 × 1 + 3 × 0 = 3
0 × 2 + 1 × 1 + 4 × 0 = 1
6 TE =
10 × 25 + 20 × 40 + 30 × 65 = 3000
15 × 25 + 20 × 40 + 25 × 65 = 2800
20 × 25 + 20 × 40 + 20 × 65 = 2600
30 × 25 + 20 × 40 + 10 × 65 = 2200
a Q has 2 rows and 3 columns, so the order of Q is 2 × 3 .
M = QP
2500 3400 1890
b i = 21.60
1765 4588 2456 19.20
ii The total revenue at each of the two shopping centres from selling A, B and C.
c PQ is not defined as the no of columns of P(1) is not equal to the number of rows of Q(2).
8 a To sum the rows of a 3×2 matrix, post multiply by the 2×1 column matrix
b To sum the columns of a 3×2 matrix, pre multiply by the 1×3 row matrix
9 To sum the columns of a 3×3 matrix, pre multiply by the 1×3 row matrix
x + 3y = 16
4x – 4y = 5
2x + y +3z = 2
3x + y –z = 4
2x + 3z = 3
Solutions to Exercise 11E
1, 2 & 3 Enter the relevant matrix or matrices into your calculator, use worked Example 22 as a
model for performing these computations.
Solutions to Exercise 11F
1 B only: a permutation matrix is a square binary matrix with only one ‘1’ per row.
a .
P4X = I4X = X
a Follow the instructions in Example 24 (page 400) to construct the following 3× 3 communication
b Follow the instructions in Example 24 (page 400) to construct the following 3× 3 communication
Use your calculator to square the communication matrix to obtain
c To find the total number of ways Mei can communicate with Freya, calculate
From the matrix, we can see that there are 2 ways that Mei can send a message to Freya (Row M,
Row F).
a In the communication matrix, a zero indicates there is no direct communicate link. For example, from
the diagram we see that there is no way for a person in tower 1 to directly communicate with a person
in tower 4 and this is indicated in the matrix by placing a ‘0’ in row T1, column T4.
b The ‘1’ in row T1, column T2, and row T3, column T2, indicate that a person in towers 1 and 3 can
both communicate directly with a person in tower 2.
c From the diagram, it can be seen that the missing element in
• column T2 is zero, because there is no direct communication link between tower T2 and tower T4.
• column T3 is a ‘1’ because there is a direct communication link between tower T2 and tower T3.
d The C2 matrix gives the number of ways a person can communicate with a person in another tower
via a third tower. For example, the ‘1’ in row T1, column T3 indicates that there is one two-step
communication link between tower T1 and tower T3. From this diagram, we see that this two-step
communication link is T1→T2→T3.
e 6 (=1 + 2 + 2 +1): A redundant communication link is one in which a person eventually end up
receiving the message they sent. The communication links in the leading diagonal of the matrix are all
redundant communication links. For example the 1 in row T1, column 1, represents the redundant
communication link: T1→T2→T1.
f The matrix T = C + C2 shows the total number of one and two-step links between pairs of tower.
g Tower 1 and tower 4 (T1→T2→T3 →T4): for a person to communicate with a person in tower 4,
they need to first communicate with a person in tower 2 who will need to pass the message onto
person in tower 3. This person can then pass the message onto the person in tower 4 tower link and
vice versa.
5 Follow the instructions given in Example 24 (page 400) to arrive at the matrix but note that
there are both uni-directional and bi-directional communication links. Because of this, it is
very important to be very clear in defining whether the source of the communication is
representing by the rows or the columns. In the solution below, the rows represent the source
of the communication. For example, the ‘1’ in row A, column E, indicates that a message
can be sent from A to E.
a Follow the instructions given in Example 24 (page 400) to arrive at the matrix. Use the row labels to
indicate the winners and the column labels to represent the losers as in the answer shown below.
To find the total one-step dominances for each team, sum the rows: A(2), B(1), C(0), D(3)
Ranking the players according to one-step dominances: D, A, B, C
b To find the total two-step dominances for each team, square the one-step dominance matrix and sum
the rows.
To rank the teams by one and two-step dominances, add the one-step and two-step dominance
matrices and sum the rows.
Ranking the teams using both one and two step dominances we have: D(6), A(3), B(1), C(0) (the same
ranking as before).
a To rank the players according to one-step dominances, find the total one-step dominances for each of
the players by summing the rows and rank the players from highest to lowest according to their total
one-step dominances.
To find the total one-step dominances for each player, sum the rows: A(4), B(1), C(0), D(2), E(2)
Ranking the players according to one-step dominances: A; D & E equal; B; C
b To find the total two-step dominances for each player, square the one-step dominance matrix and sum
the rows.
c To rank the players by one and two-step dominances, add the one-step and two-step dominance
matrices and sum the rows.
Ranking the players using both one and two step dominances we have: A(9), E(5), D(3), B(1), C(0).
Chapter Review: Extended-response questions
1 a • Construct a square matrix with as many rows as there are towns and number
both the rows and columns.
• Count the number of roads connecting each pair of two towns and insert this
number into the appropriate cell of the matrix to obtain the matrix below.
For example, for town 1, there are no roads connecting town 1 to itself so insert a
0 in row 1 column 1, and so on to obtain.
b Follow the procedure for 1a but start with a matrix with 4 rows and 4 columns
because there are 4 towns.
c Follow the procedure for 1a, but start with a matrix with 2 rows and 2 columns
because there are two towns. As there are no roads connecting the two towns, it will
be a matrix of zeros.
2 a 30.45
C is a 2 × 1 matrix; 2 rows and 1 column.
b J=[5 4]
J is a 1 × 2 matrix; 1 row and 2 columns.
JC= [ 5 4 ]
d 30.45
2.54= [162.41]
Jodie’s height is 162.41 cm.
The heights of the two people are 172.57 cm and 185.24 cm.
3 a Bookshop 1 carries 456 non-fiction paperbacks.
b 334 876
213 456
Order of A is 2 × 2.
c 354 987
314 586
d C= A + B
334 + 354 876 + 987 688 1863
213 + 314 456 + 586= 527 1042
C represents the total number of each type of book which is in stock at either
bookshop. (Assume no common titles.)
e i 45.00
The order of E is 2 × 1, two rows, 1 coulmn.
ii 334 876 45.00 31 236
213 456 18.50 18 021
iii The product represents the total value of fiction and non-fiction books in
Bookshop 1. The fiction books are worth $31 236. The non-fiction books
are worth $18 021.
2A = 2
f 334 876 668 1752
213 456 426 912
b i
ii R24 represents the number of Chemistry students that are expected to be awarded a D.
c i
5 a : List the number of successful shots: 4, 8 & 2, in a 1×3 matrix called N.
c P gives the total number of points scored by Oscar. This can be seen from the way the
matrix product has been evaluated above.
Chapter Review: Multiple–choice questions
1 W is the row matrix as it contains a single row. ⇒ C
2 Square matrices have the same number of rows as columns. U and Y are both 2×2 square
matrices. ⇒ D
-2 × 0 = 0 -2 × 1 = -2
6 –2Y =
-2 × -1 = 2 -2 × 2 = -4
9 a2 3 = 3 ⇒D
4 – -1 = 5 0 – 0 = 0
-2 – 1 = -3 2 – 1 = 1
11 [1 × 3 + 2 × 2 + 3 × 1 = 10] ⇒A
3 × 2 + 4 × 1 = 10
The matrix that displays the mean must have an order of 1×1. The only option which gives a 1×1
matrix is D. ⇒D
0 0 0 1
0 1 0
0 1 0 1
1 0 1 0
Chapter 12 – Matrices II
Solutions to Exercise 12A
1 0
a i 2×2 identity matrix: I =
0 1
1 0 0
ii 3×3 identity matrix: I =
0 1 0
0 0 1
1 0 0 0
1 0 0
iii 4×4 identity matrix: I =
0 0 1 0
0 0 0 1
1 × 1 + 2 × 0 = 1 1 × 0 + 2 × 1 = 2
b AI = =A
0 × 1 + 3 × 0 = 0 0 × 0 + 3 × 1 = 3
1 × 1 + 0 × 0 = 1 1 × 2 + 0 × 3 = 2
IA = =A
0 × 1 + 1 × 0 = 0 0 × 2 + 1 × 3 = 3
1 × 1 + 2 × 0 + 0 × 0 = 1 1×0+2×1+0×0=2 1 × 0 + 2 × 0 + 0 × 1 = 0
c CI = 3 × 1 + 1 × 0 + 0 × 0 = 3
3×0+1×1+0×0=1 3 × 0 + 1 × 0 + 0 × 1 = 0 = C
0 × 1 + 1 × 0 + 2 × 0 = 0 0×0+1×1+2×0=1 0 × 0 + 1 × 0 + 2 × 1 = 2
1 × 1 + 0 × 3 + 0 × 0 = 1 1×2+0×1+0×1=2 1 × 0 + 0 × 0 + 0 × 2 = 0
IC = 0 × 1 + 1 × 3 + 0 × 0 = 3 0×2+1×1+0×1=1
0 × 0 + 1 × 0 + 0 × 2 = 0 = C
0 × 1 + 0 × 3 + 1 × 0 = 0 0×2+0×1+1×1=1 0 × 0 + 0 × 0 + 1 × 2 = 2
2 Multiplying all the pairs of matrices
results in the 2×2 identity matrix:
a det(A) = 1×3 – 0×2 = 3
20 1
9 18
b B–1 =
50 1
9 9
1 –1 – 1
2 2 2
d E –1 =
0 10 10
0 00 10
Solutions to Exercise 12B
1 The given sets of simultaneous
equations can be written as per below: c If AX = C the X = A–1C if det A ≠ 0
3 2 x 2 det = 1×1 – –2×–1 = –1≠ 0 so there is
× = a unique solution.
2 5 y 4
x = -1 -1 2
3 5 x 6
2 4 y = 3
y -2 -1 1
x = –3, y = –5
5 0 -2 x 3 a If AX = C the X = A–1C if det A ≠ 0
1 -1 1 × y = 2 det A = 1 so there is a unique solution.
x = -3 5 9
1 1 1 z 1
y -2 3 12
x = 33, y = 18
2 If the equations are inconsistent
(graphs parallel with no point of b If AX = C the X = A–1C if det A ≠ 0
intersection) or dependent (graphs that det A = 1 so there is a unique solution.
coincide), the graphs of will not 2
intersect, or intersect at a single point, 5 – 3
so there is no unique solution. x =
2 4
3 The matrix equation of the form AX =
y – 1 1 10
2 2
C will not have a unique solution if x = –5, y = 3
det(A) = 0.
c If AX = C the X = A–1C if det A ≠ 0
4 The matrix equation of the form AX =
det = 0 ⇒ no solution
C will not have a unique solution if
det(A) = 0.
Matrix equation b does not have a d If AX = C the X = A–1C if det A ≠ 0
unique solution because det A = 4×1 – det = 1 so there is a unique solution.
2×2 = 0.
5 -1 0 2
a If AX = C the X = A–1C if det A ≠ 0 x
det A = 1 ×3 – 1×2 = 1 ≠ 0 so there is a =4 1 – ×
y 7 7 7 4
unique solution.
x 3 -1 2 z 1 2 – 5
= × 7 7 7
y -2 1 1 x = –2, y = 2.6, z = 0.14 (to 2 sig. figs.)
x = 5, y = –3
7 9 If AX = C the X = A–1C if det A ≠ 0
The graphs of 2x + 2y = 10 and 2x + y = 5 Write the equations in matrix form:
are identical so there is no unique solution.
Divide the first equation through by 2 to see.
Solutions to Exercise 12C-1
1 a
Solutions to Chapter 12C-2
1 4 Option A: not true-there is nothing in the
transition matrix that indicates that equal
numbers of children under take each of
a the activities in the first week. This
information would be found in the initial
state matrix which is not given.
Option B: true- the percentage of
children who do not change activities is
given by the elements in the leading
diagonal of the matrix. As these elements
are all 0.50 or greater, option B is true.
Option C: not true- for all of the children
to chose the same activity in the long
term, one of the diagonal elements would
b 85% of 80 = 0.85 × 80 = 68
need to be 1.
Option D: not true- here is nothing in the
c 25% of 60 = 0.25 × 60 = 15
transition matrix that indicates that which
activity was the most popular in the first
d 0.15 × 120 + 0.75 × 40 = 48 week or any week. This information
would be found in the initial state matrix
2 which is not given.
Reading from table: Option A: not true-there is nothing in the
a transition matrix that indicates that 50%
i 10% of the children do swimming each week.
ii 80% The 0.50 the swimming column tells us
iii 10% that 50% of children who do swimming
b this week will do swimming the next
i 80% of 850 = 0.80 × 850 = 680 week and this is not the same thing as
ii 10% of 850 = 0.10 × 850 = 85 50% of children do swimming each week.
c ⇒B
i 100% of 1150 = 1 × 1150 = 1150 5 Wendy lunches with Craig on Monday
ii 0% of 1150 = 0 × 1150 = 0 (today).
ii 0% of 1150 = 0 × 1150 = 0
The transition matrix tells us she will lunch
d All (100%) of the sea birds that nest with Edgar Tuesday (tomorrow).
at site A this year will nest at site A
If Wendy lunches with Edgar on Tuesday, the
next year.
transition matrix tells us she will lunch with
Daniel on Wednesday.
a If Wendy lunches with Daniel on Wednesday,
i 91% of 84 000 = 76 440 the transition matrix tells us she will lunch
with Betty on Thursday.
ii 9% of 84 000 = 7560
If Wendy lunches with Betty on Thursday, the
b transition matrix tells us she will lunch with
i 22% of 25 000 = 5500 Angela on Friday.
ii 22% of 5500 = 1210 Thus, for the next four days (Tuesday to
ii 22% of 1210 = 266 Friday) , Angela will lunch with Edgar,
Daniel, Betty and Angela in that order.
Solutions to Chapter 12C-3
0.90 0.20 100 130
a i S1 =
× =
0.10 0.80 200 170
ii S2 =
0.90 0.20 130 151
× =
0.10 0.80 170 149
iii S3 =
0.90 0.20 151 165.7
× =
0.10 0.80 149 134.3
b T5 =
ii S3 =
0.781 0.438 100 165.7
× =
0.219 0.562 200 134.3
iii S7 =
0.6941 0.6118 100 191.76
× =
0.3059 0.3882 200 108.24
0.7 0.4 0.1 100 180
× =
a i S1 =
0.2 0.1 0.3 200 130
0.1 0.5 0.6 300 290
0.7 0.4 0.1 180 207
ii S2 =
0.2 0.1 0.3 × 130 = 136
0.1 0.5 0.6 290 257
0.7 0.4 0.1 207 225
iii S3 = 0.2
0.3 × 136 = 132.1
0.1 0.5 0.6 257 242.9
= S0 129.46
S10 T= 10
= S0 129.42
S15 T= 15
S17 T= S0 129.41
S18 T=
S0 129.41
As n increases S n → 129.4
a Let J be the first row and column and P be the second row and column.
T =
0.80 0.25
0.20 0.75
c S1 = T × S0
S1 =
0.80 0.25 400 = 420
0.20 0.75 400 380
Thus 420 people are expected to go to Jill’s next week and 380 to Pete’s.
d S5 = T5 × S0
0.5779 0.5276 400 442.2
× =
0.4221 0.4724 400 357.8
Thus 442 people are expected to go to Jill’s after 5 weeks and 358 to Pete’s.
Thus, in the long term, 444 people are expected to go to Jill’s each week and 356 to
a Let H be the first row and column and U be the second row and column.
The next day, are expected 1650 to be happy and 350 sad.
In the long term, 1714 are expected to be happy and 286 sad.
In the long term, 1312 are expected to be happy, 429 neither happy nor sad and 260 sad.
Solutions to Chapter 12C-4
1 a i ii
b i
c i
12 800
= =
S3 TS 7 300
9 850
7300 birds at site B
b A: 3000 B: 0 C: 0
Explanation included in answer.
c i
Chapter Review: Extended-response questions
a i For the second game, the attendance d In this new situation,
matrix, A2 , is:
c Compare
Chapter Review: Multiple-choice questions
1 V cannot be raised to a power as it is
0.6 0.5 100 = 160
not a square matrix. ⇒ B 12 S1 =
0.4 0.5 200 140
2 det(U) = 2×1 – 1×0 = 2 ⇒ D ⇒C
0.56 0.55
3 det(Y) = 1×4 – 2×2 = 0.
13 T2 =
Thus, the inverse of Y is undefined. 0.44 0.45
0.556 0.555 100 166.6
14 S3 =
× =
4 det(U) = 2 0.444 0.445 200 133.4
1 = 0.5 0 = 0 ⇒B
2 2
U –1 =
⇒A 166.7 : Obtain by evaluating TnS0 for
-1 2 = 1
= -0.5 133.3
2 2 increasing large values of n until there
is little or no change in the state matrix
5 UW: U & W are both 2×2 matrices (the steady or equilibrium state).
⇒D ⇒C
6 none: to be a lower triangular matrix, all 16
elements above the leading diagonal
L1 TS0 + B
must be zero. None of the matrices
satisfy this condition. ⇒ A 0.6 0.5 100 10
= +
0.4 0.5 200 20
7 Z is a permutation matrix. It is the only
binary matrix with only one ‘1’ per 170
row and column. ⇒D = 160 ⇒ C
8 From the transition diagram: 17
P1 TS0 − 2 B
0.75 0.05
0.6 0.5 100 10
0.25 0.95 = −2
0.4 0.5 200 20
9 From the transition diagram: 140
= ⇒A
0.75 0.05 0.30
0.10 0.60 0.20 18
0.15 0.35 0.50 = =
S 2 GS1 25 ⇒ B
10 det(II) = 2×4 – 4×2 = 0. Thus, system
II does not have a unique solution. 19
Systems I and III do have unique S5 = TS 4
solutions. ⇒D T −1S5 = T −1TS 4
11 In matrix form, the equations can be T −1S5 = S 4
written as: −1
0.5 0.6 22 20
2 -3 x 6 =
S4 = ⇒B
× = ⇒D 0.5 0.4 18 20
2 1 y 3
20 Eventually all of the birds will settle at
location B because the ‘1’ in row B
column B, tells us that once a bird
settles at location B it will never leave.
Chapter 13 – Revision: Matrices and
Solutions to Exercise 13A: Multiple-choice questions
1 Z is the column matrix (3×1). ⇒ E 12 Multiply out the matrices (by hand, is
quicker) to obtain the matrix:
2 U is the square matrix: has 3 rows and [ 1 × 1 + 0 × 0 + 1 × 0 + 0 × 1 + 0 × 1]
3 columns. ⇒A =[1]
3 Y has 3 rows and 2 columns, so its
order is 3 × 2. ⇒C 13 R is a 3 × 3 matrix so that R2 = R × R is a
3 × 3 matrix.
4 None of the matrices are of the same ⇒B
order, which means none can be added
to each other. ⇒E 14 Matrix A is a 3 × 2 matrix.
Matrix B is a 4 × 3 matrix.
5 Of the given matrix products, only WZ Thus, BA is a 4 × 2 matrix.
is defined, since W has 2 columns and ⇒D
Z has 2 rows. ⇒E
15 Both matrices have inverses, so they
6 –4 × V = must be square.
[–4 × 4 = –16 – 4 × 1 = –4 –4 × 0 = 0] Thus p = q and q = r.
⇒C Both products XY–1 and X–1Y are defined
so the matrices X and Y must be of the
7 U has 3 rows and Y has 2 columns, so same order.
the order of UY will be (3 × 2). ⇒ D Thus p = q = r.
8 Transposing a matrix involves 16 From the diagram, the matrix can be
interchanging its row with its columns. seen to be:
Thus, when transposed, a 3 × 2 matrix ⎡0 0 1 1⎤
becomes a 2 × 3 matrix. ⇒ B ⎢ ⎥
⎢0 0 1 1⎥
9 A binary matrix contains only 0s and ⎢ ⎥
⎢1 1 0 1⎥
1s. ⎢ ⎥
⎣1 1 1 0⎦
10 a3 2 is the element in the 3rd row and
the second column, so a3 2 = –4 ⇒ A 17 Multiplying out the matrices gives us
2x = 1 as the first equation and x +3y =
11 Multiply out the matrices (by hand, is 4 as the second. ⇒ B
quicker) to obtain the matrix [S T O P]
⇒A 18 W cannot be raised to a power as it is
not a square matrix. ⇒C
21 YW+WX is not defined because WX is 29 Birds that nest at sites B and D have a
not defined. ⇒E 100% probability of nesting there the
following year. Therefore no birds will
22 (U–W)2 is not defined because U–W is change nests once they are nesting at
not defined because U and W have these locations. Birds that nest at C or A
different orders. ⇒E have a probability greater than 0 to nest
at B or D the following year. ⇒ D
23 Consider options one by one.
D is not true.
30 An equal but unknown number of birds
If AB = BA = I, then:
nested at each of the four sites A, B, C
B = A–1 and A = B–1
and D in 2007. Let x be this
However for A to be equal B, A–1 must
6000 birds nested at site B in
equal A and this is not necessarily true.
Then, using either the transition
matrix or the diagram,
! $
24 S1 = TS0 = # 90 &% 6000 = x + 0.15 x + 0.35x
" 110
So 6000 = 1.5x or x = 4000 and the total
⇒A number of birds nesting at all four sites
in 2007 was 4 × 4000 = 16 000 birds
! $
25 S1 = T S0 = # 93.1
&% ⇒D
" 106.9 31 Let D = the dominance matrix.
⇒B Let T = the matrix showing the sum of the
one and two-step dominances.
26 2
T = D+D
Ssteady state = T S0 for n large
! 0 0 0 1 0 $ ! 0 1 1 0 0 $
Using successively large values of n, : # 1 0 1 0 1 & # 2 0 1 2 0 &
" % =# 1 0 0 0 0 &+# 0 0 0 1 0 &
Ssteady state ≈ $ 94.1
# 0 1 1 0 0
& # 2 0 1 0 1
# 105.9 '& # & # &
" 1 0 1 1 0 % " 1 1 1 1 0 %
27 The easiest way to answer this question is row sum
to construct a diagram to represent the ! $
A 0 1 1 1 0 3
transition matrix as shown below. B # 3 0 2 2 1 & 8
= C # 1 0 0 1 0 & 2
# 2 1 2 0 1
& 6
# &
E " 2 1 2 2 0 % 7
From the row sums shown on the right hand
side of the matrix we can rank the players in
order of the sum of their one and two-step
dominances as follows:
If Kerry chooses D as his first answer, the Ben (8), Elise (7), Donna (6), Alex (3),
sequence of answers he will give to the Cindy (2). ⇒A
first six questions is: DBCAAA
⇒B 32 Post multiplying M by S will sum the
rows in matrix M to give the sum of
28 20% of 2800 = 560 ⇒A marks for each class. Dividing the by
15 will then give the class average.
The answer is: 1 M × S
Solutions to Exercise 13B: Extended-response questions
1 a ⎡ 1.316 ⎤ US dollar rate
C = ⎢ 1.818 ⎥ Euro rate
⎢ ⎥
⎣ 0.167 ⎦ HK dollar rate
Order of C is 3 × 1 (3 rows, 1 column).
d i ⎡ 1.316 ⎤
HC= [ 102 262 516 ] ⎢ 1.818 ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎣ 0.167 ⎦
= [ 102 × 1.316 + 262 × 1.818 + 516 × 0. 167 ]
= 696.72
2 a x + 2y = −4
3x − 2y = 12
⎡ 1 2⎤ ⎡ x ⎤ ⎡ −4⎤
⎢3 −2⎥ ⎢ y ⎥ = ⎢ 12⎥
⎣ ⎦⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦
⎡ 1 2 ⎤ −1 ⎡ 0.25 0.25⎤
A=⎢ ⎥ ,A = ⎢ ⎥,
⎣3 −2 ⎦ ⎣0.375 −0.125⎦
⎡x ⎤ ⎡ −4⎤
X = ⎢ ⎥ ,C = ⎢ ⎥
⎣ y⎦ ⎣ 12⎦
" 0.25 %'"−4%
X = A−1C = $ 0.25 $ '
$# 0.375 −0.125 '&# 12&
" 2%
=$ '
⇒ x = 2, y = −3
Let A = ⎡⎢
d i 1 3⎤
⎣ ⎥, det(A) = 1 × 12 − 3 × 4 = 0
4 12⎦
The equations are
x + 3y = 6 1
and 4x + 12y = 3 2
The second equation simplifies to
x + 3y = 4 2′
Let A = ⎡⎢
ii 2 3⎤
⎣ 6 9⎥⎦
, det(A) = 2 × 9 − 3 × 6 = 0
The equations are
2x + 3y = 6 1
and 6x + 9y = 18 2
By dividing through by 3, the second equation simplifies to:
2x + 3y = 6 2′
Let A = ⎢
⎡ −2 10⎤, det(A) = (−2) × (−5) − 10 × 1 = 0
⎣ 1 −5⎦
The equations are
−2x + 10y = 12 1
and x − 5y = 10 2
By dividing through by –2, the first equation simplifies to
x − 5y = −6 2′
3 a ⎡0 1 1⎤ ⎡ x ⎤ ⎡ 2⎤
⎢ 3 1 −1⎥ ⎢ y ⎥ = ⎢ 2 ⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎣⎢ 1 −1 0 ⎦⎥ ⎢⎣ z ⎦⎥ ⎣⎢ 5⎦⎥
b ⎡ 1 −1 1⎤
Let A = ⎢ 3 1 −1⎥, then (using your
⎢ ⎥
⎣ 1 −1 0⎦
" 0.2 0.2 0.4 %
calculator), A = 0.2 0.2 −0.6 '
−1 $
$ 0.8 –0.2 0.6 '
# &
⎡ x⎤ ⎡ 2⎤
Letting X = ⎢ y⎥ and C = ⎢ 2⎥ we have:
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎣ z⎦ ⎣ 5⎦
AX = C or X = A-1C
c To find X, enter the matrices A and C into your CAS calculator and evaluate
A C as shown below.
4 a From
Blue Green
b !4000$ Blue
S0 = # &
"6000% Green
= ⎡⎢
4555.156⎤ !4555$ Blue
⎣ ⎥≈ # &
5444.844⎦ "5445% Green
(to the nearest whole number)
In three days, we expect 4555 fish in Lake Blue and 5445 fish in Lake Green.
T = ⎡⎢
5 0.86 0.2⎤ ⎡ 100⎤⎥
⎣ ⎥
0.14 0.8⎦
, S0 = ⎢
⎣ 200⎦
a Sn+1 = TSn
i S1= TS0
= ⎡⎢
0.86 0.2⎤ ⎡ 100⎤
⎣ ⎥⎢ ⎥
0.14 0.8⎦ ⎣ 200⎦
= ⎡⎢
⎣ 174⎦
ii S2 = TS1
= ⎡⎢
0.86 0.2⎤ ⎡ 126⎤
⎣ 0.14 0.8⎥⎦ ⎢⎣ 174⎥⎦
= ⎡⎢
⎣ 156.84⎥⎦
(to 2 d.p.)
0.86 0.2⎤ 6
T 6= ⎡⎢
⎣ ⎥
0.14 0.8⎦
! 0.62 0.54 $
= # (to 2 d.p.)
" 0.38 0.46 &%
c S n = T nS 0
i S 2= T 2S 0
0.86 0.2⎤ 2 ⎡ 100⎤
= ⎡⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎣ 0.14 0.8⎦ ⎣ 200⎦
= ⎡⎢
⎣ ⎥ (to 2 d.p.)
ii S 3= T 3S 0
0.86 0.2⎤ 3 ⎡ 100⎤
= ⎡⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎣ 0.14 0.8⎦ ⎣ 200⎦
! $
= # 154.49 & (to 2 d.p.)
" 145.51 %
iii S 5 = T 5S 0
0.86 0.2⎤ 5 ⎡ 100⎤
= ⎡⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎣ 0.14 0.8⎦ ⎣ 200⎦
! 166.9 $
=# (to 1 d.p.)
" 133.1 &%
d S n = T nS 0
S10 = T 10S0
0.86 0.2⎤ 10 ⎡ 100⎤
= ⎡⎢
⎣ 0.14 0.8⎥⎦ ⎢⎣ 200⎥⎦
∴S10 = ⎡⎢
⎣ 124.729⎥⎦
(to 3 d.p.)
S15 = T 15S0
= ⎡⎢
⎣ ⎥ (to 3 d.p.)
S20 = T 20S0
= ⎡⎢
⎣ ⎥ (to 3 d.p.)
S21 = T 21S0
! $
= # 176.458 & (to 3 d.p.)
" 123.542 %
The steady state solution is close to ⎡⎢
⎣ ⎥ (to 1 d.p.)
! 1.2 20.1 4.2 $
a #" 6.7 0.4 0.6 &%
ii B×A = BA
(4×1) (1×4) (4×4)
iii The total energy content of all these four foods in the same sandwich.
b Reading from column E and row J of the transition matrix: 0.5 or 50%
! $ !400$
0.4 0 0 0 # & ! 10.24 $ E
# &
iii S4 = T S 0 = #
4 0.5 0.4 0 0 & #200& = # 56.32
& J
# 0 0.5 0.8 0 & #100 & # 312.96
# & # & #" 320.48
% D
" 0.1 0.1 0.2 1 % "0 %
From row J of the state matrix: 56 to the nearest whole number
iv Evaluate successive state matrices using the rule Sn= TnS0 until the state matrix first
shows that the number of eggs is first less than 1. This will occur for n = 7
! 0.655 $ E
# 6.06
& J
S7 = # &
196 A
# &
" 497. % D
! 0 $ E
# 0 & J
v # &
# 0 & A
" 700 % D
All insects will be dead.
O2009 = AS 2008 + B
! $! 456 $ ! 18 $
a = # 0.75 0 &%#" 350 &% + #" 12 &%
" 0 0.68
! $
= # 360 &
" 250 %
" %
b O2009 = CO2008 − D = $ 360 '&
# 250
" 248 %
O2010 = CO2009 − D = $ '
# 162 &
The bookshop manager should order 248 mathematics textbooks.
Chapter 14 – Graphs, networks and
trees: travelling and connecting
Solutions to Exercise 14A
1 d
a i There are three edges connected to
town A, so deg(A) = 3.
ii There are two edges connected to
town B, so deg(B) = 2.
iii There is one edge connected to town
H, so deg(H) = 1.
b sum of degrees
= deg(A) + deg(B) 3
+ deg(C) + deg(D) + deg(H) a The graphs in ii, iii and iv have all
=3+2+4+4+1 connections between vertices the same,
= 14 but the graph in i does not. For example,
they have two edges between A and C but
c A possible subgraph that contains only the graph in i does not.
towns H, D and C is Graph i is not isomorphic to the others.
Note: Some subgraphs are possible where c The graphs in i, iii and iv have all
vertices are isolated. These subgraphs connections between vertices the same,
have not been shown. but the graph in ii does not. For example,
they do not have an edge between E and
2 Note: only one alternative has been C but the graph in ii does.
shown for the answers to the following Graph ii is not isomorphic to the others.
questions. Others are possible.
a 4 Note: In the graphs for this question,
dotted edges show the edges that are
repositioned in order to demonstrate the
planar nature of the graphs. There are
other solutions possible.
b a
b c v–e+f =2
5 – 14 + f = 2
f = 2 – 5 + 14
f = 11
d v–e+f =2
c 10 – e + 11 = 2
– e = 2 – 10 – 11
– e = – 19
e = 19
a i There are six faces, so f = 6.
There are eight vertices, so v = 8.
There are twelve edges, e = 12.
ii v – e + f = 8 – 12 + 6
Euler’s rule is verified.
ii v – e + f = 6 – 12 + 8
Euler’s rule is verified.
ii v – e + f = 7 – 12 + 7
Euler’s rule is verified.
a v–e+f =2
8 – 10 + f = 2
f = 2 – 8 + 10
b v–e+f =2
v – 14 + 4 = 2
v = 2 – 4 + 14
v = 12
Solutions to Exercise 14B
1 2
a A B C D a
A 0 1 1 0
B 1 0 1 1
C 1 1 0 0
D 0 1 0 0 b
b A B C D
A 0 1 1 0
B 1 0 0 1
C 1 0 0 1 c
D 0 1 1 0
c A B C D
A 0 1 0 0
B 1 0 0 0
3 The zero in row C, column A show that
vertex C is not connected to vertex A.
C 0 0 0 1 There is a zero in row C, column B and
row C, column C as well. This means
D 0 0 1 0 that C is not connected to any other
vertex, so it is isolated.
d A B C D
4 If every vertex has a loop, there will be a
A 0 1 1 1
‘1’ in every position along the diagonal,
B 1 0 1 1 that is in position (A,A), (B,B), …
C 1 1 0 1
5 The graph
D 1 1 1 0 • has no loops, so the diagonal will be
all zeros
e A B C D E F • has no duplicate edges, so there will
A 0 1 1 0 0 0 only be ‘0’ or ‘1’
• is complete, so every vertex is
B 1 0 0 1 0 0 connected to every other vertex.
C 1 0 0 1 0 0 Every position in the matrix will be a
‘1’, except for the diagonal.
D 0 1 1 0 0 0
E 0 0 0 0 0 1 The adjacency matrix for the graph is
F 0 0 0 0 1 0
f A B C D A 0 1 1 1 1
A 0 0 0 0 B 1 0 1 1 1
B 0 0 0 1 C 1 1 0 1 1
C 0 0 0 2 D 1 1 1 0 1
E 1 1 1 1 0
D 0 1 2 0
Solutions to Exercise 14C
Note: There are multiple possible answers
to the questions in this exercise.
1 d This walk starts and ends at different
a This walk starts and ends at different vertices, so it is not a cycle, nor circuit.
vertices so it is not a cycle, nor circuit. There are repeated edges and vertices, so
The walk does not repeat edges, nor the walk is a walk only.
vertices, so it is a path.
e This walk starts and ends at different
b This walk starts and ends at different vertices, so it is not a cycle, nor circuit.
vertices so is not a cycle nor circuit. The There are no repeated edges, nor vertices,
walk has a repeated vertex, but not a so the walk is a path.
repeated edge so the walk is a trail.
f This walk starts and ends at different
c This walk starts and ends at different vertices, so it is not a cycle, nor circuit.
vertices so it is not a cycle, nor circuit. There are repeated edges and vertices, so
The walk does not repeat edges, nor the walk is a walk only.
vertices, so it is a path.
d This walk starts and ends at the same a i This graph has two odd-degree
vertex, so it could be a circuit or a cycle. vertices (A and E) and so it will have
however, there is a repeated vertex and a an eulerian trail.
repeated edge, so it will be neither. It
cannot be a trail or a path because of the ii One possible eulerian trail for this
repeated edge and vertex, so this walk is graph is A−B−E−D−B−C−D−A−E.
only a walk. There are other trails possible.
e This walk starts and ends at different b i This graph has all vertices of odd
vertices, so it is not a cycle, nor circuit. degree. Neither an eulerian trail, nor
The walk has a repeated vertex but not a eulerian circuit, are possible.
repeated edge, so this walk is a trail.
c i This graph has two odd-degree
f This walk starts and ends at different vertices (A and F) and so it will have
vertices, so it is not a cycle, nor circuit. an eulerian trail.
The walk has not repeated edge and no
repeated vertex, so the walk is a path. ii One possible eulerian trail for this
graph is A−C−E−C−B−D−E−F. There
2 are other trails possible
a This walk starts and ends at different
vertices, so it is not a cycle, nor circuit. d i This graph has all vertices of even
The walk has a repeated edge and vertex, degree. An eulerian circuit is possible.
so it is a walk only.
ii One possible eulerian circuit for this
b This walk starts and ends at the same graph is A−B−C−D−E−C−A. There
vertex, so it could be a cycle or a circuit. are other circuits possible
There is no repeated edge, nor vertex, so
the walk is a cycle. e i This graph has all vertices of even
degree. An eulerian circuit is possible.
c This walk starts and ends at different
vertices, so it is not a cycle, nor circuit, ii One possible eulerian circuit for this
There are no repeated edges, nor vertices, graph is F−E−A−B−E−D−C−B−D−F.
so the walk is a path. There are other circuits possible
4 7
a A hamiltonian cycle for this graph is a
A−B−C−F−I−H−E−G−D−A. Vertex Degree
A 4
b A hamiltonian cycle for this graph is B 2
A−B−C−D−E−F−A. C 5
D 2
c A hamiltonian cycle for this graph is E 4
A−B−D−C−E−A. F 4
G 3
5 F−A−B−C−D−E−H−G. SUM: 24
d The options for travelling from A to E and b A cross in the table indicates that the
visiting all towns exactly once are: vertex for that column is not directly
connected to the vertex in the row.
A−C−D−B−E for a total time of 45 Vertices D and E are not directly
minutes. connected to vertex A.
A−B−C−D−E for a total time of 36 c The next row vertex is the column vertex
minutes. that has the smallest, unboxed number in
the row.
A−C−B−D−E for a total time of 44 The smallest number in row A is 2, from
minutes. column C so C is the next row vertex.
The shortest time is 36 minutes. d The numbers in any row give the distance
between the row vertex and the column
2 By inspection, the shortest path from A to vertex.
E will be A−C−D−E for a length of 11. The length of edge A–F is 6.
3 5
a The path A−B−E−H−I has length: Q R S T U
5 + 9 + 12 + 8 P 3 1 × 4 ×
= 34 kilometres R 5 1 6 4 3
a The length of the shortest path from A to
C is the last box number in column C, or
a The length of the shortest path from A to The shortest path from A to I is A−E−G−I.
G is the last box number in column G, or
7. 9
b The shortest path from A to G is found
from the table of calculations:
Solutions to Exercise 14E
1 c
a There are 7 vertices, so the spanning tree
will have 7 – 1 = 6 edges.
Total weight
= 70 + 80 + 100 + 100 + 90 + 90 + 200
= 730
Total weight
= 16 + 10 + 12 + 11 + 15 + 16
= 80
Solutions to Review: Extended-response questions
1 The matrix is
a i The only edge missing from the graph
is the direct connection between vertex
E and vertex C. There is only one
direct connection between these
vertices, of length 5, so this must be
added to the graph.
b i The route
has distance
6 + 6 + 5 + (3+2) + 4 + 4 + 5 + (2+3)
ii The cable should be laid along the +5
minimum spanning tree for the graph. = 45 kilometres
The minimum spanning tree is shown
in red below: ii This route is not a hamiltonian cycle
because some of the vertices are
visited more than once, namely A, F
and E.
4 v = 15 and f = 12
15 – e + 12 = 2
– e = 2 – 15 – 12
– e = – 25
e = 25 D
The sum of the degrees is
5 An eulerian circuit will exist if all of the 3+2+3+3+5+2+2+3+1
vertices have an even degree. = 24 E
A has two odd-degree vertices. 10 An eulerian trail exists if there are exactly
B has all even-degree vertices. two odd-degree vertices in a graph. The
C has all even-degree vertices. graph currently has four odd-degree
D has all even-degree vertices. vertices, that is A, E, C, D.
E has all even-degree vertices. A
Joining two of these by an edge would
6 v = 8 and e = 13 make their degree even. B
8 – 13 + f = 2 11 The minimum spanning tree is shown in
f = 2 – 8 + 13 red in the diagram below:
f=7 C
b The capacity of C2
=3+5+4 Maximum flow = 3 + 6 = 9
= 12 or
Maximum flow = 5 + 4 = 9
Note: the edge from E to C is not counted
as the flow along this edge is from the b
sink side to the source side of the cut.
c The capacity of C3
= 8 + 10 + 3
= 21
Maximum flow = 3 + 2 + 6 = 11
a The capacity of C1 c
= 12
b The capacity of C2
= 16 Maximum flow = 3 + 5 = 8
Note: there are two edges where the flow Note: The flow from B to A is from the
is from the sink side to the source side of sink side to the source side of the cut and
the cut. These edges have capacity 4 and is not counted in the calculation.
3, and both are not counted in the
calculation. d
c The capacity of C3
= 5 +7 + 4
= 16
Allocation: W – D, Y – B, X – A, Z – C
b 3
A – Y, B – Z, C – X, D – W
Stars must play at the away ground.
Both Champs and Wests can play at
either Home or Neutral, so there are two
possible allocations:
a “Remove broken component” is activity
Look at activity C in the activity network.
Activity C follows immediately from
activity A.
Activity A is an immediate predecessor of
activity C.
a The critical path follows activities to
boxes where the EST and LST are the
Maximum flow = 1 + 7 + 4 + 3
= 15
a Activity D has immediate predecessor
activity B so it must follow from activity
Cut capacity = 3 + 2 + 8 + 13
= 26
Allocation 1:
Rob – Breaststroke, Joel – Backstroke,
Henk – Freestyle, Sav – Butterfly
Allocation 2:
Rob – Breaststroke, Joel – Butterfly,
Henk – Backstroke, Sav – Freestyle
Answer: C
Answer: A
Answer: E
Answer: B
6 Let n be the number of vertices. 10 The shortest path from O to D can be
determined using Dijsktra’s algorithm, or
v = n, f = n since the number of vertices by inspection.
and faces is equal.
e = 20 Using Dijkstra’s algorithm:
v–e+f =2
n – 20 + n = 2
2n = 2 + 20
2n = 22
n = 11
Answer: C
The shortest path is shown in red in the
7 Connecting water pipes with the shortest diagram below:
length of pipe involves connecting each
point for water in a minimal spanning
Answer: B
Answer: C
Answer: B
24 v = 9, e = 20
9 – 20 + f = 2
f = 2 – 9 + 20
f = 13
Answer: B
The shortest path is shown in red in the 25 The minimum spanning tree is marked in
diagram below. red on the diagram below.
Answer: D
26 There are two minimum cuts (same It will be impossible to make one of the
capacity) in this diagram. Both are shown odd vertices become even by adding an
below. edge.
Answer: E
Maximum flow
Maximum flow
=1+6 Critical path is K – N – Q – T – U
Answer: D
Answer: C
30 The critical path analysis is shown on the
27 The diagram below shows all the possible diagram below.
walks from vertex 1 to 6.
There are five different walks. The project completion time is 26 days.
Answer: E Answer: D
duration K = 30 – 18
= 12
and by calculation:
LST F = LST I – duration F
= 15 – 7
a Activity E follows directly from activity
A, so activity A is an immediate
predecessor of activity E.
i Duration = 3 + 4 + 3 + 3 + 3
= 16 hours
ii The critical path is the activities that,
if delayed by any amount, would result
in the overall completion of the entire
project being delayed.
Total cost
= $800 + $600 + $600 + $500
= $2500
The shortest path from E to A has length
6 79 km (along the route E – F – C – A).
a A planar graph can be drawn so that none
of the edges in that graph intersect, except g The minimal length of cable required will
at the vertices. The edges in a planar form a minimal spanning tree. This is
graph can be drawn so that they do not shown in red in the diagram below.
cross over.
v – e + f = 7 – 11 + 6
c The inspector starts in town B, which has The minimal spanning tree has weight
degree three (odd) in the graph. = 18 + 19 + 20 + 21 + 33 + 16
The inspector must travel every road to = 127
inspect it. To do this in the least total
distance, she would need to travel each The minimal length of cable required is
road only once, that is, follow and 127 km.
eulerian trail.
This is possible because there are exactly h A hamiltonian cycle would be
two odd-degree vertices in the graph, B C–A–B–D–E–F–G–C
(where she starts) and C (where she must (or the reverse).
The inspector will end up in town C. The total distance travelled on this cycle
= 18 + 19 + 20 + 56 + 33 + 16 + 25
d The distance travelled will be the sum of = 187 km
all the edge weights
distance = 18 + 19 + 32 + 29 + 20 + 25 +
28 + 21 + 56 + 16 + 33
= 297 km
D must be allocated to Y.
A must be allocated to Z so cannot be
allocated to W.
B and C can be allocated to the same two
residents so there are two different
allocations possible.
D – Y, A – Z, B – W, C – X
D – Y, A – Z, B – X, C – W