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Abstract:: What Is Cloud?

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Abstract: workloads to recover from many

unavoidable hardware/software failures.

Buying computers for everyone isn't enough -- we
also have to purchase software or software licenses  Monitor resource use in real time to enable
to give employees the tools they require. Whenever rebalancing of allocations when needed.
we have a new hire, we have to buy more software
or make sure our current software license allows
another user. It's so stressful that we find it difficult WHAT IS CLOUD COMPUTING?
to go to sleep on our huge pile of money every
night. Cloud computing helps us to overcome this  Cloud computing is Internet-based
problem. computing, whereby shared resources,
Cloud computing, a computing platform for the software, and information are provided to
next generation of the Internet. Cloud computing computers and other devices on demand,
infrastructure allows enterprises to achieve more like the electricity grid.
efficient use of their IT hardware and software
investments. Cloud computing increases  It allows individuals, teams, and
profitability by improving resource utilization. organizations to streamline procurement
Pooling resources into large clouds drives down processes and eliminate the need to
costs and increases utilization by delivering duplicate certain computer administrative
resources only for as longs those resources are skills related to setup, configuration, and
needed. Cloud computing allows individuals, support.
teams, and organizations to streamline procurement
processes and eliminate the need to duplicate  It describes a new supplement,
certain computer administrative skills related to consumption, and delivery model for IT
setup, configuration, and support. services based on the Internet, and it
typically involves over-the-Internet
what is cloud? provision of dynamically scalable and
A cloud is a pool of virtualized computer resources. often virtualized resources.
A cloud can:
 Cloud computing infrastructure allows
 Host a variety of different workloads, enterprises to achieve more efficient use
including batch-style back-end jobs and of their IT hardware and software
interactive, user-facing applications. investments.

 Allow workloads to be deployed and

scaled-out quickly through the rapid  Cloud computing infrastructure
provisioning of virtual machines or accelerates and fosters the adoption of
physical machines. innovations.

 Cloud computing describes both a

 Support redundant, self-recovering, highly
platform and a type of application. A
scalable programming models that allow
cloud computing platform dynamically various computers, servers and data storage
provisions, configures, reconfigures, and devices.
deprovisions servers as needed.

Figure 2 Cloud Computing Sample Architecture


Figure 1 Cloud computing conceptual diagram

Cloud architecture, the systems architecture of
the software systems involved in the delivery of
cloud computing, typically involves multiple cloud
components communicating with each other over
application programming interfaces, usually web
services. This resembles the UNIX philosophy of
having multiple programs each doing one thing well i. Client:
and working together over universal interfaces. A cloud client consists of computer
Complexity is controlled and the resulting systems hardware and/or computer software
are more manageable than their monolithic that
counterparts. relies on cloud computing for application
The two most significant delivery, or that is specifically designed for
components of cloud computing architecture are delivery of cloud services and that, in either
known as the front end and the back end. case, is essentially useless without it.
1. The front end is the part seen by the client, Examples include some computers, phones
i.e. the computer user. This includes the and other devices, operating systems and
client’s network (or computer) and the browsers.
applications used to access the cloud via a ii. Application:
user interface such as a web browser. Cloud application services or
"Software as a Service (SaaS)" deliver
2. The back end of the cloud computing software as a service over the Internet,
architecture is the ‘cloud’ itself, comprising
eliminating the need to install and run the  Open source
application on the customer's own  Open standards
computers and simplifying maintenance and  Security
support.  Availability and performance
iii. Platform:  Sustainability and sitting
Cloud platform services or
"Platform as a Service (PaaS)" deliver a ADVANTAGES:
computing platform and/or solution stack as
a service, often consuming cloud  Cloud computing increases profitability
infrastructure and sustaining cloud by improving resource utilization.
applications. It facilitates deployment of  It allows enterprises to achieve more
applications without the cost and complexity efficient use of their IT hardware and
of buying and managing the underlying software investments.
hardware and software layers.  Agility improves with users' ability to
iv. Infrastructure: rapidly and inexpensively re-provision
Cloud infrastructure services, also technological infrastructure resources.
known as "Infrastructure as a Service  Cost is claimed to be greatly reduced and
(IaaS)", delivers computer infrastructure - capital expenditure is converted to
typically a platform virtualization operational expenditure.
environment - as a service. Rather than  Device and location independence
purchasing servers, software, data-center enable users to access systems using a web
space or network equipment, clients instead browser regardless of their location or
buy those resources as a fully outsourced what device they are using.
service. Suppliers typically bill such  Multi-tenancy enables sharing of
services on a utility computing basis and resources and costs across a large pool of
amount of resources consumed (and users.
therefore the cost) will typically reflect the  Reliability is improved if multiple
level of activity. IaaS evolved from virtual redundant sites are used, which makes
private server offerings. well designed cloud computing suitable
v. Server: for business continuity and disaster
The server’s layer consists of recovery.
computer hardware and/or computer  Scalability via dynamic ("on-demand")
software products that are specifically provisioning of resources on a fine-
designed for the delivery of cloud grained, self-service basis near real-time,
services,including multi-core processors, without users having to engineer for peak
cloud-specific operating systems and loads.
combined offerings.  Security could improve due to
centralization of data,[42] increased
ISSUES: security-focused resource.
 Privacy  Maintenance of cloud computing
 Compliance applications is easier, since they don't
 Legal
have to be installed on each user's Movies move through a predetermined set of
computer. images, video game images are grafted from
moment to moment; leading to the issue of latency.
Cloud computing and video games: In a movie, a lag is annoying. In a video game, that
millisecond delay could mean the death of a
Onlive, a newly launched online gaming character.
platform, is testing the idea that video games can be
streamed rather than downloaded. All eyes of the Skeptics further raise questions about privacy,
gaming world are on Onlive because its skeptics ownership rights, storage, and cost. Because the
believe this mode of gaming, just out of beta, was cloud gaming concept is still in infancy, many
delivered prematurely. Yet, if successful, it could issues won't be resolved until further down the road.
dramatically alter the dynamics of game play. Consumers will have to decide if the pros of
moving to streaming are worth the risk of investing
Instead of games being downloaded to in a technology still in beta stages.
computers, they are streamed from remote date
centers-the cloud. Much attention is on cloud If Onlive works through the bugs and establishes
computing because noted corporations like itself as a new leader in the video game sector, its
Amazon, Google, and Microsoft have developed competitors won't be far behind. Gaikai, a rival
expansive cloud platforms and offer a range of streaming service, is already available to the public
services to both private and public sectors. Cloud and OTOY is preparing to launch its "multiple-
capabilities work well for applications such as teraflop supercomputer" and video compression
streaming media. So well, in fact, that media giant technology. Sony hasn't made an official statement,
Apple iTunes announced plans for future migration but shortly after Onlive's unveiling, it is rumored to
to cloud infrastructure. Netflix, a rival mogul, is have filed a trademark notice for the word 'PC-
already a client of Amazon. Companies are moving cloud'. Speculation is that Sony plans to take over
to the cloud because it provides more reliable, less cloud gaming and more. Whatever its plans, cloud
expensive, and faster service to their customers. computing is attracting enough converts to have a
future with or without games.
Perlman acknowledges that awarding
gamers instant gratification is a key factor to Conclusion:
Onlive's potential success. Additional advantages to
cloud gaming include eliminating expense and In today's global competitive market,
necessity of upgrading outdated equipment. Gamers companies must innovate and get the most from its
also gain the convenience of mobility and the resources to succeed. This requires enabling its
capability to play hi-tech games on low end employees, business partners, and users with the
platforms and collaboration tools that promote
computers. Supporters of streaming look forward to
innovation. Cloud computing infrastructures are
the ease of playing games "anywhere, anytime"; next generation platforms that can provide
from a computer, television, iPhone, or an iPod. tremendous value to companies of any size. Cloud
Critics of cloud gaming wonder if the promise of computing can be also applied to video game
instant gratification is too good to be true. One applications.
major concern is the clear difference between
streaming movies and streaming video games.

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