Lived Experience Leading The Way: Peer Support in Mental Health
Lived Experience Leading The Way: Peer Support in Mental Health
Lived Experience Leading The Way: Peer Support in Mental Health
Together supports people on their own The University of Nottingham, with user- NSUN is committed to promoting and
journey towards mental wellbeing – led Making Waves, developed and runs an developing Peer Support across England
helping them with aspects of life such as accredited training programme for peer at a local, regional and national level. It
getting a place to live, finding work, support workers. In working with the local aims to facilitate links between user
making friends, building self esteem and NHS Trust, they are part of a UK-wide groups and individuals, broker access to
playing an active role in their community. network of NHS Trusts employing peer service users by policy-makers, and
support workers in mental health services. provide training in leadership,
organisational skills and campaigning.