Agricultural Research Institute: 0092-91-2964030, 0092-91-2964097 Facebook/Aritarnab
Agricultural Research Institute: 0092-91-2964030, 0092-91-2964097 Facebook/Aritarnab
Agricultural Research Institute: 0092-91-2964030, 0092-91-2964097 Facebook/Aritarnab
Tarnab, Peshawar
0092-91-2964030, 0092-91-2964097
[email protected], Facebook/ARITarnab
1.1 Organization
Directorate/attach Unit Agricultural Research Institute, Tarnab, Peshawar
Parent Department Name Agricultural Research Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Secretary Agriculture Livestock & Cooperative Department
Head of Directorate Dr. Naveed Akhtar, Senior Director
/Attach Unit
List of Wings/Sub Units i. Directorate of Soil & Plant Nutrition
ii. Directorate of Olive Research & Development
iii. Horticulture Research Program
iv. Vegetable Research Program
v. Plant Pathology Research Program
vi. Plant Physiology Research Program
vii. Entomology Research Program
viii. Food Sciences & Technology Research Program
ix. Miscellaneous Crops Research Program
x. Oilseed Crops Research Program
xi. Cereal Crops Research Program
xii. Seed Technology Program
xiii. Statistical Unit
xiv. Farm Management of the Institute
1.2 About US
About us/ The Agricultural Research Institute, Tamab Peshawar has been the fountainhead of
Introduction agricultural development in the province. During its 109 years history, it has significantly
contributed to the economic prosperity of the farming community through introduction
and evolution of high yielding varieties of crops, fruits and vegetables, standardization of
agronomic techniques and dissemination of the latest know-how on crop husbandry, soil
management, fertilizer use and plant protection measures. The research findings are
disseminated to farmers by publishing research papers, technical bulletins and popular
articles in local languages. Field Days, training courses and seminars are held periodically
to acquaint the extension staff and the farmers with the latest research finding in various
disciplines of agriculture. In addition Radio and TV talks are also delivered for the same
Official Farming community of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in general and the Central Agro-
message from Ecological Zone of the Province in particular are our clientele. Our scientists strives to
Head of discover ways and means to enhance agricultural productivity and improve produce
quality. Our scientists always value feedback from the farming community to align their
Department research program to the actual need of the farmers. Farmers are encouraged to interact our
with Picture scientists for finding solutions to their problems.
We welcome farmers and their representatives to visit our
Institute specifically our plant protection and soil science
laboratories. Our services are universal, however, we focus on
small holders and risk averse farmers. Our products include
certified fruit nursery plants, basic seeds of approved varieties,
plant propegules and food products including quality honey and
virgin olive oil. These product can be obtained on first come
first serve basis on government approved subsidized rates.
Functions New variety development for high yeild, better quality and high economic return to
the growers
Development of economical & sustainable production technology packages.
Production of quality seed (pre & basic) and fruit plants.
Dissemination of technology to the end users
Objectives Enhance agriculture productivity per unit area.
Increase farmer's income and reduce poverty.
Ensure food security.
Protect the environment.
Vision/future Generate and disseminate knowledge for improving crop productivity in order to
plan achieve growth, equity and food security in the agricultural sector of the Central
Agro-Ecological Zone of the Province
Development 1. Research & Development in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
al project ADP 2. Rehabilitation of Flood Affected Land through Plantation of New Orchards
3. Standardizing Micro Propagation Techniques for Hardwood Fruit Plants.
(Phass-II), (Club PC-1 Activity #9)
4. Indigenization of Hybrid Research Development Technology for Crops,
Fruit and Vegetable (Phase-II)
5. Establishment of Biological Control Laboratory for Identification,
Monitoring and Control of Devastating Pests in Different Agro-Ecological
Zones of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
6. Technological Improvement in Research and Strengthening of Agriculture
Research Stations of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Achievements S# Description Unit Achievements
1. Fruit Varieties Released Nos. 51
2. Fruit Nursery Distributed (Last Three Years) Nos. 261,757
3. Orchards established on Growers’ Field (Last Acres 1,943
Five Years)
4. Olive Orchards Established on Growers’ Field Acres 1,942
5. Adaptive Research Trials on Growers’ Field Acres 340
6. Quality Seed Production;
a. Wheat (Last Three Years) Tones 223
b. Maize (Last Three Years) Tones 62
7. Fodder Propegules (Moth Grass) Distributed: Nos. 200,000
8. Trichogramma Cards Distributed for Insect Cards 41,300
9. Chrysoperla Cards Distributed for Insect cards 23,200
10. Disease Samples Analyzed: Nos. 913
11. Analytical services (Soil, Water and Fertilizer Nos. 5,171
12. Seed Samples Tested: Nos. 175,345
13. Seed Samples Analyzed: Nos. 405
14. Seed Germination Services for High Value kgs 283
15. Preserved Seed of germplasm: (Accessions) Nos. 5,215
16. Olive Oil Extraction (Virgin Oil): Litres 3,878
17. Field Days: Nos. 35
18. Radio Talks: Nos. 22
19. Persons Trained: Persons 3,577
20. Articles Published: Nos. 66
21. Students/Scholars Supervised:
a. Ph.D. Scholars 5
b. M.Sc. (Hons.)/M.Phil. Scholars 68
c. B.Sc. (Hons.)/M.Sc. Student 119
22. Research Papers Published: Nos. 34
Other ---
not cover in
the above
1.3 Services
(e.g. provide detail of services/services procedures/services prices/forms/public related
Forms/public related Certified Fruit Plants Nursery:
application forms o Plain Paper Applications are received till 15 th November
specifying Fruit Kind, Variety, No. of Plants and full
postal address
o Reservation letters are sent through Post before 30 th
o Nursery is distributed from 15th December on subsidized
government rate
Olive Orchards Plantation:
o Plain Paper Applications are received round the year
specifying area in acres, availability of water, mobile
number, CNIC copy and full postal address.
o Surveys are made for suitability in June/July (Monsoon
Plantation) and November/December (Spring Plantation)
o True-to-Type olive saplings are provided to the selected
farmers in August (Monsoon Plantation) and February
(Spring Plantation) free of cost.
o Conditions apply.
Soil and Water Samples Analysis:
o Soil and Water Samples (taken through specified
procedure) are received round the year
o Name, Address, Area (specifying Village, Tehsil and
District), Crop/Fruit Species must be provided.
o Fee for growers per sample is Rs.50/-
o Fee for students per sample is Rs.100/-
o Fee for Organizations per sample is Rs.1000/-
o Recommendations are given within one week.
Insects and Diseases Diagnosis Services:
o Plant samples are diagnosed for insect pests and diseases
round the year. Recommendations are given on spot.
Germination Services:
o High value vegetables seeds are germinated.
o Conditions apply.
Food Processing:
o Farmers produce are processed on payment of processing
o Conditions apply.
Image Gallery
Public (How do I?)
Additional services
Indicator Details
Not applicable
Indicator Details
Not applicable
1.8 FAQ
e.g. what is the procedure for applying for playing football in
provincial team?
Indicator Details
1.9 Technical
Note: fill this section for your website address and email address, provide list of email address
you want for official use. (Email address will be issued designation wise)
Indicator Details
Sub domain,
Emails [email protected]
Secretary (Official)
Secretary (Namely)
1.10 eHow?
1) How I apply for water connection?
2) How I register an FIR?
3) How I will apply for GP fund
Step 1: Do this
eHow? Details
1.11 Emails?
4) (List of Email address requested for official email services i.e. [email protected])
Information collection
Information about department facebook page and twitter (if any):