Assignment # 1: Principle of Life
Assignment # 1: Principle of Life
Assignment # 1: Principle of Life
Principle of Life
Difference b/w Conventional
Modern cell Theory
Content page
Topics Page number
Robert hook 3
Key contributions 4
Stages of transition 5
Significance 9
Reference 9
Ideas about nature of life started with The Greeks “Thale” idea that everything is made
of water in different forms.
Introduction to microscope made the study of cell possible and made human more
accessible for observation of smaller world, how small living cell is composed of. The
cell was firstly described by Robert Hooke in 1665.He saw strangely similar to cellular
or small rooms which monk’s inhabited thus deriving the name cell. Actually he saw
dead cells of plant (cork) under his hand made microscope, but he did not get
information about nucleus and other organelles present in cell. The alive cell was firstly
seen by Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, who described algae spirogyra and bacteria in
2. Cell retains dual existence as distinct entity and building block in the
construction of organism.
Describing the appearance of thin layer of cork tree, one of the many microscopy
documaentations contained in the 1665 publication Micrographia Robert Hooke is
credited with term cells .Hooke likened the magnification of the cork’s box like pores to
Monk’s living quarters, known as cell; of Latin origin , cella is translated as storeroom r
small container. Hooke did not identify any internal cellular structure only the external
Principle of Life
walls of the dead cork cells .long with the scientists of that era he thought the empty
spaces might transport fluids in plant life.
Principle of Life
algae the term animalcules was used for long time the existence of single cell not only
opened an entirely unseen world for biologists but also established the field
microbiology. He also discover existence of sperms in mammals in 1667 something he
considered his most significant discovery . originally he believed that sperms were
parasites found in the male genitals
Barthelemy dumortier
He was a botanist who was the first scientist to observe reproduction by cell division in
plants. In 1832, he published his findings and called the process he saw binary fission
Matthias schleiden
A German botanist discovers all plants were comprised of cells and that an embryonic
plant arose from a single cell. He declared that cell is a basic building block of all plant
matter. This statement of schleiden was the first generalizations concerning cells
Schleiden investigated plants microscopically and convinced that plants were made up
of recognizable units or cells. Although later discoveries proved him wrong about the
role of nucleus in mitosis, his conceptions of the cell as the common structural unit of
plants shifted study from to processes going on in living cells.
Theoder schwann
Rudolf Virchow
In 1855 he published the biogenic law omnis cellula e cellua he also posited all
diseases involved changes to the function and structure of normal cells
Principle of Life
Francesco redi
An Italian doctor determined that spoiled meat attracted but did not transform into flies.
In 1668, this simple discovery was antecedent to the concept that cells can only come
from other like cells
John needham
Louis Pasteur
He performed additional experiments on soup in mid of 1806s employing filtered air and
flask with san neck he discovered air borne microbes were able to infect the both in
regular flasks but bacteria settled at the top of neck leaving soup unaffected
August Watson
In 1880 he proposed amending, biogenic law” to include lining cells can trace
their ancestry back to ancient times.
Discovery of nucleus
Stages of transitions
Principle of Life
Cell cycle
The cell ordered sequence of events that occur in preparation for cell division.
The cell cycle is four stage process in which the cell increases, copies its DNA , prepare
to divide and divide
o Interphase
Cell cycle just forms as mother cell divides it also called gap phae as cell grows
larger physically copied organelles and building block molecules form that need later
o Mitotic phase
in mitosis the nucleuar DNA of cell turns to visible chromosome and pull apart spindle to
make microtubules. Mitosis take place in four stages .
G not phase
1. mitochondria
2. golgi apparatus
3. endoplasmic reticulum
Principle of Life
4. ribosome
5. vacule
Modern postulates
2: Cells of all organisms within a similar species are mostly same, both structurally and
At the turn of century, attention began to shift toward cytogenetics which aimed
to link the study of cell to the study of genetics .In 1880s Walter Sutton and Theodor
Boveri were responsible to identifying the chromosome as hub for heredity .Later the
discoveries confirm the role of the cell in heredity.
Discovery of DNA
In 1869,by Swiss researchers Fransic who was originally trying to study the
composition of lymphoid he isolated a new molecule he called nuclein. DNA with
associated protein .the model of DNA was composed and studied Watson and Crick.
This discovery of cell continued to the impact science 100 years later with the discovery
of cell, undifferentiated cells that have developed into more specialized cells .
Major discoveries
Scientists began deriving embryonic cells from mice in 1980 and in 1998 James
Thomson isolated human embryonic stem cells
Principle of Life
There is some modern interpretation of cell which generally accepted parts are
as follow
1 Cells are basic structural , functional and organizational unit of both single
celled and multicellular organism
People are jumble of 37.2 trillion cells .But every life began as a single cell
organism some organism contain only one cell while other are multicellular .they are
classify as eukaryotes and prokaryotes .
Cells or organisms without prominent nucleus and DNA and are cell membrane
bounded organelles
Principle of Life
Cell division
Cells gives birth to other cells by pre-existing cell division into daughter cells . While
mitosis occurs after sexual reproduction as embryo develops and grow.
As cells have DNA are carriers of genetic data. DNA provides blueprint for final
development of cell.
Multiple biochemical occurs inside the cell makes up cell metabolism, exergonic
reactions occurs when cells releases energy to its surroundings forms stronger bonds
Knowing that all living things are add up of cells allow to understand how organisms are
created, grow and die. That information helps us to understand how new life is created
How organism takes formation. How cancer cells spread , manage and many more.