Business Agreement Program With Special Power of Attorney
Business Agreement Program With Special Power of Attorney
Business Agreement Program With Special Power of Attorney
This instrument is the final and mutual agreement and covenant entered upon by
and between________________________________(FIRST PARTY) and PRINCESS JOANA JO
ALFAJID CAMPOS (SECOND PARTY) for FIRST PARTY’s application for participation and
membership with SECOND PARTY’s operated Portal Website of Royal O Financial
Consultancy Services for the program of co-ownership of funds to cater to various
businesses involved with, among others, in operation of macro and micro businesses,
trucking , importation and export of goods such as oil, medical products, etc., beauty and
wellness saloon and clinic, mining and casino junket type operations, etc.
said portal exclusively and confidentially for the accounts only of registered members in a
closed group with enrolled funds that is being administered through the said portal itself to
earn interest and/or rebates, incentives, bonus or perks from membership referrals in a
convenient program of fund return and pay-out arranged with banks that FIRST PARTY
herewith applies for membership so that an account may be enrolled under his name and
control with the portal itself based on the funded amount that initially created the said
WHEREAS, BOTH PARTIES have arrived after their due diligence, respective
transparencies and good faith disclosures with each other’s limitations and the usual risks of
on-going government intervention with BPO businesses to enter into the terms of this
instrument as a convenient way of earning bank-interest rates more than what bank
provides for in a passive manner of partnership program the financial needs for loans of
short-term needs of daily business operations, eg. Payroll, supplies and materials, etc. from
funds transacted with SECOND PARTY’s Portal after FIRST PARTY authorizes SECOND PARTY
to select the businesses to be financed with the outsourced funds enrolled with the portal
WHEREAS, the creation, enrollment and registration of that initial amount of co-
owned fund in an account in the Portal Website of Royal O Financial Consultancy Services is
based on mutual terms and conditions agreed by BOTH PARTIES as follows:
payment and collection of loan, etc. and, c.) to demand payment and file suit
against all of the businesses and its owners that availed the loan from the
outsourced fund and/or compromise, amicably settle any dispute or case
involving the recovery or return of the outsourced fund and/or its interest under
the portal website’s record of the enrolled account itself;
2. The account created by the initial amount of fund registered with the Portal itself
will be the permanent record of FIRST PARTY’s history, transaction and dealings
with SECOND PARTY with regards to the co-owned
fund’s return and earned interest in bank or cash pay-outs and rebates,
incentives, bonus and perks due, received and paid out with based on the Portal
Administrator’s confidential report to BOTH PARTIES on the progress or any
dispute that involved said account.
3. The initial amount that FIRST PARTY enrolls his membership for registration with
the Portal to activate his account is based on an Acknowledgement Form of
Document executed by SECOND PARTY with the dated recital of the initial
amount enrolled with the
Said account, the terms and conditions of the interest to be earned by the said
amount and the duration of the date of the enrolled fund and its schedule of
returned pay-out and interest and the referrals made as source of the account
from other members of the said account for an update and monitor of the
account status of the perks, incentives bonus and/or rebates due, paid and
pending under any account with the Portal itself. BOTH PARTIES may also
bindingly jointly execute any writing between themselves of miscellaneous
matters and details that they want the Portal Account’s be registered with as
long as said matters are relevant, material and pertinent to this instrument and
the Acknowledgement Form Document that SECOND PARTY makes confirmation
with in the presence of witnesses.
or expense that SECOND PARTY must recover and secure a longer
enrollment period of the initial fund itself under the approved
account that the Administrator of the Portal itself may act at
SECOND PARTY’s behest to refuse any uploading activities from the
suspended account unless a re-enrollment of the initial fund in the
account itself is complied with by SECOND PARTY
3.B Incentives or bonuses already enjoyed or received by
FIRST PARTY from SECOND PARTY previous to this instrument will
automatically form an integral part of this instrument to bar FIRST
PARTY from refusing to re-enroll the initial fund to the Portal’s
account after its duration until such time that cost and expenses for
the said incentives, bonus, perks and rebate is recovered with by
SECOND PARTY. It is only after FIRST PARTY opts to surrender back to
SECOND PARTY whatever perks, incentives, bonus and rebates
received or possessed by him/her that were spent by SECOND PARTY
for the enrollment of the initial fund by FIRST PARTY under an account
with the Portal itself that the Portal’s Administrator will act on
SECOND PARTY’s instructions on how to deal with the suspended
4. Incentives, bonus and perks are temporary offerings of vehicles, cellphones, etc.
to generate volumes of funds in few enrolled accounts with the portal based on
a range of bracketed amounts from a high to a low end that entails costs and
expenses that may require FIRST PARTY to re-enroll again and again with the said
fund until such time that SECOND PARTY recovers the cost and expenses of said
perk ,bonus or investment while rebates are part of the marketing program of
the portal itself to generate membership through referrals. Referrals for co-
owned funds from previous enrolled members of the portal are classified by level
as immediate, antecedent and proximate where the previous enrolled members
receive commissions from the actual funds enrolled with the portal by the latest
enrollee of the co-owned fund account at the of 6%, 3% and 2 %. FIRST PARTY
however has the burden to indicate his entitlement for the level and rate of
his/her rebate and whatever incentives, bonus and perks that he is entitled to by
identifying the dates and accounts of the referrals he made and the rate and
amount he/she is entitled to in the FIRST PARTY’s recital part in the
Acknowledgement Form document of this instrument so that the Portal
Administrator could act with a recommendation for the SECOND PARTY to
release or pay the incentive or commission.
5. The Portal’s administrator will activate the account of FIRST PARTY with the
Website after finding in order from this instrument, the Acknowledgement Form
Document and the other pertinent writings jointly uploaded by BOTH PARTIES to
the Portal itself that compliance of registration, membership and enrollment
have been substantially complied with by parties. Except for initial cash
enrollments of fund under this instrument that the approval of FIRST PARTY’s
account with the Portal Website after application and.
8. FIRST PARTY undertakes to waive his/her right, if there is any, to file a suit or
case of any nature against SECOND PARTY after the latter has complied with the
first pay-out schedule of the initial fund’s return together with its earned interest
as this instrument by itself is the contract that governs their agreement to
transact their business with a Website Portal for SECOND PARTY’s financing of
loans for selected client businesses that needed daily operational funds to run
their business co-funded by SECOND PARTY from funds provided by FIRST PARTY
through this instrument. FIRST PARTY’s declaration of confidentiality and
admission against interest in this instrument that the account being applied with
for membership and registration with the Website Portal itself with was resorted
to after due diligence and transparency with acts limited and regulated by the
government to exclude BPO operations of co-funded from clients that needed
loans to finance their small and medium enterprises therefore negates any fraud
in this instrument and any other agreements or contracts entered by parties
herewith thereafter. The waiver likewise is FIRST PARTY’s acknowledged
consideration not to anymore add unnecessary pressure and stress from
managing, monitoring and collecting from the businesses that the initial fund was
co-funded with so that the fund and interest earned from the said fund will be
returned daily or monthly from the rates agreed under this instrument though a
regular schedule of pay-out of the same despite the fact that said fund was
initially co-funded by SECOND PARTY already as a short-term loan.
Dishonesty, fraud, disrespect to parties and members of the portal and its
administrator are the other grounds to block, inactivate, suspend and delete a
person’s account with the portal with unsatisfactory circumstances that the
account holder could no longer further transact with the portal itself this
instrument and avail of the convenience it provides him/her with for the periodic
and orderly return of his enrolled funds and its earned interest based on what
was officially recorded and documented with previously by the portal itself.
WITNESS OUR HANDS AND SEAL this ____ day of November, 2020.
Signed in the Presence of: ____________ _______________
BEFORE ME, a Notary Public, this ___ day of _________,2020, personally appeared
______ and PRINCESS JOANA JO ALFAJID CAMPOS exhibiting before me their Current
Government Identification Cards with photograph as ___________________________ and
________________, respectively, known to me and to me known to be the same persons
executing this instrument and acknowledging that the same are their free and voluntary acts
and deeds.
Notary Public
Doc. No. _____
Page No. _____
Book No. _____
Series of 2020
Undersigned, in behalf of Royal O Financial Consultancy Services and as authorized by the
Business Agreement Program with Special Power of Attorney dated ________________ receives
from Mr. /Ms.______________the amount of Philippine Peso__________________(P )
(cash/check No. __________) this ___ day of _____________, 2020 as enrollment fund for my
application for membership, registration, processing, approval and activation of an account in the
Website Portal of Royal O Financial Consultancy Services for the participation of my enrolled fund in
the program of outsourced funding of day to day operations of selected businesses by Princess Joana
Jo Alfajid Campos in consideration of a more or less _____ % rate of interest for the enrolled fund’s
lock-in duration of ___________ days/month from ___________ to ______________.
Mr./Ms. ___________ received from undersigned the perk, incentive, bonus and/or rebate
that amounted to P______________________ in the form of a _____________________ or
commission of ________ % from the account opened and applied for by Mr./Ms. ______________
on ___________ for the fund of P ____________________ as cost and expense for enrolling the
fund herewith under the Portal Website itself that Mr./Ms. ___________ undertakes to account,
surrender, turn-over back to undersigned whatever the balance of the cost and expenses that
SECOND PARTY advanced with in enrolling the fund herewith in the Portal itself or in enrolling other
previous accounts caused by Mr. Ms. _______________’s referral for enrollment of other accounts
previous to this acknowledgement.
The other matters and miscellaneous details that forms an integral part of this
acknowledgement form and the previous instrument dated ____________ that this
acknowledgement form makes pertinent, relevant and material recitals of are as follows:
Conforme: __________________