Multiple Choices Questions For ENT Residents
Multiple Choices Questions For ENT Residents
Multiple Choices Questions For ENT Residents
A - Nasal floor.
B - Nasal septum.
C - Lateral Pterigoid plate.
D - Medial Pterigoid plate.
E - Sphenoid sinus.
4-All the following anatomical relationships of the posterior ethmoid cells are
correct EXEPT?
A - The basal lamella separates the posterior ethmoid from their anterior counterpart.
B - The fovea ethmoidalis separates the posterior ethmoids from the anterior cranial
C - The cribriform plate forms the roof of the posterior ethmoid cells.
D - Lamina papyracea separates the posterior ethmoids from the orbit.
E - Superior meatus and superior turbinate lies medial to the posterior ethmoid cells.
A - Vicryl.
B - Monocryl.
C - Prolene.
D - Catgut
E - Dexon.
8-All the following structures are derived from the 2nd branchial arch EXEPT?
A - Malleus.
B - Stapes.
C - Styloid process of temporal bone.
D - Stylohyoid ligament.
E - Lesser horn of hyoid bone.
A - The external auditory meatus drevies from the 1st branchial groove.
B - Glossopharyngeal nerve derives from 3rd branchial arch.
C - Inferior parathyroid gland derives from 2nd branchial pouch.
D - Stylopharyngeus muscle derives from 3rd branchial arch.
E - Stapes is derived from 2nd branchial arch.
10-The content of the carotid sheath include all the following EXEPT?
A - Sympathetic shain.
B - Vagus nerve.
C - Common carotid artery.
D - Internal jugular vein.
E - External carotid artery.
11-Infection in the region drained by the angular vein may result in venous
thrombosis of the cavernous sinus via the ?
12-Regarding the congenital deformities of the ear, one of the following is true?
A - Due to their common origin, the external, middle, inner ear structures are all affected.
B - Congenital conductive deafness, with a normal meatus and eardrum, is easily
corrected by middle ear microsurgery.
C - The Treacher-Collins syndrome (mandibulofacial dysostosis) is an autosomal
recessive condition associated with major malformations of the outer and middle ear.
D - In unilateral deformities, middle ear reconstructive surgery is the treatment of choice.
E - Wildervanck syndrome is a conductive deafness associated with periauricular sinuses
and appendages and auricular malformations.
13-Regarding cysts of dental origin all the following are true EXEPT?
14- Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Auricle, all the following are true EXCEPT;
A - Prolonged exposure to the sun is a risk factor for the development of skin
B - Malignancy of the auricle is common in fair-skinned whites and rare in blacks.
C - Squamous cell carcinoma represents about 55% of all malignant tumors of the
D - Squamous cell carcinomas present as ulcerated lesions with an area of surrounding
erythema and induration.
E - The treatment of choice is radiotherapy.
15-Regarding relapsing polychondritis all the following are incorrect EXCEPT;
17-Excessive sound stimulation of the ear; All the following are true EXEPT?
18- Regarding adjuvant chemotherapy in head and neck cancer one of the following
is true?
20- Regarding the efficacy of radiotherapy ALL the following are true EXEPT?
A - Lymphoid origin tumors are more responsive than squamous cell tumors.
B - Sarcomata of bony origin have a very poor response rate.
C - The efficacy of radiotherapy is enhanced by hyperthermia.
D - Photons damage cells more than neutrons.
E - Hypoxia protects tumour cells