The Role of Culture in Teaching and Learning of English As A Foreign Language
The Role of Culture in Teaching and Learning of English As A Foreign Language
The Role of Culture in Teaching and Learning of English As A Foreign Language
Lecturer .Ahmed A .Hamza
.M.A in EFL Methods of Teaching
College of Education for Human Sciences
University of Babylon
thousands of years to form and is changing all the times, and compelling
individuals of society to learn and adjust, and when an individual comes
into cultural communication, it requires cultural understanding, social
behaviour, and emotional reactions which help learner develop
confidence to use language and interact in communication
Teachers must instruct their students on the cultural background of
language usage. If one teaches language without teaching about the
culture in which it operates, the students are learning empty or
meaningless symbols or they may attach the incorrect meaning to what is
being taught. The students, when using the learnt language, may use the
language inappropriately or within the wrong cultural context, thus
defeating the purpose of learning a language.( Jæger 1995:31)
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
The Analysis of Results
There are three degrees to test the power of item's frequency use as
shown in the line below:
3 1 o
The items that fall between (3) and (1) are more powerful than those that
fall between(1) and (0).The diagram .This indicates the following:
2-EFL learners are able to some extent argue thoughts and beliefs of
foreign culture as they are exposed those thoughts throughout the
literary works of English
3-Due to little chances that are available to EFL learners to use English
for communication, the respondents showed less powerful frequency in
recognizing the cultural factors that are related to English language use .
1-Culture has a vital and important role in the process of learning English
as a foreign language as language and culture are inseparable .
Jæger, Kirsten. 1995. Teaching Culture – State of the Art. In Sercu, Lies
(ed). Intercultural Competence. Vol. 1: The Secondary School. Aalborg:
.Aalborg University Press