Warwick or London 2021: Executive MBA
Warwick or London 2021: Executive MBA
Warwick or London 2021: Executive MBA
or London
For the Change Makers
Programme structure 13
ranked 6th in the world, 3rd Transforming your career – During and beyond your MBA 20
Our faculty 28
Scholarships 32
Talk to us 36
warwickmba.com 3
I joined WBS because I was The best thing about
looking for a new challenge doing an MBA at WBS
is the diversity you come
and I wanted to stimulate across in terms of age,
my career. Studying an ethnicity, education, work
MBA while working full-time experience and industries,
is a big commitment, but not to mention behaviours,
cultures and thoughts!
I can tell you that I have
Asha Combstock
no regrets joining and Executive MBA
it has been an immensely (current participant)
A highly ranked Executive MBA Become a Change Maker Diverse perspectives Business and leadership skills you can Evening or weekend study options Locally based cohort
The Warwick Executive MBA is ranked 6th in Change Maker is a mindset and a way of You will be joining other Executive MBA
use immediately You may choose between studying the The majority of our participants are based
the world and 1st in the UK.* approaching the world that sets our people participants who come from a wide range We will support you in unlocking your full Executive MBA (London) in either a daytime in and around London providing you with
apart. Change Makers see the bigger picture, of countries and backgrounds, providing potential by providing intensive leadership format, with your required modules typically opportunities to meet up, study together
Our reputation is built on a healthy balance
challenge the norm, and have the drive as well you with the opportunity to share new development throughout the programme; taught on Fridays and Saturdays every other and discuss group work outside of your
between theory and practice; and a culture
as the vision to succeed. voices, new viewpoints and new ideas. enabling you to take the ideas, theories and week between September and July, or the scheduled teaching hours. This added
that challenges assumptions, goes beyond the
solutions you have learned in the classroom evening format, where each required module contact time with your talented peers
classroom and believes in business as a power We are here to support and motivate you As well as your peers, you’ll also meet visiting
straight into your place of work, so that is typically taught over two evenings in a four- will maximise your learning experience,
for good. to achieve your full potential and achieve your students from around the world and study
whether it is improving knowledge that week period between September and July. help strengthen your connections and
ambitions. But we’re not here to hold hands; global organisations. You will undertake
We are also proud to be the first UK business already exists or starting something new, broaden your professional network.
we’ll push, critique, and challenge you to one overseas module delivered either by
school to be triple accredited and to receive you can make an immediate positive impact.
break the status quo and create real impact one of our partner institutions or by WBS.
the Athena SWAN Silver Award for improving
in whatever you want to achieve.
gender equality.
*Economist/WhichMBA? Biennial 2020
Executive MBA Ranking
Develop new insights An influential global community Leading academics and Professors Tailor your MBA to achieve your career Well-established programme delivered Accessible to the world
We regularly invite guest speakers and As part of the WBS community, you will be
of Practice aspirations in London With easy access to London’s international
distinguished practitioners to our Warwick joining a diverse network of Change Makers, You will be inspired by and learn from With a wide range of face-to-face electives, By bringing the Warwick Executive MBA to airports and transport hubs, WBS London
campus and WBS London to provide you made up of more than 50,000 alumni from some of the world’s leading academics as well as additional distance learning The Shard, we have created an intensive is easily accessible to you even if you
with exclusive insights into business. more than 140 countries. You will have the alongside senior business people who options to select from, you can focus and demanding two-year programme in are based outside of the capital or the
opportunity to network and exchange ideas join us as Professors of Practice. your MBA on specific areas of interest. the capital city enabling you to take full UK, but want to develop your career and
Alongside this, we have eight professional
with fellow graduates at networking events held advantage of our prestigious academics and networking opportunities in London.
networks and geographical networks You will develop an inquisitive and You will also have the opportunity to
around the world. Our alumni include global connect with the wider WBS community.
across the globe allowing you to tap entrepreneurial mind that will enable specialise your MBA in Healthcare, Finance,
leaders operating in every type of organisation
into the knowledge, experience and you to make a positive contribution Entrepreneurship or Strategic Leadership.
from start-ups to FTSE 100 companies,
insights of your fellow alumni for life. to your organisation thanks to the
charities to management consultancies.
transformative research of our faculty
that underpins our teaching.
7% Transportation represented
Energy 8%
& Logistics Services
11–15 years 35%
5% Non-profit
Financial Services 5%
2% Military
Consulting 3%
1% Telecommunications 16+ years 34%
% male/
Consumer Packaged Goods 2%
female split
Real Estate 1%
As an Executive MBA
participant your learning does
not stop when you leave the
classroom, you will be able
to take your curiosity and newly
acquired skills and apply them
directly into your workplace
to make an immediate impact.
Dr Hossam Zeitoun
Course Director (Warwick)
Other 13%
8% Energy
Manufacturing 8% 5% Consulting 11–15 years 41%
Government 2%
1% Real Estate
Media/Entertainment 1% 16+ years 18%
% male/
1% Transportation female split
Retail 1% & Logistics Services
Independent study
The programme Modules You are required to source your own project Induction
so this is often from your own organisation.
For our students, learning isn’t confined by Our Executive MBA consists of eight required
If you are interested in changing either your Organisational Behaviour
physical walls. They embrace independent modules and your choice of four elective
functional role or the sector that you work
learning, and have a thirst for knowledge that modules. Your required modules will help you
in, you can use your consultancy project as
drives them to find solutions. On our Executive to build the foundations you need to become Economics of the Business Environment
a stepping stone to transition by sourcing a
MBA, you will undertake eight required a successful manager and leader, and provide
project for a different organisation or within
modules, four elective modules of your choice, you with the skills, knowledge and vision to
a new functional area.
and a dissertation, as well as having the move forward in business. Strategic Advantage
opportunity to attend networking and careers The output for your degree from your
In parallel with the global focus of the
events. Depending on the location of the consultancy project will be a dissertation.
Year 1
programme, we enable you to increase your Accounting & Financial Management
programme you choose there are different Support is provided via lectures and online
exposure to different international learning
study formats available. resources as part of the dissertation module,
opportunities by including one compulsory
and you will be assigned a dissertation
module at a non-UK location. In addition, Marketing
supervisor to help guide you through
Flexible study options every year we offer a wide range of face-
the process.
to-face elective modules at the University
Warwick If you choose to undertake a specialism Operations Management
of Warwick campus, at WBS London and
Both required modules and elective modules overseas in a non-UK location. as part of your MBA, your consultancy project
are delivered from our Warwick campus in is your opportunity to dive deeply into a
Please note that module availability may vary Leadership
four-day blocks every six weeks. You may also new business idea, tackle an existing issue
year-to-year depending on student demand
have the option to choose electives held at or use the opportunity to help launch your
and scheduling constraints. Our Executive MBA Innovation & Creativity
WBS London, or via distance learning. own venture.
students may also choose to pursue electives in Organisations
from the Distance Learning MBA. Previous participants have explored:
Where modules have a core text book, you will ■ Consumerisation of healthcare in the UK: Elective modules
Teaching of required modules is carried out
have access to it online via your VitalSource Marketing and service strategies to meet
in two formats, allowing you to choose which
digital bookshelf, providing you with consumer expectations
option works best for you:
immediate access. ■ An overview of offshoring within
Daytime 2 + 2 format – Teaching of required
Investment Banking: Realising a successful
modules is typically carried out on Fridays and
Saturdays (09.00 – 18.00), every other week Consultancy project
between September and July. ■ Learning from the past and preparing for Independent study
Your consultancy project will allow you the future, how could the military improve
Evening format – Teaching is typically to apply what you have learned to a real decision-making?
delivered on Tuesday and Wednesday management issue. It is the culmination of
evenings (18.30 – 21.30). Each required everything you have learned, enabling you to
module is delivered over a four-week period demonstrate that you can explore a business How we assess your work Elective modules
between September and July. issue thoroughly from multiple perspectives
Your learning will be assessed through
Please be aware that both formats undertake and make practical recommendations based
Year 2
a variety of methods including individual
elective modules in the daytime 2 + 2 format on the theories, concepts, frameworks and
written assignments, case study analysis,
or four-day blocks. You may also have the tools that you have learned during the course
group work presentations and reports.
option to choose electives held at our Warwick and extended in your own studies. Project and Dissertation
campus or via distance learning.
Induction Induction
Organisational Behaviour
Organisational Behaviour
Year 1
Strategic Advantage
Accounting & Financial Management
Strategic Advantage
Operations Management
Operations Management
Elective modules
Year 2
Project and Dissertation Project and Dissertation
Year 2
Typically the eight required modules each consist of four Typically the eight required modules each consist of four
weeks of self study preparation before teaching commences. weeks of self study preparation before teaching commences.
Accounting & Our electives broadly fit into Management & Leadership
Financial Management the following categories:
■ Behavioural Science for
Entrepreneurship Managers (W)
Economics of the ■ Entrepreneurial Finance (W) (SF) ■ Leadership & the Art
Business Environment of Judgement (WL)
■ Entrepreneurship & New Venture
Creation (WL) ■ Management of Change (W)
Operations Management Global Business
Alongside the MBA’s core backbone of
■ Business & European Law (F) building all-round business acumen, you
can choose to specialise your MBA within
Strategic Advantage ■ Doing Business in China (C) entrepreneurship, strategic leadership,
finance or healthcare by selecting certain
■ Doing Business in India (I)
electives and basing your dissertation
■ Doing Business in Mexico (M) within your chosen area.
You may wish to tailor your Executive Finance Specialism Strategic Leadership Specialism Entrepreneurship Specialism Healthcare Specialism
MBA by selecting modules focused
This specialism is designed for senior This specialism will enable you to step into This specialism will enable you to make This specialism will appeal to both clinical
on an area of specialism.
management and executives who are likely strategic management and organisational calculated decisions between seizing and healthcare management professionals
Alongside the Executive MBA’s core to have significant exposure to financial leadership positions. You will develop your opportunities and managing risk. Whether you across the healthcare sector, who are looking
backbone of building all-round business issues; typically those progressing to board own leadership style to manage people and want to set up your own business or develop to develop both their general leadership
acumen, you can choose to focus your level in public or private businesses, or taking organisations and will be able to implement your entrepreneurial mindset within a large capabilities, and their sector-specific
MBA within these areas. You will gain a responsibilities which include managing business strategies to lead organisations corporate or an owner managed business, we understanding.
letter of acknowledgement from the Dean financial or accounting professionals. through technological and market changes. will equip you with the innovative skills to find
of Warwick Business School to confirm Whether you’re a clinician on the frontline
Board level positions typically require an creative solutions to day-to-day problems.
your success in your chosen specialism. By choosing the Strategic Leadership under increasing pressure to deliver effective
understanding of financing and analysis Specialism you will: By choosing the Entrepreneurship Specialism results for patients, or a manager required
You will initially study your eight required beyond that which can be gained through you will: to deliver efficient services under tight
modules, which are then followed by ■ Master your leadership capabilities and
short courses. Our finance modules are budgetary pressures, the modules can give
understand the field of leadership, the ■ Develop your entrepreneurial mindset,
elective modules, two of which will be designed to improve technical understanding you the skills and confidence you need to take
concept of strategic advantage and how attitude and skills to enable creative
in your chosen specialism (three for the and develop your ability to ask the right on a healthcare leadership role.
both are essential for an organisation to be problem-solving in business
Healthcare specialism). You will also questions and understand the answers.
undertake your dissertation in your successful ■ Understand the main conceptual
By choosing the Healthcare Specialism
By choosing the Finance Specialism you will: you will:
chosen specialist area, supervised by ■ Explore the characteristics of the frameworks that have shaped research “Beyond just honing
an appropriate member of faculty. ■ Develop the skills and analytical tools implementation process, its opportunities and practice on innovation and creativity ■ Deepen your knowledge of theories around my skills as a future
of modern finance theory to critically and the difficulties that arise from putting health systems and apply critical thinking
Please be advised that Specialism availability
evaluate decisions such as payout policies, strategic objectives into practice
■ Review the financial, control and
to strategic issues related to health entrepreneur, the
may vary depending on student demand investment opportunities faced by rapidly
and scheduling constraints. The Specialisms
risk management, capital budgeting,
■ Draw on philosophical writings and strands growing companies in entrepreneurial
organisations course enabled me to
investment decisions and their outcomes
covered here are illustrative of previous of psychology to obtain insights into settings. ■ Build your leadership capabilities within connect and network,
cohorts and you are advised to check ■ Explore the main methods of financial individual motives, choices and actions in Complete both of the following modules:
the healthcare industry to implement and I have found the
the website for the latest information. analysis and their application to a broad order to make wiser choices of judgement. change management initiatives
range of organisational situations both ■ Entrepreneurial Finance (W) (SF) networking part to be
Choose a minimum of two modules from: ■ Broaden your understanding of the growth
nationally and internationally ■ Entrepreneurship & New Venture in digital innovation in healthcare and
of immense value. Now
■ Strategy & Practice (WL)
■ Understand and be able to communicate Creation (WL) consider key factors impacting on digital that I have completed
■ Leadership & the Art of Judgement (WL)
the basic principles of behavioural finance healthcare solutions. the programme, I am
and the implications for both internal and
external stakeholders.
■ Strategic Leadership Development (L) Complete all three of the following modules: actually putting the skills
■ Digital Innovation in the Healthcare and know-how I gained
Choose a minimum of two modules from: Industry (WL)
into real-time action.”
■ Advanced Corporate Finance (W) ■ Healthcare Improvement (L)
■ Corporate Finance (WL) ■ Strategic Leadership in the Healthcare
■ Entrepreneurial Finance (W) (SF) Industry (L)
The modules listed in this section for each Archana Dhankar
■ Financial Analysis (WL)
specialism are elective modules that are part Executive MBA
■ Investments & Risk Management (W) of specialism requirements. (Alumna)
■ Psychology of Investing & Financial
Decisions (WL)
(L) delivered at WBS London
(SF) delivered in San Francisco, California, USA
(W) delivered at Warwick campus
(WL) delivered at both Warwick and WBS London
Please note that these modules are illustrative and
subject to change.
Our CareersPlus team are here to listen to ■ Self-assessment psychometric tools – Additional services What do you stand for as a leader? Do you
your career goals, and help shape the right Discovery Insights and Strengths Profile manage yourself effectively? How can you
As well as the comprehensive leadership and
pathway, whether you need a career coach, lead, manage and influence other people
■ VMock – a CV preparation platform development programme you will experience
support with networking, or are looking for successfully?
■ Online interview simulation during your MBA, you can choose to access
an inspirational mentor to help as you start
enhanced services for an additional cost: These are some of the questions you will
the next phase of your career. ■ Going Global – international careers be challenged with during your required
information ■ Additional executive coaching from our
leadership module.
Recruiter events and expert insights WBS Coaching Panel
■ Pay negotiation video workshop
■ One-to-one sector specialist consultations Linking theory with practice
■ Recruiter events – Opportunities to meet ■ Business journals and databases such as
are available in areas such as consulting,
company representatives face-to-face Marketline and Mintel Academic via the
marketing, manufacturing, engineering, Organisational complexity and uncertainty
to discuss upcoming opportunities. University of Warwick library.
entrepreneurship, banking and finance, within business require strong leadership
Previous companies have included
SMEs, energy, leisure and retail, property and direction.
Deloitte, Jaguar Land Rover and Capco
Building your network management and construction, science Interactive workshops aim to provide you with
■ Annual MBA networks fair – An and technology, education and social care,
When you become a Warwick Business School a better understanding of leadership concepts
opportunity to meet a selection of government, defence and security, utilities
student, you will gain access to a wealth and will consider the effectiveness of popular
employers at WBS London, to discuss and pharmaceuticals
of networking opportunities including frameworks and models in relation to the
potential recruitment opportunities
pre-planned networking sessions each time ■ Access to our award-winning mentoring needs of organisations.
■ The Change Maker Series – Practitioner you visit for a required module, LinkedIn programme which has been accredited The focus is on past experiences, business
lectures provide an insight into different groups and our Professional Networks. by Investors in People (IIP). You’ll be context and different levels of understanding
industries, and give the opportunity mentored by a WBS alumnus for a period
Recent Professional Network events of how leaders behave and lead, their
to network with MBA students on other of two years, either during or beyond
include Demystifying Algorithmic Trading, strengths and weaknesses. You will improve
programme formats alongside your your studies. The programme allows
Entrepreneurial Ideas – take them or leave your leadership and decision-making skills and
academic studies. Previous presenters you to explore career options, workplace
them, Smart Buildings, and The Economic consider your leadership values and ethics in
include Chris Murray, UK Energy Sector dilemmas and professional development
Power of Fintech – the winners and losers. a real world context.
CEO and Chairman of APX3 Ltd; Michael challenges with someone who has already
Kerr, Vice President of Aston Martin; experienced similar situations
Nick Eastwood, CEO of Wasps RFC; Case competitions Finding your own style
■ Face-to-face masterclasses including
Louise Ainsworth, CEO UK of Kantar To make the most of the module you are
You may have the opportunity to participate Salary Negotiation, Effective Business
Millward Brown; Marc Barlow, Head encouraged to reflect on your own leadership
in Case competitions organised by students Presentations and Dealing with the Media
of Strategic Marketing at GE Healthcare styles, to participate fully in the sessions
here and at other leading business schools. to ensure you’re fully equipped to manage
■ Sector specialist presentations – Previous MBA participants have represented your career long-term. and actively integrate and engage within
Experienced guest speakers share WBS in the Hult Challenge in London, learning teams.
first-hand industry insights. Recent San Francisco and Dubai; the Nespresso You also have the opportunity to supplement
Continued learning opportunities
sectors have included finance, consulting, Sustainability Challenge; the McKinsey your learning with optional workshops
marketing, and manufacturing. Business Challenge; the Rotterdam School After graduation, you will also have the provided by by the WBS CareersPlus team
of Management Erasmus University (RSM) opportunity to apply to undertake up to two which have recently covered the following
Online resources Private Equity Challenge and the Financial further face-to-face modules at Warwick, free topics:
Times Business Debates. of charge. These modules are not for credit
■ Job postings and subject to availability. ■ Leading self/leading others
These intensive challenges increase your
■ WBS CareersPlus website packed with ■ The challenge of leadership
exposure to leading companies, new sectors,
resources covering all aspects of career industry specialists and other MBAs from ■ Presenting with charisma
development around the world and provide the ideal
■ Client and stakeholder influencing skills,
■ 16 lesson online Career Management opportunity to showcase your critical thinking
and navigating organisational politics
module and problem-solving skills.
■ Negotiating skills
■ 360 degree online feedback tool to raise
your self-awareness ■ Media training.
The best thing about studying the Executive MBA is the immediate
applicability of classroom learning in our daily professional lives.
WBS is for the people that see the world Alumni mentoring programme
Joseph Mojume as a connected community. Two valuable
Executive MBA career assets open to you as an Executive You will have access to our award winning,
MBA participant are the network you will Investors in People (IIP) accredited mentoring
(current participant)
build during your studies, and the global programme, workshops, webinars and
community of WBS alumni that you will join executive coaching. Our Global Mentoring
on completion of your MBA. The Warwick Programme is a two year programme designed
Business School global community is a to offer students and alumni access to a
network of more than 50,000 alumni and completely unbiased, confidential mentor
students in more than 140 countries. who is not from their family, place of work or
place of study. We carefully match mentors
to provide the motivation, confidence, and
Connect today support to help mentees make their own
You can connect with us via social media decisions about future steps with discussions
even before you arrive: our students and ranging from career planning, goal setting
alumni can offer you support and advice and strategies for changing job functions. To
as you prepare to study here. Join us as a date, we have supported more than 1,000
prospective student on LinkedIn and follow us mentees, mentored by 240 volunteer alumni. “The workshops, webinars,
on Twitter to get the latest news from WBS.
extensive library and the
wbs.ac.uk/go/joinus Our bespoke online learning platform careers support have
@warwickbschool As a student, you will be able to network easily been invaluable. This
with fellow students through our bespoke
learning environment, my.wbs. Once you
combined with the
Professional and
graduate, you will be able to connect with Executive Coaching have
geographical networks
other graduates through our Online Directory. forced me to really think
Once you are studying with us you can
join our professional networks which bring
about what I enjoy, what
Beyond graduation I am passionate about
together students, graduates, and our
faculty to explore industry practice and the You’ll receive our alumni newsletter once and ultimately what
latest research in specific industry areas. a month which contains business research
insights, links to the latest events and more.
my purpose in life is.”
You can also join a group local to you which
will get you involved with students and After graduation, you will also have the
graduates at social and educational events, opportunity to apply to undertake up to
in person and online, all over the world. two further face-to-face modules at Warwick,
free of charge, subject to availability. These Martin Solway
modules are not for credit and subject Executive MBA
to availability. (current participant)
About you Application deadlines Talk to us Where there is a difference between the The Students’ Union
contents of this document and our website,
If you’re excited to explore the bigger picture, if you’re ready to expand your network, Our year-round application process means To find out more about the Executive MBA, Under the requirements of the Education
the contents of the website take precedence
if you want the tools to transform the next step of your career, then WBS is the place that as soon as you complete your application you can call our team Monday to Thursday Act 1984 Part 2, the University is obliged
and represents the basis on which we intend
for you. it will be processed and considered, so there is 9am to 5pm UK time and Fridays 9am to 4pm to inform students of their right not to
to deliver our services to you. Any offer of a
no reason to delay. For the latest information UK time (voicemail out of hours). be members of the Students’ Union.
Experience – you must have at least four years’ postgraduate managerial work place to study at the University is subject to
about deadline dates, please visit The University is satisfied that the
experience. We are seeking evidence of consistent progression, this may include people T +44 (0)24 7652 4100 terms and conditions, which can be found
W wbs.ac.uk/go/mbaexec
provision of services or facilities made
management, budgetary and/or project management responsibilities. on our website and you are advised to read
You can email us at anytime by the University and the Union for all
Academic record – you must have an upper second class honours at undergraduate level W wbs.ac.uk/go/mbalondon
before making an application
E [email protected] students, whether they are members of
from a UK university or the equivalent from an overseas university. However, we also W warwick.ac.uk/pgtermsandconditions the Union or not, is sufficient to ensure
welcome applications from candidates who do not have the academic qualifications but Once your application is submitted, you that those who have exercised the right
Fees & funding The terms and conditions set out when, for
are exceptional, with a proven ability to achieve. will be assigned a named Recruitment and of non-membership under the act are not
For the latest information about fees, what’s Admissions Coordinator who will manage your example, we might make changes to your
chosen course, to the fees payable or to unfairly disadvantaged; it has therefore
included in your fees and how to pay, please application and be your first point of contact.
English language student regulations. It is therefore important made no special arrangements for the
visit our website
you read and take note of them. Information provision of services or facilities for non-
All of our programmes are delivered in English, so if English is not your first language, W wbs.ac.uk/go/mbaexec Apply to us members of the Union.
you have not graduated from an English speaking university or worked in an English about wider student rights and responsibilities
speaking environment for at least two years, you must demonstrate a minimum overall W wbs.ac.uk/go/mbalondon We advise you to apply as early as possible can be found at
standard in the following recognised tests of English. The certificate will be required as as we start receiving highly competitive W w
arwick.ac.uk/services/aro/ Find out more about us
evidence. Meet us applications from very early on in the studentrights Visit our website for the latest information
academic year. Applying early will also
on our courses, fees and scholarship
Come and discover the Warwick experience improve your chances of receiving a WBS
English language – test Minimum score required Equal opportunities opportunities, as well as our latest news,
for yourself and explore whether the Executive scholarship.
events, and to hear from former and
MBA is the right programme for you: At Warwick we are committed to equality
W wbs.ac.uk/go/apply current students what life is really like
7.0 – all four language components have to be ■ We attend MBA fairs around the world of opportunity, as stated in our Equal here at WBS.
IELTS (Academic) scored 7.0+, with a maximum of two language Opportunity Policy. We welcome applications
■ You can join us for regular open events– Essential information We’re always happy to talk through any
components at lowest level 6.0 or 6.5 from anyone with the potential to succeed in
a great opportunity to meet staff queries you might have.
This document was accurate at the time of higher education. The University aims to avoid
PTE Academic 70 with 51+ in every section and participants, and experience
printing. It is, however, published between unfair discrimination on whatever grounds,
a taster lecture
8 and 11 months before enrolment on the including gender and ethnic background. Join our conversation
CPE Overall score 190 – 2 x 170, 2 x 190 ■ You can sign up for a 1-2-1 consultation to course to which it applies. Given the long
have an informal chat with a member of interval between drafting/publication and
CAE Overall score 190 – 2 x 170, 2 x 190 our team or arrange to visit the University enrolment, some of the information may wbs.ac.uk/go/joinus
campus or WBS London at a time change. It is therefore very important that you facebook.com/warwickbschool
100 minimum language components. L21, convenient to you check our website for any updates before you
TOEFL @warwickbschool
R22, W21, S23 ■ Join us for regular online virtual apply by following the web link
information sessions. W wbs.ac.uk/go/mbaexec warwickbschool
For the latest information about English language requirements, please visit Full details of all forthcoming events are W wbs.ac.uk/go/mbalondon
W wbs.ac.uk/go/mbaexec on our website
W wbs.ac.uk/go/meetus
We have a scholarship fund available to WBS Inspiring Social Impact How to apply
candidates admitted onto the Executive MBA. scholarship If you are interested in applying for a
Our scholarship offering has been designed to
For those currently working in the third/public scholarship you need to write a separate
promote excellence and diversity within each
sector who strive to use business as a power essay (up to 300 words) with your application
class, across professional sector, geography,
for good. To be considered for this scholarship outlining why you believe you should be
gender and experience.
you will need to demonstrate a commitment awarded a scholarship, taking the criteria
We take a holistic approach when evaluating to generating better social outcomes and listed above into consideration. You don’t
a candidate’s suitability for a scholarship and create a positive impact on society. need to specify which scholarship you wish
applications will be assessed on the following to apply for as the scholarship committee will
broad criteria: consider which specific scholarship would be
WBS Inspiring Diversity scholarship
■ Evidence of individual impact most suitable following your interview.
At WBS we’re looking to bring together
■ Alignment with WBS’ core values – Curiosity, The scholarship committee decide on
people from different backgrounds to share
Openness, Restlessness and Excellence scholarship awards on an ongoing basis
new voices, new viewpoints and new ideas
during the recruitment cycle but applicants
■ A desire to make a positive difference in to drive positive change in the world. This is
are strongly encouraged to apply early.
the world of business and beyond why we have created this scholarship, aimed
For deadline dates, visit our website.
at high-performing talent from diverse and
■ The potential to become a future non-traditional geographies, backgrounds
Change Maker and sectors.
■ The ability to fulfil future ambassadorial
duties for The School. Successful applicants WBS Inspiring Women scholarship
are expected to work closely with the
marketing and recruitment teams in order We are committed to working towards a more
to attract future candidates onto the gender-balanced future for the most senior
programme. positions in the boardroom. This scholarship
is aimed at females who can demonstrate
Scholarships are awarded on an ongoing basis, business excellence and are an inspiring role
so candidates who apply early may have a model to others.
stronger chance of being successful. We offer
a range of scholarships from 25% up to a
maximum of 50% in truly exceptional cases. Alumni Loyalty scholarship
Where University of University of The Shard, Home study plus 2 Home study plus 2
Warwick campus Warwick campus London weeks at University weeks at The Shard,
of Warwick campus London
Duration Intensive one year 2 years (extendable 2 years (extendable 2 years (extendable 2 years (extendable
programme up to 4 years) up to 4 years) up to 4 years) up to 4 years)
Minimum work 3 years’ 4 years’ managerial 4 years’ managerial 4 years’ managerial 4 years’ managerial
experience postgraduate work experience work experience work experience work experience
business experience
Average work 8 years 14 years 12 years 13 years 11 years
Karla Litton
Business Development Manager
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The University of Warwick,
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