Science & Engineering Research Council, Intensification of Research in High Priority Areas,
Mission on Nano Science and Technology, Ramanujan Fellowship, JC Bose National
Fellowship, Ramanna Fellowships, Fund for Improvement of S&T Infrastructure in Universities
and other Higher Educational Institutions, Sophisticated Analytical Instrument Facilities, Human
Resource Development and Nurturing Young Talent, Swarnajayanti Fellowships, Fast Track
Scheme For Young Scientists, Better Opportunities for Young Scientists in Chosen Areas of
Science and Technology (BOYSCAST), Women Scientists Programs, Kishore Vaigyanik
Protsahan Yojana, Innovation in Science Pursuit for Inspired Research programme, International
Travel Support Scheme, Assistance to Professional Bodies & Seminar/Symposia, Earth System
Sciences, Mathematical Sciences Office, Utilization of the Scientific Expertise of Retired
Scientists (USERS) and National Science & Technology Management Information System
National Council for Science & Technology Communication (NCSTC), Science and Society
Program (SSP), National Science & Technology Entrepreneurship Development Board
(NSTEDB), Natural Resources Data Management System and State Science & Technology