Social Welfare Administrartion Mcqs

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Submitted by: Saira

Submitted to: Dr
Maliha Gull
Subject: Social Walfare

Class: BS 7th S.S

SR.No. Questions A
1 As a practice social walfare and administration is_________. dicipline
2 Social protection benefits are? Health services
3 What is the cheapest way for govt to achieve a social policy goal: Service in kind
4 How many types of walfare state given by "Gosta Esping_Andersen" in his book? 1
Social service
5 "Help the helpless to help themselves" is a method of?
6 According to "Wyne Vasey" how many types of social walfare state? one
7 "Social administration is the study of development, structure and practice of social service" is define by:
Co_oprative human
8 ______ effort towards achieving the common goalsis Administration.
9 "Societes in which a subtatial part of production of walfare is paid by govt" is called? Walfare system
10 Karl Marks said, "Capitalist system made _________ in society. classes
B C D Answers
Science art Non of them C
House provision Food & clothes a&b D
Regulation cash benefits redistribution B
2 3 4 C
Social work Social walfare state Social walfare
two three four B
Rishard M.Titmus Forder none of them
collective human a or b indiviual effort
Wlafare policy Walfare state Walfare services C
groups dimensions walfare A

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