Measurement and Prediction of Hydrate-Phase Equilibria For Reservoir Fluids
Measurement and Prediction of Hydrate-Phase Equilibria For Reservoir Fluids
Measurement and Prediction of Hydrate-Phase Equilibria For Reservoir Fluids
Summary effect of these compounds on the hydrate boundary can play an im-
Problems associated with gas hydrates in the production and trans- portant role in determining the hydrate-free zone.
portation of unprocessed wellstreams can be avoided by either pre- 3. For systems where the hydrate prevention approach is econom-
venting hydrate formation or allowing the formation of hydrates, ically nonviable, the transfer of hydrates as slurry in pipelines is an
but preventing their aggregation, and transporting them as slurry. attractive option. In this case, information on the amount and com-
The first approach, which is the current practice in the industry, position of different phases, particularly the amount of hydrates, is
can be made more cost effective by determining the hydrate-phase very valuable in the design and operation of transfer lines.
boundary more reliably. For the second approach, it is necessary to In this paper, after addressing the effect of electrolyte solutions
determine the amount of hydrates to be transported as slurry. and heavy hydrate formers on the hydrate boundary, the measure-
This paper reviews the effect of electrolyte solutions and heavy ment and prediction of the amount and composition of different
hydrate formers (such as benzene, cyclohexane, and methylcyclo- phases in the presence of gas hydrates are discussed.
pentane) on the hydrate-free zone and discusses new methods and
equipment for measuring the amount and composition of different Effect of Electrolyte Solutions on HydrateĆFree Zone
phases in hydrate-forming conditions. An in-house numerical mod- For efficient and economical pipeline design and operation, phase
el has been successfully employed for prediction of the hydrate-free equilibria, as well as the boundary of hydrate formation with and
zone and the compositional data. without salts and other chemical inhibitors, must be precisely
known. A recent survey4 among 15 operators in the North Sea
Introduction showed that two-thirds of them use a simple empirical correlation
Gas hydrates are solid crystalline compounds stabilized by the in- reported by Hammerschmidt5 in 1939 or engineering experience to
clusion of suitably sized gas molecules inside cavities formed by predict or design inhibitor injection rates. Despite using modern
water molecules through hydrogen bonding. They resemble ice in thermodynamic models to predict hydrate formation conditions in
appearance, but unlike ice, they may form at temperatures well the absence of inhibitors, operators are much less confident about
above the ice point. Gas hydrates have been recently reviewed by using them to determine inhibitor injection rates. This might be be-
Sloan.1 cause the reliability of thermodynamic models for predicting the ef-
One serious concern in the North Sea is that the subsea gathering fect of inhibitors, particularly salts, has not been fully demonstrated
networks and pipelines are prone to hydrate formation, giving rise for real reservoir fluids.
to pipeline blockage, operational problems, and other safety con- A reliable electrolyte model estimating the salt-inhibition effect
cerns. These can be avoided by either of the following two ap- may eliminate or significantly reduce the use of expensive chemi-
proaches. cals. Englezos and Bishnoi6 applied the Pitzer’s activity model to
1. Preventing the hydrate formation by heating and/or insulating calculate the activity of water in the water-rich phase and hence the
the pipe or by adding chemical inhibitors to operate, with a safety inhibition effect of single electrolyte solutions. In their model, they
margin, outside the hydrate boundary zone. neglected gas solubility in the water-rich phase by assuming that the
2. Allowing the formation of hydrates but modifying their growth change in water activity is only caused by the presence of salts. Aas-
to prevent aggregation of hydrate crystals and hence avoiding the berg-Petersen et al.7 used a combination of equation of state (EOS)
blockage by transporting hydrates as slurry. and electrostatic contribution to predict gas solubility in single elec-
The available information on hydrate formation and prevention trolyte solutions. They successfully modeled the gas solubility of
have been mostly generated by studies on gaseous systems in pure different gases in two single electrolyte solutions at reservoir tem-
water. Although the formation of hydrates in oil and condensate sys- peratures. Englezos8 and Tohidi et al.9 used different EOS in con-
tems or in the presence of electrolyte solutions is basically the same junction with the Aasberg-Petersen et al.7 approach to model the hy-
as that in gas mixtures and can be described similarly by numerical drate-inhibition effect of single electrolyte solutions.
models, there are significant differences between the systems that In a recent communication, Tohidi et al.10 used an approach simi-
warrant special considerations for oil-transfer lines. Three areas lar to Aasberg-Petersen et al.7 and developed a rigorous thermody-
pertinent to oil- and/or gas-condensate transportation are investi- namic model for predicting phase equilibria in electrolyte solutions
gated in this paper. and successfully applied it to hydrate calculations. They modeled
1. Oil wellstreams may contain a much higher water cut than gas the saline water phase with an EOS combined with the modified De-
systems that can prohibit the economical use of chemical inhibitors bye-Hückel11 electrostatic term, using only one adjustable parame-
to prevent hydrate formation. On the other hand, the water cut in oil ter known as the interaction coefficient. The water/salt interaction
wellstreams is formation water and the salts dissolved in it may in- coefficients have been determined with vapor pressure depression
hibit hydrate formation. Efficient modeling of the inhibition effect data at 373.15 K and freezing point depression of single salt solu-
of salts on hydrate formation will give the information required for tions and expressed as functions of temperature and salt concentra-
a more economical use of expensive inhibitors. tions. The gas/salt interaction coefficients have been optimized by
2. Oil- and gas-condensate systems contain a significant amount using gas solubility measurements in single electrolyte solutions.12
of intermediate hydrocarbon compounds that are currently being In extending the model to mixed electrolyte solutions, Patwardhan
considered as nonhydrate formers. Recent results2,3 indicate that and Kumars’13 approach was employed to relate the activity of wa-
some of these compounds are indeed strong hydrate formers. The ter in a mixed electrolyte solution to those of single electrolyte solu-
tions. Common salts, such as NaCl, KCl, CaCl2, Na2SO4, NaF,
Copyright 1996 Society of Petroleum Engineers
NaBr, MgCl2, SrCl2, BaCl2, and their mixtures, have been
modeled.10 Although the model was primarily developed to predict
Original SPE manuscript received for review Nov. 16, 1994. Revised manuscript received
Nov. 29, 1995. Paper peer approved Jan. 8, 1996. Paper (SPE 28884) first presented at the
the hydrate-inhibition effect of salt solutions, it could be employed
1994 SPE European Petroleum Conference, London, Oct. 25–27. to predict other thermodynamic properties such as water vapor pres-
plexity of the system, the model predictions are in good agreement All the predicted results (except one high-pressure point at 20 wt%
with the experimental data. NaCl) are in good agreement with the experimental data.
Notz et al.28 have reported experimental hydrate data on a pro- Experimental and predicted hydrate dissociation conditions for
duced gas, a gas condensate, and a black oil sample in different pro- the gas-condensate sample in the presence of 8 wt% methanol solu-
duction scenarios. They have also examined the reliability of four tion is presented in Fig. 4. For the phase behavior model, the heavy
commercially available models. The models used empirical formu- end of gas condensate was characterized as normal tridecane to
match the measured molecular weight of C7+. A good agreement
las for predicting the inhibition effect of methanol or NaCl and none
is demonstrated.
had the option of predicting the inhibition effect of reservoir brine In relation to the effect of heavy hydrate formers, Fig. 5 shows the
or reservoir brine plus methanol.28 The thermodynamic model de- experimental and predicted dissociation conditions for methane,
scribed in this paper was evaluated against the previous data and methane/benzene, and methane/cyclohexane gas hydrates. The pre-
compared with the results predicted by other models.29 dictions are in good agreement with the experimental data. Note the
Fig. 3 presents the experimental and predicted hydrate conditions significant shift of the dissociation pressures to lower values caused
for the produced gas with distilled water and 20 wt% NaCl solution. by the presence of benzene or cyclohexane.
Fig. 5—Effect of benzene and cyclohexane (both previously ignored) on the hydrate-phase boundary of methane.
Fig. 6 presents the hydrate-phase boundary of nitrogen, nitrogen/ Table 3 presents the results of the compositional tests on the gas
methylcyclopentane, and nitrogen/cyclohexane. As shown in the mixture in the presence of pure water in the L1-H-V three-phase re-
figure, the hydrate-free zone of nitrogen is reduced significantly be- gion. The predicted amount and composition of the vapor phase are
cause of the presence of methylcyclopentane or cyclohexane. in good agreement with the experimental values. The experimental
These observations agree with our previous results where the and predicted compositions of the gas in hydrates are in acceptable
contribution of heavy hydrate formers were neglected, resulting in agreement, with the exception of C2 and CO2. The reason for this
an over prediction of dissociation pressure of a live oil.14 Indeed, discrepancy is not yet clear, though it could be caused by exper-
if benzene, cyclohexane, and methylcyclopentane were not hydrate imental error or an error in calculating the C2 solubility in the free
formers, they would have been expected to expand the hydrate-free- water or the Kihara potential parameters used for C2. Comparison
zones. between the composition of the vapor phase and the gas in hydrates
shows that, although the concentrations of light compounds are low- and the contribution of intermediate/heavy components of reservoir
er in the hydrate gas, the concentrations of the intermediates are sig- fluids on hydrate formation should be considered for accurate pre-
nificantly higher than those in the vapor phase. diction of hydrate-free zone. However, for the latter, the extent of
The predicted and measured results of the compositional tests on the effect on real reservoir fluids needs further investigation.
the gas condensate in the presence of water and methanol are pres- 2. New equipment and test procedures have been developed that
ented in Table 4. Calculated vapor compositions, mole% vapor, and not only allow reliable measurement of hydrate-free zone bound-
the amount of water converted to hydrates are in good agreement aries, but also the amount of hydrates formed to be transferred as
with the experimental data. slurry in pipelines.
3. Novel experimental data on the amount and composition of hy-
drates on synthetic and real reservoir fluids have been reported.
Conclusions 4. A numerical model has been developed and successfully eva-
1. The significance of electrolyte solutions and heavy hydrate- luated against hydrate data for different fluids, including North Sea
forming compounds on hydrate formation has been demonstrated. gas condensate and black oil samples at subsea transfer conditions.
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