Load and Resistance Factor Rating of Concrete Segmental Bridges - AASHTO Manual For Bridge Evaluation Provisions and Special Considerations
Load and Resistance Factor Rating of Concrete Segmental Bridges - AASHTO Manual For Bridge Evaluation Provisions and Special Considerations
Load and Resistance Factor Rating of Concrete Segmental Bridges - AASHTO Manual For Bridge Evaluation Provisions and Special Considerations
In addition to dead and live loads,
segmental bridges should also consider
Attended the following in their load rating:
Did not attend • Locked-in forces in the structure
during construction, related to:
– construction sequence;
Geographic distribution of attendees at the webinar on load rating of concrete
– e re c t i o n o r c o n s t r u c t i o n
segmental bridges.
equipment such as segment
lifting system and form-
target reliability indices were used For annual routine permits and escorted travelers; and
in adjusting the probabilistic models single-trip permits, a reliability index – t e m p o r a r y s t re s s i n g a n d
of loads and resistances in order to of 2.5 was initially targeted, and load temporary supports.
ensure a consistent level of safety. factors in the MBE were calibrated for • Primary effects of prestressing and
this level of reliability. For single-trip and post-tensioning
The LRFR method adopted two levels multiple-trip special permits allowed to • Secondary load effects from
of reliability for different rating mix with traffic, a reliability index of 3.5 prestressing and post-tensioning,
vehicles based on the expected was used. creep, shrinkage, and other time-
duration of exposure. Inventory level dependent behavior
rating for the notional design load (HL- Structural Deterioration • Temperature and temperature
93 ) used the same target reliability Load rating should be based on gradient
index of 3.5 as used in the AASHTO the current physical condition of the • Other applicable loads that may
LRFD Bridge Design Specifications. structure. If there is any structural lower the live load capacity of the
Operating level rating of the design deterioration or section loss, the bridge
load was based on a reduced reliability deterioration or section loss must be
index of 2.5. considered in load rating. The section When applying live loads for operating
loss or other localized deterioration level rating of the design load, legal
To s t r i k e a re a s o n a b l e b a l a n c e can be taken into account in load, and permit load at service limit
between safety and economy, a lower, computing section resistances. For states, the number of load lanes may be
operational target reliability of 2.5 and global deterioration, the condition taken as the number of striped lanes.
a duration of exposure of five years factor, φc, is used to account for the However, the loads shall be positioned
were initially used for legal load rating increased uncertainty in the capacity so as to create maximum effects
at the strength limit state in the LRFR of deteriorated members and the including, for example, on shoulders if
calibration. likelihood that some forms of necessary.
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