Equality & Diversity Policy 1. Policy Statement
Equality & Diversity Policy 1. Policy Statement
Equality & Diversity Policy 1. Policy Statement
1. Policy Statement
1.1 The Norse Group is wholly committed to promoting fairness and equality of treatment,
encouraging diversity and eliminating discrimination amongst its workforce. We aim
for our employees to be truly representative of all sections of society.
1.2 The Norse Group opposes all forms of discrimination, harassment or victimisation
whether because of age, disability, sex, gender- reassignment, pregnancy, maternity,
race (which includes colour, nationality and ethnic or national origins), sexual
orientation, religion or belief, or because someone is married or in a civil partnership
('Protected Characteristics') or otherwise.
1.3 The Norse Group will not tolerate discrimination or unfair treatment in any aspect of
employment. Selection for employment, promotion, training or any other benefit will
be on the basis of merit.
1.4 The Norse Group is committed to making reasonable adjustments in order to ensure
that all employees are supported and encouraged to develop their full potential and
1.5 The Norse Group will ensure that its practices and policies follow and comply with
statutory requirements. All employees, contractors, suppliers, clients and members
of the public will be treated fairly and with respect.
2.1 Direct discrimination is where a person is treated less favourably than another
because of a Protected Characteristic. Save for exceptional circumstances, direct
discrimination can never be justified. An example of direct discrimination would be
refusing to employ a woman because she is pregnant.
2.6 Failure to make adjustments works in a different way, but is still a type of
discrimination. It will arise where there is a provision, criterion or practice or a physical
feature of premises which places a disabled person at a substantial disadvantage
compared with non-disabled people and their employer fails in its duty to make
reasonable adjustments to remove that disadvantage.
3. What is Diversity ?
3.1 Diversity is a positive and proactive way of enhancing the business environment and
improving the quality of service w h i c h The Norse Group can deliver to its clients.
Diversity is about recognising and valuing people's different backgrounds, knowledge,
skills and experiences, and encouraging and using those differences to create a
productive and effective workforce.
3.2 To provide real equality of opportunity, people often need to be treated differently in
ways that are fair and tailored to their needs. Diversity is not about treating everyone
the same, but rather treating everyone as individuals in a fair manner.
3.3 It is important to The Norse Group to create an environment in which its employees
can work together harmoniously by combating prejudice, stereotyping, harassment
and undignified and disrespectful behaviour.
4.1 Advice and training will be provided to managers on good recruitment and selection
practices with due consideration to equality and diversity.
4.2 Person and job specifications will be limited to those requirements that are necessary
for the effective performance of the job. Candidates for employment or promotion will
be assessed objectively against the requirements for the job, taking account of any
reasonable adjustments that may be required for candidates with a disability.
4.3 Job adverts will be drafted and advertising decisions made to maximise the exposure
and opportunity to all sections of society.
4.4 The shortlisting, interview and selection process will be based upon aptitude and
4.5 The recruitment and selection process will be monitored to ensure that The Norse
Group complies with equal opportunities legislation and to ensure equality of
opportunity. Information being collated will be kept confidential and separate from the
application form.
5. Working Practices
5.1 The Norse Group will consider any possible indirectly discriminatory effect of its
standard working practices, including the number of hours to be worked, the times at
which these are to be worked and the place at which work is to be done, when
considering requests for variations to these standard working practices and will refuse
such requests only if the organisation considers it has sound business reasons for
doing so.
5.2 The Norse Group will comply with its obligations in relation to statutory requests for
contract variations. [insert] will also make reasonable adjustments to its standard
working practices to overcome barriers caused by disability.
6.1 All new employees will receive structured induction training in order to give them a
good understanding of The Norse Group and its policies and procedures.
6.2 The Norse Group will ensure that there is equal treatment and equal access to training
for all staff, save where there are sound business reasons for not doing so.
6.3 Managers will individually identify and address the development needs of all
employees with regard to their skills, talents and experiences, both to improve
performance within their current role and to develop their skills for potential future
opportunities. Managers will receive the appropriate training to carry out appraisals
and performance management.
6.4 Selection criteria for promotion will be implemented in accordance with the policy
governing recruitment and selection and will be based solely on merit and ability.
7. Monitoring
7.1 All HR policies, procedures and any collective agreements will be regularly reviewed
to ensure they embed the principles of equality and diversity.
7.2 The Norse Group Human Resources will monitor the composition of the existing
workforce and of applicants for jobs (including promotion) in respect of diversity and
will consider and take any appropriate action to address any problems that may be
identified as a result of the monitoring process.
7.3 Information provided by job applicants and employees for monitoring purposes will be
used only for these purposes and will be dealt with in accordance with the Data
Protection Act 1998.
8.1 Any employee who considers that they have been treated contrary to this policy, or
who believes a colleague to be subject to such a breach, should raise the matter
immediately with the Group HR Director.
8.2 The Norse Group views acts of discrimination, harassment or victimisation extremely
seriously and all complaints of this nature will be dealt with promptly, fairly and
confidentially. The Norse Group will fully support employees who make such a
complaint throughout the process provided that the complaint is made in good faith.
8.3 Any complainant who is not an employee of The Norse Group should direct their
complaint to the Group HR Director.
8.4 No employee or member of the public will suffer victimisation as a result of raising a
complaint, or providing information, relating to a breach of this policy.
9.3 Employees must also be aware that they can be held personally liable as well as, or
instead of, the organisation for any act of unlawful discrimination. Employees who
commit serious acts of harassment may be guilty of a criminal offence.