Asking For Help: Basic Lesson Plan

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Plan 10
Asking for Help
Although students frequently need help, they oftentimes don’t ask for it. Many
students compensate for not understanding an assignment, directions, or expec-
tations by calling out that they need help or by stopping their work on an assign-
ment or task. Still others escalate their behaviors in an attempt to avoid complet-
ing the task or engaging in the activity. Teaching students to recognize that they
need help, identify exactly what they need help with, and appropriately ask for
help provides them with a way to get their needs met without infringing on the
rights of others to learn or escalating behaviors.

The goal of the lesson is to teach students the appropriate behavioral expec-
tations for the skill of “Asking for Help.”
The objectives of the lesson for students include:
g learning the steps of the skill of “Asking for Help.”

g practicing the skill.

g generalizing the use of the skill to different places and different people.

Introduce the Skill

Ask students to take out a sheet of notebook paper and fold it in half the long
way. Ask students to label the two columns “Things I Can Complete Without
Help” and “Things I Need Help With.” (Or use the worksheet on page 82.) Ask
students to write at least 10 things for each list.
NOTE: Responses for things they can do without help might include get-
ting ready for school, playing video games, making the bed, etc.
Responses for things they need help with might include using the
computer, doing the dishes, ironing clothes, etc.


Have students share some of their responses from the first list (things they can
do without help) when the brainstorming session is over. Discuss with the stu-
dents how they learned to do the things on the first list and who helped them
when they needed assistance.
After that discussion, ask the students to share things from the “Need Help
With” list. Ask the following questions as discussion starters or leads:
g How do you decide whether or not to ask for help?
g Whom do you ask for help?

g How can you increase the chances of getting the help you need?

Describe the Appropriate Behavior

Provide students with the behavioral steps for the skill of “Asking for Help.”
NOTE: Steps can be posted on a bulletin board or shown on an overhead,
etc. Please adapt the steps to fit your expectations and the needs of
your students.
SAY: “Here are the steps of the skill of ‘Asking for Help.’”
1. Look at the person.
2. Ask the person if he or she has time to help you.
3. Clearly explain the kind of help that you need.
4. Thank the person for helping.
SAY: “These are the steps we are going to use for the skill of ‘Asking for
Help’ in this class and building.”

Give a Reason
Ask the students to provide reasons for why they think it might be important to
ask for help using these steps. Here are some examples of reasons to use in case
students have difficulty thinking of ones on their own:
g People may be more willing to help you when you ask using these steps.
g The person you are asking will understand exactly what you need and
might be able to help you more quickly.

Choose one or more of the following activities to complete your lesson by
allowing the students to practice the skill.
1. Have students tell their partner the steps of the skill.


2. Journaling ideas
g Ask students to write about a time when they needed help and asked
for it. What was the outcome?
g Ask students to write about a time they did not ask for help when they
needed it. What was the outcome?
3. Using a character from a story with which students are familiar (e.g.,
Pinocchio, for younger students; Romeo and Juliet, for older students),
ask the students to determine a time in the story when the character might
have asked for help and didn’t. Have students change the outcome of the
story to show what would have happened if the character had asked for
4. Design a lesson in your subject area where students have to go from per-
son to person to obtain help with answering questions. For example, dur-
ing a multi-part science experiment, you might have each group conduct a
different part of the experiment and have students ask for help from other
groups in order to complete the lab activity.
SAY: “Thank you for completing the practice activity. We will continue to
discuss the skill of ‘Asking for Help’ for the rest of the week.”
NOTE: Each day of the week, review the steps of the skill, discuss why it is
important to use the skill, and practice when possible.

Other Ideas for Practice

NOTE: As you develop other ideas for practicing the skill, write them here
and share them with other staff members in your building.
For younger students (K-5), use literature to lead a discussion on how
to ask for help. Books by popular children’s author Julia Cook, including
I Just Want to Do it My Way!, are recommended.

Copyright © 2005, Father Flanagan's Boys' Home

ISBN: 978-1-934490-22-8
All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. Copying of the social skill
posters, the class handouts in Section 3, and the praise coupons in Section 4 of this book and on the CD-ROM is
permitted for classroom purposes only, and no special permission is required. No other part of this book may be
reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording or otherwise, without express written permission of the publisher, except for brief
quotations or critical reviews. For information, address the Boys Town Press, 14100 Crawford St., Boys Town, NE
68010 or email [email protected].

Asking for Help
Things I Can Complete Things I Need
Without Help Help With

© 2005, Father Flanagan’s Boys’ Home

Asking for Help
1. Look at the person.

2. Ask the person if he

or she has time to
help you.

3. Clearly explain the kind

of help that you need.

4. Thank the person for


© 2005, Father Flanagan’s Boys’ Home

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