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Established 1996

APRIL 17 to 23, 2020 the leading business weekly ZW$50

Follow us on: Twitter-@Zimindependent | Facebook -The Zimbabwe Independent | WhatsApp - 0772 929 196 www.theindependent.co.zw
Zimbabwe Stock Exchange Highlights April 16, 2020
Market gainers Market losers Major currencies exchange rates

Markets Name Price (ZW$) % Change Name Price (ZW$) % Change Symbol Price Change %Change
Mash Holdings 0.2000 +11.11 Dairibord Zim 0.6900 -19.78 RTGS$/US$ 25.00 (Bid) 25.00 (Ask) 25.00 (Av)
Masimba 0.4000 +4.58 African Sun 0.4250 -18.2 Euro/US$ 1.0880 -0.0030 -0.28
Axia 2.0000 +3.58 ZPI 0.1200 -14.89 US$/GBP 1.2494 -0.0024 -0.19
Delta 6.1600 +0.51 Dawn 0.0702 -11.36 ZAR/US$ 18.5872 -0.1107 -0.59

The fight against coronavirus is everyone’s responsibility


Let’s join hands

to save lives
There is no doubt Africa has thus far been spared the full
wrath of the destructive Covid-19 pandemic. But we must
brace ourselves for this deadly virus. God has given us
ample time to prepare. Government has called upon the
nation to arms against the epidemic. Virtually all sectors
of the economy have positively responded. At the
Insurance and Pensions Commission, as the
regulator of the insurance and pensions
industry, we can proudly affirm that our sector
has partnered government through various
means to fight the pandemic. We are
optimistic this partnership will save lives.
I am confident that with sheer
determination and cooperation from
business, labour and the general
citizens, the vexed
question on our
will surely
— Grace Muradzikwa.

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Established 1996

April 17 to 23, 2020 the leading business weekly ZW$50

Follow us on: Twitter-@Zimindependent | Facebook -The Zimbabwe Independent | WhatsApp - 0772 929 196 www.theindependent.co.zw
Zimbabwe Stock Exchange Highlights April 16, 2020
Market gainers Market losers Major currencies exchange rates

Markets Name Price (ZW$) % Change Name Price (ZW$) % Change Symbol Price Change %Change
Mash Holdings 0.2000 +11.11 Dairibord Zim 0.6900 -19.78 RTGS$/US$ 25.00 (Bid) 25.00 (Ask) 25.00 (Av)
Masimba 0.4000 +4.58 African Sun 0.4250 -18.2 Euro/US$ 1.0880 -0.0030 -0.28
Axia 2.0000 +3.58 ZPI 0.1200 -14.89 US$/GBP 1.2494 -0.0024 -0.19
Delta 6.1600 +0.51 Dawn 0.0702 -11.36 ZAR/US$ 18.5872 -0.1107 -0.59

Lockdown to wipe
out 25% of Zim jobs
Kudzai Kuwaza/Nyasha Chingono (ZNCC), which draws its membership from
business entities, said a quarter of the
ZIMBABWE should brace for massive eco- country’s formal and three quarters of in-
nomic dislocation as business leaders pro- formal jobs could be wiped out as a result of
ject that 25% of formal and 75% of infor- the impact of Covid-19.
mal jobs in the country will be lost as a re- “Workforce will be made redundant as
sult of Covid-19 amid calls by industrialists some businesses will not be able to adapt
to ease the lockdown measures to avert the to the effects of Covid-19,” the ZNCC wrote
total collapse of an already fragile econo- in its report.
my. “There is going to be loss of employment,
The public health emergency has para- 25% of formal jobs will be lost and 75% of
lysed the global economy and prompted casual/temporary jobs will be lost as busi-
the government to implement a 21-day na- nesses lay off workers given the sharp
tional lockdown which began on March 30. contractions in many sectors.”
President Emmerson Mnangagwa said The ZNCC warned that tourism will be
cabinet would convene next week to de- the hardest hit sector, with nearly 25% of
cide whether to extend the lockdown or its workers being made redundant while
not. Zimbabwe had 23 confirmed cases of the manufacturing sector is expected to re-
Covid-19 infection, with three deaths. cord a significant number of layoffs.
In a report titled Sustainable and Flexible “If the total lockdown is extended with-
Economic Interventions to Address Covid-19, the out resorting to partial lockdown, some of
Zimbabwe National Chamber of Commerce To Page 2 President Emmerson Mnangagwa

... Covid-19 knocks Zimra revenues

Tinashe Kairiza reveal that collections will drop, as the dis- Mazani said: “We are working on our Last year, Zimra collected ZW$23,19 bil-
tressed economy reels from the impact of quarterly revenue report. Our targets are lion in revenue, against an annual target of
ZIMBABWE will miss the ZW$57,8 billion Covid-19. based on GDP figures. By end of this week ZW$18,60 billion.
2020 revenue collection target due to the With Zimbabwe nearing the end of a we will have finalised that together with the The surge in revenue was largely driven
impact of the Covid-19 pandemic which is 21-day lockdown that was declared by ministry of finance. We haven’t yet agreed by inflationary pressures.
projected to shrink the global economy by President Emmerson Mnangagwa earlier on figures. But definitely there is going to be During the last quarter of 2019, revenue
3%, according to the latest forecast from the this month, Zimbabwe this week missed a drop (in revenue collections).” collection surpassed the target by 24%,
International Monetary Fund (IMF). out on grants availed by the IMF to cushion This year’s revenue collection target was standing at ZW$11,7 billion.
The IMF has forecast that Zimbabwe’s indebted countries as the pandemic rapidly predicated on a raft of measures introduced The projected dip in revenue comes at
economy, already buffeted by severe head- spreads. by Treasury under the Transitional Stabi- a time the Confederation of Zimbabwe
winds, will contract by 7,4% as the effects The country has so far recorded three lisation Programme, which seeks to rein Industries has cautioned that 88% of com-
of the pandemic become more pronounced. deaths from 23 confirmed cases. in runaway inflation and foster currency panies are struggling to access the export
The contagion was first detected in Chi- Zimra commissioner-general Faith Maza- stability, among other macro-economic markets as most countries are on Covid-19
na in December last year before rapidly ni this week told the Zimbabwe Independent objectives. lockdown.
spreading across the world, claiming more that preliminary revenue collection data Atlas Mara, a local financial and markets Zimbabwe’s distressed companies, ham-
than 140 000 lives and infecting over 2,1 ahead of publication of the entity’s quarterly research institution, last week cautioned strung by the currency volatility crisis,
million people. report this month show that collections will that inflation, currently hovering around prolonged power cuts and steeply priced
Ongoing computations of Zimbabwe’s take a knock, as the economy reels from the 600%, would quicken to 1 000% by year- raw materials, are currently grappling to
quarterly revenue figures by the Zimbabwe impact of the pandemic, which has slowed end, as the effects of the pandemic on the compute a stimulus package required to
Revenue Authority (Zimra) and Treasury global economic growth. economy sink in. keep operations afloat.
2 Zimbabwe independent April 17 TO 23, 2020


Tourism sees up to US$1bn losses

Nyasha Chingono

THE tourism sector could lose up to US$1

billion in potential revenue due to the
Covid-19 pandemic which has brought the
industry to its knees amid fears that the
impact on companies will be far-reaching,
the Zimbabwe Independent has leant.
Players in the industry say the sector,
which relies on foreign tourists, hotel busi-
ness and air travel, will take long to recover
as many people will be hesitant to travel in
fear of contracting the disease.
Tourism is one of the worst-affected in-
dustries around the world as hotels are on
lockdown amid global travel bans. Many
countries have closed their borders to pre-
vent the spread of the deadly disease.
Hospitality Association of Zimbabwe
(HAZ) president Clive Chimwanda told
the Independent that the tourism industry
is bracing up for a long, difficult road to
“The industry estimates revenue losses of
between US$500 million to US$1 billion by
the time we get to year end as the impact
of Covid-19 are likely to be felt for a long
time,” Chimwanda said.
Zimbabwe commenced a 21-day lock-
down on March 30 to control the spread of
the virus that has killed three people and
infected 23. Globally, almost 2,1 million Tourists enjoying a canoe ride in the Mana Pools.
cases have been reported.
While hotel doors could re-open after lockdown and depending on whether the The cancellation of flights by Emirates a stimulus package to protect jobs and in-
the lockdown, business is expected to re- situation will improve, otherwise a vast Airlines, South African Airways and Ken- comes as well as ensure the sustainability
main low as tourist traffic will continue to number of major players in the industry yan Airways, among other major carriers, of businesses for the economic wellbeing of
suffer the impact of the pandemic. have indicated that they will open after a has compounded the dire situation where the nation,” Chimwanda said.
Chimwanda says most tourism players minimum of three months.” 100% of hotel bookings and functions have “I would not be prescriptive in terms
have indicated they would re-open three Zimbabwe received more than 2,29 mil- been cancelled. of the amounts, but would recommend a
months after the lockdown is lifted. lion tourists in 2019, mostly from Africa, With the impact of the coronavirus-in- cocktail of measures including tax holi-
“Measures that have been taken such Europe and America. The arrivals brought duced travel restrictions and lockdowns days, deferrals on Pay-As-You-Earn for
as lockdowns, which measures are good just under US$1 billion in foreign currency, expected to last months, the recovery of the individual incomes, elongation of the time
measures to all intents and purposes if we while supporting thousands of livelihoods tourism sector is expected to take longer that entities can hold onto forex earnings to
are to break the transmission of the pan- in tourist destinations such as Victoria Falls than expected. at least 12 months as well as the facilitation
demic, have not spared hotels and related and Kariba. “Even when eventually a solution to of access to affordable sources of finance.”
leisure activities, ” he said. The tourism and hospitality sector con- Covid-19 is found, the travel and tourism The tourism sector has already shed off
“As a result, currently all the major ho- tributes 6,3% of Zimbabwe’s gross domes- industry will be the last sector of the econ- thousands of jobs for contract workers.
tel groups in the country have closed their tic product, while supporting fresh pro- omy to recover because travel for leisure Players are assessing the impact of the
hotels in compliance with the lockdown duce farmers, wildlife, transport and skin especially requires planning well ahead. It pandemic but have raised fears over the
measures. care product manufacturers, among other is, therefore, important for government to heightened uncertainty and economic
“Hotel doors will only open after the industries. work with the industry on coming up with dislocation.

Lockdown to wipe out 25% of formal jobs

From Page 1 that thereafter you will have problems fired contract workers.
the leisure and tourism operators might with thin capitalisation, going concern. With Covid-19 cases on the rise, Mnan-
completely collapse,” the ZNCC warned. Fights are already beginning with auditors gagwa may extend the lockdown, a move
It projected that the economy will con- on going concern issues. So, these are big that could further cripple an already strug-
tract by 9% this year. It also foresees a challenges. We didn’t have a lot of reserves gling economy.
budget deficit equivalent to 5% of gross so we have to watch it. It’s going to be very The CZI implored the government to al-
domestic product, coupled with increased challenging,” Moyo said. low firms to re-open, albeit in compliance
government spending as a result of the Meanwhile, CZI president Henry Ru- with strict social distancing measures.
pandemic. The report reveals merchandise zvidzo told the Independent last week that The industrial body said companies will
exports could plunge to US$3,5 billion in companies were already counting their not be able to sustain wage bills under the
2020 from US$4,5 billion in 2019. losses, which are projected to escalate as lockdown.
Disruptions are expected in the sup- the world battles to contain Covid-19. Moyo said with Covid-19 ushering in an-
ply chain and labour, while uncertainty, He said the amount of money for the re- other global recession, Zimbabwe should
contractions across key sectors and a mis- quired stimulus package is difficult to com- improve its industrial capacity.
priced exchange rate will feed into the tur- pute, owing to uncertainty surrounding the “I think there are a couple of things that
moil, the ZNCC said. timelines as to when the disease will be are positive from this crisis. For example,
The business body recommended a par- brought under control. we now know that local manufacturing is
tial lockdown which will entail continued “The national lockdowns which have an absolute must and that guarded or meas-
monitoring and restricted working hours become a worldwide phenomenon are im- ured globalisation is of importance because
from 5am to 7pm. It also suggested that pacting economies in a big way. Our own when pandemics or global problems strike,
movement be allowed only within cities United Refineries chief executive Busisa Moyo circumstances place us in a particularly you need a local industry in each coun-
while inter-city travel remain barred. difficult place and will require the col- try. We have been saying this for the past
The advantages of a partial lockdown, As a result, local companies will not only lective effort of all stakeholders to ensure 10 years but it was unpopular because the
the organisation said, include allowing struggle to retain going concern this month continuity of businesses and resumption of textbook formula was focussed on compar-
the production of goods by business to but also fail to pay workers. normal economic activity,” Ruzvidzo said. ative advantage but we can see that is theo-
meet domestic needs and retention of the Moyo warned the government against “The losses are difficult to estimate. Sur- retical in a global sense,” Moyo said.
workforce. extending the lockdown in the absence of veys by both large and small businesses are He said Zimbabwe should concentrate
It also recommended exemption from measures to assist the ailing industry which being carried out. The results will, howev- on producing food and essential services as
Pay As You Earn for the month of April and was already reeling under unrelenting eco- er, not fully represent the full impact on the global pandemics are likely to increase.
temporary freezing of employment taxes nomic pressures before Covid-19 erupted. economy as industry has a large multiplier “We now need to look at what we can
and levies, among other measures. “Whilst flattening the curve is needed, impact on the economy’s performance.” produce locally. Even if it is not efficient,
Former Confederation of Zimbabwe In- we need a strategy that shelters and cush- The recovery process, he said, would be for our own sustenance let us be deliber-
dustries (CZI) president and United Refin- ions the industry because no company will painful and slow. ate about what we make. So we are talking
eries chief executive Busisa Moyo warned be left. Eighty-two percent of the compa- “Those on total lockdown will require a about the base-of-pyramid products, your
this week that industry could grind to a nies can only pay one month of the sala- stimulus to resume and quickly restore ca- food, pharmaceuticals. In hindsight, we are
halt if the government continues with the ries. It means that if we go into month two, pacity, otherwise the recovery will take a now seeing all these manufacturers that we
lockdown, given that 82% of companies companies will fail, so will people continue very long time,” Ruzvidzo said. allowed to close. So for now it is a big area
are likely to fail to pay salaries beyond a to go to work?” Moyo said. The country is facing a bleak 2020 with that we have been advocating for,” Moyo
month. He said a bailout package was crucial for the prospect of recovery remaining grim said.
Moyo told the Independent that local com- industry. as companies have already begun to fire “This is where I think any bailout should
panies will require a stimulus package to “It depends on how long the lockdown is. workers. focus on. I think we are going to see more
remain operational after capacity utilisa- If the lockdown is extended, we will defi- Last week, Air Zimbabwe sent its em- global outbreaks, more epidemics and
tion tumbled to zero due to the current nitely need a bailout package. Since most ployees on unpaid leave while other com- it’s important to have local and regional
lockdown. companies cannot pay salaries, it means panies, particularly the hospitality sector, capacity.”
Zimbabwe independent April 17 TO 23, 2020 3


MDC infighting intensifies


INFIGHTING in the opposition MDC party

is escalating as the Thokozani Khupe-led
faction — buoyed by a recent Supreme
Court ruling ordering the party to revert to
2014 MDC-T structures — prepares to re- rades. It was a success with Khupe and now why they are against president Chamisa’s
organise the party after the government- with Mwonzora and Komichi. Second is the leadership, but this is driven by bitterness
imposed lockdown, from grassroots level criminalisation of the party through bogus against our president. Even Komichi has
up, in preparation for an extraordinary court rulings like the recent one which is become a product of bitterness after failing
congress. meant to cause internal destabilisation and to land the MDC-Alliance vice-presiden-
This is despite stiff resistance from the to weaken parliamentary and local govern- cy,” Sithole said.
camp led by the firebrand Nelson Chami- ment representation of the people’s alter- Mwonzora however said he was not out
sa, which has declared the court ruling a native government,” Hwende said. to settle personal scores with Chamisa.
nullity. “The third strategy is the smear campaign “I have no personal issues with Chamisa.
Chamisa is in full control of the party’s of the leadership of the party as illegitimate The problem comes from the failure to fol-
structures and headquarters despite the and corrupt. The attack on our president low the constitution. I tried my best to help
Khupe camp claiming it has majority sup- in particular is an attack on the office en- the party follow the constitution and I have
port in the party’s 2014 structures. trusted at congress as the chief custodian been very consistent,” Mwonzora said.
A fortnight ago, the Supreme Court ruled of the party’s founding values and ideals. “They resort to hate language and this
that the MDC should revert to its 2014 struc- It's a grand scheme wherein massive state will not increase the stature of the person
tures, adding that Chamisa is an illegitimate resources have been poured to ensure that they are rooting for. The youths are being
leader. the MDC-Alliance is totally annihilated. sponsored by the godfathers of violence
It found that the appointments of Chami- That is the ruthless nature and practice of a and hate language. We need to build toler-
sa and Elias Mudzuri as deputy presidents military regime, multi-party democracy is MDC-Alliance leader Nelson Chamisa ance and democratic practice in the party.
by founding president Morgan Tsvangirai under siege.” What we did last was to air our opinion that
in 2016 were unlawful, and that Chamisa’s MDC-Alliance youth assembly chairper- al’s post at the party congress last year. the party must follow the court judgement.
rise to the presidency of the MDC-T in Feb- son Obey Sithole said Mwonzora was bitter “If you listen to him (Mwonzora) and Otherwise it would look like we are an an-
ruary 2018 was illegal. after failing to retain the secretary-gener- others speak, there is no tangible reason archic and lawless outfit.”
The ruling handed Khupe the interim
leadership of the party as she was elect-
ed at the party’s congress in 2014, while
Chamisa’s other rivals Morgen Komichi and
Douglas Mwonzora reverted to being na-
tional chairperson and secretary-general
Khupe was ordered to prepare for an ex-
traordinary congress within three months.
The Chamisa camp has announced it does
not recognise the ruling as it does not affect
its structures, now that the party is part of
the MDC-Alliance, not MDC-T. It further
said those who pushed for the litigation, A Financial Institution is looking for an experienced and passionate
particularly Mwonzora and Komichi, had
effectively expelled themselves from the individual to �ll in the above vacancy that has arisen in its structures, which is
On the other hand, the Khupe faction said a senior level position to drive strategic communications.
Chamisa and his allies risked facing disci-
plinary action for failing to comply with the
court’s decision.
Major Responsibilities
In an interview with the Zimbabwe In- Ÿ Developing and deploying the Institution's Communication Strategy.
dependent this week, Komichi said he was
consulting lower structures of the party in Ÿ Providing Strategic Leadership on Communication for the Bank on key strategic areas as
preparation for the extraordinary congress. guided by the CEO.
This is despite Khupe’s current secre-
tary-general Nickson Nyikadzino, who Ÿ Engaging with key stakeholders and ensuring that their needs and those of the Institution
was elected at the 2018 congress, announc- are managed for effective relationships.
ing that he was in charge of the congress-
preparation process as the elected secre- Ÿ Ensuring that the digital platforms of the Institution achieve key communication
tary-general of the MDC-T. Nyikadzino objectives for the Institution and its stakeholders.
said he, and not Mwonzora, would drive the
process. Ÿ Ensuring that media engagements and updates are done to provide stakeholders with key
Komichi, however, dismissed Nyikadzi- information on the Institution's objectives and activities.
no’s claims, saying: “He is mistaken. The
judgment is very clear that all shenanigans Ÿ Preparing and managing the Approved Budget for the Communication Strategy and
done outside the 2014 congress were null ensuring effective delivery of strategic objectives.
and void. This means the Gweru congress
by the Chamisa gang was nullified. Khupe’s Ÿ Aligning the Communication Strategy and deliverables with global best practices in
congress was also nullified. If he thinks that communication and achieving cutting edge communication for the Institution.
he is the secretary-general, he is mistaken.”
“What the court did was to give the man- Ÿ Carrying out any other duties as assigned by the CEO from time to time.
date to make political decisions to the act-
ing president who, in this case, is Khupe
and the chairman. The administrative roles
went back to Mwonzora. So, we are work-
Quali cations & Experience
ing together to re-organise the party and
we are doing very well although our efforts The ideal candidate should have the following:
have been hampered by the ongoing coro- Ÿ A degree in either Communication, Public Relations, Psychology or any other
navirus lockdown.
“We are communicating with the struc- communication related degree
tures and we are currently carrying out au- Ÿ A Master's degree is an added advantage.
dits on those structures. All members from
the 2014 congress are trooping back. We are
Ÿ At least 8 years' relevant experience of which 4 should be at Middle Management Level.
only unable to go on the ground but we are
using other online platforms. We have had
an overwhelming response from the party. Skills & Competences
Actually, my phone is inundated with calls Ÿ Networking and relationship building.
from all over the country from people ex-
pressing joy and happiness. Once this lock-
Ÿ Advanced Communication & Interactive Skills.
down is over, we will roll out the restruc- Ÿ Strong Business Acumen.
turing programme,” Komichi added. Ÿ Business Acumen and Financial Sector Understanding.
Komichi said the party would hold small-
er congress starting with the branch, then Ÿ Advanced Report writing skills.
the ward, the district and the province be-
fore the national congress.
MDC-Alliance secretary-general Charl-
ton Hwende, said Khupe, Mwonzora, Kom-
ichi and their supporters are Zanu PF agents
who will be resisted by the party structures.
He said through the co-optation of senior
members, Zanu PF was hoping to destabi- accompanied by detailed CVs should be submitted not later than 30 April 2020 to:
lise the party.
“The attack on the MDC-Alliance is a Email | �[email protected]
Zanu PF-planned and sponsored grand
scheme to totally annihilate the MDC. This
attack is manifesting itself mainly on three
levels: first the cooptation of fellow com-
4 Zimbabwe independent April 17 TO 23, 2020

THE Covid-19 pandemic has rattled

Door-to-door screening,
the country’s health system, which
has over the years crumbled under the
weight of economic pressures and lack
of funding. With only a few isolation

testing required: Matara

centres ready to deal with the scourge,
Zimbabwe is faced with the mammoth
task of dealing with a rising number of
cases and a weak health sector. The
country’s tracing and testing processes
have come under spotlight as many NM: The case is still before the courts and
cases are possibly going undetected, it will be sub judice to comment at this point
raising fears of a widespread outbreak. in time. However, as an advocacy organi-
sation, we will use all the legal channels to
Doctors and health practitioners compel the government to provide PPE for
working on the frontline have taken the all health workers in Zimbabwe.
government to task over the lack of We also have a strong relationship with
personal protective equipment (PPEs). regional and international organisations
Last week, the Zimbabwe Association that can help bring our case to the govern-
ment. We also believe the government will
of Doctors for Human Rights (ZADHR) find reason on the issues we raised and we
sued government over the lack of will work jointly to ensure better protection
PPEs. Zimbabwe Independent reporter, of first-line defenders to Covid-19.
Nyasha Chingono (NC) spoke to ZADHR, NC: Government has still not disbursed
secretary-general Norman Matara funds to fight Covid-19. What are your
(NM, pictured right) on the doctors’ NM: This is a major setback and shows
assessment of the health situation and lack of political will and commitment to ef-
possible remedies. Below are excerpts fectively combat this pandemic. Health fi-
of the interview: nancing is one of the World Health Organi-
sation’s six pillars of a strong health system.
The government should provide leadership
NC: You have been very vocal on issues and be the major stakeholder in financing
surrounding the Covid-19 pandemic. Do this fight against Covid-19, rather than us
you believe the figures being reported by the having to rely on donations alone.
Ministry Health and Child Care are accurate? NC: Should case definition be reviewed as
NM: We believe the Ministry of Health and the country is missing some cases?
Child Care is accurately reporting the figures at home without medical care. they been investigated? NM: The cases which are being missed
as per the tests that have been conducted so Those with moderate to severe disease NM: We have not received any report on have nothing to do with a problematic case
far. We are, however, concerned with the and those with higher risk of developing the formal investigations into the Gwanda definition. We need to relook at intensifying
low number of tests that have been con- complications should be treated by a health incidents yet. We also await the postmor- our surveillance particularly at ports of en-
ducted to date and we fear the figures that worker and monitored in isolation centres. tem results of the patients who deceased in try, roll out mass testing campaigns and en-
we have may not be a true representation NC: Is it true that some private institutions Gwanda, if any was done. sure increased awareness of the case defini-
of the situation on the ground. The minis- are treating Covid-19 patients, thereby put- NC: The case of the deceased 79-year-old tions amongst health practitioners.
try has promised to decentralise the testing ting official figures into question? Bulawayo man has given rise to questions NC: What is your take on testing suspect-
process and increase the number of tests to NM: We have received reports of such al- on whether doctors are actually well-versed ed cases while patients are already critically
at least 1 000 per day. We hope this process legations, but at the moment we have no ev- with Covid-19, because some shortcomings ill or on their deathbeds?
is given the urgency it clearly deserves. idence to confirm or dismiss the claims. As were observed. Are doctors up to the task? NM: Early diagnosis and treatment are vi-
NC: We know that our health delivery an organisation, we have written to the per- NM: Covid-19 is a new disease and medi- tal in reducing morbidity and mortality as-
system is weak, but how dire could the situ- manent secretary in the Ministry of Health cal professionals all over the world are sociated with Covid-19. It also allows those
ation get? to investigate these claims and make public learning about this disease with each pass- that are positive to be quickly isolated and
NM: Unfortunately, the Covid-19 pan- her findings for the nation to regain trust ing day. There is a need for the Ministry of their contacts traced, thereby reducing the
demic has hit us at a time when our health and confidence with the system. Health to roll out programmes that educate chain of infections. It is unfortunate that
sector is at its weakest. Decades of neglect NC: Has the lockdown been effective so and capacitate health workers across the there has been a case or cases that were di-
and chronic underfunding of the health far. If not, what needs to be done? country on Covid-19 case definitions, diag- agnosed when the patient was already criti-
system, coupled with an increasing double NM: The effectiveness of this lockdown nosis and management protocols. cally ill. We hope this was a learning curve
burden of disease (both communicable and cannot be ascertained at the moment. Ma- NC: Last week, you sued the government and such incidents do not occur again in the
non-communicable disease) have stretched jor drawbacks include the economic crisis over the lack of personal protective equip- future.
the thin resources that we have in the health that force citizens to queue in search of ba- ment (PPEs). Do you think the issue is being NC: Do you have confidence in Health
sector. sic commodities like mealie-meal, thereby taken with the seriousness it deserves? minister Obadiah Moyo and the taskforce
Basic sundries and medicines are nearly breaching the social distancing rules. In ad- NM: The issue of PPE for health workers is that has been created to spearhead the fight
always out of stock, hospital equipment is dition, we did not fully utilise the lockdown a very serious matter. We have seen in some against Covid-19? If not, what can they do
old and often broken down. In public in- to intensify our case-finding through mas- countries up to about 15% of all Covid-19 differently?
stitutions, intensive care facilities are non- sive testing and contact tracing. infections being health workers. This shows NM: We think that the Covid-19 taskforce
existent; the same applies to provincial NC: There are reports that the government that health workers are at very high risk of has too many politicians and lacks techno-
and district hospitals. If cases increase, the is deliberately understating figures. Some contracting this disease. crats in infectious disease specialists and
system will be overwhelmed and there is say there have been deaths at Harare Central The government’s response to providing epidemiologists. Epidemiologists should be
a probability of an upsurge in morbidity and Parirenyatwa hospitals. Is this true? health workers with necessary protective assisting us in using statistical epidemio-
and mortality due to Covid-19. First World NM: We do not have conclusive evidence equipment has been lethargic and unsat- logical models to predict how our Covid-19
countries have struggled to deal with a full- that points towards the understating of fig- isfactory. We have received many reports graph will look like in the next three to six
blown outbreak despite better and well- ures yet. However, we are concerned by so- from our members complaining that they months. We will be able to know when the
functioning systems, so preventing a full- cial media claims made by a certain private are working without adequate protection. peak infections are expected, estimated
blown outbreak is our only cheaper and vi- practitioner who claimed to be treating Cov- The pleas of our members led us to file an number of people who will need intensive
able option. id-19 patients. This claim raises doubt on the urgent chamber application with the High care, number of deaths, most affected areas
NC: What additional measures can be authenticity of the figures being peddled by Court in a bid to have the courts compel the in the country. Such information is very im-
taken in case of a widespread pandemic in the official sources. We have since written to government to provide all health workers portant in planning, preparedness, resource
Zimbabwe? government to clarify and we do hope they with PPE. allocation and ultimately reducing morbid-
NM: The government must launch a wide- will respond soon NC: If your case fails, what other options ity and mortality from Covid-19. We hope
spread massive door-to-door screening and NC: There have been reports on social do you have to force the government to pro- the national taskforce is seeking advice
testing programme for Covid-19, particular- media of pneumonia cases in Gwanda. Have vide PPEs? from such intellectuals.
ly during the 21-day lockdown period and
beyond, to identify cases and isolate cases,
as well as conduct contact tracing.
There is a need to strengthen the health
system by incentivising health workers ad-
equately, building their capacity in infection
prevention and control through nationwide
health workers with training on manage-
ment protocols, intensive care, and treat-
ment of Covid-19.
We should also roll out an urgent and
ambitious infrastructure project to develop
state-of-the-art health facilities appropriate
for infectious diseases, which are targeted to
serve all Zimbabweans in all provinces and
not just the political elite.
We should also attend to other facets of
the health system such as drugs, technolo-
gies, health fee waivers, and ensure appro-
priate leadership and governance of the sys-
tem from national, provincial, district and
community level.
NC: Is there wisdom in confirmed cases
being treated from home, or should patients
be forced into isolation centres?
NM: The majority of people with Covid-19
have mild symptoms and are able to recover Zimbabwe did not fully utilise the 21-day lockdown to intensify case-finding through massive testing and contact tracing.
Zimbabwe independent April 17 TO 23, 2020 5


CSC faces uncertain future

Nkululeko Sibanda

TROUBLED state-owned meat processor

Cold Storage Company (CSC) may be seeing
its last days amid revelations its new inves-
tor is facing serious challenges in raising the
required capital to revive operations.
In 2018, Boustead Beef was unveiled by
the government as the new investor who
... as purported investor struggles to raise capital
would run the CSC. has not been answering calls.
Lands, Agriculture, Water, Climate and Bousted beef has engaged businessman
Rural Development minister Perrance Shiri, Reginald Shoko as its spokesperson.
at the time of the announcement of the new Shoko told the Independent the Boustead
equity partner, suggested that Boustead Beef Beef management was “working on a pro-
would inject fresh capital to cover basic es- gramme of action” to get the CSC out of the
sentials towards the revival of the company. doldrums.
This included working capital. “The management has been busy at work.
A US$36 million debt on the books of The company has been finalising the re-
the CSC created an obstacle to the much- trenchment of 177 permanent workers who
hyped deal. When the equity partner was were seconded to Boustead Beef by govern-
announced, Shiri said the debt would be ment. This is meant to enable the employer
cleared by the new investor. to put in place new contracts for new em-
An investigation by the Zimbabwe Independ- ployees under Boustead Beef,” Shoko said.
ent at the time revealed that Boustead Beef “In as far as the investments are con-
was a briefcase company registered in Zim- cerned, the investor will make the neces-
babwe although the government said it was new funds. But they are racing against time ing to start,” the source added. sary disclosures at the material time. What
a United Kingdom-based meat processing as everyone, even government itself, is get- Boustead Beef’s only known face to the I am sure about is that there is work that has
giant. ting agitated and restless over the delays in company, Nick Havecroft has been difficult been and is being done to ensure that the
Officials close to the latest developments the starting of business, if they are ever go- to reach for comment in recent weeks. He company starts working again.”
told the Independent this week Boustead
Beef management was facing serious vi-
ability challenges.
“There are many teething problems
around that company (Boustead Beef). The
management claimed that they were able to
raise the required funding when they met
with government. It is increasingly clear
the issue of raising the required capital was
just a ruse aimed at convincing the govern-
ment to give them the right to run the af-
fairs of the company,” said a source. “If you
follow closely, there have been reports that
the company’s new managers were strip-
ping the company’s assets and selling them.
They are also said to have ordered that all
the companies that are renting some of the
CSC properties in other parts of the country
should pay rentals directly to the investor.
“These are the monies Boustead Beef was
hoping to pool together and then use as the

looted offshore
funds taxing’
Tinashe Kairiza

RECOVERING billions of dollars spirited

away to foreign jurisdictions by corrupt
syndicates will be a lengthy and painstak-
ing process, although anti-graft authorities
are determined to recover the loot, the Zim-
babwe Anti-Corruption Commission (Zacc)
Zimbabwe, battling to secure fresh lines
of credit support to revive its floundering
economy, is losing close to US$2 billion an-
nually due to corruption.
According to Zacc, the bulk of the loot is
stashed in foreign jurisdictions that include
the United Kingdom, Virgin Islands and
South Africa.
Zacc chairperson Justice Loice Matanda-
Moyo told the Zimbabwe Independent that re-
covering the staggering amounts of money
concealed in foreign territories and disman-
tling graft cartels will take time.
As reported by this newspaper last week,
the Zimbabwe Revenue Authority (Zim-
ra), seeking to bust a cartel of freight firms
which has prejudiced the country of an esti-
mated US$1 billion through tax evasion and
smuggling of haulage trucks and goods, says
it will engage “extra territorial” authorities.
An investigation into the haulage trucks
smuggling saga has since begun, with the
Special Anti-Corruption Unit (Sacu) housed
in President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s office
spearheading the probe.
Last year, the Independent reported that
moribund state airline Air Zimbabwe had
begun identifying and repatriating some of
its resources stashed in foreign jurisdictions.
At that time, the Independent uncovered a
shadowy company registered in the UK in
the name of Air Zimbabwe with £5 million
in its books of account.
Curiously, the firm, incorporated at UK
Companies House, had a certain Robert
Mugabe as one of its directors.
6 Zimbabwe independent april 17 TO 23, 2020


Vic Falls’ bittersweet

Clement Mukwasi

SOMETHING fascinating is happening

to the Victoria Falls during the Covid-19

roar under lockdown

Amid the thunderous roar of unprece-
dented volumes of water, the “rain” gener-
ated by the back-spray and a vivid rainbow,
waterbucks and warthogs have become the
only regular visitors to the world’s largest
waterfalls, as they freely roam the adjacent
rainforest, unmolested by tourists.
The amount of water presently flowing
over the Victoria Falls was last witnessed
around 1951.
. . . Wild animals merrymake in the absence of tourists
In a normal seasonal cycle, the high-wa-
ter period begins around March, reaching a
peak in June and July.
But, as if the Zambezi River has been
angered by the “Victoria Falls is dry” sto-
ry which have dominated tourism head-
lines for months on end since last year, the
month of March has seen the river getting
to over 80% full, a phenomenon which is
As one walks down from the usually bus-
tling entrance towards Viewing Point Num-
ber One, where there is the statue of leg-
endary Scottish explorer David Livingstone,
all one can hear is a cacophony of various
birds celebrating the quietude brought to
this spectacular rainforest by the Covid-19
The shiny mukwa polish on the chairs and
tables in a state-of-the-art restaurant by
the entrance is the only sign of life at the
food outlet. Jumpy squirrels and restless
monkeys take turns to slide on the roof as
one National Parks guard monitors the im-
promptu wildlife show with a supervisory
There may be no tourists to witness the
mighty Zambezi in all its power and glory,
but the river continues roaring, as if oblivi-
ous of the global pandemic terrorising
The massive curtain of falling water span-
ning the Zimbabwe-Zambia cataract has
not been seen in such full splendour in a
long time.
As one stands at the Devil’s Cataract, just
a stone’s throw away from Point Number
Two, the first water channels roar right into
the face, with the endless spray mixing with
mud to form white rapids.
It is “raining” buckets in the rainforest.
Within seconds, the “rainwater” obscures
your view, filling the shoes and soaking the
whole body. Cameras which are not water-
proof are rendered useless in scenes that
have not been witnessed in recent memory.
This is the place where people of traditional
faith come to “wash away” their sins and
misfortunes using the Zambezi’s magical
As the water pours from the top, a gaze
to the right, towards the Main Falls, brings
into view one of nature’s most mesmeris- Water levels at the Victoria Falls are likely to reach or surpass record levels this year, without tourists to witness the historical occurrence.
ing sights: a vivid rainbow. The rainbow
stretches from the Zambian border to the rio traders went into lockdown. All the activity desks are closed and there is dent was necessary in order to curb the
Zimbabwean border with the prominent This is the story of Zimbabwe’s foremost no sign that these were centres of joy a few spread of Coronavirus. However, I am a
red hue overshadowing the rest of the col- tourist resort. weeks ago. mechanic and now all the people who owed
our spectrum. Victoria Falls town is known for its count- One may see a lone security guard me cannot pay as they were retrenched. I
This striking rainbow is also visible at less tourist activities and accommodation watching a premise from across the street. can’t do any piece jobs nor can I get daily
night during full moon and is called a lunar facilities but, instead of seeing tourists, one Seeing a human being on the streets is now bread. This is bad,” a dejected Douglas Chi-
rainbow. When the lockdown is finally over, is greeted by doors chained shut. rare. The stretch of the road from the Zam- humbiri, a resident of Chinotimba, said.
this is the place to visit and savour pure, un- Wild Horizons, Shearwater Adventures, bian border to Victoria Falls town, usually Chihumbiri was visibly hungry and the
diluted nature in all its magnificence. Wilderness Safaris and the Victoria Falls dominated by Zambian traders on bicycles, only sign of his trade were the dirty over-
As the water falls deep into the gorge, it Safari Lodge employ about three quarters is completely empty. alls and two spanners in his left hand. A few
splits into molecules which are carried by of the town’s workforce. These companies One or two cargo trucks can be seen days before the lockdown, hordes of ten-
gushing air torrents, creating a cloud of fine shut their doors in compliance with the crossing northwards to the neighbour- ants were seen travelling to Monde village,
spray visible several kilometres from the lockdown order. ing country. A few taxi cabs, abandoned 12 kilometres from the town and to other
Main Falls. Small game in the rainforest, Yvonne Jandles, the managing director of in town owing to a shortage of fuel, are the rural areas as they could no longer afford
which include waterbucks, warthogs and Routes Through Africa travel agency, de- only cars parked along the main street. the rentals in the resort town which are
baboons are seen fending for themselves in scribed the closure of the iconic rainforest However, only the supermarkets and a mainly charged in foreign currency.
the grass and trees that have become green as an oxymoron. food court in town are open. The shelves are WhatsApp groups are somehow keeping
because of the massive water. “As I have mentioned before, it’s a bit- full of goods but most customers have no the community together. The need to pro-
The Devil’s Pool, located right on the pre- tersweet moment for us in Victoria Falls be- money to buy groceries. Most of the tour- tect life and avoid the spread of Covid-19
carious lip of the waterfalls, where tour- cause the falls are reaching or will surpass ism employees were retrenched or had has brought the community together.
ists on the Zambian side dice with death by record levels this year based on the volume their contracts terminated so they are buy- In the whole country, Victoria Falls is ar-
skinny-dipping and frolicking with reck- of water levels at this moment and there is ing only the barest essentials. guably the hardest hit town from a tourism
less abandon, is covered in mist. The islands nobody to see it. The falls are extremely full, Without church, beer outlets and soccer, perspective. With the borders closed and all
upstream of the waterfalls are almost suc- but the town is extremely empty,” Jandles the Victoria Falls residents now spend most aircraft grounded, the highly-mobile pop-
cumbing to the force of the roaring water as said. of their time on social media. ulation is stuck at home. Most of the peo-
levels are rising every night. She said it was disheartening that the In the high-density suburbs of Chino- ple who have maids who stay in the high-
The Zambezi River is so full, it is frighten- Covid-19 pandemic came at a time the Vic- timba and Mkhosana, what one sees are density suburbs have had their employees
ingly beautiful. toria Falls was recovering from the “Victoria hoteliers and other employees in the tour- moving in to avoid unnecessary movement
But even as Africa’s fourth largest river Falls is dry” chatter. ism industry sitting on their home verandas and the risk of infection.
continues swelling enchantingly, a stone’s “We saw that the beginning of the year discussing how the pandemic has affected All hope is not lost, though. Operators in
throw away from the rainforest the scrum was very quiet. I am sure that it was affected their lives. Everyone is anxious, because the resort town see big opportunities ahead.
of traders who sell curios and other me- by that report. The falls are now at full glory the town thrives on tourism. It is their view that as long as significant
mentos to tourists are nowhere to be seen. and we do not have anybody to see it due to It does not matter whether one is an ex- measures are taken to preserve this pris-
The market is deserted. There are no secu- this pandemic,” Jandles lamented. ecutive or a curio vendor, livelihoods in tine jewel of nature, Victoria Falls will con-
rity guards, no hustlers, no bargain hunters, Some employees in the tourist town have Victoria Falls depend on tourism. tinue playing a pivotal role in Zimbabwe’s
no human activity. had their contracts terminated, as compa- The reason and justification for the lock- economy.
The traders left their curios in plain sight. nies get into survival mode, but those with down are however fully understood. At the
Crafts depicting animals and various other special skills are guaranteed of a bright fu- end of the day, lives have to be protected. Mukwasi, is a director at Shearwater Adventures,
figurines were left transfigured as their cu- ture once the situation returns to normal. “The lockdown pronounced by the Presi- a company in Victoria Falls.


China not discriminating

THE Chinese embassy in Harare has de-
nied allegations that Beijing is discrimi-
nating against Africans, who are accused
of spreading the coronavirus (Covid-19),

against Africans — Envoy

which has infected more than two million
people globally and wreaked havoc on the
global economy.
The pandemic, whose first epicentre was
in Wuhan, China, is now under control in
the Asian economic giant although there
has been a spike in imported cases in recent
weeks. The disease has hit several countries misunderstandings, high-level communi- diplomatic ties with China, despite our own
hard, among them the United States, Brit- cation has been held between Chinese au- difficulties,” Zhao said. “Experts from the
ain, Italy and Spain. thorities and their African counterparts. two sides have held multiple video confer-
Videos and pictures of Africans sleeping This includes talks over the phone be- ences and Chinese provinces, cities, busi-
in the open after being evicted by landlords tween Foreign minister Wang Yi and African nesses and civil groups have also provided
in the city of Guangzhou last week circu- Union Commission chair Moussa Faki Ma- supplies to Africa. All these are vivid exam-
lated on social media, generating debate hamat and meetings between Assistant For- ples of China and Africa working together to
and sparking condemnation against the eign minister Chen Xiaodong and diplomats build a closer community with a shared fu-
Chinese. Guangzhou, a trading city in south from Africa. ture. China is ready to strengthen co-oper-
China, is popular with Africans. There are Zhao said Sino-Africa relations remain ation with African countries to achieve the
about 30 000 Africans, mostly Nigerians, solid, adding cooperation will continue in ultimate victory in fighting the epidemic.”
resident in the city. fighting the virus and on the economic front He also said China had sent medical teams
Chinese deputy ambassador to Zimba- once the epidemic is brought under control. to Ethiopia and Burkina Faso to share anti-
bwe Zhao Baogang told the Zimbabwe Inde- “China and Africa have been good broth- Chinese deputy ambassador Zhao Baogang epidemic experience, provide guidance and
pendent that the allegations were emanating ers sharing weal and woe for a long time. technical advice to the medical and health
from isolated incidents following Chinese We will not forget that in our darkest hours, Africa and has provided anti-epidemic ma- institutions of the two countries, as well
authorities’ decision to test and quarantine African countries provided valuable support terials in batches to the African Union and as enhance their epidemic prevention and
all foreigners and returning Chinese citizens to us. China follows closely the situation in all African countries that have established control capabilities. — Staff Writer.
for 14 days, to avoid a new wave of import-
ed infections.
Under the measures, Zhao said, all Chi-
nese nationals and foreigners living in China
were also required to undergo quarantin-
ing and testing after which they are given a
green health code to enable them to travel NK OF Z
and visit public places, like shops, restau- BA I
rants and cinemas.


“We believe we have won the battle
against the virus, but we are still on high
alert. Restrictions have been lifted in many BWE

cities in China, but we see that there is grave

danger from imported cases. Therefore, all
returning Chinese citizens and foreigners
arriving in China are required to undergo a

“Only those with green codes are al-

lowed to be served ... It is mandatory
and some landlords are asking those PRESS STATEMENT ON A LEAKED DOCUMENT TITLED
without the green codes to leave,
because they will get into trouble
if they accommodate people who
have not been cleared. The authori- The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (the Bank) wishes to advise the public that the document titled
ties have taken these measures as “De-dollarisation Road Map” which has been circulating on social media was leaked by a senior
part of the fight against the virus and Bank economist, Philton Makena, who had access to a document on the macro-economic policy
they apply to everyone.” measures to support the five-year de-dollarisation strategy which was being worked on by a
team of economists in the Bank. The draft document is not official as it has not even been
discussed at both Bank and Government levels. The document should therefore be disregarded.
14-day quarantine and testing before they
are given a green code if cleared,” Zhao said.
“This does not apply to Africans only. It
applies to every foreigner and returning
The draft document was being worked on by the team of economists on a computer allocated
citizen. So, it does not matter whether you to a chief economist in the Bank, Paul Gilmour Mukoki. The Bank has since established that Mr
are American, African, British or Chinese; if Mukoki was not responsible for the leakage of the document.
you arrive in China, you are isolated for 14
days and tested. In China, you don’t self-
isolate, you isolate at an isolation centre or Mr Makena’s conduct amounted to breach of the oath of secrecy by which all Bank employees
hotel. Those who are isolating are given the are bound. Accordingly, the Bank has suspended him, with immediate effect, and has
yellow code and are not allowed to travel. commenced disciplinary proceedings against him.
Those found to have the virus are given a red
card and are hospitalised until they recover.
If you go to a restaurant or shop they will
ask you to produce your health code, and if The Bank sincerely regrets the anxiety and inconvenience the leaked document may have
you don’t have one they will not serve you
or they will call the police. caused.
“Only those with green codes are al-
lowed to be served. The same applies with
accommodation. You can only book into a
hotel or stay at an apartment if you show
the owner a green code. It is mandatory
and some landlords are asking those with-
out the green codes to leave, because they John P Mangudya
will get into trouble if they accommodate
people who have not been cleared. The au- Governor
thorities have taken these measures as part
of the fight against the virus and they apply
16 April 2020
to everyone.”
Zhao said there were currently 15 000
people under isolation in Guangzhou and
these were from 14 countries including Rus-
sia, Australia and the US. He said the major-
ity of the people did not have green codes,
prompting landlords to evict them. How-
ever, he insisted that the case circulating on
social media was one of a few isolated cases.
The Chinese deputy ambassador said he
had spoken to Zimbabwean students and
Dream Star scholarship holders who told
him they are safe and not experiencing
Zhao said as part of efforts to resolve the
8 Zimbabwe independent april 17 to 23, 2020


april 17 to 23, 2020

Zim must now seek

debt restructuring

NE of the biggest headaches accentuated by Covid-19
is Zimbabwe’s debt crisis which makes it difficult for
the country to access fresh capital, roll out social safe-
ty nets, preserve jobs and stabilise an already rickety

Crunch moment for Zim

economy. After decades of reckless spending, unmiti-
gated corruption and breathtaking economic mismanagement, the
chickens are coming home to roost. Debt forgiveness by the powerful
creditor nations of the North and the financial institutions they con-

trol, would be a welcome relief, although unlikely at this stage.
IMBABWE will decide The level of testing is very low
The authorities put the country’s external public debt at US$8 bil-
lion. This appears to be an understated figure, of course. Even though next week whether to in Zimbabwe when compared to
extend its 21-day lock- other regions, meaning unreport-
the government essentially robbed its domestic creditors last year
through policy gymnastics and sleight of hand, all the objective facts
down, which expires on
Sunday. President Em-
Memo ed cases are increasing exponen-
tially. We are just waiting for an
point to a much bigger debt. To be sure, US$8 billion is nothing to merson Mnangagwa indicated this Faith Zaba explosion of cases, which authori-
thumb one’s nose at. How on earth is this debt going to be paid? Let us week that Cabinet will sit on Mon- ties will fail to suppress.
look at all the options and see whether any of them are viable. day to review the situation. Zimbabwe has only tested about
Mnangagwa is caught between a 700 suspected cases since the out-
The first idea would be to seek a funding from international finan-
rock and hard place—to extend the break, while South Africa, which
cial institutions. This route may sound reasonable — until you realise lockdown and preserve lives or to [email protected] has a potential to conduct 25 000
that Zimbabwe has defaulted on loan repayments and is therefore extend the lockdown and destroy daily tests, is testing between 1 000
considered a bad debtor. Door closed. businesses and jobs? and 5 000 a day. We have not even
A second idea would be to go begging for a bilateral loan. But who The President said a fortnight movement be allowed only within adequately decentralised testing to
ago that: “I wouldn’t want to pre- cities, while barring movement provincial laboratories.
would give this country a loan? China, our “all-weather friend”, has
judge our decision. We are going between towns and cities. As a country, we have not even
made it abundantly clear that an outright economic rescue package to review the situation. If we think The advantages of a partial lock- done any projections based on sci-
— budgetary support — is not in the offing. Zimbabwe’s less-than- that it is containable, we may go down, the ZNCC said, include al- entific research to understand how
glorious track record in repaying loans does not help matters. Not back because it has its own socio- lowing the production of goods by the disease is spreading.
only that, Chinese officials do not have confidence in the technocrat- economic impact. So, we have to business to meet domestic needs Government needs to swallow
weigh the possibilities of relax- and retention of the workforce. its pride and seek help from the
ic capacity, organisational discipline and single-mindedness of pur-
ing or continuing at the end of 21 While it is important to ensure World Health Organisation. Cur-
pose of Zimbabwean leaders. At one point, they even advised Harare days.” there is no total economic col- rently, we do not have the finan-
to send ministers and bureaucrats to Beijing on boot camp to learn Since then, there has been lapse, let us not be short-sighted. cial and technical capacity to deal
about the planning, management and execution of crucial projects. mounting pressure from busi- It would be pointless to have an with this pandemic.
China has channelled into this country huge amounts of funding for ness leaders for him not to ex- economy with a sick and dying Honestly, instead of relaxing
tend the lockdown beyond the 21 population. Companies will lose the restrictions, there should be
infrastructural development, but outright budgetary support is un-
days to avert a total collapse of the employees. tighter enforcement because at
likely for the above-stated reasons and more. Door closed. economy. The globe is replete with many the moment, as a country, we are
A third idea is for the government to sit around a table with deep- Former Confederation of Zim- examples of countries which were not serious about adhering to this
pocketed financiers and hammer out a mechanism for unlocking babwe Industries president and in denial or just too relaxed when lockdown, which medical experts
funding through the mortgaging of precious minerals. United Refineries chief executive the pandemic hit cities outside worldwide have said is the only
Busisa Moyo says industry will Wuhan in China, where the virus answer to contain the virus. We
This has been done before, in piecemeal fashion. The major com-
grind to a halt if government ex- originated. The disease has hit sev- have to contain it before the win-
plication with this approach is that Zimbabwe does not have a good tends the lockdown. He says 82% eral countries hard, among them ter season, because by then, it will
reputation for accountable and efficient natural resource manage- of companies are unable to pay the United States, Britain, Italy and be too late to address the crisis. But
ment. You do not have to look further than the Chiadzwa diamond salaries beyond a month. Moyo Spain. for a total lockdown to work, gov-
scandal for the evidence. Besides, a lot of the high-end sub-soil assets warned government against ex- Italy now has 165 155 infections ernment must provide safety nets
tending the lockdown in the ab- and 21 645 deaths, while the US for the vulnerable members of our
have already been mortgaged off. Resource exploitation is anchored
sence of rescue measures, includ- has recorded 644 746 Covid-19 society.
on solid principles of property rights and contract law — and Zimba- ing a bailout package to assist the cases and 28 593 deaths. Mnangagwa put it right when he
bwe ranks lowly when it comes to those indices. The idea of mortgag- ailing industry, which is already Zimbabwe’s poor healthcare said on Tuesday: “We, however,
ing off minerals is fraught with complications, not least the fact that reeling from economic pressures. would not be able to handle such have to do our best to preserve
viable commodity prices are not assured in a post-Covid world. The Zimbabwe Chamber of outbreaks. We need to be cautious. life, which is the most precious.
Commerce (ZNCC), in a report ti- It is way too early for Zimbabwe, If a life is lost, that is the end of it,
What is to be done? Well, it has to be a two-pronged plan: the gov-
tled Sustainable and Flexible Economic whose infections are slowly rising, but we can always reconstruct our
ernment must take decisive steps towards negotiating with creditors Interventions to Address Covid-19, pro- with 23 recorded Covid-19 cases economy.”
the restructuring of external debt, while implementing the necessary posed a partial lockdown, entail- and three deaths, to relax the lock- Zimbabwe is truly in a catch-22.
reforms that will usher in comprehensive economic, social and po- ing continued monitoring and re- down restrictions. The country is But I am sure we all agree on what
litical stability. stricted working hours from 5am also starting to record community is preferable: dead bodies or a dead
to 7pm. It also recommends that transmission of the virus. economy?

Only decisive action can stop the tsunami

COUPLE of days ago, my atten- turn by a rotten and lethargic system. country and we all know that sunlight is the
tion was drawn to a short video
clip showing the City of Harare’s
Ncube is expected to carry the weight of
Covid-19 on his shoulders. He is no super-
Candid greatest disinfectant.
To avert economic chaos — and what we
director of health, Dr Prosper
Chonzi, explaining to Finance
man, of course, but Zimbabwe is deficient
in solid leadership anyway and we must
Comment are experiencing right now will look like a
Sunday picnic if decisive action is not taken
minister Professor Mthuli Ncube in a ward work with the spanners we have in our bREZH MALABA now — the government has to show courage
at Wilkins Infectious Diseases Hospital how meagre toolbox. The huge task at hand is [email protected] and uncharacteristic wisdom by embracing
a life-saving ventilator works. three-pronged: strengthening a decayed a dual-currency system. More importantly,
The respected physician described in sim- health sector, resurrecting a dead economy Zimbabwe is crying out for a political set-
ple terms how the contraption functions, and averting a humanitarian catastrophe of proach, we risk massive economic disloca- tlement. Prolonged questions of legitimacy
while the Cambridge-trained economist apocalyptic proportions. Most people are tion, humanitarian disaster, a spike in crime and credibility have serious implications
displayed a disarming sense of enthusiasm currently focussed on the disease trajec- and civil unrest. Riding the storm will not be for the country’s ability to access the inter-
in getting to understand the intricacies of tory — and rightly so — but there is a spine- easy. The government has no reserves and national credit markets. And without fresh
medical technology. chilling storm on the horizon. there are no deep-pocketed friends willing credit, you cannot rescue this economy.
It got me thinking. Zimbabwe has no We have to remind each other that Zimba- to bail us out. We are on our own. Social safety nets are vital, but the long-
shortage of technocrats. With Covid-19 bwe was already a broken economy before Here is what this country needs to do. term and sustainable solution can only
plunging the economy into unprecedented Covid-19. How we survive the ensuing tsu- The 2% tax on electronic transactions must come from rebooting the economy by creat-
turmoil, these thinkers must now earn their nami will depend on the calibre of leader- be scrapped. It is an immoral heist on the ing policy certainty, availing credit to com-
keep. Chonzi has fared remarkably well in ship as well as our willingness to roll up the poor. Secondly, the exchange rate has to be panies, sorting out the messy land tenure
this crisis. You can tell that he knows exactly sleeves and do the work. If the government fully liberalised. There is no transparency system, tackling corruption and re-imagin-
what is needed, but is sabotaged at every continues with a “business as usual” ap- in the allocation of foreign currency in this ing a new brand of national politics.
Zimbabwe independent April 17 to 23, 2020 9


IMF bemoans transparency gaps What does another

Enterprises Corporate Governance
recession mean for Zim?
The Brett Act. The publishing of annual financial IN Equity Axis’ initial 2020 Ceteris
Chulu statements and reports by SOEs is not
yet standard practice — SOEs largely
economic outlook released
in January, we projected that Paribus
Column remain unaccountable bodies.
The Public Finance Management
the economy would contract
by about -5% cognisant of Respect Gwenzi
Act requires SOEs to submit quarter- the constrained fiscal space,
ly and annual reports to the Finance a persistent drought, residual
THE International Monetary Fund Ministry; the majority of SOEs are not effects of Cyclone Idai, a volatile macro-economic environment
(IMF), in its recent Article IV report, complying and there has neither been characterised by hyperinflation and exchange rate weakness.
raised a number of concerns on how censure no consequences for non- From 2019, it was evident that the consumer’s purchasing
Zimbabwe is managing its economic compliance. The inter-ministerial power was being eroded at a very fast pace in line with inflation
and financial affairs. coordination of the privatisation of 25 and this continued into 2020, consequently impacting aggregate
SOEs remains unclear, creating rent- demand levels in the economy. We went on to publish a periodic
Transparency gaps seeking opportunities, the IMF warns. monthly economic review paper, released last week, in which
The IMF raised serious concern on Sixth, in terms of the RBZ, several we revised our 2020 projections. In that instalment, we saw GDP
transparency gaps in a number of ar- concerns were noted. The central falling by almost double our earlier projection at about -9,2%,
eas spanning unreported transactions bank's mandate is said to be convolut- which is in last year’s range. It is important to point out that while
and information dissemination. ed and not in line with international macro-economic dynamics have significantly changed between
Of concern to the IMF is the issue RBZ governor John Mangudya standards. The RBZ’s broad discretion January and now. Equity Axis is the only research firm to have
of quasi-fiscal activities carried out by in applying forex regulations carries initially forecast a negative gross domestic product (GDP) outturn
the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ). to introduce subsidies given to select- with its governance vulnerabilities; for Zimbabwe in 2020.
At one point, in the early years of ed entities at preferential below-mar- opaque forex allocations and instruct- The International Monetary Fund, World Bank and African De-
the tenure of the current RBZ gover- ket-priced forex allocations as had ing authorised dealers to transfer leg- velopment Bank initially forecast 3%, 4,5% and 4,5% growth
nor, John Mangudya, the central bank been the case with fuel and electric- acy debts to the RBZ are examples cit- rates respectively for Zimbabwe. The government maintained a
went into an academic argument that ity. The IMF advised the authorities ed. The IMF raised the point that there 3% GDP growth forecast into 2020. The Covid-19 pandemic has
the activities of funding government that all subsidies be reported in the is an over-concentration of power at necessitated a review of global growth forecasts and every insti-
operations did not meet the definition budget so that a true and accurate pic- the executive level of the RBZ. The tution worth its salt has revised its numbers to negative across
of quasi-fiscal activities. ture of budget performance is given. Audit and Oversight Committee of the both the developed and developing economies.
The definition of quasi-fiscal activi- The IMF bemoaned the practice of RBZ is not in line with accepted prac- Only China, which has been growing at an average of about
ties underscores the chief criterion. disseminating monetary statistics late. tices in terms of independence and 6,5% per year over the last 10 years, is seen recording a mar-
For an activity to be classified as quasi- The authorities were advised to report experience of the members. Codes of ginal GDP growth of about 0,9% from initial forecasts of about
fiscal, the activity must be supplied by frequently and timeously as part of Conduct, in terms of disclosure of in- 6%. China reported about 15% GDP contraction for the first
a central bank or state-related enter- efforts to build a culture of transpar- formation, in relation to conflicts of quarter of 2020, a first since 1976. Sub-Saharan Africa is seen
prises at sub-economic prices, repre- ency, fostering the restoration of mar- interest is required for RBZ manageri- achieving about 1% growth in 2020 but the biggest economies,
senting a hidden expenditure (unfis- ket confidence. It was noted that the al layer, but not the governor, deputy namely Nigeria, South Africa and Angola, are seen reporting sharp
calised) to the government. RBZ balance sheet data and monetary governors and board members. The economic contractions, which is a big cause for concern. South
In the case of the current Article IV statistics are published with long time Zimbabwe Asset management Corpo- Africa is Zimbabwe’s biggest trading partner and a slowdown in
report, there is no scope for the RBZ to lags. The IMF recommended that the ration has no specific provisions that its economic activity will significantly affect other countries. Zim-
take refuge in academic nuances; the RBZ publish its balance daily balance apply to it to delimit its powers and babwe will therefore likely see a slowdown in demand for exports
gold incentive scheme is a big culprit. sheet data within one week (from the governance. of a manufacturing nature. For commodities, the global slump
The gold incentive scheme was meant reference date) and monetary statis- The RBZ Act allows for undue in- will pose a risk to prices, which may close the end of the year
to entice the small-scale gold min- tics within four weeks. fluence from the political authorities, at depressed levels. Over 60% of Zimbabwe’s export earnings
ers who contribute 60% of the gold compromising on the independence are derived from mineral exports. A disruptive and less defined
output to sell to approved gold deal- Governance, independence gaps of the RBZ. The Finance Ministry is al- exchange rate policy, which is already having an impact on the
ers. The gold incentive costs, if they A number of governance and inde- lowed by the RBZ Act to be involved production of gold, further dampens export sector prospects.
continue for the rest of the fiscal year, pendence issues were raised by the in final decision-making and the au- Another endogenous factor is remittances, which are likely to
would constitute 1% of gross domestic IMF. thority to reverse certain decisions. In sharply contract in light of worldwide lockdowns. Key sources of
product (GDP). First, the IMF noted that many gov- short, governance reforms must also remittances, the United Kingdom and South Africa, are presently
This very significant cost would not ernment transactions occurred out- target the modernisation of the RBZ under lockdown and both have been extended the shutdown to
be reported in the budget. It gives an side the Public Finance Management Act to give the central bank effective about five weeks. This essentially means loss of income at indi-
impression that the government is System (automated) and outside the independence. vidual level and, in many cases, job losses. About US$1,2 billion
managing its budget better than it is instruction of the Treasury. The issues of low transparency and is earned annually from remittances, helping boost demand for
yet, in fact, the true picture is that of Second, there is a concern that weak governance in the entire gov- local produce, both consumptive and capital.
both unstated and understated gov- though Treasury is publishing month- ernment edifice and its agencies in- While these endogenous factors are of serious concern, it is
ernment expenditures. The gold in- ly budget execution reports, there dicate that the negative behavioural Zimbabwe’s own exogenous factors that have a bigger impact
centive scheme, which began in Sep- are no reports on expenditures done forces working against economic re- and are of great worry. Covid-19 may end today, with residual
tember 2019, is known to be highly outside the budget and on state- form are very strong. effects such as high debt levels for countries and much smaller
correlated with spikes in the parallel owned entities, creating governance Unless there is a decisive move to economies, but structural challenges inherent in Zimbabwe’s
forex market rate. vulnerabilities. tame these negative behaviours, the economy will likely lead to a depression if no urgent measures are
It is disturbing to note that the cen- Third, the IMF rates the quality of aspirations to turn around the econo- taken to reconfigure the economy. A slump in 2020 will mean two
tral bank rubbished a report by the internal controls and internal audits in my will remain just that. successive years of recession, with the magnitude of downturn
Financial Times that mentioned, a day ministries, departments and govern- Strategy is not the lofty goals; it is wider. In a recession, a lot of economic value is shed, companies
after the IMF visit, that the matter of ment agencies as weak, creating a fer- the everyday actions made in terms of close down, jobs are lost, taxes forgone and the productive base
the gold incentive scheme fuelling tile environment for corruption and resource allocation — the late Clayton shrinks, capitalisations are forgone as income dwindles, compa-
currency instability had been brought financial irregularities. The IMF noted Christensen taught us. The effective nies are highly disincentivised to retool and most fall into debt
up for discussion. It is now very clear that in several instances the Finance economic strategy is not the Transi- traps and insolvency. A difference in the case of Zimbabwe is that
that this matter was central to the dis- Ministry itself as well as other line tional Stabilisation Programme — it there is no cushion for sustained recession; it is a freefalling econ-
cussions with the IMF, showing that ministries have not complied with le- is the misaligned decisions made by omy. Other countries may experience a V-shaped recession to
the denial by the central bank was gal requirements. ministries, departments and agencies. recovery, but Zimbabwe is already has a U-shaped graph, which
without basis. Fourth, the IMF noted that there are The IMF bemoaned the fact that the means our crisis is deeper and will take a lot to re-emerge. It is
The IMF mentioned that the RBZ 26 uncoordinated government agen- RBZ Act makes it difficult for the RBZ imperative for Harare’s administration to rethink currency policy.
promised to stop the gold incentive cies at 18 border posts, creating op- to be independent. Piecemeal gestures will not yield desired results and further
scheme. The IMF recommended that portunities for disorder and fraudu- procrastination will come at huge cost. This will be a starting point
the forex market be fully liberalised lent transactions. Chulu is a management consult- for reconfiguring our economy.
so that parallel forex market premium Fifth, in terms of state-owned en- ant and a classic grounded theory
is reduced or eliminated, encouraging terprises (SOE), four critical govern- researcher who has published research in Gwenzi is a financial analyst and managing director of Equity Axis,
gold producers to sell their gold Fidel- ance gaps were identified. The nomi- an academic peer-reviewed international a financial media firm offering business intelligence, economic
ity Printers (official gold purchaser). nation of members to the boards of journal. — brettchuluconsultant@gmail. and equity research. — [email protected]
The IMF warned the authorities not SOEs is not yet in line with the Public com.

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10 Zimbabwe independent April 17 to 23, 2020

LIKE every other pandemic that the world
has experienced in the past, coronavirus
will eventually come to an end. It will be de- Post-Covid-19: Africa cannot
go back to business as usual
feated, and life will return to normal. But it
will teach us an important lesson: the need
to invest in health infrastructure across the
world, and particularly in Africa.
For centuries, global and national agen-
das have given premium to wealth creation geted and well defined. The support should
and less attention to healthcare. Indeed, aim to avoid overstretching existing health
the pursuit of wealth has even come at the infrastructure while strengthening human
expense of the environment. Budgetary al- resource capacity.
locations for health have been woefully The starting point should be investments
inadequate compared to other sectors. Just in digital health tools. Breakthrough inno-
imagine this: if what we are experiencing to- vations such as telemedicine, mHealth and
day was a virus that attacked machines and drones are transforming healthcare in ad-
not human beings, normal life would go on vanced countries, meanwhile their adoption
— handshakes, kisses and hugs would still in Africa have been rather slow. Support-
symbolise friendship, love and comfort and ing the scaling up of these technologies in
not the threat of infection. From now on, we Africa could help governments deal ef-
must prioritise human health collectively, fectively with epidemics and the growing
not individually. burden of chronic diseases. Supporting the
Globally, there have been 2 098 981 con- construction of health posts, the purchas-
firmed cases of Covid-19 as of yesterday and ing of personal protective equipment and
136 030 deaths reported to the World Health A deserted street in the Harare central business district due to the coronavirus lockdown. equipping medical centres with modern fa-
Organisation (WHO). We may not have cilities can follow. There is no time to waste:
reached the apex of this pandemic, and what global disease burden yet accounts for only beds. Countries like Zimbabwe and Liberia while finding ways to battle the current pan-
we have seen so far from other countries 3% of the global health workforce. The aver- have none. demic may be daunting, it also presents an
suggests that Africa is a ticking time bomb. age physician density in sub-Saharan Africa Laboratory capacity in most African opportunity to focus on the strengthening of
If advanced economies like Italy, Spain, stands at two doctors per 10 000 people. This countries are equally bereft of modern fa- Africa’s health systems by adopting a com-
the United States and France are struggling to ranges from 0,6 in Burkina Faso to nine doc- cilities. The emergency medical systems prehensive and integrated approach based
contain the wrath of this pandemic, then it tors in South Africa. across many countries in Africa can only on each country’s individual needs. Let us
has a devastating potential in poor countries Nigeria, which is the most populous nation deal with a fraction of those needing care. not go back to business as usual after this
like Uganda, Cameroon, Burkina Faso and in Africa, has physician density of three doc- In some deprived communities in Burkina pandemic.
Senegal, where lifestyle, beliefs, culture and tors to 10 000 population. Ethiopia has just Faso, women requiring emergency care are Babatunde Omilola
economic conditions offer fertile grounds for one doctor per 10 000 people, even though sometimes transported on bicycles to health African Development Bank manager for
disease to thrive. it has the second largest population on the centres. public health, security and nutrition
One would have thought that the Ebola continent. In contrast, Italy, France and Similar conditions can also be found in division.
outbreak, which began in 2014, would have Spain, where Covid-19 is taking its heaviest Chad, Central African Republic, northern
opened the eyes of key stakeholders in Af- toll, have physician densities of 40,9, 40,6 Ghana and some rural parts of Nigeria. At the
rica to consider health system strengthening and 32,3 doctors per 10 000 population re- moment, the United States is battling with a
as a key priority. But this has not been the
case. At the beginning of the Ebola epidemic,
There is also a huge health infrastructure
limited supply of ventilators for Covid-19
patients. In Africa, very few countries can SEND YOUR COMMENTS
fear and panic prompted some African gov- gap. An assessment by WHO regarding the boast of having even 100 ventilators. There is
ernments to pay attention to shoring up their status of health infrastructure across the an urgent need, therefore, to pay attention to Send your feedback to the Zimbabwe
health systems, yet, when the grip of the
epidemic loosened, business as usual con-
continent revealed woefully inadequate
physical health infrastructure. Dispensaries
health system strengthening in Africa.
Investing in quality health infrastructure
tinued. and health centres are limited in supply. The makes sense from both economic and social Comments should be short and concise.
Africa cannot afford to go back to busi-
ness as usual when the Covid-19 pandemic
shortage of these facilities makes access to
primary healthcare a challenge to most rural
Indeed, there is enough evidence that
Send letters to: [email protected]
is finally halted. Such an attitude would be residents. For instance, total hospital density shows that investments in health infrastruc- WhatsApp: 0772293486
akin to settling down to sleep while our roof
is on fire. There are too many health issues
per 100 000 population across the continent
ranges from 0,06 to 0,17. The number of
ture create an avenue for resilient societies
and drive inclusive growth. Development
You can also comment on our website:
to be fixed – from an inadequate number of hospital beds, including intensive care unit partners have a role to play. They can pre- http://www.theindependent.co.zw and our
health care professionals to a lack of health
(ICU) beds, are limited. A country like South vent the collapse of health systems in Africa
by establishing special funding schemes to
Facebook and Twitter pages Zimbabwe
Africa, even with its advanced public health
At present, Africa is home to more than systems has less than 1 000 ICU beds. In Ma- support the health expenditures of African Independent.
1,3 billion people and bears one-third of the lawi, 17 million people rely on only 25 ICU countries. These must, however, be tar-

Let us not be blind to gendered impact of coronavirus

THE Covid-19 pandemic has caused a lot of Africa — for example. en and girls to collect the water. reduce the amount of public movement and in-
concern and panic globally as the number of in- This sounds well and good, but when schools teraction of people, it will certainly increase time
fections continue to rise. Social distancing have close children will need to be looked after at Healthcare provision spent in private spaces where women and girls
become the buzzwords, with citizens across the home and on whom does this responsibility fall? It is common cause that women make up the are abused, away from the public eye. While so-
world being advised to stay away from social The reality is that this will be the responsibility of majority of healthcare workers around the world. cial distancing is meant to protect and reduce the
gatherings and public engagements. their mothers and other female caregivers such According to the World Health Organisation es- risks of citizens getting infected, it may result in
Several countries have closed schools and as domestic workers who must ensure that they timates, 70% of the workforce that provides the risks of women and girls being abused and
universities to reduce the risk of infections. Oth- adhere to the necessary precautionary meas- health and social care services are women. Thus, violated.
ers have implemented national lockdowns in an ures. It is mostly women who will have to adjust as the virus has been spreading globally, it is It is therefore critical that as all of us take the
attempt to flatten the curve of infections. Since their schedules to accommodate their care giv- women who are at the forefront of providing care necessary precautions to prevent the spread
the virus spreads through physical interaction, ing roles while the men are less affected by such and social services to affected people. With such of Covid-19, we are cognisant of the gendered
reducing mass public contact makes sense in developments. In the event the children are in- global statistics, this means that even in Africa impact of the responsibilities involved in such
case the next interaction could be with some- fected, it is their mothers and custodians who will women health and social care workers will be initiatives. As governments call for physical and
one infected. But who bears the brunt of social be at the forefront of caring for them. more involved and affected in tackling the virus. social distancing, may there be reciprocal meas-
distancing? What is the gendered impact of the As Maria Holtsberg, humanitarian and disaster ures to ensure that women’s lives are not further
interventions to tackle Covid-19? risk advisor at UN Women Asia and Pacific says: Gender-based violence burdened.
“Crisis always exacerbates gender inequality.” Violence against women and girls is a global May the police be on the alert to address the
Burden of care It has also been emphasised that to prevent scourge with statistics showing that 35% of potential increase in domestic violence cases and
Several countries across Africa, Zimbabwe, contracting and/or spreading the virus, there is a women worldwide have experienced either render women and girls the relevant support they
Uganda and South Africa, among them, have de- need for people to wash their hands often and physical and/or sexual intimate partner violence need should they fall victim. Let us not be blind to
clared the virus as national disasters and taken a keep them clean. This also sounds good until we or non-partner sexual violence in their lifetime. the gendered impact of the coronavirus and we
number of measures to try and curb it. consider places where there is no running water. At least 38% of murders of women are com- all have a responsibility to mitigate this!
These include prohibiting social gatherings Who carries the burden of fetching water in many mitted by a male intimate partner. Gender-based Mpiwa Mangwiro.
such as weddings and funerals, banning travellers households? This responsibility often falls in the violence happens both in public and private Campaigns and advocacy specialist at
from high risk countries and closing schools — for hands of women and girls. The rising demand for spaces, with the latter often presumed to be MenEngage Africa Alliance. — mpiwa@
a month in Uganda and until after Easter in South clean water means an increase burden for wom- safe havens. While social distancing is meant to genderjustice.org.za


J Surprise coronavirus cure,

UST as the rest of the globe was
losing hope in finding a treat-
ment for Covid-19, Zimbabwe
made a surprise announcement.
The cure lies in dried vegetables.

jail for fake news peddlers

On Tuesday, the main story on
ZBC-TV, the world’s most trusted
news source, was that the First
Lady was drying vegetables for
distribution to people around
the country. The news was also
covered in The Herald, easily the the security forces and bitten by
world’s most credible newspaper. dogs while cooking outside her
The excitable Herald gushed: house.
“The 21-day lockdown has failed According to the High Court
to dampen the motherly instincts judges, Justices Joseph Muswakwa
of First Lady Auxillia Mnangagwa, and Justice Owen Tagu, the cops
who spent the better part of yes- must implement Covid-19 regula-
terday morning drying vegetables tions “with full respect for human
to meet the dietary needs of the rights and fundamental freedoms
vulnerable and elderly.” of persons”.
This has to be the cure for coro- This, obviously, caused confu-
navirus. Why else would it be the sion at ZRP General Headquarters.
main story, smack in the mid- Do you mean there is another type
dle of a global crisis of massive of policing that does not involve
proportions? randomly beating up people? You
Which self-respecting govern- mean police can be a service that
ment would allow its pliant media protects and serves, and not one
to run that as a main story during that is hated and feared by law-
a time like this, if there was not a abiding citizens? Policing without
big story behind it? teargas and batons? How is that
Surely it cannot be possible even possible?
that, in the middle of a crisis, our At the time of going to press,
national broadcaster decides that Covid-19 cure ... First Lady Auxillia Mnangagwa preparing leafy vegetables. senior police officers were in
the main story is dried vegetables. high-level meetings, still won-
We refuse to think that is the case. share toilets with the wretched have a feel of what is happening dering about what to do about this
We are sure the nation is being povo. What sort of country would and I was quite impressed with completely strange, earth-shat-
cued up for a massive announce- we be? the level of compliance in all the tering revelation.
ment telling the world of the heal- So, for our motorcade, we have cities,” the President said.
ing qualities of dried covo. those speedy motorbikes, the That all these towns just happen Court order

usual luxury 4X4s carrying too to be on the way to his Kwekwe TILL at the courts, govern-
Wheelchair many good-for-nothing hangers- farm is a coincidence. Anyone ment officials were also

HERE was more massive on, an open truck with those gun- who suggests the man was sim- shocked after judges ordered
news this week from Zim- toting militiamen, an ambulance, ply taking detours on his way to them to do their jobs.
babwe’s current owners. and now a truck carrying a toilet. his farm risks being arrested for A court ruling declared that it
While touring the country that No doubt the country will be undermining the authority of the was the government’s job to pro-
they own, they happened upon a delighted to know that the VIPs President. vide healthcare to the public and
disabled man begging by the road- are walking around with human He was pleased to see that adequate protection to health
side. The motorcade screeched to manure. people were staying indoors, the workers.
a halt and its esteemed occupants
emerged to talk down to the man, Country tour MUCKRAKER leader told reporters. Of course,
nobody should suggest that the
“For the duration of Covid-19
lockdown or extended period, the

caked in dust. In no time, a wheel- HE President, leading by ex- absence of people on the roads Ministry of Health shall ensure
chair had been secured from the ample as always, is observ- Twitter: @MuckrakerZim was due to citizens being allegedly that adequate measures are put in
Angel of Hope Foundation, and ing the call to stay at home bashed on their heads ahead of his place to prevent, contain and treat
delivered to the disabled man. by travelling around the country. arrival. the incidence of Covid-19 and,
One has to marvel at the effi- After a tour of Harare, he de- “We now have a law We should just be like his min- in particular, ensure within the
ciency displayed by all involved. cided it was time to show eve- which punishes those isters and tell him what he wants limit of resources that appropriate
Across the country, there were ryone how to comply with his to hear: that people love him so equipped quarantine and isola-
tears of gratitude. We have never lockdown, but going all over the who produce fake news much, they do whatever it is he tion facilities are established in all
seen such generosity to the disa- country. and I have ordered an says. provinces district hospitals and at
bled, at least not since Jesus Christ “Last week, we toured Harare, the designated airports and port of
came by that disabled man in but I then told myself that the ma- investigation into those Head bashing entry,” the order read
behind the fake statement
the town of Capernaum and told jority of the country’s leadership PEAKING of head bashing, It has had to take citizens going
him to pick up his mat and walk. is resident in Harare so I should the High Court this week had to court to force the government
Which country on the planet is also check what is happening in and, if found, we want to remind the Zimbabwe Re- to do its work. Until now, the gov-
blessed with such leadership? other cities and towns because that person to be an public Police that beating up peo- ernment was unaware that it had
people would ask questions as to ple is not part of their job. a job to do, beyond, of course,
Toilet why I only toured Harare. example by getting up to The order came after an ap- collecting taxes, buying big cars

D 20 years in prison.”
ONATIONS continue to pile “Today (yesterday) I visited plication by Karoi resident Lucia and travelling on airplanes for no
up at State House, as the Chegutu, Kadoma and Kwekwe to Masvondo, who was assaulted by reason.
country once again displays
the deep generosity that has be-
come synonymous with the First SHORT AND SWEET ...
Couple. People have looked up to

Fake news: Let’s start with those in govt

them and decided to emulate their
spirit of giving.
This week, it was announced
on ZBC that a local company had

bought the First Couple a mobile CCORDING to President Emmerson an investigation into those behind the fake around the country, has welcomed news
toilet each. They are to use these Mnangagwa, people who indulge in statement and, if found, we want that person that people who tell lies are to be jailed for 20
mobile ablution facilities when- fake news can face heavy fines and up to be an example by getting up to 20 years in years.
ever they go on their usual tours to two decades in jail. prison. It’s bad to peddle falsehoods, espe- We will, of course start with those who said
of the country they own. “We now have a law which punishes those cially about a President,” Mnangagwa said. Zimbabwe would have a world-class health
Heaven forbid our country’s who produce fake news and I have ordered Muckraker, like all progressive people system under their rule.
most famous couple be left to

12 Zimbabwe independent april 17 to 23, 2020


Covid-19 lockdown: Govt

THE Confederation of Zimbabwe
Industries (CZI) has been conducting
surveys to establish the economic
impact of Covid-19, which has killed

must put exit plan in place

more than 120 000 people globally.
The findings make for grim reading.
Business reporter Kudzai Kuwaza (KK)
this week caught up with CZI chief
economist Tafadzwa Bandama (TB,
pictured), who expressed her views business models during this crisis and im-
on the surveys and possible ways of plement tighter management of cash flows
overcoming the challenges posed by and liquidity as well as exploring new
the Covid-19 crisis. Below are excerpts sources of markets. Companies can also
enhance online presence since the world is
of the interview: going digital.
KK: When the lockdown ends, how can
KK: You have conducted a survey which the government facilitate business and en-
found that 46% of local firms are affected by sure that citizens as a whole are better pre-
the coronavirus pandemic. What does this pared for it?
mean for production in the country? TB: Government should communicate to
TB: As you are aware, the country was put the citizens about the country’s lockdown
on lockdown in order to minimise the trans- exit strategy. And whatever the exit plan
mission of the coronavirus which causes is, business should be informed in advance
Covid-19. Companies that produce non-es- to facilitate planning for restarting. Busi-
sentials are closed, while those that are op- ness and government need to collaborate
erating are not producing at their pre-lock- to come up with sector-specific business
down capacity levels because of the need to restart plans after the pandemic is brought
fulfil the social distancing requirement. under control.
In this regard, 34% of companies that re- The exit strategy should take into account
sponded to the survey were on nil produc- the destruction of global value chains and
tion, while 52% were operating between the role played by value addition and infra-
30 to 60% of pre-lockdown capacity per- structure development in national develop-
formance levels. This is painting an obvi- ment. In addition, the exit plan should be
ous scenario of a drop in productivity and informed by scientific evidence from epide-
production. miological modelling.
Our productive sector will suffer conta- KK: What lessons have been learnt from
gion effects of closed raw material source the impact of Covid 19?
markets and closed export destinations. TB: Countries are affected by this Cov-
Where markets are open, logistical bot- id-19 global pandemic at different times
tlenecks will cause delays in supply of raw and magnitudes. Moreover, the impact of
materials and finished goods, which curtails the pandemic on any country depends on
productivity and revenue. its geo-political economy. The income level
KK: In the manufacturing survey, you of a country also determines the measures
projected that capacity utilisation could go to be implemented as a complete lock-
down to 27% this year. Could it now go even down may be inappropriate for low-income
lower, considering the coronavirus impact economies like ours.
and the subsequent national lockdown? High-income economies can afford un-
TB: The productive sector is operating in employment benefits and health insurance
a very difficult business environment. The during lockdown, while in low-income
fundamental cause of this is macro-eco- economies prolonged lockdown punishes
nomic instability. So, companies are strug- the self-employed, who need to work every
gling to access foreign currency to import day in order to earn a living.
critical raw materials and intermediate in- Therefore, containment measures should
puts and working capital has been severely not be one-garment-fits-all measures but
eroded by inflation. The foreign exchange tailor-made for each specific country. In
inter-bank market has not been effective our case, malnutrition and food insecu-
in the allocation of foreign currency to the rity after the 2019 drought meant a differ-
productive sector as it has not been allowed ent approach to the pandemic. Because of
to discover a price where supply meets
Fact file: Tafadzwa Bandama our near-collapsed health system, strategic
focus should be on containment and mini-
Rampant growth in money supply has mum business disruption.
caused very high inflation in the economy l Bandama is the Confederation of Zimbabwe and real sector economics; and As this pandemic is unfolding in the
and this has been made worse by the nega- Industries chief economist; l She has a vast background in economics re- whole world, it is interesting to note that
tive impact on output due to the absence of l She has experience in macro-economics search and policy analysis. nations are adopting a nationalistic stance.
key economic enablers. The economy is ex- Each nation for herself, implying that in
isting in a low equilibrium growth trap and the short-to-medium term the avenue of
the advent of Covid-19 which has necessi- containment policies do not hasten the pension payments. international support may turn out to be a
tated a national lockdown to contain trans-
mission of the disease will most likely ex-
catastrophic collapse of the productive
sector and the economy.
• PKK:
rocurement policy should favour locals.
Given the impact of Covid-19 and the
There is a lot of uncertainty surrounding
tend our very poor economic performance.
This is because the economy was already

Guarantees can be used to allow poten-
tially viable companies to borrow and re-
lockdown, what would you project will be
economic growth in 2020?
Covid-19 and this calls for well-informed
containment measures that minimise re-
suffering from stunted economic growth suscitate operations. TB: The outlook for the economy is very cession and hardships on the population.
before the outbreak of the pandemic.
KK: Can you estimate how much business

Liquidity support arrangements must be
put in place for the banking sector in line
uncertain so it is difficult to predict at this
stage how far-reaching the impact will be
This is because of the evident trade-offs be-
tween containment policies and economic
will be lost during the lockdown? with international best practice and con- on the economy. development.
TB: As you know, countries have de- sistent with maintaining a stable mon- However, initial indications are that gross KK: Can you give us your parting shot?
ployed varying levels of national lockdown etary base. domestic product will fall by more than TB: Countries with strong economies have
in order to contain Covid-19 since it is
highly infectious besides being novel. Com-

Restructure loan repayments as opposed
to suspending them.
10%, with expectations of a quick rebound
once the pandemic is brought under control
been able to respond effectively. It has been
reported that China relied on its informa-
panies have indicated varying degrees of
revenue loss with percentage losses ranging

Interest rate regime could be lowered for
the productive sector so that they kick-
as the Zimbabwean economy is extremely
resilient. The caveat is that we sort out our
tion technology sophistication to fight the
pandemic, while the same cannot be imple-
between 45% and 100% due to reduction or start production. macro-economic policies to turn around mented in a country with low information
total suspension of operations as well as low
demand and losses experienced in the per-

Business rentals should be rationalised
so that there are no evictions for failure
the economy very quickly.
KK: A number of companies worldwide
technology penetration. This experience
should spur us to embark on leapfrogging
ishable sector. Losses have also emanated to pay rentals in view of the lockdown. have implemented salary cuts as a result economic development plans so that we are
from high overheads, supply chain disrup- Companies that are owing should be al- of viability problems caused by the pan- ready to cope with the inevitable calamities
tions, logistical challenges, international lowed rollovers and extensions of repay- demic. Do you see local firms taking similar that will come our way in future.
trade challenges, short banking hours and ment time. measures? Remember we had Cyclone Idai recently
less man hours.
KK: How much is needed as a rescue

Government could consider increasing
Pay As You Earn (PAYE) bands by 200%,
TB: No business has been spared the
negative effects of this lockdown. Some
in 2019. We do not know what is round the
corner. Our responsibility is to double our
package for industry in your estimation? effective April 1 2020. have been more affected than others. Many efforts to be a productive economy, growing
TB: It may be too early to establish the
quantum of resources needed but, as I in-

The survey that was carried out by CZI re-
vealed that most companies, at 82%, can
companies have not awarded dividends for
many years now. Companies are realising
exports and able to afford a decent health
delivery system and at the same time with
dicated earlier, companies are in a catch-22 only sustain payment of wages and sala- huge overheads due to the lockdown and capacity to establish financial resources like
situation due to the pandemic effects and ries for a month and, in this regard, gov- employers are unable to sustain payment of other countries in the region.
significant resources will be needed to ernment could allow employers to offset wages under lockdown. This crisis must be seen by all as a timely
jump-start industry operations once the a 2% Intermediate Transaction Tax paid Month-on-month inflation was about call to action and an opportunity to start
lockdown is lifted. in any given month against PAYE due for 26% for March 2020. This means that pres- afresh and develop all sectors of our econ-
KK: In what ways can government miti- that month. sure on prices and incomes is continuing. omy. We should develop our economy to
gate the losses incurred by industry?
TB: Given the far-reaching effects of the

Due dates for PAYE and value-added
tax can be deferred to provide relief for
The buying power of employees continues
to be reduced. Any talk of reducing salaries
achieve some measure of self-reliance,
rather than relying on imports of goods and
lockdown and the limited fiscal space, the businesses that are facing cash flow and is really up to each company because cash- services that can be produced locally.
following measures may be considered: working capital challenges. flow challenges are now a common occur-
• Government should review the modus op-
erandi of the lockdown so that Covid-19

Downward review of National Social Se-
curity Authority payments, Aids levy and
rence for most companies.
However, companies can review their
Bandama can be contacted on tbandama@
Zimbabwe independent april 17 TO 23, 2020 13


Kudzai Kuwaza

THE lethargic and slow response by the

government to contain the coronavirus
Snail’s pace response to Covid-19
pandemic that has killed more than 100 000
people globally has once again exposed dis-
astrous governance failures, as highlighted
by a dangerous reluctance to adequately
pandemic exposes govt failures
fund the health sector.
The virus, which has wreaked havoc same period. Even Uganda is testing more March 30, a financial package to vulner- “Consequently, our health infrastruc-
worldwide with dire economic, social and than 500 people daily which is our total in able households and the current setting up ture is crumbling due to years of under-
political implications, has infected almost the last three weeks. The blame must be of additional isolation points and Covid-19 prioritisation. Lack of adequately equipped
two million people worldwide and killed placed squarely on government for years of treatment points, the glaring omissions far isolation centres, testing and data track-
three in Zimbabwe. The Covid-19 scourge, neglect. The oft-touted Health for All slogan outweigh what has been achieved so far. ing is manifesting itself in this coronavirus
thought to have originated in Wuhan in is now silent. Our leaders must now come The bitter complaints by the family of the conundrum.”
China, has been devastating, with countries to their senses and prioritise investment in country’s first coronavirus fatality, journal- The failure to prioritise the health sector
such as the United States, Italy, Spain, Unit- public hospitals.” ist Zororo Makamba, over the bungling that is evidenced by the government’s contin-
ed Kingdom and France being among the The ceremonies where companies make led to his demise provides startling evidence ued failure to adhere to the Abuja Declara-
hardest hit in terms of fatalities. donations for the fight against Covid-19, in of government’s dereliction of duty and tion. The declaration by the African Union
In Zimbabwe, the outbreak has brutally which President Emmerson Mnangagwa criminal negligence in fighting the virus. in April 2001 states that governments in
exposed government’s lack of prepared- and his two deputies, Mohadi, and Constan- The desperate state of affairs is reflec- African countries set aside at least 15% of
ness, a manifestation of years of grossly un- tino Chiwenga, are on hand to receive, have tive of government’s failure to prioritise the the budget for the health sector, which the
derfunding the health sector. been met with widespread derision and health sector, according to analyst and chief government has never managed to achieve.
Nothing underlined government’s lack of contempt, prompting widespread accusa- executive of non-governmental organisa- With the World Health Organisation
seriousness to fight the scourge more than tions that government’s main strategy in tion Habbakuk Trust Dumisani Nkomo. warning that the Covid-19 virus could
the Health ministry’s admission in a High fighting the scourge is receiving donations. “Our public health system has been found worsen in Africa, it remains to be seen
Court case in which the government is be- Although government has taken several wanting because we have failed to ade- whether government can rise to the occa-
ing sued by health workers for failing to pro- steps to contain the virus which include a quately prioritise healthcare for decades,” sion to protect lives at risk from the deadly
vide essential materials to treat patients. The 21-day national lockdown which began on Nkomo said. scourge.
ministry revealed it was yet to receive the
US$200 million from Treasury needed to
purchase material crucial for health work-
ers battling to treat coronavirus patients.
The failure to procure adequate equip-
ment could also result in large numbers of
people affected by the coronavirus pan-
demic failing to get treatment. The govern-
ment has also failed to acquire, in a timely
manner, adequate testing kits and is there-
fore unable to give a correct national assess-

ment of the spread of Covid-19.
The lack of preparedness is also revealed
by the small number of people who have
been tested for the virus. The country had
managed to test only about 600 people as
of April 13. In comparison, Uganda has been
testing more than 500 daily while Cam-
eroon launched a nationwide door-to-door
Covid-19 testing programme with South Af-
rica testing more than 80 000 people.
This puts into perspective the alarmingly
pedestrian pace the country is taking in
the fight against the virus despite govern-
ment officials’ desperation to paint a picture
of progress. The chairperson of the inter-
ministerial ad hoc committee on Covid-19,
Vice-President Kembo Mohadi, this week
announced that government has adopted
a strategy to test 1 000 people daily for the
virus and have set a target of testing 40 000
people by the end of this month. Whether
this can be achieved remains to be seen.
The government's struggle to put in place
substantive measures to fight Covid-19 is a
damning indictment of government’s fail- Birthday
ure to adequately fund the health sector
over the years, according to business con-
sultant Simon Kayereka.
“Someone once said for every lie that you
tell you incur a debt to the truth. The chick-
ens have now come home to roost. Africa
has roughly 1,2 billion people which is about
15% of the global population but carries
about 27% of the disease burden. It is esti-
PSMI joins the nation in celebrating
mated, while Africa carries this burden, it
also has the weakest public health system,”
Kayereka said.
40 years of Independence.
“This is why our elites have been run-
ning away to other countries for treatment.
Zimbabwe in particular has always been an
accident waiting to happen. Our health in-
frastructure is dilapidated. We have failed
to maintain our public health institutions
hence the proliferation of private hospitals.
We have also failed to pay the health per-
sonnel adequately, resulting in perennial
“Add to that, there is hardly any medical
equipment and drugs. Main hospitals like
Parirenyatwa, Sally Mugabe (formerly Ha-
rare Central Hospital) and Mpilo have been
operating at below 50% capacity due to in-
capacitation of health personnel. Where did
we go wrong?
“We failed to prioritise the health sector.
Inheriting infrastructure is one thing but
maintaining it is another. We failed on this
score. Training medical personnel is one
thing, but retaining them is another. We
have suffered from over-reliance on donat-
ed drugs, while the larger part of the budget
goes to consumption. I could go on and on
but now, come Covid-19, we were caught
with our pants down.
“Right now we have tested just over 500
people while our neighbour South Africa
has tested more than 80 000 people in the
14 Zimbabwe independent April 17 TO 23, 2020


The law must be upheld
THE court has delivered its judgment and
lawyers, journalists and analysts have
weighed in with their takes.
One thing though is as absolute as the
sun will rise from the east tomorrow: the
ramifications of Justice Bharat Patel’s pro-
nouncement will shake Zimbabwe’s op-
position body politic right to its foundation.
By extension, the same judgment has also
composed, signed, sealed and delivered the
political epitaphs of some of the country’s
most prominent actors. Time will reveal
their identities.
I found the judgment a bitter pill to swal-
low and I still do. For once, I wished I held
sway; I would have changed it. Unfortu-
nately, the law is what it is. It is the law.
I still believe that Nelson Chamisa has the
numbers. He is charismatic and also that
in an election against Thokozani Khupe he
would prevail by a wide margin, anytime
and anywhere. The Supreme Court judg-
ment acknowledges this fact and more, but
still insists that the law be followed.
The judgment also acknowledges that a Thokozani Khupe Nelson Chamisa
lot has happened in the intervening period
between Chamisa’s appointment as vice- After a bruising court battle which drew necessary.” yet they remained distinct political parties.
president and the day the initial judgment some of southern Africa’s sharpest legal Chin’ono here was asking two profound The founding MDC-Alliance document is
was handed down. However, the judge then minds in George Bizos and Eric Matinenga, questions: clear that when the alliance fails to assume
says declaring the judgment moot is tanta- to mention but two, Tsvangirai was acquit- 1. Can Chamisa be trusted to uphold the state power in the 2018 election, then each
mount to allowing Chamisa to benefit from ted in a judgment read out by Justice Pad- constitution of the country when he fails to party would go back to its original position.
an illegality. His appointment to the vice- dington Garwe, the same judge who now observe that of his own party? This is exactly what the MDC-T did and so
presidency was unconstitutional and eve- stands accused of being “captured” after he 2. Can Zimbabweans honestly look up to did Brigadier Agrippa Mutambara, Guchutu,
rything else that Chamisa assumed on the sat on the bench which delivered the recent MDC-T to deliver us from the clutches of et al. The MDC-Alliance has no constitution.
basis of that becomes null and void. It has watershed judgment. Zanu PF oppression? Obviously, someone with a fertile imagi-
no effect at law. Ncube is thus the least qualified to talk When the MDC wins a court case, eve- nation is currently in the process of putting
You land a job as a nurse on the basis of a about moles or Central Intelligence Or- ryone must respect the judiciary and ac- something together. Please do not be that
forged certificate. You get promoted and win ganisation agents. His own political career cept the ruling as fair but, when they lose clumsy, we do not want a repeat of the V11
the Health Professional of the Year award. in that regard resembles that of a decorated before the same courts, the judgment must Constitutional Court charade. Comply with
You are popular with patients and work- rear admiral. William Shakespeare in Julius be deemed unfair, the judges seen as biased, the court ruling. Do not postpone the pain.
mates alike. Later it is revealed that your Caesar aptly puts it, Et tu Brute! (And you, unreasonable and captured. Unfortunately, Go through it and the sooner the better.
certificate is a forgery and that you actually too, Welshman!). Biti left the MDC-T for it does not work like that. The law is the law African have always lamented that our
failed your nurse training. Do you insist that reasons alluded to earlier, but it must also and no one is above it. We must all follow leaders make mistakes because they are
since you are popular with patients and are be said that some good-for-nothing busy- it to the letter and spirit. It is for this rea- either insulated from the truth by the syco-
the reigning health professional of the year bodies and their coterie had sleepless nights son that countries and organisations have phants surrounding them or they are sim-
you should be allowed to continue working stirring oftentimes a non-existent rift be- constitutions. ply allergic to the truth if it does not tickle
as if nothing ever happened? That would be tween Tsvangirai and his secretary-general. Constitutions are made to protect organi- their delusions of grandeur. We had hope
a promotion of criminality. Tsvangirai fell for the dummy — hook, line sations and the weak against the greedy, in learned youthful leaders but lo and be-
Truth be said, you will be arrested and and sinker — and, as they say, the rest is those with an insatiable appetite for power, hold they are just as bad, if not worse than
asked to restitute all the money you received history. Biti has not forgotten; amnesia is those who think that they are the Creator’s the old-school Yoweri Kaguta Museveni and
in salaries and awards. This is how the legal not one of his weaknesses. He will respond gift to mother earth. others.
system works. One does not have to be an in kind at the opportune time. He has the There is no amount of Twitter onslaught In 2017, Eric Matinenga was requested to
officer of the court to understand this. willpower; he is only caching the arsenal. that can change what the judgment is de- give a legal opinion on the appointment of
The level of bravado in the Chamisa camp If both Ncube and Biti left for the same manding of all protagonists. If the judg- Chamisa and Mudzuri to the MDC-T vice-
is palpable, at least on social media and, reasons, can it then not be surmised that: ment is moot and of no consequence to the presidency. Had his advice been heeded, all
curiously, it is coming from either MDC-T 1.Tsvangirai was a problem or MDC-Alliance, then why not just ignore this mess would have been averted. Tsvan-
returnees or erstwhile adversaries. Return- 2. The institution that Tsvangirai built and it and continue with life as if it never hap- girai created all this mess. It is time to call a
ees are those who once ditched the party led had such structural deficiencies it could pened? As the Americans would say: “Why spade by its name and look the monster in
and went on to fashion their own political not manage strife in a tolerant manner or scratch where it don’t itch?” The fact that all the eye. As soon as Tsvangirai made those
formations. 3. Both of the above. and sundry are fretting and are hot below two appointments, financial support from
I briefly unpack the returnees in turn. In Today, Douglas Mwonzora bemoans the the collar getting their undies all twisted is a traditional funders literally dried up. Apart
2005, Welshman Ncube, the then secre- frightening levels of MDC-T intolerance. clear indication that they are aware that it is from violating the constitution, backers
tary-general, raptured and led a breakaway Social media is there for all to see. no longer business as usual. also cited violence and intolerance and they
which he called the MDC, claiming that his All said and done, the Supreme Court How about those affidavits being forced pointed to the beating up of Elton Mangoma
was the original and those who disagreed judgment is simply imploring the MDC-T to down the throats of MPs to swear allegiance at Harvest House right in front of Tsvangirai,
were free to form another party. Ncube observe its own constitution. Why should to Chamisa and the MDC Alliance? It is a while Tendai Biti survived by the skin of his
was buoyed by the fact that he left with the it be so painful for an organisation, which sign of desperation and a clear indication teeth.
majority of senior members of the standing purports to be fighting for democracy and that all is not well. Given what we saw at Tsvangirai’s funeral
committee, as well as bank accounts and a the rule of law to observe and respect a con- Chamisa is better advised not to listen to when the usurpation of power was in full
host of movable and immovable assets. stitution which it voluntarily authored? interested parties, especially Biti and Ncube swing, the MDC-T is sadly mutating towards
This split saw the MDC led by Morgan Ts- At one time, Chamisa went to desperate and here is why. Biti once led a group of more autocracy and fast morphing into a chete chete
vangirai gain the suffix “T” for purposes of lengths to demonstrate to the world that Ts- than 20 elected Members of Parliament and (he alone) “Dear-Leader and Obedient-
differentiating it from the Ncube-led MDC vangirai had anointed him to take over the a host of senators and women’s quota MPs Servant” movement, the very monster it
“Green” on the ballot papers. The “T” has party leadership. This was as absurd as it down a cul de sac or a dead end, if you like. was created to fight and resist.
stuck. was rank madness. Where in the party con- The majority of them are still swimming in Zanu PF hegemony, weak institutions and
Nine years later, Tendai Biti, incidentally stitution does it give a sitting president the there with no hope of a comeback while Biti strongman tendencies are what destroyed
a lawyer and also secretary-general, left the authority to anoint a successor? is now back in Parliament and chairing the Zimbabwe and led to the unceremonious
party and formed his own outfit which he To claim that one was anointed is just powerful Public Accounts Committee, one ouster of Mugabe. Murisi Zwizwai, MDC-T
christened the People’s Democratic Party as bad an abrogation of the constitution if of only two committees provided for in the secretary for elections, announced in the
(PDP) Renewal. not worse than deploying the “vanguard” constitution. He is also enjoying the vice- run up to the 2019 congress that anyone
Both Ncube and Biti left citing Tsvangirai’s youths at a funeral wake for the same presidency of the party that he ditched ac- who dared oppose Chamisa for the presi-
growing autocratic tendencies and a failure purpose. rimoniously barely four years ago. dency would be decisively dealt with. Such
by the country’s main opposition party to The MDC-T has guiding principles clearly On the other hand, do we not all remem- irresponsible utterances from a senior offi-
handle internal divisions. As they left the spelt out in the constitution. Fortunately, ber that Ncube was described by the then cial (never mind that Murisi is generally not
party, both protagonists gladly said Zim- journalist Hopewell Chin’ono forewarned American ambassador to Zimbabwe Chris- taken seriously) have the effect to import
babwe was better off in the hands of Zanu us and put it succinctly in his installment of topher Dell as the most divisive character on anarchy amongst a recalcitrant and excit-
PF’s Robert Mugabe and that the main op- 2018 following Chamisa’s unconstitutional Zimbabwe’s political landscape? The same able legion of youth regardless.
position MDC in its current state (which still ascendency to the Presidency thus: diplomat described Tsvangirai as being ter- Why does a 21st century political out-
subsists because not much, if any, has been “It will be difficult for the MDC-T and in- ribly flawed with the habit of taking coun- fit ready to lead the country on the path to
done to change it) was not in a position to deed Chamisa and his alliance partners to sel of the last person he has spoken to. The world-class democracy and the rule of law
take the reins of state power. talk about a return to constitutionalism as a unconstitutional appointment of two vice- have a uniformed militia? Even Angola’s
Shockingly, Ncube went a step further campaign tool when they themselves have presidents is a stark confirmation. Do not MPLA which fought a 30-year civil war
and became one of the key state witnesses in failed in that test dismally.” say you were not warned. post-colonialism does not have a militia.
the Ari Ben Menashe case in which Tsvangi- Indeed, they failed desolately. He fur- The MDC-Alliance is not a political party Militia equals violence, simple. Otherwise
rai faced treason charges which carried the ther averred: “It would be impossible if not but a special purpose vehicle created to pre- why have it? The law is the law. You cannot
death penalty. Some people accused Ncube ridiculous for them to accuse (President sent a united opposition front to Zanu PF. have your cake and eat it.
of being part of a sting operation that pur- Emmerson) Mnangagwa of being a coup Remember PF Zapu and Zanu PF. They were
portedly recorded Tsvangirai soliciting a hit- leader when they themselves have done the the Patriotic Front for the purpose of con- Dube is MDC-T Youth Assembly member, Gokwe
man to assassinate President Mugabe. same thing, grabbing power by any means fronting the enemy with a united front and Mapfungautsi, email: [email protected]
Zimbabwe independent April 17 to 23, 2020 15


Covid-19 implications
THE Covid-19 crisis threatens the world
with socio-economic disasters of gargan-
tuan proportions.
However, the pandemic also offers gov-
on the economy (II)
ernments a rare opportunity to under-
take policy changes that will address the
short-term public-health challenge, and
also boost the global economy’s long-term
growth potential.
It is vital that governments the world
over would seize the moment and the
Covid-19 crisis. For instance, governments
should immediately take advantage of the
lower global price of oil and pass these cuts
to consumers through lower prices for fuel
and electricity.
For Zimbabwe, the coronavirus pandem-
ic provides a golden opportunity to look
inwards for solutions to our development
challenges and rethink macro-economic
and development policy. An important les-
son emerging from the Covid-19 pandemic
is that strategic and smart state interven-
tion is very critical.
Therefore, to sustainably address the
structural challenges that have been
brought to the fore by the Covid-19 pan-
demic requires the reorientation of the
state into a developmental welfarist state.
Countries with strong developmental
welfarist-oriented economic models (such
as Singapore, Denmark, Norway) have
been better able to deal with the pandemic.
Developmental welfarist states that peo-
ple and their basic human rights should
be put at the centre of development. They
offer social protection by assuring (at the
very least) a minimum income: provides
access to food security, health care, educa-
tion, housing, employment and social wel-
fare services to all of their citizens.
This implies that our macro-economic
and development priorities must be based
on the attainment of socio-economic rights
through the adoption and implementation
of a human rights approach to develop-
ment that ring-fences expenditures in sec-
tors such as agriculture, water, sanitation,
health, education, infrastructure, employ-
ment-enhancement, well-targeted cash
transfers for households living in extreme
poverty conditions such as child-headed
families, persons living with disability,
the elderly, and the chronically ill to en-
able them to purchase a basket of basic
The Covid-19 pandemic has exposed the
lack of preparedness and resilience of the
economy. The government at both national
and local level has not been able to ad-
equately provide basic social services such The Covid-19 pandemic has exposed Zimbabwe’s weak health system.
as water and sanitation, electricity and
public health. and rural areas ensuring access to under- This applies to locals seeking medical have a devastating and lasting impact on an
This has compromised the capacity to served populations. help anywhere but home (for example, already fragile health system. The Covid-19
adequately deal with the pandemic and The Covid-19 pandemic also exposes our medical tourism by political elites at the pandemic has made clear the importance
makes the country vulnerable to future over-reliance on donors to fund our pub- expense of the taxpayer). The cost of medi- of an effective and affordable health deliv-
pandemics and disasters. lic health system. The government spends cal tourism could build 25 district hospitals ery system.
The health challenges of Covid-19 for the a relatively small share of gross domestic overnight. Ultimately, our greatest chal- The immediate efforts need to focus on
country are daunting. Zimbabwe’s health product (GDP) on health care, projected at lenge is not lack of resources but rather limiting the spread of the virus, providing
system is weak and its health workforce about 2% in 2020 down from an estimated poor stewardship and deployment of the care to those who fall seriously ill and en-
overburdened. Zimbabwe has fewer health 3% in 2019. resources we have and wrong priorities. suring that other health challenges are not
professionals per capita than most coun- The inadequate public financing of health To address the shortage of essential med- neglected. We must also keep in mind the
tries, making any impact on the health sec- has resulted in an over-reliance on out-of- icines, there is need to build the capacity of longer-term strategic imperative of making
tor more pronounced. pocket and external financing, which is local drug manufacturers such as the Na- progress towards universal health coverage
The number, quality and capability of highly unsustainable. tional Pharmaceutical Company, CAPS, (UHC).
health care workers as a ratio of the popu- Development assistance towards the Pharmanova and Datlabs through import- Government must explore options and
lation is low. According to the World Health health sector is projected at US$360 745 substituting industrialisation. strategies for innovative mobilisation of re-
Organisation (WHO), as at 2016 Zimbabwe 139 in 2020, up from US$316 224 754 in The increased reliance on donor depend- sources, building on best practices involv-
had a skilled health professionals’ den- 2019. We must wean ourselves of donor ence for health care funding and drug pro- ing: (i) On the supply side, the implemen-
sity (per 10 000 population) of 12,7. This dependency and assume full financial and curement poses a demand-side constraint tation of fiscal decentralisation with in-
points to a huge deficit. The WHO identi- economic responsibility over our own de- for local pharmaceutical manufacturing creased transfers from the central govern-
fied in 2006 a minimum density thresh- velopmental trajectory. No country can firms as drugs for HIV and Aids, tubercu- ment to provincial and district health insti-
old of 22,8 skilled health professionals per sustainably develop on the basis of donor losis and malaria are procured externally. tutions and facilities on the basis of needs
10 000 people to provide the most basic dependency as shown by the experiences Currently, local drug manufacturers sup- and performance. (ii) On the demand side,
health coverage. of developmental welfarist states. We must ply only about 10% of the drugs used locally explore the possibilities for the establish-
The country’s nurse establishment was use what we have to initiate and sustain our with about 60% coming from exports with ment of a health insurance system. About
last reviewed in 1983 yet the population own development. about 30% being donated medicines. Zim- 95% of Zimbabweans are without health
has increased significantly since then. This Others have argued that the govern- babwe has a comparative advantage in the insurance.
has left a huge shortage of nurses at public ment does not have much room for fiscal pharmaceuticals which must be harnessed The WHO has been advocating a tax on
health institutions with the situation worse freedom. through government support. The country sugar-sweetened beverages to finance
in rural areas. Most rural health facilities However, nothing could be further from can learn from its past when it strategically public health. The “sugar tax”, apart from
have on average two nurses, which is high- the truth. For instance, there are many op- intervened in various ways to nurture and reducing consumption of sugary drinks,
ly inadequate. portunities to cut back on non-productive promote the industrial sector. also raises additional revenues for Treas-
Going forward, it is critically important recurrent expenditures. A good example is Zimbabwe is already confronting myriad ury to address public health challenges.
to ensure that human resources for health the role of medical tourism in crowding out health challenges, including HIV and Aids Beyond health system responses, there is a
(HRH) planning takes into account de- resources. There is an African idiom that “if and tuberculosis, meaning a lot of people in critical need to develop and strengthen so-
mographic trends and developments. Ap- a man does not eat at home, he may never the country may be immune-compromised cial protection systems.
propriate incentives must be designed to give his wife enough money to cook a good and more at risk of serious complications.
ensure equitable distribution across urban meal”. The emergence of Covid-19 will surely Chitambara is a scholar based in Harare.
16 Zimbabwe independent APRIL 17 to 23, 2020


2020 Subaru
Introduced in 2019, the Subaru Outback
has been optimised with a number of ob-
jectives in mind, namely to offer better fuel
Outback is
efficiency, a quieter and safer ride, boost-
ed technology, and turbocharged power,
which is something Subaru has not given its
Outback in over 10 years.
Subaru lovers are among some of the
most loyal motorists in the world even in
The utility-focussed wagon-SUV blend
offers seating for five, standard all-wheel
drive, improved safety features, and a
peaceful, comfortable cabin.
Subaru placed much of its focus for the
new Outback on its interior, although
the exterior will have a few notable style
changes like wider fenders and a bolder
grille. The interior, however, sees a host of
new technologies aimed at making driving
easier and riding more comfortable. The re-
designed Outback is already on sale. It is one
of the brands that is not well-represented in
Zimbabwe in terms of a dealership.
It has a stiffer frame to improve respon-
siveness, crash safety, and noise reduction.
Subaru also used what it calls an “Active x
Tough” design that focusses on a bold, rug-
ged look with wide fenders, a raised tail-
gate, and boot-like accents on the lower
sides of the SUV, meant to make the Out-
back look as capable as it is. With a ground
clearance of 22cm, the SUV is ready to hit
the road or trails.
Overall, the Outback kept its famous
wagon-like body shape catered toward off-
roading and adventure. The 2020 version
will also return with standard roof rails and
its tell-tale hexagonal front grille.
The inside of the 2020 Outback is where
you are likely to notice the most significant
changes, the first being its wider wind-
shield that gives a more open feel from the
cabin. An 11,6-inch touchscreen found in
all models, but the base trim level is also
an eye-catching feature that offers a crisp,
clear, and conveniently-placed infotain-
ment centre.
It is a bit quieter than its outgoing version
— about 3 dB quieter, to be exact — thanks
to its newly-optimised platform that re-
duces noise from the road, thicker sound-
reducing glass, and door weather strips.
The new Outback has the interior space
drivers have come to expect from the
ready-for-adventure SUV, too. Subaru wid-
ened the rear gate for more effortless load-
ing and unloading and increased the boot
area of space with the rear seatbacks folded
down. Most models will include a hands-
free liftgate and a one-touch cargo cover for
added convenience.
With a line-up of seven trims, the new
Outback will have something for everyone,
although most standard features are yet to
be released. The SUV will include EyeSight tone interior colour scheme, and water- model year to not only provide a more re- Blind spot detection, a head-up display,
Driver Assist Technology in every trim level repellent seats. sponsive, comfortable, and quiet ride, but lane change assist, and reverse automatic
to offer perks like adaptive cruise control This is the first year for Subaru to gift also to offer a stiffer construction with im- braking are a few available safety features
with lane centering, driver fatigue alerts, turbocharged engines to its Outback. The proved crash protection. for the new Outback.
and lane keeping assist. Drivers can add 2020 Outback gets a mostly-new standard Subaru estimates that this improvement Standard on all Outback models this year
onto the system on upper trims with ad- 2,5-litre turbocharged boxer engine with alone should earn the 2020 Outback a Top is Subaru’s prized EyeSight Driver Assist
ditional features like a front-view camera, direct injection for up to 137Kw horsepower Safety Pick+ rating from the Insurance In- technology, which includes an impressive
blind spot monitoring, and reverse auto- and 237Nm of torque. The XT has higher stitute for Highway Safety (IIHS) like its facial recognition feature that detects with
matic braking. specs and fuel efficiency than the standard outgoing model. a driver gets fatigued or distracted on the
The high tech touchscreen also comes engine and up to 1588kg of towing capabil- Other standard safety features include a road.
with all but the base model for drivers to ity. Both engines come mated to a continu- suite of eight airbags and EyeSight driver The system will alert the driver and pas-
control climate, audio, bluetooth, and more. ously variable transmission (CVT) with an assistance technology. The EyeSight system sengers if it spots anything potentially haz-
The infotainment centre will also come with eight-speed manual mode. includes adaptive cruise control, pedestrian ardous by using the driver’s facial features.
Android and Apple integration. Drivers will You can hit 100kmh in less than seven detection, crash avoidance, lane departure The technology will hold information for up
also be able to add up to four USB ports and seconds, while realising 9km per litre in warnings, and other helpful features for ac- to five drivers of your vehicle to trigger that
two 12-volt power outlets on upper models. town. cident avoidance. driver’s memory settings for audio, seat
A new Onyx Edition XT trim adds sporti- Previous Outback models have used A Driver Focus Distraction system will control preferences, and more.
ness to the lineup with 18-inch black alloy the Subaru Global Platform, although this also help drivers avoid fatigue through facial
wheels, upgraded all-wheel drive, a two- frame has been optimised for the current recognition detection and relevant alerts. [email protected]


Bangladesh: Swift justice
rid of any other way.
Nothing can justify what the murder-
THE murders happened 45 years ago and ers did and their decision to slaughter his
what remains of the family has been seek- entire family is incomprehensible. They
ing vengeance ever since. One of the kill- were ruthless young men on the make, not
ers was caught a week ago — and he was far-sighted patriots and the immediate af-
hanged at one minute past midnight last termath of their crime was just a string of
Sunday morning. Justice long delayed, but military dictators who did the country no
swift enough when it came. favours at all. But it all ended pretty well.
Abdul Majed, then a young officer in the The politics of Bangladesh remains tur-
Bengal Lancers, an elite unit in the Bangla- bulent and sometimes ugly, but as a coun-
desh Army, was a member of the military try, it is a success story. It is very crowded
team that assassinated the “Father of the and poor in resources — Henry Kissinger
Nation”, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, in 1975. once called it a “basket case” — but its
They slaughtered almost all of his fam- population is under control and it has the
ily, too: his wife, three sons (the youngest fastest-growing economy in Asia. Its GDP
was 10), two daughters-in-law, and all the per capita has already overtaken Pakistan’s
servants in the presidential mansion — 20 and it’s about to overtake India’s.
persons in all. Mujibur Rahman, who led Not bad for a basket case.
the struggle for independence from Paki-
stan, had turned out to be a poor choice as Dyer is a London-based independent journalist.
president, but it still seemed excessive to His new book is titled Growing Pains: The Future
murder almost everybody he loved too. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman of Democracy (and Work).
The only survivors of Mujib’s fam-
ily were his two daughters, Sheikh Hasina
and Sheikh Rehana, who were in Europe • Must have good financial report writing skills.
• Good problem solving skills
and missed the massacre. But the mur- • Excellent time management skills.
derers had done what the army wanted,
whether or not its senior officers knew PROCUREMENT OFFICER (1 post) Harare
The position exists to provide an effective, efficient and economical procurement
about the coup in advance and they were services to the Commission.
not punished. On the contrary, they were
Mujib’s assassination inaugurated a long • Prepare Commission procurement plans and monitor performance.
• Identify and recommend to the Commission potential suppliers.
period of military rule in Bangladesh, with BACKGROUND • Prepare bidding documents in compliance with the prevailing procurement laws.
further coups and assassinations, but of- Zimbabwe Human Rights Commission is a Constitutional body whose mandate is to promote,
• Establish and negotiate contract terms and conditions with suppliers.
protect and enforce human rights and administrative justice in Zimbabwe.
ficially the men who killed Mujibur Rah- • Produce relevant procurement reports monthly, quarterly, annually.
man’s family were heroes. Embarrassing The Commission seeks to consider suitably qualified candidates for the following ‘Permanent
heroes, so they were mostly given posts as Contract’ positions to be based in Harare and Bulawayo offices;
• Must have an honours degree in purchasing and supply or equivalent.
military attaches in Bangladeshi embas- HUMAN RIGHTS OFFICER (12 posts) Bulawayo & Harare • Professional qualification in procurement preferably CIPS or related.
sies overseas, but a special law was passed The post exists to fulfill the functions of the ZHRC as outlined in section 243 (1) (a-k) of the • At least three years’ relevant working experience with bias towards public sector
granting them immunity from prosecution Constitution of Zimbabwe amendment no. 20 of 2013.
• Sound knowledge in Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Assets Act [Chapter
for the crime. KEY RESULT AREAS 22:23].
Indeed, for 20 years they were looked • Promote awareness of and respect for human rights and freedoms. • Member of a professional body e.g. CIPS.
after very well. Abdul Majed, whose per- • Good knowledge of SAP and clean class 4 driver’s licence.
• Promote of the protection, development and attainment of human rights and freedoms.
• Clean Class 2 or 4 Driver’s license.
sonal best was the cold-blooded murder of • Monitor, assess and ensure observance of human rights and freedoms.
• Good analytical and interpersonal skills.
four leaders of Mujib’s Awami League party • Protect public against human rights violations and maladministration by State, public • Negotiation skills.
institutions the officers thereof.
in prison three full months after the mas- • Investigate cases of maladministration and human rights violations.
• Must have good report writing skills.
• Excellent time management skills.
sacre, was given a series of senior jobs in • Prepare reports on monthly, quarterly and annual basis.
the civil service after he retired from the PROCUREMENT ASSISTANT (2) Harare
army, ending up as director of the National COMPETENCIES & SKILLS The position exists to provide support in the discharge of procurement duties
• Must be a holder of a Basic Degree in one of the following: Law, International Law, Human of the Commission.
Savings Directorate. Rights Law, Development studies or Social Work from a recognized institution.
And then the roof fell in. Democracy re- • At least three (3) years’ experience in human rights and development work. KEY RESULT AREAS
turned, and in the 1996 election, the Awa- • Knowledgeable and conversant with international human rights treaties, international • Provide support through updating suppliers list.
human rights systems including continental, regional and national human rights protective • Following up on Finance department for the timely payment of suppliers and ensure
mi League won the election. Not only that, mechanisms. goods and services are delivered on time.
but its leader was Mujibur Rahman’s elder • Must have strong report writing skills
• Tracking status of requests and update on progress on delivery of goods and services.
daughter, Sheik Hasina, who promptly be- • Presentation skills (power point)
• Proposal writing skills
• Sourcing of quotations, preparing comparative bid analysis for review by the Procurement
came prime minister. Half the conspira- • Research skills
tors, including Abdul Majed, had the wit to • Able to work under pressure • Attending to faulty orders on goods and services delivered.
flee the country at once; five others were • Ability to speak at least two local languages will be a distinct advantage • Gathering information for purposes of drafting of procurement reports.
arrested and held for trial. COMPETENCIES & SKILLS
It was a long wait. First, parliament had INTERNAL AUDITOR (1) Harare
• Must have a diploma in procurement; Purchasing and Supply; or equivalent.
• Member of a professional body e.g. CIPS.
to cancel the immunity law (1996) and The position exists to provide support to the Commission through appraising on the adequacy, probity,
• At least two years’ relevant working experience with bias towards public sector
then there was a trial (1998) in which all transparency and effectiveness of internal management controls, risk and corporate governance.
the murderers were found guilty. The six KEY RESULT AREAS • Sound knowledge of the Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Assets Act [Chapter
who had fled abroad, were tried in ab- • Good knowledge of SAP and clean class 4 driver’s licence.
sentia, but there was no doubt about their • Conduct risk assessments. • Good analytical and interpersonal skills.
guilt since they had all proclaimed it them- • Plan and deliver internal audits of determined Commission areas/departments. • Negotiation skills.
selves. So they were all sentenced to death. • Conduct value for money audits (management auditing) i.e. appraising the 3Es Economy, • Must have good report writing skills.
Effectiveness and Efficiency. • Excellent time management skills.
First there was a series of appeals and then • Assess, evaluate and promote compliance by Commission departments with all relevant
Sheikh Hasina lost the next election and policies, regulations and legislation. DRIVER (1) Bulawayo
everything stalled for a while and then • Evaluate financial records of the Commission. The job exists to support the Commission through provision of safe and timely
transport services as well as effective maintenance of vehicle(s).
she won again in 2009. The Supreme Court • Prepare audit findings and recommendations reports for the Commission.
confirmed the death sentences and the five • Prepare annual financial audit information for external audit. KEY RESULT AREAS
men in prison in Bangladesh were hanged • Drive and operate vehicles in service as instructed.
• Transport Commission staff and authorized stakeholders as per instruction in a safe and
in January 2010, 35 years after the crime. • A minimum qualification of a Bachelor's degree in Internal Auditing, Finance or lawful manner.
But the six who were abroad, including • Membership to any of the following professional bodies; Institute of Chartered Secretaries
• Maintain the safety and legislative requirements of the vehicle.
Abdul Majed, were still safe — until a week and Administrators of Zimbabwe (ICSAZ); Institute of Certified Public Accountants of
• Inspect and maintain the vehicle in a clean and safe condition in line with the Commission
standard operating procedures for vehicles.
ago, when Abdul Majed left Calcutta in In- Zimbabwe (ICPAZ); Association of Certified Chartered Accountants (ACCA) and Chartered
Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) is a prerequisite. • Prepare monthly reports on deliverables set for the position.
dia, where he had been hiding for 22 years, • At least three (3) years’ relevant working experience in internal auditing.
and returned to Bangladesh. Secretly, he • Good investigative skills COMPETENCIES & SKILLS
• Must have 5 ‘O’ levels including English Language.
may have thought, but he immediately vis- • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills
• Must have good report writing skills. • Clean Class 2 or 4 Driver’s license.
ited his family and there was undoubtedly • Defensive driving certificate a must.
• Excellent time management skills.
somebody watching them. • At least 3 years driving experience in a public, private or NGO environment.
He was arrested in a rickshaw in Dhaka SENIOR ACCOUNTANT (1) Harare • Must have basic skills in vehicle maintenance; knowledge of logistics and health and
The position exists to maintain accounting and financial records for accurate and timely financial safety.
last Tuesday (April 7). One quick appeal for reports for the Commission. • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills
presidential clemency, instantly rejected • Flexibility and ability to multi task.
and he was at the end of a rope by early on KEY RESULT AREAS • Must have good report writing skills.
• Excellent time management skills.
Sunday morning. Case closed.
• Produce draft financial statements and budgets.
The other fugitives, now living in Canada, • Prepare financial year-end audit files.
Applications together with detailed curriculum vitae, proof of qualifications and experience
the United States or Pakistan, will probably • Maintain accurate financial records
should be forwarded to:

never be caught, but it doesn’t really mat- • Ensure appropriate ledger postings
Human Resources Director Human Resources Director
ter. They are all in their 60s now and they • Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting and/or full professional qualifications such as CIS,
Zimbabwe Human Rights Commission Zimbabwe Human Rights Commission
rd th
have already spent a quarter-century in 144 Samora Machel Avenue 49 J.M Nkomo (between 3 and 4 Ave)
ACCA,CIMA, IAC, CPA, SAAA etc.; Harare Bulawayo
exile and in hiding. Punishment enough, • Membership to any of the following professional bodies; Institute of Chartered
Accountants of Zimbabwe (ICAZ); Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Zimbabwe
perhaps. Besides, in a weird way they may (ICPAZ); Association of Certified Chartered Accountants (ACCA) and Chartered Institute of
E-mail your application together with a detailed CV to [email protected]. All
have done Bangladesh a favour. Management Accountants (CIMA) is a prerequisite. applications should reach us no later than the close of business on 21 April 2020. Only those
Mujibur Rahman was already a dictator • Sound knowledge of International Public Sector Accounting Standards(IPSASs), Public meeting the above requirements will be responded to.
Finance Management Act [Chapter 22:19] and other relevant legislation
and well on the way to becoming a monster • At least three (5) years’ relevant working experience in a similar position.
The Zimbabwe Human Rights Commission is an equal opportunity employer which practices
gender and human rights based approaches to recruitment. Qualified women and persons with
when they killed him. With the enormous • Good analytical skills disabilities are encouraged to apply.
prestige he had as the “Father of the Coun- • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills
try”, he would have been very hard to get
18 Zimbabwe independent April 17 to 23, 2020

fighting covid-19

Mutamba Covid-19 remedy: Back to basics

THE treatment of Covid-19 is likely to boil

down to good old nursing care. And here is

To understand how the coronavirus afflicts In severe disease, the antiviral combina-
us, one has to appreciate that the basic unit tion kalentra (lopinavir or ritonavir); used
of life is the cell. Cells organise into tissues, for the treatment and prevention of HIV and
then organs (such as the lung); and then into Aids can be tried as a second line to hydrox-
systems and systems into the human being. ychloroquine. In the setting of multiple or-
There are pathogens, that cause disease gan failure, additional anti-viral therapy in-
and which might be life threatening. They cludes use of remdesivir (an anti-viral drug
are parasites (protozoa, e.g. malaria, hook- developed for the treatment of Ebola virus).
worms), bacteria (tuberculosis), fungi (can- Tocilizumab, an antibody fragment used
dida, cryptococcus) and viruses (Ebola, to treat inflammatory diseases like rheuma-
polio, measles). We have mechanisms that toid arthritis, has been found to have a fa-
protect us. Innate immunity, present at vourable effect in the most critical patients
birth, fights pathogens, other than viruses. suffering from persistent and overwhelming
For bacteria, fungi, and parasites, there inflammation resembling cytokine storm,
are medications to treat them, should our and can be used on patients requiring me-
immune defences fail. chanical ventilation without evidence of
These possess unique characteristics, not bacterial superinfection.
shared by the human cell. For example, bac- For intubated patients, the judicious use
teria possess a cell wall, which the human of intravenous steroids like dexamethasone
cell does not. Antibiotics can be designed to for a short course might be helpful.
target the cell wall, killing bacteria without In Covid-19, initially the lung as a mechanical unit works well, but oxygen does not get to the Oxygen is indicated for patients exhibit-
damaging the human cell. tissues and patients need high concentration oxygen therapy delivered by non-invasive ing symptoms of breathlessness. If patients
However, viruses are so tiny that they ventilation (NIV); where a breathing tube is not introduced into the throat. are still able to breathe on their own, the
cannot exist for long outside the human recommendation is to give them supple-
cell. They cause disease by entering the hu- similar to high-altitude sickness, in a man- lying health conditions who can be fine one mentary high oxygen concentration under
man cell and hijacking the cell machinery to ner different from other lung diseases. In minute and at death’s door the next. It can low pressure, using a face mask or nasal
multiply themselves, in the process killing Covid-19, it is as if there is no oxygen in the happen to the young and healthy, including prongs (CPAP and HFNC), which require
the infected cell. air, hence patients gasp for breath and ex- healthcare workers. machinery consisting of standalone units or
It is difficult to selectively kill viruses, perience suffocation. This is as a result of a in combination with proper ventilation ma-
without damaging the human cell. This is defect in the absorption of oxygen by the Symptoms chines, providing gentle ventilation, while
where acquired immunity comes into place. lungs due to damage to the air sac-capillary The commonest symptoms of the virus are buying time to recover with minimum ad-
The blood has three types of cells: white, red membrane of the lungs, where the gas ex- fever, cough and shortness of breath. Other ditional damage.
and platelets, suspended in a fluid called change takes place. symptoms are sore throat, fatigue and head- Should the patient’s breathing be la-
plasma. The main job of white blood cells, Another feature is that the virus attacks ache. Less frequent symptoms are runny boured, then mechanical ventilation is re-
or leukocytes, is to fight infection. There are red blood cells, impairing their ability to or stuffy nose and diarrhoea. Shortness of quired, and the mortality becomes higher.
several types of white blood cells, the most transport oxygen to the tissues (just like in breath is the most frightening symptom, de- Covid-19 patients behave in different ways,
important of which are lymphocytes and carbon monoxide poisoning); while multi- scribed as similar to suffocating. The work making the interpretation of the clinical
phagocytes. B and T lymphocytes start the plying and destroying the red cells. of breathing is good but there is still breath- signs baffling. Ordinarily, the normal par-
war against pathogens. When pathogens are In Covid-19, initially the lung as a me- lessness. Bouts of coughing can take min- tial pressure of oxygen in the arterial blood
detected by any of the lymphocytes, the B chanical unit works well, but oxygen does utes, leaving the patient exhausted. is near 100mmHg; the threshold for putting
cells are stimulated to produce antibodies, not get to the tissues and patients need high a tube and mechanically ventilating a pa-
which are proteins that attach themselves to concentration oxygen therapy delivered Treatment at home tient is an arterial oxygen partial pressure
pathogens, forming complexes called anti- by non-invasive ventilation (NIV); where Around 25% to 50% of patients experience of 88mmHg. This is what has guided most
gen-antibody complexes. a breathing tube is not introduced into the no symptoms. The remainder with minor protocols. When a patient’s saturation drops
Although the antibodies find the antigens, throat. Such devices ensure continuous symptoms, can be managed symptomati- to 70mmHg, they are confused and virtually
they cannot kill them, so the T-cells come in positive airway pressure (CPAP) and oxy- cally and supportively at home, provided unconscious, and a saturation of 60mmHg
to help. The T-cells call in phagocytes to help gen delivered by high-flow nasal cannula their breathing is tolerable, particularly on is incompatible with life. Yet for Covid-19
finish off the invaders, and then the phago- (HFNC); both delivered by face masks or exertion. The same barrier and distancing patients, they could be talking with a satu-
cytes help clean up. nasal prongs. In other lung diseases, the approaches must be maintained to mini- ration of 50mmHg! And the moment they
Whenever the acquired immune system lung as a mechanical unit does not work, mise infection spread. Preferably, patients have a tube in they desaturate so rapidly to
overcomes a viral infection, B-lymphocytes and patients need mechanical ventilation should be nursed in a single room with the 10-20mmHg.
keep it in its eternal memory. Should the early via a tube down the throat connected windows open. Worse still, their stress response is so
same virus come into contact, the B-lym- to the ventilation machine. Fever patients are advised to drink cold atypical; heart rates may remain the same,
phocytes are primed to destroy the virus As the Covid-19 disease progresses, the water; not less than two litres per day to rise or fall down. Blood pressure responses
before it causes any illness. This under- patient will eventually struggle to breathe, avoid dehydration. Patients are advised to are difficult to predict. Clinicians are being
standing is the mainstay of preventing viral with the lung as a mechanical unit failing, take paracetamol, and use a fan. Ibuprofen guided by the patient’s state, not neces-
infections. Currently, there are no specific hence the patient requiring mechanical is of second preference to paracetamol, as it sarily by established parameters of clinical
antiviral medications that can eradicate vi- ventilation. There is a sub-group of patients might cause kidney damage; it can however measurements.
ral infections, but they can control the viral who deteriorate without showing any of the be used with paracetamol. Patients should Observations such as these have prompt-
infection. usual course and parameters. be given supportive treatment to ensure suf- ed some physicians to ask whether stand-
The acquisition of anti-viral defences is Patients might enter the hospital with ficient energy intake and hydration. ard respiratory therapy protocols for typical
subject to the acquired immune system or high blood oxygen levels, engaging in happy Cough is managed with simple meas- lung illnesses might need to be adjusted for
learned immunity. This assumes there is conversation, only to be “gasping for breath” ures like the intake of a teaspoon of honey, this novel coronavirus, with some arguing
enough time and ability for the immune and intubated a few hours later. with cough syrups like codeine linctus be- that because of the threat of ventilator-in-
system to develop the necessary defences. The sudden turns for the worse are likely ing the next choice. The second choice is to duced lung injury, “putting patients on ven-
There are certain viruses that kill so fast, products of an “overly exuberant” reaction use morphine sulfate oral solution. Patients tilators for Covid-19 pneumonitis could be a
depriving the human immune system time by the immune system as it fights the virus, are encouraged to avoid lying on their backs bridge to nowhere”.
to learn about them, with the Ebola virus called a cytokine storm, which occurs when as this makes coughing up secretions inef- In treating any critically unwell Covid-19
being one. Then there are viruses that can the body overproduces immune cells and fective. Breathlessness can trigger anxiety, patient, we need to respond to the patient’s
bypass the immune system altogether, by their activating compounds — cytokines; making the breathlessness worse. A calm pathophysiology, not apply protocols blind-
corrupting the whole human defensive causing severe lung damage and organ fail- reassuring environment is encouraged. Pa- ly. There is no magic bullet in any of this,
mechanism, making the human being de- ure. In part, this is triggered by putting the tients remain unstable while they are still and the best way to manage this is to pay
fenceless against viral and other pathogens; patient too early on a mechanical ventila- breathless, and preparations must be in strict attention to detail, provide excellent
that is HIV. Immunisation is the mainstay of tor; hence the high mortality of Covid-19 place to take them to hospital at short no- organ support, as well as excellent nursing
treatment of viral disease; entailing inject- patients put on mechanical ventilation, al- tice, avoiding use of public transport in the care and physiotherapy, and that is about as
ing a dummy version of the virus, similar to most 80%. Clinicians are re-thinking their process, and preferably warning the hospital much as we can do. Everyday sees new re-
the disease-causing real virus, but without approaches after noticing more patients in advance. search findings emerge, with an updating of
causing illness. It is such that when the hu- dying while on the mechanical ventilation guidance.
man immune system encounters the real in comparison to favourable outcomes for Treatment in hospital The medical community is working on
virus, it is already primed to destroy. Exam- patients given oxygen through face masks. For patients with moderate symptoms in overdrive to develop a vaccine for this
ples of successful vaccinations include mea- at-risk groups (that is, aged above 65 years dreadful disease, with one vaccine trial in
sles, polio, rubella, etc. Who gets Covid-19? and/or with lung, heart and liver disease, Russia and two in China, in addition to re-
The main job of red blood cells, or eryth- There is no way of predicting who might or diabetes, arterial hypertension); or alarm- purposing other existing medications and
rocytes, is carrying oxygen from the lungs to might not get the severe form of the illness. ing symptoms of breathlessness, treatment developing other newer ones by way of
body tissues and carbon dioxide as a waste About 98% of patients survive the illness has to be individualised as much as possible, gold-standard clinical trials. Quarantine
product, away from the tissues and back and 2% succumb. Patients at highest risk are taking the patient’s wishes on board. and social distancing remain the only prac-
to the lungs. The main job of platelets, or those above 65 years of age, who have a 20- Hydroxychloroquine can be adminis- tical ways of dealing with it.
thrombocytes, is blood clotting. They group fold risk of dying from it. tered, if no contraindications can be given.
together to form a plug in the hole of a vessel Also included are patients with pre-ex- Chloroquine can be a substitute for hydrox- Mutamba is a UK-based ophthalmic and ocu-
to stop bleeding. isting lung diseases like asthma, high blood ychloroquine. It must be noted that these loplastics surgeon, with a passionate interest in
pressure, heart disease and diabetes (dia- medications have powerful side-effects. Zimbabwe. He works as a consultant in the UK. His
Pathophysiology betics are 10 times more likely to succumb Hydroxychloroquine has been found to be credentials are as follows: BSc Hons (UZ), MBChB
Although it has not been fully understood to the disease than any other patients). It is even more effective when combined with Hons (UZ), MSc (Lon), DTM&H (Lon), MRCP (UK),
yet, Covid-19 afflicts the lungs in a way not just the elderly or patients with under- the antibiotic azithromycin. FRCOphth (UK).
Zimbabwe independent April 17 to 23, 2020 19


Four decades of punching above our weight

at the Moscow Olympics in 1980, was prob- is not the only person from this country to
ably lost in the euphoria of wild celebrations dominate on the world stage since 1980.
across the country over the landmark polit- There has been quite a lot to celebrate, and
Panorama ical development that gave birth to our new
nation. But whereas Moscow 1980 was cel-
a handful of countries on the continent even
come close.
Enock Muchinjo ebrated by a small and disillusioned minor- Cara Black, a former number one ranked
ity at a time of great change and transition in women’s doubles player in the WTA rank-
this country, you just needed to be around ings and 10-time Grand Slam titles winner
SCORING a major sporting success fol- 24 years later when Zimbabwe returned to in both women’s doubles and mixed dou-
lowing the formation of a democratic gov- the Olympics medal podium, to realise the bles; Byron Black, a Zimbabwe Davis Cup
ernment, as Zimbabwe did at the Olympic sheer power of sporting accomplishment in team stalwart and men’s doubles French
Games in 1980, was perhaps in a minor way any country. Open winner; Nick Price, former world
similar to South Africa lifting the Rugby Harare-born swimmer Kirsty Coventry number one golfer and three-time major
World Cup on home soil in 1995, with the (pictured) swivelled to three medals at the championships winner and World Golf Hall
revered Nelson Mandela handing over the Athens Games in 2004 — gold, silver and en to a sportsperson in this country. of Fame inductee; Andy Flower, soaring like
William Webb Ellis Trophy to Springbok bronze — a heroic sporting endeavour that Her lofty standing in Zimbabwe is no an eagle to become Test cricket’s number
captain Francois Pienaar at Johannesburg’s catapulted her to instant stardom across the mean achievement when you consider the one batsman in 2001; Stephen Muzhingi,
Ellis Park in June that year. nation and made her one of the country’s fact that while conquering the Olympics as Comrades Marathon winner on three con-
But just three months after racist Rhodesia most recognised and revered figures. Today, an African makes her outstandingly unique secutive occasions.
had transformed into democratic Zimbabwe the two-time Olympic gold medalist, Afri- — she just missed by one medal to edge The list can go on. But the more you try
under black majority rule, the success of the ca’s greatest Olympian with a total of seven ahead of Hungary’s Krisztina Egerszegi as to stretch it, the greater the risk of reducing
country’s women field hockey team, which medals under her belt, is Zimbabwe’s Sports the iconic global event’s leading female in- to triviality the genuine world-class feats
romped home to an unexpected gold medal minister — the biggest recognition ever giv- dividual medalist in swimming — Coventry mentioned here.

Barcelona coach Quique Setien

La Liga restart:
Barca coach
not convinced
Barcelona coach Quique Setien is pessimis-
tic that the Spanish top flight season will be
able to be completed and has called La Liga’s
conditions for the campaign recommencing “a
non-starter” due to the continued threat of the
novel coronavirus.
La Liga has been on hold since March 10 due to
the pandemic although president Javier Tebas has
said matches could start up again on either May
29, June 7 or June 28, most likely without spec-
tators. Tebas has estimated Spanish clubs would
lose around one billion euros (US$1,09 billion) if
the season is not completed.
A draft of the league’s protocol, seen by Reu-
ters, for returning to training and matches once
given the green light by health authorities rec-
ommends that clubs hold training camps at their
training grounds or hotels for a two-week period
before matches can start again.
Only first team players, coaching staff and a
small number of other staff would be allowed to
access the facility, with everyone at the training
camp being subjected to two Covid-19 tests be-
fore accessing the site. Testing would continue to
take place during the camps, added the protocol.
But Setien, whose Barca side held a two-point
lead over Real Madrid at the top of the standings
when the campaign was indefinitely postponed,
does not think it is so simple.
“Everyone wants to be ready for when the
season starts again, but that cannot happen until
the health authorities can guarantee that there
will be no problems,” Setien told Catalan radio
station RAC1 yesterday.
“I have read the protocol and the reality is I
don’t know if it can be carried out as it is written,
I think it’s unworkable, I think it’s very difficult lo-
gistically.” — Reuters.
golf Tiger-rific comeback: Brand strategy/ 19

9 7 7 1 5 6 4 0 6 9 0 0 0

ISSN 1564 - 0698

Zimbabwe independent april 17 to 23, 2020

A Flying Elephant and


SEVENTEEN days and 383 kilometres

— the latter being the distance between
Northern Ireland’s capital Belfast and the
central England city of Coventry — was

Black Diamond who

what separated two landmark occasions
in the careers of two of Zimbabwe’s most
naturally gifted sportsmen since the new
country was born four decades ago.
One scored a wonder goal that marked

sparked evolution
the beginning of his journey to legendary
status with a club in the best football league
in the world, while the other bowed out of
international rugby with a try at a World
Cup seen for the first time as a major global
sporting event.
September 28 in 1991 was the day when a
sparkling 18-year-old forward named Pe- spect, world rugby woken up to a rare
ter Ndlovu — in his first season with Eng- ace in 1987 after Tsimba’s five-star show
lish top division club Coventry City — cool- against Romania at the spiritual home of
ly dribbled past defenders before letting rip the All Blacks, during a time the sport was
an out-footed drive that nestled into the still both aristocratic and lacking ethnic di-
corner of the net as the home team beat versity at the top.
Midlands rivals Aston Villa 1-0 at Highfield The origin of Tsimba’s nickname, Black
Road. Though the teenage winger-cum- Diamond, varies with each individual’s at-
striker from Zimbabwe had scored another tempt to explain it. Others believe it to be
winner earlier that month away to London recognition of the player’s “precious” tal-
giants Arsenal, showing admirable compo- ents, like the treasured gem.
sure to slot home past David Seaman — one But most likely it is racial reference de-
of the best goalkeepers in the world at the riving from 1987, because besides being the
time — what, however, launched a lasting only player of colour in Zimbabwe’s 24-
bond between Ndlovu and Coventry was man squad, none of the other 15 countries
the wizardry and sweet strike against Villa at that inaugural World Cup had an ethnic
in front of a passionate home faithful. black player in their squad.
Also rather slightly-built but possessing And to imagine that Tsimba was not there
the same kind of lightning pace and flair on at that 1987 World Cup to fulfill some kind
the ball, with similar graceful movement of selection quotas, he in fact arrived in
around the field and an uncanny ability to New Zealand touted as Zimbabwe’s trump
leave defenders grasping at thin air, was card, made him an exceptionally rare rugby
Richard Tsimba. player in the world at that time.
After Ndlovu’s stunning effort against Of course, a lot has changed since 1987
Villa, Tsimba — who was eight years older in terms of the rise in black rugby players
than his fellow dazzling countryman — of quality and world-class status. But it has
would also score 17 days later somewhere been a slow, gradual process. South Africa’s
else in the United Kingdom. historic first black captain and 2019 World
On October 14, the mercurial outside- Cup-winner, Siya Kolisi, was only born
centre from Harare crossed the whitewash four years after the introductory World Cup
for one of Zimbabwe’s two tries in the 52-8 edition where Tsimba left a mark.
defeat to Japan in Belfast in both eliminated The story of Tsimba is a classic one of sta-
sides’ final pool match of the 1991 Rugby tistics versus sheer ability.
World Cup tournament. Ndlovu — nicknamed Flying Elephant
Five European countries co-hosted that because of his fearsome speed and sur-
second edition of the Rugby World Cup, Football legend Peter Ndlovu and the name that means “elephant” in his native
with Tsimba playing in all the Sables’ three late rugby star Richard Tsimba (insert) Ndebele language — can also be thrown
50-point plus defeats to Ireland, Scotland into that narrative.
and Japan. A history-making footballer with his
While in 1991 a very young Ndlovu was Harare. country’s world beaters across the different milestone of being the first African to play
showing no fear in his first professional Following the World Cup in 1987, Tsimba disciplines had he played professional-era in the English Premiership; the first visiting
season in England against men much old- went to live in the United States, where he rugby? player, as he did in 1995, to score a hat-trick
er, Tsimba had in fact burst onto the world studied while playing for California-based In southern hemisphere rugby, the an- against Liverpool at Anfield since 1961; 43
scene four years earlier as a super-gifted Belmont Shore, a club located on a beauti- swer will be, perhaps, success in the Super goals for Coventry City between 1991 and
22-year-old, scoring in breathtaking style ful coastline in the suburb of Long Beach, Rugby competition with any of the SAN- 1997 — not the most prolific record, but a
against Romania — a solo effort lauded as the perfect setting for an exploring amateur ZAAR franchises — or up in the northern great number of these being strikes of the
one of the best tries of that inaugural Rugby rugby player free of the strenuous workouts hemisphere — winning the European Cup highest quality by a player to which style
World Cup in New Zealand in 1987. of the professional circuit. or the league title in England or France. was a hallmark.
At the famed Eden Park in Auckland in And then after the 1991 World Cup, Tsimba’s international career, though Then at home, Zimbabwe’s most-capped
Zimbabwe’s first World Cup match, star Tsimba also spent a considerable amount of exciting — an exhibition of amazing ath- footballer and record goal-scorer; a cult
man Tsimba grabbed a brace of tries for the time travelling abroad. Multiple caps or not, leticism in the amateur era — was indeed hero in his country due to countless great
Sables and it was probably due to his inju- what cannot be disputed is that Tsimba — very short. individual performances for the national
ry-inspired substitution deep in the second who would have been celebrating his 55th Neither did he play domestic rugby for team; the first captain to lead the nation to
half that Brian Murphy’s young, but well- birthday this month had it not been for a any of the big clubs or franchises in the Africa Cup of Nations qualification.
drilled African side did not emerge with a fatal car accident that took his life in Harare world. And in a global sporting community Yet when we speak of the country’s
thoroughly deserved win, eventually nar- in 2000 — was a rugby player well ahead that is increasingly becoming too obsessed greatest sports stars since 1980, Bulawayo-
rowly losing 21-20 to Romania. of his time. Perhaps the only question we with statistics, many sports lovers in Zim- born Ndlovu — who like Tsimba did not win
Curiously, the only five national team should answer is: what kind of player was babwe will probably not include the name major trophies or play for the best teams in
caps earned by Tsimba — the first black the world going to see had Tsimba show- Tsimba if asked to draft their top 10 list, or the world at both national and club level
person to play rugby for Zimbabwe — were cased his talents in the professional era of top five, of this country’s best sportsper- — will be seen as competing for honours
all from the two World Cup tournaments the game? sons since 1980. with fellow Zimbabweans who have been
four years apart, which means that one of Should we ignore Tsimba’s outstanding But to do so would be some kind of be- Olympic champions, world number ones,
the country’s best talents in the multi-ra- abilities in the pre-professional period of trayal and great oversight by the people of and Grand Slam winners.
cial era not only had a very short Test ca- rugby, focussing on the fact that he played his own country because no less an organi- It is not unique to Zimbabwe, though. The
reer, but also never got to play a single in- just five international matches, and exclude sation than World Rugby — the global gov- debate of numbers against pure ability has
ternational match in front of a home crowd. him from the illustrious list of the greatest erning body of the sport — honoured Tsim- raged on in the sporting world without a
This was due in part to the young man’s sportspersons to represent this nation in ba’s world-class natural talents as well as consensus coming out. But as we look back
reputation as a globetrotter, something the last four decades? off-field cultural impact on the sport, post- at the past 40 years of Zimbabwean sport,
that emanated from a comfortable family Let us, for a moment, put aside Tsimba’s humously inducting the late maestro into and some memorable moments the dec-
background. Tsimba had been educated at brief international rugby career and pose the game’s Hall of Fame in 2012 alongside ades has delivered, surely nothing should
Ruzawi and then Peterhouse College, top another question: what would make him his younger brother Kennedy. deny men like Ndlovu and Tsimba a very
private school in Marondera, 72km east of equal the lofty achievements of some of this A pioneering rugby player in every re- special place among the greatest of the era.
ZIMBABWE INDEPENDENT April 17 to 23, 2020 X1

Zimbabwe Independent

Bocelli breaks live-

streaming records
Andrea Bocelli’s mesmerising Music For
Hope live concert from the deserted Duo-
mo di Milano has broken world records.
The opera singer’s Easter Sunday’s per-
formance has become the biggest live-
streamed classical music event of all time,
with a combined 35 million people viewing
the 30-minute concert. The historic event

Black reached over 2,8 million peak concurrent

viewers, making it one of the biggest mu-
sical live-stream performances of all-time
Coffee to and the largest simultaneous audience for a
classical live-stream in YouTube history.

raise funds
The video received more than 28 mil-
lion views from across the globe in its first
24 hours. Bocelli’s extraordinary perfor-

for small mance has since been covered in more than

100 countries worldwide, and continues to
trend globally across YouTube and social

businesses media platforms.

The staggering figures make it the biggest
live-streamed classical music event of all
time, as millions joined together remotely
around the world.
Bocelli commented: “I am moved and
Many South African individuals and business take part in small business funding, he added: delighted to have received such an over-
alike are already feeling the pinch of the coro- “It’s a strange time for us all, but our favourite whelming reaction, that has gone beyond
navirus outbreak, especially with the lockdown local businesses may be taking the largest hit. our highest expectations.
extension. With uncertainty and indefinite closures, the “For an artist, the event is the reason for
King of the decks, Black Coffee took another mom & pop shops need our help #WeAreOne.” the sacrifices of a lifetime; for a believer and
step to assist small businesses that are hit hard The past few weeks saw Black Coffee host- a Catholic as I am, it was further confirma-
financially by the Covid-19 pandemic.  ing “Home Brewed” live streaming charity tion of the benevolent smile with which the
Taking to social media platforms this week, sessions in the effort to assist the less fortunate Heavenly Father looks to his children.
Black Coffee announced his partnership with during the lockdown. “It was an immeasurable honour and
SaveABusiness, a non-profit organisation that The Drive hitmaker managed to raise over privilege to lend my voice to the prayers of
assists small businesses with financial aid and R76 000 (US$4 000) with the first live stream- millions of people, gathered in a single em-
support during the lockdown. ing session. Last weekend, Black Coffee brace — a small, great miracle of which the
“For this Saturday’s stream, I’ve teamed announced that with the help of his fans, he whole world was the protagonist and which
up with SAveabusiness who is dedicated to raised over R138 000 (US$7 300). confirms my optimism about the future of
granting relief to various small South African “Your support was both bountiful and gra- our planet.
businesses in need. Let’s do our part and keep cious . . . thank you so much for tuning in and “Thanks to everyone who worked in the
each other afloat where we can — donations donating — together we raised over 138 000 shadows for weeks, from management
are now being accepted,” wrote Black Coffee. rands for CoronaCareSA,” tweeted Black Cof- to the record label, and especially to all of
He also urged fellow South African to also fee. — iol. those who have shared this moment with than 150 000 since it took hold.
us, to stay truly united.”  But Italians hope they have passed the
Bocelli’s concert aimed to send “love, peak as 431 new deaths were reported by
healing and hope” to Italy amid the coro- the civil protection service last Sunday —
navirus crisis. The 61-year-old left viewers the lowest since March 19.

DStv’s Pick of the Week

around the world in tears as they watched The event was hosted by Veneranda Fab-
him perform from the deserted Duomo di brica del Duomo, a 600-year-old organisa-
Milano. tion which supervises the building.
Emotionally-charged fans praised Bocel- For his performance, Bocelli was ac-
li’s powerful performance on social media companied by Duomo di Milano’s organist,
DStv launches Toonami as “moving, mesmerising and magnificent!”  
Bocelli was granted exclusive access to
Vianelli, while performing the likes of Ave
Maria and Sancta Maria.
brand for superhero the currently closed Milan cathedral by
Archpriest Monsignor Gianantonio Bor-
As well as the special concert, Bocelli is
also currently fundraising with his Andrea
enthusiasts of all ages gonovo and mayor Giuseppe Sala.
The church has been shut off amid the
Bocelli Foundation on GoFundMe to raise
money for hospitals to protect their medical
pandemic, but exclusively opened its doors staff with equipment during this rampaging
Adding to the entertainment options for younger for the opera star and organist Emanuele Covid-19 emergency.
viewers during the lockdown, a new DStv pop-op Vianelli. The outbreak has raged across Italy Bocelli’s special live Easter concert was
channel has been created to feature stories about — particularly in the northern Lombardy streamed on his YouTube channel from 6pm
superheroes. region — killing 20 000 and infecting more UK time, last Sunday. — Mail Online.
MultiChoice Zimbabwe publicity and PR manager
Liz Dziva said Toonami channel had launched

SA artistes for lockdown

on March 27 for a six-week run and was fo-
cussed on animated and action films and
“The channel is a collaboration between
MultiChoice Africa and WarnerMedia,
targeting young and young-at-heart audi- South African artistes have been giving us l  Hlanga Lomhlabathi by Izangane Zoma; and
ences, primarily children between the ages those tunes to keep our hopes up during the l  The Balance by Abdullah Ibrahim.
of eight and 12, and offers 24/7 program- lockdown and on Wednesday, record com- Gallo general manager Rob Cowling said the
ming,” Dziva said. pany, Gallo, paid tribute to just five that have record company wanted to do its bit in helping
“Fans of superheroes of all ages will join the young- been holding South Africa down as a nation. South Africans get through this difficult time.
sters to enjoy top-rated series such as DC Comics’ Gallo has curated specific playlists to keep “The idea is to still remain sensitive to the
Batman, Superman, The Green Lantern, Young Justice and South Africa entertained and motivated dur- crisis, but show that we can be resilient as a
The Justice League, as well as the popular animated series ing the lockdown, and this week’s list was a society,” Cowling said.
Teen Titans, and many others.” throwback to some of the legends. “If we can help the process and make it
The channel’s movie block screens animated feature From Sipho “Hotstix” Mabuse to Ray Phiri’s a little more bearable and easier for soci-
films each day at 8pm, and on Saturdays at 8.30am, Stimela and Abdullah Ibrahim, here are the five ety through our artists’ music — and it helps
showcasing popular superheroes’ heroic acts tracks you need to listen to today: people to focus and as a reminder to follow
and deeds in movies like Green Lantern Emerald l  Burnout by Sipho “Hotstix” Mabuse; some of the key things to stay clean, safe and
Knights, Justice League: Throne of Atlantis, Batman: l  Turn on the Sun by Stimela; prevent the spread of this virus — then Gallo
Monster Mayhem and All-star Superman. l  Neria by Oliver Mtukudzi and Ladysmith has succeeded in trying to do our bit to help.”
Toonami is available on channel 300. Black Mambazo; — TshisaLive.
X2 Zimbabwe independent Xtra april 17 to 23, 2020


State of
the Art Covid-19 blues and the
Chinese racist outrage

IT does seem vapid to devote space and

time to writing about the fact that P Diddy
and his ex-girlfriend Jennifer Lopez were
on Instagram sharing a dance or which ar-
tiste released what album. How do we sus- pened to us that we may now be given to
tain the interest of readers who may now believing that something will magically
be experiencing fatigue from the bleak or supernaturally protect and avenge us
reports pertaining to Covid-19 infection when facing perceived enemies. While
statistics within the country and globally? Covid-related deaths across the global ra-
Just how well are people coping with the cial divide are a waking reality, poverty
structural defects within their societies, and the loss of humanity dignity appear to
given this pandemic and the socio-cul- be skewed heavily against black folk.
tural impact of it all? This week, allow me According to Nikole Hannah Jones, a
to sift through the avalanche of messages reporter with the New York Times, what
and stories I have had to wade through and the coronavirus pandemic has done is to
pick just a few that struck me and why. “magnify the inequalities that were already
Covid-19 blues there and now it’s forcing us to confront
them”. Oprah Winfrey recently talked
Blues is the nickname I heard folks in my about “mindfully” dealing with this pan-
childhood township give to the country’s demic “whilst holding onto ourselves and
second largest city, Bulawayo. So far, the our humanity” in her recent programme. I
city has recorded five Covid-19 cases, totally agree.
with one death. We are singing the blues Global village
right now because of that in this part of the
country and may yet be hollering raucous- As a people who fought an armed libera-
ly in a short while. tion struggle and received support from
Still, I do not know how the city’s nick- China, we arguably have at least a histori-
name came about. What I know is that it cal justification for regarding the Chinese
has been around for a long time. But the as friends. Actually, China has been trad-
term also refers to an American music ing with Africa for over 300 years. The re-
genre. The term also denotes sorrow and lationship is not new and has not involved
despair. The blues are what you get when overt coloniality and oppression. The cur-
you have no money, when you are hungry rent pandemic has now exposed the fact
and when you are sick. that black people are regarded as one and
Black Americans invented the blues and the same: expendable.
the music served as a chronicle of just how Some Chinese people are exposing the
dire the slave plantations and segregation racism of their society. The reports have
were in the American south. Although filtered through of the ill-treatment of
blues music as a genre is not as popular as Africans, including black Americans, in
it may have been in the 1930s, 1940s and China by landlords who are evicting blacks
1950s, its message still reverberates in pre- and unleashing violence on them. One re-
sent-day America. port after another carries the same theme
The pandemic is shoring up the fact that of racial discrimination.
black people are among some of the hard- The ostensible reason for the discrimi-
est hit communities in the United States. nation is the fear that Africans are bring-
The US is reeling because of the pandemic ing the disease. But everyone knows that
with 609 516 cases and 26 057 deaths at last Covid-19 is not an “African disease” in that
count. Media reports carry US government The legendary American basketball player Magic Johnson sense. So, it is befuddling how the link is
data from the Centres for Disease Control being made between Africa and the disease
suggesting that 33% of those in that coun- Relatability folk. Admittedly, the thought that we as a as to cause the hysterical and unjustified
try hospitalised for coronavirus are black. people are invulnerable to this disease was treatment of black people over there. The
African-Americans constitute only 13% The power of social media is so stark in this very seductive, albeit in a twisted way. black man is feared and hated everywhere.
of the US population. Moreover, in cities moment we are living through and this be- It did not help matters when our Defence Parting shot
such as Washington and Chicago, nearly came so apparent to me while reading an- minister Oppah Muchinguri-Kashiri com-
70% of those who died from coronavirus other report by CNN quoting basketball leg- mented that the disease was God’s punish- Whereas African governments who are
were African-American and this is against end Magic Johnson: “People went out there ment to the West for imposing sanctions on deep in the pockets of the Chinese may
the fact that 23% of the population is black. spreading the word that blacks couldn’t get Zimbabwe. The statement may have un- wish to manage the optics surrounding the
Surgeon-General Jerome Adams, who is it. Blacks thought they couldn’t get HIV wittingly been a result of the tragic myths global outrage over the racially charged
black, revealed in a presser that many eth- and Aids. It’s the same thing as the corona- around the disease, and also may have incidents, the fact is that the Chinese au-
nic minority communities have a higher virus. It reminds me going back 30 years, fed the same myth because it was widely thorities need to act decisively to deal with
risk due to pre-existing health and social we were all wrong.” reported by many international media malcontents and show that the reported
factors such as low-income jobs where Johnson said the Covid-19 crisis is like houses. incidents do not reflect their general at-
working from home is not an option. Op- déjà vu of the misinformation surrounding It gained so much traction globally that titude toward us as Africans. It is a matter
rah Winfrey did a recent report in which HIV in the early days. now, in retrospect, I wonder why. Pan- of time really before the lies and the truth
she brings to the fore this subject of major I personally recall talk that the disease dering to myths and superstition makes us emerge. We just want reciprocity, respect
concern. was only contracted by gays and white vulnerable as a people. So much has hap- and humane treatment.

Ugandan musician-cum-politician Bobi

Wine offers to airlift mistreated Africans
Admire Kudita are still largely a small percentage of the
global total and that the disease itself origi-
WHILE China has been widely regarded nated in China.
on this continent as an all-weather friend The Ugandan opposition leader, Bobi
to African nations, the image has suffered a Wine, has joined forces with co-founder of
serious dent in recent days as news broke the Atlanta Black Star Neil Nelson to airlift
this week that Africans and black Ameri- Africans and black Americans currently
cans in that country were experiencing ra- being subjected to the racist attacks in Chi-
cial discrimination and even violence from na. The announcement was made through a
Chinese nationals. joint statement issued on Monday.
All this against a background in which On his Twitter handle, Wine exhorted Af-
the Covid-19 pandemic first ravaged China rican leaders “from across the global Afri-
before spreading to other parts of the world, can community including political leaders,
leaving a trail of destruction in its wake. social activists, artists and other leaders to
China has since begun to relax its regula- join in this effort”. Wine is a firebrand poli-
tions slowly. tician who in the past has clashed several
Still, the world is aghast at the videos and times with long-time Ugandan leader Yow-
reports from China showing blacks being eri Museveni as he championed opposition
barred from restaurants, and evicted from politics in that country.
their places of abode in what appears to be One of his tweets, possibly related to the
a targeting of people of African origin. current initiative, features an excerpt of a
The ostensible reason appears to be fear speech by the late Zimbabwean president
of Covid-19 transmission from blacks. Ob- Robert Mugabe at an African Union sum-
servers say this is irrational, given the fact mit in which he vows to fight for African
that Covid-19 infections on the continent dignity. Ugandan musician-cum-politician Bobi Wine
Zimbabwe independent XTRA april 17 to 23, 2020 X3


What are the benefits of eating turmeric?

Spices have been eaten for millennia. Tur- Fish was considered cold and wet, for ex-
meric and chilli, in particular, have been ample, while spices were hot and dry. The
researched extensively in recent decades. idea of using food as medicine and of bal-
And while consuming them is correlated ancing out properties like hot and cold or
with some health benefits, those benefits – wet and dry, also are main tenets of Ayur-
and the reasons for them — are not what vedic medicine, which has been practised in
you might think. India for thousands of years.
Spices have been a part of our diets for In many Western countries, where such
thousands of years — it is second nature to ideas are much newer, “this idea of balance
sprinkle our chips with pepper, sip on gin- is shared with modern new-age medicine,”
ger tea and add chillies to our meals. But re- Freedman says. “Our modern fascination
cently, some spices have been unofficially with spices brings us closer to a medieval
promoted from everyday culinary staples to outlook than 50 years ago — when there
all-healing superfoods. was a wall between modern medicine like
Former United States presidential candi- antibiotics and superstitious medicine of the
date Hillary Clinton reportedly ate one chilli past that didn’t work.”
pepper a day while on the campaign trail in
an attempt to ward off illness. Correlation vs causation
Turmeric, which has been used in Asia for Chilli and turmeric have been widely stud-
millennia, recently has found its way into ied, but most trials have only compared data
coffee shops around the world in the form on consumption and different health out-
of “golden lattes” — and, most recently, into comes, which does not separate cause from
viral messages that claim it can “boost your effect. And research done in labs does not
immune system” and protect you from get- necessarily translate to the human body.
ting sick. And as is true for so many nutritional
Meanwhile, cayenne pepper still hasn’t studies, it is difficult to tease out correlation
recovered since the ill-advised “Beyoncé versus causation.
diet” back in 2013, which suggested con- Take the 2019 Italian study finding that
suming a concoction of cayenne pep- there was a lower risk of death associated
per, maple syrup, lemon and water to lose with chilli consumption. It was observation-
weight. al, so it is impossible to know whether eat-
But do spices really add any health ben- When people eat chillies, capsaicin molecules interact with temperature receptors in bodies, sending ing chilli made people live longer, whether
efits to our food, or help us ward off illness? signals to the brain to create the feeling of heat. already healthy people tend to consume
And can any of them actually do us harm?   more chilli or if something else is at work.
will protect your health — or protect you enough of it to make any difference. One clue could, however, lie in how chil-
Hot trend from respiratory illness — in the short-term. Take polyphenols: the compounds found lies are consumed by Italians and other
One of the most well-known and widely It is important to remember that the Chi- in many plants that have anti-inflammatory Mediterranean cultures, says the study’s au-
used spices are chilli peppers. Many studies na study followed people for a median time effects. Spices’ health benefits are partly at- thor Marialaura Bonaccio, epidemiologist at
have examined their potential effects on our of seven years each. So even if chillies had tributed to their high levels of these poly- Italy’s Mediterranean Neurological Institute.
health — but have found both beneficial and a protective effect on participants’ health, phenols. A 2014 review of research, howev- “Chilli is common in Mediterranean
adverse results. rather than the people who ate chillies hap- er, says it is still unclear whether the limited countries,” Bonaccio says. “It is mostly eat-
Capsaicin is the main active ingredient pening to be healthier to begin with, the ef- amount of these we get when we consume en with pasta and legumes or vegetables.”
in chillies. When we eat chillies, capsaicin fect likely built up over time — not within spices lessens their health benefits. This is just one example of how spices
molecules interact with the temperature weeks or months. could be indirectly beneficial — they are
receptors in our bodies, sending signals to A number of studies also have shown that Curcumin cure eaten with legumes and vegetables.
the brain to create the feeling of heat. Some capsaicin can increase the amount of energy Another popular spice that is widely re- Research also has found that adding a
studies point to the idea that capsaicin may we burn and can decrease our appetites. garded to have beneficial effects on human spice mix to burgers could potentially lead
help you live longer. In 2019, an Italian study The burning sensation that comes with health is turmeric. This is widely attributed to fewer free radicals forming in a person’s
found that people who ate food seasoned eating chillies has long fascinated scientists. to curcumin. A small molecule found in tur- body than those who ate the burger with-
with chilli peppers four times a week had a It also gives us some insight into why chillies meric, it is commonly used in alternative out spices, and could make the meat less
lower risk of death compared to those who may be associated with cognitive decline: medicine to treat inflammation, stress and carcinogenic. But these benefits could be
never ate chillies. (Researchers controlled the sensation is the result of plants evolving many other conditions. explained simply by the preservative quali-
for lifestyle factors, including smoking, ex- to protect themselves against diseases and Robust evidence for turmeric being ben- ties of the spices, Mellor says, who was not
ercise and overall diet quality.) pests. eficial, however, is lacking. Numerous involved in the study.
And in 2015, researchers in China, who “While some plants have evolved to be- studies have found curcumin to have anti- Many researchers believe the health ben-
examined the chilli consumption and health come bitter or spicy to predators, it’s better cancer effects in the laboratory. But a lab efits of spices actually come from what we
of nearly 500 000 Chinese adults, found that if the plant can make themselves toxic, too,” environment is very different to the human eat them with. For example, there is a ten-
eating chillies was associated with lower Kirsten Brandt, senior lecturer at the Hu- body. And curcumin has poor water solubil- dency to use them to replace salt, Lipi Roy
risk of death. Those who consumed spicy man Nutrition Research Centre Population ity, meaning the body cannot make proper says. “Spices make food delicious and fla-
foods almost every day had a 14% lower risk Health Sciences Institute at the UK’s New- use of it from the turmeric we consume. vourful and they can be a healthier alterna-
of death than those who ate spicy foods less castle University, says. In the Western world, this increasing in- tive to salt,” she says.
than once a week. But these compounds generally have a terest in spices, including turmeric as an We also tend to eat chillies with vegeta-
“The major findings were that higher in- smaller effect on us than on insects. alternative medicine, was last seen in the bles — which of course benefits our health,
take of spicy foods is related to a lower risk “A little bit of toxin can be good, such as Middle Ages, when spices were thought to too.
of mortality, particularly deaths due to can- caffeine, which speeds up our metabolism have healing properties, Paul Freedman, So, while golden lattes will not do us any
cer, heart disease and respiratory diseases,” so we feel more awake,” she says. “How- professor of history at Yale University, says. harm, we might be better off having some
researcher Lu Qi, professor of nutrition at ever, a lot of it is bad for you.” “Spices were used to balance the proper- vegetables seasoned with a sprinkling of
Harvard’s School of Public Health, says. On the other hand, even if a compound ties of food. People thought of food as having spices. And we certainly should not rely on
This does not, however, mean that start- within a certain spice may have benefi- hot, cold, moist and dry qualities and they them as a way to ward off — or to fight —
ing to eat large quantities of chilli peppers cial effects, we normally do not consume needed balance,” Freedman says. any kind of illness. — BBC Online.

I t ’ s a w e i r d wo r l d ,
„„Corona GHOSTS to take measures into their own hands, im-
Volunteers are dressing up as ghosts and posing the ghostly patrols, lockdowns and
lurking at night to scare people into sticking restricting movement in and out of their
to coronavirus lockdowns in Indonesia and village.
Malaysia. Village head Priyadi said: “Residents still
Wearing white bed sheets, the “ghosts” lack awareness about how to curb the spread
have been seen jumping out at unsuspecting of Covid-19 disease. They want to live like
passersby in dark streets, standing on top normal, so it is very difficult for them to fol-
of vehicles in deserted car parks and sitting low the instruction to stay at home.”
on benches in public spaces. It is one of the There are now more than 4 500 confirmed
most bizarre measures aimed at curbing the cases of the coronavirus in Indonesia, and
spread of the virus, but it reflects an age-old 399 deaths, with fears the numbers will rise
superstition in parts of Southeast Asia. significantly.
Known as “pocong”, the ghostly figures Researchers at the University of Indonesia
are typically wrapped in white shrouds with estimate there could be 140 000 deaths and
powdered faces and kohl-rimmed eyes, and 1,5 million cases by May, without tougher
they represent the trapped souls of the dead. curbs on movement.
Kepuh village, on Java island has de- When a Reuters journalist recently vis-
ployed a cast of “ghosts” to patrol the streets ited Kepuh village, the supernatural strat-
and promote social distancing. Two “ghosts” sit on a bench in Kepuh village, Indonesia, to scare people into staying at home. egy seemed to be working, with villag-
Anjar Pancaningtyas, head of a youth ers running off in fright when the ghosts
group that coordinated with police, said: of keeping people in, they brought them out tional lockdown to curb the coronavirus, materialised.
“We wanted to be different and create a de- to catch a glimpse of the apparitions. The or- instead urging people to practice social dis- Resident Karno Supadmo said: “Since
terrent effect because ‘pocong’ are spooky ganisers have since changed tack, launching tancing and good hygiene. the pocong appeared, parents and children
and scary.” surprise pocong patrols, with village volun- But with the highest rate of coronavirus have not left their homes. And people will
But when they first started appearing this teers playing the part of the ghosts. deaths in Asia after China, some commu- not gather or stay on the streets after even-
month, they had the opposite effect. Instead President Joko Widodo has resisted a na- nities, such as Kepuh village, have decided ing prayers.” — DailyMirror.
X4 Zimbabwe independent Xtra april 17 to 23, 2020


Tiger-rific comeback: Brand strategy

Amateur Golfer

IT is amazing how playing or watch-

ing sports can teach you about life and
Team sports will teach you about work-
ing with others and using your skills to
complement each other. Competitive
sports will help you learn how to push
yourself harder and be the best you can be.
Sports can prepare you for business, too!
No doubt, Covid-19 has trivialised golf,
and it is in the best interest of tour play-
ers, Augusta National Golf Club members
and patrons as well as everyone associated
with the 2020 Masters event, including the
Augusta community, to postpone the event
to November. So while we play inside for
the world, I will use this time to share my
greatest takeaways from Tiger Woods’ play
at the 2019 Masters. This is surely the great-
est comeback story in golf history.
Tiger in the Woods
Tiger’s remarkable resurgence comes after
11 years of wandering the woods. What Ti-
ger went through in those 11 years would
have been enough to break any human be-
ing. His personal life fell apart on a Thanks-
giving night a year after his 2008 US Open
win. And then he missed the 2016 and 2017
Masters because of back problems before
finally undergoing back fusion surgery in
April 2017.
With three back surgeries, there was un-
certainty as to whether he would ever play
the sport that made him once seem invin-
cible. In 2017, Woods hit another low: he
was arrested on suspicion of driving under
the influence.
In the wake of these woes, some of his
sponsors dropped him. First to sever ties in
2009 was Gatorade. Accenture and AT&T
dropped their sponsorship deals with
Woods that same year.
Late in 2010, Gillette announced that it
would not renew its sponsorship with the
golfer. Athletes and companies enter into
and exit out of sponsorship agreements all
the time, but it seemed obvious from the American golfer Tiger Woods
timing that the reason for dropping Woods
was because of the scandals. hind in the final round to win a major. Not Tiger’s comeback is proof that not all companies goes like this:
Any ambassadorial relationship has an only did Tiger win the Masters, he did so brands reach the final stage of the product l His final putt earned Nike an estimat-
inherent level of risk. Even the most tal- in a way he never has before in a major life cycle (PLC). The PLC is an important ed US$22,5 million.
ented and successful individuals experi- tournament: playing from behind. Woods brand management concept in marketing. l Nike ran out of stock of the Nike mock
ence personal and professional peaks and entered the day two strokes behind Italian It describes the stages that a product goes turtleneck shirt in all major golf stores in
valleys. But, at that time, Nike’s brand golfer Francesco Molinari, who finished through from when it was first conceptu- the US.
president said of Woods: “He has got issues tied for fifth place after falling apart on the alised until it is finally removed from the l Nike Inc.’s stock rose 1% the following
he needs to deal with and he’s dealing with back nine. Even if you start slow, finish market (or not). Not all products reach this Monday.
them. We are looking forward to him get- strong. final stage. Some continue to grow and oth- l A collector put an offer of US$650 000
ting back on the golf course.” Many business owners, especially entre- ers rise and fall. for Tiger’s US$5 winning golf ball.
Nike stuck with Woods again in 2017 preneurs, get themselves down if they do For the most successful products, a busi- l Bridgestone Golf sold more than US$1
when the golfer was charged with driving not start strong. Doubt creeps in and they ness will want to do all it can to extend the million worth of the Tour B XS on Sunday
under the influence, and found sleeping second guess themselves. In golf, you have growth and maturity phases in the life cy- alone.
behind the wheel of his car. That bet on the front nine and back nine—18 holes. cle, and to delay the decline phase. To do l Tiger’s memorabilia ran out as collectors
Woods clearly paid off for Nike. Avid golf fans and the pros will tell you so, it may decide to implement extension scrambled for his items to store value.
“Nike has always been about iconic ath- that championships are often decided strategies — which are intended to extend l An offer was made for his putter which
letes,” Allen Adamson, brand expert and on the back nine. Many players start off the life of the product before it goes into has been in the bag for 14 of his 15 ma-
co-founder of marketing solutions busi- shaky, but they find their rhythm after a decline. Marketing executives need to ex- jors and 64 of his PGA victories for US$20
ness Metaforce, said. few holes. Then they continue to build that ploit the PLC to extract maximum value million. His response: “I think the word’s
“Consumers want to know not only what momentum through to the end. and to extend the growth and maturity priceless.”
you make but what you stand for. It’s not Perhaps the defining hole in the story of phases in the life cycle, and to delay the l Woods has now won a major champion-
just talking about how fast you can make the 2019 Masters was the 12th on the final decline phase. ship and a Masters in three different dec-
sneakers ... The best brands need to think round, the dreadful par three where any After two decades of playing the game, ades. At 43 years old, after the scandals and
about the long term.” miscalculated tee shot risks being sucked Woods is entering the twilight of his career. the pain and the surgeries and the disap-
A controversial brand ambassador can back into Rae’s Creek. When everyone else But just how exactly did he manage to ex- pointments, Woods is once again a major
cause irreparable damage to a company. was hitting it in the water on 12, Woods put tend his shelf life and end up back to the champion.
Appreciate the importance of loyalty and it in the middle of the green. 18th green at Augusta? He transcended a Looking forward to the 2020 Masters at
long-term vision. Nike has the history, Molinari dumped his tee shot into the sport that had been around since the 15th Augusta in November. #Tigernation
scale and credibility to partner with polar- water at the front of the green and walked century and made it “cool”. In short:
ising and controversial athletes who make off with a double-bogey five. US golfer Indeed, golf has found a new legion of l Even if you start slow, finish strong;
headlines for reasons that go beyond what Tony Finau, also in the final group, fol- followers around the world. This new mar- l Tweak the PLC to extract maximum val-
happens on the playing field. lowed Molinari in the water to drop back to ket has extended his stay on the course. ue and to extend the growth of product;
During this period, it would be safe to eight under. I personally owe my interest in golf to l Measure the risk of an ambassadorial
assume Nike carefully evaluated its options The more experienced Woods, playing Woods. relationship;
and chose to stick with Woods, even when his 22nd Masters, played to the heart of the As an extension strategy, Tiger also re- l In an ambassadorial relationship, loyalty
other sponsors fled. We can also assume green and two-putted for par to join Mo- minded his current audience that he was is two-way; and
that, given the depth of its relationship with linari at the top of the leaderboard on 11 the Greatest of All Time (GOAT). The only l Tag a value on your ambassador.
the athlete, Nike believed that he could one under. Woods tied for the lead again with thing that kept people believing was the
day rise again. Which he did, brilliantly. birdie at No. 13, took the outright lead with idea that “it’s Tiger. You can’t count out Tapera, an avid golfer, is the head of market-
The company was richly rewarded for its another at No. 15, and went up two when Tiger”. ing for the Zimbabwe Agricultural Society. She
loyalty after his Masters victory he hit his tee ball at the par-3 16th to four The value of a Tiger is a member of the Institute of Directors (Zim-
The Tiger-rific comeback feet. He parred 17 and, needing only a 5 at babwe), British Council MEx and Young African
the home hole, made his bogey to win by The financial impact of Woods’ two sec- Leadership Initiative (Yali) Network. She writes
For the first time, Woods came from be- one. ond putt at the 2019 Masters final for some in her personal capacity.

april 17 to 23, 2020 www.theindependent.co.zw

World African Markets

Price (US$)
% Change
FTSE/JSE Indices
Name Price (US$)
S&P 100 1,258.45
% Change
Other indices
Name Price (US$)
FTSE All World (Exc US)
% Change

Markets NSE ASI 130.96 -1.33 S&P 500 2,749.98 +90,57 Russell 1000 1,506.00 3,52
EGX 30 10,321.97 +2.24 Nasdaq 100 8,282.50 0,64 Russell 2000 1,191.66 4,61
NGSE 21,073.26 +0.71 Nasdaq 100 AHI 8,090.90 +203,64
DJIA 23,433.57 +779,71

PPC Zim loses

CEMENT manufacturer PPC Zimbabwe
has lost a court appeal against the Zim-
babwe Revenue Authority (Zimra), which
slapped the company with a 50% penalty
for prejudicing the tax collector of a stag-
gering ZW$1,8 billion in a long-running
saga dating back a decade ago, businessdi-
gest has learnt.

$1,8bn appeal
In a judgment handed down last year,
Special Court for Income Tax judge Justice
November Mtshiya found that Zimra was
actually lenient, considering what the state
lost as a result of PPC’s blameworthiness.
“I’m inclined to state that by imposing a
50% penalty, the respondent has already
shown leniency. I would therefore not in-
terfere with the penalty imposed. In view
of the foregoing, I order as follows:

The appeal is dismissed in its entirety;
The amended assessments of May 18, These were: whether or not the respond-
2017 relating to the years 2010, 2011 and ent was entitled to adjust the 2010 to 2012
2012 be and are hereby confirmed; and assessments in terms of section 47 of the
• Each party shall bear its own costs,”
ruled the judge.
Income Tax Act; whether or not the pur-
chased services expenditure which was
The ruling follows PPC’s objection in claimed by PPC Zimbabwe as a deduction
2018 to Zimra’s decision to issue an addi- against income was proved to have been
tional assessment for income tax due for incurred; and whether the penalty im-
the period of between 2010 and 2012. posed on the company was appropriate.
Zimra conducted a tax audit of the com- In the past, PPC had to file an urgent
pany for the period 2009 to 2012 and, upon High Court chamber application seeking
checking the self-assessments, it became an interdict to stop Zimra from garnishing
evident that the cement maker had reg- its bank accounts over the disputed ZW$3
istered a loss of ZW$3 514 621 765 in the million interest and cost liability emanat-
2009 tax year against earned income of ing from this case as it accused Zimra of
ZW$27 477 159. seeking to illegally garnish its bank ac-
“It is the respondent’s position that it counts despite the tax collector failing to
was not only prudent, but necessary for provide a tax assessment report in terms
it to probe into the large loss indicated of the Income Tax Act.
for 2009. The appellant, through a letter In its urgent chamber application then,
dated 14 August 2013, was accordingly re- PPC submitted that Zimra was threaten-
quested to explain and justify how the loss PPC Zimbabwe plant in Msasa, Harare ing to institute recovery measures despite
for 2009 was arrived at,” reads the court the fact that the matter was still pending
document. placed the company in a profit position ued with the tax audit and came up with in court.
“Having received no answer, the re- for 2009, which resulted in 2010 to 2012 the May 18, 2018 assessments. “Seeing the manifestly unlawful na-
spondent approached the appellant’s tax figures being adjusted accordingly. Both However, PPC contended that, in view ture of Zimra’s threatened actions, the
consultants for an explanation of the same parties then agreed that the 2009 loss po- of the earlier agreement, the respondent applicant has filed out of this honour-
in a letter date 9 December 2013. sition be adjusted from ZW$3 514 621 765 was stopped from making adjustments to able court, a court application in which it
“The tax consultants’ response, dated 11 to ZW$1 981 453,33. the 2010 to 2012 returns while Zimra, for seeks a declaratur to confirm the legality
December 2013, was simply that only the Due to this adjustment, the company’s its part, maintained that the agreement of the respondent’s actions,” the company
appellant was in a position to explain how self-assessment returns for the subse- reached related only to the loss originally submitted.
that huge loss had been arrived at. The re- quent years were also adjusted in order recorded for the year 2009. In 2009, following the dollarisation of
spondent proceeded to do an estimated to disallow losses which had been carried In his judgment, Justice Mtshiya argued the economy, PPC recorded an assessed
assessment of the 2009 tax year.” forward to the years 2010 to 2012. Once that at the pre-trial hearing held last year loss of ZW$3,5 billion after converting
The document further states that PPC’s matters over the 2009 loss had been con- on September 27 three substantive issues its ledger from local currency to United
estimate disregarded the loss return and cluded, as had been agreed, Zimra contin- were referred for determination on appeal. States dollars.

Investor Protection In The Capital Market

T he capital market is the window to international

markets and has an obligation to conduct itself
to the deepest professional standards and
represent Zimbabwe in the highest esteem. Thus, the
market participants need to serve the public interest
Participants on the FINSEC platform are expected to
comply with set minimum standards that include
formal application as a participant, submission of up-
to-date KYC documents and adherence to ongoing
obligations. The on-going obligations are designed to
growing number of investors to access the capital
market, this has also meant increased demand for
accurate and up-t0-date information by investors. The
frequency and depth of on-going reporting has also
been enhanced and this is good news for investors
investors with basic information about the operations
of the capital market. This should help investors know
more about their rights and obligations and the
protection mechanisms that have been put to place
for their benefit.
through the development and promotion of ensure the participants operate according to since it is now easier, faster and more convenient to
internationally recognised, professional and ethical accepted market standards and they make the get information regarding their investments. The The Financial Securities Exchange (FINSEC) is a
standards that have universal application across the necessary disclosures to FINSEC, to the market Exchange and the market regulator are also better Zimbabwe registered securities exchange and a member
entire spectrum of the capital markets. In order for regulator and to investors. Participants are also able to track the activities of market participants of the Escrow Group. The Escrow Group has interests in
capital markets to thrive, there must be adequate expected to uphold client confidentiality and to thereby enhancing investor protection. the financial services and technology sectors. Corpserve
safeguards which will enhance public confidence in protect the integrity of the entire capital market. The use of various media platforms, including the Registrars and Escrow Systems are the other members of
the market, hence the need for regulation. To qualify for listing on FINSEC, issuers must meet the popular social media, to disseminate information the group.
Investor protection mechanisms refer to the minimum standards for listing as determined by the about the capital market products and services is
p ro c e d u re s, re g u l a t i o n s, a n d e n fo rc e m e n t requirements for the class and type of security they helping to break the information barriers and For nd
more information contact:
mechanisms put in place to ensure investors are given wish to bring to the market and demonstrate increasing knowledge levels among the investing 2 Floor ZB Centre, st
adequate protection for their investments, with the compliance with the country's capital markets rules public. However, investors are advised to seek Cnr Kwame Nkrumah and 1 Street
objective of providing the public with a transparent and regulations. These standards provide a strong infor mation from credible sources such as Harare, Zimbabwe
and sufficient investment landscape. Investor b a s e l i n e o f t ra n s p a re n c y a n d e n h a n ce t h e w w w . f i n s e c . c o . z w , w w w . s e c z . c o . z w a n d Tel: +263 4 758193
protection is a key requirement for the integrity of the information and trading experience for investors who www.ctrade.co.zw. Email: info@finsec .co.zw
market and one of underlying principles of investor put their resources onto the markets trusting to get a www.finsec.co.zw
As part of the organisation's Investor Education
protection is that the activities of market participants return on their investment.
Initiatives, FINSEC continues to invest in the
must be for the benefit of the investor. While the use of technology has made it easier for a publication of media articles meant to provide
2 Zimbabwe independent BUSINESS DIGEST april 17 to 23, 2020


Economics Society

Bumpy road ahead for Zim economy


THE Covid-19 pandemic presents the

greatest challenge for many economies
since World War II. It is inevitable that
world economies will go into severe reces-
sion or economic depression.
According to the World Bank’s 2020 Pulse
Report, economic growth in sub-Saharan
Africa is forecast to fall sharply from 24%
to -2,1 and then to -5,1% this year due to
the coronavirus pandemic. This will cause
unprecedented turmoil in society and on
economies where political power will be il-
logical but saving human lives and sustain-
ing the economy a priority. What the world
is experiencing with Covid-19 is a window
to the next global crisis. A new world order
will emerge whose consequences will be
unprecedented. The world should expect
the rise of economic nationalism and po-
tential societal fragility.
Global systems and economies are being
tested for their resilience and endurance
(Re.Test) whose outcomes could be evi-
denced by the fall of fragile economies and
This article provides a critical perspec-
tive on the bumpy road ahead of Zimbabwe
after Covid-19 through a contextual analy-
sis of the business and economic govern-
mentality. While many countries adopted
“lockdowns” as a strategy for minimising
the spread of the virus, medical experts
and scientists believe this is the only option Finance minister Mthuli Ncube (centre, in glasses) and Tobacco Industry Marketing Board chief executive Andrew Matibiri at an auction floor
available in the absence of a vaccine. How- previously. Owing to the ongoing Covid-19 chaos, tobacco exports could be affected.
ever, businesses and the economies should
not be “sleep walking” into believing that Ministry of Finance, 2019), low foreign di- will be a defining factor. The country needs 2020, global stock markets have lost more
all things will go back to where they left rect investment (FDI) attraction of US$300 a raft of reforms which includes a sustain- than 20%. In response, investors are con-
them (Whittington, 2020). million in 2019 (FDI Report, 2019) and high able and convincing economic model, pre- sidering taking action on companies and
Companies and economic leaders should inflation rate of 540% for March 2020 dictable economic policies, enforce corpo- directors (UNPRI, 2020; WFE, 2020).
be preoccupied with preparing for a reces- (Trading Economics, 2020). Further, unprec- rate governance, fiscal model, economic After the lockdown, investors and pen-
sion during the lockdown while political edented corruption, poor economic and relations, zero-corruption, human rights, sion funds in Zimbabwe will have to take
and medical leaders work on saving lives. corporate governance impedes attracting property rights, monetary system govern- stock of Covid-19 impact. However, global
According to Frick and Donaldson (2019), global sustainable and responsible inves- ance reforms, government investment investor BlackRock indicated that it will be
in the Harvard Business Review (May-June), tors to Zimbabwe. According to IMF (2020) management systems and results-driven increasing scrutiny on how the boards of
companies and economies that merely real GDP growth forecast data, real GDP for economic leadership. The Zimbabwe In- directors have been managing sustainabil-
limp into a recession are slower to recover Zimbabwe is expected to contract to -7,4% vestment and Development Agency (Zida) ity issues (economic, environmental, social
and never really catch up. in 2020 before recovering to 2,5% in 2021. will be crucial in unlocking economic and governance).
Consequently, the currently fragile opportunities. At the top of the list of BlackRock’s stew-
Global economies and Covid-19 healthcare system cannot support a healthy ardship priorities for engaging with public
and productive society for economic sus-
Private sector fragility companies is “board qualities”, and “envi-
Global economies, markets and supply
chains have been disrupted by Covid-19, tainability. It is certain that without debt The private sector in Zimbabwe operates ronmental risks and opportunities”.
setting the stage for recession. What re- restructuring by African countries, gains on fragile business models that survive on If investors in Zimbabwe have any hope
mains is how deep the recession will be. of the past few years will be wiped off government protectionism and shadow for recovery after Covid-19, they will have
According to the International Monetary (Ahmed, 2020, in Bloomberg). competition. Evidence has shown that the to evaluate the board chairman on sustain-
Fund (IMF) chief economist and director Zimbabwe has a chance for economic re- private sector in Zimbabwe is fragile and ability issues. As such, it is my unsolicited
of research department, Gita Gopinath, covery, provided it genuinely upholds eco- less likely to survive open and international advice that board chairs in Zimbabwe need
“global economies will contract by 3% in nomic governance over politics. After the competition in their markets. to place their hands on deck on sustain-
2020” (IMF, 2020). In this regard, many lockdown, a fiscal cliff is unavoidable with Some of the business models are out- ability reporting before they face investor
global economies may not recover as fast as little taxes being collected during the lock- dated compared to international companies pressure. It is emerging among internation-
expected. For sure, China’s economy will down. The fiscal system requires a rethink entering Zimbabwe. Multi-national corpo- al investors that corporate sustainability,
sharply contract (Financial Times, 2020) and to enhance domestic resource mobilisation rations and international companies tar- sustainable finance, responsible and im-
faces stern tests and questions. and attracting foreign investment. No coun- geting Zimbabwe anchor their operations pact investing will be the next frontier after
According to Bloomberg and CNBC (2020), try has survived through donations and no on corporate sustainability. Observations Covid-19, particularly in developing and
the United States government approved one has the money to donate for now. have shown sustainability leadership defi- emerging economies in Africa.
a US$2 trillion package while the UK has Owing to the ongoing Covid-19 chaos, ciencies within many corporate boards in
earmarked a £9 billion (US$11,25 billion) diaspora remittances will soon shrink while Zimbabwe.
and Japan US$1 trillion as economic stimu- exports of tobacco and non-essential com- It is emerging that corporate sustainabil- The road ahead after Covid-19 will re-
lus packages. South Africa is finalising its modities could be affected in the coming ity will be a priority in business continu- quire selfless leadership. According to Pope
stimulus package. The impacts of Covid-19 months. Zimbabwe’s major export markets ity plans after Covid-19 depending on the Francis, self-centred leadership will have
will lead to high unemployment with po- like China and South Africa will contract board chairman (McKinsey, 2020; GRI, no place after Covid-19. The bumpy road
tential xenophobic attacks, conflicts and during the recession. 2020). For public companies in Zimbabwe, ahead will test the sustainability of business
nationalism emerging. Some global com- World Bank on March 3, 2020 launched Section 399 of Statutory Instrument 134 of and economic leadership in Zimbabwe to
panies will start retreating home, leaving its US$12 billion, “Covid-19: Emergence 2019 makes sustainability a responsibility extremes. Some companies will fail and the
some countries exposed. Developed econ- Support for Initial Project Countries”, while of the board (Zimbabwe Stock Exchange, society has to be prepared to pay the price
omies will have to find strategies to reduce IMF on April 14, 2020 approved an immedi- 2019). However, it will be up to the lead- of upholding poor leadership.
claims on unemployment benefits by pri- ate debt relief for 25 countries (WB, 2020; ership to uphold (McKinsey, 2020; Oxley, Leading a nation will no longer be about
oritising local citizens, thus having an im- IMF, 2020), but Zimbabwe is not on the line 2015). a political party but a united society that
pact on diaspora remittances. up of both relief programmes. Major reasons In South Africa and Rwanda, their presi- prevails against the odds. Covid-19 should
could be because the country is regarded as dents and business leaders have taken pay unite people in Zimbabwe beyond politi-
The road ahead a mineral and natural resources-rich coun- cuts and foregone dividends in view of Cov- cal tussles. In developed countries, they are
Zimbabwe faces a bumpy road to economic try, which struggles with corruption, policy id-19, to demonstrate sustainability leader- uniting to save lives and their economies.
recovery following years of fragility. Post- inconsistence, poor debt management, ship. The future of private sector companies
Covid, the economy will not smoothly poor priorities and governance associated in Zimbabwe will depend on resilient busi- Ndamba is the chief executive and founder of the
kick-start without external assistance. with accountability challenges. As such, ness models, sustainable strategies and sus- Institute for Sustainability Africa, an independ-
However, this will not be easy given the the country need to urgently redeem and tainability leadership (Cramer, 2020). ent think-tank and research institute “advancing
legacy of failing to implement the Interna- implement genuine and serious economic sustainability initiatives for Africa”. These weekly
tional Monetary Fund’s Staff-Monitored measures, fiscal governance reforms and
Investor perspectives New Perspectives articles are co-ordinated by
Programme recommendations, domes- societal attitude change. It is no secret that Covid-19 is having an Lovemore Kadenge, immediate past president of
tic debt of US$9,6 billion and total debt While Zimbabwe has the potential for impact on investors and their beneficiaries. the Zimbabwe Economics Society . — kadenge.
of US$17,6 billion (2019 National Budget, recovery, competent economic leadership Since the stock market crash of February 20 [email protected] or mobile +263 772 382 852.
Zimbabwe independent BUSINESS DIGEST April 17 to 23, 2020 3

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Building Entrepreneurial Resilience to

Outlast COVID-19
Optimise Costs they operate. Long term competitive advantage
Entrepreneurial businesses should consider their will not be based only on innovative products and
spending at this time. A plan to manage costs should processes, but on innovative business models.
be developed in order to reduce cash flows immediately. What is a business model and business model innovation?
These measures could range from closing shop, setting up In the most basic sense, this it is how a business proposes
online stores and focus on remote working. This will help to make money. It is defines who your customers are, what
to cut down on rental payments and utility bills. Other you are offering the customers, how you produce your
options include recruitment freeze, reducing contract offering and why your business is profitable. Business
labour and re-distributing the work to your permanent model innovation, according to Bruce R. Barringer and
staff, imposing travel and non-essential meeting R. Duanne Ireland in their book Successfully Launching
restrictions to reduce travel and entertainment spending. New Ventures, is a business model that revolutionizes
how a product is produced, sold or supported after
Secure short-term liquidity sale. A shift in business models will enable many
Cash is the lifeblood of any business and an immediate businesses to survive, and perhaps even thrive.
handle on daily cash needs is essential. Short term
liquidity must be evaluated now and more frequently. Before implementing new business models, entrepreneurs
Under normal conditions, businesses are mainly must ask themselves if for example the model will allow
focused on sales, cost containment, and profit and the business to create value for customers or reduce
loss. Routine back-office activities like paying bills or costs? Whether it will leverage the business’ unique
managing receivables are often taken for granted. selling proposition or incapacitate your competitive
During this crisis, businesses need to shift gears advantage? How can a value chain be designed to boost
and change their focus from profits to cashflow. fulfilment levels and reliability? Where and how costs
or waste can be eliminated within the value chain?
Entrepreneurial businesses could face more challenges.
From increased pressure on the purchasing power and Is ‘Virtual’ the new normal?
creditworthiness of customers while also facing tighter In Zimbabwe, some businesses will have to shift to a more
In a just a few months, across the Globe, countries credit terms and product availability from suppliers; to virtual business model which focuses on an online and
have been faced with unprecedented disruption in the too much inventory on hand. In order to minimize such delivery model. With the advent of online banking and
form of shutdowns to curb the spread of COVID-19. risks, it is important to apply a coordinated approach mobile money platforms, transactions can be conducted
Zimbabwe is no exception. It is no longer business as that addresses payables, receivables and inventory. It online. From a consumption point of view, the growing
usual, as many small to medium businesses have been may be wise to strategically manage working capital, prevalence of COVID-19 will also push consumption
experiencing significant disruption in their operations. potentially selling inventory or minimizing new inventory online. As consumers stay indoors, online orders for
From supply chain and production, to a decline in purchases to in order to generate cash. Entrepreneurs fresh food and groceries continue to grow through
revenues, cashflows and significant losses, businesses must also take a critical look at accounts payable contactless pickup or delivery services. We have started
are being adversely impacted. Entrepreneurs and days and account receivable days and understand to see many retail companies in Zimbabwe allowing
business owners need to consider COVID-19 in both the impact of stretching these days in either direction. customers to order their groceries online and delivery is
long-term and short-term, to address these incredible made to the customer even as they continue to operate,
challenges with urgency! We do not know how long this Communicate with relevant stakeholders albeit at reduced hours and with reduced foot traffic.
situation will last, but what’s clear is that we will have Entrepreneurs should communicate in a clear,
“new norms” post COVID-19. It is therefore imperative transparent and timely manner to secure ongoing Entrepreneurs should ask themselves the following
that entrepreneurs and business owners plan for support from customers, employees, suppliers, creditors, questions: as digital ways of working and doing
the next stage and think beyond today’s challenges. investors and regulatory authorities. For example: business have become more important, how can
my businesses transform? and what implications
• Customers – Businesses should communicate would this have on my business? What lessons can
Now openly with their customers about the status be learnt from other businesses and even countries
Laser focus on liquidity, revenue and profitability is of their operations, any delays in delivery or with regards to their experiences and responses?
needed to properly navigate the immediate impact of disrupted customer obligation, renegotiate credit
COVID-19. The challenges faced by entrepreneurs now terms, pro-active measures implemented in the We are at the beginning of a new, unprecedented
are further exacerbated as factories are shutdown, and business to protect customers from the virus. era. Entrepreneurs must ensure that their business
borders are closed, making business as usual impossible • Employees - For employees, communications plans is ready to tackle challenges now and look beyond the
and driving companies into crisis. There has been a should try to find the balance between caution and downturn. Although the crisis reveals areas where
significant hit on sectors that were not considered as maintaining a business-as-usual in unusual times. companies can build resilience and reshape themselves,
essential services during this time, such as transport, • Suppliers - Regular contact must be maintained with they must prepare for what comes next and beyond.
tourism and hospitality, and other manufacturing and suppliers regarding capability and capacity to deliver
retail industries during this lockdown. We are in a goods and services during COVID-19. Negotiating
crisis with no immediate end in sight and entrepreneurs for the most favourable credit terms is a must.
should strive to take care of employees and stay true to • Creditors – Businesses should communicate early
their vision, while trying to beat the odds of survival. and often with lenders e.g. banks. They are acutely
aware of the situation playing out across the nation.
To address some of these immediate challenges, Communicate with them, explaining any issues that
entrepreneurs should: may arise and the actions you propose to address them.

Preserve revenue and identify new revenue

streams Next and beyond COVID-19
Managing through this crisis will require operational focus This crisis has put resilience at the top of every business’
to preserve revenues as current revenue streams have list, and with good reason. However, there will be life
been affected. The best way to do so is to focus on the after COVID-19 and preparing your business to still be Faith B Moyo
ultimate source: the customer. Businesses need to rebuild standing afterwards is equally important. Businesses will
trust and loyalty with their customers. For example, some continue to face disruptive factors such as technology-
local businesses in the furniture industry holding a lot of fueled fundamental changes to customer behavior, To find out more contact Faith B. Moyo, on:
Email: [email protected]
inventory are selling their products online at a discount changes in regulations and industry convergence. These
Address: Angwa City Building, Corner Julius Nyerere Way/ Kwame
and deliveries or collection will be done after the lockdown. factors may force entrepreneurial businesses to evolve Nkrumah Avenue. P O Box 62, Harare, Zimbabwe.
rapidly, therefore enabling them to better model future Tel: +263 4 750905/ 750979
Due to some shifts in consumer demand, some changes and more quickly anticipate the moves they need
entrepreneurs are finding ways to temporarily or to make. This crisis could bring about an acceleration This article was compiled by EY as a source of general information and notification
permanently change their revenue streams. Looking in business model change, driving down costs and and should not be construed as a formal professional/legal opinion. Although
at the transport industry, some companies are prices or enable entirely new categories of businesses. reasonable skill and care is taken when providing information, EY offer no
now delivering groceries to customers on behalf of warranties or representations as to the information’s accuracy. The information
large retailers and some clothes manufacturers in Innovating your Business Model provided is not intended to replace the need for an expert/ legal opinion on
interpretation, application and consequences of the relevant legal, technical or
South Africa are now manufacturing face masks. The upside of the COVID-19 crisis is that businesses
regulatory provisions. E Y does not accept responsibility for any loss or damage
will be forced to innovate and re-evaluate the way you or any third party may suffer as a result of utilising the information provided.
4 Zimbabwe independent BUSINESS DIGEST April 17 to 23, 2020


Govt mulls US$14 billion ZITF hangs

in the
renewable power projects balance
Nkululeko Sibanda
THE menacing Covid-19 pandemic
CABINET has adopted an ambi- has thrown plans for the 2020 edi-
tious renewable energy project tion of the Zimbabwe International
to be developed over a 10-year Trade Fair (ZITF) off track with the
period at an approximate cost trade showcase’s management
of US$14 billion, through which still to decide on how to proceed.
Zimbabwe will produce up to Busisa Moyo, the newly ap-
2 100 megawatts per day by 2030. pointed ZITF board chairperson,
According to a new national re- told businessdigest this week the
newable energy policy document board was still grappling with a final
seen by the Zimbabwe Independ- decision on how to move forward
ent, the government is seeking to in the face of the Covid-19 menace
invest heavily in solar, gas and which has plunged the world econ-
wind energy generation projects. omy into unprecedented turmoil.
The policy document, pre- “As far as we are concerned as
sented to cabinet a fortnight ago ZITF, the 2020 trade showcase is a
by Energy and Power Develop- postponed affair for now,” Moyo
ment minister Fortune Chasi, said.
also seeks to give national pro- “It (ZITF 2020) has not been
ject status to all renewable power cancelled as yet. We were asked to
projects to facilitate their exemp- table investors from around the “The policy aims to achieve in- babwe (IDBZ). postpone it because of Covid-19.
tion from customs and excise world and this gives us optimism stalled renewable energy capacity “The policy recommends to ex- As you are aware, the ZITF would
regulations. that programme will give us the of 1 100MW (excluding large hy- plore both domestic and foreign have brought in exhibitors from
This would, in turn, allow de- results we need,” Chasi said. dro), or 16,5% of the total elec- financing resources. The policy some of those countries that were
velopers to import certain re- “The national energy policy tricity supply by the year 2025 also recommends the setting up affected (by Covid-19) and the de-
newable energy systems used in seeks to provide an overall frame- and 2 100MW (26,5%) of total of a separate fund called Green cision therefore was to say let us
power generation plants at com- work for optimal supply and uti- electricity supply by year 2030,” Energy Fund of Zimbabwe,” the wait and see how far this will go
petitive rates. lisation of energy in general and the policy document reads. document reads. “This fund will before we make a decision.”
The policy document also ensure access to modern energy “Other additional alternative be used in promoting, developing He said it was crucial that Zim-
seeks to ease the regulation of services for the country’s socio- energy programmes include in- and extending financial assistance babwe hosts ZITF as it would boost
power production to allow for economic development. It is an stitution and domestic biogas, for setting up of projects relating trade with other countries.
independent power producers to initiative aimed at securing the mini solar grids and solar water to new and renewable sources of “This is a very important trade
participate in small hydro power long-term energy needs of the pumping systems. These targets energy and off-grid sources. It showcase on our calendar as a
plants, biogas and solar, who country in a sustainable way. will enable the country to meet shall be managed by the IDBZ. It country. It is very crucial that ZITF
will sell electricity to the Zimba- “So basically, the policy was the current and projected energy also encourages renewable en- happens. But we have to keep our
bwe Electricity Supply Authority developed by my ministry to pro- supply deficit as well as meet the ergy projects to tap funding from fingers crossed that this Covid-19
(Zesa). mote and drive investment into greenhouse gas emissions reduc- pension funds, insurance funds pandemic is contained on time,
Zimbabwe is grappling with the sector by overcoming a num- tion objectives.” and bond markets through pre- something that allows us to review
a huge power deficit which has ber of barriers that currently exist The targeted main source of scribed asset status mechanism and see when we can host ZITF
seen Zesa resorting to rolling out in the energy sector. The whole funding is the cash-rich insur- among others.” 2020,” Moyo said.
massive load shedding, crippling undertaking should cost around ance sector. However, the government has He said the ZITF board was also
the last remaining factories and US$14 billion spread over the next “The policy aims to promote in- been criticised for coming up exploring various considerations on
mines. 10 years.” vestment in the renewable energy with excellent development plans how best to deal with the situation.
Local generation capacity falls According to the document, the sector by providing specific in- which are either never imple- “There are many options on
far short of the required 2 200 policy is in line with guidelines set centives. It recommends provid- mented or are often derailed by the table that we are considering.
megawatts, which also stands by the United Nations Convention ing national project status to all bureaucratic corruption. In the event that it takes time for
above the country’s installed ca- on Climate Change (UFCCC) and renewable energy projects,” the The botched 100MW Gwanda Covid-19 to be contained, there is
pacity of 1 900MW. Currently, the seeks to respond to the demand- document states. “The ministry solar power plant is one good ex- a proposal to twin ZITF with some
country’s five hydro and ther- supply ratio, grid absorption ca- will recommend renewable ener- ample. The tender for the estab- of our showcases that we run.
mal power plants produce about pacity and the ability of utilities to gy projects on a case-by-case ba- lishment of the plant was given These will include PakPrint, Mine
1 300MW. pay for renewable electricity. sis to the ministry responsible for to Wicknell Chivayo’s company Entra, and Scholastica,” Moyo
Zimbabwe is importing power The country currently relies finance for according prescribed Intratrek, which did not have a said. “There is no harm, basically,
from Mozambique and South mostly on non-renewable fos- asset status so as to unlock insur- track record in undertaking pro- in combining the ZITF and all those
Africa. sil fuels like wood, coal and pe- ance and pension funding.” jects of that magnitude. exhibitions.”
Chasi confirmed the develop- troleum which are globally con- It further recommends the set- As a result, the project hit snags In the event that a decision is
ment in an interview. demned for their high emission of ting up of a separate fund to be and is yet to deliver, despite made to completely postpone the
“We have received huge ex- greenhouse gasses that severely administered by the Infrastruc- Chivayo having been given US$5 event to next year, Moyo said there
pressions of interest from repu- damage the environment. ture Development Bank of Zim- million in advance payment. was no need for those companies
that had already paid to be part of
the 2020 exhibition to panic.

Lockdown delays listing of Exchange Traded Fund “Should we agree to say the
ZITF 2020 can no longer happen
and we defer it to next year, we
have put in place a plan to deal with
Melody Chikono of securities on-boarded on the our exhibitors. Those that have al-
Chengetedzai Securities Deposi- ready paid for the 2020 edition will
THE Covid-19 pandemic has tory remained unchanged during have their payments deferred to
forced the Zimbabwe Stock Ex- the month. In that period, the ZSE the 2021 exhibition and they will be
change (ZSE) to delay the listing equities market weakened, shed- treated as prime exhibitors for the
of its inaugural Exchange Trad- ding 4,05% to close the month 2021 exhibition. They are the ones
ed Fund (ETF), which was ear- with a total market capitalisation that we will allocate space to first
marked for the end of the first of ZW$58,52 billion compared before anyone else,” he added.
quarter of 2020. to ZW$60,99 billion as at end of ZITF 2020 was billed to take
The bourse says it hopes the February 2020. place from April 21-25 but has had
public health crisis will eventu- Consequently, the deposi- to be postponed due to the disease
ally subside to allow the project to tory’s CE Campbell Musiwa said outbreak.
move ahead. the market value of the securities The trade showcase’s manage-
Last year, the ZSE launched that are placed on the platform ment had attracted exhibitors from
ETFs as part of efforts to offer also declined by 9,09% from countries such as China, India,
wide investment choices. ZW$31,70 billion as at February the United Kingdom, among oth-
An ETF is an investment fund 29 2020 to ZW$28,81 billion as at ers, including some from regional
traded on a bourse, like a basket March 31. economies such as South Africa,
of stocks. These could be indices caused a delay in the project. The has had an impact on listed com- Dematerialised securities ac- Zambia, and Mozambique.
comprising a clutch of related ZSE hopes that the pandemic will panies, negatively affecting activ- counted for 49,23% of the ZSE However, with Covid-19 still
stocks such as mining, agriculture be brought under control soon in ity on the ZSE. equities market capitalisation as ravaging countries at alarming
and technology, among others. order to progress with the project. The lockdown has seen a de- at March 31, 2020. levels, the government has had to
On Wednesday, ZSE chief ex- Detailed announcements of po- crease in trading volumes and “ZSE equities market turnover shut down business in the country
ecutive Justin Bgoni would not tential listings are, however, not turnover figures on the market as increased for the third consecu- and locked down all ports of entry
divulge details of the upcoming possible before the issuer pub- players shift their focus on surviv- tive month to close the month of in a move aimed at reducing the
listing, saying it was impossible lishes the pre-listing statement. ing the 21 days without business March, 2020 at ZW$425,61 mil- spread of the virus and contain the
before the issuer publishes the The ETF listing will positively im- activity. lion. This represented an increase infections within the country.
pre-listing statement. pact the market as it adds to the The month of March saw no of 18% compared to February However, this has seen most
"We expected the listing by basket of investable securities," new listings on the ZSE equities 2020. The cumulative number of businesses grinding to a halt, with
the end of the first quarter 2020 Bgoni said. and debt markets. On the securi- trades processed in 2020 closed at the ZITF not spared.
but the breakout of coronavirus The 21-day Covid-19 lockdown ties depository front, the number 10 990,” he said.
Zimbabwe independent BUSINESS DIGEST April 17 to 23, 2020 5

Why workforce planning matters

MEMORY Nguwi caught up with Tracy business conditions and knowledge of one’s
Smith (from the United States) to own industry change over time.
explore how workforce planning can MN: What are the key steps in workforce
help businesses reduce workforce TS: The figure above shows the frame-
management risk. She is an expert in work for workforce planning.
analytics (human resources, diversity, MN: How do you assess the importance of
supply chain, purchasing, quality, a role when doing workforce planning?
customer service and ops), a business TS: There are several methods available,
but all will touch on several important
author and speaker. She regularly points:
advises companies on how to apply
analytics in a practical and cost-
• What are the skills you need to protect
effective way. • What are the skills you don’t have today
that you need for tomorrow?

MN: What is workforce planning? workforce planning? workforce planning from my experience
• Which roles, if they vanished today,
would severely impact the ability of your
TS: Strategic workforce planning is about TS: With the speed of technological is being able to accurately forecast future business to function?
identifying the biggest risks in your work- change, the needs of the workforce are business performance and factor that into MN: How do you factor in the quality of
force and setting plans to address those changing much faster than they did 10 years workforce planning? labour in workforce planning? You may
risks before they impact your business ago. Without a process to actively identify What risks arise if we forecast wrongly have the right quantities per role but not the
substantially. changes that can impact the business, a how the business will perform? How can right quality.
MN: Is workforce planning separate from company risks not having the key work- we enhance business forecasting for pur- TS: It is more that you may have the right
business planning? force it needs to remain competitive. poses of workforce planning? quantity of headcount, but the wrong skill
TS: Workforce planning is a component MN: How different is workforce planning TS: Forecasting business performance sets. That’s why you must assess two types
of business planning and it should therefore from succession planning? is very challenging as it can only be as ac- of “gaps” in SWP: headcount and skill set.
be integrated into the same planning pro- TS: These are two different planning curate as the information on which it was
cess. That said, it is often difficult to create processes. In most companies, succession based. Since workforce planning is a com- Nguwi is an occupational psychologist, data
the integrated process until many work- planning is only completed for the man- ponent of business planning, it is important scientist, speaker and managing consultant at
force planning lessons have been learned. agement levels to ensure continuity in the to revisit the forecast and its implications Industrial Psychology Consultants (Pvt) Ltd, a
Realistically, most companies begin with near-term. Workforce planning identifies regularly. management and HR consulting firm. https://
smaller components of workforce planning and plans for the key roles within a com- The more uncertain your business fore- www.linkedin.com/in/memorynguwi/ Phone
and work their way up into a more complex pany regardless of where it sits on the or- cast is, the more often you will want to re- +263 24 2481 946-48/ 2290 0276, cell number
and integrated process. ganisational chart. visit both the forecast and its implications. +263 772 356 361 or e-mail: mnguwi@ipccon-
MN: Why should a business worry about MN: One of the biggest challenges in Don’t be afraid to make adjustments since sultants.com or visit ipcconsultants.com.


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6 Zimbabwe independent BUSINESS DIGEST April 17 to 23, 2020

business & investment forum

Bhoroma Economic decline, Covid-19

THE International Labour Organisation

and the vulnerable labour
(ILO) has warned that the rapidly intensify-
ing economic impact of Covid-19 could be
far worse than the 2008/2009 financial cri-
sis and will result in job cuts of nearly 200
million full-time jobs in the second quarter
on 2020. The Covid-19 crisis is expected to
wipe out 6,7% of working hours globally in
the next three months.
Huge losses are expected across differ-
ent income groups, even though the upper-
middle income countries will be worst af-
fected (with estimated job losses for nearly
100 million full-time workers). Despite the
existence of various government bailout
packages, worst hit sectors such as hotels
and airlines, transport, gaming and leisure,
education, food, manufacturing, wholesale,
retail and business services have already
started to lay off millions of jobs.
As the number of infections nears two
million globally, most countries are main-
taining (or intensifying in extreme cases)
their lockdown measures which have seen
business grinding to a halt.
In Zimbabwe, hopes for economic growth
have quickly vanished and the economy is
set to record recession deeper than the of-
ficial 6,5% recorded in 2019.
The Confederation of Zimbabwe Indus- The Covid-19 pandemic is likely to result in nearly 200 million full-time job losses worldwide in the second quarter on 2020.
tries (CZI) has highlighted that 82% of com-
panies can only afford one month’s salary
under the current lockdown conditions and
has urged the government to lift lockdown
restrictions so as to allow producers to re-
sume limited operations that can keep them
afloat while saving thousands of jobs.
CZI further pointed that the lockdown
was necessary, but its sustenance should
consider the unstable state of the economy
and government’s incapacity to provide
bailout packages to businesses as is the
norm in other countries undergoing lock-
down restrictions.
The industrial body implored on the gov-
ernment to allow companies to resume
work, while observing precautions such as
social distancing, hygiene and screening of
So far the worst affected sector in Zimba-
bwe is tourism and hospitality, where Af-
rican Sun, Rainbow Tourism Group, Cresta
Hotels and Africa Albida Tourism headline
the list of companies that have suspended
operations in the sector, where almost every
player will realise significant financial losses
in 2020.
Airlines (Air Zimbabwe and Fast Jet) have
also suspended operations while most fast
food restaurants have scaled down their op-
erations in response to the decline in sales.
Inevitably, the firms have laid off temporary
staffers, while placing permanent employ-
ees on partially paid or unpaid leave.
The job cuts have worsened the already
high unemployment levels on the local mar-
ket and poverty levels in the country, where Tourism is among the worst affected sectors of the economy.
a family of five needed at least ZW$5,293
(US$212 using the interbank rate) in Febru- fected industries will have a domino effect nations, direct reduction of Value Added Tax ernments and other local well-wishers in
ary to meet its basic needs. on other sectors such as banking, insurance (VAT), deferment of PAYE and VAT, and the the corporate and civic sector. The funds are
The Poverty Datum Line (PDL) jumped and real estate. Already a number of com- provision of indirect relief for distressed but mainly focussed on social needs as opposed
18% from the January level and is expected mercial banks had started to rationalise op- viable companies by the government. to directly saving businesses in distress.
to top ZW$6 000 for March due to the in- erations by closing loss-making branches to However, CZI stresses that these bail- The government cannot afford to ignore
crease in prices of basic foodstuffs in the cut operational costs and stay afloat. With- outs must be funded by existing local cur- the pleas made by the under-fire business
run-up to the national lockdown. out government support or bailout pack- rency resources and not by creating new sector, while expecting full tax compliance
The PDL dwarfs the earnings of an average ages, a number of local companies face virtual balances so as to manage the rate of and returns from the same in the short term.
worker in Zimbabwe, where the lowest paid the risk of bankruptcy in the next six to 36 inflation. Thousands of jobs and livelihoods are on
civil servant takes home ZW$2 500 (US$100 months. The industrial body had earlier warned the line. Besides the impending economic
using the interbank rate) per month. The Besides allowing companies to resume that the lockdown and decline in trade decline in 2020, the domino effect to every
ILO recommends that the PDL should be work, CZI is lobbying the government to (with key trade partners such as South Af- sector of the economy will increase the level
used as a reference point in consistently re- put in place policies that allow rollovers of rica, China, Singapore and UAE), as well as of informalisation in the market to unsus-
viewing wages for labour, however various mortgage and loan payments, while in- depressed manufacturing in the country’s tainable levels. Without tax relief policies,
local employers (including the government) creasing the Pay-As-You-Earn (PAYE) band major export destinations, will cause fac- medium to large businesses will devise
use inflation figures to constantly adjust by 200% with effect from April 1, 2020. The tory closures and job losses in Zimbabwe. ways to evade taxes so as to stay afloat as has
prices for goods and services without doing lobby group also wants payments made to- Even though the Zimbabwean govern- been the case in yesteryear crises.
the same on wages. wards the 2% Intermediated Money Trans- ment set up a coronavirus disaster manage- The current inflationary environment
The lockdown is putting pressure on al- fer (IMT) tax in any given month to be offset ment fund to provide resources needed to provides a fertile ground for businesses to
ready struggling companies that were reel- against PAYE due for that given month as fight the pandemic and cater for various so- cut permanent jobs considering the fact that
ing from the impact of the monetary re- that will help to subsidise wages and save cial needs that come with the crisis, there is retrenchment packages have already been
forms, which resulted in the banning of jobs during the period of the lockdown. need to institute indirect tax relief packages eroded by inflation. If the economic decline
multiple currencies in June 2019. Other eco- On the IMT tax, industrialists want the to local producers as a way to save thou- persists beyond 2020, Zimbabwe’s formal
nomic constraints that affected optimal pro- tax-free threshold to be increased from sands of jobs in an economy where one job employment numbers will shrink deeper
duction included high inflation and erosion ZW$100 to ZW$500 and possible reduc- loss is one too many. than the current estimates of 600 000.
of earnings, power cuts, fuel and foreign tions of the tax itself from 2% to 1% (where It is important to point that the Covid fund
currency shortages, decline in consumer applicable) to stimulate consumer demand is dedicated to receiving and accounting for Bhoroma is a marketer by profession, freelance
demand and low agricultural productivity in the economy. contributions made by International devel- economic analyst and holds an MBA from the
(partially caused by successive droughts). Further recommendations centre on al- opment partners such as the United Nations University of Zimbabwe. — vbhoroma@gmail.
The business downturn in the worst af- lowing full tax deductibility on all Covid do- (UN), European Union (EU), national gov- com or Twitter: @VictorBhoroma1.
Zimbabwe independent BUSINESS DIGEST April 17 to 23, 2020 7

DATA AS AT 18.03.20
DATA AS AT 16.04.20
All Share index 466.50 -0.28% 5.41% 102.76% ECONET 299.6 44.62 17% INNSCOR PADENGA DELTA
ZSE Top10 index 390.81 0.89% 5.41% 92.82% CSZL 300.5 35.48 13% 5% 0% OLDMUTUAL 1%
ZSE Top15 index 404.20 0.34% 3.61% 97.19% CBZ 180.0 25.75 17% 26%

PROPLASTICS 180.0 19.00 12% Willdale

Small Cap index 1,265.25 0.19% -2.21% 99.94% DAIRIBORD 72.0 18.00 33%
Medium Cap index 648.23 -2.49% -2.98% 125.24%
ZSE Financials index 687.64 4.30% 4.15% 61.20% TOP 5 FALLERS WEEKLY
ZSE Consumer Discretionary index 957.03 -0.71% 0.40% 134.80% COUNTER PRICE ZWL $c % VOLUME
ZSE Consumers Staples index 460.48 -1.87% -4.93% 100.78% OLDMUTUAL 3,668.9 -88.88 -2% Total $m
ZSE Industrials Index (new) 724.72 0.42% 1.39% 68.25% MEIKLES 711.2 -87.83 -11% SIMBISA
ZSE ICT Index 882.32 4.81% 21.55% 115.12% NATFOODS 2,600.0 -60.00 -2% 8%
ZSE Materials Index 494.52 -2.44% -1.85% 88.68% SEEDCO 345.0 -43.23 -11% 12% WILLDALE
FMP 45%
ZSE Real Estate Index 874.58 1.50% -2.70% 218.19% TSL 118.0 -35.18 -23% 15%
Total Buys 0.31 -97% INTERBANK 25 0%
Total Sales 5.05 27% PARALLEL 46.5 6%
Net Foreign Buy -4.74 OLD MUTUAL IMPLIED 60.47 4%
Regional Equities LEVEL W.O.W M.T.D Y.T.D
ZSE ASI 466.50 -0.28% 5.41% 102.76%
LUSE 4147.19 -0.12% -2.02% -2.75% ZSE Weekly Commentary
BSE 7436.07 -0.06% -0.69% -0.78%
JSE 48301.28 0.60% 8.57% -15.39% THE stock market has continued to show significant volatility now stretching into a couple of weeks. In the week under review,
NSE 135.24 3.18% 2.52% -14.37% seesawing action continued as investors were caught between an adverse Covid-19 induced outlook with immediate selloffs earlier
driving stocks lower. However, the continued weakness in the Zimbabwean dollar (Zimdollar) against the greenback has kept local
equities cheaper and even widening the magnitude of upside.
Commodities LEVEL W.O.W M.T.D Y.T.D
Gold 1,726.20 3.18% 11.95% 35.52% investors are preferring to hive off in safer assets such as hard cash or Treasury paper in global markets, while demand for bullion
has hit a record multi-year high.
Platinum 790.25 1.73% 19.51% -10.50%
Nickel 11,810.75 -24.37% -1.00% -31.58% In Zimbabwe, the selloff has not been as severe as inflation continues to hit record highs with latest data showing a 25% month-on-
Copper 2.16 -18.80% 2.16% 30.58% month growth in March against a government target of 5%. Broadly, relative performance in terms of value of trades slowed down
Oil 20.36 -61.91% -24.68% -68.27% as the week progressed in line with the wait-and-see strategy engaged by investors.

Most of the countries across the globe are in lockdown due to the spread of the coronavirus pandemic. The spread has caused panic
Currencies LEVEL W.O.W M.T.D Y.T.D in investment markets which have since February been in free fall. On the other hand, the lockdown has driven the participation
lower as rigidities in decision-making increase.
USD/ZAR 18.58 2.04% 12.01% 32.98%
USD/CNY 7.08 -0.67% 0.74% 6.07% The ZSE All Share Index eased by 0.28% to settle at 466,50 week-on-week. The bourse continues to show wider year to date gains,
at 102,76%. We expect the market to cautiously improve as investors factor in the exchange rate dynamics as well as some other
GBP/USD 1.25 0.80% 3.14% -4.18% fundamentals.
USD/ZMK 18.52 1.76% 12.58% 51.43%
USD/NGN 360.00 -0.28% 18% 17.69%
8 Zimbabwe independent BUSINESS DIGEST APRIL 17 to 23, 2020


Business survival during lockdown

Group, to find out how he is handling sequences. Overall, Zimbabwe’s gross do-
Robert Mandeya this situation and his views on how mestic product will significantly drop this
organisations can survive the crisis. year. This is also as a result of our high de-
Below are excerpts of the interview: pendency on China — be that in the form of
trade, tourism or investment.
People RM: How is your business coping with
management issueS RM: How are you taking the 21-day this crisis?
lockdown? GM: We have literally gone virtual at the
MG: The 21-day lockdown is a big stress moment and we are carrying out most of
THE Covid-19 crisis has literally thrown to us as employers as it entails zero revenue our meetings through virtual platforms
individuals and corporates into a state but at the end of the month you have to pay such as Zoom and Skype. However, this is not
of disaster, panic and confusion. The your fixed expenses. It is really a traumatic very easy given the intermittent connectiv-
time for me, but at the same time we are ity challenges which might at times disrupt
crisis caught many a leader unawares faced with a global pandemic, which is be- work. GM: The ability to pivot, to course correct,
and has thrown business into turmoil. yond anyone’s control and the lockdown RM: What skill can be applied to navigate is an integral component of psychological
Coping with a crisis of this magnitude could be the best possible way to mitigate through this disaster? wellness. It’s to re-examine the meaning
requires grit and authentic leadership the effects of the virus. GM: For those in leadership, particularly of failure, disappointment, loss, and self-
to save lives and organisations from the RM: What is the impact of this crisis on founding executives like myself, I would doubt. It’s the ability to change our mind,
business? encourage psychological pivoting as coping to change our behaviour. This is a critical
catastrophic effects. Robert Mandeya MG: Where a stringent policy response mechanisms. component to our ability to adapt and ad-
(RM) caught up with Munyaradzi is deemed necessary, business will inevi- RM: Explain to us what psychological piv- just to a crisis like the pandemic.
Gwatidzo (MG, pictured), founder and tably be impacted, with both near-term oting is all about in the context of the Cov- This concept is at the heart of what psy-
chief executive officer of Astro Tech effects and less-expected longer-run con- id-19 crisis. chologists refer to as resilience. Not least in
this notion is the idea of emotional agility

Rolling the e-paper!

and grit and you have the making of some-
thing profound.
RM: How can executives or organisa-
tional leadership apply psychological pivot-
ing in mitigating the impact of Covid-19 on
their business?
MG: By realising that your own psychol-
ogy will make or break your company. It’s
all in your mind. This may sound like a cli-
ché but, like many cliches, it’s true. Tend-
ing to the founder’s psychology is one of the
things people don’t talk about except in pri-
vate conversations with trusted mentors or
During the darkest days, a founder needs
to seek advice and time with the people that
care about her or him the most and to es-
tablish a firm grip on their own mind. This,
in turn, gives your employees, your inves-
tors, and your customers confidence that
everything is going to work out.
RM: What does it take for one to master
the skill of psychological pivoting?
GM: It entails going through counseling
and education on how to handle crisis. It’s
a skill which has to be learnt and needs
consistent support form support groups or
RM: Why is it necessary for executives or
any member of the organisation to acquire
psychological pivoting, particularly in this
time of crisis?
GM: Executives are the ones that provide
Subscribe now! direction and leadership. In times like these
everyone will be looking up to the leader-
ship, so it’s important for the executive to
develop a structured process to transition
the company out of this crisis moment.
RM: Have you ever applied psychologi-
Duration NewsDay Zimbabwe The Standard Total Cost cal pivoting at any point in your business
Month (s) Independent GM: Yes, I have. As mentioned above, I
have gone through two company closures
Promo Post-Promo Promo Post-Promo Promo Post-Promo Promo Post-Promo because of financial distress and I had to use
this skill to remain focussed and to pick up
1 $15 $130 $12 $48 $10 $40 $37 $118 the broken pieces.
RM: How else would you advise execu-
tives in distress on how they can bounce
2 $22 $245 $22 $90 $18 $75 $62 $410 back in business after Covid-19?
GM: The ultimate mind shift is to see re-
ality but still believe. Great executives can
3 $36 $280 $33 $115 $27 $105 $96 $500 fully understand the reality of their situa-
NB: Promotion ends on 22 April 2020 tions and still maintain enthusiasm. I always
How to Register: managed to do this even though it was be-
yond hope. At my first company, the part-
1. Pay for your preferred subscription period using our ners took away the company from me and
I had to start from zero. We moved, through
Ecocash Merchant Number :*151*2*2*26472* AMT# our grief psychology, into creativity and
got on with it. It worked out. We grew to
2. WhatsApp proof of payment to : 100 employees and then started to sell mil-
lions of devices after we successfully made
Violet: 0773 207 437 it through the company loss. All of this was
made possible by the mental shifts I and my
Loreen: 0737 185 178 / 0773 253 517 co-founders were able to make — thanks in
large part to my mentors, co-founders and
Hatred : 0772 287 524 / 0719 228 752 my wife’s support.
3. Send your proof of payment & email to : [email protected] I recommitted to our mission. Those pe-
riods, while hard, were some of the most
rewarding of my life. A crisis is a time that
wakes you up and gives you the white space
to create something unique and amazing.

Mandeya is an executive leadership coach, train-

er in human capital development and corporate
education, a certified leadership and professional
development practitioner and founder of LiRD. —
[email protected]/www.lird.co.zw.
Zimbabwe independent BUSINESS DIGEST April 17 TO 23, 2020 9


Fernandez Credible media vital in fight
against Covid-19, fake news

As the coronavirus continues its relent-

less spread across the world, infecting over
a million people and killing tens of thou-
sands, news stories of lockdowns, social
distancing and overwhelmed hospitals
Newspaper editor warns of wrenching changes to come, urges
have been making the headlines just about
urgent action to minimise damage to the media and democracy
Newsrooms have been working overtime
to keep the communities they serve up-
dated. Audiences have surged. Apart from
news reports, people are turning to analysis
and commentaries, videos and explainers,
to help them make sense of the fast-evolv-
ing and far-reaching crisis.
Amid the welter of information swirl-
ing about on social media, professional
newsrooms, which have long invested in
building expertise, have been meeting the
public’s hunger for objective reporting,
based on journalists speaking to informed
sources, providing context and perspec-
tive, drawing on historical knowledge and
institutional memory.
These have also helped inoculate com-
munities against that other virus that is
on the rampage — fake news — which is
sowing anxiety and confusion, as well as
undermining the public’s trust in the reli-
ability of the information they receive at
this critical time.
In the process, some reporters have suc-
cumbed to the virus while on the job, hav-
ing to be isolated and quarantined. Some
newsrooms have had to evacuate hurriedly,
with staff rushing home, laptops in hand,
to try to keep their platforms updated and
the presses rolling.
But here is the heart-breaking news:
among the victims in the intensive care
unit, gasping for breath, are some of the
media organisations themselves, alongside
many others from sectors that have also
been hard hit, from aviation to retail.
Several, especially local and vernacu-
lar titles, might not be able to meet their
financial commitments or even pay staff
salaries, in the months ahead.
Advertising is drying up, plunging by be-
tween 30% and 80%, according to a recent
survey by the World Association of News
Publishers. Revenues from media-related
events, a new and growing source of funds,
have also plunged, as social distancing
measures are put in place.
Many newsrooms have also made content
on the pandemic freely available, as a pub-
lic service, thereby constraining their abil-
ity to grow revenues from subscriptions. The coronavirus pandemic has compounded the challenges of newspapers and hastened both the shift to digital and the plunge in advertising.
The upshot of this is both ironic and
tragic: at a time when audiences are turn- He said: “Very simply, the internet is losses, while in Lithuania, state subsi- bought by wealthy business leaders, who
ing increasingly to established media titles, destroying the business model of news- dies are also given for critical infrastruc- have given these newsrooms a boost, by
as recent surveys have shown, newsrooms papers. For at least two centuries, we have tures such as broadcasting and printing investing in journalism and technology.
are seeing their resources gutted, and some had a public good — news, the informa- facilities; Elsewhere, media groups have been giv-
are even being shut.
In the United States, Gannett, the largest
tion we need for democracy — delivered
by private means … People would pay for a
• Giving tax incentives for advertisers and
subscribers: In Italy, advertisers are giv-
en mandates by the state, with funding for
public service broadcasts and journalism,
American newspaper chain, announced newspaper and (there was also) advertis- en tax deductions of 30% of their spend- as in France, Britain and the Scandinavian
last week plans to cut salaries and lay-off ing revenue. The internet has just knocked ing in newspapers and online, while countries.
some staff temporarily, while Rupert Mur- away both these pillars. Canada allows subscribers to news titles Some newsrooms have opted to be pub-
doch’s News Corp has said it will stop print “So the newspapers produce informa- to claim tax relief; lic trusts or not-for-profit companies,
editions of 60 newspapers in Australia,
with similar measures being taken in the
tion. Facebook and Google get the profit.
And this has a very negative effect on the
• Stepping up government advertising:
public education campaigns tied to the
with a mission to provide public service
journalism, such as the Guardian in the UK,
United Kingdom and elsewhere. newspapers on which we have relied for pandemic can help make up for the fall and The Philadelphia Inquirer and The Salt Lake
This has heightened concerns about the our news ... The amount of serious news, in private advertising; Tribune in the US, and also Japan’s Nikkei
emergence of “news deserts” — communi-
ties with no access to local government and
investigative journalism and foreign re-
porting are going down because that’s ex-
• Making big tech pay: Technology plat-
forms should be pressed, as France has
Which of these models works best re-
community news as media groups cease to pensive. This is a real problem for the jour- done, to make more meaningful contri- mains unclear; nor perhaps is there likely
exist there. nalism we need for democracy.” butions to the news outlets they rely on to be one model that works for all, given
There is also much angst over “ghost Covid-19, however, has mercilessly for content. the very different political histories and
newsrooms”, titles which are snapped up compounded this challenge and hastened But while these steps might see me- cultures that newsrooms operate in around
by investors as they are still profitable, both the shift to digital and the plunge in dia groups through the crisis, they are not the world.
who then slash their reporting capabilities advertising. without risks. Not least of which is the This much is certain: the coronavirus
to boost margins, resulting in a lack of re- So, is there an antidote to the virus-in- damage that could be done to the credibil- pandemic might have begun as a public
sources to produce local, original or inde- duced media malaise? Among the propos- ity of the media if it becomes overly de- health crisis. But some wrenching eco-
pendent content. als that media leaders have been making pendent on state funding. This is especially nomic, social and political changes could
The implications of these developments urgently to their stakeholders are these: a concern in societies with painful experi- follow in the months to come.
for society are grave. At a time when com-
munities are most in need of critical infor-
• Declaring the media an essential ser-
vice: to enable journalists to go about
ences of governments seeking to muzzle
the media, through cuts in funding and
People and communities will need to
make sense of developments unfolding
mation, many newsrooms are increasingly their jobs during lockdowns, keeping advertising, shutdowns of newsrooms and around them as well as to figure out the
hampered and finding it harder to deliver newsrooms functioning and newsagents even arrests of journalists. way forward. To do so, citizens and voters
on their mission. running; To safeguard against this, beyond the cri- will need news organisations they consider
This has led the World Health Organisa-
tion to warn of a coming “infodemic”, with
• Granting financial assistance: these in-
clude tax breaks or holidays, short-term
sis, new business models will also have to
be fashioned to ensure the media remains
credible, which they can rely on, and trust.

misinformation spreading and undermin- loans and wage subsidies to help news- viable and sustainable for the long haul. Fernandez is editor-in-chief of The Straits Times
ing public trust at a crucial time. rooms pay their staff and bills in the face Various experiments are now underway. and president of the World Editors Forum (WEF),
To be sure, the financial struggles faced of falling revenues. Denmark has set up While some big players like The New York a network of editors that is part of WAN-IFRA,
by newsrooms is hardly news. Oxford his- a 25 million euro (US$27,4 million) fund Times and Financial Times are growing sub- the World Association of News Publishers. This
torian Timothy Garton Ash pointed to this which will grant news outlets that have scription revenues from readers, others opinion piece was signed and endorsed by
in a keynote address at the St Gallen Sym- recently seen revenues fall by between such as The Washington Post, the South China members of the board of the WEF, in solidarity
posium in Switzerland in May 2017. 30% and 50% relief of up to 60% of their Morning Post and Los Angeles Times, have been with newsrooms around the world.


Masks may help limit spread of Covid-19

AS the coronavirus epidemic infection is extensive are tested things to do to minimise the risk
continues and the number of for the virus, there is no way of of becoming infected.
Covid-19 infections and deaths knowing how many people who Making sure you do not touch
continues to rise globally, many have not been tested for the virus your face, mouth, nose or eyes is
wonder what else they can do to may have it. also important. It may be difficult
protect themselves from the virus, That is why social isolation is so to adhere to this, particularly if
apart from social distancing and important. Anyone you come into touching them has become a habit
hand washing or sanitising. contact with could have the virus you are not consciously aware of,
Social distancing and, in par- and pass it onto you. That includes but it is important to put a stop to
ticular, staying at home is the complete strangers in supermar- such habits.
most important means of protect- kets or on public transport.
ing yourself and others, as well as
hand washing or sanitising.
Face masks One of the frightening aspects of
Why should it be a means of Advice on wearing masks seems this virus, apart from the fact it
protecting others when you do not to vary and can often be conflict- the infection rate by about 10%, is partly so that the more effec- is new and scientists are still try-
have the virus? Because you may ing. However, the most preva- judging from the experience of tive protective masks can be kept ing to understand its behaviour,
have the virus without knowing it. lent view from experts seems to countries where mask wearing for health professionals who are is that there are not always symp-
By the time symptoms appear you be that it is a good idea to wear a has been prevalent. dealing with potential or actual toms. Symptoms may only appear
may have infected many other mask in public, not so much to There has also been growing Covid-19 cases every day. two to 14 days after you are infect-
people unknowingly. Some peo- protect you, which it may not, but encouragement to make your ed. They may not appear at all.
ple carrying the virus do not have to protect other people, in case own cloth masks. Once again
Risk factors However, even though there
symptoms at all. you might unknowingly have the this is more to protect others than Everyone is potentially at risk. may be no symptoms, you can
Because only those who have virus and pass it onto them. yourself. We have seen celebrities, royalty, still pass the virus on to others.
symptoms or those who arrive Research has suggested that The reason for encouraging priests, health workers and heads Where there are symptoms,
from a country where coronavirus mask wearing in public may cut people to make their own masks of government infected with the these may be mild or severe. The
virus or self-isolating after dis- main symptoms are a fever, a dry
covering they have been in close cough and shortness of breath.
contact with someone who it has Severe symptoms requiring
later emerged has tested positive emergency medical attention are
for Covid-19. trouble breathing, persistent pain
Those whose role is to care for or pressure in the chest, confusion
others are particularly at risk. or unresponsiveness and bluish
There have been priests, doctors lips or face.
and nurses who have succumbed
to the virus and died.
That does not mean that less Governments all over the world
well-known people who are not have been adopting unusual
directly involved with people who emergency measures to slow

have the virus are any less at risk down the spread of Covid-19. In
than those who are well off and many cases, including in Zimba-
celebrities. bwe, they have ordered a com-

If anything, those who are not at plete lockdown, with the major-
all well off may be at greater risk ity of citizens ordered to remain
than many others either because at home, apart from occasionally
they live in crowded conditions being permitted to leave home to
A notice was published on 12 March 2020 in respect to a declaration by the Board of where social distancing is dif- purchase food or medicine.
ficult to practise or because they Such measures are not taken
Directors on the payment of an interim dividend of 4.60 ZWL cents per share in respect of use public transport, where social easily, given the negative impact
shareholders appearing in the register of shareholders on the record date. This notice was distancing is also difficult. Worse on a country’s economy. How-
still, they do not have the capac- ever, so serious is the risk and so
published concurrently with the publication of H1FY2020 results for the Group.
ity to purchase or acquire recom- quick has been the spread of the
mended protective equipment. virus, that many governments
The payment date of that interim dividend was fixed as 24 April 2020. The Board of Directors have resorted to such measures,
Social distancing in many cases rather late in the
wish to advise shareholders that it has taken the decision to defer the payment date of the In the early days of the virus, the day when there have already been
interim dividend to 28 May 2020, with the approval of the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange. This is advice was to keep at least a me- huge numbers of people infected
tre away from anyone else. Now and dying.
in light of the Covid-19 lockdown in force in Zimbabwe as well as the uncertainties
the advice is more commonly to Because not everyone can be
surrounding local, regional and global economies. maintain a distance of two metres tested, most countries accept that
between yourself and the next the actual number of people in-
person. fected may be substantially more
Shareholders will note however that the new payment date is still within the timeline for This is not always easy to do. than the number of confirmed
payment of dividend set out in the listing rules of the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange. Staying at home and restrict- cases.
ing your physical social contacts This is why even with the rela-
to those who live with you is the tively small number of confirmed
The record date, cum-dividend date and ex-dividend date will remain the same as announced most secure way of keeping your- cases in Zimbabwe, we need to
in the previous notice. self safe from the virus. regard everyone outside our home
Those who defy the govern- as possibly infected and keep the
ment ordered lockdown and visit stipulated social distance from
By order of the Board friends or even relatives who do them, which we do most effec-
not live with them are putting tively by staying at home.
adrenalin 16309

them and themselves at risk.

Those who are exempted from The information in this article is pro-
the lockdown because they are vided as a public service by the Cimas
providing an essential service iGo Wellness programme, which is
need to be especially careful to designed to promote good health. It
Prometheus Corporate Services keep the requisite social distanc- is provided for general information
ing as far as that is possible. only and should not be construed as
Axia Corporation Limited Company Secretary
medical advice. Readers should con-
15 April 2020 Hand washing sult their doctor or clinic on any matter
Frequent hand washing with soap related to their health or the treatment
Directors: *L.E.M. Ngwerume (Chairmain), J. Koumides (Chief Executive Officer), and water or using an alcohol- of any health problem. — igo@cimas.
*Z. Koudounaris,*T.C. Mazingi, R.M. Rambanapasi, *T.N. Sibanda (*Non Executive) based sanitiser on your hands re- co.zw or WhatsApp 0772 161 829 or
mains one of the most important phone 024-2773 0663.
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12 Zimbabwe independent BUSINESS DIGEST April 17 to 23, 2020
Zimbabwe independent BUSINESS DIGEST April 17 to 23, 2020 13
14 Zimbabwe independent BUSINESS DIGEST April 17 to 23, 2020

Independence Day
Zim @40: Violence dominates political arena
RASHWEAT MUKUNDU While Zimbabwe emphasised on education main post office in the capital Harare, once bus- to be treated in state-of-the-art hospitals in
from 1980 and now has one of the most edu- tling with postal related business and services, South Africa and the Far East.
ZIMBABWE’S ruling Zanu PF’s social media cated population in Africa, the ruling elite had no but now demarcated into small informal shops At the centre of all this collapse is a preoccu-
platforms have of late been sharing two sets of plan for its young people post the education. The selling tricklets from China. Zimbabwe cities are pation with political control and violence as an
imageries — depictions of violence perpetrated industries inherited from Rhodesia have largely dilapidated; its people without water and other instrument of control by the political elite. With-
by the colonial regime and of heroic figures of collapsed and Zimbabwe now imports almost all amenities. Half of Zimbabwe’s population, nearly out an end to the politics of violence, Zimbabwe
the liberation struggle of the 1970s leading to consumer goods from neighbouring South Africa eight million need food aid, its health budget, will continue to age, but in disgrace, pain and
Independence in 1980. and far off China. especially on HIV-Aids, is largely donor-funded, poverty.
The irony in the images is how Zimbabwe has Its once shiny banking halls are now flee- while its health facilities are death traps. The po-
largely remained a violent state since then, failing markets, and nothing captures this than the litical elites shun local hospitals choosing instead Rashweat Mukundu is a Zimbabwe journalist.
to break away from the past, chart a new course
of development and grant more freedoms for her
The images being shared by the ruling party
on its Twitter handle might as well be juxtaposed
with images of gross human rights violations
post-1980, more so in Matabeleland and Mid-
lands provinces and the election-related violence
and suppression of protests over the decades.
The January 2019 protests and March 2020 Cov-
id-19 lockdown violence being the latest of such
incidences. As such Zimbabwe’s collective na-
tional memory is largely akin to that of Rhodesia,
albeit with as many twists and turns, but largely
dominated by violence. The nationalism ethos
that led the war of liberation crumbled when it
faced criticism and opposition, and instead it was
replaced with politics of hate and entitlement.

Violence as tool power

The emotional and existential significance of
memories of violence on the individual and our
society for the past 40 years, largely explains our
polarisation today and our stunted growth.
This we inherited from Rhodesia and our elite
have worn this as a badge of honour. This sce-
nario is because post-1980, the history of the
liberation struggle was not nationally owned and
was never transformed into a positive for national
good, but was rather appropriated as an instru-
ment of political dominance and with that the
continuation of the violence to crush dissent.
There have been many debates on the con-
flation of the state and Zanu PF, aptly cap-
tured by the fact that upon staging a coup on
his commander-in-chief, late former president
Robert Mugabe, Constantino Chiwenga as-
sumed a top post in Zanu PF and government as
Equally among the many complaints against
Mugabe, the army is mentioned in internal politi-
cal divisions in Zanu PF. In essence what has de-
fined Zimbabwe since 1980 and what will define
its future is this incestuous relationship between
the instruments of violence, the security sector
and the ruling elite. This relationship is strength-
ening and is now being seen as common sensical
and normal by citizens, at the bottom of this re-
lationship is the reason why Zimbabwe is stunted.
The political elite is engrossed in power games
and not national development. Much time and
resources are expended in nurturing this security
sector and party relationship. The default position
of the ruling elite when faced with challenges is to
threaten violence. Since 1980, there has been in-
tense debate on the question of political change
and democratisation, which has highlighted the
urgency of finding a way to manage legacies of
political violence. I argue that if this question is
not addressed Zimbabwe will not achieve much
in socio-economic development, as she largely
remains a military state with a civilian head.

Economy in ruins
Zimbabwe had one of the most diversified econ-
omies in Sub-Saharan Africa outside South Af-
rica at independence in 1980. It was self-reliant
in many manufactured consumer and industrial
goods. In giving a charge to then prime minister
Robert Mugabe, Tanzania’s iconic leader Julius
Mawalimu Nyerere is said to have asked Mugabe
to look after Zimbabwe, as it was a jewel.
Economists put unemployment and underem-
ployment at anything between 80-90%. Zimba-
bwe has one of the highest youth dependence
figures, with as many young people, educated or
not losing hope of ever finding a job, let alone a
meaningful occupation to support themselves.
Z2 advertising supplement to the Zimbabwe independent april 17 TO 23, 2020


Wish heroes we read in books

Musa Kika

I EXTRACTED this quote from a Facebook

comment made in response to a post by a

had lived and led our country

popular page on that social media platform
that read: “Zimbabwe turns 40 in a few days’
time. What’s your comment about everything
that happened since 1980?”
I was provoked to introspect.
Many of us have attempted on various fo-
rums to tackle the “national question”, in-
quire into prospects for dialogue, and so on. I
have found myself fixated with an issue I think
is central to the discourse, and it scares me
greatly when I think of it: values.
After decades of many things gone wrong, it
is a truism that we no longer place a premium
on accountability, transparency, respect for
each other and the collective good.
The elusive values we struggle to hold dear
cloud our attempt to construct a national vi-
sion and chart national discipline. And the
questions of values and visions are inextrica-
bly linked to national identity. These questions
seem too elementary and basic for us to be
asking ourselves 40 years into Independence.
Some from the Western world would sound
caution and say we must be patient with our-
selves because the Western world has had
centuries of self-determination and has re-
fined answers to these questions over time.
That is true. I am just not sure we have the lux-
ury to wait centuries. After all, the wise learn
from those who have been there.
So here are my 10 reflections on values:

Bad followership
Thus far we have largely focussed on bad
leaders. It is high time we focus on the ena-
bler. Bad leadership and bad followership have
a symbiotic relationship — the two feed into
each other for survival, making the threat to
good governance and prosperity profound.
And by followership I mean citizenship.
Bad followers abdicate their duties and give
up their power. Therefore, leaders go largely
unquestioned and unchecked. Some followers
even go further and applaud the bad leaders,
and others jump to defend the corrupt and in-
competent when they are questioned.
Still, some go a bit further and denigrate
and attack those who seek to hold leaders to
account. Bad followership is such that even if
we get a Nelson Mandela today, or a Thomas
Sankara, or a Kwame Nkrumah, it is doubtful
our people will be able to come up with a col-
lective vision to get the country to work. We Zimbabwe’s decorated liberation war military general, the late Josiah Tongogara (right).
need to be better citizens.
try without loving the ruling party, or the op- After all, we are given the spirit of power Steve Bantu Biko’s observation in 1972 is apt:
Shunning personalities position, or the country’s president. and of a sound mind. When religion is used to “If we have a mere change of face of those in
The politics of personalities has manifested escape reality, it debases the value system. governing positions, what is likely to happen is
on both sides of the political divide. The other Love for quality, beauty that black people will continue to be poor, and
had Morgan Tsvangirai. The other had Robert The things we go for abroad — medical facili- Honest living you will see a few blacks filtering through into
Mugabe. The other has Nelson Chamisa. ties, education, shopping — are a statement Zimbabweans — having long thronged the the so-called bourgeoisie. Our society will be
The other has Emmerson Mnangangwa. of our appreciation of what works. So is our diaspora on account of the turmoil at home run almost as of yesterday.”
Both Chamisa and Mnangagwa ascended to love and appreciation of our neighbours’ air- — have been exalted for hard work. A little Or maybe the values were okay, but we
power in ways that violate their own party ports, rail systems, roads and malls. praise encourages us and is good. But hard just lost the plot midway. After all, one of our
constitutions. In the case of Mnangagwa, even The love for quality and beauty must trans- work eschews corruption and fruitless works. foremost generals Josiah Tongogara famously
the courts were prepared to make bizarre rul- late into the love of all that is good and virtu- It resents entitlement, the spirit of grabbing remarked “What I, and some of us are fight-
ings legitimising a coup, as if to sanitise his ous for our own country. That love must drive resources, and compensatory tendencies. It ing for, is to see that this oppressive system
questionable rise to the national presidency. us to take lessons from those places we ad- directs judicious and fruitful distribution and is crushed. I don’t even care whether I will be
As my good friend Justice Mavedzenge al- mire, and transpose that development home. use of resources, and resource-discipline. We part of the top echelon in the ruling party; I’m
ways cautions, it is always better to stand with This love of quality and beauty must resent must not be hard workers at misplaced things. not worried. But I’m dying to see a change in
principle than with a person. Zimbabweans mediocrity, and we must cease terming medi- the system. I would like to see young children
have perfected cultism and are quick to ben- ocrity “tenacity” or “resilience” to make our- Democracy enjoying together. Black, white, enjoying to-
efit from it its dividends. Let us shun person- selves feel better. Democracy as a value underlines our consti- gether in a new Zimbabwe. That’s all”.
alities and befriend principle. tutional order. The constitutional architecture, Whether the value system was solid at In-
Collective over the individual the founding values of the nation, the princi- dependence is a point of debate. But whatev-
Culture of excellence When indiscriminate challenges like Covid-19 ples of good governance, the Declaration of er the outcome, I am sure we would all arrive
A crooked value system tells us that it is okay strike, they know no class. The adage “the Rights, the distribution and regulation of state at the point that somehow our values need
to sacrifice talent and meritocracy on the altar whole is greater than the sum of its parts” power, the responsibilities of the citizen, and surgery.
of cronyism and corruption. We appoint those rings true. Mindless individualism breeds cor- the regulation of the social contract, as pro- It is the very personal values that matter.
track records of rape, domestic abuse, cor- ruption and theft. It wears and tears the social vided for in our constitution, are all premised In fact, personal values and national values
ruption, abuse of power and incompetence. fabric, and dilapidates our collective infra- on the foundation of democracy. cannot be separated, just as private moral-
Merit and excellence are virtues. We must give structure. The input of everyone matters, and This system of society was not forced upon ity cannot be divorced from public morality. It
up mediocrity and aspire to better standards. the collective good will serve our collective us, but we elected it unto ourselves, if not at starts with the basic personal accountability
interests. Independence, then in 2013 when we adopted such as desisting from littering when we walk
Mutual respect a new constitutional order. the streets, and holding each other to account
Zimbabwe is big enough to accommodate all Works and religion It is morally, legally, politically and religious- when one of us throws litter to the ground.
of us in our diversity. In fact, we open the pre- When we have churches that are telling people ly repugnant to so readily breach a commit- That way, we can hold each other to account
amble to our national constitution by telling to pray instead of teaching hard work, invest- ment we made to ourselves and to each other, when we engage in corruption, and we can
ourselves that we are united in our diversity. ment, saving money and accountability, then with impunity and arrogance. When we disre- hold our leadership to account.
We love our nation in different ways; the diver- our churches are propagating faith without gard the rule of law, manipulate institutions Conversations in the faith gatherings, the
sity is what makes a nation. works, which we know to be dead. and subvert due process, it speaks to strained political rallies, the schools, the beer gather-
Accommodating each other and being able The church must teach the importance of values and moral decadence. We must be a ings and the family dinner fellowships must
to listen to divergence in matters of common good governance, honesty, decent work and better people. transform, and speak values. It is possible we
interest is key. With mutual respect comes accountability. The answer to bad leadership is may have lost the battle with a generation, but
empathy. We must abhor intolerance and re- not the proclamation that “leaders are chosen So what now? redemption is real, and we can certainly culti-
joice at compatriots’ misfortune. by God”. What were our values like at Independence? vate values in the young. We are the heroes we
Neither is the response to a bad economy Maybe we need to return to those. But oth- wish could lead us. I am convinced we can get
Country over politics the admonition to “have faith”. Reverend ers have questioned whether we had the right independence to have meaning again.
Our country is greater than the sum total of its Kenneth Mtata, the general secretary of the values at independence to start with. Were the
political parties. Politicians and political parties Zimbabwe Council of Churches put it this way: leaders really fighting for democracy and ma- Kika is a human rights and constitutional law-
come and go. Our nation remains. Patriotism freedom of religion is “separate from and not jority rule, or simply for a seat among the elite? yer. He serves as programmes coordinator of
and compatriotism know no politics. exalted above logical thinking and scientific Maybe we had misplaced values at Independ- the Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum, and
We must accept that we can love our coun- reason”. ence, and we still have misplaced values. writes is his personal capacity.
advertising supplement to the Zimbabwe independent april 17 TO 23, 2020 Z3


Politics, livelihoods,
the pandemic in Zim
Brian Raftopoulos US$619 million.
The Minister of Health and Child Welfare
FORTY years on, Independence feels like an il- stated that on the eve of the lockdown in South
lusion to millions of Zimbabweans; a bereft Africa 13 000 migrants crossed the border back
landscape of thwarted hopes and recurrent into Zimbabwe.
disappointment. As the Zimbabwe Coalition on Debt and De-
This sense of loss has been exacerbated by velopment (Zimcodd) has correctly observed,
the dark dystopic clouds of Covid-19, and the with the share from migrants in South Africa
perilous road ahead for the global citizenry faced amounting to 56% of total remittances into the
with the cumulative economic, ecological, politi- country, the restrictions in movement and goods
cal and social damage of a world economic sys- will negatively affect many Zimbabweans.
tem based for centuries on the narrow interests The negative impact of the loss of such family
of capital accumulation and labour degradation. support from remittances will be felt even more
As the scholar Simukai Chigudu aptly ob- severely because of the fact that, according to
served in his study of the 2008 cholera epidemic the 2019 Labour Forces and Child Labour Survey,
in 2008, “epidemics are tests of social and po- a miniscule 2% of the population is covered by
litical systems”. some form of social security scheme. Covid-19 has placed essential service workers under further strain because of the absence of
As in 2008, it appears that the current epi- To Z4 safe working conditions and equipment to deal with the perils of the pandemic.
demic is likely to once again expose the weak-
ness and incapacity of the Zimbabwean state
with regards to the provision of social services
for the public. The breakdown of health, water
and sewerage systems in the urban structures
only accentuates the limited growth in these ar-
eas beyond the racialised provisions of the co-
lonial era.
These challenges could hardly have been met
through local government structures that have
been consistently undermined by the patronage
and corrupt networks of the ruling Zanu PF, and
more recently by the corruption in certain MDC-
led bodies.
When combined with the fragility of liveli-
hoods and incomes in a largely informalised
economy, this combination of state incapacity
in the area of basic social services, as opposed
to its ever-present abilities in the coercive forms
of rule, raises many questions about the capac-
ity of the Zimbabwean state to respond to this
As the philosopher Slavo Zizek has observed,
the Covid-19 has exposed the “fatal limit of na-
tionalist populism”, and its limited, and selective
conception of state sovereignty, at a time when
new and more egalitarian forms of international
solidarity have become essential.
Several recent reports have begun to track the
effects of Covid-19, providing a fair appraisal of
the emerging challenges faced by the working
population. In its report on the situation in Mata-
beleland, Ukuthula Trust noted that in the face of
the 7,7 million people in need of food aid, there
were widespread reports of corruption linked to
maize meal in which those with access to this
essential commodity at government-controlled
price were selling it “onwards on the black mar-
ket at the expense of the citizens of Zimbabwe”.
The report also explained the difficulty that the
working majority face in maintaining the practice
of social distancing, in the context of widespread
hunger, the shortage of staple foods and the ne-
cessity of finding ways to earn an income in such
desperate conditions.
This is a challenge that confronts most of the
informalised workers in the Global South. As in
other parts of the world, the pandemic has pro-
vided fertile ground for the state to move towards
more authoritarian forms of rule. The Zimbabwe
Human Rights Association (ZimRights) has al-
ready reported the growing number of arrests
for violation of the shutdown curfew, accom-
panied by the disturbing ways in which those
arrests have been handled which have further
increased the risk of spreading the virus.
As the ZimRights report observes, placing de-
tained people in close proximity to each other
defeats the entire purpose of social distancing.
In its assessment of Covid-19, the Zimbabwe
Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) noted that the
economic impact will be felt through several
mechanisms, including: trade disruptions; travel
bans; closure of borders; disruptions in agricul-
ture, manufacturing, mining; reduction of ex-
ports; further depression in foreign direct invest-
ment; low remittances from Zimbabwe migrants.
Regarding the livelihoods of workers, the ZCTU
is particularly concerned that the “lockdown in
industry and business means that most work-
ers, whose work is precarious, will lose incomes,
exposing them to penury as most already earn
low wages”.
The precariousness of family livelihoods will
also be adversely affected by the loss of re-
mittances of members in the diaspora. In 2019,
diaspora remittances amounted to US$635
million, a 2,6% increase on the 2018 figure of
Z4 advertising supplement to the Zimbabwe independent april 17 TO 23, 2020


Reversing Zim’s dismal rights record since 1980

Dewa Mavhinga of forced evictions in urban areas, “Operation Lake Chivero, southwest of the city. This exposed
Murambatsvina” — which means “clear the filth” millions of Harare residents to the risk of water-
ON April 18, as Zimbabweans look back on 40 in Shona — causing a massive internal displace- borne diseases like cholera, which have ravaged
years of Independence from minority settler rule, ment crisis in which an estimated 700 000 peo- the city in the past. In 2008, a cholera outbreak in
it is a fitting occasion to reflect on the country’s ple lost their shelter, livelihood or both. In 2007, Harare claimed more than 4 200 lives. The con-
human rights record. incidents of police violence and intimidation in- ditions that contributed to the spread of cholera
Born a few months before Independence, I creased significantly, culminating in the arrest during the latest outbreak in September 2018,
have no personal recollection of the liberation and beating of more than 50 opposition activists and another outbreak a decade earlier, still exist.
struggle. But my father, Hondo, often regaled me in police custody. As with previous state-spon- The Zimbabwe Human Rights Commission,
with colourful accounts of the fight for justice, sored political violence, the authorities failed to chaired by Elasto Mugwadi, seems to be a silver
equality and non-discrimination. From those ac- hold accountable those responsible, entrenching lining in the dark cloud of rights abuses in the
counts and my experience as a lawyer and hu- impunity within the security forces. country. The commission, with constitutional re-
man rights advocate, it seems that Zimbabwe In addition to the close political alliance be- sponsibilities to ensure the promotion and pro-
has fared poorly in its duty to respect and ensure tween the leadership of Zanu PF and the security tection of human rights in Zimbabwe, has boldly
basic rights and freedoms. forces, another driving force for political interfer- carried out extensive human rights investigations
For the first 37 years of Independence, until ence and human rights abuses by the security and has frequently spoken out against abuses
November 2017, Zimbabwe was under the iron- forces appears to have been the need to protect by state agents. The commission investigated
fist rule of one man, the late former president ill-gotten wealth and other vested economic in- the 2019 public protests against economic col-
Robert Mugabe. For some, Mugabe remains a terests. This has included control of revenue from lapse and their aftermath and concluded in a
hero, for championing the liberation struggle the Marange diamond fields, where sections of report published in September that armed and
against minority settler rule, empowerment of the army directly owned and operated mining uniformed members of the Zimbabwe National
the landless poor, and his investment in educa- companies. Army and the Zimbabwe Republic Police system-
tion in the early years of his rule. Since taking over after Mugabe was forced out atically tortured suspected protesters.
But others remember Mugabe’s rule for wide- of power in November 2017, President Mnan- Zimbabwe needs more state institutions that
spread human rights violations, near-total im- gagwa has repeatedly voiced his commitments deliver justice. The judiciary and the prosecuting
punity for those responsible, and destruction of to human rights reforms. But his administration authority need to be independent, professional,
the country’s economy. Even as Mugabe’s gov- remains highly intolerant of basic rights, peaceful and non-partisan to ensure that human rights are
ernment promoted universal access to educa- dissent, and free expression. The security forces protected and promoted.
tion and health, and ensured the country’s food have continued to commit serious and intensified The Zimbabwean authorities need to reform
security in the early 1980s, it used manipulation violations, including violent attacks, abductions, the security forces, completely end their involve-
and repression to hold on to power. From the torture, and other abuses against the opposition ment in partisan politics, and ensure that they act
time the country became independent, the ruling and civil society activists. professionally, and in a rights-respecting man-
Zanu PF has used its supporters, as well as the The Motlanthe Commission of Inquiry, in- ner. For the serious human rights abuses since
army and the police, to commit acts of violence Late former president Robert Mugabe. stituted by President Mnangagwa following the Independence — including arbitrary arrests,
against opponents and use state institutions for post-election violence of August 1, 2018, found torture, murder, and rape — government should
political ends. dent, Emmerson Mnangagwa. that six people died and 35 others were injured order prompt investigations. It should carry out
The military’s first post-Independence overt Successive election periods were character- as a result of actions by the state security forces. recommendations stemming from these investi-
involvement in serious abuses in Zimbabwe was ised by impunity for widespread political violence Some commission recommendations, which gations and by commissions established to pro-
between 1982 and 1987, when the Mugabe gov- mainly by Zanu PF, its allies, and government have yet to be carried out, include ensuring that tect rights.
ernment deployed a section of the army, the 5 agencies, including sections of the army and the those responsible for the violence are held ac- This includes prosecuting implicated members
Brigade, ostensibly to quell dissident disturbanc- CIO. In 1993, Mugabe granted amnesty to two countable and that a special committee is estab- of the security forces in accordance with national
es in the Midlands and Matabeleland provinces. state agents convicted of the attempted murder lished to compensate families of those who were law and international standards. Given the scale
This unit, trained by North Korean instructors, of Patrick Kombayi, an opposition candidate in killed and who lost property. of human rights abuses in which the security
was code named “Gukurahundi,” — the rain that the 1990 elections. In 1995, Mugabe again grant- Human Rights Watch investigations found that forces are implicated, the establishment of an
washes away the chaff. ed amnesty for all politically motivated crimes state security forces used excessive and lethal independent complaint system in line with the
It appears Zanu PF used the pretext of the dis- and human rights abuses, including beatings, ar- force to crush nationwide protests in January 2013 national constitution, to receive and inves-
turbances to unleash violence on the supporters son, kidnapping and torture. On October 6, 2000, 2019. During and after the protests, the forces tigate complaints from members of the public, is
of the Zimbabwe African People’s Union (Zapu) following widespread political violence during fired live ammunition that killed 17 people, and long overdue.
to ensure the dominance of Zanu PF and to ren- parliamentary elections, Mugabe pardoned those at least 17 women were raped. No members of Reform should include human rights train-
der Zapu irrelevant. According to the Catholic responsible for politically motivated crimes com- the security services have been arrested or pros- ing and education, with international assistance,
Commission for Justice and Peace, the 5 Brigade mitted during the January-July 2000 campaign ecuted for these crimes. for members of the security forces and other
carried out widespread atrocities such as torture period. Even outside of politics, Zimbabweans have state agencies. All training should be consistent
and extrajudicial executions of more than 3 000 In the lead-up to the June 2008 presidential not fared much better in terms of their rights. For with international human rights standards, such
people. The Zapu leader, Joshua Nkomo, and hu- run-off elections, elements in the security forces decades, Zimbabwe has grappled with a short- as the United Nations Code of Conduct for Law
man rights groups put the figure at 20 000. and Zanu PF supporters orchestrated wide- age of skilled professionals and healthcare staff Enforcement Officials and the Basic Principles on
Mugabe in 1983 set up the Chihambakwe spread political violence throughout the country and eroded infrastructure with ill-equipped hos- the Use of Force and Firearms by Law Enforce-
Commission of Inquiry into the Gukurahundi against the opposition Movement for Democratic pitals and a lack of essential medicines and com- ment Officials.
atrocities. Its damning findings were leaked but Change (MDC) led by the late Morgan Tsvangirai. modities. Violations of the right to food, through With the necessary political will, it is possible
never officially made public and its recommen- This violence resulted in the killings of hundreds acute food shortages, persist. According to the for the Zimbabwean government to build on its
dations on the security sector were never car- of perceived MDC activists and supporters and United Nations, 7,7 million people (60% of the existing constitutional human rights framework,
ried out. In 1988, the Zanu PF government issued the beating, torture, and forced displacement of population) are food insecure. Around 5,5 million to enable millions of Zimbabweans to realise one
Clemency Order Number 1, granting amnesty to thousands more. of these people live in rural areas and 2,2 million of the main objectives of the struggle for inde-
all those involved in human rights violations be- In 2000, with support from the government, in urban areas. pendence: the enjoyment of fundamental human
tween 1982 and 1987, benefiting mainly the army Zanu PF and its allies carried out violent invasions Last September, the Harare City Council shut rights and freedoms.
and the state security agency, the Central Intel- of white-owned farms in which several farmers down its main water treatment plant, known as
ligence Organisation (CIO), which at the time of and farm workers were killed. In 2005, the gov- Morton Jaffray, due to shortages of imported wa- Mavhinga is the southern Africa director at Hu-
the atrocities was overseen by the current Presi- ernment carried out an unprecedented campaign ter treatment chemicals and low water levels at man Rights Watch.

Politics, livelihoods and the pandemic in Zim

From Z3
The announcement by the government that
ZW$600 million will be extended to small busi-
nesses, vendors, and the elderly, will, accord-
ing to the Veritas estimate, amount to “a paltry ful salaries and working conditions, with inca- cent Supreme Court judgement, declaring the tary political funding, the ruling party is likely to
ZW$200” per month for each recipient. pacitation forcing these sectors of the workforce illegitimacy of Nelson Chamisa’s leadership. deepen its long-term strategy of weakening the
The limited form of this intervention once to take strike action. This judgment, whatever one’s view of its ef- opposition by any means necessary, ahead of
again draws attention to the massive crisis of Covid-19 has placed essential service workers ficacy, has brought key political dynamics to the the 2023 elections. With the question of “legal”
social reproduction in Zimbabwe, and the glar- under further strain because of the absence of fore. On the one hand, the Chamisa leadership legitimacy hanging over the Chamisa presiden-
ing inability and incapacity of the current state to safe working conditions and equipment to deal shot itself in the foot by the unruly and at the cy, the arrow of illegitimacy against Mnangagwa
confront the challenges ahead. with the perils of the pandemic. very least constitutionally questionable manner that was a key weapon in the quiver of the oppo-
One of the major limits on state action is the Complementing the basic demands of health- in which his succession was carried out. Unfor- sition offensive, has lost some of its force. There
growing domestic and external debt in Zimba- care workers, residents’ associations have tunately, the MDC has a longer history of deal- can be little doubt that Zanu PF’s 2023 election
bwe. The former stood at US$10,4 billion in 2019, sought legal judgements to enforce their fun- ing with political leadership issues in ways that campaign is underway.
while the latter grew from US$10,2 billion in 2013 damental constitutional rights to water, health raise serious questions about its commitment to For the ruling party, Covid-19 represents not
to US$13,1 billion in 2018. care and life. These struggles of workers and constitutionality. just a major public health threat, but also a valu-
As with other African countries, state inter- residents’ associations are a reminder of the key Predictably, this judgement has provided a able political opportunity to entrench its rule.
ventions around the coronavirus crisis and fu- role that broader citizens actions have played in political gift for Zanu PF who, as history has Part of the strategy to further this goal is likely
ture development plans will, in large measure, expanding the constitutional and democratic de- taught us, are the masters of debasing consti- to be a move to push for the sanctions issue to
depend on re-negotiation with the international bates, both in the fight against colonial rule, and tutionalism. Thokozani Khupe’s politically mar- be sidelined in the face of the need for global
financial institutions. More specifically, this will in the period after Independence. ginal MDC has already been drawn into Emerson international humanitarian intervention and
require progressive measures around assistance These major contributions are often not rec- Mnangagwa’s controlled and constrained dia- cooperation.
with the clearance of foreign debt, as well as the ognised in the annual state Independence Day logue process. Sadc and the African Union will more than
loss of foreign currency earnings from the de- commemorative rituals. Instead the predictable The recent Supreme Court judgment will only likely endorse such an approach. In opportunisti-
cline of exports. and selective narrative of the liberation struggle confirm the imprint of Mnangagwa’s current cally using the pandemic to deepen its hold on
As Zimbabweans once again reflect on their delivered by the ruling party leadership, either ig- dialogue strategy, effectively marginalising any power, Zanu PF will join many other authoritarian
experiences of post-colonial life, it is important nores, marginalises or patronises these broader prospects for the Thabo Mbeki initiative towards states on this path.
to remember the key role that workers’ struggles citizen struggles. a broader national dialogue process in the near
have played in keeping the democratic debate This issue is particularly poignant at a moment future. Raftopoulos, Director of Research and Advocacy,
alive. For over a year, healthcare and other public when the country’s major opposition party is As the MDC formations sink further into a bat- Ukuthula Trust, and Research Fellow, Interna-
sector workers have demanded more meaning- mired in the controversy resulting from the re- tle for the control of party assets and parliamen- tional Studies Group, University of the Free State.
advertising supplement to the Zimbabwe independent april 17 TO 23, 2020 Z5


Good afternoon Zimbabwe

Christopher Mugaga

WHEN Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome

(Sars) hit China in the middle of 2003, citizens
squinched down in their apartments and crowd-
ed compounds as they knuckled down in Asia’s to monumental failure to implement economic
most overheating economy. plans , disregard of property rights, corruption,
This proved a springboard for some Chinese compromised and weak institutions, an ugly
businesses. The government’s restrictive social culture of entitlement which have all led to utter
media rules gathered pace. So did e-commerce. dysfunction. Most challenges Zimbabwe faces as
Today, another fledgling industry is about to take a nation faces can be traced to these shortcom-
a bullish path in China, courtesy of the Covid-19 ings. Even if Ben Bernanke and Gordon Brown
pandemic which originated in that same country: were to take charge of the central bank and
telemedicine. Treasury respectively, without independent insti-
China has almost 1,4 billion people and the tutions Zimbabwe cannot go far.
number of hospital beds does not correspond The Indigenisation and Economic Empower-
with the headcount. This has seen Chinese citi- ment Act of 2007 (Chapter 14; 33) and subse-
zens resorting to the internet for answers, and, quent regulations which required that at least
indeed, their government is egging them on. 51% ownership in any business be in the hands
Back home in Zimbabwe, Covid-19 has given of indigenous Zimbabweans was very damaging
us a taste of what it must feel like to be a wild to the nation’s economic interests. It turned out
animal confined in a zoo. to be a toxic piece of legislation — not because
Given the underlying fragilities of the Zimba- empowering locals was a bad move, but owing
bwean economy, a Covid-19 spread can only ag- a culture of entitlement which saw the daylight
gravate the already ailing nation. The focus is on looting of foreign companies by well-connected
how to disrupt the curve before it peaks, other- individuals.
wise flattening it given the dilapidated state of our Coupled with corruption, that piece of legis-
health centres will be a torrid task. Indeed, health lation marked the downgrading of Zimbabwe as
facilities have not been upgraded or spruced up an investment destination by rating agencies. In
since Independence. international investment markets where you hear
Tomorrow, Zimbabwe marks its 40th Inde- of neighbouring South Africa being downgraded,
pendence anniversary. This is a country which Zimbabwe, for its part, remains ungraded.
gone through various experiences in its socio- What was amiss and conveniently ignored
economic and political trajectory. A nation which, when the indigenisation law was crafted is the
for almost four decades, was under the rule of fact that since the 1990s, the Zimbabwean econ-
late former president Robert Mugabe, who was omy had already opened to locals. This saw the
toppled in dramatic fashion in November 2017. proliferation of rich black Zimbabweans, some of
At Independence, Zimbabwe had a strong and them under the banner of the Affirmative Action
stable currency, which was the envy of the en- Group. A number of local bankers came into the
tire world. But he bequeathed the country a tat- fray including William Nyemba of Trust Bank, Ju-
tered economy. Zimbabwe’s prospects appeared lius Makoni of NMB, Patterson Timba of Renais-
promising in 1980, as it gained Independence sance Merchant bank, Duradaji of Royal Bank,
after a protracted liberation war. The country Enock Kamushinda of MetBank and a host of as-
exhibited steady economic growth, enabling the set management, securities and discount houses
new government to provide free education and which were cropping up.
widespread access to health care. Challenges If there were any misdemeanours some of
multiplied in the 1990s as rising inflation and un- these institutions might have been involved in, the
employment bred discontent. solution should have been anchored on strength-
There were frequent student and labour pro- ening their governance systems rather than lock-
tests, leading in 1999 to the formation of the ing their doors. What is disheartening is that the
opposition Movement for Democratic Change “crimes” of those yesteryear financial institutions
(MDC). The new party surprised many with its do not come anywhere near the transgressions
initial successes, campaigning against a referen- of today’s businesses which have been allowed
dum in the year 2000 that would have legalised to continue operating with impunity.
Mugabe’s continued rule, made government of- Fast forward to 2018, a “second republic’ was
ficials immune to prosecution, and allowed the born. The euphoria surrounding its birth was un-
uncompensated seizure of white-owned land for precedented. Prospective investors swarmed the
redistribution to black farmers. The referendum nation with enthusiasm, they were really keen to
failed and the MDC won nearly half the seats in do business here, but the policy environment was
the 2000 parliamentary election. not ready to welcome them. We had an economy
In life, it is said from birth to the age of 40, which had just graduated from a multi-currency
it is good morning life. From 40 to 60 years, it to a currency regime which no one could define.
is good afternoon life and at 60 and above it is Trapped dividends and cash shortages became
good evening life. The same ranges can still be common.
used to define life thus: 0-40 years, the learning A mispriced exchange rate was against the
years; 40-60 are the earning years and 60-plus tenets of property rights; indeed, we were mis-
are the yearning years. Judging by this sociologi- managing the monetary side of the economy,
cal reasoning, Zimbabwe has actually reached fuelled by fiscal recklessness which created a
the good afternoon stage of life. What makes it hole that could only be funded domestically.
disheartening is the supposed earning years have Instead of correcting the anomaly, we foisted a
morphed into the learning years. It is an economy rushed currency on the citizenry, most of whom
which is learning to have its own currency, learn- still had fresh memories of the disastrous “casino
ing to industrialise, learning to review its edu- economy” policies of yesteryear where “quanti-
cation curriculum. This even leaves pessimists tative easing” was celebrated as an instrument
doubting the readiness of the nation to adopt for busting US sanctions.
Industry 4.0. In the “second republic”, when the populace
The lack of capacity for a digital economy is to dared to dream, inflation visited them, drought
a certain extent also the reason why we see cor- throttled them and, today, Covid-19 is threat-
porate paralysis during Covid-19 as companies ening to break the already clogging arteries of a
did not adequately invest in technology. limping economy. It is a pandemic of unfathom-
With its stellar literacy rate beyond 90%, Zim- able proportions.
babweans found it convenient to fly to all corners The 2008 financial crisis paralysed the world
of the world in search of greener pastures fol- economy, leading to negative 0,1% growth.
lowing the demise of the economy at the turn of Covid-19 is erasing 3,3% from world economic
the century. Today, Zimbabwe has a huge dias- growth with only a few countries, such as Chi-
pora. According to the Solidarity Peace Trust, an na, expected to register a positive but subdued
organisation founded by clergy from Zimbabwe growth of just above 1%.
and South Africa, an estimated 3,4 million Zim- The future of Zimbabwe, in the short term, ap-
babweans are now living outside the country. The pears grave. Inflation and the cost of living remain
trust calculates that this amounts to 25% to 30% on the rise and the country appears clueless on
of the total population or 60% to 70% of total how to bring to finality the currency conundrum
adults. Remarkably, the Zimbabwean govern- we face as policy flip flopping remains the order
ment has never run out of ideas in churning out of the day.
economic blueprints. A leaked document on de-dollarisation has
Since 1980, the country has drafted about 13 left tongues wagging and government is dis-
economic blueprints, the equivalent of almost tancing itself from the write-up. As we celebrate
a blueprint every 36 months. In 1980, there was our 40th Independence, let us strive to rebuild a
the Growth with Equity document, in 1982 we better Zimbabwe which will not continue being a
had Transitional National Development Plan, in laughing stock in the international community. It
1986 the National Development Plan, in 1991 At Independence in 1980, Zimbabwe had a strong and stable currency. is time to regain our lost pride, to respect tenets
the infamous Economic Structural Adjustment of democracy, to root out corruption as well as to
Plan (Esap), in 1996 the Zimbabwe Programme velopment Priority Programme, in 2008 the Zim- formation (Zim Asset) and, last but not least, the embrace diversity regardless of skin colour, tribe,
for Economic and Social Transformation (Zim- babwe Economic Development Strategy, in 2009 2018 Transitional Stabilisation Plan (TSP). creed or social status.
prest), in 2001 the Millennium Economic Recov- the Short-Term Emergency Recovery Program This brings me to my next argument that since
ery Plan, in 2003 the National Economic Revival (Sterp), in 2010 Sterp 2, in 2013 the Zimbabwe 1980 to date, Zimbabwe’s major undoing which Mugaga is an economist and chief executive officer
Programme, in 2007 the National Economic De- Agenda for Sustainable Socio-Economic Trans- continues haunting it includes but is not limited of the Zimbabwe National Chamber of Commerce.

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