Ikea Food Booklet Veggie Balls en
Ikea Food Booklet Veggie Balls en
Ikea Food Booklet Veggie Balls en
Veggie balls
balls are packed with veggies
– a tasty and nutritious ball
that can be combined in
many different ways.
Our veggie balls GRÖNSAKSBULLAR are
true all-rounders. Filled with pieces like
chickpeas, carrots, corn and kale, they’re
rich in vitamins, nutrients and taste. And
as genuine talents they can be cooked and
combined in numerous ways. Here we’ve
gathered some appetizing recipes that will
make your mouth water.
Walnut sauce
A delicious sauce which can be served warm or
cold, as a dip sauce to vegetables as snacks.
8 dl milk 1. Boil milk with onion, garlic, milk. Let the bread absorb the
INGREDIENTS: STEP BY STEP: 1 yellow onion, sliced bay leaves, butter, grated liquid. Add the vinegar and
3 garlic cloves, sliced nutmeg and salt. Take the black pepper. Blend everything
40 pcs (640 g) of GRÖNSAKS 1. Make the walnut sauce. 4. Rip the salad into flakes and 2 bay leaves heat down and simmer for with a mixer until it’s smooth.
BULLAR vegetable balls 2. Cut the radicchios in quarters put it on a big serving plate. Rip 50 g butter 20-30 minutes. 4. Pour the hot sauce in a
1 quantity of walnut sauce or halves depending on size. and put veggie balls on top and 1/2 nutmeg, grated
2. Preheat the oven to 175°C. nice bowl, chop the remaining
(see adjacent recipe) Rub them with 1 tbsp. olive oil. drizzle on some walnut sauce 1/2 tsp. salt
Put the walnuts on an oven walnuts and place on top.
1 large or 2 small radicchios Grill or fry on high heat until Finish with a few sprinkles of 125 g walnuts
proof tray and combine with
1 + 2 tbsp. olive oil, extra olive oil, lemon juice, salt and 2 tbsp. water
they are almost burnt and have water and salt. Roast in the
virgin pepper. 1/2 tsp. salt
a golden brown colour. middle of the oven for 10
1 lemon, juice 200 g stale bread (preferably
3. Fry the veggie balls as minutes.
Salt and black pepper sourdough), roughly chopped
instructed on the package. Black pepper 3. Remove and discard the
1 tbsp. sherry vinegar (alt. bay leaves. Add the bread and
red wine vinegar) 2/3 of the walnuts into the
40 pcs (640 g) of GRÖNSAKS 1. Spread out the soft thin 3. Oven roast or pan fry the
BULLAR vegetable balls bread on the worktop. Take veggie balls as instructed on
4 tbsp. of hummus half an avocado and spread the package. Put them on
4 sheets of BRÖD TUNNBRÖD it out by mashing it with a a piece of paper to dry. Rip
soft thin bread fork. Next to the avocado, them in half and put them
2 avocados spread out some of the on top.
4 spring onions, finely sliced hummus. 4. Roll it up tightly, and wrap
1/2 dl mint, roughly chopped
2. Combine spring onions, them in some parchment
1 tbsp. olive oil, extra virgin
mint, olive oil, lemon, salt paper.
1/2 lemon, juice
and pepper. Divide it on top
Salt and pepper
of the avocado and hummus.
40 pcs (640 g) of 12 radishes 1. Boil 2 of the beets until 4. Peel the remaining beets,
GRÖNSAKSBULLAR 100 g sugar snaps, soft in plain water. Cool the carrots and wash the
vegetable balls divided in half down, peel and slice thinly. radishes. Slice thinly. Mix
4 Chioggia beets (or any lengthways 2. Preheat a grill pan or a with the cooked beets,
other kind of beets) 70 g green leaves (e.g. normal pan really hot. Rub asparagus, sugar snaps,
12 green asparagus, chard, spinach, baby green leaves, mint, olive oil
the asparagus with 1 tbsp.
trimmed gem), washed and lemon juice. Arrange on
olive oil and grill until it has
1 + 2 tbsp. olive oil, 1/2 dl mint leaves, a plate.
a nice colour. Put on a plate
extra virgin roughly chopped
and season with sea salt, 5. Fry the veggie balls as
2 avocados Salt and black pepper
set aside. instructed on the package
1 garlic clove, grated
3. Blend the avocados with a and rip them on top of the
1 lemon, juice
stick blender. Combine with salad. Serve together with
4 carrots (different
garlic, lemon juice and salt in the avocado dip.
colours if possible)
a bowl, set aside.
Sautéed mushrooms
15 mushrooms 1. Place the mushrooms in a dry pan.
1 clove of garlic Toast them on medium temperature
4 tbsp. of white wine for 5 min.
Salt and pepper
2. Pour oil in the pan and stir.
3. Chop the garlic finely and put it in
the pan.
4. Add the white wine and let it souse.
5. Season with salt and pepper.
Huevos rancheros
con veggie balls
This is a perfect ”all in one pot dish” and the
Find the rest of taste when dipping rye bread in the delicious
the recipe on sauce is beyond words.
page 22.
200 g celery root, peeled 1. Cut the celery root and 200 g
200 g + 50 g sunchokes, sunchokes into cubes 1 x 1 cm.
peeled 2. Fry the cubes in the butter and
2 tbsp. butter
2 tbsp. olive oil on medium heat
2 tbsp. + 1 dl olive oil, extra
in a big pot until they go soften
and get a light brown colour.
1 1/2 dl white wine
3 dl vegetable stock (use 2 3. Pour on the wine and cook for
tbsp. concentrated vegetable 2 minutes. Add the vegetable
Wrap with veggie stock + 3 dl water) stock and let simmer on low/
balls, hummus & 2 dl almond milk medium heat for 5 minutes
pickled red onion, 5 dl deep-fry oil (peanutoil or without a lid.
find this recipe on sunflower oil) 4. Add the almond milk and
page 24. 1 dl picked basil leaves simmer for another 10 minutes
1/2 lemon, juice until the vegetables are tender all
Salt and black pepper way through.
Sea salt
5. Preheat the deep-fry oil to
170 - 180°C.
vegetable balls cut in half
as topping 6. Slice 50 g sunchokes on a
mandolin or knife. Pop them
into the hot oil, only a few at a
time. Deep fry them until they’re
golden brown and crispy. Using a
skimmer, transfer chips to paper
towels to drain. Season directly
with sea salt.
7. Blend basil leaves, 1 dl olive
oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper
in a blender to a green basil oil.
8. Blend the soup in a blender
and season with salt, pepper and
maybe some lemon juice. Serve
the soup in a big bowl, drizzle
some basil oil on top and garnish
with the crispy vegetable slices.
125 g cauliflower 1 tsp. ground ginger 1. Cut all the vegetables into 5. Restore in a clean jar in
125 g green beans 1 tsp. mustard powder pieces, 1 x 1 cm. the refrigerator for 2 weeks
125 g cucumber, 2 tbsp. maizena 2. Toss the vegetables in before serving.
Sweet potato chips and veggie balls Veggie balls with tomato and spinach sauce
20 pcs (320 g) of GRÖNSAKS 3. Stir the crème fraiche smooth 40 pcs (640 g) GRÖNSAKSBULLAR 4. Fry the veggie balls.
BULLAR vegetable balls in a bowl and pour the herb oil vegetable balls 5. Fry rest of the tomatoes with
1 large sweet potato on top. Give it a quick stir, just 400 g mini plum tomatoes, divided
onion and garlic on medium heat in
5 dl deep-frying oil 1 tsp. caster sugar
1 or 2 times, so the oil makes a olive oil until it becomes softened.
1 quantity of sautéed mushrooms 1 yellow sweet pepper, deseeded
nice pattern into the white crème Add the vegetable stock, take the
for serving (see recipe on page 14) 2 tbsp. olive oil for frying
fraiche. heat down and let simmer for 10
1 dl of picked leaves of basil and 1 yellow onion, finely chopped
leaf parlsey 4. Preheat the deep-fry oil to 1 garlic clove, finely chopped minutes.
1 + 2 tbsp. olive oil, extra virgin 170-180°C. 3 dl vegetable stock 6. Meanwhile, bring a big pot with
2 dl crème fraiche 5. Pop the sliced potato into the 1 broccoli lightly salted water that covers the
Salt and pepper hot oil, only a few at the time and 300 g spinach, roughly chopped bottom for 2 cm to boil. Trim the
Bulgur, freshly boiled, for serving broccoli by breaking of the sprouts.
deep fry them until they’re golden
2 dl of grated parmesan cheese, for
STEP BY STEP: brown and crispy. Using a skimmer, Cut the stem into smaller pieces.
transfer chips to paper towels to Steam the broccoli in the water
1. Slice the sweet potato thinly on drain. Season directly with salt. under a lid for 1-2 minutes. Drain
a mandolin or with a knife. Put the STEP BY STEP:
6. Deep fry the veggie balls and off and keep warm in the pot.
slices between some kitchen towels 1. Put the tomatoes with the cut
put on paper to drain off. 7. Add the spinach to the tomato
to dry them off. side up and sprinkle some sugar
7. Arrange the chips on a serving sauce and cook for another 3
2. Finely chop the basil and parsley on top. Set aside until the sugar is minutes.
plate. Put one veggie ball on top
leaves. In the end of the chopping, dissolved, about 10 minutes.
Sweet potato chips of each, finish with some sautéed 8. Stir and combine the sauce with Veggie balls with tomato
add a tbsp. of olive oil to combine 2. Cut the sweet pepper into
and veggie balls. mushrooms and serve immediately the steamed broccoli, rest of the and spinach sauce.
the herbs into a green and smooth irregular pieces of 2 centimetres.
together with the herb crème tomatoes, sweet pepper and veggie
oil. Put in a bowl and add 2 tbsp.
fraiche. 3. Fry half of the tomatoes and all balls. Season with salt and pepper.
Huevos rancheros olive oil and season with lemon Veggie balls with fennel,
sweet pepper pieces in olive until Serve with freshly boiled bulgur
con veggie balls. juice and salt. cucumber and dill.
they have a nice and grilled colour. and parmesan cheese.
Put on a plate and set aside.
Pho-soup with
veggie balls Pickled red cabbage
A fresh Vietnamese-style Pickled red cabbage - easy pickled
INGREDIENTS: red cabbage becomes the best
soup with mushroom and addition to your taco, curry, salad,
2 dl vinegar 2. Slice the cabbage thinly on a
lime. mandolin or with a knife and put
sausage, wrap or main course.
2 dl water
SERVES: 4 TIME: 30 MIN 1/2 dl sugar it in a bowl. Combine with 1 tsp.
1 + 1 tsp. salt salt and leave for 20 minutes to
INGREDIENTS: 2 bay leaves soften. Discard the liquid that
1 tsp. coriander seeds comes off the cabbage and put
40 pcs (640 g) of GRÖNSAKS 1/2 tsp. chili flakes the cabbage in a pickling jar.
BULLAR vegetable balls 400 g red cabbage
2 litres of vegetable broth 3. Strain off the vinegar liquid
2 bunches of spring onions and pour it over the cabbage.
1 pointed cabbage Put on a lid and let infuse in the
200 g shiitake mushroom (or any 1. Bring vinegar, water, sugar, 1 refrigerator for at least one week
other mushrooms) tsp. salt and spices to boil in a pot. before serving.
200 g sprouting broccoli (or 1 Take of the heat and let infuse for
normal broccoli) 30 minutes.
1 red chili
1 green chili
2 tbsp. rape-seed oil for frying
2 lime, cut in slices
1 dl roughly chopped mint leaves Naan bread
Coriander for garnish SERVES: 12 PCS TIME: 40 MIN
250 g wheat flour squares, 5 cm x 5 cm. Roll into
1. Slice the shiitake thinly and rip 2 tsp. sugar
balls and flour them lightly. Cover
the cabbage into smaller pieces. 1/2 tsp. salt
with clingfilm and let it rest for
1/2 tsp. baking powder
2. Trim the broccoli by breaking off another 10 minutes.
125 ml water
the sprouts by hand and cut the 2 tbsp. olive oil, extra virgin 5. Heat up a frying pan on
stem into smaller pieces. medium/high heat until it slightly
3. Slice the spring onion and chilies STEP BY STEP: smokes.
in diagonal rings (keep the seeds if 6. Roll the balls out as thin as you
1. Combine all the dry ingredients
you want it spicy). can. Use some flour underneath
in a bowl.
4. Fry veggie balls as instructed on so that it won’t stick. Cook the
2. Add the water and olive oil. Mix
the package and put on a plate. bread one by one in the pan for
with a wooden spoon until blended.
5. Wipe out the pan and heat up about 30 seconds to 1 minute on
Flip it onto your worktop and knead
really hot. Wok the vegetables each side. Be careful as they get
it by hand until smooth.
quickly in oil for around two easily burnt. The naan bread is
3. Put it back in the bowl. Cover done when it feels light and has a
minutes, stir constantly.
with clingfilm and let it rest for 15 grilled colour.
6. Add mint, coriander and a minutes.
limeslice. Pour the hot broth over. 7. Keep the bread under a towel
4. Flip the dough back onto the to remain soft.
Serve at once with the veggie
worktop and cut it into small
balls aside.
Naan bread.
Walnut sauce................................................................. 07
Naan bread.................................................................... 27