A Mechanics Baseline Test: The Physics Teacher March 1992
A Mechanics Baseline Test: The Physics Teacher March 1992
A Mechanics Baseline Test: The Physics Teacher March 1992
391 3,263
2 authors, including:
David Hestenes
Arizona State University
All content following this page was uploaded by David Hestenes on 03 April 2015.
The Mechanics Baseline test should be compared with the Force Concept
Inventory in the preceding paper.l The Baseline is the next step above the
Inventory in mechanics understanding. Questions on the Inventory were designed
to be meaningful to students without formal training in mechanics and to elicit
their preconceptions about the subject. In contrast, the Baseline emphasizes
Table II. Scores on the Mechanics Baseline.
6(C) 45 44 56 61 73 53 87 96 29(24)
7(C) 8 8 25 22 40 46 36 38 80(56)
8(D) 23 30 31 72 83 67 81 92 76(51)
*9(A) 21 23 25 17 47 40 68 86 243(134)
10(E) 35 43 28 61 97 50 89 93 51(49)
11(E) 25 26 34 17 40 47 85 85 193(134)
*12(C) 12 17 9 6 17 29 24 30 147(115)
13(B) 31 37 47 56 83 69 79 82 94(76)
14(B) 50 56 75 83 93 76 87 100 41(29)
15(E) 48 47 41 56 83 79 83 90 104(88)
16(A) 16 17 9 22 47 38 60 73 39(32)
17(D) 26 33 31 22 63 60 81 81 70(50)
*18(B) 15 19 25 28 20 40 32 51 148(104)
19(C) 16 17 34 39 47 29 78 84 63(33)
20(C) 25 24 9 28 70 28 46 49 128(96)
21(A) 62 71 53 61 83 93 89 97 36(80)
22(B) 56 49 53 61 40 67 32 48 78(56)
23(D) 28 41 44 39 53 74 84 85 127(88)
24(A) 29 50 44 17 70 35 59 74 77(59)
25(A) 25 37 38 33 67 26 61 70 85(48)
26(E) 13 20 28 28 57 31 53 71
38.4 min
Test Avg. 32 37 39 42 62 61 66 73 (13.2min)
(Std. Dev.) (11) (15) (15) (16) (17) (18) (14) (11)
Calculation 31 33 30 31 45 51 54 64
Diagram 14 17 24 27 43 45 46 53
Kinematics 30 39 41 39 58 57 62 68
Number of 600 116 32 18 30 58 183 73 256
This tables shows the percentage of students who chose the correct answers for each question.
AVH (PHY 105 at Arizona State University) and HU (Harvard University) are the only university classes
in this table. The others are high school classes.
‘Calculation is the average score on those questions (9, 11, 12, 18, 20, 21, and 22) which require the
most calculation.
‘Diagram’ is the average score on those questions (5, 7, 12, 13, 18, 19, and 26) for which force diagrams
would facilitate the solution
‘Kinematics is the average score on the kinematics questions (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 12, 18, 23, 24, and 25)
in Table I.
†Letters in parentheses indicate correct answers
*Questions that are in more than one of the Calculation, Diagram, Kinematics categories. Questions 12
and 18 are in all three categories.
concepts that cannot be grasped without formal knowledge about mechanics. The
two tests are complementary probes for understanding of the most basic New-
tonian concepts. Together they give a fairly complete profile of this under-
Table I outlines the Newtonian concepts involved in the Baseline test
along with the questions in which they appear. It will be noted that the coverage
of basic concepts is quite systematic, although the coverage of Newton’s first and
third laws is deliberately thin because these concepts are adequately assessed by
the Inventory. Thus, the Inventory and the Baseline are complementary tests in a
practical sense
For the most part, the Baseline looks like a conventional quantitative,
problem-solving test, though its main intent is to assess qualitative understanding.
The multiple-choice distractors in the Baseline are not commonsense alternatives
as they are in the Inventory, though they include typical student mistakes,
which are more often due to deficient understanding than to carelessness. We
excluded problems that can be solved by a simple "plug-in" of numbers into a
Judged by the low scores of students at all levels, the Baseline is not an
easy test. A few of the questions were extracted from Advanced Placement
exams, though we found very few AP questions suited to our purpose. Less than a
third of the questions require algebraic manipulation or more than one-step
reasoning, and advanced concepts such as angular momentum are excluded.
Student difficulties with the test appear to stem from real deficiencies in
understanding the basic concepts. We aimed for a balanced coverage of these
basic concepts, but we made a point of including topics that we know pose the
greatest difficulty. Two deserve special mention: kinematics and conservation
We think that kinematics is the most difficult topic in elementary
mechanics. It may be the most fundamental as well, for, as Newton asserted in the
preface to his Principia, it is from the motions of objects that we discover the
forces. Even so, kinematics instruction is usually far from adequate, though there
are well-documented techniques for doing much better.2 As Table I shows, the
Baseline test gives kinematics the attention it deserves, and the results in Table II
document the general weakness of kinematics instruction. The results of questions
4 and 5 are especially significant, for they reveal widespread deficiencies in the
qualitative understanding of acceleration.
To be more specific about the concepts in question, recall that one of the
most comprehensive results in kinematics is the general "acceleration theorem,"
which asserts that at any point on an arbitrary particle trajectory, the acceleration,
a, can be decomposed into tangential and normal components, as expressed by
a = av ev + an en (1)
av = dv / dt (2)
and the normal component measures the rate of change of the velocity direction ev
which is related to the speed by
an = v2 / r (3)
where r is the radius of curvature of the trajectory.
This theorem is too advanced for most high-school students, but physics
teachers should understand it perfectly. Unfortunately, many do not. Indeed, in a
study of expert and novice understanding of the acceleration concept, Reif and
Allen3 found that only one out of five "experts" exhibited perfect understanding,
while one other exhibited quite marked deficiencies. These "experts" were all
professors of physics who had recently taught introductory physics at a major
university. The lesson to be learned here is not Richard Feynman’s dictum that
"science is the belief in the ignorance of experts," but rather that the inadequacies
of kinematics instruction are far reaching indeed!
Introductory physics should aim at least for a qualitative understanding of
Eq. (1), specifically that the tangential component measures a change in the
magnitude of the velocity, whereas the normal component measures a change in
the direction of the velocity, so the normal component always points to the side
toward which the trajectory is bending. It is this qualitative understanding that is
tested on the Baseline, and it is just this that the experts failed to correctly apply
in simple physics problems. Such difficulty can be attributed, in part at least, to an
overemphasis on the left side of f = ma in mechanics. Most of the professors
struggled with an analysis of the forces involved in f when a simple examination
of a would tell them what they needed to know. Properly taught, a qualitative
understanding of acceleration in not beyond the reach of high-school students.
Questions 4 and 5 on the Baseline probe this qualitative understanding.
Most of the Harvard students who missed question 5 chose option E (see the test),
most likely correctly noting that the tangential acceleration is zero or that the
vertical component of motion reverses its direction at the point in question. The
only quantitative application of the acceleration theorem on the Baseline test is
the application of Eq. (3) to circular motion, where r is the radius of the circle.
This is an appropriate level of generality for high-school physics.
Reit4,3 presents a careful analysis of what is required to understand
acceleration, but teaching the concept effectively remains a very challenging task.
Concerning the conservation laws for energy and momentum, it should be
noted that a full understanding involves knowing when to use them in their work-
energy or impulse-momentum forms. This is probed in questions 20 and 22 on the
Baseline—questions that present difficulties even to advanced students. These
questions were inspired by research of McDermott and Lawson,5 to which the
reader is referred for a thorough treatment of the instructional issues.
In summary, the Baseline tests the application of Newtonian concepts to
simple kinematics and dynamics of a single particle. If these topics have not been
mastered, of what value is instruction on more advanced topics in mechanics? The
data we have suggest: not much!
Baseline Data
Figure 1 plots inventory vs Baseline average scores for instructors listed in Tables
III and IV of the preceding paper.l As suggested in that paper, the most
noteworthy result in the figure is the placement of Wells Honors above Arizona
State University and near Harvard University. In comparison with the other high-
school scores, this indicates that there is great room for improvement in high-
school results. Figure 2 is especially informative. It plots post test inventory vs
Baseline scores for all students in the Harvard (Regular) calculus-based physics
course. The inventory post test was administered about midterm, shortly after
instruction and an exam on Newtonian particle mechanics. The Baseline was
administered at the end of the semester, before students studied for final exams.
The calculated correlation coefficient of 0.68 between Harvard inventory
and Baseline scores is fairly strong. However, Fig. 2 shows us more. Note first the
clustering of points near the diagonal from the origin to the upper right-hand
corner, and second that large deviations from the diagonal occur above but not
below the diagonal. This supports the view that a good score on the Inventory is a
necessary but not a sufficient condition for a good score on the Baseline or on
other problem-solving tests on mechanics. We expect a good score to be
necessary, because we believe that the Inventory measures the student's grasp of
the Newtonian force concept. We expect it to be insufficient, because additional
knowledge is required for effective problem solving.
This conclusion can be refined. We suggest that a score of 60% on the
Inventory is a kind of conceptual threshold for problem-solving competence on
students below 60% on the Inventory to surpass 60% on the Baseline. This
threshold effect can also explain the uniformly low Baseline scores of the Arizona
physics. Below this threshold the student’s grasp of Newtonian concepts is too
limited for effective problem solving. Indeed, Fig. 2 shows that it is unlikely for
high-school majority and the comparatively high scores of Wells Honors. In the
Arizona majority the student Inventory scores are below threshold, whereas in the
Wells case they are well above threshold. Indeed, our more detailed data show
that more than half the students in Wells Honors scored 60% or above on the
Baseline, and this is nearly double the number of students who did as well in
Arizona Honors and Arizona AP combined.
Figure 2 also suggests the existence of another threshold at about 80% on
the Inventory. This might be regarded as a threshold for mastery of basic
Newtonian concepts. The figure shows that only students above that 80%
threshold are able to score above 80% on the Baseline.
The success of Wells and Swackhamer Honors suggests that this 80%
"mastery threshold" is a reasonable goal for high-school physics, even though
most university physics falls well short of it. When it is approached, other goals of
physics instruction will be much easier to attain.
This work was supported by the National Science Foundation. David Marcus was
very helpful in collecting and analyzing the data. We thank the many high-school
and university teachers who so graciously cooperated in collecting data from their
classes, especially Eric Mazur, who supplied the Harvard data.
1. D. Hestenes, M. Wells, and G. Swackhamer, "Force concept inventory," Phys.
Teach. 30, 141 (1992).
2. R. Thornton and D. Sokoloff, "Learning motion concepts using real-time
microcomputer-based laboratory tools," Am. J. Phys. 58,858 (1990).
3. F. Reif and S. Allen, "Interpreting and teaching scientific concepts," Berkeley
Cognitive Science Report No.62, (1990).
4. F. Reif, "Instructional design, cognition, and technology: Applications to the
teaching of scientific concepts," J. Res. Sci. Teach. 24,309 (1987b).
5. L. McDermott and R. Lawson, "Student understanding of the work-energy
and impulse-momentum theorems," Am. J. Phys. 55,811 (1987).
Divide the class hour into 15-minute chunks, beginning with a 10-minute lecture
that ends with a short qualitative question about the topic under study. Students
then have one minute to think about the question, after which they have two
minutes to justify their answers with a neighbor. In the last two minutes the
instructor guides the class to a resolution of the question. This is the main way
that the 1991 course differed from Mazur’s previous courses in which he mostly
lectured for the entire class hour to passive students. Of course, high-school
classes would require a different approach.
(a) The enthusiastic engagement of the students was obvious in their
appreciative response to the classroom interactions.
(b) Average post test scores on the inventory and Baseline tests for the
1991 class (223 students) are 85% and 72%, respectively, a clear improvement
over the 1990 scores of 77% and 66% reported above.
(c) Exam scores confirm that this improvement is a real effect. The 1991
class was given the identical final exam taken by Mazur’s 1985 class (144
students), achieving a class average of 69.4% compared with 62.9% in 1985. This
result is surprising because the 1991 course is required for biology majors,
whereas the 1985 course was an elective, so that student population was believed
to be better. Furthermore, Mazur regards the problems on that final exam as
difficult. Yet the good scores were achieved without any problem-solving
examples in the lectures. This agrees with our conclusions that students derive
little benefit from watching a teacher solve problems.
(d) The class Inventory pretest score was 68%, and the sample is large
enough to justify our assumption that this score is probably an equally good
descriptor of the 1990 class. Accordingly, we find a strong inventory pretest-post-
test gain of 17% for the 1991 class compared with a modest 9% gain for the 1990
class. Most of the gain was at the lower end of the distribution. This is shown by
the fact that on the pretest 36% of the students were below the 60% score (which
we have identified as a threshold for Newtonian understanding), whereas on the
post test only 4% were below threshold. Furthermore, no one failed the course, an
unusual result!
The fairly high pretest mean of 68% is partly attributable to the fact that
only 5% of the students were freshmen, but not, evidently, to a background in
high-school physics. The II students (no freshmen) who had not taken high-school
physics also had a pretest mean of 68%. This is indicative of what bright students
can learn without formal instruction.