Online Gas Analyser: Specialist of UV Spectros
Online Gas Analyser: Specialist of UV Spectros
Online Gas Analyser: Specialist of UV Spectros
Specialist Of UV Spectroscopy
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> EXM500 Online Gas Analyser
The EXM500 is an extractive online gas analyser dedicated to Continuous Emission Monitoring
This new model is based on a 2048 pixels CCD (charge-coupled device) giving a higher resolution (0.1 nm) and a longer lamp
life time (3 years)
It is based on UV spectroscopy that brings a higher sensitivity than infra-red and gives the possibility to measure several
gases simultaneously.
A high selectivity is achieved by a fast Fourier transform (FFT) on the absorbance spectrum for all the gases having a
periodic structure like NH3, SO2, NO and others.
All the internal gas circuit is heated at 190°C to admit directly hot and humid combustion gases.
Main Method : UV Spectroscopy
Several gases can be measured simultaneously thanks to the UV spectroscopy method by using different wavelengths and
algorithms. For gases with a periodic absorption spectrum such as NH3, SO2, NO, CS2 or acetylene, an algorithm based on
FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) guarantees a very good selectivity of measurement.
The solid-state design due to the UV spectroscopy gives a high reliability of the measuring system with quite no
The UV lamp is a xenon flash lamp with a high lifetime and without thermal effect that may generate measurement drift.
The gas flow cell has two quartz windows to transmit the UV light throught the measured gas. The standard path length of
the flow cell is 240 mm.
The spectrograph is based on a concave grating to minimize the optical parts and the spectrum is read on a 2048 pixel CCD
with a resolution of 0.1nm.
A zero is done automatically on zero air or nitrogen with an adjustable period (if possible every 2 or 4 hours but once per
day remains acceptable).
The absorbance spectrum is calculated from the reference spectrum acquired during the zero step.
Inlet Outlet The measuring principle is based on the UV light
absorption according to the Beer-Lambert Law:
Heated Version
The analyser is provided with an heating system for the gas circuit.
The heating temperature can be adjusted up to 190°C. The high temperature evaporates any deposits on the windows.
The major emission gases like CO, CO2, and CH4 have no UV absorption,therefore they
don’t interfere with the measured gases.
H2O has a weak absorption in the UV range but at different wavelengths than combustion
gases like NH3, NO, NO2 or SO2. Consequently, H2O, with an usual concentration
between 5% and 20%, is not disturbing the measurements.
Multi-Gas Configuration
Several gases can be measured in a same analyser if the sample gas
composition is compatible with the selected algorithms and
NH3 wavelengths.
NO2 The analyser gives high measurement selectivity thanks to the
SO2 recognition of the specific UV absorption spectrum of gases by using
proprietary algorithms.
For Denox applications, special algorythms allow to measure NH3 in a
0-10 ppm range with high level of SO2 up to 1200 ppm like on coal
power plants.
Low Maintenance and High Reliability
The design has been specially oriented for low maintenance and high reliability on the measurements.
The UV xenon lamp is specified for a lifetime of 109 flashes. Therefore, the lifetime is about 3 year with continuous
measurements or 10 years with one measurement per minute.
This reduces considerably the maintenance and the risk of wrong measurement due to aged lamps or its replacement.
User-Friendly Interface
A colour touch screen display interface allows the user to easily navigate
through a number of screens that are used to set and check all of the
operating conditions of the instrument.
A protective film limits the risk to damage the surface of the touch screen,
especially against solvent and corrosive liquid.
Measuring Time
For process that requires fast measurement like motor bench application, the analyser is able to measure the sample
concentration within 200 milliseconds thanks to an ultra fast electronics design based on high speed DSP (Digital Signal
Processor). However, usual measurements on emission gases are performed within 5 seconds. A special auto averaging
algorithm can be activated to improves the stability without affecting the response time.
Gas Circuit
Three gas connections are Analyser Inlet and zero are connected on a 3 ways electric valve. When
available on the rear panel Sensor the automatic zero is activated, the solenoid valve switches
of the analyser : the flow cell on zero air. A pressure sensor takes the pressure
Heated Part of measured gas to compensate it and to give a flow
- Inlet for the sample indication.
- Zero air or nitrogen NO
Gas Flow-Cell
- Outlet for sample or zero All the gas circuit is in a heated compartment controlled
within +/- 0.5 °C at an adjustable temperature between 60°C
and 190°C.
An optional pump may be included before the gas flow cell in
order to pump the sample as well as the zero gas that may be
Inlet Zero Outlet ambiant air for most of the applications.
Automatic Compensation
An internal measurement of temperature and pressure of the sample is performed. A ratio related to the ideal gas law is
applied on the measured value to compensate the effects of temperature and pressure.
220 mm
600 mm
480 mm
SO2 0-1000 ppm 0 - 3000 mg/m3 2 ppm at 1000 ppm 0.5 ppm
Sulfur Dioxide
H2S 0-500 ppm 0 - 750 mg/m3 0.5 ppm at 500 ppm 0.5 ppm
Hydrogen Sulfide
Display LCD colour screen (TFT) with LED backlight 640x480 pixels
Weight 25 kg
The manufacturer reserves the right to modify and/or change any specifications, dimensions, design or drawing at any time without prior notice
> EXM500 Parts references
Basic unit
EXM500 Basic unit (one gas included)
Recommended flow for sample and zero air: 0.1 to 10 litres/min
Fittings: Swagelok stainless steel 316 for tube OD ¼” (6.35 mm)
Color graphic display 640x480 pixels with touch screen
Built-in data logger, memory 5000 measurements
12 sockets for input and output modules (not included, refer to options)
RS232 included (Sub-D 9 ways female connector) with 2 meters cable for PC
USB Port for USB key (measurements and configuration download, software update)
Power supply 110-240 VAC 47-63 Hz 1000 VA with power cord 2 meters
Rack 19' 5U IP00 (482x220x560 mm, 25 kg)
Sampling pump not included (see options)
Heated version at 190 °C (adjustable)
For use on wet combustion gas
Internal pump
PUMP500 Internal membrane pump with heated head
Built-in inside the enclosure
Flow about 6 l/min
Heated version at 190 °C
Additional gases (The measurement range is given for an optical path of 240 mm)
Additional gas
4-20 mA isolated output included
NH3 Ammonia
Range: 0 - 10 ppm or 0 – 100 ppm NH3 (0 - 7 mg/Nm3 or 0 – 70 mg/Nm3 NH3)
Measurement possible until 1000 ppm NH3 (or 700 mg/Nm3 NH3)
H2S Hydrogen sulphide
ange: 0 – 500 ppm H2S (or 0 – 750 mg/Nm3 H2S)
Measurement possible until 1000 ppm H2S (or 0 – 1500 mg/Nm3 H2S)
NO Nitric oxide
Range: 0 – 2000 ppm NO (or 0 – 2500 mg/Nm3 NO)
Measurement possible until 5000 ppm NO (or 6000 mg/Nm3 NO)
NO2 Nitrogen dioxide
Range: 0 – 2000 ppm NO2 (or 0 – 4000 mg/Nm3 NO2)
Measurement possible until 5000 ppm NO2 (or 10000 mg/Nm3 NO2)
SO2 Sulfur dioxide
Range: 0 – 500 ppm SO2 (or 0 – 1500 mg/Nm3 SO2)
Measurement possible until 1000 ppm SO2 (or 3000 mg/Nm3 SO2)
C6H6 Benzene
Range: 0 – 100 ppm C6H6 (or 0 – 300 mg/Nm3 C6H6)
Measurement possible until 200 ppm C6H6 (or 600 mg/Nm3 C6H6)
C7H8 Toluene
Range: 0 – 30 ppm C7H8 (or 0 – 100 mg/Nm3 C7H8)
Measurement possible until 60 ppm C7H8 (or 200 mg/Nm3 C7H8)
C8H10 Xylene
Range: 0 – 30 ppm C8H10 (or 0 – 100 mg/Nm3 C8H10)
Measurement possible until 60 ppm C8H10 (or 200 mg/Nm3 C8H10)
CS2 Carbone disulfide
Range: 0 – 100 ppm CS2 (or 0 – 300 mg/Nm3 CS2)
Measurement possible until 1000 ppm CS2 (or 3000 mg/Nm3 CS2)
C2H2 Acetylene
Range: 0 – 5000 ppm C2H2 (or 0 – 5000 mg/Nm3 C2H2)
Measurement possible until 10,000 ppm C2H2 (or 10,000 mg/Nm3 C2H2)
> EXM500 Parts references
Input modules Output modules
IN4-20 4-20 mA input module OUT4-20 4-20 mA output module (Included with one gas)
Isolated 4-20 mA input Isolated 4-20 mA output
Impedance: 100 Ohm Active output, Max load 500 Ohm
LOGIC500 Double logical inputs module RELAY500 Relay module
Input no 1 : external pulse command for Contact rating: 2A/220V
Input no 2 : measurements inhibition Communications
Isolated 0 – 24 V DC inputs ETHER500 Ethernet interface
Impedance: >10 Kohm Ethernet 10 base-T (IEEE 802.3)
The manufacturer reserves the right to modify and/or change any specifications, dimensions, design or drawing at any time without prior notice
TETHYS Instruments
57, Chemin du vieux Chêne, 38240 MEYLAN -France-
IND#A - E.COM.11
Tel : +33 4 76 41 86 39 - Fax : +33 4 76 41 92 27
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