Detailed Composite Beam Design AISC

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The key takeaways from the document are the design process and requirements for composite beams according to AISC specifications.

The AISC specifications outline requirements for the composite deck, steel headed stud anchors, spacing of anchors, and other factors to achieve composite action between the steel beam and concrete slab.

The design process involves checking deck and anchor requirements, determining required anchor strength and spacing, and assessing the beam for shear and deflection with and without composite action.


Given: Design of a typical I-shaped beam and determine the required number of 20mm diameter
steel headed stud anchors.
Maximum Span of Composite Beam = 13.7 m
Maximum Spacing of Composite Beams = 3.0 m

Concrete Compressive Strength, fc' = 27.6 N/mm2

Thickness of Concrete Slab = 190.5 mm
Rib Height = 76.2 mm Rib Width = 152.4 mm

Applied Loads are given in the following:

Dead Loads (Pre-Composite):
Slab (in accordance slab thickness) = 3.59 kN/m2
Self-weight (assumed uniform load to account for beam weight) = 0.24 kN/m2

Dead Loads Composite (applied after composite action has been achieved):
Miscellaneous Loads (HVAC, ceiling, floor covering, etc.) = 0.48 kN/m2

Live Loads (Pre-Composite):

Construction Stage (temporary loads during concrete placement) = 1.20 kN/m2

Live Loads Composite (applied after composite action has been achieved):
Non-Reducible Live Load (assembly occupancy) = 4.79 kN/m2

Solution: From AISC Manual Table 2-4, the material properties are as followsASTM A992
Fy = 345 N/mm2 Fu = 448 N/mm2

Applied Loads: For slabs that are to be placed at a constant elevation, AISC Design Guide 3
recommends an additional 10% of the nominal slab weight be applied to account for concrete
ponding due to deflections resulting from the wet weight of the concrete during placement. For the
slab under consideration, this would result an additional load; however, for this design the slab will
be placed at a constant thickness, and thus, no additional weight for concrete ponding is required.

For pre-composite construction live loading, 25 lb/ft2 will be applied in accordance with
recommendations from Design Loads on Structures During Construction, ASCE/SEI 37 (ASCE,
2014), for a light duty operational class that includes concrete transport and placement by hose and
finishing with hand tools.

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Composite Deck and Anchor Requirements:

Check composite deck and anchor requirements stipulated in AISC Specification I1.3, I3.2c and i8.
1. Concrete Strength: 20 MPa < fc' < 67 MPa (for normal weight concrete) (Spec. Section I1.3)
fc' = 27.6 N/mm2 Hence Ok

2. Rib height: hr ≤ 76.2mm. (Spec. Section I3.2c)

hr = 76.2 mm Hence Ok

3. Average rib width: wr ≥ 50 mm. (Spec. Section I3.2c)

wr = 152.4 mm Hence Ok

4. Use steel headed stud anchors 20mm or less in diameter. (Spec. Section i8.1)
Assuming Diameter of Stud dsa = 19.05 mm Hence Ok

5. Steel headed stud anchor diameter: dsa < 2.5 tf (Spec. Section i8.1)
In accordance with AISC Specification Section i8.1, this limit only applies if steel headed stud
anchors are not welded to the flange directly over the web. The 20mm diameter anchors will be
placed in pairs transverse to the web in some locations, thus this limit must be satisfied.
dsa = 19.05 mm < 2.5 tf = 34.29 mm Hence Ok

6. In accordance with AISC I3.2c, stud anchors, after installation, shall extend not less than 38mm
above the top of the steel deck. A minimum anchor length of 114mm is required to meet this

7. Minimum length of stud anchors > 4 dsa (Spec. Section i8.2)

Provided Stud Anchor Length = 114.3 mm > 76.2 mm Hence Ok

8. In accordance with AISC Specification Section I3.2c, there shall be at least 13mm of specified
concrete cover above the top of the headed stud anchors.
AISC Specification Commentary to Section I3.2c, it is advisable to provide > 13mm cover to assure
anchors are not exposed in the final condition, particularly for intentionally cambered beams.

Available Concrete Cover = 76.2 mm Hence Ok

9. In accordance with AISC Specification I3.2c, slab thickness above steel deck shall not be < 50mm.

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Proveded Slab Thickness above Steel Member = 114.3 mm Hence Ok

Design for Pre-Composite Condition

Construction (Pre-Composite) Loads

The beam is uniformly loaded by its tributary width as follows:
wD = 11.68 kN/m wL = 3.65 kN/m

Construction (Pre-Composite) Flexural Strength

From ASCE/SEI 7, Chapter 2, the required flexural strength is (LRFD):
Ultimate uniformly distributed load wu = 1.2wD+1.6wL wu = 19.8 kN/m
Ulimate Moment Mu = wu L2 / 8 Mu = 466.7 kN-m

Beam Selection
Assume that attachment of the deck perpendicular to the beam provides adequate bracing to the
compression flange during construction, thus the beam can develop its full plastic moment capacity.
The required plastic section modulus, Zx, is determined as follows, from AISC Specification
Equation F2-1:
Zx,min = Mu / Φb Fy ,where Φb = 0.9 Zx,min = 1504.3 cm3

Providing W21x50 Geometric Properties are as follows

A= 94.8 cm2 tf = 13.7 mm tw = 9.7 mm
h= 476.8 mm bf = 165.9 mm Ix = 40957 cm4
d= 528 mm
Pre-Composite Deflections

AISC Design Guide 3 (West and Fisher, 2003) recommends deflections due to concrete plus self-
weight not exceed the minimum of L/360 or 25mm.

From AISC Manual Table 3-23, Case 1: Δnc = 5 wD L4 / 384 E Ix

Substituting for the moment of inertia of the non-composite section, yields a dead load deflection of:
Δnc = 65.7 mm > L/360 = 38.1 mm Provide Camber

Pre-composite deflections exceed the recommended limit. One possible solution is to increase the
member size. A second solution is to induce camber into the member. For this example, the second
solution is selected, and the beam will be cambered to reduce the net pre-composite deflections.
Reducing the estimated simple span deflections to 80%Babu
Eng: Raveendra of the calculated value to reflect the partial
Pre-composite deflections exceed the recommended limit. One possible solution is to increase the
member size. A secondDESIGN
solution OF
induce camberBEAM
into the(AISC)
member.- JOIST
For this example, the second
solution is selected, and the beam will be cambered to reduce the net pre-composite deflections.
Reducing the estimated simple span deflections to 80% of the calculated value to reflect the partial
restraint of the end connections as recommended in AISC Design Guide 3

Design for Composite Condition

Required Flexural Strength

Using tributary area calculations, the total uniform loads (including pre-composite dead loads in
addition to dead and live loads applied after composite action has been achieved) are determined as:

wD = 13.13 kN/m wL = 14.59 kN/m

Ultimate uniformly distributed load wu = 1.2wD+1.6wL wu = 39.11 kN/m

Ulimate Moment Mu = wu L2 / 8 Mu = 919.7 kN-m

Determine effective width, b

The effective width of the concrete slab is the sum of the effective widths to each side of the beam
centerline as determined by the min value of the 3 widths set forth in AISC Specification I3.1a:

1. one-eighth of the beam span, center-to-center of supports

Length of Beam / 8 (2 sides) = 3.43 m

2. one-half the distance to the centerline of the adjacent beam

Spacing of Beams / 2 (2 sides) = 3.05 m

Effective Width of Concrete Slab (Minimum if Case 1 and 2) beff = 3.05 m

Available Flexural Strength

According to AISC Specification Section I3.2a, the nominal flexural strength shall be determined
from the plastic stress distribution on the composite section when h / tw ≤ √ 3.76 E / Fy.

h / tw = 49.4 ≤ √ 3.76 E / Fy = 90.6

Therefore, use the plastic stress distribution to determine the nominal flexural strength.

According to the User Note in AISC Specification Section I3.2a, this check is generally unnecessary
as all current I-shapes satisfy this limit for Fy < 515 MPa.

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According to AISC Specification Commentary Section I3.2a, the number and strength of steel
headed stud anchors will govern the compressive force, C, for a partially composite beam. The
composite percentage is based on the minimum of the limit states of concrete crushing and steel
yielding as follows:

1. Concrete Crushing (Spec. Comm. Eq. C-I3-7)

C = 0.85 fc' Ac = 10889 kN
Ac = Area of concrete slab within effective width Ac = 464515 mm2

2. Steel Yielding (Spec. Comm. Eq. C-I3-6)

C = A s Fy = 3269 kN

3. Shear Transfer Fifty percent is used as a trial percentage of composite action as follows:
C = Σ Qn (50% of Minimum of Steel and Concrete) (Spec. Comm. Eq. C-I3-8)

C= 1635 kN to achieve 50% composite action

Location of the Plastic Neutral Axis

The plastic neutral axis (PNA) is located by determining the axis above and below which the sum of
horizontal forces is equal. Assuming the trial PNA location is within the top flange of the girder.

Σ Fabove PNA = Σ Fbelow PNA

C + x bf Fy = (As - bf x) Fy
Solving forx = As Fy - C / 2 bf Fy = 14.3 mm
< tf: therefore, the PNA is in the flange

Determine the nominal moment resistance of the composite section following the procedure in AISC
Specification Commentary Section I3.2a, as illustrated in Figure.

a = C / 0.85 fc' b = 22.9 mm (above top of deck)

d1 = tslab - a/2 = 179.1 mm d2 = x / 2 = 7.1 mm

d3 = d / 2 = 264.2 mm Py = A s Fy = 3269 kN

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Mn = C ( d1 + d2 ) + Py ( d3 - d2 ) ,where Φ = 0.9 (Spec. Comm. Eq. C-I3-10)

Φ Mn = 1030 kN-m > Mu = 919.7 kN-m Hence Ok

Live Load Deflection

Deflections due to live load applied after composite action has been achieved will be limited to L /
360 under the design live load as required by Table 1604.3 of the International Building Code (IBC)
(ICC, 2015), or 25mm using a 50% reduction in design live load as recommended by AISC Design
Guide 3.

Deflections for composite members may be determined using the lower bound moment of inertia
provided in AISC Specification Commentary Equation C-I3-1 and tabulated in AISC Manual Table
3-20. The Specification Commentary also provides an alternate method for determining deflections
through the calculation of an effective moment of inertia.

Calculation of the lower bound moment of inertia, ILB

Variables d1 and d3 in AISC Specification Commentary Equation C-I3-1 are determined using the
same procedure previously illustrated for calculating nominal moment resistance. However, for the
determination of ILB the nominal strength of steel anchors is calculated between the point of
maximum positive moment and the point of zero moment as opposed to between the concentrated
load and point of zero moment used previously. The maximum moment is located at the center of the

Σ Qn = No. of Anchors x Strength per Anchor = 1660 kN

a = C / 0.85 fc' b = Σ Qn / 0.85 fc' b = 23.2 mm (Spec. Eq. C-I3-9)

d1 = tslab - a/2 = 178.9 mm x = As Fy - Σ Qn / 2 bf Fy = 14.1 mm

d3 = d / 2 = 264.2 mm < tf: therefore, the PNA is in the flange

The distance from the top of the steel section to the elastic neutral
axis, YENA, for use in Equation C-I3-1 is calculated using the
procedure provided in AISC Specification Commentary Section
I3.2 as follows:

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YENA = 413.4 mm (Spec. Comm. Eq. C-I3-2)

Substituting these values into AISC Specification Commentary Equation C-I3-1 yields the following
lower bound ILB = 103647 cm4
moment of inertia:

Calculation of the equivalent moment of inertia, Iequiv

An alternate procedure for determining a moment of inertia for the deflection

calculation of the composite section is presented in AISC Specification
Commentary Section I3.2 and in the following:

Determine the transformed moment of inertia, Itr

The effective width of concrete below top of the deck may be approximated
with the deck profile resulting in a 50% effective width as depicted in Figure

Transformed slab widths are calculated as follows: n = E s / Ec = 8.10

btr1 = beff / n = 376.2 mm btr2 = 0.5 beff / n = 188.1 mm

Determine the elastic neutral axis of the transformed section (assuming fully composite action) and
calculate the transformed moment of inertia. For this problem, a trial location for the elastic neutral
axis (ENA) is assumed to be within the depth of the composite deck.

Part A (cm2) Y (cm) I (cm4)

A1 430 5.7 + x 4681 Σ Ay about elastic neutral axis 0
A2 18.8 x x/2 1.6 x^3
W21x50 94.8 x - 34.0 40957 Solving for x= 1.43 cm

Verify trial location: 14.3 mm < 76.2 mm therefore, the ENA is within the deck
Utilizing the parallel axis theorem and substituting for x yields:
Itr = Σ I + Σ A y2 = 168434 cm4

Determine the equivalent moment of inertia, Iequiv Σ Qn = 1660 kN

Cf = Compression force for fully composite beam As Fy Cf = 3269 kN
Iequiv = Is + √(Σ Qn / Cf) (Itr - Is) = 131793 cm4 (Spec. Comm. Eq. C-I3-3)

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Minimum of Iequiv & ILB to be use to determine the live load deflection Imin = 103647 cm4
Δc = 5 wL L4 / 384 E Imin
Δc = 32.4 mm < L/360 = 38.1 mm Hence Ok

Performing the same check with 50% of the design live load for comparison to AISC Design Guide 3
Δc = 16.2 mm < 25.0 mm Hence Ok

Steel Anchor Strength

Steel headed stud anchor strengths are tabulated in AISC Manual Table 3-21 for typical conditions.
Conservatively assuming that all anchors are placed in the weak position.

1 anchor per rib: Qn = 76.5 kN 2 anchor per rib: Qn = 64.9 kN

Number and Spacing of Anchors 300 mm

Deck flutes are spaced at 300mm on center. The min number of deck flutes along each half of the
beam, assuming the first flute begins a maximum of 300mm from the support line at each end, is:

nflutes = nspaces + 1 = 22.86 Say 22 flutes

According to AISC Specification Section i8.2c, the number of steel headed stud anchors required
between the section of maximum bending moment and the nearest point of zero moment is
determined by dividing the required horizontal shear, ΣQn , by the nominal shear strength per
anchor, Qn . Assuming one anchor per flute:
nanchors = ΣQn / Qn = 21.4 place 22 anchors on each side of the beam centerline

As the number of anchors exceeds the number of available flutes by one, place two anchors in the
first flute. The revised horizontal shear capacity of the anchors taking into account the reduced
strength for two anchors in one flute is:

ΣQn = 1660 kN > 1635 kN Hence Ok

Steel Anchor Ductility Check

As per AISC Specification Commentary I3.2d, beams are not susceptible to connector failure due to
insufficient deformation capacity if they meet one or more of the following conditions:

1. Beams with span not exceeding 9.1 m;

2. Beams with a degree of composite action of at least 50%; or
3. Beams with an average nominal shear connector capacity of at least 233.5 kN/m along their

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span, corresponding to a 20mm diameter stud anchor placed at 300mm spacing on average.

The span is 13.7 m, which exceeds the 9.1 m limit. The percent composite action is:
Σ Qn / min (0.85 fc' Ac , Fy As) = 50.8 %

which exceeds the min degree of composite action of 50%. The average shear connector capacity is:
Σ Anchors Capacity / Length = 242.1 kN > 233.5 kN

which exceeds the minimum capacity of 233.5 kN/m. Since at least one of the conditions has been
met, the shear connectors meet the ductility requirements. The final anchor pattern to be chosen

Review steel headed stud anchor spacing requirements of AISC Specification Sections i8.2d and I3.2c.
1. Maximum anchor spacing along beam [Section i8.2d(e)]:
8 tslab = 1524 mm or 914 mm
The max anchor spacing permitte 914 mm > 300 mm Hence Ok

2. Minimum anchor spacing along beam [Section i8.2d(d)]:

4 dsa = 76 mm < 300 mm Hence Ok

3. Minimum transverse spacing between anchor pairs [Section i8.2d(d)]:

4 dsa = 76 mm < 76 mm Hence Ok

4. Minimum distance to free edge in the direction of the horizontal shear force:

AISC Specification Section i8.2d requires that the distance from the center of an anchor to a free
edge in the direction of the shear force be a minimum of 200mm. for normal weight concrete slabs.

5. Maximum spacing of deck attachment:

AISC Specification I3.2c.1(d) requires that steel deck be anchored to all supporting members at a
max spacing of 450mm. The stud anchors are welded through the metal deck at a max spacing of
300mm, thus this limit is met without the need for additional puddle welds or mechanical fasteners.

Available Shear Strength

According to AISC Specification Section I4.2, the beam should be assessed for available shear
strength as a bare steel beam using the provisions of Chapter G.
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According to AISC Specification Section I4.2, the beam should be assessed for available shear
strength as a bare steel beam using the provisions of Chapter G.

Ulimate Shear Vu = wu L / 2 = 268.2 kN ,where Φ =0.9

Φ Vn = 949 kN > Vu = 268.2 kN Hence Ok


Depending on the intended use of this bay, vibrations might need to be considered. Refer to AISC
Design Guide 11 (Murray et al., 2016) if structure is loaded with vibrations.

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Given: Design of a typical I-shaped beam and determine the required number of 20mm diameter
steel headed stud anchors.
Maximum Span of Composite Beam = 13.7 m
Maximum Spacing of Composite Beams = 3.0 m
Length of Composite Girder = 9.1 m

Concrete Compressive Strength, fc' = 27.6 N/mm2

Thickness of Concrete Slab = 190.5 mm
Rib Height = 76.2 mm Rib Width = 152.4 mm

Applied Loads are given in the following:

Dead Loads (Pre-Composite):
Slab (in accordance slab thickness) = 3.59 kN/m2
Self-weight (girder and beam weight) = 1.17 kN/m & 0.73 kN/m

Dead Loads Composite (applied after composite action has been achieved):
Miscellaneous Loads (HVAC, ceiling, floor covering, etc.) = 0.48 kN/m2

Live Loads (Pre-Composite):

Construction Stage (temporary loads during concrete placement) = 1.20 kN/m2

Live Loads Composite (applied after composite action has been achieved):
Non-Reducible Live Load (assembly occupancy) = 4.79 kN/m2

Solution: From AISC Manual Table 2-4, the material properties are as followsASTM A992
Fy = 345 N/mm2 Fu = 448 N/mm2

Applied Loads: For slabs that are to be placed at a constant elevation, AISC Design Guide 3
recommends an additional 10% of the nominal slab weight be applied to account for concrete
ponding due to deflections resulting from the wet weight of the concrete during placement. For the
slab under consideration, this would result an additional load; however, for this design the slab will
be placed at a constant thickness, and thus, no additional weight for concrete ponding is required.

For pre-composite construction live loading, 25 lb/ft2 will be applied in accordance with
recommendations from Design Loads on Structures During Construction, ASCE/SEI 37 (ASCE,
2014), for a light duty operational class that includes concrete transport and placement by hose and
finishing with hand tools.

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Composite Deck and Anchor Requirements:

Check composite deck and anchor requirements stipulated in AISC Specification I1.3, I3.2c and i8.
1. Concrete Strength: 20 MPa < fc' < 67 MPa (for normal weight concrete) (Spec. Section I1.3)
fc' = 27.6 N/mm2 Hence Ok

2. Rib height: hr ≤ 76.2mm. (Spec. Section I3.2c)

hr = 76.2 mm Hence Ok

3. Average rib width: wr ≥ 50 mm. (Spec. Section I3.2c)

wr = 152.4 mm Hence Ok

4. Use steel headed stud anchors 20mm or less in diameter. (Spec. Section i8.1)
Assuming Diameter of Stud dsa = 19.05 mm Hence Ok

5. Steel headed stud anchor diameter: dsa < 2.5 tf (Spec. Section i8.1)
In accordance with AISC Specification Section i8.1, this limit only applies if steel headed stud
anchors are not welded to the flange directly over the web. The 20mm diameter anchors will be
placed in pairs transverse to the web in some locations, thus this limit must be satisfied.
dsa = 19.05 mm < 2.5 tf = 43.18 mm Hence Ok

6. In accordance with AISC I3.2c, stud anchors, after installation, shall extend not less than 38mm
above the top of the steel deck. A minimum anchor length of 114mm is required to meet this

7. Minimum length of stud anchors > 4 dsa (Spec. Section i8.2)

Provided Stud Anchor Length = 114.3 mm > 76.2 mm Hence Ok

8. In accordance with AISC Specification Section I3.2c, there shall be at least 13mm of specified
concrete cover above the top of the headed stud anchors.
AISC Specification Commentary to Section I3.2c, it is advisable to provide > 13mm cover to assure
anchors are not exposed in the final condition, particularly for intentionally cambered beams.

Available Concrete Cover = 76.2 mm Hence Ok

9. In accordance with AISC Specification I3.2c, slab thickness above steel deck shall not be < 50mm.

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Proveded Slab Thickness above Steel Member = 114.3 mm Hence Ok

Design for Pre-Composite Condition

Construction (Pre-Composite) Loads The girder will be loaded at third points.

PD = 160.14 kN PL = 50.04 kN

Construction (Pre-Composite) Flexural Strength

Ultimate point load Pu = 1.2PD+1.6PL Pu = 272.2 kN
Ultimate uniformly distributed load wu = 1.2wD wu = 1.4 kN/m
Ulimate Moment Mu = Pu a + wu L2 / 8 Mu = 844.4 kN-m

Girder Selection

Based on required flexural strength under construction loading, a trial member can be selected. The
unbraced length of girder prior to hardening of the concrete is taken as 1/3rd of the girder length.

Providing W24x76 Zx = 3290 cm3 Iy = 3425 cm4

A= 144.5 cm2 tf = 17.3 mm tw = 11.2 mm
h= 547.4 mm bf = 228.3 mm Ix = 87409 cm4
Sx = 2881 cm3 ry = 48.8 mm d= 607 mm

Limiting Lengths Lp and Lr are to be determine Lb = 3.0 m (AISC F2-5 to F2-8)

Lp = 1.76 ry √E / Fy = 2.1 m
Lr = Π rts √E / 0.7 Fy = 5.4 m rts2 = Iy ho / 2 Sx = 5.9 cm
Mpx = Fy Zx = 1134 kN-m Mrx = 0.7 Fy Sx = 695 kN-m
BF = (Mpx - Mrx) / (Lr - Lp) = 133.5 kN ,where Cb = 1.0 & Φb = 0.9
903 kN-m
1021 kN-m
Φ b Mn = 903 kN-m > Mu = 844 kN-m Hence Ok

Pre-Composite Deflections

AISC Design Guide 3 (West and Fisher, 2003) recommends deflections due to concrete plus self-
weight not exceed the minimum of L/360 or 25mm.

From AISC Manual Table 3-23, Case 1: Δnc = 23 PD L3 / 648 E Ix + 5 wD L4 / 384 E Ix

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Substituting for the moment of inertia of the non-composite section, yields a dead load deflection of:
Δnc = 25.5 mm < L/360 = 38.1 mm Hence Ok

Design for Composite Flexural Strength

Required Flexural Strength

Using tributary area calculations, total applied point loads (including pre-composite dead loads in
addition to dead and live loads applied after composite action has been achieved) are determined as:

PD = 180.16 kN PL = 200.17 kN

Ultimate Point load Pu = 1.2PD+1.6PL Pu = 536.46 kN

Ultimate uniformly distributed load wu = 1.2wD wu = 1.4 kN/m
Ulimate Moment Mu = Pu a + wu L2 / 8 Mu = 1649.8 kN-m

Determine effective width, b

The effective width of the concrete slab is the sum of the effective widths to each side of the beam
centerline as determined by the min value of the 3 widths set forth in AISC Specification I3.1a:

1. one-eighth of the beam span, center-to-center of supports

Length of Beam / 8 (2 sides) = 2.29 m
2. one-half the distance to the centerline of the adjacent beam
Spacing of Beams / 2 (2 sides) = 13.72 m

Effective Width of Concrete Slab (Minimum if Case 1 and 2) beff = 2.29 m

Available Flexural Strength

According to AISC Specification Section I3.2a, the nominal flexural strength shall be determined
from the plastic stress distribution on the composite section when h / tw ≤ √ 3.76 E / Fy.

h / tw = 49.0 ≤ √ 3.76 E / Fy = 90.6

Therefore, use the plastic stress distribution to determine the nominal flexural strength.

According to the User Note in AISC Specification Section I3.2a, this check is generally unnecessary
as all current I-shapes satisfy this limit for Fy < 515 MPa.

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According to AISC Specification Commentary Section I3.2a, the number and strength of steel
headed stud anchors will govern the compressive force, C, for a partially composite beam. The
composite percentage is based on the minimum of the limit states of concrete crushing and steel
yielding as follows:

1. Concrete Crushing (Spec. Comm. Eq. C-I3-7)

C = 0.85 fc' Ac = 8167 kN
Ac = Area of concrete slab within effective width Ac = 348386 mm2

2. Steel Yielding (Spec. Comm. Eq. C-I3-6)

C = A s Fy = 4982 kN

3. Shear Transfer Fifty percent is used as a trial percentage of composite action as follows:
C = Σ Qn (50% of Minimum of Steel and Concrete) (Spec. Comm. Eq. C-I3-8)

C= 2491 kN to achieve 50% composite action

Location of the Plastic Neutral Axis

The plastic neutral axis (PNA) is located by determining the axis above and below which the sum of
horizontal forces is equal. Assuming the trial PNA location is within the top flange of the girder.

Σ Fabove PNA = Σ Fbelow PNA

C + x bf Fy = (As - bf x) Fy
Solving forx = As Fy - C / 2 bf Fy = 15.8 mm
< tf: therefore, the PNA is in the flange

Determine the nominal moment resistance of the composite section following the procedure in AISC
Specification Commentary Section I3.2a, as illustrated in Figure.

a = C / 0.85 fc' b = 46.5 mm (above top of deck)

d1 = tslab - a/2 = 167.3 mm d2 = x / 2 = 7.9 mm

d3 = d / 2 = 303.5 mm Py = A s Fy = 4982 kN

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Mn = C ( d1 + d2 ) + Py ( d3 - d2 ) ,where Φ = 0.9 (Spec. Comm. Eq. C-I3-10)

Φ Mn = 1718 kN-m > Mu = 1649.8 kN-m Hence Ok

Live Load Deflection

Deflections due to live load applied after composite action has been achieved will be limited to L /
360 under the design live load as required by Table 1604.3 of the International Building Code (IBC)
(ICC, 2015), or 25mm using a 50% reduction in design live load as recommended by AISC Design
Guide 3.

Deflections for composite members may be determined using the lower bound moment of inertia
provided in AISC Specification Commentary Equation C-I3-1 and tabulated in AISC Manual Table
3-20. The Specification Commentary also provides an alternate method for determining deflections
through the calculation of an effective moment of inertia.

Calculation of the lower bound moment of inertia, ILB

Variables d1 and d3 in AISC Specification Commentary Equation C-I3-1 are determined using the
same procedure previously illustrated for calculating nominal moment resistance. However, for the
determination of ILB the nominal strength of steel anchors is calculated between the point of
maximum positive moment and the point of zero moment as opposed to between the concentrated
load and point of zero moment used previously. The maximum moment is located at the center of the

Σ Qn = No. of Anchors x Strength per Anchor = 2582 kN

a = C / 0.85 fc' b = Σ Qn / 0.85 fc' b = 48.2 mm (Spec. Eq. C-I3-9)

d1 = tslab - a/2 = 166.4 mm x = As Fy - Σ Qn / 2 bf Fy = 15.2 mm

d3 = d / 2 = 303.5 mm < tf: therefore, the PNA is in the flange

The distance from the top of the steel section to the elastic neutral
axis, YENA, for use in Equation C-I3-1 is calculated using the
procedure provided in AISC Specification Commentary Section
I3.2 as follows:

Eng: Raveendra Babu Page-16


YENA = 464.0 mm (Spec. Comm. Eq. C-I3-2)

Substituting these values into AISC Specification Commentary Equation C-I3-1 yields the following
lower bound ILB = 196357 cm4
moment of inertia:

Calculation of the equivalent moment of inertia, Iequiv

An alternate procedure for determining a moment of inertia for the deflection

calculation of the composite section is presented in AISC Specification
Commentary Section I3.2 and in the following:

Determine the transformed moment of inertia, Itr

The effective width of concrete below top of the deck may be approximated
with the deck profile resulting in a 50% effective width as depicted in Figure

Transformed slab widths are calculated as follows: n = E s / Ec = 8.10

btr1 = beff / n = 282.1 mm btr2 = 0.5 beff / n = 141.1 mm

Determine the elastic neutral axis of the transformed section (assuming fully composite action) and
calculate the transformed moment of inertia. For this problem, a trial location for the elastic neutral
axis (ENA) is assumed to be within the depth of the composite deck.

Part A (cm2) Y (cm) I (cm4)

A1 322 5.7 + x 3511 Σ Ay about elastic neutral axis 0
A2 14.1 x x/2 1.2 x^3
W24x76 144.5 x - 38.0 87409 Solving for x= 7.05 cm

Verify trial location: 70.5 mm < 76.2 mm therefore, the ENA is within the deck
Utilizing the parallel axis theorem and substituting for x yields:
Itr = Σ I + Σ A y2 = 283301 cm4

Determine the equivalent moment of inertia, Iequiv Σ Qn = 2582 kN

Cf = Compression force for fully composite beam As Fy Cf = 4982 kN
Iequiv = Is + √(Σ Qn / Cf) (Itr - Is) = 228438 cm4 (Spec. Comm. Eq. C-I3-3)

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Minimum of Iequiv & ILB to be use to determine the live load deflection Imin = 196357 cm4
ΔLL = 23 PL L3 / 648 E Imin
ΔLL = 13.8 mm < L/360 = 38.1 mm Hence Ok

Performing the same check with 50% of the design live load for comparison to AISC Design Guide 3
ΔLL = 6.9 mm < 25.0 mm Hence Ok

Steel Anchor Strength

Steel headed stud anchor strengths are tabulated in AISC Manual Table 3-21 for typical conditions.
Conservatively assuming that all anchors are placed in the weak position.

Steel Headed Stud Anchor Available Strength Qn = 95.6 kN (Table I.12-1)

Rg = 1.0, stud anchors welded directly to the steel shape within the slab haunch
Rp = 0.75, stud anchors welded directly to the steel shape
Qn = 0.5 Asa √fc' Ec ≤ Rg Rp Asa Fu (Spec. Eq. I8-1)
Qn = 117.6 kN and 95.8 kN Min Qn = 95.6 kN

Number and Spacing of Anchors 300 mm

According to AISC Specification Section i8.2c, the number of steel headed stud anchors required
between the section of maximum bending moment and the nearest point of zero moment is
determined by dividing the required horizontal shear, ΣQn , by the nominal shear strength per
anchor, Qn . Assuming one anchor per flute:
nanchors = ΣQn / Qn = 26.0 place 27 anchors on each side of the beam centerline

As the number of anchors exceeds the number of available flutes by one, place two anchors in the
first flute. The revised horizontal shear capacity of the anchors taking into account the reduced
strength for two anchors in one flute is:

ΣQn = 2582 kN > 2491 kN Hence Ok

Steel Anchor Ductility Check

As per AISC Specification Commentary I3.2d, beams are not susceptible to connector failure due to
insufficient deformation capacity if they meet one or more of the following conditions:

1. Beams with span not exceeding 9.1 m;

2. Beams with a degree of composite action of at least 50%; or
3. Beams with an average nominal shear connector capacity of at least 233.5 kN/m along their

Eng: Raveendra Babu Page-18


span, corresponding to a 20mm diameter stud anchor placed at 300mm spacing on average.

The span is 13.7 m, which exceeds the 9.1 m limit. The percent composite action is:
Σ Qn / min (0.85 fc' Ac , Fy As) = 51.8 %

which exceeds the min degree of composite action of 50%. The average shear connector capacity is:
Σ Anchors Capacity / Length = 522.9 kN > 233.5 kN

which exceeds the minimum capacity of 233.5 kN/m. Since at least one of the conditions has been
met, the shear connectors meet the ductility requirements. The final anchor pattern to be chosen

Review steel headed stud anchor spacing requirements of AISC Specification Sections i8.2d and I3.2c.
1. Maximum anchor spacing along beam [Section i8.2d(e)]:
8 tslab = 1524 mm or 914 mm
The max anchor spacing permitte 914 mm > 300 mm Hence Ok

2. Minimum anchor spacing along beam [Section i8.2d(d)]:

4 dsa = 76 mm < 300 mm Hence Ok

3. Minimum transverse spacing between anchor pairs [Section i8.2d(d)]:

4 dsa = 76 mm < 76 mm Hence Ok

4. Minimum distance to free edge in the direction of the horizontal shear force:

AISC Specification Section i8.2d requires that the distance from the center of an anchor to a free
edge in the direction of the shear force be a minimum of 200mm. for normal weight concrete slabs.

5. Maximum spacing of deck attachment:

AISC Specification I3.2c.1(d) requires that steel deck be anchored to all supporting members at a
max spacing of 450mm. The stud anchors are welded through the metal deck at a max spacing of
300mm, thus this limit is met without the need for additional puddle welds or mechanical fasteners.

Available Shear Strength

According to AISC Specification Section I4.2, the beam should be assessed for available shear
strength as a bare steel beam using the provisions of Chapter G.
Eng: Raveendra Babu Page-19
According to AISC Specification Section I4.2, the beam should be assessed for available shear
strength as a bare steel beam using the provisions of Chapter G.

Ulimate Shear Vu = Pu + wu L / 2 = 542.9 kN ,where Φ =0.9

Φ Vn = 1263 kN > Vu = 542.9 kN Hence Ok


Depending on the intended use of this bay, vibrations might need to be considered. Refer to AISC
Design Guide 11 (Murray et al., 2016) if structure is loaded with vibrations.

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